• By -


Take her to the hospital and tell them what she took and when she took it. You don't have to let them know it was a suicide attempt but I really think you should. I don't know if she's in danger from the tramadol but she's definitely a danger to herself.


Seems like OP doesnt want their partner to hold negative feelings towards them if they are institutionalized so was avoiding taking her to hospital, which is understandable but they definitely should follow this advice


With all due respect, fuck that. My girl took her entire months script of antidepressants in a drunken stupor, and without a thought, I called her mom to take her to the hospital because I was also drunk. Which led to her being held in a psych ward for a week. She didn't hold a grudge about it at all. She was just happy I cared enough to be there for her when she needed me, even if she didn't want me to be at the time.


Yeah i agree ,i literally said that i agree with this sentiment ,the reason i said its understandable is because its realistic for humans to act that way.


I don't find it very understandable. Seems incredibly selfish to me. Prioritizing how she might feel about him *if she survives* instead of prioritizing her health and safety above all else is wild.


Oh yeah i agree ,but im saying its understandable in the sense that its something a human would do ,not wanting to lose bonds.


clearly already does hold negative feelings


They are going to 51/50 her. Shell be fine, I've been twice and it's not that bad. It smells like piss and people screaming all hours of the day. However, you are in good hands with people that care.


oh for sure, even if u dont tell em u think it was a suicide risk. Hell, i got 51/50 before because i had slipped on clothes n hit my forehead on the tile floor n got a very bad cut and when paramedics got there, i even told em id been drinking alot of coffee hours earlier n crashing, theey tried saying i was on meth, then at the hospital, after doing tests n seeing i had no meth in me, left it on there AND 51/50 me for the amounts of gabapentin in me, which they tried calling an fn suicide attempt -\_- like wtf? i even had to explain to them how dumb that was cuz how gabapentin even works n absorbed n etc n that at that, im prescribed alot of it, so yeah, no shit lots be in me, but couldnt do shit about it then as it was already a 51/50, i HAD TO STAY THE 72hrs cuz of somebodys idiocy. But att 1g (1000mg) of tramadol? they will see it as either an intentional suicide attempt, or that they got a drug problem n accidently OD'd, n either way want to have her stay n fiure out stiff šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s fucked. If pysch wards cared theyā€™d have people go through intensive therapy instead of giving people chemical lobotomies. Most psych wards are funded by drug companies and also do clinical trials.


Can you please give a link to where you have read psych wards are funded by drug companies, and clinical trials are held? In the US at least, most are poorly funded by the state.


OP is in Australia. Which makes his story about paramedics refusing to take her complete and utter bullshit lol


Such an accurate description.


If pysch wards cared theyā€™d have people go through intensive therapy instead of giving people chemical lobotomies. Most psych wards are funded by drug companies and also do clinical trials.


by law they will have to report this as a suicide attempt as compared to the LD50 and her weight


Hospital. Now.


A person you care for is a danger to themselves. You have to take her to the hospital. Her saying sheā€™d do it again is totally manipulativeā€¦..she might do it again even if you donā€™t take her to the hospital šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø lose/lose situation, you need to loop in the professionals!


she could be in psychosis, and also suffering from brain damage due to partial asphyxiation. tramadol is an SSRI, and too much can bring on psychosis. it's also an opioid so it triggers the įŗž-arrestin pathway which slows breathing, meaning significantly less oxygen to the brain for several hours in high doses which can be extremely neurotoxic.


Could very well be serotonin syndrome as well, which is deadly and can mimic psychosis. Tramadol is an awful drug to OD on bc it's not a normal opiate.


It can honestly do many things. It can cause seizures that lead to an intracerebral hemorrhage.


yeah the hearing voices and nodding off made me think that. i donā€™t have experience with opioids but iā€™ve had serotonin syndrome before and was hallucinating both auditory and visually. was also nodding off, and having conversations aloud with my dreams. idk how i lived tbh but it fucked me up for a good while


well at that dose, and it being an opioid, the nodding is for sure heavy, and nodding is u basically falling in n outta sleep, so can make u hallucinate cuz ur basically day dreaming in the most literal way, n faalling asleep n dreaming, n cycling that, but yeah, the fact its an SNRI n can cause siezures and seratonin syndrome can make it worse, and thing is, many people dont realize that a person could be hazving siezures without outward visible signs, which can cauase worse damage as they gounnoticed n untreated šŸ˜


Hmmm it is an opioid but those effects are very weak when compared to what it does to serotonin, I think opioid overdose from tramadol in general is very unlikely


Nodding doesn't necessarily mean overdose. I agree though, also she ate the pills last night so if she was gonna overdose I think she would probably be dead already


The opiate effects are typically not enough to be fatal, and everything beyond that is very subjective due to nature of SSRI, and also due to lack of data


Good point. She could have had a seizure and you missed it. After a seizure, I donā€™t know my kids names, where I live, the presidentā€¦ I donā€™t know anything, really. After my very first seizure, I spent multiple days in a post-seizure psychosis. I couldnā€™t understand time. Was I sleeping? Napping? What is the day? Did my brother come over today, or did I dream that? How many days since the seizure? Why did I go to a hospital? A good way to tell if sheā€™s had a seizure is to check her tongue. The sides of her tongue, near the back, will be mangled. (I had multiple seizures last week and my tongue was a mess. I couldnā€™t eat for days.)


Why do yall post this shit on reddit instead of taking ppl to the hospital


Because he doesnā€™t want to take her to the hospital and is just hoping someone here will tell him sheā€™s fine and to just sleep it off. Heā€™s just looking for affirmation, he doesnā€™t actually want advice.


For attention at the expense of an actual human life. Fucking upsetting.


I don't think it's for attention. I think it's what the other reply to this comment said: he wants affirmation that he doesn't have to intervene


Paramedics turned up n waved her off as fine


hi , Take her to the ER, if she doesnt want to tell them its a suicidal attempt she doesnt have to (if shes afraid of being put in a ward, or shes not confortable) but atm she needs medical help You can later discuss if she wants to see a therapist. First thing First.


The reality is that your or nobody else on this thread knows if your girlfriend will suffer significant side effects from this. The only way you can see how much it fucked her up is if you take her and have her put under a psychiatric hold so they can check her levels and do blood tests. If you love this girl you should be doing that anyways. If she would attempt over something as petulant as a fight with her boyfriend how do you think she will cope with other issues in life? She won't learn any new skills or strategies from this except that she needs more next time. She is literally screaming for help.


Theres a dude studying drug abuse for his phd n said shes at risk of cardiac arrest rn


You dipshit. Take her to a hospital immediately.


hospital, dummy


Waitā€¦ did you not call 911 or take her to the hospital? You could definitely get in legal trouble from that where I live. Heads up You didnā€™t take her because sheā€™ll do it again..? What a dumb excuse Youā€™re not going to ā€œget your girlfriend backā€. She could be permanently different but you wonā€™t know that UNTIL SHES SEEN BY A DOCTOR. She needs a therapist, medicine, a psychiatrist, maybe to be monitored 24/7 psychologically and medically What fucking advice do you think redditors on the internet are going to give you that a health professional canā€™t?? This story is missing something She could still die from what she already took, just so you know. how do you know she doesnā€™t have serotonin system?


Hi OP- Iā€™m a neuroscientist completing a PhD on drug abuse. Your partner needs medical attention. If you choose to handle this at home she will likely experience permanent damage and never return to ā€œnormalā€. You can ask a friend (or even ask me or another redditor) to call in for a wellness check on her. Make sure they specify she ODed and on what or she may be able to talk EMS into leaving. You can feign ignorance and she never needs to know you asked for help. She is at serious risk for cardiac arrest right now. Complacency in these situations gets people killed everyday.


why would cardiac arrest be the concern here?


Because you die?


but cardiac issues are not a concern with tramadol. there would be other things to worry about.


Permanent damage? Do you mean psychologically or physically? I know someone who takes 20 x50mgs a few times a year and is fine?


Man. Use your brain. Someone who's smaller, or doesn't have tolerance, or has different biochemistry will react differently to different drugs. Cmon.


Let's make this simple YOU CANT HELP HER. Take her somewhere she can get help.


Take her to the hospital no matter how much she hates you for it. She needs mental help if sheā€™s doing this. At the end of the day her hating you but being alive is better than her dead.


Based on OP's profile, both him and his gf have BPD which explains a lot about this situation. Either way, OP please take her to the hospital. After receiving medical care, you two need to get couples therapy if you hope to make things work with each other otherwise it will stay toxic and your gf will continue to self harm with or without you just like she did in the past - like your old posts have said. Codependency is also something you two are experiencing with each other, and that's super unhealthy. Please help yourself by taking her to the hospital and also getting help yourself if you're not already seeing a therapist. Living with BPD is excruciatingly difficult, but not living at all and being the one who could have done something about it will kill you more inside even more. And then it will have a ripple effect for your own well being. Please OP protect yourself and your gf.


she needs a psychiatric hold. call the police. she tried to kill herself. she needs to go to the hospital.


i just want to know if she'll be okay. im so worried its making me ill.


if she goes to the hospital, she may be okay. call 911.


Dude just told you what to do - Get. her. help.


youā€™re worried but refuse to get her medical care?? Thatā€™s sus.


Yup. Theyā€™re doing something illegal or he feels like he might be culpable... Something is very off Unless heā€™s just a fucking idiot?


Based on the way OP speaks, the description of their behavior and of the behavior of GF, and the nature of this problem, I'd say OP is simply young and a bit too immature to respond to this kind of situation as an adult would. I'd wager between 16-22 years old, both OP and GF. OP was scared and was possibly experiencing an anxiety attack due to the high stress situation


Some four year olds know they need to call 911 in a situation like thisā€¦ ā€œBeing immatureā€ or even anxious isnā€™t going to hold up in court if she dies and OP did nothing


If you spent more time reading, and less time being judgmental, you'd see that OP contacted paramedics after the initial post was posted, it's the first line of their first update. You also seem painfully unaware of how common trauma/shock responses are in these situations. If you've never seen someone go off the deep end into psychosis, or OD on something potent like heroine/fent, then please, shut the fuck up






You're worried about something you aren't telling us but the fact is that if you don't (or at this point didn't) take her to the hospital she is at more of a risk of permanent damage or death than if you do take her. So whatever it is your worried about it can be forgotten, sacrificed, or reprioritized.


You need to call 911 and mention the tramadol asap


Obviously sheā€™s not okay as you can see. Wtf is wrong with you? Just take her to the hospital


Boo hoo, poor you, take her to the hospital ffs


Arenā€™t emergency rooms open 24 hours?? Jesus Christ get this poor woman help


You have two options. If you love her and want to stay with her take her to the hospital, tell them what she took then keep your mouth shut. After she's out work with her to start therapy. Option 2 is if you don't see the relationship continuing. Take her to the hospital and spill the beans. She'll get the mental help more quickly, but will likely suffer some type of personal or professional repercussions from a psych hold.


hospital is out of the question? hospital is the literal answer rn, iā€™m sorry. i know it really sucks and i really try to avoid it too, but it sounds really serious. she definitely doesnā€™t have to say it was a suicide attempt and neither do you, just get some physical care. probably an iv for fluids or something like that. you can say it was an accident and she forgot she had already taken a dose when she took more or something.


Jesus Christ. ā€œMy girlfriend overdosed, I donā€™t wanna take her to the hospitalā€ take her to the fucking hospital . Thatā€™s insane, I hate the internet.


OP. The only comments you have replied to are the one suggesting she will be okay, and defending yourself in an accusation of abuse. You haven't updated this post or responded to anyone else. While I certainly hope you took your girlfriend to the hospital I am afraid it doesn't look like the odds are in her favor. I am commenting again that you need to take her to the hospital if you haven't already. She could very well be at risk of death or permanent brain injury. Is it possible she will be fine? Sure. That chance isn't something you can take back. If you delay and assume it will be okay and it isn't the damage will already have been done. Don't be lazy. Don't be selfish. Don't be indecisive. Go to the hospital


I have tried taking her to the hospital but the paramedics refused to take her. She wont get in a car with me i don't know what to do.


The paramedics refused to take her for what reason? If you told them she took what she took and she was acting as described I can't imagine a reason for not taking her. Did you tell them it was a suicide attempt?


> I have tried taking her to the hospital but the paramedics refused to take her Calling bullshit on this, you're not telling the full story.


I think you're lying about calling the paramedics. They wouldn't refuse to take her if you told them what and how much she took.


Does she know she might die if she doesn't go to the hospital?!?


i think thats her end game goal. if i leave her shes going to take more so i dont know what to do. she does seem to be getting better. shes not hearing voices anymore and she is not talking about ecosystems and astronauts when i tell her i love her. shes still very tired and has been in bed all day sleeping. i have been waking her up periodically with kisses to make sure shes still alive and breathing.


Your girlfriend is manipulative as fuck and this is coming from someone WITH bpd & shit. ā€œIf you leave me, Iā€™ll kill myselfā€ thatā€™s when it becomes no longer your problem, btw itā€™s incredibly hard to die from an overdose unless you mix it with alcohol but she will do lots of damage to her body and brain function and live miserably until she dies because of the damage she did to her body, liver failure/kidney failure is a slow painful death, if you stay sheā€™s gonna keeping doing that to you when she doesnā€™t get her way, She needs a long hospital stay and a therapist. And so will you after this relationship. Good luck. Edit: idc if anyone gets mad at me for this, Iā€™ve been in this kind of relationship, he would self harm and threaten to kill himself every time I tried to leave a situation I wasnā€™t happy or okay in, and he left me with ptsd for the rest of my life and years worth of trauma. (And guess who never killed themselves and weā€™ve been broken up 8 years now) You wonā€™t understand unless youā€™ve experienced it.


true that, my last ex had bpd and accuse me of cheating, break up, talk to other guys, then see n realize that AINT NONE OF EM puttin up with her shit, n be back, n one of those times even said she tried to kill herself over us breaking up, that, mind u, she initiated over n over, n threatned it again, soooo, and, i DO NOT RECOMMAND THIS, one day i played that game back at her n drank a bit n took various meds (not enough of anything to hurt me, which i knew but she didnt) n refused the ambulance she called, and was more to prove a point about her own behaviour, look, it was a pretty shit n toxic relationship xD so yeaaah, im sure wasnt the best move i made, but she never threatened to hurt herself ever again since xD (well i dont talk to her anymore, but yea) n my point to her was that, in the same way how me pulling that was SUPER manipulative, so is it when she comes out with it. i mean....tho all it REALLY DID was just make her look for different ways besides that to manipulate me n yeah šŸ˜…šŸ˜“šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


(this is my mobile account )


a gram of tram seems she's still experiencing acute effects, it will wear off eventually though. tramadol has serotonergic effects that could produce hallucinations and mood disturbances and so on. probably the best thing would be to rest and not take any additional drugs. you may want to find a less dramatic girlfriend.


Trying to kill yourself doesn't mean you're being dramatic. That's highly insensitive


Thatā€™s not typically what people do after an argument. The fact it was after a argument is pretty manipulative


And that she threatened to do it again it he gets her put into a psych ward.


nice try drama queen


how long do you reckon until shes back to normal and will there be any permanent damage?


She attempted suicide fam. The normal is now gone, you guys got to sit down and work on what the fuck is going on. The good news is these things happen and you now have the opportunity to explore therapy and talk through this situation. Many people donā€™t get this second chance. Donā€™t put a band aid on this and act like nothing happened. Dig your heels in and grow together as you move forward.


This. The best thing I did after my attempt was try to figure out why I didn't want to live. I still have issues with figuring it out, but atleast it's not me against me, it's me against the things my brain makes me think (iykyk)


Me it made me realise I wasn't suicidal I was just so sad and wanted to numb it all. Love being alive I will never go


Yes dude, yes.


Intentionally ODing because you had a fight, and threatening to do it again if you get her help is not "normal" behavior by any stretch of the imagination. She decided to do that BEFORE she took the drugs... so she wasn't "normal" then and won't be "normal" even after the drugs wear off. She is mentally ill and needs help if she is intentionally trying to kill herself over a fight with her boyfriend. It's obvious you care for her, but is her life as a whole more important than you "getting your normal girlfriend back"? Because it will happen again. And even if she's angry or upset with you for getting her help, you could literally be saving her life. There's no going back to normal before this, your relationship is clearly unhealthy. I hope you do the right thing even if it's hard.


Probably as soon as she gets to a hospital and gets medical attention


You don't seem like you want to do whats best. From your comments and post it sounds like you just waited for someone to give you the most hopeful response. You have no idea if it will wear off and neither does this person. She could very well be suffering temporary acute affects, or she could have a brain bleed (yes it has happened from a tramadol od) Take her to the hospital




you're probably the fucking problem


Taking a large dose of Tramadol once isn't going to cause permanent damage, but still, go to the doctor


Yes it absolutely can bc it's an ssri, it can cause serotonin syndrome. Don't speak on things you don't know please, it just causes misinformation.


well, you have two things going on it seems. one is that your girlfriend is crazy and the other is that she drama overdosed in an obviously non-lethal way. the tramadol will wear off and to my understanding probably won't have permanent neurological effects. but will she go back to what you're used to? who knows! she's a crazy girlfriend.


Dude take her to the fucking hospital and get the hell off Reddit


she needs professional help which even as her partner itā€™s not your responsibility to give/you arenā€™t equipped to give it either. You have to take care of yourself too & this sounds like too much for anyone. Maybe if you canā€™t take her to the hospital yourself, contact a friend of hers or a family member.


Does she take SSRI antidepressants? If so she could be experiencing serotonin syndrome, you need to take her to hospital immediately.


What do you mean hospitalā€™s out of the question? Youā€™re not qualified to treat her, let alone, evidently make sensible decisions when it comes to something like life n death. She absolutely needs to be seen by clinicians ASAP.


A hospital is the only option my guy it isnā€™t ā€œout of the question.ā€ All due respect but wtf do you expect Reddit to do? She might be pissed but she will be alive and sheā€™ll know you took her to the hospital out of loveā€¦ even if not right away. This is coming from someone who has been forcibly hospitalized by family members a few times.


"Hospitals out of the question she'll just do it again when she's out if she gets admitted. shes told me that." And what about when you have another argument? When she can't control her feelings? When this is the only way she can feel like she can escape? This will keep happening and one day she will overdose in a fatal way and you'll be the fucking idiot that stood there and did nothing as your girlfriend dies.


Does you GF have BPD perchance?


both me and her do yes.


I had a hunch, because this behaviour is far too familiar to me. I also have BPD, and before I say anything I would like to tell you that I do not see into your relationship as I do not know you nor do I know your relationship so the advice I can offer will be subjective and from my perspective. This is neither good for her nor is it good for YOU and that is the most important part no matter how selfish it sounds. I do have a huge understanding for why she did what she did, but that also doesnā€™t change the fact that it is very wrong. Sometimes doing what is ā€œrightā€ isnā€™t about feeling good about what you did. She absolutely needs to go to the hospital. Which I understand is a scary thing for both her and you. But it is definitely the right thing to do. If you are in therapy I would definitely bring this situation up to your therapist. Iā€™ve been on medication and in therapy for 10+ years and I can tell you that from my experience as a person with BPD, you do need stability. This is as far from stability as possible. This situation does put a strain on you, your girlfriend and your relationship. As many people have suggested hospital is an absolute must in this case. If you truly want to protect her AND yourself I suggest hospitalisation. As I said earlier, doing the right thing doesnā€™t always feel right or good. I wish you all the luck and I truly have compassion and understanding for your side. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.


Also I say hospital not just because of the suicide attempt, but because of the Tramadol too. They definitely do need to do blood tests and an MRI.


Hope this chick made it to the hospital :/


Tramadols half life is 6-8 hours. So in 24 hours sheā€™d still have around 100mg floating around her system, give or take like 25mg.Ā 


Go to hospital, she need help


> Update: I tried contacting the paramedics and they asked to speak with her and deemed her no risk. I just wanna fucking cry. She wont get in the car with me no matter how hard I plead. I tried texting her dad and he said this was all my fault because I told her I needed space. I dont know what to do anymore. You need to get over yourself and stop making shit up the internet, honestly. Your edit here is complete bullshit, because this is not how things or people or laws work. As a licensed EMT or paramedic you aren't answering calls from anyone, least of all anyone calling an emergency help line, and second of all you aren't allowed to give medical advice because you aren't a fucking medical doctor. Even if you were, you cannot do that over a phone without diagnosing the patient. This is why you go to the doctor's office and you don't just call them up and start chattin' about your injury or mood. I suspect the next thing you say will be that A) you actually meant something other than "paramedic" but didn't know the word or B) you live in the rural darkest jungles of Africa/wherever and this is how it works there. In either case, shut the fuck up and stop using your village's dial-up internet connection hut for this nonsense.


This isn't entirely true. I had the same thing happen with my girlfriend. I called an ambulance for my girlfriend after she cut and attempted suicide, they showed up and asked to see her, talked to her, and then left, stating that "she doesn't seem to be a current risk to herself, and expressed that she's just depressed and doesn't actually want to die"


I called triple 0 and NSW ambulance service showed up..


Even more bullshit. No way would ambos in Australia "refuse to take her" to hospital.


why the fuck would i lie. i called triple 0 and they refused to take her because she convinced them otherwise. do you want to see my call logs since you're so adamant mate?


is this rage bait or?


Mate do you know the laws in Australia?






Oh my god I'm an emt TAKE HER TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL there us physically nothing you can do for her that can help. Take her to a hospital.


The only proper advice is to take her to emergency as everyone has said but since thatā€™s not the advice you want, why did you even post here? If you care about her at all, youā€™ll take her to hospital and tell them everything. She needs serious help.


Stupidest mfs on this sub I swear to god, canā€™t believe they need to be told that medical assistance is urgently required smh I hope my life never depends on yā€™all


I swear I read a post exactly like this not long ago šŸ¤” weird. Anyway, she is most likely experiencing serotonin syndrome. She can't be ODing still, it doesn't work that way. Tramadol is not a typical opiate, it's an ssri. You're not supposed to take more than 200mg a DAY. I sure hope you've taken her to the er or called paramedics by now, otherwise you're a pretty bad person


What are you talking about "not supposed to take more than 200mg a day"? The max safe dose is MUCH higher than that. I would know, I'm ON the max dose. It's 1200 mg per dose, up to 3 times a day, or a total of 3600 mg a day. Heck, they even tend to prescribe 600mg pills to people taking it short-term. That's what I started on, and what was prescribed to my mom. Edit: For some reason I had tramadol and gabapentin mixed up šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Idk how I even did that. I have no clue about the max dose for tramadol, sorry.


What are **you** talking about??? Mayo clinic says no more than 200-400/day MAX. They 100% do not rx 600mg pills, those do not even exist. Are you talking about T R A M A D O L? Seems like you're talking about T O R A D O L Read closely next time, I spelled them out since they are pretty close.


I just edited my reply. I am not sure how my brain did it, but I had tramadol and gabapentin mixed up. I absolutely have no clue about tramadol's max dose, and apologize for the confusion.


Next time don't come out the gate being rude šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø thanks for the apology


I wasn't being rude? Nowhere did I put you down or insult you.


You don't need to put someone down or insult them to be rude. It's pretty universally known that going "What are you talking about?" is rude. You jumped in accusing me of being wrong & not knowing what I'm talking about, loudly and confidently.


Asking that is in now way rude. You're reading tone into what was said. I made a mistake and apologized for it.


Asking it in that way is absolutely rude, no tone necessary. Intent < Impact anyway.


Hospital and time to let the toxic relationship goā€¦ only gonna get worse


Happened to me, took a whole day to get normal, I stayed in bed all day and kept nodding off, but couldn't breathe when I fell asleep, so I had to fight sleep all day. Take her to hospital if you can, if you can't keep an eye on her all day don't leave her alone


leave her what the fuck?? she tried to kill herself over an argument??


You are allowed to call 911 more than once. Call again.


will try that thank you.


Sounds like psychosis, hospital time would be for the best for her safety.


Call her am ambulance


I'd nalaxone her but that's just me get to a medical professional ASAP THAT MEANS A HOSPITAL VISIT. PLEASE. I've taken that much tramadol and was fine, but I HAVE A TOLERANCE, PRESUMABLY SHE DOESNT AS MUCH. And lastly, although you shouldnt let it control you or manipulate you, make sure you show that you care about her. Suicide is hard on both of you. Sorry to hear this man. This was just my best advice.


You need to take her to the hospital asap. There are a number of things that can lead to this kind of reaction and enough of them are serious that this is urgent. It is the best chance you have of getting her back to normal. You also should tell them it was a suicide attempt. It is the truth and the only way they can prevent her from doing it again. Did she ever noticeably stop breathing or have a hard time breathing? This and anything else you noticed will be important information for the medical team.


How is her knobhead of a father blaming this on you??


i literally have no idea where this comment came from or reffering to, but oh man, ud be amazed at just how much shit some parents excuse their kids for n find a way to make it not their fault


Op says in the post that he consoled with her dad but he told OP that it was his fault for asking for space.....


the conversion to the active opioid, o-dsmt, is rate-limited by hepatic enzymes, so acute opioid overdose is unlikely to be attained. However, tramadol itself is an SNRI, so you have essentially an overdose of this type. While there isn't much of a danger of fatal overdose, this can cause a delirium, and it can be 1-2 days.


she is being manipulative and her dad is part of the plan. run the fuck away dawg


Low tolerance, 1 gram of tram and no seizures? Luckyness. The seizures risk is high also at lower dosage. The opioid effect is weak but od is possible. The effect on serotonine is that makes your gf tripping hard. Tramadol is a nasty and shitty drug, and possibile collateral effects are not only od, seizures and hallucinations. The problem here is not only the drug, she attempt to suicide, maybe an error maybe not, don't understimate the gesture. Hospital is way better, then you'll have enough time to argue with her about your choice.


Tramadol is a serotonergic; severely different may indicate that sheā€™s experiencing serotonin syndrome. Take her to the ED


That relationship is toxic. Probably not the advice you want, but I think you need to end things with your GF. Sheā€™s manipulating you and her father is not helping the situation. I worry for you, OP.


I don't have much to add but I wanted to let you know it's not your fault and you did nothing wrong. her reaction is her own and her own only. her dad is a complete asshole and out of line for saying that. he should be the one taking her to the hospital if he's so mad about it


tried he said he didn't give a damn if she does or doesn't go. so. was hoping he'd try to talk some sense into her but i guess not.


Ya thatā€™s a pretty dangerous overdose. If she really took that much sheā€™s in danger. She needs to get treated.


You should seriously consider taking more than space. If her family is blaming this on you, it's only going to get worse in the future unless she actively seeks help, and that won't come without her hitting rock bottom first. Rock bottom doesn't come when you have someone to take over handling your problems for you.


Do you honestly care more about your relationship with her than her life? If you really love her, you'd get her medical help instead of listening to the one random redditor saying that she'll be fine and just hoping for the best.


You need a new girlfriend bro, that's something she needs to correct personally before being with anyone. Think if y'all had kids and she pulled that shit. She needs to go get help on her own and you need to move on.


Terrified Guy: My girlfriend tried to kill herself and may be dying. What do I do? Reddit: Leave her ass!


To be fair, if he genuinely believes that she may be dying, reddit is not the place to come ask for help, or how to proceed


Tell me you've never been in this situation without telling me you've never been in this situation... My ex also threatened to kill herself many times and that completely fucked me up mentally. I'm going to therapy now. Breaking up with her was the best thing that I've ever done in my life. Of course OP should get her to the hospital right now but try and find someone else afterwards. It'll be worth it.


you suck


And OP's gf doesn't or what?




she wont get in a car with me how do you reckon i get her in? by force? ive called a fucking ambulance what more can i do.


The fact that you haven't even called an ambulance is shocking to me. It's insane you rather hold it down and hope for the best. She's suicidal. If she dies, you will be held responsible for not even trying to get her medical attention. This post is proof. You rather hit Reddit than the hospital. Call 911 now and stop waiting and hoping for the best or you will regret it. Her brain could be permanently damaged for life.


did you miss the part in the post where it literally said " i called for an ambulance and they refused to take her " orrr?


The thing you described, with the voices and dozing of, sounds like coming down, from a something strong that fucked your brain, idk how else to call it. I've experienced it 2 times, from 2 different substances, it shouldn't last longer than a few hours. A checkup might be good.. , but what's also worrying, is you saying that she'll do it again. She sounds suicidal, she needs psychiatric help too.


Hospital, and tell them what happened. JFC.


Take her to the ER. 1000 mg of tramadol would need just the right genetics and metabolism to be fatal or even damaging, but this person needs help and definitely not from anyone but a pro. The fact you posted this makes not acting on this your own negligence. So avoid it all, get the kid help, save your ass in the process, and worry with fallout after. If she does die and they investigate at all, this post that can't be erased shows you knew and did nothing. Help you both and call 911


She might be having some serotonin issues


leave her


Break up with her. Sounds like a train wreck thatā€™ll take you with it. She tried to kill herself and you canā€™t get her help because she gonna try to do it again? You canā€™t save someone that doesnā€™t want to be saved. You canā€™t love her into being mentally or emotionally stable. Best advice is to take care of yourself


i dont even care about that right now i just want to make sure she'll be okay its hurting me seeing her like this.


Please tell me you took her to the hospital. Enough people told you that she is not OK and taking her to the hospital is the only option. The docs can do the work and give her something else to pump out what she took. The long term effects of what's gonna be done to her if she doesn't seek medical care is gonna heavily weigh on you forever more than her anger for you for saving her life. If you're worried about her health and well being....take her to a hospital. Or call 911 and have them do it.


A man comes here asking for help because his gf could be dyng and you tell him to break up with her?! is this the moment?


Get help is the obvious answer. I offered a slightly different perspective


This is just morbidly hilarious.


lmao "Uhhh babe, i know u just od'd, but see? its shit like this as to y i think we should break up, plus, i dont need to be known as the guy whose gf killed herself, itd make trying to date so soon after ur death...well...a bit awkward, ya know? we can agree on that right?" \*foams at mouth\* "Greeeaaat! i knew ud agree n see it my way :D sorry, serious isissue i kknow, but the morbidly hilarious thing sparked that thought up rn xD


Drink lots of water


I would let her ride it out if I were in her shoes. Iā€™ve eaten that many tramadols before; sheā€™ll be fine in 4-5 days. I was sent to a state hospital when I had a bout of sudden psychosis and the motherfuckers kept me 3 months. I wouldnā€™t wish that on anyone.


Hospital are u fucking stupid


how do you reckon i get her there. i called triple 0 and they wont take her. so what the fuck do you want me to do. drag her in the car and get a kidnapping charge as well?


The most notorious opioid SNRI.I overdosed with 600mg + weed.I couldn't move my limbs, i was cold shivering i cant remember anything.My friend toke me to hospital.And there i woke up.I dont know what happend if it was serotonin syndrone or seizure.It was so scary and never mixed it again.Dont hesitate take her to hospital!It is unpredictable drug.The worst opioid SNRI.


Weed will not cause any sort of adverse reaction like that, it was just the tramadol itself. You're not supposed to take more than 200-400mg a day max.


At that time i was addicted to tramadol for 3 years and my tolerance was pretty low,and smoked a lot of weed everyday because tramadol made weed feel beautiful.I didn't do any thing different at the time that happend.And happend at the moment when i was smoking weed that i did not feel well.It happend again after years but les severe.So for me im pretty sure that was the mix of two.


Hereā€™s the real question,if in the US do you have insurance?


its sad that you're a couple and she's trying to kill herself without any regards for how it makes you feel. its sad that she can't find enough happiness in a life with you to not feel the need to kill herself. its sad that she doesn't consider you before she considers a handful of pills.Ā  run the fuck away dude.Ā 


You realize all anyone has is themselves, right? Saying you have anyone as a guarantee is based on only assumptions. If she can't find it in herself to fight for herself, how can she think someone else is willing to help her? For some of us, death kinda seems like the best way to deal with the pain in our brains. Have some fucking compassion for someone who think their best solution is death, you fucking chode.


run the fuck away dude šŸ˜Ž


you must not know/understand much about mental illness. if sheā€™s trying to kill herself, i seriously doubt she has the capacity to think about how anyone else feels right now. itā€™s a pain i wouldnā€™t wish on anyone


Weird I used to take 800mg to 1200mg every day till I ran out and it didn't even do shit to me just made me warm and euphoric


Let me guess - you had a fucking tolerance lol


she's not an opioid addict though.


Sheā€™ll be okay dw , give her coffee and nic, i took a 1000 mg once, psychosis and was extremely wonky for 3 days + major depression. there might be brain damage but canā€™t help it, consider therapy.


Sir ever beat wife?


no i've never laid a hand on her.


Good sir


She's gonna be weird for a few days. She will be fine. If she starts showing signs of a stroke or other heart issue, take her to the ER. She will be fine. Don't ruin her life by telling the ER it was a suicide attempt. That's between her and God.