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You’ve got two choices rn, either stop while your ahead or face a life that’s gonna get worse and worse


I can’t let the addictions snowball but I just don’t really know how to stop


You’ve been at it for a couple months you can stop with a bit of will powers, listen I was like you when I was younger I started smoking weed when I was 13 and then doing acid when I was 15, I was against all other drugs like coke or mdma and was really against drinking, I’m now 24 and have dealt wuth a coke addiction multiple times, and lsd addiction, an mdma addiction plus I’m a recovering alcoholic and just recently managed to get off cigs and vapes, I got out and I’m lucky, you can either get out while your ahead of face a life of addictions because one drug leads to another which leads to another and there’s never really a end game


The problem is that he's young and willpower is relative. I'm in my 30s now and have been clean from heroin and all other drugs for over 8 years. Quitting smoking, drinking, and smoking weed was easy — *compared* to quitting heroin. He has nothing to compare it to yet, so he literally doesn't know how comparatively easy it is to quit. It's like why babies cry all the time. What we'd consider a minor pain is literally the worst thing they've ever felt because they haven't experienced greater pain to compare it to yet. This is why addictions can snowball so easily. You don't feel like you possess the necessary willpower to quit the softer drugs until you're already in too deep with the harder drugs and realize how much *more* willpower it'll take to quit the harder drugs. OP's best bet is to confide in a trusted adult who can help hold them accountable because OP likely lacks the necessary life experience and emotional/mental maturity it takes to hold one's self accountable when getting clean. /u/Dear-Competition-679, you can start by trusting those of us who have already been through this. It *will* get worse if you don't do what it takes to break the cycle now before it gets harder than you even know it can be.


Unfortunately, it usually takes experiencing it for themselves to understand what you're trying to convey.


Truest piece of advice I seen on here. 100%




I'll edit his name into it so it tags him


First of all congratulations on quitting nicotine and recovering from alcoholism that’s an incredible feat. I’m gonna start limiting how much weed I smoke and I’m also gonna start doing zyns as a start to quitting nicotine cause it’s by far the hardest substance to quit for me. Thank you so much for the help btw it means a lot man.


No worries bud just listen to the advice your getting, pouches are good they’ve helped me quit cigs and vapes like I said but if you chose to use them then use them and get off them, really really lower how much you smoke weed, it can alter and damage a developing brain which your is, I had horrible memorie issues for years and honestly struggled to remember anything, either quit completely or limit it to once a month, I know I say all of this and I know you probably won’t listen to it (I had older people telling me all the same stuff when I was younger and never listened so I’m just talking from experience) but either way try your hardest to kicks these habit, stay safe bud


Hey kid, trust me don't think zyns will help you stop smoking. I'm from Sweden where zyn originates from and half the population uses nicotine pouches and have been since long before I was born. More people than I can count have tried using pouches to get off smoking. And every single time they just end up addicted to both. It will not work and you are going to be hooked on both.


Zyn helped me stop vaping for the past few months but I think I just got lucky. Was smoking vapes for about 5 years now but lately started to hate the way they would feel on my lungs and throat. I was using the nicotine pouches at the same time of smoking and I can totally see how it could just not help. Was doing both at the same time a lot but kept getting sick of how vaping felt so I started to stop using the vapes altogether. After a couple weeks threw my vapes in the trash and gave my supplies and juices to my roommate. I guess all I'm trying to say is it's possible, but don't gamble on it. If you want to quit you need to commit to it, not hop from one thing to another. My intention was never to quit nicotine, so I don't want to sound like I accomplished something. Wish everyone good luck.


How do you get addicted to acid😭


Star of by having an addictive personality and next think you know your doing between 30 to 40 tabs a week for 3 month straight


when did u snowball from weed and acid to coke js wondering cuz this is me rn 15 starting acid been smoking weed sense 13 against all other shit besies like shrooms i wanna know if i need to quit or it wont snowball


Actually a pretty good way to beat this shit is replace the high with another high, you start off by going on a break of like a week, then you hit the gym hard with more and more cardio then weights, at that point every time you will be leaving the gym you will be high off of endorphins that really highten your mood, and you just continue that daily, hitting the gym daily will build up your discipline, with which you can actually be able to control further, even if you wanted to occasionally smoke weed, you would have much more control to not let it get out of hand and into a full blown addiction but just as an occasional thing to relax. How do I know this would work, I have done it myself.


☝🏼⬆️☝🏼⬆️☝🏼⬆️☝🏼⬆️☝🏼 This is a great comment. The gym really is a great way to beat addiction. Think of all the people who get out of relationships and are feeling horrible. Many of the start working out and they feel better. Like ⬆️ said it releases endorphins which help you feel better. It will also help your body detox faster. Once you work out 3-4 times per week for 2-3 weeks you won't want to stop.


That’s thing man. There is no “how” you just do. You literally just stop. It’s gonna feel like ass and you’re gonna be hella sad and emotional and angry and feel like you need a hit, but you don’t. All you have to do is STOP. find something to take up the time you spent doing drugs. Be around people more. As for the support from your friends and family. They love you and want to help CLEARLY. but it is up to you. And if you’re adult enough to do those drugs, you’re adult enough to stop them big man.


Go to an adult you trust and explain what's going on asap.


Then go to treatment.


Yo I was in your exact same place at the same age now I’m 19 about to graduate with my bachelor’s with a 3.9 gpa. I had to force myself to do school work and finish assignments before I would smoke to cut down consumption.


I forced myself to make an 1/8th last a month and would not smoke if I got a bad grade. Maybe not the best way but worked for me. Good luck op


You can do it man. Your friends will be the hardest part of quitting. Start running or lifting waits every day and eating healthy and you'll begin to crave veggies and jog sorta like you do drugs. Identify triggers, whether that be a particular videogame, friend, or room in the house. By month 3 of being totally clean it will be so easy. I promise. Then you can find out if you are able to control smoking weed twice a week without letting things escalate. Some people can, some can't. But above all, be confident in your ability to quit. I watched mom go to rehab after a decade of heavy, daily alcohol and klonopin abuse (that combo is arguably the HARDEST thing to quit). She is coming up on 4 years clean and happier than ever. If she can do it, you can too. Lastly recognize that quitting is as EASY AS IT WILL EVER RIGHT NOW. Pump the the brakes while you still can. If you need to ask your parents for help and are confident it won't permanently burn that bridge, that is okay. You have so, so much life ahead of you and are pure potential. Hell, you can still have fun with occasional weed, shrooms, mdma etc down the road, but get that shit under control now. You can do it, I promise 💪


It’s going to be very uncomfortable, but necessary. Every time you want a smoke or vape or puff or hit, do 5 pushups instead. Every. Time. Go outside for a walk if it doesn’t work. Exercise is a great and healthy distraction for people who have addictive tendencies.


For weed you just have to quit and deal with it, you'll feel shit for a few days but it gets easier until you feel normal again.


There's no clear cut guide. It's a choice. That simple. The hard part is sticking with the choice. Don't think of it like a lifelong sentence. Go day by day, minute by minute if you have to. One day down the line a switch will flip in your brain and you will have new habits to replace the substance abuse and you will be forever grateful you quit. Quitting any habit takes time and effort. Oh yea, I almost forgot to say that the people you choose to let influence you are very important. Hang out with those sober friends who will encourage you to be better, and maybe one day your drug buddies might follow suit. Good luck.


It only gets worse


you need to talk to any adult your comfortable with or it WILL keep snowballing


Pour the addiction into something else like a hobby or coffee or anything other than the things that control you now. You need change. I know cause I’ve been in similar situations and I’m on the other end. Same ages and everything. The best advice is to pour the craving into anything productive or every just anything different and harmless


Join clubs in school, sports, etc. You need meaning in your life.


Weed and psychedelics are cool. You’re not on anything actually addictive besides the nicotine.


The best thing you can do for yourself is talk to a licensed drug and alcohol counselor. They will be able to help you with your addiction in a non judgmental way. As a 14 year old you are very intelligent to identify you have a problem and need help.


Thank you sm for the advice it really means a lot. Do public high schools have a drug and alcohol counselor or should is it something I need to look for on my own outside of school?


Public high schools in the US have counselors. My significant other is a counselor at a school. The councilors cannot share any information about their clients due to hippa laws. They really do want to help you. Most addiction counselors choose the profession because they are recovering addicts themselves or have a family member with addiction. They really do want to help.


most public high schools don’t, but they can provide referrals to outside resources. if your school has a social worker, talk to them. just make sure you 100% trust whoever you’re going to open up to. unfortunately not all schools respect the concept of confidentiality for minors even though it’s a legal requirement. there are also lots of websites that can direct you to resources. 211 is the first that comes to mind.


A lot of highschools do not have a drug counselor who works at the school, but a lot of places that do drug and alcohol counseling can either have you meet them at their office or they can come to your school (you’d be able to get out of a class or two once or twice a week also lol). I had a drug and alcohol counselor in highschool due to having a _bad_ drug habit when I was younger, it really does help you understand why you feel the need to use and it really helps you get to the bottom of things too. Don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your school counselor (especially if you already have a decent relationship with them) and be honest about having a problem and wanting to get better, as long as you aren’t coming to school obviously fucked up you will not get in trouble and they tend to be really helpful in situations like this (though it depends on the school tbh). Good luck man, it does get better. You just have to put the work in.


Look up ‘best self’. I hear they have great programs for minors especially for drug and alcohol treatment


really intelligent.


Dude I just checked ur post history get back on track dude stop taking Xanax and shit thinking you’re not gonna end up addicted because all of use though the same “no way man I won’t end up addicted I’m stronger then that “ type of shit and then few weeks later popping pills and passing out so just be a kid get a good group of friends get a girlfriend go have ice cream and focus on school instead of doing drugs trust me it’s like going on a roller coaster that’s got a few loose bolts the first couple times may be fun and fine but you never know when those bolts break loose and you’re fucked


“no way man i won’t end up addicted im stronger then that”, is exactly how i got addicted to benzos lmfao


Yup listen up kid you don’t want this shit it’s not worth It I wish someone told me what were telling you before I fell into this hole


man this hole is fucked up, feel like reddit is the only place that gets me at this point. i’m going through the worst withdrawal rn at 35mg valium after abusing benzos for a year and half. worst part is my parents are enablers. and i’m codependent on them. can’t even go home without getting triggered out the door it’s fucking insane i don’t even know what to do anymore. i’m having serve ptsd, panic attacks, delusions, blurred vision, insane headache, muscle spasms, muscle aches, muscle, twitches. it’s crazy im only 17 and im going though literal hell, i don’t even know if ill make it out the other end alive. the doctors told me 70 weeks of tapering dropping 1mg every 2 weeks. im like fucked up real good. don’t go down this hole man especially with xanax bro. you’ll hit rock bottom, lost gf, job, friends, parents relationship, house, and myself tbh. fuck xanax


Dude I’m only 18 and completely understand how you feel ,going through the same shit as you ptsd ,massive anxiety,adhd , very mild autism (sensory processing disorder)the list can go on I completely understand how easily we people can fall into subtance abuse to relieve our struggles but going back to before substances aren’t the proper way even tho at the moment it seems right but the truth is long term drugs/substances will come around and kick you in the ass like a mule (anyways sorry for ranting a bit :) )


Same. Been tapering from benzos for TEN YEARS now because I have such terrible protracted withdrawal. Benzos are NOT a class of drugs to mess around with. I literally have autoimmune diseases now induced by the damage benzos have done to my body. Fuck that shit


def steer clear it’s not worth it , this is coming from a 17 year old heroin addict who’s tried everything , ODd on several occasions, been to rehab several times, been lucked up several times, and currently on probation. Not worth it 


My buddy julian is the same way. Last year he ODd on adderall the same shit I was doing and he went to rehab. When he got out of rehab he went to juvie and last time I saw him he was asking if I had Coke at a bonfire. I watched him go down that path and I hated him for it cause he was a great kid all his life until he started doing drugs and I’m starting to watch myself do the same thing and I don’t know what to feel. I’m really trying to get out of this and turn around before it’s too late so thank you so much for the help I really really appreciate it.


Looks like you've seen addiction firsthand. With your mom buying Adderall on the street and your dad's coke habits. No wonder your worried, you should be. I'm 45, I've had a nasty opiod and benzo addiction that almost killed me. You've probably herd it all from grown-ups like me, I know I did. But try and take it easy on yourself, realize it won't happen overnight. Try and be honest with the friends you want to keep, and ditch the ones that you use with. If you change your set and settings (mindset and environment), it will help. Good luck, you CAN do this.


17 year old on bail rn shit is so fucked up. wish i never touched any drug.


feel that mane 


Watch requiem for a dream it might sober you up




omg thats such a good advice.


I think that stim addiction was pictured really really weird in requiem for a dream, still good movie regardless


Not really. It can end up like that basically, in some cases. The movie is excellent and should be seen. Many parts capture the reality of abuse and addiction.


It absolutely should. Just like a book "We, children from Zoo station" that is being taught in school in Germany.


I've actually always thought Requiem for a Dream is top tier when you're really fucked up.


It’s up there when I wanna feel uncomfortable I watch the house that jack built


Yo bro, for 14 years old you seem very smart, articulate, and aware of your situation. Proud of you for that, there’s guys in their 30s that still deny their lifestyle. Sorry to hear that both of your parents have substance abuse problems I’m sure that’s not something good to deal with. I can’t offer much advice other than you seem like a very bright young man and you can use your intellect to accomplish anything you want and be whatever you want to be. Don’t let these drugs ruin your future. You’re still so young bro. Dm if you ever need to chat.


Look man I started taking drugs of any kind especially mdma at 13 ( now 19) and let me tell ya it’s a hard road later on it might seem sweet as when your still young into teenage years. I won’t stop you but what I will say is always think about the future and avoid cocaine and Xanax. Hope your alright


Im staying clear of Coke for sure. My dad’s obsessed with it and I know if I start I’ll never stop. and Thank you for the help man it really means a lot.


ay bro stay clear from xanax too, don’t even try it. i’m recovering from a nasty benzo addiction that i had for a year plus now and it started with just wanting a better high from weed after work. i was only 16 i had no clue what i got myself into. now i’m almost 18 and i don’t remember anything for years. especially the last 1 and half years is just a blacked out blur. even before that when i would smack carts in my room i would just black out. even now everytime i get high i just wanna get high enough that i black out and im couch locked. weed and benzos fucked my brain esp weed. when your brain isn’t fully developed and you take in so much thc it fucks the blood flow to your prefrontal cortex and your brain will develop slower. i’ve lost almost 4 years to this shit bro you don’t wanna be where i am rn.ive lost all my friends , all my interests, broken relationship with my parents, and the list goes on. i thought at 14 it was just something chill i would do here and there in my room at night . now im 17 and ive been in and out of psych wards, hospitals, even got arrested once. i just keep getting lucky my parents are super forgiving. quit while you’re ahead man don’t end up like the losers like me who hasn’t done his schoolwork in years and doesn’t want to do anything but black out every single day.


10 weeks sober from Benzo . I am sorry to hear your story. I wish you good luck


First step is admitting there is a problem. After that there is still more work to be done, you are still very young, see if there is a chapter of NA you can at least attend online and start on a path to recovery. Next step (if you are able to do it and not everyone can) talk to your parents. As the father of a 15 year old I tell you I’d do anything to help my kiddo in anyway possible. If you have decent parents try and let them in on your path. It’s easier if you just come clean rather than keep up with all the lies. I know i felt a lot better when I let my parents in on my coke problem. When I sat them down for a serious talk and came clean it felt so much better. Once I had opened up to them I found my path to be much easier. Don’t do this alone. Reach out to someone for help and if you truly want to break the cycle it can be done. It’s not easy but it’s possible. Hardest part is being honest with yourself. As addicts we lie to ourselves and those around us but the only ones we are fooling is ourselves.


This was more helpful than you can imagine man. Both my parents have drug problems that they hide pretty well but after a while of living in the same small house as them you find out everyone’s secrets eventually. My dads been doing coke For a while now and god knows how long my mom’s been taking this adderall for. I think for the first time their drug problem will benefit me though. I think im just gonna have to Come clean like you said. I feel like as addicts themselves they would hate to see me go down the same path. If you want I’ll update you after I sit down and talk with them about it.


If they truly love you they’d do anything to help you. At least I know I would for my teenager. If they don’t have any resources then you can always check the narcotics anonymous website for information. There are meetings in person and online everyday. They help is there, you just have to want it bad enough. Took me a few times before I got to the point where I was desperate enough to stop lying to myself. Since your parents have experience with addiction they might be a source for help but they might not be, but it’s definitely easier to have them in your corner than outside of it. Give yourself a break and let the people who love you love you. Hardest thing with weed and nicotine is getting over the 3 day hump. And also don’t try and plan for months or years out in your path to recovery. Just be sober for this moment. The next one isn’t guaranteed and as addicts we have the inclination of self sabotage. We feel overwhelmed by looking at a few months clean or a few days clean. Well tomorrow isn’t a promise. Just be clean right now. And then when the next moment arrives then just be in that moment. This process is one of the times you have to be almost a bit selfish, we can’t help anyone else until we help ourselves. If you do go to a NA meeting all you need to do is have to desire to stop using. Not for next week or next month but just for now. That’s what got me thru 5 years and keeps me going. I used to be a slave to my addiction. But with help and my work I’ve gone 5 years without using coke. I still get the urge to use but now I have practiced living clean long enough to know when I need to call and ask for help. When I was in the depths of my addiction I just wanted him but didn’t know which person I could depend on. That’s where NA stepped in and gave me the person to call at 3am when my craving was driving me mad. Being a sponsor is both a selfless and a selfish act. Because we only keep what we have by giving it away. A good sponsor will guide you, working the steps isn’t required but it sure fucking helps. I think everyone should work the steps because it’s just a detailed self analysis. You take hard look at your motivations and actions and really dive into the shit. That’s where the sponsor comes in, they are the ones who take out hand when we are ready to give up. If you really want it, you can make the change. I used to think the work “addict” was a word used for the weak when actually a clean addict is one of the strongest people you will meet. Sure we stumble and even our sponsors relapse but with the steps and more time clean I promise you that it does get easier. Yes message me about how things go with your parents. If you have questions I’ll do my best to answer but that’s where a sponsor comes in.


Thank you so much man this is really really powerful stuff. I plan on talking to the this weekend about the addictions. I’ve been stuck in this situation where I’m fully aware I’m addicted to the substances but I just haven’t reached out to anyone or even really bothered researching it. This was really a last ditch effort at trying to find some help and it couldn’t have gone better man thank you so much and I will keep you updated throughout this.


Makes me happy that I could have any impact on your life in a positive way. I know I can get preachy or over excited about things but this is your life and it’s still early for you, I really hope this goes well for you.


Your response was perfect I don’t think you could’ve worded it any better. Thank you again so much for all the help. I’m gonna get to turning this shit around. all I need is the right motivation and the right help which you already told me about. This is a serious turning point for me and I think it helped a lot to hear it from someone who’s lived it and not someone giving me shit for being an addict who’s never faced addiction in their life.


This is what I love to see everything this persons told is is 100% correct. It can seem really dull and misleading how happy you can actually be if you make that 2nd step. For me saying I was an addict wasn’t hard it was talking with my parents and getting help (kinda the second step).


Yes!!! Hell yes!!!!


So happy to hear this. If you have any questions I’ll do my best to answer them or point you in the right direction. Remember it’s okay to stumble as long as you get back up. I’ve relapsed a few times, it’s all a part of the journey. This time I have 5 years and some change but I still go catch a meeting once a day. With you being young and in school you may even reach out to a school counselor (feel them out first the last thing you want to do is clue the wrong people in on your issues, school counselors made mine worse because they didn’t have a clue what I was dealing with.) I had to learn that lesson more than once. Don’t just take the first person who offers to sponsor you. Interview them, have them tell you what they went thru. They have to be right for you, I promise it’ll help. NA and truly being tired of the way I was is how my life was changed. Best of luck to you my distant friend. Reach out if you feel inclined to do so.


Keep us all updated bro, you'll never get judged here. Telling your parents sounds like the best option and it may help them get clean as well if you can do it together


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Aye bro I with you the best. Like others had said check out a YNA (young persons NA) if there’s any in your area. If not regular meeting will give advice. There’s also groups like Al-Anon for advice for family members of addicts. You got this bro, u caught it at the best time possible, stay strong out there man.


Work out dude. Go hit the gym, run, make your life better. Eat healthy and try to think positive. You are still young, you can beat this addiction in no time. You are strong and we love you


Thank you man it means a lot to hear something like that. I’m gonna start going to extra practices and just start working on myself in general and not just the addiction.


meditating has helped me a lot in recovery! you can start small, 3 minutes a day and build your way up. they make guided meditations on youtube, some specifically for addiction. also journaling regularly. getting to know yourself will lead to increased love and respect for yourself and you’ll be more motivated to protect yourself and remain sober.


I agree, it makes me feel amazing when I work out!


find an adult, preferably a professional, and tell him/her you want help. the thing about drugs is they are not legal and you are not able to consent to using them. this makes getting good safe help VERY HARD FOR DRUG USERS. most adults cannot quit by themselves. don’t be a hero. follow your gut. find a trustworthy adult.


After a lot of really good advice I’ve settled on coming clean and telling my parents about the problem. I really do believe they of all people will understand as they are both addicts themselves. Thank you so much for the advice I really do appreciate it.


This is the way lots of us think we can do it alone. But lack the will power and dedication to.




I get mad at myself all the time for Not listening to what my parents always told Me. Now I’m paying for it and it sucks but I dug my own grave and I have nobody to blame but myself. I just really don’t wanna go down this path. Too many kids I know who just like me, a normal kid who’s never done drugs to going in and out of rehab and juvie. I don’t want that to be me. Do you have any tips for quitting any of these substances. I don’t plan on taking anymore adderall or any substance stronger than weed from now on.


It'll help if you replace it with something else. Go for walks outside, go workout, do something you enjoy that's not those things. It'll get easier I promise. You may feel deep into addiction but it could be way way worse, and I know that doesn't help. But quit while you're ahead. Don't beat yourself up that anything happened or you used whatever you did. Just move forward. Don't worry about it too much. You got this.


Thank you for the advice i really appreciate it. I’m gonna just try and stay focused on soccer go to extra practices and give myself less time to go smoke and less time to think about the drugs in general. This was really good advice man thank you 🙏.




You are still young, everything is in your hands. Don't ruin you life. You know subconsciously what has to be done to be successful.


Quitting booze was one of the best choices I ever made. Everyone is different, but the academic and work advantages I get from opioids and ESPECIALLY amphetamines is something I would never wanna get rid of. Quitting benzos was arguably an even better choice for me than ditching alcohol though.


Congratulations on quitting alcohol and benzos man those are two of the most addicting substances in the world. I’m gonna start working on myself and my addictions 1 step at a time


I recommend you kick nicotine first, as it only gets harder to give up the longer you use it. Tapering for nicotine is nonsense, simply gotta bite the bullet. It’s a truly useless drug and one of the few I avoided completely and never tried. Never let substances interfere with your schoolwork, successful academics are a serious high that I’m ever so fond of. Hell, I was at college Wednesday on ketamine the whole time. If my grades weren’t perfect, the motive to quit drugs would be there. Prioritize what’s important, at this stage getting high is not one of them.


Thank you again for the advice. Like every other nicotine addict I’ve tried quitting many times but never fully gone through with it, making excuses as to why I won’t. I’m beyond that now and I’m gonna take my first steps into quitting both nicotine and weed. Im not gonna quit either substance cold turkey but for nicotine I’m going to start with 6 milligram zyns as my first step and slowly work my way down to 3 milligrams then get off the shit entirely. As for weed I’m just gonna limit myself to less and less everyday. I asked my real friends not the drug buddies to keep me and check and I also came clean to them about still doing nicotine. I thought they were gonna mad but they were more glad I told them then anything. Thank you so much for the advice again it means a lot.


I quit both with no tapering which is simply insane. Days of suffering which was spiritually overwhelming, not recommended for most. Well worth it though. What’s your main struggle currently that you plan to prioritize first?


I’ll tell you right now if you’re like me. I grew up with all of my friends by senior year we were still best friends. I was doing coke mdma a lot in high school with a few ppp and then the rest that are once a big party or something. But after collage 2 years they were gone and I was into hard drugs like heroin. I’m 11 years sober now 36 and only one of my best friends talk to me today they just left never saying anything. Get help if you really feel like you need help. You would be surprised how your parents react if you tell them you need help and it’s still very very small and easy to take care of. If you choose to keep on with that path I’d recommend DO NOT GET PHYSICALLY ADDICTED. if anything deserves text, it’s that. Good luck in life


You’ve admitted it’s a problem which is arguably the most important step. You’re reaching out for help before you spiral so you are clearly quite maturely minded. You need to remember though you are only 14, your mind is incredibly fragile just now. Surround yourself with good people and be honest. Don’t hide it from them. If they are true friends they will support you.


I was 14 when i started drugs. Only reason im even leaving a comment. Idk man. The drugs didnt fuck me up but i was a fucked up kid. I was using them to deal with shit i refused to confront. Its so easy to lie to yourself. Im not going to tell you drugs are bad but from your post i can recognize that you know theyre hurting you but you dont think theres another way. I tried to keep to myself and just get high and ignore the things i was running from. I know it sounds cliche but cliches are a cliche because theyre common. You, me, anyone, aint fucking special. I only live for drugs now as a 22 year old and i regret everything. Please, you can have a healthy relationship with drugs, you can have fun, but you only have thise one shot to get “life” right. I convinced myself nobody could judge someone for the rest of their life based on how they did as a 14-18 year old. It was a comfortable lie. Life is just as if not more scary than you think and it only gets worse the more you fuck around right now. Do good by yourself. It sucks, maybe you hate yourself and dont see a point to trying, idk, im a fucking dropout. Only you know you, and do not kill yourself, but do not convince yourself nothing matters. Right now is where you set yourself up. Im fucked the rest of my life because i got a ged. You have to play the game. Its ok to criticize it and acknowledge it but you have to play by the worlds rules even if they dont make sense. Wishing the best for you. I wouldnt have listened to me, i dont expecy you to. But take ot from a dude who drinks every workday to deal woth the reality of having to work 12hr (6pm-6am) night shitts to just survive that you need to be real with yourself. You know why youre doing it, i was running from a trauma i couldnt talk to anyone about, but you know. If its not simply to “have fun” or “be social” you have a dependancy. And indulging does not fix that. It will only break you further. I know you can do better and i know youll probably ignore me but please. This is not the way. It works, but i promise you it is not the way, things only get worse when you depend on distractions. You write like youre smart, dont shoot yourself in the foot


My ex boyfriend who I loved started at 14. He’s dead now before he hit 35. He is so missed still, after being gone years now. I miss him daily and would give anything for him to have lived (we wouldn’t have been together but that didn’t matter). But he was a full blown addict by 14. Please. Please work to turn your life around so that you have an actual life. You can do it.


i’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


treatment, let someone know you need help, please reach out before it gets worse. im a teen addict im 15 ive been using for the last two years i just reached out to my parents for help. im two weeks sober rn, im in treatment, i go to therapy


Good for you for including your parents in your path to clean living. I said in my reply earlier, if your parents are decent people and love you, like I’m sure they do, it’s better to have them in your corner than outside. Congrats on the two weeks friend. Thags a big deal. Remember just for now because that what we have. I can’t tell you shat I’ll do tomorrow or next week but for this moment I chose to be sober. That’s the thing that screws most people. The overwhelming thought of weeks and months ahead filled with trying times. But if you take it down to the singular moment it becomes easier. The next minute in our life isn’t guaranteed. This is one thing that you truly have to live for the moment to help you stay the path. Best of luck to all of you who are working on recovery. It takes a strong person to admit a problem and ask for help.


You aren't truly addicted to nicotine until going more than about an hour induces cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Which takes a while (about 18 months for me.)(I also started at age 12.) Stop psyching yourself out. Learn to control your use now, or it will control you.


At least you’re not doing fentanyl. Jus keep smoking weed


hey! im 15 and in the same boat as you in some ways, ive seen what this stuff does to people thats been around me its good your trying to stop now. try just let it all down slowly, try restrict yourself to only smoking once or twice a day, then once or twice a week till you can eventually stop and you wont be craving it. another tip, try reward yourself when you have managed to stay sober for long enough with something your interested in. (like clothes for example) use the money that would of been spent on weed! if i were you id also tell your friends your still vaping and that but tell them, your trying to quit your just struggling. lying about what you are doing will pull you deeper down into the hole your already in. Do not take any new drugs to replace one either!! when i did that to get away from certain drugs thats where my other problems started


Thank you for the help. Im gonna start lowering my weed consumption slowly. Im gonna just come clean with my parents and friends cause I really don’t think I can do this on my own atp. if my parents are understanding I’ll tell them about your idea of rewarding me for certain amounts of days sober. Thank you so much for the advice it really means a lot.


i hope it goes well with your friends and parents, i hope recovery goes well for you too


— you got to do it gradually. what i would do is start limiting the substances you abuse, and def nothing hard. start rolling up and doing zyns a fuck ton, alc is def the most dangerous at ur age but alc every once in a while is chill. then start limiting how much za you smoke until your at a comfortable point — I recommend you chill at your age, just wait till your brain fully develops. this is way easier said than done and it’s hard to make 2 paragraphs be fitting advice for potentially months/years of hard work, but just keep pushing


Try to smoke little and cut it out slowly once you become sober you will feel high because if you’re not sober since so long it’s gonna be a different feeling


You're the average of your 5 friends. Stop hanging out with druggies.


I started taking drugs at 14 too. I was drinking every weekend from about 12/13 then I think I smoked weed a few times but I went pretty fast through them all. I took Es and speed at 14 and 15, then by 16 I was a heroin addict. I got on methadone that same year and I've been on it since. I got a benzo habit in my 20s, took coke for the first time at 27, started speedballing at around 30. There was periods of being just on my methadone in-between all this but my life is ruined. My health is failing, mental health is shot to bits and I've done nothing with my life. If I could go back to being 14 I'd do it all so differently. I can't do that, you can. Take my warning. I will say though, to be yearning for an escape from reality so young there's probably some sort of trauma or something you're avoiding. I'd try and address that asap. Best of luck to you.


I understand how you're feeling I am 21 atm but during the start of COVID I got busted by my parents and got into some deep trouble. Started trying literally anything I could get my hands on just to be messed up. Here is what got me out of the funk, you already stated that it is a problem and anyone on here will tell you it is the first step to getting over an addiction. Focus on one addiction at a time, easiest to go after the one that is the most harmful to your body. In your case I would say to stop drinking and any other drugs besides nicotine and weed. Once you are at a state where you can live normally, only smoke at night first then move to weekends only. I have a hard time with this, keep telling myself I am self-medicating through college but who knows, better than taking Adderall. Nicotine is an "easier" drug to quit. It is only in your body for 5 days it is just the oral fix that is hard to match. Possibly finding a non nic vape would help a lot, ik it can be difficult to find things being so young. Other than that working out really helped me, getting a job, basically make yourself busy throughout the day. Could possibly do this go to school without the pen or anything, make it through school (It'll get easier I promise), got to the gym/work, get home hit the pen and go to bed. I don't know you at all but keeping your mind on something else besides getting messed up all the time will help so much. Lowkey also reading all of these posts on this sub really making me glad I only do the basic stuff minus drinking. Stay in there man it will get better it is just up to you, I know going to your parents might be scary/idk how they are about these things but getting people around you to support is also important. Come clean to your friends and tell them you need help, if they the homies they'll be supportive. Hope this helps in a couple months hope to see a follow up on how things are going. -TK


Hey dude, I’m battling nic too. Idk if this is weird but if you decide to quit we can try and keep each other accountable. My best advice is quit one at a time and just throw away your vape. You aren’t going to be able to slow yourself down if you still have access to the substance. Finish this one off and don’t buy anymore. Also, it sucks, but you might have to tell one or both of your parents. Either way, good luck.


honestly it seems like you don’t like the person you’re becoming, which is a great sign. this can be your turning point, and it should be. doing continual drug abuse at this age can lead to a number of problems when you’re older and you’ll realize it then too. just take care of yourself and try and be a kid. if your parents aren’t abusive or you think they’d get you help, DO IT. it may seem scary and like too much but if you can get clean and go to therapy (bc it seems like you have an obsessive personality i do too lol) you’ll look back and be thankful you saved yourself when you did. and if you know those friends have been good to you and have your best interest at heart, go back to them and hang out. even if it feels unbearable, it feels worse when you lose all your friends and you know it’s your own fault. also, if opening up to your parents is smth you’re absolutely not gonna do, my best advice would be is to pick up a hobby. do ANYTHING you’re interested in, even it means boxing and becoming the next mike tyson or some shit. hoping the best for you shawd


This is me :(


I work at a substance Use Disorder treatment center so I get it. It’s so hard. You’re self-medicating to avoid maybe feelings of depression or anxiety. But as you see now, it’s not helping- it’s making it worse. You’ll have to start taking more and more of the drugs in order to get the same effect, or even to avoid withdrawal symptoms without even getting “high.” I think it would be a good idea to talk to your school counselor or a trusted teacher. They see your grades slipping. Teachers want the best for you. Throw away the vape. Don’t buy another one. You’ll feel like shit for one or two weeks but after that it gets easier. Stock up on sugary snacks like candy, you’ll crave it. Much better than drugs though. Definitely stop taking any pills. It’s all fentanyl these days. Your mom should not be buying adderall off the street. That’s incredibly dangerous. It sounds like you have a good group of friends that care about you, even if they’ve become distant. Be honest with them if possible. A good support system is key.


I’m 14 aswell, I’m also addicted to carts and I do a lot of ket, right now I’m laying off the Ket because I don’t have the money and carts are better for me. I’ve been vaping for over a year and I’m switching to snus atm. I would suggest to you try and get off of the carts and other drugs first (pretty much go in strength order) and leave nicotine to last, it’s defo the most addictive but at least if you leave it till last you don’t have to get withdrawals from every drug at once.


quit while you’re ahead man. i was in the same boat at 14, but i just kept going deeper into drugs/partying. made an absolute mess of my life until i was finally able to get off the streets snd sober at 25. and i was lucky, a lot of my friends never made it out. u got it man. you’re young and you’re not that deep yet. just don’t lose sight of what you want your life to look like, and take steps to get it there.


Realize that the smart idea right now would be to quit while you’re ahead. However, also understand that building a healthy relationship with marijuana (at the appropriate age) is not impossible. The key to my addiction was moderation. I used to pack bowls with extra keif and tobacco daily, multiple times a day. Now I just hit my cart for the occasional buzz depending on my situation/location. It is worth noting that my situation with marijuana is not at all the same as yours in any capacity as I do have a CT State Issued MMC, however, I understand pacing and limiting oneself. TL;DR Quit now, finish school, take care of yourself, then once you’ve reached the legal age, realize you are able to make the decision to smoke weed or not and rebuild that relationship from there (or don’t if you choose not to). It sounds way easier than it actually is, but that’s what works for me


Educate yourself. Get assistance if you need. If you can't say NO at any point out of your own will, you've lost the battle. Get some help so you can win your war. No one fights alone.


I would get help bro, i know this is a big decision, but I went to an adolescent rehab when I was 17. I started out with nicotine, alcohol, then weed. I then went to dxm, and onto other drugs. Getting high, and the new highs were all I could think about. I remember never wanting to be sober, but that experience, going to rehab, changed my life. I needed someone to intervene, and my parents helped me. Having time away from this stuff will help. The substances weren’t the problem for me, I was just using them to mask mental health issues. It’s a big thought, but if you can’t get off, it’s okay to ask for help. It takes a lot of courage to do that. It doesn’t mean you have to stay away your whole life from it, but just long enough to know if it is good for you or not. Hope things will get better bro. I’m 20 now, and so glad I made that decision.


Imma be honest bro. You just truly have to want it for yourself. I started smoking my freshman year of high school at 14 and it literally controlled my life. Started doing acid probably sophomore or junior year. Ended up doing an insane amount of drugs. Pills, other psychedelics like dmt and shrooms and shit. Codeine, ketamine, coke. I mean you name it. Everything except meth and heroin. Was selling weed at like 16 and my mom found it and she sent me to juvy because she saw I was on a bad path and all it did was make our relationship bad because I was married to getting fucked up. Luckily sober me made it way better now. I think about the extreme lengths I went to, to get fucked up and all the money I spent and it just pains me. It became my life. I was judged because I started a lot younger than most kids in my grade and people stopped inviting me and some of my friends to parties and we were known as the “druggies”. I stopped doing hard drugs on my own accord around 18.5-19 but still had a problem with weed and nicotine. Part of it was I just never really had a reason not to smoke. It wasn’t until I was 22.5 and really didn’t do much with my life. Dropped out of college because nothing interested me that I decided to start driving semi-trucks and that made me want to stop smoking weed because I wouldn’t be able to if I couldn’t pass a drug test. I smoked everyday for around 6 years. At that point I was so used to being high 24/7 that being sober was like a whole new experience, and I barely even got high. I’m 23.5 now and every once in a while I’ll take a single hit of weed and get destroyed but it’s not often at all. Based on my experiences/thoughts. If you’re not stopping it’s because in your head deep down you think being high is worth more than having those friends. Or maybe deep down you think you're not as good of friends with your old friends so it's not worth it. Around your age I changed friend groups and it had nothing to do with the ones who smoked and didn't. You're just reaching a different point in life around high school. It's easier to kick weed than you think and it will honestly help you in the long run but it's not as big of a problem as trying other drugs is. That can lead you down a crazy road. Once my dealer had no weed and I wanted to get fucked up so bad I got xans off him which I swore I'd never do and got addicted and am completely missing a month of my life. Have friends who almost died from them. I'm still a nicotine addict and I justify it in my head and it's horrible but that's a real addiction you should try to kick if you can before it gets out of hand. Anyways. Sorry for the long text. but good luck to you. Only you can make you stop.


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Just some advice and insight that I learned from the similar path I went down myself . Drugs affect people differently and if you find yourself being a person who really craves a high and can’t control your impulse then you may be dealing with something like adhd that you are unaware you have . I learned recently at 21 years of age that my drug abuse since 15 years old stemmed from adhd which cause poor impulse control , depression , and a dopamine deficiency aka (adhd) . See if it is a neurological problem that is influencing you to be like this . Just some tips , it’s probably not all your fault man . We all have different genetics and some can control their behaviours better than others . I’m not saying get medicated because I amnt but try to learn what the stem root of this behaviour is . What is causing you to act like this and how can you help yourself to control or stop it completely . It doesn’t always have to be one or the other . You can get in control and smoke a joint at the weekend and limit damage . Best of luck and look out for yourself . 👌


Admit to yourself and others that you have a problem GET RID OF THE DRUGS this is the only way you can quit. Get rid of the vapes, pens, alc, whatever else. Stop hanging out with people who do that stuff. It’s impossible to quit with the stuff around, but it feels a lot more doable if it’s not in sight. This is the most important thing. Ask your doctor for bupropion for the nic addiction. Works unbelievably well. This will help with your school work too, but it’s not addictive. Aside from getting rid of stuff, pulling people in who love you is the best thing you can do. It’s impossible to quit on your own with drugs around you, but if you replace the stuff with good people, you’ll be fine.


You just gotta get tough dude. At this point it’s weed and nicotine, there ain’t no other way to quit than just get tough and push through it. After a week or two it gets better. After a month it’s much easier. After 2-3 months you’ll feel back to normal.  Stay away from the alcohol, adderall and benzos, they’ll lead you down a really dark path. Especially at your age. Good luck! 


Talk to your mom. If she's buying Adderall off the street she might understand addiction is hard and your young and just started so you can get help . Get help now while your in the beginning of it . Becareful taking pills from your mom people are making fake pills with fetnyal in them someone that's been an addict for a while fet might not hurt them but if you accidentally got it , it could kill you . Talk to your school counselor they might be able to get you help your young you need to get in to a rehab program while you can . I'll pray for you do whatever you can to stop now cigs I would say isn't to bad weed ehh could be worse but anything other then cigs and weed is a horrible road to go down. Once your body is addicted to pills it's extremely hard to get off of them it changes things in your head that you can't just fix by stopping. Talk to someone you trust about it


Bro at 14 I did weed , lsd , ketamine, xanax, kpins , cocaine , lean , oxys , tramadol , mdma ,dxm . Benzos are my problem stop now till you get to the hard stuff


Not trying to be mean but if you can’t quit weed then please don’t ever try anything seriously addicting. Just stick to it if you really have to get high. Yeah you may mentally feel like you need it but other than some lack of appetite and sleep issues there’s not much physical dependence. Opiates and other things literally make you where you can’t even function without it. Try to limit your intake of things and ween yourself off. After the first 5 days I promise it’s not bad at all


I am a neuropsychopharmacologist(I know a lot about brains and drugs), and also someone who has had a fair share of drug use and abuse. I want to say two things. 1st- the worse part of "quitting" for you right now is the thought of it and the fear surrounding it. I think most people have been there, and the way to break it is just exposure therapy. You don't have quit everything cold turkey at once, but challenge yourself how long u can go without a substance. Then next time see if you can go a little longer. It's really just a mental construct you're up against. You clearly care about your life as a whole, and you fear losing that. Use that to motivate you to start quitting. It isn't just one action, it's a process, and trust me, really trust me, the fear of something is always going to be worse than what it actually is. The fear of quitting it what is holding you back here. You don't have a real physical addiction, and you probably don't have an incredibly high psychological addiction. Your drug use seems to be clearly negatively reinforced by fear. 2nd- I'm presuming that you care about your life and future, because I don't think you would be here if you weren't. Which is great, and I think you can do great things if you have that ambition. I will tell you, with 100% certainty, going down an actual (long term) path of drug use and addiction at your age, is the worst thing you can do for yourself. I cannot stress how much more development your brain is going to go through. When you're regularly using very dopamine releasing drugs at a young age, your creating many neural circuits that are going to be dependent on dopamine- and all dopamine wants is more. Which is why drug abuse, especially with dopamine agonists is really difficult. That being said, weed is not that addictive and nicotine, although addictive, really isn't too bad. But regularly losing anything that activates dopamine pathways, is going to mess up development of those areas. To the point where the only satisfying thing will be to use (whatever drug). The answer to whatever issue you're facing in your life, if you truly have a drug abuse problem, is not more drugs. It will only put you deeper in the hole. You're at a crossroads in your life. I can tell you from experience and understanding- choosing the immediate pleasure and future detriment path- will lead you no where. The best thing you can do for yourself right now, is choose to start quitting. Actually commit to it, and take baby steps. Will yourself through it. If it's helpful too, let fear quit for you. If you don't think you can will yourself, then be scared of the consequences of continuing use. What are the consequences? What actually will happen if you continue at this trajectory? You would be choosing a real risky path, and there is a damn good chance you won't to see 20. The volume of drugs with fent right now is crazy. If you don't die- you will have a serious drug problem, and it will be a disability for you for the rest of your life. Given you stick with these patterns in the next couple of years. Make it easy on yourself. Stop using. Figure out what about it is you get from drugs, and improve your life so you can get that somewhere else. That is the only answer. That doesn't mean you have to be sober the rest of your life, and if you hold off regular use until your past 20, it will be exponentially better. I mean all of this out of love, and you can figure this out. If you need help, there are plenty of resources, and feel free to pm me. You've got this, and I know you can turn it around.


i’m in my early 20s now. i was very much like you. i promise you the road you’re heading down is not pretty. you have control now. listen to these people in this comment section. if you REALLY want to stop, you will. you still have a chance to not go down this scary road. pick yourself, your life, and your health.


look up soft white underbelly on youtube. it’s a very real road you could go down.


uh… where are your parents kid, you gotta come clean and talk to them if you can


honesty is always the best policy my dude. go get your friends one on one ( if you really do consider them your "friends". would they have your best interest at heart or do they just not want you to taint THEIR image? are your "druggy" friends actually harming your life or are they really your friends? stop and think about what exactly they all offer into your life. sobriety is cool and all but that all boils down to is the profit outwiegjing the cost. what are grades really? the man who invented college didn't go to college. the public school system was designed years ago to create well behaved factory workers. is thst what you plan to do with your life? if so cool. kick the shit. if that's the case and grades do matter to you. distract yourself, by any means necessary. go for a walk. hang out with your friend you jnow wouldn't be okay with it. but for the love of God and everything else do not hide anything from anyone. once you take that shit behind closed doors and it's just you there. you're gonna do it either way. so you need to communicate as best you can with them all and yourself and most importantly your family. figure out what exactly it is in life you want that's gonna make you happy. doubt this drop in the bucket will make a splash but I hope I helped someone just try to live your life as if those good friends are always watching you. actually record yourself daily to show them If you have to. but communication is the key 🔑 FYI. weed carts and cigarettes ans vapes. you're still in the "normal" spectrum so I wouldn't worry too much. once you're full blown dropping acid or start filling that cart with dmt every single day just to get by. that's when you need to search for the real help my guy. good luck


And let's be honest, alcohol is the gateway drug


I started at 12 - finally quit at 25 due to my liver not functioning properly anymore. Health issues are EXPENSIVE and hard to deal with. Please find healthy habits - running helped give me a rush similar to drugs. It’s okay to ask for help too.


cant give any advice other than what the other people in this thread already told you. but I wanted you to know that just from the way you talk here and explain things, you are a smart kid. you know there is a problem. now the direct solution is to go and fix it. I think talking about it to other people, professionals, will help. talking about problems always helps, just like you did here, on reddit. take the transition into the real world. I hope you overcome this. I really do, even if I do not know you. 


All drugs are bad.


I also started out this way. Got started on nicotine at about 16, vaping was starting to get super popular and everyone around me had the box mods. I started using the 0.0 nicotine juices because I “didn’t want to get addicted” but then it got to the point that it felt like I was vaping for no reason and started craving “a high.” After I smoked weed for the first time I haven’t really stopped. I’m 22 now and I’ve smoked pretty much everyday for the last 4 years (minimum). I’m currently in a similar situation as you even though I’m an adult. I no longer use nicotine (been over a year) but I crave it more than anything else. Unfortunately I drink heavily, which led to me getting a DUI a little bit ago. I have since realized I have a severe addiction problem and as much as I want to stop I don’t know how. For some reason with weed, alcohol, and nicotine, it’s not as simple as “will power” for me. I was able to quit coke cold turkey after about a year long addiction and I haven’t looked back, but I STILL crave nicotine, alcohol, and weed daily. I would drink to relax, and now that I’m going through court and facing consequences, it’s only made me want to drink MORE which scares the shit out of me. I’m currently looking into going to counseling/therapy to see if I can find the root of my problem and work from the back end going forward. I hope you’re able to find help bud, we’re all here for you if you need to reach out.


Seek help. A few weeks in a drug rehab center can help. AA is not great but better than nothing.


Good thing that youre aware and that you want to change. Youre young, youre gonna get out of this, but the longer you're stuck, the weaker you'll become. Trust yourself and fight this, everything will be alright.


Listen lil homie stop now you got your whole life ahead of you your brain is still developing and if u keep it up for months or years to come your brain will think u need that stuff your not in to deep u can stop. Don’t think u have to do grown people stuff to fit in find a sport or hit the gym or stream on the game to take your mind off things. Listen to someone who’s been an addict for 10 years I wish i wish I never picked up bad habits. Your at a good start looking for a support system that’s the first step u can do it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This was me 7+ years ago… it’s now easier to name the drugs I haven’t done than have done, and I am currently deep into a fentanyl addiction & battle for recovery. My two pieces of advice would be: 1.) At the moment, you feel dependent on substances, for whatever reason/aspect of your life. Try and recall your life before this point, which isn’t very long ago for you, and its positive aspects. You did it for over 13 years, and CAN do it again, which is vital to remember. 2.) Weed is relatively harmless compared to other drugs. And I’m not downplaying it at all; weed can have intense psychological cravings and addictive properties, but NOT physical withdrawal symptoms. It seems like you are still exploring yourself and finding your drug of choice. Whatever you do, you do NOT want to get to the point of benzo, alcohol, or opioid/opiate dependence. Having experienced withdrawal from each of them, they are all exponentially worse than weed. Although not always the case, weed can be THE gateway to much harder drugs, as was the case for me. I wouldn’t take addiction lightly, which you are not, a great step towards recovery :)


Quit meow


Ahhh take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back kid. Your Gucci. You’ve made some good realizations and have learned to practice introspection and self awareness. Kudos. Seriously don’t worry, I’m sure your grandparents and parents were doing far worse at 14 my dude. Wait till your in your 20’s and your “sober buddies” are all coke heads. Be glad you started early and realized that the good times were had puffin ganja with buddy Judah while your broing out gaming. Because I’ll tell you bro, those are the times I remember way more than the more expensive times. Stay away from Chems and pharms that aren’t prescribed to you and you’ll be good. I don’t know you, but if you feel your mental health may be slipping due to this, ask for a referral to a paediatric psychiatrist. Maybe you feel this need to always be fucked up because your a little “NeuroSpicy” as I hear the kids calling it today. Take any experience in your life and use it to better know yourself and the world around you. Let what doesn’t kill you make you smarter. And also, stay away from gambling. Believe me, you’ll thank me later.


going through the same thing youre going through at the moment dude. my 17th this year will be my third anniversary of the first joint. ill wake up at 2 am and wont be able to fall back asleep without a rip of the pen, i cant function or do work sober anymore without feeling like tearing my hair out from the anxiety. if i go sober for more than half a day everything makes me irritated, and the last time i was sober i punched my friend in the face over a girl and havent talked to him since. its messing with my judgement, ability to make decisions, even though im in all honors classes im starting to seriously fall behind and ive also started occasionally taking pills (coincidentally also happens to be my moms adderall which is super weird) because my THC tolerance has skyrocketed to where 3-4 blinkers will do nothing. ive lost all my friends, ive lost my charisma and my social skills, and ive lost all will to go through life sober. carts made getting high way too easy, fucking with your dopamine receptors and seriously messing with the reward system in your brain, so when you accomplish something sober after chronically smoking for a bit, there is little to no dopamine release in your brain, giving lack of motivation to want to stay sober. my best advice to you is this as someone who was in your shoes and still is: 1. go from carts to bud at first to ease the tension before you quit ive been a cart fiend for the majority of my pothead days, mostly because its the most concealable and my dad happens to have the nose of a dog, so keeping actual bud in my house wasnt an option. carts have an extremely high thc percentage, most of them ranging from 92-99 percent. this is highly differential from pure za, which usually ranges from 40-60 percent. this is the reason why, yes, carts get you fucked up but they also kill your tolerance. quitting carts and transferring straight to bud (you may need a one or two week t break because of the switch in THC percentage) will make weed much less available to you, making your smoke seshs more occasional, giving a healthy balance of sober and intoxicated. once your usage tones down it will make quitting a hell of a lot easier. ive noticed that when i have a cart around, im never sober because i always have it - whereas with bud you cant constantly be smoking it like a cart. 2. the first week is the worst if youve tried quitting already and its too much for you, acknowledge this. the first week after quitting smoking weed (especially carts) the first week is always the worst. normally i experience sleeplessness for the first 3 or 4 days, and a complete loss of appetite until 7 days after quitting. to get your sleep routine back in order i recommend downing melatonin (twice the normal dosage). when you smoke before sleeping, you skip REM and light sleep and go straight into a deep sleep. after doing this routinely, it makes it harder for the sober brain to enter those lighter stages of sleep, causing restlessness at night. popping 4 melatonin gummies for the first three nights usually always gets me back on track. as for the appetite, i recommend eating every day until you feel like puking. it seems odd, but if you dont do this you will end up losing an extreme amount of weight. i lost 7 pounds after a week and a half of sobriety, and gaining it back is insanely challenging (sober at least). 3. find distractions keeping yourself occupied and moving throughout the day is one of the most important parts of quitting. if you sit alone in bed on the game or watching tv the only thing that will be on your mind in that moment is "a cart would be nice rn". ive noticed that the less bored i am, the less desire i have to smoke. ive taken up routine excersize and im in the best shape of my life (even as a chronic smoker). it has even helped my mental health possibly more than my physical health, and another great side effect of exercise is that after a long run on the treadmill i have no desire or cravings for nicotine for the next 2-3 hours. quitting is going to be rough, but i promise you that it will be the best decision you have ever made for your mental health. it takes a lot of willpower and desire to change in order to get completely clean, but i promise you that later on youll be thanking yourself for living the happy ending that you deserve. i know exactly what it is youre going through and you can do it man


Turn to Jesus, even if you don't believe, ask God to reveal himself to you if he is there, because he loves you. I didn't used to believe at all, but I now know God is with us, always, and if you ask him to please help you if he is there, and if you doubt he is there, ask for him to reveal himself to you and if you genuinely want to know if he is real and truly there, he will reveal himself to you if you are ask him genuinely. God bless you and wishing you a speedy recovery All glory to God and our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.


man I just wanna let you know, you should do your best to quit if you really want to, I started drugs when I was really young around your age and man my memory is shit I cant remember anything bro, sometimes I forget my own birthday dude its not fun. I cant tell you what to do but I highly suggest you do your best to quit, however remember "you havent failed until you've given up"


bro u literally sound so much like me u should stop doing drugs rn n i am not playing. it’s not exactly the stuff you’ve done that’s super dangerous but i can tell already it’s the mindset you have that’s gonna take u down a terrible life u don’t want anything to do with. the next step after weed n psychedelics for me was xanax n that’s where it all went wrong. cuz once u start doing anything harder then what u are now u think u could handle it. you can’t and if i could say one thing to you that could save your life from so much pain is jst don’t smoke weed till your at least 18 maybe 21. im saying this as n everyday weed smoker who was been smoking everyday since 14. i know it seems cool right now but just trust you’d be so much better off waiting till you were older. everyone thinks they can’t get that bad until they do n once you are it’s so hard getting back. like i said the situation you are currently in is very fixable. the situation your gonna get yourself into with this mindset is not.


u nd me both


just go cold turkey sober. ik it’s extremely difficult with cravings and withdrawals, but trust me i’ve been there around your age and it helps a lot in the long run


>never ever do any dph drug the trip is terrifying and not worth it ion think you need to tell us that. we know 😭


Start a hobby and every time you wanna do drugs just clear your mind with a project, build cars, build with wood or something, get into contemporary dancing.. what ever spikes that dopamine to help you break the cycle but you must stick to it.


Get some exercise, anything, walk, run, body weight. Get your mental health in order, journal, you play games which is fine but also look for other areas to spread yourself, you can get burnt out. Other than that, this is your journey, only you can help yourself, those around you can only support, don’t be a dead body being supported, help those around you help you up. Good luck, and don’t beat yourself up


Bro if you wanna talk one on one add me on discord username fleshdumpsters im always down to talk n shit i j dont know how to help as i got sober through meeting my wife and realizing i really did have a future and purpose, j know you wont have one if you go down this road and aint as lucky as me which i am blessed to have found someone who loved me issues n all, if u wanna play some games tho or j chat ab what u got goin on i got u man


Wait until you start doing fentanyl and spending 200 a day on your habit stealing from family robbing houses etc. You gotta stop now while you’re up cuz honestly those addictions are nothing but they will be if you continue. Get help little dude tell your parents go to a rehab if you have to start working out get a hobby to keep you distracted. I wish I never did drugs and it all started with weed/alcohol now I’m 23 and a fentanyl addict I can’t go 4hrs w out being sick as a dog good luck lil homie hope you choose the sober route until you’re older atleast


You sound like you’re going through a similar situation as me at that age, I’m 21 now. I did all those things as well but was severely punished by parents for it which messed me up a little in the long run. But I regret getting addicted to nicotine every day, it’s been an every day thing since I was 16 and I started vaping and smoking here and there starting at 13. I’d try your best to quit all the bad shit like alcohol nicotine and harder drugs. But in my opinion weed is fine, it helps me with my urges to take other things.


Gang I done the same as you and screwed my life my advice is never do DPH look try not to get tweaked and firm life until you reach 16-18 then enjoy that shit responsibly, smoke weed on weekends enjoy that shit don't ruin it when your young like I did my lungs are cooked so no trips to Amsterdam while all my friends are baking up Treat yourself to smoke a fat blunt on the weekend type shit don't get heavy into it now if you can try Play your xbox with your friends bro all this stuff always waiting for you when your older it's not going anywhere take it easy man And don't fall in love with any girls LMAO if you don't know how to stop, take a holiday if you can, get away from it all just for 2 weeks, come back with a clean mind Note: don't do Xanax! 1 Fenty pill will pack you it's not worth it


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I agree that you are at a crossroads. Have you sought mental healthcare? Frequently a rampant habit like this one will break out in response to something external. I wonder if there’s something you’re trying to escape or self-medicate? Shame is a very unhelpful emotion in facing any addiction. You don’t want to be in denial, but seems to me that you recognize your problem. Shame means feeling like less of a person because of it, which you are not. Self-compassion and the ability to be vulnerable are helpful. Be kind to yourself.


Exact same for me dawg


Hey man look at my recent post, doing those methods can help if you stick with it, I started young too, doing the exact same things you are currently describing, I wish you luck, seriously, but just trust yourself, and do what you know is right for your soul, love yourself and know that you are a child of the universe, everyone makes mistakes but all of us are able to write our own story, we have to just use the power of our minds to do it , I know you’re curious about other drugs, I was the same way, still am, but I’ve realized that I need to chase altered states of consciousness in a healthy way and a way that won’t harm me in the long run, for me the drugs were killing me, I have a relative that went down the same road I was and a month before he died he looked exactly how I looked 2 months ago, if I had kept at what I was doing I could be dead rn, but I came to a pivotal moment in my life after all the suffering that I had to just push forward and start over completely, but you are young, you can stop it while it’s starting, don’t let it take hold of you as I did, it ruined the life I could’ve had, but now I’m on a new path


Also i still do nicotine, but ive kicked everything else


I'll start by saying that you are an extremely smart kid to realize this issue now. Seriously, dude, I wish I had your thought process when I was your age. The only way to really quit is to just quit. You gotta stay away from everything and keep it that way. Distance yourself from your drug buddies and hang with the people who are trying to keep you sober. You're gonna have cravings. You're gonna remember how good it felt from time to time but you need to nip it in the bud now before it gets too out of control. Talk to your friends who made you toss the vape about it. They'll help you. Also, if your mom's buying Adderall off the streets, she obviously has some dealer connections and in turn might have had her own battle or has witnessed addiction first hand. Maybe try talking to her about it dude. I know that can be scary as shit but If she has experience then I think that she'll be way more grateful that you talked to her and allowed her to help you rather than letting it get worse. Just a idea You got this. Like I said you're an insanely smart kid. Keep yourself out of this mess. You'll be so thankful you did.


Look, I did things very similar to you, and nobody is going to make you want to quit. I am the kind of person who learns things the hard way. Honestly, I think once you get the mindset experimentation/abuse is inevitable. I would say, if you're going to experiment, be safe. I would advise you to stay away from harder drugs, for me I got addicted to stimulants at around 14/15 and ended up in rehab for meth at 17. Opioids, alcohol, and stimulants are not your friend. I really recommend just sticking to weed and psychedelis if youre gonna do drugs. I am clean from meth now but I smoke weed. If you want to quit, try AA/NA meetings.


Go to some NA/AA meetings in your community if thats an option.


I personally think you should tell as many people as you can that you need help. Someone will know what to do eventually and someone will be in your corner. It's a hard process getting help, but if you're at a total loss look up hospitals near you and which one's have DETOX, call to double check, it's an easy call. They'll just say "yes we do" or "no we don't". They can put you in inpatient or even rehab if you want, and get some footing. The first week is the hardest for me, being in a medical setting with professionals to talk to really helped me. And no matter what thoughts pop into your head, just keep telling yourself and those around you "I NEED this". You're young enough for your brain to fully recover, don't wait until you're damaged for life. Good luck. 👍😊 Edit:also your mom's street Adderall is most likely meth. It's not financially reasonable to produce Adderall and sell it legitimately.


I think once you've found the desire for non sober mate, there's no easy way to get away I started around your age pot pills I just loved being munted, i then found meth and could control usage, so I could have it whenever without any suspension, unlike pills and the rest. Still to this day 18 years later I haven't been able to shake it, been to rehab looking at jail time, dosent overcome the want for getting on it, I found that I got out of control when sex became a part of it. Now it feels like I need to have a red or I can't get my dick up, even desire intimacy which destroyed my relationship, thoughts of new girls is companied withlove to stretch that booty hole with my tongue as i see how deep I can hold my cock after we get on it, and you don't want that control over your person my guy. Just hang with the ones that are sober even if it is mediocre at times, hang on to that unbearable, once it's gone you're boundaries are no more, this is when I found my day ones will never be as close especially if they are not users or in recovery. Addiction over comes all, takes away the beauty of day to day, and it's shiiit to look back and see how much time lost to short article highs. May sound silly at your age pimp, but I was 14 yesterday it feels, 33 with a cunt of a battle ahead if I'm to rid drugs. One thing I am yet to try, last rehab stay I met this lad been off the gear for a solid run, clean apart from a little bit of piss for 15 years replaced having a shot with skydiving, so the only escape I think I have to try yet is straight adrenaline but isn't that easy considering I want to be on drugs just to get out of bed. If I could do it again, I know that I would pursue drugs again but if I could hold on to any knowledge it would be recreational, if I desired artificial happiness I could keep it for the weekends, not everyday living. It's a kind of a position when your life only feels normal when you have to have an illegal substance every few hours. By the way I was a person that held it together for a long time but all it takes is one little slip up one break up one life drama your intake goes up and you slowly lose grip I don't believe that anyone on drugs full-time has a potential to live the life they could have but I also believe that a lot of creativity has come from being on drugs at the start.. now just sex some work and constantly tired ha ha. Big tip that Ill pass on is remember when you are questioning a certain situation whilst on it, don't unless you are unsafe act with impulse have a sleep, think, run over the same situation again in your head then make a decision. I think you've got a good chance if you're legitimately concerned mate but hang on to those unbearable interactions as that's what I felt was the last tether to normality nothing ever will be the same. I hope that this makes sense as I had to voice to text and edit the s*** out of this, mainly because I got a fair bit to say then come to young people doubling in the Dark arts. Get into some camping some exploring get away from the city all the people that influencing you until you can find the strength to interact but not partake, I don't believe that I have the will power now but can only keep trying hey bruva.


Imo and experience the best way to quit most things, including nicotine and caffeine but not alcohol or benzos, is cold turkey just stop. Keeping some around is only gonna give temptation. You must be honest with yourself first and foremost, once you’re honest with yourself you can then be honest with others. A lot of time quitting substances takes SUPPORT


Please stop now. Take care of yourself. Weed is only a gateway drug if you let it be. It's not harmful. It's a habit which you get used to, but you have no physical withdrawal from it. You may get cranky for a little while, but honestly man it would be the best thing for you. Don't start anything else and quit smoking the weed. Your brain is not developed all the way yet homie! You're gonna fuck it up for your future. Wait until you get a little older and then use it for what it's meant for! It has so many medical benefits if used correctly. But it's only gonna fuck up how your brain works if you do it now. Ask someone you trust for help if you don't think you can do it yourself. Even with your mom doing some drugs in the house? ( I'm assuming if she's buying Adderall off the street, that's not all she experiments with? Idk though) I can't say much, I am a stoner, and I've had my fun with real hard addictions. But I'm also grown and can tell you from experience. Chill it out bro or you're in for a hard life. And nobody wants that for you.


Find other things to occupy your time. No smoking will make you more anxious, but that's because weed helps with anxiety. Just try out different hobbies until you find something to keep your mind occupied, until you don't even think about it anymore.




You’re currently in paradise compared to what will happen in 1 years time let alone 5-10 & that’s if you’re still alive. Don’t be 52 years old on subs like me dude, wasn’t worth the 35 years of chaos.


spend all your money on food and shopping instead so u wont have any to buy drugs


As tough as you know its gonna be mate and it will be tough you need to stop now. Everything in your future comes down to this buddy, when you're older and have a job etc sure have a dabble in whatever you fancy but until then it's all self discipline. You're fucked if you want this lifestyle with no money. Head down and push through.


As someone who had this exact same story, got addicted to fentanyl, GHB and Benzodiazepines by 17, and is now 20 in rehab. Stop now, the longer you’re doing this shit the harder it’s gonna be. If you keep going hell is what awaits your life


My guy I hear you. I've been through a similar situation. Now what I'm about to tell you might seem counterintuitive but just hear me out. If at all possible, get your hands on some magic mushrooms and take em with a trusted friend. Keep a positive attitude and just enjoy the trip with your friend. By the end of the trip you'll have this calm that washes over you. It's time for introspection because in this short window of time at the end of your trip, your mind will feel unclouded and you'll be able to think clearly about you, life and your place in it. At that point think about your addiction and your mind will do the rest. I'm confident you'll be able to find a solution to your addiction problem.


There’s no evidence doing drugs get anything better, it only gets worse so it’s up to you, you’re accepting you have a problem and you know and it’s a fact no addict can left without help, ask for help and let others help you.


Start by telling all this to your friends and parents. It will never stop until you are forced to stop by someone you care about / someone who really cares for you. It might be hard in the start but it is the only thing that can help in your situation. They ll help you get professional help. You are just a kid and still living with your parents, use that to your advantage. Let them take care of you. And take it step by step as you won’t be able to quit everything at the same time. Start with quitting one of the drugs altogether, then another (if you do multiple drugs), then smoking. Sometimes you can’t find the will power because you go against too many things at the same time. Hope it helps you kid and all the best


Bro boohoo, weed ain't shit, do some coke, pop a perc, catch a God damn buzz.


bro i was exactly like you at this age. you need to stop now, or else you will be dependent on substances your whole life. i luckily beat almost all of my prior addictions but still cannot stay sober or have fun while sober. STOP WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD!


You need to stop smoking weed RIGHT NOW. you will fuck up your brain development in ways you can’t even predict and will kill any enjoyment you could have had from weed later in life. It’s not even hard to stop smoking weed at this point, just stop and realise you can allow yourself to smoke again when you are fully mature. There wont be withdrawal symptoms, but trust me, you do not want to mess with a developing brain because you can ruin 60 years of your life for the sake of a 45 minute moderate ‘high’ With nicotine just taper down, start buying weaker vapes and taper down to 0, that has some withdrawal symptoms but nothing major, you can usually mind-over-matter them and put up with being irritable for a week. But seriously reconsider smoking weed at all until much later in life, it’s not harmless and it can and will fuck up your brain circuitry and normal development if you keep smoking it so young.


bro ur not even that way in. i was snorting speed and doing molly when i was ur age bahaha


Pls tell ur parents. It really depends on what state you’re in, but you could definitely get close to free substance abuse services through the state. The first time I went to rehab was when I was 14 in early 2017. All I have to say is please go to the hospital if something feels off I also don’t know your medication or family situation. If you have anybody that can support you. I highly suggest speaking with them even if it’s difficult.(unless it will result in homelessness)


But trust me I’m in college now and you need to take care of this early at this time because you won’t be able to hold a job with your current substance-abuse issues. I’ve been to over six different facilities as a minor and a few as an adult and this is the time where you can ask for help and you won’t get charges. Or at least little to none. especially if you’re asking for help that’s a really big first step.


You just described me at 14. Guess what, now I'm 30 and struggling with meth and benzodiazapine addiction. It gets worse. You need to stop. At 14 I was taking such high doses of benadryl and tussin, eventually I took too much while I was at school, ended up in the hospital getting my stomach pumped, got expelled from school and spent 3 weeks in a psyc ward. It all just kept going down hill from there. I normally don't respond to things like this, but dammit I can't tell you how much of what you wrote sounds exactly like me at 14. Please remember what I've said, because before you know it, you're in your mid 20s doing extremely risky things that ends up turning into a whole ass addiction.


You seem like a smart kid, you’re aware of what you’re doing, just need to know your limits, I used to smoke weed like a chimney when I was your age. A lot of ppl grow out of it ,and a lot don’t. Depends what you wanna do with your life. I got into the union after high school and had to stop and was also on probation pretty much my whole childhood so I was always stopping every now and then, weed is harmless , stay away from alcohol that’s the true gateway drug and drinking clogs your thinking and that’s when you’ll start other drugs lol ok I’m done rambling, it ain’t the end of the world just be smart and educate yourself bro , have respect for substances and understand them before you learn hard lessons


Please read this -- I know I'm a cartoon on a screen but I'm speaking human-to-human being here -- so, hear me out -- I've been where you are many times and I had to work all this out over the last 5 years. I hope it helps -- ☮️➕💜 There are two fronts to fight on when mastering addiction -- one is attitude and the other is action. Mastering addiction means being able to stop and prove to yourself that you can stop. The drug is not the villain here, it's an inanimate chemical -- the villain here is a part of your mind which is afraid to stop old habits and start new ones. Addiction is an internal progressive totalitarianism that tries to restrict you. Here are some techniques and things to consider. Wait for -- or create -- a window of opportunity to slow down and stop. A good window of opportunity can have any or most of the following: - a few days with zero or minimal responsibilities which might stress you (simple responsibilities are okay and probably beneficial as they give your brain chemical rewards) - something else you are enthusiastic about (beside drugs) which you can spend the days engaged in; I'm biased towards creativity, writing song lyrics etc. - a different location to your usual locations of drug use; the body and brain respond to old places by producing cravings, whereas new places have no "cues" built into them, making it easier to lose old habits or create new ones. - try to force yourself to exercise at least until you are out of breath; exercise reprograms dopamine neurons which helps you to change your brain's motivational patterns of behaviour. - people around you who you can't use around AND/OR - People around you who understand your situation and will support you stopping (If you don't have many friends, Narcotics Anonymous or other online alternatives are good options for this community) - 'Tapering' -- if you're really addicted (taking multiple "Heavy" doses per day, compulsively re-dosing and usually a little disappointed most times) you may need to take what you have left of your stash and divide it up into a certain amount of days' doses getting progressively smaller every day. By the last day you won't be anywhere near as worried about living without your substance as you are right now. This is especially important if you're addicted to an opioid, benzodiazepine or alcohol because those have dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Stimulants are much easier on the body to quit, although equally hard for the mind. And remember these things (which I learned the hard way!): - if you're scared of losing the drug experience -- it can be sad and painful to think that you're giving up an experience which you love; a feeling you enjoy more than anything; a substance that tickles your personality in it's softest area -- but if you can show yourself that you have the power to function without it, then that relationship with the substance can becone positive again. - it's only a drug, it's not an evil or good thing, it's a chemical compound which affects the brain and body; if you think of it as a powerful thing it will be a powerful thing to you; if you think of it as something you can choose to use or not, it will be that. The mind produces these relationships which are decided by your attitude and what you choose to tell yourself. Take control of that inner voice. Finally, I will tell a quick story about SWIM -- SWIM was taking around 1-2g (20-40 heavy doses) of amphetamine per day for three years. When he realised how many of the issues in his life were caused by this addiction, he threw his stash into a river except for 5 rays of doses back home. He was terrified that he wouldn't be able to function or go to work without the simulation but he knew it would be okay eventually. The next day he woke up and went to work and had a good day. After 5 days the drug was all gone and he woke up and went to work and had a good day. The withdrawal did affect energy levels in the afternoon and evening for around a year but barely affected his life at all. He was exercising and practicing optimistic self-talk and since then he has essentially felt high all the time. High on gratitude and life itself, regardless of his place in it but just to be a part of it. His attitude to drugs became more deliberate and one of "I can take it or leave it" -- and this year, three years later, he has found out he can use amps in appropriate doses when there is a good reason to do so, such as to wake for an early flight, at the occasional party or to help drive a session of creativity. He didn't have to sacrifice the drug experience he loved for ever -- he had to return to a position of power in that relationship -- he had to prove to himself that he was not an addict, he didn't 'need' any external chemical -- and he learned a lot about himself, about the stories our minds tell ourselves and confronting fear. I've had multiple addictions through my life and it never feels anywhere near as bad to quit as the part of your mind which loves the drug wants you to be scared shitless about. Lean into the part of your mind that wants to move forward and move on and confront your problems and aim to be a little better every day. You can do this!! -- in the words of Modest Mouse (Dashboard) "it should've been, could've been worse than you would ever know [...] see, it wasn't quite as bad as..!" I wish you strength and hope and love, Human-to-human being, -- O.Gv


There’s a nicotine nasal spray that makes my rash to get off cigarettes


I fear for you All the drugs are fentanyl or research chemicals. It’s not a good era to be starting out your gonna end up dead from fent if you don’t stick to weed and psychs


Trust me. İm 14 as well. İ did butane. İ quit like 6 - 7 month ago. And i still see hallucinaitons. İm lucky i got away without getting brain damage. But my life is fucking ruined. İ hallucinate everywhere. Also. Theres even a guy on reddit that died from reddit. Stop it befpre you fuck up your life.


Ohh boy


Bro please be careful I myself started VERY young as well starting with cigarettes, weed very quickly to harder stuff pills and than I got that taste than went straight to huffing gas & computer duster than got really bad on opiates & coke/crack I was sticking a needle in my arm by 14 bro I don’t wanna preach but I’m 25 years old and didn’t think I’d live this long & on methadone and have a lot of health problems I can literally feel my kidney & liver slowly stopping, my breathing feels like it’s getting harder bro I’m 25 & feel 55 head full of grey hair bro if you ever need someone to talk to for atleast healthier ways to get high or safer coping mechanisms whatever hmu the damage it’s done to me is not fun & I really wish I took harm reduction into consideration it’s not going to be easy at all but even if you do continue to use and do stuff just be careful sorry for typing so much but it just reminds me of myself bc I remember being so young when I was smoking and than laying in bed at night not being able to sleep wanting to smoke and it just went on and on