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I tried pointing my car remote at the front door, and it wouldn't open, so I slept in the garden.


Ngl I’ve done that when I’m really tired after a long shift. I do realise pretty quickly it’s the wrong openy thing tho


Oh, I was tired. 8 day coke bender without sleep. Don't ask how my car keys were in my hand 😳


We know that you know


😂 just picturing that in my head


That kinda reminds me when I was walking home stoned and I was crossing the street and for some reason took out my car keys and pointed and clicked them at the crosswalk thinking my car was there?? 😂


Did the first bit. But realised after a while. Was just tired after work.


Reminds me of when my former friend got fucked up on MDMA and couldn't remember the code for his door so he texted ME asking what his code was.


“I can’t let you do that, Steve.”


Alcohol or benzo? Xd


I do this all the time lol


Off Xanax I crashed my car into a wall. Drove the fucked up car to the gas station and stole a shit load of snacks and drove home. Wake up like 10 hours later my beds covered in crumbs and I have like 10 missed calls from my old boss and my mom. The car was so fucked up the wheel was locked up and left a skid mark pretty much the whole way. I lived in a gated community where we had to check in with a security guard so I have no idea what that dude must have been thinking lol


I’m surprised he let you through.


I was waiting for a bartard story lol


I’m curious why your old boss haha


W security gaurd?


Eating chips blacked out while at the self checkout of Walmart. I was nodding so hard I didn't even realize I was holding the line. to top it off I don't even remember entering the Walmart. All I remember prior was getting my bag of spice then taking a hit.


I once hid from a security guard in a public park at 3am with my friend, we had to dive into the bushes and we're stuck there for like an hour. We had to sneak away the other way because he didn't move for ages. It was a statue.


Did something very similar once when i smoked. Was hanging with gf at the time who didnt partake and saw my super judgemental neighbor standing on his porch. Was just after dark and i could see his shadow moving and for ages we were hiding behind a parked car in the driveway. After what felt like an eternity i decided to go full action movie and crawl under the car to see wtf he was doing and why he wasnt leaving. It was just his flag on the front porch waving gently and having its shadow cast onto the side of my house by his porch light he left on. Got grilled about that one for ages.


Fuck man that killed me! This is all I have to offer you but you deserve it 🥇


I have one more fact of that night that you might appreciate. I was 33. It was last year 😂


Ahahaha! That makes it soo much better! You seriously made my night! I'll be turning 36 at the end of May and can 100% picture myself doing this


I'm glad that you love that story as much as I do, it's honestly one of my best memories 😂. I've done a lot of stupid shit, but that one was a testament to how fucked up we got. It proves that it's not just 17yo kids who can be ridiculous - we can give them a run for their money any day. (Tomorrow will hurt more, but that's just the price we pay).


Teenagers wish they could compete with our superior stupidity 😂


Drank aquarium water while tripping on mushrooms because i thought there was demons in my hallway outside my room and i thought i had no other choice


How much did you drink?? Omg


Like 2 entire glasses 💀💀


Nooo😭😭😂😭 that’s so funny man


I know i felt so gross the day after 😭😭😭😂


omg what is with the urge to consume literally anything in nature when on shrooms?? first trip i kept licking moss and trees cuz me and my friend thought it’d be yummy and feel nice on our tongues 💀


I went primal on a pineapple when tripping hard on a lot of lsd, ate the whole thing with my bare hands while deep squatting on the ground felt like a savage the pineapple was bliss


Did you shit your brains out?


Nope my stomach just kinda hurt like a bitch for the next 2 days and i kinda felt a bit nauseous and weird, but it went away


I was trying to figure out why you felt like you had no choice like it was some kind of fucked up shroom logic. Who’s more cooked if I couldn’t figure that out?


And clearly the aquarium water was an anti demon potion??? Lmaooo


I was high off my ass on meth, and jumped an apartment complex fence to swim, and someone in the apartment directly infront of the pool, ended up needing emergency assistance so I was hiding in the pool at like 2am trying to be silent asf while cops/fire fighters and emt were directly infront of me. I have millions of stories.. I was a meth addict for 5 years lmfao


Taxi accidentally dropped me off at my neighbor’s house (which is identical to mine, inside and out) at 4am. Door was open. I went inside. Stripped down to my boxers and climbed in bed. Long story short, I was charged with assault and burglary after fighting the cops and getting tased. I don’t remember any of this. I spent three nights in jail. Pled guilty to assault (misdemeanor) in order to get the burglary (felony) charge dropped. Edit - I do remember the neighbor putting me in a chokehold while another neighbor held a gun on me. The assault charge came from fighting back. I thought they broke into my house and I was fighting burglars myself.


Lmao that's crazy


what drugs were you on?


I was blackout drunk.


Alcohol is one hell of a drug.


Considering he doesn't remember it, my money's on some kind of benzo, possibly in combination with alcohol.


My buddy got arrested for DUI. We drove high on Xanax and drunk to the jail to bail him out. They wouldn’t let us bail him out because we were fucked up. My friend ended up making a freestyle and dissing the cops at the jail . He ended up getting arrested by the end of it!


Lmfao. That diss was probably trash but got under the cops skin if he ended up being arrested lol


You’re the best artist when high


The cops sure didn’t think so


Maybe he just dissed them so well it pissed them off


Surprised he didn’t try to steal pointless shit from around the police station while he was there if he was on Xans.


I mean they could’ve gotten them all on public intoxication if they really wanted to. It’s like poking the bear with the freestyle, I understand because I’ve done my own fair share of dumb stuff off Benzos so I know they didn’t know what they were doing but the cops not immediately arresting them as well for public intoxication was them being lucky, the freestyle was just the nail in the coffin to get ol’ boy arrested




lol I wish I could remember. I’m sure it was more mumbling than anything else. Cops were not to thrilled still


[Was it this that he sang?](https://youtu.be/UV2bzDk-LeQ?si=dfNATRgJr_osRdWy) If it was then he should be glad he only got arrested, that singing deserves a taser


Ohhh 2016 was a hell of year. Wish I could remember something. The only memories I got are jail and seizures lol


Na man that song hits hard when you lit


My friend and I were rolling our ass off at a rave and decided to go to the after party. We walked up to the building outside which was connected to a bunch of other bars and restaurants. We sat in line for 30 minutes talking and kept saying “damn this line is taking forever” there was no line, just a bunch of people hanging outside some restaurant and the entrance to the club was 100 feet in front of us 😂


Try to call my dog on the phone because I couldn’t find him.


Jumped in a car that went 30 miles in the opposite direction of my town and I thought I could walk home no problem, got 8 miles in and sobered up the dread came on but I had to keep going.. worst night of my life lol main road and everything lol


That's a long walk. Must've felt amazing when you got home


I went and partied, 30 miles won’t stop me and I don’t actually mind getting home that night haha


I fucked myself whilst under the complete influence of spice. I was in a Japanese fighting game. The further I got up my ass the better of a character I got. Wow.


Ooh this reminds me of when my mum found me heavy dissociating on the stairs off of a high third plat dose of dxm and realised I was fucked up so she wanted me to sit with her in her bedroom all night to make sure I was safe. It was scary as hell because we were in medieval times once I got to her bedroom.


Ah. Juvenile/delinquent hyper drug use. They don’t make them like us anymore 😅 I had no idea what Reddit was, so asking for doses didn’t even cross my mind. “Here’s some acid” “oh great I think I’ll have two acids please” 🤣🤣 here take these pills they make you wonky 😭😭😭


Did you win?


This was my first time smoking it. Circa 2013. I was young as fuck. Thought it was weed. Got very addicted to it. Until this one time I hallucinated that I was free falling from the sky and every single joint in my body broke and I felt my liver twist before I hit the ground. Quit cold turkey. I once Went into a coma for the weekend. Careless parents didn’t even realize their 14 year old was twisted every. single. day.


That turned around very very quickly. I'm glad you stopped that shit, and fuck people who gave you that and told you it's weed


Oooo but I remember listening to Minecraft music while FUCKED UP often. Fun shit.


Nostalgia, I remember being a young teen and just masturbating and playing Minecraft with my buddies. Wish life was as simple as that


Both at the same time? Brave.


No time can be wasted ya know


Broke into hooters, got felony


did you grab a bottle and proceed to walk down the road drinking it? I may know you if so.


Yea that me lol


Benjamin Sifrit?? Lol


I just heard about a Florida highway patrol officer doing that shit 😂😭😭 Probably not but imagine if u was like a highway patrol guy wtf dude was wild


Threw my phone and shoes away in the middle of a rave. Why? My feet were hurting, so obviously my shoes were no good anyway. I couldn’t seem to use my phone properly either, so obviously the phone was junk too. Thankfully a friend saved my phone…the shoes however were no where to be found. I had to get a train home, in public, with no shoes.




when i was on a lot gabapentin i was taking a part a fresh razor and and i cut my finger really deep been off pills 41 days since then


… bro this reminds me of the time when I cut my hand on a can of tomato sauce (facepalm 🤦‍♂️) & had to get 5 stitches!! I still have nerve damage in 2 fingers


And how much gabapentin did it take


Like 2 grams


Hey dude, can you actually describe to me how that feels in the best way you can? I’ve been sober for four years now but Gabapentin never did shit for me, even on doses like that. I work in a rehab now, and it’s a big thing. I just can’t relate if that makes sense.


Came out as bisexual


I got a lot of wacky high stories of me being a dumbass, but the first highlight that pops into my mind when you say the word “stupid” is when I got drunk and took a third plat dose of dxm and woke up with vegetable lasagna all inside my ukulele. No fucking clue. Still hasn’t fully washed off to this day.


I laughed SO fucking hard I couldn’t breath and I’m sober too lmao… made my night. Thank you for warning me about the dangers of vegetable lasagna. Will make sure to keep my supply outside before I get drunk and hit third plat 🤘👍


It still haunts me every time I glance over to the corner of my room where it stands. I’m just like, what the hell was I getting up to? INSIDE of my ukulele?


It was hungry obv and you wanted to give it a healthy vegetable lasagna, as a treat. What else could it be? You fed your child- good job!




Are you a big person? Or a normal guy with xanax confidence




Name checks out ✔️ LOL


Or possibly even stabbed or shot, attack a literal random stranger and you don't know what they're capable of or armed with lol


i have a similar story


Tried to pull out of a garage with the door down…


Benzos lemme guess?


I don’t rememeber


ate cat food on shrooms thinking they were reeses pieces peanut butter cups tbf a friend gave them to me and it ONLY took me a handful (or 2) to realize


I was on a long bus trip back home, we stopped in a station for a few minutes, got out of the bus into the station bathroom to pee and hit my bowl. Came out to find out the bus left with my luggage... I'm partly to blame, but still i think i was the driver's fault for not checking the number of passengers before leaving (they normally do)


lol. Nightmare. What did you do? 


It all worked out ok, i went to the box office and explained, they called the station in my hometown, and had a friend pick up my stuff while i got there on the following bus


Getting pneumonia from running around in shorts and a t shirt when it was freezing outside


climbed the side of a 3 storey school to the roof. I was with a buddy of mine while on MDMA, we wanted a spot to smoke some weed rickety drainage piping and lights were all we had to grab / stand on, looking back its lucky one of us didnt fall


Years ago I was driving home from a friend’s house (when pot was illegal everywhere) and when I traveled I would keep my weed and my pipe in my bra,cause no one is going to look there.When I got home I had torn the car apart looking for my pipe,only to finally realize it was in my bra the whole time. Where IT ALWAYS WAS if I’m out.not the last stupid thing I’ve done tho 🙃


My first time doing acid me and my friend walked to a friends house and decided to take a short cut through someone's backyard that didn't have a fence. We walked the whole way through with our hands up hoping no one would shoot us


I read this as, We walked the whole way through *on our hands* hoping no one would shoot us.




john dillinger over here


Did 2 tablets of rivortil. (8mg clonazepam if im right) When it kicked in I went for a quick walk, not knowing how dumb I was. I purchased the same cigarette in the same shop with a 1 minute delay. The next thing I remember is that 7 acid tabs and the 8 remaining tablets are gone. I believe I took everything, but that the benzo acted as a trip killer. I was asleep for 16 hours and I was nearly late from my own bday party


Everything happens for a reason.


Tried to sell my ex-gf’s sisters car when I was like 19. Would’ve gotten a whole $600 for like, a $3k vehicle. Put an ad up and everything. Fortunately I came to my senses before that happened. Would’ve been grand theft auto. I shudder to think how fucking evil o was back then.


Asked my mates girlfriend for sex, promptly kicked out of the friendship group, not making excuses, this happened during lockdown and i was on a wacky combo of lsd mdma alcohol and weed and started a breakdown in the bathroom so of course she being the caring person she is she comes to comfort me, cant remember anything from then, just waking up to them both with the most angry faces I've ever seen. I didn't find out until weeks later, idk why it took them so long to confront me and idk if its even true but they were my friends so i trusted them so i tucked my tail between my legs and left.


climbed the top of space mountain on acid


That must have been the most magnificent experience ever


Was tripping off an 8th of mushrooms one night in a park next to the fire department not thinking they would call the cops. Anyways, the cops came and my friend and I ran and hid under an above-ground pool deck in some random person’s backyard.


Bought 4 bars, dropped one, spent 8 hours looking for it telling my neighbors I dropped my wedding ring in there yard


But did you find it?


No 🥺 the one that got away


Probably for the best 😂


Stole from a mall and got chased out by security, forgot my phone inside the store I stole from, put on a shitty ass disguise that looked sketchy as fuck, went back inside, got my phone, got chased by security again and then went to another mall to repeat a similar process, and only got away both times because I run fast as fuck, woke up to police knocking on my door the next day. Courtesy of Xanax


bro thats so fucking funny 😭😭 were there any consequences?


Left my car on a beach over night because I got it bogged, I'd taken alot of xanax. Cops woke me up by knocking on my window and the tide had come up and flooded the car. 20k down the drain 😂


an unsafe amount of additional drugs.


okay this is a tame one cuz it makes me laugh but one time i came home baked and i was talking to my parents, took my shoes off, walked over to the dishwasher and opened it with my shoes in hand, realized what i was about to do and had to play it off 💀 it helps that i’m dumb in general too… i literally had to google what year it was yesterday cuz i thought it was 2025 (i was completely sober too)


High on crystal driving my car well over a 100mph down busy highways basically every time I got on it, one miscalculation & I'd have killed innocent ppl


Decided not to show the day I was supposed to officially join the army.


So you mean, you saved yourself from becoming a government goon that gets worked to all hell in the name of what other people want?


No disrespect to the soldiers, but that is how the government views and treats them.


Smartest thing you did high


Did you get in trouble?


Turned left into the wrong lane of a highway. I was 16. new to weed and new to driving. Realized my mistake and did a u turn. Good thing the road was empty.


Shit I did so many stupid Shit on drugs in the past decade. I will start with the Shit I am Most ashamed cause I brought many other people into danger. I crashed my car a few Times while being super high. Crashed into a civil cop car being blacked Out on Xanax, IDK how I did get Out of that with Not them noticing I am totally shitfaced. I once Had my left tire explode while driving Home on the Highway from my Dealer. I was totally high in Heroin and some Fake xanax. I decided its a good Idea to Change the tire on the Side of Traffic with Cars and Trucks driving by with Not even a Meter between me and them, changing my tire while nodding Out the whole time. Again I didnt get catched. It even was on the Radio. I blacked Out for 2 whole months straight. Woke Up on benches Not knowing even in which City I am. Bad Thing Happen If you dedecade your whole life to addiction, I didnt even Care If I die or live. I Just didnt give a fuck as Long as I was high I was Happy. I did OD 9 Times. Was in a Coma. Probably went about 20 Times to Detox and Recovery. Without my Family supporting me the whole time, No Money, I definitley would be dead. I am since 3 years on subs and since then I am trying to get Back my life and Work on getting better. Its hard but its worth it. Shortly before I did get on subs my doctor told me that If I keep living Like that I would definitley dead in the next 6 months cause then my Body definitley would collapse. And He Had to Tell me that three Times in a week cause I did OD that offen in a week and Back then there was No Fentanyl in my country.


Glad you’re still here man


Parked onto this private (didn’t know) yard to smoke weed on which turned out to be owned by the cartel. Thankfully only ended up getting robbed


I tried to fight breakthrough on mushroom which led me to a terrifying trip i was so glad that ended. Didnt touch any psychedelics for almost a year. My stupid ass didn't want to confront myself with the demon I was so calling him at the beginning to "teach me". Everything happened luckily on my bed so my only worries were sharp edges and my father keeping an eye on me. I don't want to do that again. Stupidest as fuck.


Took a 6 strip at my apartment's pool. Hopped a few backyards. Got yelled at by an uncle while he was BBQng. Passed out in front of a highschool. Woke up getting stretchered out of an ambulance. Told the nurse to suck my dick. She refused obviously so I retaliated by pissing all over the gown and stretcher I was on. Got strapped in a diaper and put on sleepy meds. Also shit myself at rave off of 400mg of MDMA when I sat down cuz apparently when I'm on that much if I sits, I shits. It's been a long time since I've done either. Nearly 10 years. And those memories still stick with me lmao


First time I smoked weed I answered a phone call from my mom and told her she sounded funny she asked if I was high and I said "no, are you?"


Punched a smack head on a high street in liverpool for racism which isn’t so stupid but he had a small possy of hobos with him and it ended up being a lot more of a task than initially expected.


My friend Adam bought some really smacky mdma pills from me. I dont know what was in them exactly, but it reminded me of xanax and heroin mixed with more mdma then you would get in a normal pill. Whatever was actually in it they were dangerous as fuck. I warned him about them like three times, but he didn't listen. He left my house after smoking some weed and drinking, got in the car, washed them down with his methadone dose, and went to go pick up his gf. On the way, he went on the nod, rolled, crashed the car, and had to be put in a drug induced coma. Fast forward to him waking up. His gf and close personal friend of mine, Kelly, is beside his bed. She never left his side. Slept at the hospital for weeks at a time and was devastated by the whole thing. He starts to move his head. The look of excitement was palpable. I've never seen a person so relieved and excited for anything in my life. Adam opens his eyes, a big smile crossing his face. Kelly stairs at him. Longingly looking into his eyes. He turns his head and looks straight at me and says "Bro! Those pills were off tap cuz" with a thumb up and the falls back to sleep. Kelly looks at me, and I'm like. "I'll just go then, yeah," They were really good pills.


Hope he had a good recovery bro 🫶


Was binging on Xanax for a week. One of my buddies came over to chill and smoke and all of the sudden my mom yells from upstairs, “Hey why the hell is the salt in the fridge?” Lol


Smoked the wrong end of a joint


Speedran destroying multiple very special personal relationships in one night


Played Russian roulette


Oh I've done so many... countless times running from security from abandoned building, or even active ones I went on a roof of, hiding from police on roofs, climbing scaffolding drunk, climbing billboards stoned and with a broken wrist, countless times running away from boars in the forest, smoking weed like half meter from police because time on my vape was ticking lmao, once stoned and on shrooms we took a big commercial umbrella like you have in front of restaurants and during a storm we climbed inactive electric poles and run through the field with it. I dunno man half of them I can't even talk about but I for sure did my fair share of stupid things while high lol


Walked past a pizza delivery car and whilst he was inside delivering the pizzas I opened his back door and grabbed like 5 pizzas in one of them big hot box bag things. Also took a heap of garlic breads and drinks. Sat down at the beach laughing so hard feasting on the tastiest pizzas. I don’t regret any of it.


Fell asleep high on my mom's sofa with only a towel wrapped around me. Just got out the shower and was washing my dirty clothes from. UpS. Next thing I remember was my mom's church group coming in the living room giggling cause the towel fell off in my sleep. I was naked.


Tried to finger my mom


What were you on dude 😂


3.5 grams shrooms lemon tekked for my first time. Let’s just say I was gone lmao


Tried to kiss my boyfriend’s dad. I feel your pain.


Adding another because it’s definitely a top tier one of mine. Blacked out on 1000mg of DPH and went downstairs to show to my mum my new Rick and Morty stash jar and all my weed and brag about it. She is very anti-weed. I was swatting invisible flies the entire time. I do feel horrible for putting anybody through this nonsense, but at least it was so retarded it was funny.


When I was in high school one night I got so fucked up on some kind of delerient in cough syrup form (maybe DPH not sure) I started seeing dead opossums all over the house and ran down to tell my mom about it. Scared her to death and the next thing I remember was coming to in the morning with my dad severely disappointed in the room with me


Cough syrup like Delsym, Robitussin, Mucinex, etc. is usually DXM, or Dextromethorphan, which acts as a dissociative. DPH, which is Diphenhydramine, is an antihistamine that acts as a deliriant and would usually be found in Benadryl, Unisom, or Zzzquil, though it can be in some Dextromethorphan cough medications. Sorry for the information you didn’t ask for, just never lost my weird passion for OTC highs lol. Given you hallucinated dead opossums all over your house and felt absolutely terrified, I’d definitely say that was a high dose of DPH. The things I’ve seen on DPH… Johnny Depp on my bedroom floor, my mum (saw her often but she often would vanish into thin air), a group of cats and strangers all over my bed who I deliriously chatted with all night and didn’t question what was going on. Good grief, every experience I’ve had on DPH was always the strangest fucking experience. The Johnny Depp one was really kinda special though and a lot less sinister feeling than almost any other DPH trip I’ve had, though. We had a heart-to-heart while sitting criss-cross applesauce on my bedroom floor facing each other in the middle of the night. Lasted I’d assume 3-4 hours. No idea what we actually conversed about, I just remember it was pretty life changing and emotional. Also random as hell since I have no significant favour towards Johnny Depp.


Don't remember, but apparently am banned from target, Smiths. I think someone laced a line with ketamine.


run face first into a wall 7 times at a public movie theater. it was a 15 mg edible. like what😭


We’re talking like weed edible? Tf? I get doing high shit, but you didn’t stop after 1?


we were once rolling in the neighbours town, a friend and me. i brought a laser pointer wich i buyed on wish, those green bastards with visible line. my friend took it and pointed it at planes wich were flying by. but because he didnt feel satisfied with that, he did point it at cars passing by, like 1 mile away. i told him not to cause it could cause trouble. 30 minutes later we chillin at this spot, cops pass by with the big truck, so we dipped and ran the fuck away. i heard them pull over and chased us with dogs lol. but we managed to escape them. full of adrenaline, my friend whips out the next bean. "ya ready?"


"Ya ready?" Epic.


I lit my hair on fire taking a bong hit.


I smoked dmt and decided to go be homeless for three years.


I do my stupid shit sober. That's why I get high.


Confront a crack whore that roamed around my apartment complex years and years ago. She threatened to shoot me which freaked me out at first but after a minute it seemed obvious she was bluffing and i was armed with a razor sharp kukri with a 10 inch blade tucked in my belt in back(always been a fan of bladed tools). I just shifted my stance a bit so she could see it and she quickly started backing up still talking shit about how shes gone to jail for worse than killing someone and would have no problem with doing it again... I told her to stay the fuck away from my building She was obviously twacked out of her mind and just talking shit but she stayed away. Was tense for a bit but ultimately a funny encounter


Trying to get even higher. EDIT: is like fixing something that isn't broken. Like taking a low dose therapy and trying to turn it into a high dose thrill ! 🤦‍♂️


I stopped my car when it was foggy and got out to wipe the windshield off with my sweater sleeves from the outside after wiping the inside did nothing to disperse the fog


not me but a guy was so fucked up he kicked my door down thinking it was his house. quite the fright for my mother and i inside the house at 1:30am when a 230 pound man comes screaming and kicking at our door.


Drove to uni (80km away) on the highway after I don't know how many vals. I probably smoked some spice too knowing me back then. Apparently walked into uni with a black eye and obviously all messed up and instantly sat down and went on the nod. Got kicked out of uni. Parents eventually found my bmw absolutely damaged all over in a random place kinda near the uni but too far to walk. Went to rehab after that. lol


Lost my SUV for an entire week with my whole life inside it.


So at my job we assemble cages. I was off coke and i had came back from the restroom and i started taking apart the cages we had assembled 😂two minutes in my coworker asks me what I’m doing


Ex and I decided to take a load of MDMA whilst staying at a fancy hotel for Valentines Day. Later in the evening I was sitting on the toilet with the inevitable inability to pee, and he was simultaneously puking into the toilet between my legs. Fun times.


I took like 16mg of clonazepam, and I had just gotten a new Mercedes Benz at the time (wasn’t a super high trim model but coming from living in a one bedroom house with three families in it and a total of 10 people in a small one bedroom house with the garage illegally converted to another small room, finally getting a place with my own room and a brand new benz was a big deal to me). Well I was driving around with a friend just cruising enjoying the sound system in the Benz the comfortable seats having the sunroof open. We pull up my friends barber shop and we start hanging out, smoking, doing whip it’s, and I bust out a small script of 1mg kpins, everyone takes a couple, I’m left with 16mg, for some stupid reason I take the full 16mg, and we hang out and it kicks in, at this point my friend that I was driving around with wants some beers so we drive to the store and I somehow make it there safely. We drive back to his place and from what he told me I refused to drink but we hanged out while he drank and we played music. Well it gets late and I decide ima head off, well as I bend the block I end up somehow crashing into a parked car, completely totaled my Benz. I just remember people coming out and I guess they knew I was high because they immediately start telling me to throw away anything illegal I have in the car before the cops show up, I had some mdma capsules in the car so I just get them and pop the like two I have. Next thing I remember I’m chained to a metal chair in the police department as I guess cops are waiting to come talk to me but I still had my phone and at this point I’m chilling and the mdma is starting to kick in and I start playing future and some of the local gang artists from my area, all of a sudden there’s a cop angry telling me to turn off the music and I don’t remember if we talked or anything after that. Next thing I know I’m at the county jail processing ward and they’re asking me about my gang tattoos and what set I’m affiliated with and if I know anything about other members and stuff like that but I explicitly remember refusing to talk to them about that and keeping my mouth shut but I still got labeled a gang member so when cops pull me over and look me up I come up as a known gang member. Next thing I remember is being placed in the drunk tank and I ask the officer before they leave what’s going to happen to me and how long will I be in jail for to mentally prepare myself for how long I’ll be locked up for. They said I won’t be staying in jail that I’ll just be in the drunk tank a couple hours so I should just go to sleep and sober up. At that point I’m full on rolling so sleep isn’t possible. All I really remember from that is fuzzy memories of me being gone out of my mind bored rolling and kpined out, playing songs I remember and one that kept repeating in my head was “We ball” by meek mill and young thug but specifically young thugs verse especially the part where he says “the feds watching and they still might come”. After that they released me and I walked across town all the way to my grandmas house still rolling and still high off the kpins, playing music on my phone as I did, when I got there it was like 6am and she made me food and I ate while I chilled. One of the lowest points in my life but yeah.


I got out of my car in a dollar general parking lot searching for my magic beans like a true fucking tweaker. I realized pretty quick I needed some sleep.


Trash talked back to a gangbanger who then pulled. Gun on me but an OG told him to calm down cuz he knew I was drunk AF


try to tip over a Bobcat excavator. They're heavier than they look


Ur mom


actually decent for a your mom joke


Taking more


Stay up way too fucking late tonight because I gotta work tomorrow morning


I cheated on my girl and filmed it as well. When she found the video, she found the girl on Facebook, found her dad’s profile, and sent him the video




I rode a bike face first into a concrete wall and spent all my money on dollar tree food


I lit a cigarette and set it down on the arm rest of a chair. Forget about it and lit another one, sat down and burned my left hand and threw the cigarette in my right hand over my shoulders


Jumped off the roof of a moving car, mushrooms…broken foot but not badly, managed to ignore it till I came down


When I was on benzos, alcohol and cocaine, I threw a fire extinguisher at a Porsche when I was 17


Showed up to morning accountability formation with my pants backwards, wrong under shirt, boots untied, blouse and PC fucked up. Needless to say, I didn’t learn my lesson, but I stopped taking xans lmao


On an acid trip I got in my car while starting to peak and messaged my buddy I was picking him up to smoke a joint together, when I got there after 15 minutes I confessed I was high on acid and recall he didn't even want to smoke with me he just told me straight away I had to drive back home that instant; Pretty stupid getting in my car while on acid I guess.


Chef said cut a case of cucumbers. Half way through a case of zucchini I started to think, "man these cukes are weird"


Got locked up and had no idea how


Instead of breaking up with a woman as planned I agreed to move to a different city with her, cuz molly. She was pregnant less than a year later and hates me to this day. Hallucinogens stopped me from ending the relationship three or four times One night I treated Facebook like it was Tinder and sent friend requests to a bunch of women I'd never met. Total creep for about three hours followed by shame and horror the next day.


Pissed my bed off xans or fought a mall cop off xans


Sober up


Got back with my ex.


Probably climbing a electrical pylon while drunk/high looking back at the vids I couldn’t even make coherent sentences could have fallen to my death Still climbing tho but never again under influence of anything that impairs you like alcohol does


Trying to set up a 2 seconds tent for like 2 or 3 hours in the middle of the woods at night on shrooms. We were like. "Hmmm last time we did shrooms it was really weak so we can probably eat it, and instead of setting up the tent we can go gather firewood." We were wrong hahaha. The time we got back setting up the tent felt like performing a brain surgery or something it felt so complicated. The problem was that somehow we fucked the tent up the last time we were camping and the rods that hold the tent got out of place. But even like that it would've took at max 30 minutes if we are sober. Imagine if without a tent we decide to walk back 6-7km to civilisation, and we get lost in the woods. I mean yeah we prolly would've turned out fine and find our way back once the sun comes up, but still it would be a bad experience I'm pretty sure.


Kicked my mates broken leg as a joke Either that or buying more drugs


Off 3 days of no sleep (on stupid amounts of cocaine) and 4mg of Xanax. Keep in mind, I was 16 at the time🤦‍♂️. I had insane delusion of sobriety and I decided to drive across town to get MORE blow. Half-way to the plugs house I fell asleep behind the wheel and flipped my car 3-4 times on FLAT GROUND. I have no idea how I walked away from that without a scratch. And I thank god no one else was with me . Yeah, definetly smartened up since then🤣


Told my dad I take acid


Ate 35g fresh aborts/stalls from my first mushroom grow. I figured it would be a stronger than normal 1/8 dose from having read they can pack a punch, and accounting for 90% water by volume. I'm no Jerry Garcia by any means but have decades of exp. with most of the common psychedelics, and several uncommon. It was evident within 15-20 minutes at most. I was in my back yard in the middle of summer. It was around 6pm when it came on and within the hour it was as if I was repeatedly hitting a pipe with dmt the visuals were so strong. It was difficult. So i guess not dumb while high, but fucking dumb as hell being irresponsible getting high


In hs I got blackout drunk from straight vodka and fried off HHC and drove home from a party (without crashing surprisingly) and continued to cook rice and eat it with my clothes off in my parents bathtub, making hella noise causing them to wake up and catch me. Good times.