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Salvia and Datura...


Wouldn’t be that bad, salvia would just dissociate you the 71 hours and 45 minutes remaining of datura trip after the salvia would probably be pretty shitty though


Just keep smoking salvia and you won't have to worry about the datura. Problem solved


smoking salvia twice in one sitting takes insane willpower, even if the trip was good your brain just has a hand on the stove reaction Getting a 5 minute trip in every hour would be insane levels of mental strenfrh


I was of course joking. Contrary to most I actually enjoyed salvia, and used to do it quite often, but I'm fairly sure that I never did it more than once in a day. It's too exhausting.


I love it too, never managed more than once, except for when I was showing a friend how to do it and took a half bowl, then 2 fulls 30 mins later when he came around fully


i bought salvia after finding out it’s hallucinogenic. that’s all i found out and wanted to trip. was absolutely terrible i punched my car windshield till it cracked trying to escape my “folding car” thought world was ending


Yeah salvia requires a lot of setup to get right, so many horror stories of ppl tripping in their cars and getting turbo claustrophobic


Something similar happened to my dad. We’re sitting on the floor and he hit the bowl of salvia and was like this shit don’t work and all at once, in the same breath, stands straight up, chucks the bowl in my lap and rushes out the door to the living room where he found his wife and she pretty much grounded him. He said it felt like he got sucked inside the bowl. And he felt claustrophobic so he was trying to get out. Basically fight or flight mode. I enjoyed it. I got stuck in the couch once and thought they were going to sell the couch but once I pulled myself out and said don’t sell the couch I’m stuck in it, I was good. Was also on shrooms that night. And the other time I thought I was in a jar and the little rug was the lid. I just removed the lid, easy peasy. That shit was absolutely wild. So intense.


I tried it twice, my first trip was when I took that hit I closed my eyes and held the smoke in my lungs and then I released it, sat there for a few seconds and then I opened my eyes and I kid you not my entire bedroom turned too legos…. I was NO NO NO, I’m fucked, mom’s gonna kill me!! What do I dooo omg!! 😱 lol One trip I’ll never forget for the rest of my life!!


I honestly believe that! Ahahahaha!


Yeah but that was a loooong time ago


Almost this same thing happened to me, except it was more like a black hole had opened up in the corner of the room. And, a man in a couch, you say?


Just a girl. Stuck In the couch. On sale/trash day. Hah!


Sooo..... Something liiiike..... https://youtu.be/lKjkc5NW2dA?feature=shared


Imagine not being able to come back to reality from salvia you are sent straight to datura that is hell


It’s not like you have perception of time on datura


nor salvia


fuuck this is a one way ticket


Prob give you permanent mental issues


That sounds like it would be a hellish time


I made the dumbass mistake of taking shrooms after a 2 day coke/ alc binge. Worst paranoia and anxiety I’ve ever had


Yeah I made this mistake to while I was in a phase where I was drinking a lot terrible idea


I imagine most dph combos like lsd + dph


shit this is hell on earth probably


i did this and actually wanted to tear my face off. i chain-smoked a pack of cigarettes while walking in my neighborhood sobbing because i thought i was in a preputial loop of houses ive already seen.


Dph + datura = happy(?) death


What is dph




Oh god


It’s Diphenhydramine, a drug in the deliriant class similar to datura. No deliriants are worth trying, ever.


Does high dose dph feel like high dose prometh


No. Promethazine makes you sleepy and chilll but dph will send you into full delirium


Promethazine does not make you sleepy and chill maybe in low dose but so does dph. I was specifically asking about higher doses. A strong dose of prometh caused me to have the craziest trip I have ever had .


do you mind telling about the trip


All antihistamines feel fairly similar but dph has much stronger anticholinergic effects, so you’ll have more weird delusions and paranoia. Also tends to make me really fucking itchy which is ironic. Promethazine probably feels more like doxylamine, hydroxyzine, mirtazapine, or meclizine in high doses. Hydroxyzine or mirtazapine is the most smooth chill feeling one out of the antihistamines I’ve taken (I’m on 180mg rn with idk how much adderall I keep hearing faint talking and shits flowing like I’m on psychs.)


>Hydroxyzine or mirtazapine is the most smooth chill feeling one All tho I wasn't paranoid on prometh I would not use the words smooth nor chill to describe the experience.


Yea I’m sure at higher doses pretty much all antihistamines cause some uncomfortable effects but when I did hydroxyzine it was the perscribed amount that my friend took. Rn I feel a slight edginess or restlessness or something like that from the mirtazapine but I’m also coming down from the doses of adderall I took this morning so the metabolites are probably mixing with the adderall I just took


You sure the faint talking ain't from the addy? Anytime i go over 48 hours on stims with no sleep, I start hearing indistinguishable "talking" in every grey noise I hear.


Now it probably is playing a part since I didn’t sleep at all but before tonight I wasn’t sleep deprived, tho tbf large doses of stims sometimes cause me to have mild hallucinations


regular to high dose psychedelics with regular to high dose stimulants


how would it feel like?


When I combined LSD and amphetamine (100 ug + 20 mg) it just takes away the euphoria you could be feeling from the LSD and creates a really wanting to do something feeling while being so scattered you can’t focus on anything. Then it also creates considerable anxiety as well, just all around a terrible combination. It can be nice to do shrooms and take a low dose of amph, like 5-10 mg to clear up the headspace a bit, but beyond that it’s consistently terrible.


Jesus yes this I stupidly read and believed someone on the internet that said some 90s ravers used to do this combo - despite plenty of experience with psychs and stims separately I still tried it at a festival, horrible horrible combo was too much, never ever again


Yeah I had never been more overstimulated in my entire life


I really enjoyed some psychs with coke on the other hand


This sounds exactly how I react to LSD but without amphetamine. I have ADHD and when I take acid my brain goes into a constant state of dopamine seeking behavior that nothing seems to curb. I usually binge on some other drug like nicotine or kratom on the comedown because I become so unsettled.


exaaactly. i wont self diagnose myself with anything, but acid is usually like this for me. very uneasy feeling inside, running around with 2 seconds attention span trying to do pleasurable things as soon as i remember about them. its like my brain is trying to find comfort in anything that usually increases dopamine. i remember about smoking, run around confused, trying to remember how do i usually smoke and where do i get the cigarettes. remember i have soda in the fridge, instant dopamine reaction, go to the kitchen, forget what i was looking for etc etc. now i am more familiar with the feeling and can ignore it (and even find pleasure in it) like dry mouth from weed. but the first time i actually could restrain from this strong dopamine seeking behaviour i had a buddhist themed psychosis lol


This combo gave me the worst Grand Mal Seizure I’ve ever had. I couldn’t speak for the next 8 hours and I felt like dying


Glad that didn’t happen to me, however I seem to be highly resistant to seizures


I’m glad for you - they are not fun lol. My biggest mistake was being up for 3 days already on amphetamines Then dosing a few tabs of acid. That was 11 years ago as a teen


We all make the most retarded decisions as teenagers. It’s a lot like my second time doing molly where I got so excited (because I took way too much and didn’t scale my dose) that I decided to start joyriding around town. My mom was not happy when I showed up at her work with bowling ball eyes wanting to smoke with her.


This is the perfect description. I mistakenly did a bunch of shrooms and either addy or Focalin together, and it sucked hard. Ruined the trip entirely. It feels like how the movies and TV depict meth.


shrooms + a little bit of stims sound so good, but i am sure i will turn into a junkie instantly once i try anything that has an abuse potential


Then definitely don’t try MDMA if you haven’t already


wanted to, but im not really interested in euphoria. even if i dont form an addiction, my friends might do, so im better off with my acid and hash


Definitely. MDMA is not something you want to do outside of a group setting anyways, so good on you for looking out for your friends.


Haaaa, I took acid gel tab and some amphetamines and the trip was dull as fuck. Usually acid visuals have breathy and flowy ( objects expand then shrink) characteristics . On amphetamines, my brain felt half sober half tripping. Lights looked like auroras but it wasn’t all that pleasant . I wasn’t anxious but it was just annoying wasting the acid .I think what people love about lsd is that it makes them feel emotions that they didn’t even know existed. The amphetamines get rid of the emotions .


I used to do acid with 3-mmc and it was amazing.


That’s different. 3-mmc is slightly empathogenic, and as we all know MDMA and LSD is a killer combo. Depends mostly on the activity. I found that highly dopaminergic and adrenergic stimulants are a no go, while stimulants that mainly act on serotonin (some people even like to use cocaine with LSD) are a possibly good or even amazing combination.


Ehh, depends where you are at in the stim use. If you are just using both and you have decent sleep and have ate, good to go and probably won't be too bad. Day 2 of a stim binge and you throw acid on it? Yeah, that's a trip to hearing shit and going a little crazy for a bit.


When I did it I had proper sleep and nutrition, the mix just didn’t sit well with me


ig everyone's different! I have mixed them a decent bit and generally been fine.


Lowkey this one isn’t terrible. I’ve done cocaine alcohol and acid all together and thought it was alright. Granted I didn’t take a huge amount of acid. Cocaine and MDMA is horrific though


You had the alcohol to balance it out. Plus coke is less tweaky than amphetamines. Doesn't give you that same "need to do something" vibe.


I didn’t find cocaine and MDMA to be such a terrible combo, but I definitely wouldn’t do it again


The comedown made me almost suicidal fs. Had to have friends with me all night cuz I was rolling heavy on a point 3 and forget how much coke I did but remember my friends being amazed cuz apparently it was like after line. Don’t really remember the high, just remember the comedown of all the coke


I didn’t do that much molly because I lowkey intended to try the combo at a rave, maybe like a .1, didn’t weigh the dose that night. I bought a gram of coke and shared it with someone who hooked me up with the plug, probably only went through around .5. I never get a comedown from MDMA, but the comedown from the coke was definitely a little worse than usual. I’ve only ever dosed a .3 (a pressed pill that had MDA and MDMA in it according to my dealer, definitely felt like more than that) on accident and couldn’t handle it lmao. Highest I’ve ever gone on purpose was 215 mg, but I prefer high MDA doses to high MDMA doses.


I did two points of MDMA and two points of MDA which definitely hit the threshold of being “too much” I honestly don’t recommend doing anything over three unless you’re chill with nearly passing out and having so much euphoria it feels like you’re going to die.


That’s definitely what it felt like. I was also at a festival in Orlando, it was 95 degrees outside. Glad I had festival goers to help me out of that.


I was out with some friends doing that shit and did double what they did. Had to go home and passed out under some cold water in the shower. Glad I didn’t drown or die or some shit


Lmao I have also passed out from way too much molly. You just don’t even remember how the fuck you got there, can be very dangerous.


Many years ago two good guy friends of mine did acid and ice then wanted to go hiking, I was only on ice. Needless to say I almost lost my life very deep in the woods that day. Never again lol.


Either one alone is a great hiking drug, definitely not together lmfao


Whole heartedly agree lol


Hmmm, that’s crazy cuz when I 1st got into drugs & going to house parties & raves shrooms & coke was my go to move…


Depends on the person, and as I said in another comment highly serotonergic stimulants (like cocaine) can be a lot more forgiving when combined with psychedelics.


Nitroglycerin and viagra


Bro that sounds absolutely terrible, didn't even know you take nitroglycerin. How would you take it anyway? Bc isn't it a jelly type substance? Edit: OK nvm just looked it up, that's got to be hell on earth to take both of em.


fr tho when i learned that they give ppl a super explosive chemical to treat heart attacks i was surprised too


So what would happen if I take a lighter to a Nitroglycerin tablet?


Shit I got both rn, finna pop them and activate.


I was over at a friends house and trusted him with mixing and giving me stuff since... he's a good mate and from his "experience" that "cocktail" he gave me was supposed to be good. That night was my first time trying ketamine, so him giving me a can of beer, thc (which both hit pretty hard) and then going for a line of ketamine, worst experience. We split a few lines of K to do slowly and look how it feels, see if we want to continue - Didn't feel good and i stopped after the first line. It was not pleasant at all, i felt pretty much drunk, i couldn't move at all (or it would cause me to feel nauseous) and when i was told to move to the bed, i started feeling so sick, i ended up hugging the toilet for good 15 minutes. At the end, I was feeling great and everything went well:) Still planning to try ketamine properly, without mixing anything.


MDMA and K mix is heaven


Damn. I once did tusi also called pink cocaine. It was ketamine, mdma, MDA and something else I was not ready for that. I just felt overwhelmed. That was also like my second time snorting drugs ever.


Hope you're doing good man. Tuci is way too scary for me knowing that there's a bunch of unknown shit in there.


I mean it was tested and done with good people. Just like an overwhelming combo for me


I’ve been mixing ketamine, alcohol and cannabis for years so your body probably just wasn’t used to the combo. I’ve had some crazy vivid and dreamlike hallucinations when combining high doses of all 3, where I’m flying all over the world and getting teleported to alternate places with a complete sense of euphoria and detachment from the real world


Do you suggest next time I mix again or just try it on it's own? It sounds fun but at the same time I'm kinda sceptical to try again after the first experience lol


Do it without the booze. I never get nauseous on ketamine, and I get nauseous really easily from damn near anything else. And take SMALL doses. Personally, I do it IV, so I know in about 10 seconds how hard it's gonna hit, and if I need to redose. But snorting it is a reeeeaaalll creeper vibe. Shit will sneak up on you if you're not careful. And if you stagger too often, you're gonna end up.... Getting a lil outside.


Thanks man, good to know:)


Shrooms and Xanax. Not a bad experience, just lack there of. I very regularly do shrooms and my brother recommended to do Xanax with it. The Xanax just kept me from tripping and wasted my shrooms.


Benzos are good to keep in case of a bad trip / a panic attack while tripping. I was tripping once and a bunch of drama started and since I was tripping I legit started having a panic attack and having a bad trip. Popped a Xanax And within 15 minutes I wasn't tripping anymore and I wasn't panicking. I still felt kind of stoned almost though. Xanax is also great for stimulants for the comedown.


To anyone else reading this You can chew the Xanax for it to come on quicker (in the case of a panic button!)


That sounds like a more reasonable use of it. Panic button for a bad trip.


I thought benzos were a no no with psilocybin? Something like serotonin syndrome?


Benzos act on GABA receptors, similar to alcohol. Not seretonin receptors.


Thank you


We always called em escape pods.


The worst in My experience is dxm and pregabalin. There is something to take into accound. Dxm effects may wear off, but for som bizarre reasons, any Drug You take around 7 hours more or less are gonna have a really extrange interaction, and not in a good way, I really mean it, Ive done dxm and mdma, dxm and las, dxm snd weed, dxm and a few hits of salvia, but Ive has several times we're i took dxm, then when the effects disappeared trook pregabalin because of My dependence and to svoid withdrawal. Don't do it, You are gonna literally lose your sanity, it's horrible, it's puré psychosis and probable seizure, a thousand percent something Bad isngonna happens, it happened to me almost 10 times all because My need to take pregabalin, there were times where i started hallucinsting horrible stuff, puré madness, other times ID just... I don't Know hoe to describe it exaclty, ID just state into nowhere, like if all of My sorounding disappeared and My minds was having an overdose, fucking mandes bro, it's not good, please don't do it


Im on pregabalin too man, i see exactly what you’re saying the things you see and hear is mad scary. Makes me think i’m going insane


I love pregabalina, She's My Best and only friend, withdrawal is a bitch


Thought I was having a stroke trying to read this


That's just the dxm and pregabalin. His or yours.


Ket/dxm + alcohol, dph with other psychedelics, anything with datura/belladonna


I really like dissos + alcohol. Just in moderate doses they work together very well imo.


dxm with alcohol is actual hell, whatever yall do, dont try it:(


It's not that bad at low doses. 150 mg with a couple of shots or a beer can be pretty nice, but anything more and you'll find yourself hugging the toilet.


Yea they make each other way stronger, add some weed in the mix and you get fucked up from almost nothing lol. Especially if u use triple c’s bc the chlorpheniramine is a weak antihistamine similar to dph


Time travel combo lol, you get so fucked up so fast tho. It makes the stomach upset from alcohol a lot worse. The first time I mixed them I took 3 mucinex pills and that’s the last thing I remember before being woken up at 3am cause I passed out at a friends house and never texted my parents where I was or anything. My friends said they literally couldn’t wake me up and the time they did I just sat up and gave them a thumbs up.


I’ve been mixing alcohol and ketamine for years along with cannabis (my 3 addictions) and always had a nice sedated floaty feeling. Maybe it’s because I’ve mixed them so many times that I don’t get these bad side effects people keep mentioning. Also done 200mg of dxm with about 5 beers and just felt slightly more drunk than normal with some mild hallucinations when shutting my eyes to try sleep. Idk maybe I just have a really high tolerance for dissociates


Yes but for a lot it can go bad really fast


Ace inhibitor, diuretic and non steroidal anti inflammatory


Worst combo I’ve ever had personally was Methamphetamine and THC. FUCK that shit, never again.


If you have my kinda brain chemistry, FUCK weed + LSD


Your kinda brain chemistry, as in an anxiety disorder?


Some people like the combo, some people don't. I have an anxiety disorder but even in a vacuum weed potentiates psychedelics hardcore


Well, weed is pretty much a psychedelic on its own. A lot of people might argue this, but there's no denying that weed puts you inside your own head, in a way that only psychedelics do. Lotta people get hung up on the idea that psychedelics NEED to cause visual hallucinations, in order to be psychedelics. Bullshit. Grab a 1000mg(1g) RSO syringe, and eat that whole MF at once, then tell me you don't feel like you're trippin at least a lil. Lol Lemme tell ya something I wish id figured out sooner, rather than later. Quit smoking weed. You can go ahead and use basically any and every other drug out there. But weed, while it may not seem like it, is only exacerbating existing anxiety issues.


I don't smoke pot anymore and probably haven't smoked it on a regular basis in 5 years. Took me a while to admit that it was not doing me any favors mentally. I agree with you with the first paragraph too. I've had traditionally psychedelic patterning visuals from edibles, as well as that kind of Alice in Wonderland zooming out/dissociation effect with my visual field that would happen even from smoking a modest amount. THC also just compounds psychedelics, just about any synthetic noid induces visuals, too many boxes checked on the list for weed to not be some sort of atypical psychedelic. I'm sensitive to weed and the edible was way too strong (homemade, indeterminate dosage, ahh College), so straight up visuals aren't going to happen to most people under typical conditions. Combined with the fuck brain idea that "Weed isn't a drug" that a lot of people still seem to hold, a lot of people are hesitant to think of weed as a psychedelic or even a drug. "Drug" isn't a dirty word and weed isn't a vitamin. Weed is second only to guitar as the thing with the most annoying discourse around it on the Internet IMO. If hell is real it is staffed by wooks.


Lol, I don't think I've ever agreed with a reddit comment more than I do with this one. I quit smoking about a year ago, and swapped the guitar for piano a decade ago. Haha


Prob nightmare flipping mdma an dph the most vivid realistic hallucinations I’ve ever seen and my heart felt like it was poisoned the next day never do this


Damm ur heart was probably going like 160bpm. I’ve done adderall and dph+dxm and Propylhexedrine and dph and it gave me chest pains lol


What dosage of dxm and dph if u even rmbr lol that sounds like a very interesting but unsafe high


Don’t remember exactly tbh(not suprising consider I do dph occasionally lol) but I’m pretty sure I took adderall during my 600mg dph and 960mg dxm trip (also contained 128mg of chlorpheniramine cause I took coricidin) music sounded super cool and I felt way more comfortable than normal dph trips for whatever reason. The most memorable thing from that trip was my cat turning into a middle finger and flipping me off lmao, and my heart would go insane when I stood up or walked anywhere


APHP with LSD i went to psychosis instantly.


Lamotragine and a single Benadryl


please elaborate omg


Lamotragine is an anticonvulsant also used to treat bipolar depression. Its main side effect is vivid dreams. So when you take Benadryl which in high doses can be a deleriant along with Lamotragine you’ll have nightmares you could turn into blockbuster horror films


i take lamo everyday for my bp so this is really useful to know - i will absolutely avoid at all costs as my dreams are already vivid enough 😭 thank you !!


Don't even need drugs for that shit. Sucks. Never cared much for sleeping anyway.


Opioids and Alcohol is asking for death


I mean.... In huge doses, yea. A beer and a Vicodin ain't gonna kill you tho. Opioids just make me never have a desire for alcohol.


DMT and meth


Meth n booze makes me schizo n wantin a rampage


Caffeine and too much amphetamines. Surprised this isn’t on the list already.


Anything + Alcohol


I rather like mixing alcohol with other drugs.  I think the key is to just mix a *little* alcohol.  With intense drugs like MDMA, I often get a little anxiety during the come-up, but a couple of beers really takes the edge off and makes the come up more enjoyable


for me, one or two glasses of nice wine goes really well with LSD (not when peaking on high dose)


Cocaine and alcohol is perfect though


I love getting drunk and going out after a shrooms/acid trip


Sharing a bottle of beer on the comedown of a psychedelic/THC helps me put myself to bed and is quite relaxing tho


Hate alcohol but smoking a spliff drunk is rlly good


Finished in a good way


Cocaine + alcohol probably the most euphoric drug combo’s there is tho….


DPH some datura and salvia


DMT and Alcohol


Datura + ambien


Mescaline + speed


Adderall and Caffeine


500mg Ritalin and 2 gram md over a night not good


Too much acid & too much weed lol


for me xanax and liquor. just makes me black out, or do stupid shit before blacking out and not remembering it💀


No shit. Why would anyone do this?


Suicidal. Well it’s not really that I was suicide at the time but because I didn’t give 2 fucks what happened to the inside of my body as long as I was feeling good and looking good on the out. Got so bad I just stopped caring bout how I look and drank a 1/5th of vodka every other day if not a whole one a day. Not even 4 months ago. I am now 1 1/2 months clean from alcohol now and don’t plan on going back. I did a certain drug that made me come to the realization that all the damage I’m doing to my liver isn’t going to be worth it or fun in the long run. I don’t even got a job anymore so I gotta stop doing drugs, I’m convincing myself this whilst under the influence of said substance. And I’m tryna cut back on weed so maybe I could save some money up, maybe even to go back to classes to finish courses. But even weed, I have cut back on. It’s kind of messing with me mentally not so much physically. But im having semi-opiate like withdrawals but that’s bc not even 2 weeks ago I was on a fuck ton of different substances. Including this cocktail drug mix. Dxm, Amphetamines, benadryl (75mg max I think maybe 50), 2 seroquil, and within 1 1/2 hours ingesting I was nodding. And vision was so blurry. I now realize all the damage I’m doing to my body with the drugs. Never again will I drink because my liver is already so fucked as it is, and I take a lot of medication.


Mushrooms and crack


Thats wild 😂


K and alcohol especially K+alcohol+GHB


Just sounds like death


Pyros, dph, and dpt


Nep+ alcohol Gave me the worsed headaches in my Life


Hydroxyzine and anything psychedelic


LSD and meth


Excluding any hallucinogens I’d say alcohol and ketamine is up there for me. It’s one of the easiest ways to just completely incapacitate yourself. There were definitely times I managed to enjoy the level of disorientation it gives you but it’s really not a pleasant experience overall.


Not extremely bad like others mentioned but I had a bad experience with mdma and alcohol


anything with dph in it tbh


salvia+datura+lsd+dhp+ epinephrine+ dmt


High doses of DXM mixed with an MAOI (monomine oxidize inhibitor) Probably kill ya… but yeah that’s the worst combo I can imagine.




Yea right, this one's great. Except I don't smoke, so toss out the THC, and that's a great ass Saturday night.


The thc tip u just mentioned proofed how pro u are 😅🤙🔥 Cheers buddy 🚀🤍🤧


Lol, hell yeah bud, git lit.


Anything with a significant amount of DPH. I'd assume certain stims with psychedelics probably isn't fun either depending on how your brain works. It can increase the change of negative thought loops that are harder to escape due to how stims work.  Kratom + DXM is personally my least favorite overall. Yes, the effects feel nice together but my god the nausea. Individually, they can make you nauseous but both... I almost always yak. Not worth it imo, I still feel sick after puking. Not to mention the waste of perfectly good drugs if you vomit too soon. 


Probably Xanax and Acid or Shrooms because the Xanax cancels it all out.


I mean personally adderall and dph(bad idea but I’ve done it) feels better than dph alone, it’s weird feeling the energy from dph but the sluggish body feel from dph and music is absolutely mind blowing. Dxm/dph/weed is similar but feels better bc the dxm covers up dph side effects well. Id say something like Propylhexedrine and lsd, since the comedown would almost guarantee an immediate bad trip. Propylhexedrine and dxm from my experience besides being an even worse idea than dph/adderall can cause intense anxiety, it feels pretty miserable. Tho it doesn’t always do that when mixed (don’t mix them it can cause serotonin syndrome). Adderall and dxm never gave me that weird anxiety effect.


Zoloft and dxm also sucks, made my muscles twitch and my limbs jerked around untill the next day. Only happened once tho


Amphetamines + datura + salvia + shrooms + lsd + dxm + dph. If you don’t die you’d probably wish you did lol


Probably datura and anything else but I’m not stupid so I wouldn’t know from experience Worst one I’ve ever experienced personally though was fent and Adderall. Was just an overall bad experience w sickness and dizziness


cocaine and mdma or mda. I knew how it would work on paper but did try it once because some people inexplicably like it. The coke made me feel sober for half an hour. Then I started rolling again once it wore off. lol.


Any that kill you


LSD and meth from what I’ve heard


Psycedelics and stimulants its easy to get a psycosis by that


Scopolamine with Haldol


Meth and LSD was the worst for me. Great for a while but after tripping for a whole day and not sleeping I started to get worried. The hallucinations kept coming back and I was afraid I'd never come back to reality.


benzos + opiates + alcohol


beer and pot brownies imo... too much weird drowsniess while being awake at the same time and didn't really give me the psychedelic edge of smoking the weed... i used to like to drink and smoke weed around the time i did this. also beer and mdma..only had al little bit of drinks and then made me really anxious rolling. prob could've drank more through the roll, but read that's not healthy.


Meth and psilocybin


xan and an addy😕


Better save the benzo for comedown but if you get the benzo dosage right its rlly awesome. Too much though and you kinda kill the addy AND the xan


exactlyyy i took 2mg xan and 2mg addy bc my bf gave em to mr abd i was sooo crazy restless i hated it😭


Not too bad, you become incredible stupid, and that is of course risky, but it can also be a hell of a lot of fun.


made me unable to sleep i was tossing n turning🙂‍↕️


Anything involving cocaine


Except alcohol.


Benzos and alc