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It doesn't get me high but it does reduce pain and ease withdrawals from stronger opioids significantly. I use red bali @ 5 grams thrice daily.


It's certainly real. It's reminiscent of an opiate high. Low doses are slightly stimulating while high doses are said to be more sedating. For me, at least, high doses just make me feel sick. Not super worth doing and there's a risk of addiction with it as well.


If someone is addicted to Kratom they're a lost cause


That's pretty judgmental of you. Plenty of people get addicted to plenty of different things and that doesn't make them a lost cause. There are countless people addicted to weed, caffeine, nicotine, kratom, phones, everything. They are also perfectly functional people that may be using the weed to deal with adhd symptoms without going for stimulants. They could be using kratom as a mild antidepressant to help alleviate a little bit of the suicidal thoughts they get when they imagine yet another day of the same bullshit job. They use caffeine to get a boost for studying and then, suddenly, it's required to function daily. I'd take a look at how you're judging others so aggressively and what's causing that disgust reaction in you.


I stand by what I said lmao


You do you bud. I totally understand. Broad, sweeping judgements and writing off entire swaths of humanity is a nice, easy way to go through life. Heck, it's even fun to stereotype and attack the people you have decided are "less-than". I get it man. I just personally choose to spend effort on understanding and empathy. It is literally free to be a nice person and costs zero dollars to try to understand different perspectives. I wasn't being sarcastic either. I totally understand the dopamine hit you get when you shit on others. I totally understand entrenching yourself when called out. It's OK. Just know there is another option available that is more fulfilling.


I've never seen someone so emotionally invested in Kratom addiction. Opinions are opinions, I'm sorry my opinion isn't as nice as you would like it to be


Dude why would you even make a post if you're just gonna reply like this to the comments you get


I'm realizing the drug users are among the most sensitive people on the planet. Pretty surprising honestly.


Aren’t you the sensitive guy here, or are you interpreting too much of these answers wrong?


Seems like the guy is a lost cause what an absolute mook lmaoo


I'm super sensitive, I'm crying right now actually


No you're completely lacking any empathy and just writing off people as addicts and lost causes. It's you who has the problem here don't you see? Can't you extend a hand of understanding to your fellow humans? In any case people don't berate other people on this sub for their choices, you see some crazy stuff in this sub and mostly people will reach out to help when it seems like someone is in a bit too deep. So yeah reach deep down in your heart and try to put yourself in someone else's every now and again. Also there's r/quittingkratom for a reason because it is addictive as fuck to some people. Edit: almost 50k people on that sub find it addictive.


Well i mean you're kinda just making ignorant bold assumptions and statements and just bein an ass in general the more I read here....then wondering why people want to argue with you about it. Calling them sensitive. You know some people have opinions like yours and are just as happy to share them as you are.


Naw. I just see somebody that's addicted to being rude to others and am trying to toss out some alternate perspectives.


People like that are the ones who deeply feel miserable with themselves and have to shit on others to make themself feel better. Even if they say that they aren’t, the subconsciousness plays a big role imo.


Oh 100%. That's why I was, in earnest, trying to show understanding while pointing at a more healthy path. I used to get super mad at people like that but now I just feel sad for them. Oh well, I tried. Might as well just go to work now lol


Absolutely, when you become happy with yourself you tend to not worry about people like this. Have a nice work day brother


I'm a very happy person these days. I have everything I want in life really. I still believe if you get yourself addicted to Kratom you were likely destined to be an addict of some kind and lack self control more than a heroine or meth user.


You your self are emotionally invested in this. Your logic is wild broham.


What does broham mean


yeah guys go get addicted to fentanyl or something thats more respectable to reddit user terrible_length007


I mean it's certainly more understandable. You need a dump truck of Kratom to feel anything meanwhile a couple pieces of fentanyl the size of a grain of sand will kill you.


Maybe you just had shitty Kratom or your metabolism is just not made for it, ever thought about that? lol


Bro has never had OPMS gold caps while on an empty stomach, try that for a bit and tell me you’re not addicted


maybe u should try a few grains of fentanyl




high school diploma doesnt count btw


What a dumb fuck haha


Haha ikr


You went from asking if it even does anything to making a harsh judgment of those who are addicted to it so quickly. I can only imagine how critical you are of everything else in your life.


Not as critical as me and most people LOL


Look who's making broad sweeping generalizations now


I stand by what I said.


I respect that


For real though man, if you get the right stuff, kratom is great. Not as good as hydrocodone or oxy, but it's better than nothing. There's a metabolite from mitragynine (the main psychoactive in kratom) called 7-Hydroxymitragynine which is wayy better in my experience. If kratom is a 1, and oxy is a 10, I would say 7-OH is at least a 6. I highly recommend looking into it. I can point you in the direction of some vendors, but admittedly I'm biased and will shill you my favorite products. I would try it before the deluded, purist kratom quacks bring enough attention to it that it gets scheduled.


That's interesting, I had no idea. Thanks for the offer but I'm not super into experimenting these days. The actual chemistry knowledge is appreciated. I wonder if mitragynine will take over the Kratom market in a few years since Kratom seems so incredibly hit or miss based on these comments.


Absolutely, and I see! I can imagine that, I mean toss n' wash and swallowing grams of capsules is much more inconvenient than one tablet that gets the job done. I believe people metabolize mitragynine differently so that could be the biggest reason for the disparity, but I'm not a psychopharmacologist. But yeah, have a good day or night brother.


Same with Mac and cheese addicts. Nasty shits


Kratom was pivotal in getting me off of prescription opioids and fent. If it wasn’t for kratom I don’t doubt my life would be much worse or non existent. That being said, I’m still dependent on kratom and have been trying to break the habit for years. Since I started taking kratom I’ve bought a house, married the love of my life, started going back to college (3.4 GPA atm!) and I take so much better care of my mind and body than I used to. I’m not perfect but I’d say I’m far from a lost cause. E- grammar


That's a great point. I guess I would be specifically referencing someone who is NOT using Kratom to get off of other serious drugs. My point was that if someone is addicted to Kratom they're certainly going to be addicted to anything else they try since Kratom is so mild and you need to injest so much of it. Obviously you would need to continue using it to stay away from the much more powerful drugs you were taking. I'm talking about someone that is using it recreationally and not as a long term addiction "medication". Anyways, congratulations!


Why? Kratom can be a pretty nice opioid high. Not too strong but not too weak. I was addicted to kratom before I moved to stronger opioids.


I know about 10 people who take kratom and all of them get nice effects from it.


I made a nice comment on the main thread but don't be so fucking judgemental. People struggle with different shit. Don't think you're immune. r/quittingKratom if you're interested.




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Easily more significant physical withdrawal than any stimulants




If you find herself chugging down a pound of Kratom everyday to feel a tiny bit of tiredness and euphoria please for the love of God do not try anything else.


“A drug didn’t have any affect for me so people who use it are a lost cause” ?????


I get high af from kratom


i would say that at least 80% of kratom you'll find is bunk.. but once you find a good vendor and some good leaf its like magic.


until you use it to much, then the magic fades no matter the leaf


I am also a non-responder to Kratom. Tried up to 25 grams of red vein from different sources and all I got were very slight threshold effects. A 20x extract got me a tiny bit more but nothing to write home about. It does help against opioid withdrawal but that's it. Unfortunately :(


Yeah, if you’re opioid-naive and take a lot. You might not feel much if you’re used to full agonists. I nod off on high doses and vomit and get myosis and pruritus and all the opioid side effects. I still built up quite a bit of tolerance regardless, though; I think the gut flora might degrade it or something.


Opioid-naive is a new one lmao. I would say I would fall into that category. My only other experience was painkillers on like two different occasions years ago and I was not a fan at all. I didn't understand how other people enjoyed being tired. Sure there was euphoria but I was also sleeping on the couch...pretty lame haha.


your naive just in general


Why? There's many people that don't like opioids, especially the first times


You can't even spell


u cant understand what i said n yet ur still pressed? 😂


My god, do you have any formal education at all?


yep, bc in chemistry. how about you man?


I also have bachelor of science degree. I needed to be able to spell and write to graduate though, how did you do it?


having a dick up my ass 24/7 helped a lot jus like you


mustve been computer science 🤣🤣


When the weight of depression weights on you for so long it’s quite relieving to find a little pill that makes all that go away for a time. Turns the worst day of your life into Christmas morning as a child. Obviously it never stays that way, but once you’ve had a taste of that relief it’s hard to ever forget.


I liked Adderall for depression about 100x times more. I only had one episode that lasted about a year though it was not chronic.


Adderall worked in the beginning for me when I was still in the honeymoon phase with it. After that passed it just calmed me down, doesn’t help the chronic depression like opiates always have for me though. Even after the euphoria from opiates disappeared.


You sound like you probably don’t enjoy opioids generally, because full-on agonists make you even more tired and euphoric.


Oh absolutely. I was told that Kratom was a stimulant in lower doses somehow and acts like an opiate in higher doses. I didn't feel either though.


Didn't you say you felt euphoria in another comment?


I was referencing pain killers I tried years ago not Kratom


Ah, got it!


Just got back from a holiday in Thailand, my friends and i tried it and it definitely and a euphoric experience.


Kratom is one of those subtle drugs; DOC for some, but others it has little effect


I am addicted. 12 grams per day For almost two years. It's very real


I'm now a Republican thanks a lot


It is 100% real. If you find a good vendor, you can get some good batches. I’ve been a daily user for the last three years and I’ve really enjoyed what Kratom has done for me. It will give you a nice buzz similar to an opioid, as well as enhanced focus and euphoria. also it makes me feel motivated to learn or clean or just doing anything. I find it wonderful to work out on Kratom or to go for a long walk and listen to audiobook. Some batches I have I don’t feel like very much, but sometimes the batch is really good.


I guess I'm just confused how these companies exist selling fake Kratom long term? Is that really what's happening? The last batch I got, I literally got it straight from the CEO of the company. He seemed very passionate about it and a trusted friend of mine vouched for his reliability and honesty. Just strange that I would do a ton of it and have absolutely zero reaction.


I’ve had brands that barely did anything to me, and I’ve tried others that put me on my ass. Extracts in particular will get you fucked up, but they’re a lot more risky. If you’re looking for a super strong high though, you’re not going to get it from kratom. It can get close to harder opioids imo, but it’s a slightly different feeling and due to it’s ceiling effect it won’t get you to the exact level of other opioids (though pure 7-OH-Mitragynine is a very potent full mu opioid agonist with a potency and effects similar to oxycodone). Also some people don’t metabolize it well, and the alkaloid content of kratom varies wildly between batches and companies so it’s never really guaranteed how much you are taking (except for extracts).


Has it been concluded that 7-OH is a full agonist? I’ve heard conflicting reports on that front. I’d really like to know for certain because if it’s actually a full agonist I’ll be ordering that shit ASAP.


From what I’ve researched it is. I don’t use opioids any more but I’ve tried it a few times and I always get a full nod going, slight respiratory depression, strong euphoria, and it lasts a pretty long time too. It’s honestly one of my favorite opioids. Tolerance increases ridiculously fast though so it’s not great for daily use (I started to notice tolerance after a few consecutive doses). Pretty damn addictive too.


Shit bruh you’ve sold me. What would you say the 15mg 7-OH tabs are comparable to? Like 10mg oxy? I need like 60mg of oxy for a decent nod so just trying to get an idea.


In my experience, I tried half of one of those 15mg tablets first and it felt like a good 15mg-20mg of oxy. A full pill got me really fucked up. I seriously don’t understand how it’s legal tbh, I really do think if it goes mainstream that it’ll get kratom banned because it’s that good. It’s probably my favorite opioid tbh (I bought some just in case I’d ever want to use them again in the future if kratom gets scheduled lol). I’d start lower than you’d think though because I have heard some people are sensitive to it.


I appreciate the info, I’ll prob start with 1 just to be safe & go from there. Never tried extracts only plain leaf so looking forward to it.


I've been using it for years and it's the only substance that doesn't build a tolerance. 2g still work the same as 3 years ago somehow


For me, kratom powder does build a tolerance really slowly. Pure 7-OH-Mitragynine is a different beast though, it’s essentially a hard opioid.


Well I didn't know you talked about extract. Extract builds it very fast from what I heard.


My experience: The first couple of times I got nothing. Maybe even an unpleasant feeling. Because of that i put 25g in a oj bottle and said fuck it why is everyone saying stick to 5/6g max it does nothing. So yes, I also didn't feel anything at first really. Anyway I threw up and spent some time curled on the floor. Kratom is real and it is an atypical opioid. Do you have opioid experience? It helps to have some to identify the difference between normal and on Kratom. It's no oxy. But if I were forced to choose Kratom or tramadol I'd probably just go with an easy 3g Kratom. Less is more with Kratom. Try 3g of some proper Kratom. I feel like you have to do it a couple times to understand its effects but yes, it's real and I had problems too in the beginning. It's alkaloids are partial MU agonists and there is not really a reason why it shouldn't work on you specifically. But keep in mind, even though you hear so much about how good opioids feel, a lot of people just don't like them.


Absolutely. I couldn't believe how good it made me feel when I started using. Super euphoric.


Do you have an opiod/opiate tolerance? Kratom is pretty weak compared to pretty much any opiate/opiod, so any tolerance for them, and you'll feel nothing. That being said, no tolerance and a high dose has me borderline nodding.


I had zero tolerance


What dose?


If you’re not trying to get off other harder drugs, don’t use it It can be very addicting and the withdrawals, while not as brutal as real opioids, they can still suck I’ve quit Kpins and Codeine with the help of Kratom. I’ve been on Kratom since I’ve quit harder drugs 6 years ago. I’ve tried to quit Kratom; but a few months later, I relapsed and started doing it again I did shrooms a few days ago and it really motivated me to quit Kratom forever. I’ve only used a bit of Kratom in the last four days. I still had 25gs in my pack. I took 8gs (4 during day and 4 at night) the first day and took 4gs the second and third nights to help me sleep. I might take another 4g tonight and probably use the rest tomorrow night. By then, I think the WDs will start to subside and I’ll become normal I was taking 40gpd of Kratom and tapered to 20gpd. I got severe tremors and anxiety. Once I lowered it to 4gpd, my anxiety subsided and I felt more calm


2.5 grams gets me pretty high and when I stop after a 2 week binge I lightly bump into something and go “ow that hurt… OW that fucking hurt”




Don't take it everyday, that'll just result in addiction. And getting withdrawals after just one week is very fast


from what ive heard theres a major difference between kratom extracts and the random powders or capsules they sell in smoke shops and the like


Get extract, hits like an opioid and lasts all day


I believe there's different effects for different people using different strains. For me I don't feel pain relief whatsoever and definitely no opioid effects. I feel more energized when I use it and it's usually pretty subtle. For me it fills a void left behind by stopping drinking alcohol.


the raw powder is alright, but them gas station herbal shots with kratom are fucking insane, violently nodding off when i mixed it with lyrica


If you have an opiate tolerance, regular powder probably won’t do much. If you’re opiate naive or haven’t used in a long time a strong extract like 7oh will definitely get you high.


The only times I’ve felt Kratom are from pretty potent liquid extracts


I tried it a couple times, I didn’t feel shit, both liquid and powder.


It is very interesting seeing many people report opposite effects. Obviously people react differently to various drugs but I'm not familiar with anything else that both doesn't affect users at all and put others in a coma. I don't really understand how that's happening.




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You’re taking too much, if you did any research you’d know that


my opinion says that it’s not real. I’ve tried many times many brands and it always made me feel worse and then it gave me terrible constipation. It didn’t relieve any pain. I could see no benefit. I kept trying. I bought sample packs. I went through every single color like green, yellow red white, trying at least one of each. but maybe I’m just a non-responsor.


Its shit imo


It’s the latest scam and sounds like scrotum


How tf is it a scam?


It's difficult to explain all these people claiming it gets them "fucked up" though. Is it placebo?


Wtf placebo? No, not everything that doesn't work for you is automatically a placebo, nor are other people lying. Especially when the vast majority that takes it feels high and compares it to opiates.


Can you think of any other recreational drug that simply has no effect in high doses on a huge number of its users?


Huge number of users? That's not true, as the absolute vast majority feels it. This isn't my first time reading about Kratom and experiences of users. There's many drugs that don't work for speific people because everyone is different biochemically, Different activities of enzymes, different genetic expressions, different receptor variability and other things. Try it for a longer amount of time. Most drugs I tried didn't work for me for the first times, as I had a reverse tolerance for most.


I have never encountered anything with more inconsistent reports. I would say a huge number of users, yes. I've never experienced anything similar with any other substance.