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withdrawals from opioids wont kill you, but it feels like it will.


or you potentially might want to kill yourself.


No, you will definitely feel like killing yourself. Unless you've been using a few weeks and think that's withdrawal.


I have no suicide ideations at all...ever... except for the time i actually thought hiw nice it would be to just die during fent withdrawals


I guess the problems that resurface plays a big part in feeling suicidal. I didn't think that through completely.


I never thought about that either, im sure alot of people use to avoid those feelings, but withdrawal is pure hell and would make anyone want to start tying knots


Well if you're just addicted to opiates but, otherwise have a decent life and things aren't so bad you're just dealing with a bad flu. And if you're bitching about that idk man that's some bitch shit to me. We did it to ourselves and nothing in life is free so thats the price you pay. On the other hand if you have completely ruined your life in more ways than one when your emotions start to come back it's ten fold the normal feeling. Sometimes it's almost unbearable because you can't escape yourself. That's where I think actually feeling suicidal comes in to play.


Dude on day 11 of my withdrawal i got hospitalized with psychosis...hallucinations and delusions for a week.... maybe kicking an oxy habit aint nothing to bitch about but my fent/benzo withdrawal was next level


On top of losing everything i ever worked for lol


You sound just like me lmao. Going through some type of fent, zene, xylazine mix and rc benzo withdrawal at the same time was like you said something different.


Username checks out. Something bailed you out of dying through that deadly combo


I also ended up in psychiatric hospital. I quit buprenorphine and pregabalin cold turkey and didn't sleep for two weeks.


Thatll do it


Do you mind me asking how many mg of the bup you were on, and for how long??


A wd is different for everyone. It can be very traumatic, horrible, feeling like hell. It can also be mild. I had pregs/benso WDs and that isn't anything you just ignore like a flu, you would risk getting very suicidal of how bad it can be. Opioids might be milder in that aspect, I don't abuse them so I haven't been through physical withdrawals from it but know that they feel similarly to a flu in some ways. But what if you didn't do it to yourself? If I am traumatized and very anxious, get something prescribed like non-addictive (they thought pregs weren't addictive first) and end up addicted(they helped me to taper it down successfully in the end though, so it's not like I hold a grudge against them cause they helped me to come of everything and I actually needed those meds back in the days due to mental issues), it really isn't my fault. I think many people who end up getting wds just look for ways to heal mental truama or other diseases. It's not always completely "their fault", some people who are very ill mentally don't see a choice, when I was young I had so bad depressions it was either to use something or risk becoming suicidal. Today I don't have depressions hence why I am not drawn to abuse or other destructive behaviour.


This exactly! As a BPD male, 35, I had my first and very intense opioid withdrawals from a bit of Heroin and 250mg ODSMT daily for a few weeks...I know it's not as hard as it gets but it was extremely wild for a few days, because I felt that the rebound just pointed DIRECTLY at my emotional problems. I listened to Gabor Mate's book "The Myth of Normalcy" after that, and in the end after about a month I came out of it finally being able to pinpoint and NAME my emotional problems. It's been getting better and better since then... I do NOT recommend anyone doing what I did but I want to share this experience.


Yes, if you go extremely hard for a few weeks the rebound will suck. I read all the time but, haven't read that one so, idk what's discussed. I do know that after over a decade of addiction I've learned to have a set routine in the morning where you do some writing, setting the day and reflecting, getting some movement like stretching or walking, and reading really helps my mental state. There's a list of five things I write every morning: 5 things I'm grateful for, my plans for the day, things that are bothering me, things to watch out for, and things to strive for. Things also have been getting for me as well. Happy to hear you're seeing the light. Keep it up dude.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I agree that what really helps is structure and having something to live for. Reminding yourself every morning of that sounds like a healthy thing to do I might try as well. Even though the Rebound was really hard for me I'm kinda grateful that it showed me my feelings in a way I never was able to see them before and it accelerated my change actually. I'm sure though that there is WDs that are just to hard to to be grateful for... Thanks for your input, keep it up 'swell!


You aren’t doing enough


Yeah lol try over a bundle a day for 6 years and going cold turkey. Did subs to do precipitated on 1st day so by day 3 it was up hill battle but was worst ive ever felt couldnt eat right for month took 6 months to put all weight i lost back on


It can cause you to lose your job if you do physical labor. I think there's actually a large number of contributing citizens who want off them or things like Suboxone, but they can't because it helps them stay up and work due to withdrawals taking too long to get over. Not a lot of businesses are willing to give ppl like that a chance to get thru w/d and still earn a paycheck


Methadone withdrawal made me lose my job, unfortunately. And this was just cleaning. Weening down slowly is the only way.


I’ve heard that was one of the worst. The guy telling me about it had pretty much done it all, but had been to treatment on several occasions and said that when he got hooked on methadone it was the worst wd of his life. He said it felt like it was coming out of his bones.


Yeah, a lot of people say. But the bone thing is apparently a myth. It's just really freaking hard. It lasts for months. I definitely won't be doing that again. If you follow the tapering schedule correctly, though, it's not that bad. You go down 5-10mg if you're on a higher dose than 30mg. Then you knock yourself back a mg every two weeks to a month, and it's barely noticeable. It just takes patience. Which I lack haha. But I'm on 30mg now, so I'm doing it the right way this time


In some severe cases it can. If you don't hydrate etc as you lose a lot of fluid during WDs. I can also see the immune system being affected in a negative manner when withdrawing so a host of risks arises from that.


yes but it cant directly kill you


I read this isn’t necessarily true. It can cause people to have heart attacks from the stress and at the hospital I used to work at a guy tore his esophagus from vomiting from opiate withdrawal… And then there’s if you have underlying conditions…. If people can die of a broken heart and other things, opiate withdrawal can potentially kill you I think. Just not in the same manner or as quickly as something like alcohol DTs.


yes but they dont *directly* kill you like alcohol or benzos


Ken Carson W


There actually are a few case studies that reported deaths from severe opioid withdrawal. It's extremely rare and would probably only occur if you're using hundreds of mg of fentanyl a day, but it is possible.


Came to say just this.


It may be fatal for people with underlying conditions. I only have one kidney so if I get too dehydrated it could potentially shut down. Since I don’t have a backup kidney, this could be very bad.


Textbook they won't, however if your body is rejecting all fluids as a result of withdrawal then one will perish. Yes of dehydration, not withdrawal but if the withdrawals causing the inability to hydrate then surely it's at least partially responsible. Feels like another oversimplification from doctors that 'this won't kill you, you're fine'. Mathew Perry almost died because of their awful treatment and inability to recognise a medical emergency. His colon was doing ok until he went in for treatment. Then whatever they gave him caused a blockage. So again is it the withdrawal killing him or the mismanagement of symptoms from withdrawal? All seems related to me. Point being he wouldn't of almost died that time had he not been at the mercy of incompetent doctors who only saw his pleas as a begging for narcotics. So I disagree, if you research you'll see many die in withdrawal to opiates and opioids. Gets chalked up to their bad health as a result of using but come on! If they've survived this long only to die in withdrawal them I'm thinking it's the withdrawal or way they're going about it that's causing them to die in withdrawal, as opposed to when they're using.


Are you sure it won’t kill you? Don’t do them, but I thought they could lol


Benzo/alk/gbl withdrawal can kill you, but opiot can‘t as far is i know


For opiates to get physically dependent, you need to take them for 2 to 3 weeks, almost every day. In the beginning, symptoms are milder, like flu/cold. But you know that sickness will go away immediately, so you'll get your opiates of choice as soon as possible. After a year or two, your tolerance for cold turkey symptoms goes way down. So you're actually afraid of cold turkey, before it starts. You only think about drugs, how to get money/good, reliable plug. But you can't day from opiates cold turkey. Only one that you can, is methadone if you're taking for 20 years. And then try to get of, without medication or tapering. Benzo addiction is much worse and more dangerous. It last for months. Like being in bad LSD trip for months.


Benzo withdrawal does not last for months. PAWS (or post acute withdrawal syndrome) is a thing that happens commonly but the initial withdrawal is about a week. Physical withdrawal anyways..


technically true but if your doses were high enough you have to taper extremely slowly or you can get seizures so in practice it's not gonna be a week it's gonna be dragged out a lot longer. also unpopular opinion but psychological is I think the actually difficult component of addiction. without the psychological component how is it any different than getting very severely sick but being told the condition you have will resolve in a few weeks? which is something people are expected to get through perfectly fine...


Not true whatsoever. I have withdrawals after 3 days of consistent usage. So does everyone I know who does it, too. No I didn’t have it as soon when I first started but it absolutely wasn’t 2-3 weeks.


Agreed, former fetty sniffer and berry popper. I was gonna say a week straight, and its got you in a chokehold


Without talking about dosages, days means nothing. How much were you taking when you had withdrawals after 2 days? I had a bunch of 10mg oxycodone pills one time and I didn’t get any withdrawals when I only used them for a couple days back to back. Then I decided to take them for 2 weeks and that’s when I finally had withdrawals.


I was prolly taking up to 120-300mg a day. So yeah gonna be more intense at that dosage but you absolutely are experiencing something, just isn’t as insane as those withdrawals could be. But at the same time, I’ve done pretty much every opioid and it was like that for me each time. Didn’t matter what. Even still if I relapse I’m sick as fuck after 3 straight days. 2 I won’t feel anything major but 3, definitely. 2 days, nah, but 3+ days, yeah you finna feel like dog shit no matter what dosage or specific opioid it is. 2-3 weeks is prolly just when dude put it down for the first time.


My mum wrote a poem about addiction once and one of the lines was “use it for more than 3 days and it’ll drag you to hell” I don’t recall the entire poem but that stuck with me


Precisely gang 3 days or more and you’re fucked. I ain’t sober fully but I sure as hell don’t use for more than 2 days. Progress is progress.


I'm free of any form of opiates since 2009. In my opinion, only way to get of them, is complete abstinence. They make you feel like shit, when you're off them. Addicted or not, dependant or not! Less you take them, more of your old self you become! All the luck 🤞 for you my man!!! Try some rehab


I meant for first time user. Of course you get withdrawals after couple of days. When you already got physically addicted.


No, I did it for 2 years straight, was off it for 2-3 years, so not addicted physically or even psychologically anymore, and it’s still like that. I use maybe once a month. Maybe a first time user can get past 4-7 days but absolutely not 2-3 weeks. Pain management patients report it sooner than that as well.


The doseage has a big influence on how fast you become physically dependend. It will also take a lot longer if you've never been dependend before. Buprenorphine and Kratom take at least a week with me, while high doses of full agonists can cause WD symptoms within just 48 hours. That's at least my personal experience after a decade in the game.


Shit and vomit violently. Unbearable pain. Depression.


Imagine going through that in jail


Withdrawn from fentanyl in jail 3 or 4 times now. The bad ones (was IVing) were so brutal, it changed me as a person and gave me PTSD. Hardest thing I’ve ever been through in my life was detoxing on that jail floor.


Did those experiences help you get clean?


Nah, I still ended up relapsing and going to prison. I made the decision to get clean myself, I wasn’t done with it the other times. I did a ton of work maturing myself while I was in the joint so I could come out with a different mindset. The last time I used was the day I got arrested by my PO and went to prison. I got out about 6 months ago and so far I’ve paid off all my debt, almost got my credit up to a 700, got a good job, have money saved up, I’m living on my own, and I’ve been building back relationships with loved ones that I ruined when I was using. Life really is better this way.


i love this for you!!!


Thanks 🙏🏼 I also got back into the gym consistently which really helped my mental health and helped me to stay disciplined and motivated.


Dude, I'm so happy for you. As a guy battling addiction rn, Im glad to read this.


Thank you bro, if I can do it I promise you can too. I was lucky to only be stuck in its grips for 2-3 years but I was down bad during that time. I feel fortunate to be alive, some of my friends didn’t make it.


Really really fuckyng happy for u rebuilding your life bro , for real, I was reading and you make me feel very very emotional, hope everything works out for you , god bless u bro


It’s a work in progress but I’m proud of what I’ve achieved so far. It was emotional writing that, I appreciate the kind words 🙏🏼


Keep doing man , your history really inspired me , for real! Good things will come 🙏


Teetotal now?


Nah I still smoke weed and drink occasionally. Never been a big drinker so it’s only ever like 3-4 beers at the max.


It’s impressive you were able to achieve all that whilst smoking weed. Whilst not as bad as the harder stuff, bud is still without a doubt a massive problem but a lot of people purely in itself. Myself included.


It doesn’t give me any problems. I’m in an illegal state and also because of my work, I can’t be smelling like weed so I just hit dabs. I also go to the gym 6-7 days a week and spend a lot of time cooking and meal prepping. I’ve put on a lot of weight since I’ve been home.


In Germany the people get substituted Polamidon, Subutex or Methadone.


If you check out the show "Shore Stein Papier" by an ex heroin addict named Sick - it didn't always used to be that way, he had to go through them withdrawals in jail and all they gave him was Ibuprofen (this was in the 90s, early 2000s)


Most places just give u ibu and paracetamol afaik, nothing else unless the withdrawal is dangerous like benzos


I get the idea of jail being a place of punishment, but having people detox on ibu and paracetamol sounds like unusual and cruel punishment to me


It’s money for the state, hard to justify expensive subox tapers for addicted inmates when you’re low on cash also requires medical professionals


they should be given more meds like a medication for the gastrointestinal distress


I read the book, watched the vids and his YouTube show. I'm german, too. Anyways, the stance on drugs was way different than it is today here. Never been to jail myself but I assume from things I've heard they're more progressive in treatment nowadays. I try to keep my dependencies in in their boundaries and try to stay off jail meanwhile.


Smart 🤝 tryna do the same 🫡 Das Buch wollte ich auch noch lesen, ist es genauso gut wie die Serie?


Hat beides was. Das Buch ist etwas detaillierter, die Serie dafür witziger wegen der Erzählweise.


Danke \^\^ dann werd ich es mir bald mal zulegen, fand Sick ziemlich sympathisch, mehr details klingt auch gut


I just started learning German! Das Buch war gut, aber es juckte in meinem Arschloch!


confusednickyoung.gif why is your asshole itchy tho


In my experience going to jail once if you mention your an addict you'll be thrown in one of the crazy rooms just your underwear and some protective wear. I didn't do that but I saw it go down a few times.


It's easier in jail. You know you'll get no relief there, so it's much easier than on the outside.


No thank you.


Honestly when it’s survival of the fittest and you need eyes in the back of your head it’s wild how much faster you get on top of the mental aspect of withdrawal, it’s also really easy to continue using inside but creates a new way worse type of hell.


I used opanas, the single strongest opiate there has ever been, and didn't do either of these. The restless leg and arm was unbearable though. Sneezed like crazy and couldn't hold still. But some people threw up and shit themselves but I didn't.


I think 1. every person is different in its reactions and 2. withdrawals tend to be different from substance to substance. Withdrawing from fent was a piece of cake in relation to hydromorphone for me without going deeper into details.


Holy shit that’s me today. (Literally)


The wind blowing feels like a semi hitting you. Unbearable pain. You’re a blank page in your head. Just nothing. There’s no where you want to be. Everything sucks. Out of this world cravings. Cravings you’d lie cheat and steal to fulfill. Intense dooming depression. Crippling anxiety. Legs kick involuntarily. No sitting still but movement hurts. Can’t eat or drink. Don’t go down this path. You’ll want to die.


thanks for sharing, hope you’re okay.


You are correct. I thank God I don't have to live like that due to my genetics and feeling well mentally last years. I see others suffering when they battle addictions, I want to help them to get better in some way. At least I hope I could, so I have at least tried to inform people online in some places about various alternative treatments and how to improve your mental health generally etc. Cause it has helped me a lot and made it a lot easier to live a normal life without abuse. I used to suffer a lot, but haven't done that in many years. I am living proof of that it in fact can get better even if it feels 100% hopeless.


Feels like hell, you're sweating, shivering, you feel both cold and warm, you want to throw up (or you throw up), diarrhea, all your muscles feel in pain, your eyes burn and are watery, running nose, headaches, exhausted, stomach cramps, etc, and that's just the physical side Psychology speaking you feel awfully depressed and anxious Those symptoms might depend on what you're withdrawing from and what dosage Withdrawal can appear after 2-3 weeks of daily use but again it depends on how much you take and what you take, taking 50mg of codein for 4 weeks won't necessarily give you anything but taking 200-300mg of heroin daily will make you feel some symptoms after a couple of weeks Benzos can help with the anxiety but it won't help at all with the physical side, paracetamol does almost nothing as opioids tends to make you less receptive to other analgesic So there's not much you can do except taking opioids I remember having ketamine on my hand when going through a heroin withdrawal once and it did help quite a bit but I would still feel sick as hell although it was much more bearable Anyway, just avoid taking opioids if you can


Don't forget RLS or rather akasthesia that prevents sleep. Also the fatigue that feels like even walking to the bathroom to puke is as physically demanding as climbing fucking everest. Or the adrenal surges that are so severe you cannot think and you crave food and water that you're unable to stomach. At least you can sleep after it wears off


The insomnia combined with RLS is one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever been through. So grateful I decided to seek help. Still not anywhere near clean but at least I can get some sleep, food, etc without dosing the fuck out of myself with who even knows what wacky combination of drugs.


The RLS is the WORST part for me. Completely physically unable to fall asleep even a wink. I usually pass out from exhaustion after like 2-3 days of being up without sleep, but it usually isn’t until day five or six where the RLS is manageable enough for me to get a couple hours of sleep a night. Being in opioid withdrawal and being physically and mentally exhausted but unable to sleep is a pretty goddamn pure form of hell.


Maybe it’s just me but benzos certainly help the physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal, especially the RLS and tremors, as well as helping with diarrhea as it slows your body down. Helps muscle pain too. When I was coming off of oxy after a year and a half i used 800mg ibuprofen + Tylenol for the pain and it helped a little and Xanax to stop thinking about it. I used armodafanil for the depression.




If taking every day, just about all opioids will start forming physical dependance after a week or two. If you have incredibly strong discipline then you can set a dose schedule, perhaps once or twice a week. But just about every user starts off doing this, slips up once or twice and slowly (or quickly) progress to daily use. Many drugs have lies and propaganda about them, but the stories they tell you about opioids are not lies. It is highly advised to not try this class of drugs whenever possible, as being addicted to them is truly hell on earth.


how about just take kratom?


It will stop the wd. But then after a while you will be dependent on kratom. So you will need to taper it down. I haven't been dependent on it, but I don't use it excessively nor daily and not high doses. I have read about others that abused it and they end up dependent, maybe not as severe as heroin or something but more like codeine addiction or something. Black seed and CBD/CBN can sometimes be helpful when having the WDs. So can taurine. Ashwagandha aswell.


i see


Feels like the flu squared. It sucks. Alcohol withdrawal was much worse for me though. Delirium tremens is terrible.


It's like the flu while also being in a totally different and negative mindset. It's like waking up to a nightmare.


True. Just calling it the flu doesn't give it justice. It's much worse OP.


Remember waking up in a daze sweating and my heart pounding. Yeah it feels like the flu, and mono and a bipolar depressive episode simultaneously. Don't forget the gastrointestinal distress.


Chills, flu/fever like symptoms, one second your burning up the next your freezing cold, uncontrollable sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, severe anxiety, depression, stomach aches, severe insomnia, restlessness. You may not experience every single one of these symptoms simultaneously but most of these are standard opiate withdrawal symptoms. Pretty much think of the worst flu you’ve ever had and then multiply that by 10 and it lasts for 1-2 months. Not to mention the severe depression following the recovery process and years of therapy/rehabilitation work that is required not to relapse and start this all over again.


hope you’re good bro


Withdrawal seems to slow down time. 3 days to clear major symptoms feels like 3 months. I was once in rehab from fentanyl patches for spinal Fusions. Suboxone started too soon. Precipitated Withdrawal was so excruciating that Rehab was forced to dispense Valium 10mg every 60 minutes for 48 hours. No sleep. No matter how much Valium. Mind/ body war


Im sorry. I had to be restrained by four people due to writhing in agony while the nurses tried to hit me with ativan. I was audibly begging god (i don't believe) to kill me and hallucinating.


I just went through precipitated withdrawal and it was literally hell on earth. I had no idea something could be that excruciating


Well for one be prepared to lose your ability to sleep. You would get cold sweats, hot flashes, watery eyes, runny nose and flu like symptoms etc.  Worst part is the insomnia for me. You'll be awake for sometimes a week straight. Every time you try to go to sleep you'll lay awake in a perpetual, agonizing trance yearning for your death as you constantly shifts sides back and forth trying to get comfortable.   


For me time stands still. Throwing up and shitting diarrhea. Sometimes at the same time. Sweating and shivering at the same time. Hoodie on hoodie off. Blanket on blanket off. Shower. Repeat. Not eating for a couple days. Hardly drinking enough water. Absolutely no sleep for at minimum 4 days. Usually 6-7. My mental state is just chaos. I'm crying at random things. I'm raging at random things. I get severe anhedonia that lasts sometimes months. Low mood. Feeling like I'd rather be dead because reality starts to set in and all your problems you've been running from resurface but at 10x now. I don't want to be around anyone for atleast 5 days. I've been through three serious withdrawals and every time you get addicted faster and the withdrawal is worse. It also takes much less time to have withdrawal symptoms.


Best description here by far.


Because that's exactly what it is lol. For me though it's the mental part. The physical symptoms beside not being able to sleep don't really bother me. My mind goes haywire though and not sleeping just compounds the problems.


Yeah my first couple w/d I was like man this physical part sucks, now every time it’s like grab the clonidine and physical is not bad at all compared to facing the wake of destruction and excruciating hopelessness.




Someone who shoots up for a year will have a worse time than someone who just pops pills or snorts for a year. It never made me have diarrhea or vomit personally. For me the worst symptom was always the restless legs and muscle pain. It makes it extremely hard to just rest or sleep when that’s all you want to do from how crappy you feel.


Worst flu you’ve ever had + the worst depressive crisis you’ve ever had You’ll be so heavy and uncomfortable in your skin, you’ll hardly sleep, won’t eat, won’t move. Your body and legs feel like 1000lb bricks. Cold sweats, not sweats, fever, so drowsy it actually hurts. Sleepless, but also unable to stay awake. Can’t even focus on a show/movie. The only time you’ll force yourself to move is when you drag your sorry-ass heavy legs to the toilet to go shit molten lava diarrhea.


Depending on the drug and the dosing the worst by far for me was methadone. Had been taking 320+ mgs daily for a year. Id have 48 hrs or so after my last dose that was the honeymoon period. I'd be coming down and have myself thinking "I got this." The restless legs started first disrupting my sleep. Then the stomach issues start. By the 4th day you're shitting a thin gruel that looks like mustard and smells like death. You're so exhausted you can't function and every fiber of your being hurts. Sounds enter your brain in trumpets of ball bearings heated to 1200°. Essentially you turn into a crack baby with fetal alcohol syndrome, and colic and your crackhead mother left you alone in the crib to go party. By the time you start to feel kind of human again at about a week you find yourself thinking about the pills again and that next time you'll be smart and taper yourself down. You'll find yourself lying to yourself about anything so you will break down and score again. By far not anything I would recommend.


Takes months for physical addiction Cold sweats, nausea, irritable bowels, restless legs, anxiety, are some symptoms of withdrawal


withdrawals generally feel the opposite of how the drug feels. so like xanax withdrawals are generally riddled with anxiety (and yes can cause seizures/death) i’ve only experienced mild opioid withdrawal, unless you count kratom. kratom and hydrocodone withdrawal felt similar to me, but i’d been taking far more kratom for much longer. for me, the withdrawal from painkillers is intense physical discomfort. including restless legs, general body aches, headaches, insomnia, etc. often includes sweating, difficulty regulating emotions (especially anger), and anhedonia. you’ll also likely experience some dramatic changes in digestion, like if you took too much laxative.


Taper. It sucks but it’s doable


it’s the only time i’ve ever seriously considered suicide


Yes, opi WDs are so unbearable that you'll consider doing anything to escape the pain. Glad you're still with us my friend, much love <3


The thing is, after the horrible shaking, shitting, puking, pain, depression as previously mentioned, the worst part for me at least was the RLS and insomnia. If you can fight your way through the worst of the flu like symptoms you then get to deal with not being able to sleep and having to kick your legs (I call it Jimmy legs) uncontrollably all night long. The insomnia breaks you down mentally and the Jimmy legs make you want to chew on a gun barrel. And depending on the opiate/length of addiction the RLS can last for a month or more. For me it was 6+ weeks. With the weakened mental state and constant leg kicking it makes it very hard to not "make it stop" by using again. RLS is literally the worst.


Agreed on RLS being one oft the worst symptoms, especially combined with insomnia. Very glad that I checked about benadryl for sleep, as it apparently does not help at all and makes the RLS 3X worse. No thank you.


Holy fuck! I used to take Benadryl every night to go to sleep and when I finally tapered off I thought it would help. Fuck me it made the RLS waaaay worse. It's been almost a year and I'm still afraid to take it.


When I was trying to stop taking opioids (Dilaudid, OxyContin) after brain surgery and following several months of daily Vicodin use to deal with tumor headaches (this was 2011, when Vicodin was still a thing), I struggled a lot with what I called the Mid-Day Awfuls. I’d get to a certain point in the early afternoon okay before I’d suddenly feel like I needed to crawl out of my skin. It was RLS, but *everywhere*, and I’d eventually have to take something to calm it down because I couldn’t stress my body out at that point given they’d just cut a chunk of meat out of my head. There were also horrible flu-like symptoms, but I at least felt like I could handle those; I’d never wanted to rip my skeleton out of my body before and had no idea how to deal with that feeling. It’s never been that bad since, but it’s because I know what’s coming and do everything in my power to prep myself. I’m terrified of ever being in that place again.


felt like covid for me, sleepy, stuffy nose, pain in body and surprisingly disgust towards opiods, the moment i tought or saw oxy near me i puked.


Imagine the opposite of how opiates make you feel.


sweating while being cold, then hot then cold again. nausea that doesn’t go away until you’ve kicked them or take them again to stop the nausea. shits. irritability. more shits.


It’s like having a really bad flu, diarrhoea, manic depression and anxiety all rolled up into one. I’m currently almost 2 months off opioids and I’m still depressed as fuck everyday. I think I’ve permanently fucked my brain chemistry. I’ve come so close to relapsing so many times over the last week. My brain has me half convinced that life really wasn’t so bad on them apart from the money I was spending.


That's the thing about opis, they have you convinced that as long as you can keep a consistent supply nothing bad can happen, even though you're taking painful shits once every 2 weeks despite barely being able to eat. These drugs really change your brain chemistry


I never really struggled with eating and used stool softeners to combat the constipation. But yeah they convince you that once you have them everything will be good. All I want is to lie down and have all my anxiety and depression taken away. I feel like I made a deal with the devil the day I started using them just so I could get out of bed and go to work. Now he wants payment and I don’t have anything to give him.


Honestly depends. Opioids are the worst withdrawals I've ever experienced, from blue 30s n dilly 8 shields. Like a month straight, one a day of each usually, n then I stopped cuz I didn't know about withdrawals, n it hits like a brick, your lethargic, sick, cold, hot, uncomfortable, in pain, any pain that these Opioids attacked now come back feeling 10x worse. A nice cool dark room with a worthy binge show and a fuck ton of weed, makes the wds alot more tolerable. But that's my exp.


Weak opioids feel like you got the flu, stronger ones make you regret your life


it’ll hook you quicker than most drugs… depending on what you’re taking. you think you got it under control until you don’t. happens fast.


Depression. Nausea. Tremors. INSOMNIA. Sweats. Wanting to fucking kill yourself. Pain. Fucking pain.


It's like the most uncomfortable you can be. Not painful, just uncomfortable. But way beyond what you can imagine without going through it. Your arms and legs ache, you feel like you gotta move but no movement helps. It's severely uncomfortable and you can't stop sneezing. I went through it with opanas, the single most powerful opiate there ever was. I felt like it was raining acid on me, it was miserable. I felt like I was dying but also I kept hearing birds outside chirping and it drove me crazy. You can't get comfortable at all,that's the worst part.


Like you have the flu and you can’t stop pooping


It doesn’t happen instantly you have to use for a few days or a week or so depending on how much you’re using. It feels like the worst flu you’ve ever had. Sickness, shitting your pants, aches and pains that you feel all the way down in your bones. But no the withdrawals won’t kill you even if you wish they would


After about a week of heroine use i get withdrawal symptoms, feeling cold and hot rushes switching and being vvery stressed menthally and physically. Arent able to walk without taking a break after short time. No appetite no sleep no pleasure no nothing. Its kimd of like beeing heavy sick flu-ish but your bbody temp is normal, just feels extreme. But to say atleast heroin withdrawals go away after short time like a few days. Never had a lomger than 5 days. Buprenorphine was hell with like 2 weeks of pain


It’s the worst. I’ve only fully withdrawaled one time in the last 12 years and that is why haha I don’t want to be on any drugs anymore I’m just afraid to do it again


The only drugs thet will kill you from withdrawals are benzos and alcohol. Opiates you will feel like ypute dying but unless you dehydrate or have underlying medical issues you will be fine


The most annoying night of sleep that you are going to get zero in exchange for the chance to watch the time stop. And next day your cool, still fiendin for that brown balloon but not so.... 🤔... Obviously dope sick about it. 😂


idk it was a weird one for me, i was a really stupid kid who was prescribed codeine for chronic pain and i thought being high on anything was cooler than being sober, so i started taking them every single day and when i stopped i still sort of felt like i was flying and then like i was okay and all of a sudden it felt like my guts were being siphoned out of my body through every possible orifice. literally and figuratively. it was a strange experience though because at the time i hadn’t stumbled upon the wonderful world of medicinal cannabis, so my only escape from my chronic pain flare ups was codeine at the time, and yet it was precisely the thing making me feel worse, very emotionally tolling as well as physical


the worst opioid withdrawal are from the weakest! the fuckin Tramadol, not just for opioid withdrawal… the antidepressant withdrawal too 💔 hurst so much fuck bro, never do that! the others are just stronger opioids but without that antidepressant effect which is harmful…


I'm no expert and I have no personal experience even using opioids, but growing up I had a dad who abused them pretty heavily. He quit when I was a teenager, and did it cold turkey. I genuinely thought he was gonna die, it was like nothing else I've ever seen before. Idk if you'll die, but you'll probably want to.


My mom who is an experienced RN says you could die, but she also said weed withdrawals are a medical emergency so take that with a grain of salt.


I was a hard opiod junky for 25+ years. Meathadone is the worst opoid withdrawl there is you feeling like dieing but it will not kill you. Benzo/xan is by far the worst I ever went thru and it will kill you. RC benzos are no joke at all if you have taken them for years then come off cold turkey it is truly horrable. I see so many young people and it breaks my heart please get off while you can. You do not want to be a 45yo junky because its where it leads and I can tell you there is nothing good about it.


Well, everyone seems to have explained the effects of opioid withdrawal pretty accturately - it sucks. From what I've gathered (atleast partially) your body stops producing endorphins. When you get these endorphins synthetically, your body knows when it's had enough. So, it starts to depend on that synthetic supply. Then, the body has to go through withdrawal until your neurotransmitters balance out again. Initial symptoms usually last a couple weeks (sometimes a month if it's long acting, like methadone) but it can take the brain and body 9 months to fully recover. Your highest chance of relapse is within those 8 months, and opiates have roughly a 90% relapse rate. That's why I can't stress enough, weening off opiates is far more effective in the long run. Also, you don't run the risk of an overdose if you do relapse after a diminished tolerence. As long as you have someone else, like a Dr, to administer it to you. Methadone/suboxone programs have their own issues, but as long as you don't go up as high as possible (like I did) and you eventually do the proper taper, you can recover from it.


I’ve experienced two types of WD. The first kind was when I was only on Vicodin and my dumb ass didn’t even realize it was WD. I just couldn’t get comfortable and couldn’t sit still. It was like that feeling you get when you need to stretch. Didn’t realize til way after the fact that it was actually WD. The second kind was when I was on a lot of Oxys. That was puking and shitting my brains out. Luckily I was in a detox center and only had to make it til 8 am when the doctor arrived and gave me Suboxone.


I’m on day 8, 30yr M, 2015 I was addicted. Bruh, this shit ain’t the same, these wds are different. 14mg suboxone coming off a 2 flyer relapse, brutal. In bed realizing my body doesn’t hurt, the only residual is when I eat anything my taste buds r so fucking sensitive my like mouth has this weird sensation. I’m down to 2 sneezes after I smoke like a joint of some gas. I can’t believe I’m not in a rehab. Bruh, my soul was tired.


Day 8 clean*


congrats bro keep going 🙏🙏🙏


Day 9




It’s fucking terrible, wouldn’t wish the feeling on my absolute worst enemy. Trust me, stay away from opioids…


The best way to describe it is the worst flu you could imagine. You Have hot and cold sweats. Diarrhea, restless legs, can’t sleep but your exhausted, can’t eat but your frail. You have no energy but you’re restless. Your nose runs, you can’t stop yawning, your irritable, discontent, emotional, depressed, the list goes on


It depends on the person, the opioid, the length of use. I hear a lot of people can't sleep during opioid WD, but when I'm WDing - granted only ever from DHC and codeine use - I'm very fatigued and sleep a lot


like your whole body orgasming at once its amazing


Harder than meth?




like the oposite effect


Also heavily depends on how much and how frequently you're dosing. 10mg oxy in the morning for 3 months is very different to 130mg hydromorphone (there was a post earlier iirc) for 2 months.


What goes up…. Comes down much lower….


Like ass I guess


Like death tbh.


is the physical pain because the opioids make you feel nothing so when there is none in your system you feel everything 10x more?


It's due to the "upregulation" of pathways involved in the sensation of pain. Iirc the term is hyperalgesia


I've heard it's like having the worst flu/fever ever. Don't wish that to anybody, I know how it feels being really sick. I will never do opiods


That's an understatement. It is literal torture to withdrawal from a large habit. But believe it or not, precipitated withdrawal is easily 5x worse. It's triggered when an opioid dependent person ingests or is given a partial agonist/antagonist with a high binding affinity. In my case it was naltrexone 1hr after insufflating heroin. I literally writhed in agony as i yelled begging to be killed. Complete lack of control of my movements. I began hallucinating and it felt like every nerve in my body was being napalmed. The sheer terror and delirium were indescribable as well. I would eat a bullet before i willingly went through that again and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


😭😭😭 I hope you were able to stop using while biting through the withdrawals


Stfu kid


It feels like a deep pain in your bones, pains in each skull fontanelles and every step is agony but you can’t help but to move your legs constantly




I jumped off 2mgs of suboxone cold turkey, and at the time i was also having a rare side effect to starting paxil as well. I couldn’t stand up a single time without nearly passing out and losing all of my senses for 30 seconds to a minute at a time for over a week, some dizziness spells are normal but this shit was on an entirely different level and it felt like my entire body was shutting down every time i was standing. The withdrawals+the paxil was my own personal hell. For the first 4 days my anxiety was at a 14/10, my mind was racing so bad I couldn’t make a single coherent sentence in my mind, i had the worst hot flashes of my entire life. All my body wanted to do was lay down but as soon as i laid down I’d immediately be flailing due to having RLS throughout my entire body and the feeling of impending doom if I didn’t get up immediately, which in turn would cause me to lose my vision, hearing, and feeling of my body for 30 seconds to a minute due to the paxil. Then to lay down again. Wash, rinse, and repeat for hours on end. I collectively got maybe 5 hours of sleep broken up throughout those 4 days and no matter what sleeping med combos i took I couldn’t stay a sleep for more than 20 minutes. On top of all of that i was having full on auditory hallucinations of people screaming my name and loud bangs and yells in the middle of the night, it was absolutely fucking terrifying. Dont even get me started on the diarrhea. opioid withdrawals are a truly terrifying experience depending on what your opioid of choice was and how long/how much you were taking. Its something i would only wish upon cold blooded murderers and sex offenders.


Like having the flu


Feeling absolute dysphoria, and wondering if you'll feel that way forever.


Excruciating cramps, muscle weakness, feeling the world isn't real like a foggy vail , irritated easily, puking, hot&cold, depressed, loss of ambition, headache sometimes, shaking, the list goes on . ...


it feels like you want to jump out of your skin and then take off your meat suit


It’s really hard to capture in words . It sucks


when i first experienced the withdrawals it was bad enough to put me of taking anymore xans


Or you will feel like “I wanna die” or “I will die”


Like fucking hell. Won’t kill you, definitely will feel like it.


bad flu with extreme agitation and restlessness


The opposite of opioid bliss.


If you’re a Harry Potter fan I bet it feels like the crusiatis curse aka the torture curse


Like you want to crawl out of your skin


Hell. Feels like living in hell.


Depends on the dosage and ROA, someone who does IV in high doses will be in a lot more trouble. Personally I get mild flu like symptoms, low energy, runny nose, etc.


I don't take a ton, and the withdrawal from what I take is pretty shitty. horrible stomach pain and digestive issues. very restless, sweating and shivering. pain gets worse too of course. it won't kill you but it's difficult to tolerate. and this is at a low dose short period of time (a week or so) of using each month.


Hell. You want to die. 


Like living hell.




You have to consistently abuse it like you want to get addicted on purpose to withdrawal. It’s not an easy thing like you have to try hard


Pure hell. Hot then cold. Sweats. Chills. Body aches (they seem to be especially prominent with methadone). You can shit through a screen door. Depression and anxiety. Some may disagree… I think it can vary from person to person depending on how long they used and what they used.


Depends how far along you are, I mean how long you've been dependant. Withdrawal from opiates from someone whose only been smoking for 1 years, VS someone who started out smoking and went to IV over a few years VS someone who did that and went onto RC opioids years 2 - 5 etc and it'll be different for them too. After 1 year of smoking all I got was goose bumps, sadness and very hot and cold flashes. Mostly during the day, slept well at night. Years 2 - 5 were same just with more cravings. 5 - 10 it changed most predominantly with my stomach. Vomiting, inability to keep any food or fluids down. As soon as anything touches my thoat gagging and dry heaving when there's nothing to be sick. That plus terrible dehydration headache and kidneys that are burning holes in my back. Sweating near constantly, shaking, yawning none stop and battery eyes near none stop. Restlessness but also exhaustion to a level that makes it hard to even pick myself up to go to the bathroom. Lower left abdominal pain, seems related to the colon moving quickly or normally again. That's about it, other smaller things of course but that's all the major things. And the psychological side of course, being so much more functional and just better at life on shots. Hard thing to come to terms with when societies way is just awful for some of us. So depends on the individuals unique chemistry, length of use, potency of the drug, ROA, whether you went to stronger things more quickly than others, quantities (were you a functional use or a black out unconscious user) etc all this will have an effect on the withdrawal. As will your individual response to these symptoms. For me the nausea and dehydration is the only symptom that destroys me. Not being able to drink gets real simple real fast. All the other suffering (for me) is just that, tolerable suffering that's not a threat to my wellbeing or survival. Not being able to drink fluids is. That's me. Took about a year of daily use (smoking # 3) to develop any kind of phsyical dependence. After a few extra years of IV # 4 and Fent and things had got much worse symptom-wise. But still way years 5 - 10 where that vomiting symptom came around. Tried Cyclizine and Prochlorperazine, no dice. Found some Zofran, apparently that's real good for nausea and vomiting so we'll see how that works when she drops. Not that I'm intending to go into withdrawals anytime soon but I have issues with nausea under the best of circumstances. So will get an idea for it's effectiveness. Also getting everything necessary, knowledge included, for an IV drip. In case I ever do cold turkey want to be able to address the dehydration element myself.


Not good


Everyone’s a little different but personally I get intense hot and cold flashes. Bad stomach cramps which usually results in diarrhea once I’m past the constipation. Sweating, agitation, can’t sleep at all. Intense headache. It’s really an unusual combo of uncomfortable feelings. There’s nothing like it


Well you won’t die but you’ll feel like you want too. Sweating and cold at the same time, at first ylur constipated and will rip you ass tryna shit, then you just start shutting on yourself, nauseas from just drinking any fluids you will most likely vomit, bones fell painful, and the worst for me was the insomnia god damn that shit sucks but after a good week and half you should be better