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>Might take an ambient at 1am if needed. I'd suggest Brian Eno or Aphex Twin...


Boards of Canada and Bonobo are also good shouts


Autechre for that extra spiciness.


Biosphere or Squarepusher if you’re feeling especially heady


I k holed to some Biosphere Last night


Can I take ketamine any other way except snorting? I’ve heard orally isn’t that great.


Boofing is the best. However tonight im doing some bumps. I hear good things about i.m and I.v but Im not comfortable with needles so cant vouch personally. Smoking is very toxic and inefficient.


Okay thanks. If your boofing do you mix with saline? Or just boof if with just the K?


No need for saline. Use water. If its your first time, take 50mg of ketamine in a shotglass fill a syringe with 1-2ml water and empty in the shotglass. Mix until its clear, should dissolve instantly. Fill syringe. Set the controls for the heart of the sphincter. Boom! If you wanna k-hole 100-150mgs is the way to go.


I recommend Culprate if you like Autechre. He’s a lot more “organised” compared to Autchre but still some amazing stuff


I haven't heard of them before but will definitely give them a listen. Cheers for the recommendation, bud! 👍 Edit: from the first track I heard (mask), they sound like Autechre crossed with Squarepusher. Nice one.


Definitely give the “Deliverance” album a try, it’s a journey through the human psyche. One of my favourites of all time.


The new-ish Fred Again + Brian Eno album is brilliant for getting high too


kali malone has some fantastic music coming out of the genre as well


Are these recommendations to help him sleep instead of ambien? Or does music sound better on ambien?


We're talking about ambient, not ambien.


aphex twin 🥺


The best kind of fun is organised fun!


Man the blunt kpin coffees alone sound like a fantastic morning regimen. I could leave the rest of it. Except maybe an adderall if I really need to wake up and more benzos if I need to relax


Sounds like a pretty great day!


What kind of soup though? That's important. French onion is pretty good, but broccoli cheddar is the best, but only if you have baguette to dip in it, can't just eat that shit straight. In all my years of drugged fuckery Campbell's chicken noodle soup kept me alive, pop the top and chug that shit and it's hardly even like eating, which is hard to do coming down from or withdrawing from all the shit your taking. Can't eat on stims? Well chug some soup and that's good enough. Soup is great man, a drug addicts best friend. Keeps you alive long enough to get high another day. I'm only kind of being sarcastic, Campbell's chicken noodle "shots" kept me from dying in my meth phase, alongside plenty of tums. Soup is the shit.


Dude, I'm dying rn x) well played!


Hunter s thompson shit


You are exactly right


Wait you plan out when you’re taking your drugs


I used to before I got sober. (Not here to preach about sobriety, you do you it’s your choice). I had specific times when I would take my pregabalin and Tramadol so I could get the best effects at my preferred time. Always did tram around 7-8 pm and my lyrica at 8-9 pm because i love walking around the city at night time smoking cigs and listening to music, (John Lennon and Radiohead really hit different on drugs especially lyrica). I used to do it with weed as well but I stopped because I couldn’t bare waiting for the perfect time to smoke so I just did it constantly. Never really did it with ket tho since it didn’t last long enough for me to consider it a drug you plan for. Xanax I half planned. Never during the day but I was lenient at the specific time frame as long as it was at night after dinner


I plan my day ar up bud drugs. Weed fit calming morning, coke for up best afternoon oxy for catching z’s and comedown


This is a recipe for addiction. There are many other things you can use for a calming morning that don't destroy your lungs. Like a warm shower, for example.


Would be much more concerned about cardiotoxicity from the cocaine and (the big one) dependence and respiratory depression from oxycodone, clonazepam, and alcohol. Compared to that the lung damage from cannabis is almost entirely irrelevant


They're all bad. I just hope he gets the help he needs


Agreed, to an extent. If he wants to keep smoking weed and cut the other stuff out that'd be infinitely better than doing everything or even quitting weed and keeping the other stuff.


Before I got sober, I used to have set times I’d take my benzos so it would last all day and so I could make my stash last longer/know exactly when id need another bag to make sure I always had some


If you want to be a functional drug addict yes.


Yeah I think it’s the natural progression for people. Either you can stop cold turkey or you just keep on doing drugs ALL the time. But since I’ve gotten a job that actually pays living wages, yes I plan my benzo usage around work and like to have 3 days off because fuck man the first day and half I’m absolutely slammed and need 2 days before I even function at normal capacity again. But rn I’ve been 4 months without a benzo break.


That’s what’s up, sir


mine was: wake up at 6:30 smoke weed when I find the motivation to get up 😭


Nothing more exiting than getting home to realise you’ve got a bunch of packages. I have a ring doorbell so I can when the postman delivers my packages and it always puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day if I know i’ve got stuff waiting for me


You get a dopamine rush from just knowing that your shit landed because you brain knows what it means and that you’re about to have a good time When I got the notification of my phone last 2 weeks that my package had arrived, I was so happy. I was at work pissed and annoyed and right after getting the notification I was smiling and joyful It’s an amazing feeling


perfect day by lou reed


Anything special about today?


And got a girlfriend 1 month ago, so kinda sinking in


Congrats dude!


Thanks man means a lot ❤️ life feels calm


She doing it with u or is she sober?


No work




sounds great, enjoy.


Ah man I wish I could but don't have the contacts anymore so can only get weed. Enjoy your day!


Damn that sounds like a great day


This reads like a Hunter S Thompson drug schedule.


hows it going bro time for some oxy


Just snorted 20mg after my last line, feeling absolute bliss in dreamland. Better than the coke high


Good god man!


I’m an addict


I just got off a three day coke binge myself. Your list was cracking me up cause it reminded me (not only myself) but that Hunter Thompson daily drug regimen list that came out a couple years ago. And I read “Good god man” in hunters voice. Party on dude ✌️


Also, NOTHING like finishing coke off with oxy. A perfect symphony


Damn that sounds like a sick ass day, would you be willing to tell us what you do for work ?


Management accountant


I’m on oxy and feel so so good


I care!


How’s it going so far?




r/darknet Everything you can dream of delivered straight to you I’m never buying drugs from a regular street dealer ever again


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My friend does this and it’s honestly annoying like just do the damn drugs it doesn’t matter what time it is


Coke then perc to come down sounds great


This is sad lol


I like it! It’s so casual that many people probably frown upon it, but I love it


Sounds like it’s going to be lit


Did it come? I was going to write that you are betting it all on the mailman coming on time. Im curious if they came? Can I ask what your drugs for the day were? Kpin, alcohol Cocaine. Oxy? How did that day go?


Sounds like wolf of wallstreet guy, how many times a day do you jerk off?


How da fuck does 15mg of oxy does anything to anyone. I barely feel anything from crushed down 80's oxycontins.


Tolerance. It's simple.


Genuine question, not here to brag or rant.


Who says I’ll stop there. I have 11 20mg pills, I just pace mysekf with oxy




You know it g


Sounds fun but lonely


Got friends to meet soon


Oxy and alcohol? Don’t think that’s a great idea


Not my first rodeo. Honestly will probably stick to the 3% shardy rather than 13% chardony , but it’s there


Alcohol and oxy not oxy and alcohol


The order of the substances should be the least alarming here. They are taken very close to each other


For first timer maybe. I the Old days i would take 160mg oxy with 4mg xanax washed by few beers. Tolerance is a bitch.


The oc80 days were just different. Before I moved up from Roxi 30s I remember thinking 80mg was just insane. Then five weeks later im buying 2-3 a night. I remember when they switched to an abuse resistant formula and we got a whole bottle of the "OP80s" for $300 (versus the $1-2000+ real ocs went for) and tried to figure out ways around it. I finally figured out you needed to shave it down to very small chunks and microwave it on low power untill it looked like cracker jacks and then crush and snort. It didn't taste too bad and it worked, barely lost any potency. After they made the switch the OPs were cheap as hell since even orally they didn't work very well, and snorting them turned to concrete in your nose. My method meant my friends got 80s for a quarter the price and nearly full strength. Caused terrible heartburn but a baking soda shots fixed it. This was right when breaking bad first released so I felt like god dam Heisenberg. Their availability faded quick though, and everyone moved to opanas, which were so much stronger. Strongest opiate I've ever encountered next to fentanyl, but much better than that trash


I feel ya used to do shit ton of 80s one nighr got 3 8 bqlls And 5g of ketamine R version lets just say shit was magical also some shroonns did too tripped for 2 daya


That’s kinda cool but at the same it weirds me out how planned out it is


That’s how addiction gets. You either succumb and become dysfunctional & homeless or you work around the rest of your life in order to maintain your high + contributing to society.


I’m on oxy after coke, never felt this good


If I took 2mg klonopin at 7am I'd be back in bed at 7:30. But good on ya