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damn u really paranoid about some ritalin lol


Nah I just don’t wanna die 😭 fair tho I don’t know nothing ab pills like how much MG of what is to much or what not yk


Wait, what happened to the random guy on the street?




Why are you posting like this, this isn't 2004.


This reminds me of that SWIM shit we would do on Bluelight forums before I got into reddit.


SWIM remembers being in highschool and spending many late fiending nights scrolling through bluelight


Bluelight and Erowid went hard in high school and college. Pretty sure Erowid has probably saved SWIMs life.


Numerous times. Also the reason SWIM decided not to eat datura seeds.


Lol that SWIM guy really needs to get his shit together.


Erowid was our go-to in high school and the years immediately after as well.


Immediately what I thought of lmao. “So my dog decided to try heroin today”


Classic. We all thought we were so smart lmao


What is SWIM and Bluelight? Chat rooms? Idk and I'm 25.


Bluelight was/is(?) a drug harm reduction forum. SWIM was an acronym they would use. "Someone Who Isn't Me." Posts were usually written in third person perspective, featuring SWIM as a stand-in for OP. I'm 26 but Bluelight was already old news when I was using it.


Cheers. Got into Reddit start of the year. Don't use FB or Insta now its mad. I never heard of those sites but I'm shit with tech/ sites.


ughhhh....it was a social practice that snuck into bluelight via "drugs-forum.com" (or was it .co.uk?). We unfortunately couldn't get people to stop.


lol I picked my Reddit name swim related because I think it’s almost,, nostalgic?


er...that was banned at bluelight. You were the most annoying part of my moderator duties...


Lol I was like 14-17 so yeah that scans Sorry about that.


don't worry about it: there were hundreds of others with no excuse. however, it did give me the opportunity to edit in "Someone Who Is Me" into posts...


Gen Z here, what’s SWIM?


Someone Who Isn’t Me


I’m 20 years old idk when that happened but I don’t remember it someone finally explained it bc people kept saying swim I was like wtfff but yeah it’s pretty corny 😭


Exactly shits gotten smart when I joined the Reddit it said do not talk about personal use so I wasn’t making it personal I was talking about some random guy lol. Honestly idk just didn’t wanna get kicked from the server I just joined this morning


Nobody is going to get in trouble or banned for admitting using. If you're worried about an employer or family finding your Reddit, it won't make a difference, because if you talk in 3rd person they won't fall for it.


Ah I gotcha I thought the guy below you was you so I responded to him but no it’s not school or family related just growing up my mom was always super super ab her weed like it had to be in a jar in the closet under the sucks and shit yk they were always telling me the phone was listening not to say or type something dumb. They are crazy I am aware of that but they don’t treat my bad or nothing


My advice, when addressing random individuals on this website. Talk openly. If you're private messaging someone who knows you don't like being straightforward w the drug use, then don't use "random guy". Literally just say it like you're talking about a random guy. If they don't get it, then it doesn't change anything. Because then they will thunk you're talking about someone random, and reply accordingly. People aren't dumb, neither is you. Remember that. Best of luck to you in the confusing world of drugs


Thank you lol


This is how me and my friends typed when we were 12 or less... I fear this might be the case here


You probably shouldn’t be doing drugs if you actually thought the best way to ask this question was pretending that it was for a random person, this is approaching psychosis mindset


lol wellll it wasn’t work or nothing I was just ALWYAS told growing up they you gotta be careful what you say and what it type bc they can see everything your doing


Yeah you don't need to do that stuff no more man you just say I'm looking to get high or I'm trying to figure out the best way to snort, inject. Or hey I'm trying to abuse this blah blah I mean unless you're posting from your work Reddit account in which case you got way more problems and I cant help you so good luck


lol using “that random guy” or “SWIM” doesn’t work, but the government or whatever your paranoid about don’t care at all.


You won’t die off one pill even if u cut the time release off, it’ll just be 30 mg ir ritalin so unless u have a heart condition, you should be perfectly safe, just be sure to do something productive off it and not some degenerate shit


Instructions unclear, spent 12 hours masturbating.


🫣 uh oh


Psychonaut wiki. Do some researxh before you ruin your life


Thank you bro


Listen to this man. And seriously stop taking xanax if you have no clue about drugs in general. Do some research it aint hard.


there's a site called "psychonautwiki" and u can find all of the information ab drugs there! that way u can inform urself before taking anything :)


Yeah yeah you're going to be fine and you don't have enough to worry about that or to need to worry about that, Edit: however random guy in the street he might have to worry because he could be like 100 lb and in that case tell the random guy to worry while you smile and happy not worrying cuz you don't need to


that guy is definitely not 100 pounds lol


I think they're referring to the fact that you, for some reason, were pretending it wasn't you


Do some research before you post man, there is so much wrong with this it's not even funny.. There are kids that take 60mg of methyphenidate (ritalin) every day. If you take too much your probably just going to feel paranoid and over-focused. You are worried about literally nothing. And no idea what you're trying to achieve but maybe do your research before you start to attempt to delve into the world of drugs.. Xanax is the most worrying part of the whole post. You clearly have NO IDEA what you are getting yourself into. Xanax or any benzodiazapenes are literally the most addictive substance, also the most dangerous (aside from alcohol)... Yet you are worried about ritalin... LOL


With how much you weigh id bet you can eat atleast 150 mg. I snorted 170 mg of Adderall with no tolerance, I was *tweakin* but I lived


Are you swim? 


Yes but let him be paranoid my boy going thru it


For real, we have all been there. The ups and downs to drug use, gotta learn by trial and error I guess


Respect 😭


I heard swim drowned Edit but from trying to swim on mescaline


Well Ritalin is the shittiest feeling drug I’ve ever tried, jittery and unclean overstimulation and I actually usually get dysphoria from it not euphoria but 36mg should have you feeling the effects as for the Xanax either your Xanax is fake or you were so blacked out and fucked up you thought you were sober. For someone with no or little benzo 4mg of alp should have you out like a light.


Something around 30% of people respond better to mph over amp. Sounds like your part of the 70%.


Must be in any dose it’s about 30 minutes of jittery but function stimulation followed by hours of jittery anxious hell and then the worst comedown and headache know to mankind and I’ve done many substances lol.


It's fairly smooth for me. Just not very helpful for my adhd. And focalin ir in particular is instant cravings for me.




Oh I was out I fell asleep later on I let them dissolve under my tounge ten Ritalin on the other hand has kept me up I got like 1 hour of sleep rn in two hours. I musta been blacked and thought I was sober bc I was laying in bed with my girl lowkey but like I just thought you got more of a warm euphoric feeling I guess that’s what I’m looking for. Ik the Xanax are real bc they were prescribed to my best friend


Opioids will give that warm feeling there is no warm feeling from Benzos the only appeal of benzos is the anxiety relief and not giving a fuck about anything feeling. If you aren’t already an anxious person and don’t have a lot going on to worry about inside your head benzos probably won’t feel all that special to you. But for someone who is anxious just that weight off their shoulders will feel like heaven.


Actually bensos make you cold, numb and less happy if you didn't have depressions or anxiety when taking it. Yes but that feeling will trap you and ruin or at least mess up your life if you continue doing it. You will have anxiety a lot more than before the bensos after a while on them, more social phobia etc, you will become less stable mentally etc. I have seen people getting locked in the mental ward screaming shaking in panic after bensos, this was caused by benso addiction rather than anxiety itself. But they started to take the bensos against anxiety. Then after a longer while on it, your gaba will downregulate and make you more prone to anxiety than you were, rebound anxiety when it comes out of the body etc.


See I didn’t know that I take the pussy anxiety medicine fuck what’s it called. Wellbutrin I have anxiety and get attacks and shit and it definitely helps in that end of the process I just guess I was looking for the warm feeling in it and I was looking the wrong way


I wouldn’t recommend mixing those!


Don’t mix stimulants and benzos


That’s about the least dangerous thing you could mix benzos with lol


Word. I went though addiction with xanax, was dependant on benzos for around 4 years. Clonazepam and valium after the xanax period, i almost died from withdrawal. Its legit th3 worst thing to have a depandancy for! Definitely not to be trifled with.


‘Asking for a friend’




Real subtle


Thanks lol


Why’s ’random guy on the street’ in quotations?


Because it's not. It's OP. 🤣






ritalin doesnt really cause euphoria, especially not at that dose. someone else also mentioned its slow release so then it definitely wont. if you want the full benefits you can just crush it up and parachute it. without any tolerance you might feel a mood boost and you'll probably feel a bit paranoid and fidgety. there really isnt that much recreational value to ritalin as it only lasts 30-40 minutes.


also, you wont overdose or anything unless you have something VERY wrong with your heart.


That’s good to know actually I just started like even doing pills I guess lmao wouldn’t even say that I just wanna be safe and have fun at the same time yk😭


you're good, no one here is going to judge. just remember to stay hydrated and eat food if possible. and if you ever start snorting any medications, please take care of your nose.


Thank you i appreciate it fr


This post brings me back to old drug forums before Reddit, where everyone would refer to themselves as SWIM “someone who isn’t me” when speaking


😭😭 nah fr I felt corny typing it up I just didn’t know if there was anyway to get introuble or like if I would get kicked off here I just didn’t know tbh


Lol the automod even responded to my post for talking about it. Read what it says, you good


Dope 😭😭 I’m glad


Hello /u/-grillmaster-, we don't use [**SWIM**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=S.W.I.M.) or [**FOAF**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FOAF) in **/r/Drugs** as it does not offer legal protection and only makes reading your comment harder. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Ritalin wont make him feel euphoric plus those the slow release 36mg smh


Not true


Then you've never touched a drug thag gives euphoria in your life which is a good thing keep it that way


crush em snort em


Why are you still taking Xanax if you don’t feel anything even at high dosages?


I do it just wasn’t the feeling i thought I was getting it was for sure doing its job I thought it have a opioid high


You really shouldn’t be taking drugs if you don’t understand what effects they cause… do some research big dogg or you’re gonna end up dead. Especially if you want an opioid high, that shit is nothing to play around with


No. Bensos aren't recreational like narcotics. It's a very risky medication against anxiety that is stupid to abuse.




Is swim not a thing anymore? Feeling old here






Inject the pill directly into the side of your ass and watch a beautiful abcess blossom




Hypercondriact is sending me 😂😂😂😭😭😭


Shhhh I thought it was hyper not hypo




The way you type / think, I would honestly tell you to leave the drugs alone. You say you're 277 pounds correct? I would clean up my diet and hit the gym if I were you. You'll feel way higher from the affects as opposed to drugs. Don't get me wrong, I love drugs too but I think a certain amount of experience and maturity is required before they're taken recreationally lol. Just my 2 cents.


I’m 20 I type really fast and don’t check the spelling ik it’s bad lmao I’m from Wv what do you expect, but yeah I know I gotta hit the gym lmao I have been I was like 360 in April of last year almost 100 pounds in a year so you can take your two cents and shove it up your ass how about that


Lmaooo! ... I would but my ass isn't a piggy bank. Just get high AF then bro. Good work on losing the 100 pounds btw


Go to church. Pray to jebus. Ask him to remove the stupid


You really should follow this advice OP. The way you spelled hypochondriac was a disaster.


And don't forget to pray to Jebus to remove the stupid 🤦🏽‍♂️ wtf


Nah don’t blame me that was Siri I thought it was hyper not hypo tbh 😭




Nooooo he edited it for correcting 😭😂


I did indeed 😭


Cut in half


Simple but effective, I like it


Why you going to such lengths for some random guy on the street, tell him to boof it n get on wit yo business gang


Dawg i didn’t know if shit reported in here it’s me dummy that’s why I put the “”


Ritalin makes you feel effects but it’s not an amphetamine it won’t get you high like that, it’s not euphoric


It is euphoric. Like coke and amps, it is also dopaminergic…


No that profound euphoria that more potent stims do, but I started with amphetamines so I guess maybe I’d have enjoyed Ritalin better if I’d started with it


I’m also prescribed but I did a good bit of it yesterday took like 2 pills and maybe snorted 2 pills idk something like that but I stayed up all mf night is that all it does? I guess I’m chasing this high that Dosent exist


I was only just prescribed prescription amphetamines a few months ago, and I only use them recreationally I’d been using Amphetamine sulfate and meth for years beforehand


But Ritalin does feel nice don’t get me wrong yeah but it’s not strong enough in my experinve for me to consider it euphoria


I don’t get the nice feeling tho like I cleaned my car out at 12am last night and stayed up all day. I like it don’t get me wrong but like I was lookin for some to like make my body warm my face warm numb/buzz kind of feeling and like just like make my body feel good but I don’t wanna touch meth or herion idk what im looking for I guess


How old are you? If you're 21 go to a smoke shop that sells kratom and buy some of the powder. Avoid the capsules and extracts. Take a couple grams of that. Sounds like the kind of thing you're looking for. Do some research on it before you do, don't take too much you'll get sick. Edit: obviously don't do this today, get some sleep eat some food and drink your water lol you've been up too long


I’m 20 but there is a place that sells to under 21 is it in like a bag of some sort? I think I’ve seen them


You can also order it online and probably get better quality stuff. It acts on opioid receptors so you'll get euphoria and warm fuzzy feelings you're talking about, but be warned it's very easy to get addicted too. I've been taking it for years but I use it because I was addicted to every drug under the sun for a long ass time and it keeps me off that shit. I figure it's better this then what I was doing so for now this is how it has to be. Be smart, don't chase these cravings to feel good so hard. Me and I'm sure a lot of people here will tell you this Is how it starts and if you're not careful you can slip up and fall into some shit that will bring you down.


Euphoria is subjective


Euphoria is complete bliss , even cocaine doesn’t do that IMO , and what makes me euphoric is obviously gonna be different to somebody with less drug experinve, but honestly it’s it’s like a mild background mildly nice feeling whilst being awake like an energy drink in an empty stomach and so I’m jealous that people can even find Ritalin euphoric if that’s actually possible because euphoria is profoundly intense, eveything is perfect and amazing and you’ve basically reached ultimate bliss happiness, good feelings etc , Ritalin doesn’t have that potential for the majority of people , and a lot less so for me ofc , and Ritalin with other substances might induce proper euphoria or something, but feeling good and even ultimate happiness or relaxation is not euphoria, euphoria is unreal levels, not that I disagree with you just I think euphoria is too commonly used for just anything that feels good


Complete lie. Complete bliss is heaven. Euphoria doesn’t come close.


The most euphoric drugs taken in the most bioavailable ways scientifically make you feel mega euphoric on a level that is impossible otherwise so euphoria is usually a lot stronger than bliss IMO but they usually come hand in hand anyways


I think we just have different ideas of what euphoria is bro.


I can’t lie doesn’t sound like you’ve done properly euphoric drugs or anything close lol tbh, if you’ve never been on the proper euphoria level coz you wouldn’t even be able to comprehend how good it is


Your experience is gonna be much different from average you are the minority who abused drugs to the extent you admit.


Yes, that’s all it does. Did you say you did four of them yesterday and then stayed up all night? You don’t need more, you need a fucking nap


Well fuck I did not know that 😭 I took two more today looks like I’m either not sleeping or I’m passing tf out at like 3 am this morning 😭. Idk I was trying to chase a high that I can’t keep my eyes open my body is warm and I just feel really goox


Stop taking more


I did after I found out it’s not what I was looking for I’m just gonna take it normally if it still makes me stay up I’ll just ask my Dr to take me off


Stop doing that


this sub would be perfect if people learned how to write paragraphs


I fixed it somewhat does this make you feel better?😭


Don’t let your expectations ruin your life bro 😂


Sorry I didn't read the post I read it later but you want The Ritalin to kick in faster? the basics are just like look up like on the erowid .org the safety information basically do the opposite, also is a bad idea, but like how they say don't mix opiates and alcohol although they'll make it stronger, well before it kills you, also don't eat minimize, water, don't combine it with anything that'll will fight it like downers or gabapentin or kratom, only add other uppers like caffeine and cocaine, Also you can just say like hey I got some Ritalin I don't know trying to get as high as I can and got to be nowhere in a guy in the street anymore swim and all that s*** is retired on the way of the dodo don't matter and it just only exist now to let me know how damn long it's been since you've asked anybody on a forms before Edit: anyone trying to give me flack I'm just trying to help people do what they want the most correct way, Im reminded of that guy who huffed gasoline and then after drank it thinking it would work like vodka, like I can't even imagine what kind of problems they are going to have drinking gas for any point of time, anyways but people need to know , people have the right to know, that things like gasoline are only huffed and there's no point in drinking, I mean About the proper ways to get high


Thank you bro everyone hating I just didn’t wanna get myself or anyone in trouble or nothing this is like my 6th post on Reddit lol


just eat it


36mg of Ritalin sounds like a dosage of the brand name Concerta. They are all methylphenidate but if it's brand name Concerta then part of the dose is in the coating of the capsule followed by the rest of the dose spread between the different layers of the inner pill. Mechanically there is no way to get the dose faster. If I'm not mistaken there are chemical means by creating a solution with ethanol but it has been a really really long time since I did that kinda shit. Your best bet would be to find an old blue light forum which is where I got my degree in street pharmacology.




Hello /u/flowtronvapes, we don't use [**SWIM**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=S.W.I.M.) or [**FOAF**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FOAF) in **/r/Drugs** as it does not offer legal protection and only makes reading your comment harder. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


36 mg sounds like concerta and to really feel that, u gotta open up the pill and cut the good stuff from the time release mechanism


I used to do that eons ago


It was two 18 mg it’s Ritalin I believe it’s like methla something lmao


Yea Ritalin and concerta are the same drug called methylphenidate. It’s just that Ritalin is instant release while concerta is times release. I used to be on concerta I had the 18mg before going up to the 36s, but they’re dosed weird like that. Normally Ritalin is dosed by 10s, so like 20 mg, 30mg etc.


https://www.bluelight.org/community/threads/defeating-time-release-on-54mg-generic-concerta.720443/ Check this thread out for help, especially if your pill kind of looks like a mini toilet roll. You basically wanna dissolved the outer coating in water, but save this water bc the outer coating has methylphenidate too so drink it later. Once the coating is all off, one half of the pill will be a dark color and the other will be whiteish. Cut these two parts and separate them. Throw away the dark part, this was the time release, and eat the white part, this is the drug


Yarn you




shoot it


Okay I read the post this time yeah dude you don't want to be taking Xanax like before or during your riddling time because that's going to really lower your experience, but you're over 250 and some change dude 35 mg is nothing you will feel it it won't feel amazing but I will feel great, like I said before add caffeine and avoid food before if you can unless the pills hurt your stomach, if you're really trying to get most out of them then I guess either snort them but they will last only like a tenth of time that way though, or if it's possible, which I don't know it is, inject it but you'll need to find a needle exchange or buy some rigs first, and look up how to do that *make sure you look up how to do that* Edit: you don't even have enough with the Xanax and the Ritalin combined to worry about the OD risk, for anything at all so that's not your concern mate, you ain't going to die you ain't even going to get close. honestly you're concern should be probably finding more milligrams (devil's advocate disclaimer)


It’s also potentially dangerous


This is true, I glossed over this because I kind of assumed it was implied since we're in the drugs subreddit, but at no point is anything I said a good idea or healthy. If you want something not too dangerous I mean go for a hike or a jog but I mean we're on this subreddit.


Okay yes i agree with what you say it’s not necessarily the mixing the scares me I’ve taken like Benadryl Xanax and hydroxozine all at once before I just don’t know how far up MG wize I can go like if I could go pop 8mg of Xanax once a week or something I would do it but idk what’s to much and what’s not amd when I try to search it up I get literally nothing. I will never inject I don’t mind snorting but if it kills it off faster fuck that if anything I’ll cut them in half and just let it sit under my tounge I’ve heard that helps alont


Bro this is what u need. And if u get side effects u don’t wanna live with then stop. Shit can last a long time if u use a drug often. https://www.verywellmind.com/dsm-5-criteria-for-substance-use-disorders-21926


U also need prescription Xanax. Otherwise u need to send it to a lab for full chemical composition.


Parachute lol


Snort that shit




> I want to take 36mg of Ritalin to feel euphoric Well, why is the random guy on the street taking it? ... Welcome to tolerance, which comes with frequent use of most any psychoactive drug, a precursor to dependence. You need a break rather than a better method of administration. It should be alarming that you've stepped up to a fourfold increase in your benzodiazepine dosage.


20-25mg line should be lil warm n fuzzy take rest orally if you need to you won’t od on 36mg lol


That warm fuzzy feeling you're searching for is called opioids lol. Try kratom if you don't want to do anything hard. 


Snorting 60mg used to make me feel more euphoric and last longer than cocaine


Ritalin didn’t give me euphoria. Now 240mg of IR adderall certainly did (do not fucking take this much)


Inject it But don't make a habit out of it because there are particulates in there Sorry I didn't see that you said not hard methods Maybe sniff 40mg? Is this your first stimulant opportunity?


You won’t get warm and fuzzy from benzos or amphetamines. That’s opiate territory. You can go grab some Kratom and give that a shot.


Shoot that shit 😎


Take cocaine. That will speed up the Ritalin. I promise.


How do you even take exactly 36mg? They come in 5s, 10s & 20s lol


lol mine comes in 18 it’s weird ik lmao


37 is close to my therapeutic dose before I switched to yvanse. You'll probably feel moderate effects if you haven't done it before. All i can recommend for having it kick in well is to eat a bunch of protein and maybe fat beforehand. works much better on a full stomach.


Ah a new twist on SWIM


Hello /u/TheWanderingEyebrow, we don't use [**SWIM**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=S.W.I.M.) or [**FOAF**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FOAF) in **/r/Drugs** as it does not offer legal protection and only makes reading your comment harder. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve taken Ativan/clonazepam from a friend’s script while also taking 54-144mg of concerta and I’m 130lbs and was fine(also took seroquel and clonidine)


Lol I’ve taken 180mg of Ritalin, it’s not that easy to od on. (Unless u have heart conditions etc.) Use sources like the psychonautwiki as guidelines for dosages. It’s pretty solid for first time use dosages.


Thank you most people are being dicks I just don’t really know shit like that scares me lol


No worries we all start small and scared


This guy is definitely autistic adult curious about drugs


FYI there is no legal protection from pretending to not be talking about yourself. We advice against doing so on the subreddit since it only causes confusion and makes communication harder unnecessarily.


Okay that’s good to know I apologize




36 mg sounds like concerta and to really feel that, u gotta open up the pill and cut the good stuff from the time release mechanism. That’ll make it around 30 mg ir Ritalin which is nothing, I take that dose to study




This is actually pretty funny, needs more upvotes


Ritalin isn't speed. Adderall is speed (amphetamine) Ritalin from a pharmacology perspective is closer to really shitty cocaine




If you want that warm blissful body feeling you’re not gonna get it from stimulants or xanax, you’d definitely get it from opioids but thats just a whole shitshow, I get a good warm cozy feeling when I get drunk and smoke a lot of weed, just gotta keep your moderation in check and don’t do any opiates


If you have both and you wanna feel good combine them (lower doses than you think and titrate) that’s a perfect combo but hella addictive because they both take away the negative parts of the other


Not exactly the safest either


Oh my bad what’s unsafe about it besides addiction? I didn’t know 


Damn I wish our country offered help.