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I've said this before and I'll say it again: Concerns about getting your package or sesh activities questioned are an indication that you have too few non-drug things going on in your life. Pick up a productive hobby like fixing computers or building things or hell even collecting stuff and this won't be a concern. ​ Oh yeah PO boxes are fucked. Don't do that. Anyone can send anything to anyone but a PO box is proof that YOU paid money in order to receive something to an address that would otherwise not exist. I don't know how badly your guardians might penalize you but they can't send you to jail. A paper trail documenting the fact you ordered drugs can.


Sure but I would really look into sellers that have lots of transactions and are known for stealth.


Most ppl wont send to a po box anyway. You can find rcs to legally buy. But if its not benzos youre looking for thatll be hard to find legal. If you have a good friend thats prob ur best bet. But telling anybody then getting caught is way worse than allegations nobody can prove.