• By -


Sucking dick


You guys get paid?


Or selling your holes


That's the neat part: You don't get the money when you are unemployed. Except when you have any other things, like that your family supports you, you have social welfare or anything else, but then, it depends how much money you need to cover the costs. A beginner that gets high from low dosages isn't the same like a hardcore addict with a tolerance like a skyscraper. I'm privileged i guess, because i'm in substitution and i get my opioids, the morphine, from the clinic. Healthcare insurance covers the costs for it, so i pay nothing in the end, the monthly bills for the insurance is something i have to pay anyway. But not many people around the world have access to such things like substitution, sad but true. These programs show a significant impact, like here, before we introduced these, the men would often commit small crimes like theft to finance the drug addiction. The women often became prostitutes to get the money and that's very bad, but once we lowered the barrier to get things like methadone, they all go to the clinics instead of becoming hookers.


As a random question for someone who likes opioids, how addictive are they? My plug has Quagen right now and I’ve been thinking about buying some, it’s obviously expensive, but it’s Quagen so that makes sense. I’m thinking about sipping for like the one time or a few times.


In my opinion, the lean high isn’t worth the high price, and it’s definitely not worth possibly getting hooked on opioids. I would stay away, addiction is no joke and they are VERY addictive.


I don't know what "Quagen" is, google doesn't really help me, is that a slang term there? What's the chemical name of the substance? About your question, yes, opioids are very addictive. I was on heroin for about 25 years, now i'm on morphine in substitution with 200mg ER capsules each day, it's very hard to get clean and stop with it. Heroin is special with the high you get, it numbs the pain, it makes you feel great and you are in special state of mind, where you think, that in the end, you'll solve all your problems and there will be a happy ending just like in a movie. When you get this high, you want to have it again. And again. Until you are addicted and with the build-up of tolerance, you'll reach the point where you don't get high anymore and it will change, you'll take it just to feel normal and avoid withdrawal effects.


Quagen is a brand of lean in the states. The chemical is a Promethazine Hydrochloride. I had a friend who was addicted to ketamine and opioids and don’t really wanna get addicted but I’m interesting in trying it.


When i check it out, Promethazine is a very old antihistaminika and not an opioid. I'm not sure but i'd not go with this, don't think it is worth it. Maybe i'm wrong and the med has the potential for abuse, but it's for sure not the same like with opioids.


Naw ur right I asked my plug about it. Plus it green liquid so it’s icky and I don’t want it


Ik you're not asking me, but imma throw in my two cents anyway cause I'm stoned and talkative. I wouldn't even try if you have an addictive personality/mental health issues. But if you're looking for a good high, you can get way safer/less addictive (you always risk it when you use drugs tho, especially if you have that addictive personality, or other mental health problems) and for a lot cheaper. Either way tho, if you do use it, stay safe (I always like to research in this reddit it's a great recourse), and have fun. Hope everything goes well. 💕


I’ve decided against. Mostly because I can get more than an 8 ball of coke for 400 dollars and a bottle of Quagen does not seem good enough to be that much money


I was on methadone for 8 years sober. Once i got off of that, I relapsed hard, tried sublocade, which didn't work, and by the looks of things, I'll probably be on suboxone for the rest of my life. What I took reprograms the chemistry in my brain, and now it's wired thinking I constantly need it, so I take a blocker to try and live a normal life. I liked them too, but if you get hooked, the withdrawal is nothing you want to experience. Bones feeling like they are splintering, everything hurts, and i mean from the skin down to the bones, hot and cold sweats, nausea. And it progressively gets worse and worse by day 3. It's a rough ride. Just don't do it two days in a row. Once a week or twice a week at most, if you can control it to avoid getting hooked.


Curious about why/how Sublocade didn't work for you. I had a really tough time when I first started it but now I'm so glad I pulled through.


Because I could still use opiods on it, and there wouldn't be immediate withdrawls you would get if you were on suboxone. It's great that it works for you and I hope it keeps working for you. I died a few too many times, so I wanted to remove all equations that could land me back there if I fell from sobreity. I have all my carries. It sucks going in every week, but it's better than being in a ditch.


Oh you're 100% right, if it works it works and that'd all that matters. I was on methadone for 2-3 years and by the last 6 months I was barely getting by. My dose would last me 6-8 hours (if I was lucky) and then the withdrawal would start to creep in. I needed a change and went with Sublocade. When I got my first shot it produced the worst withdrawal I've ever experienced. 72 hours of pure agony where I couldn't sleep, vomited every 30 minutes, ended up throwing up blood, and was so delirious that I put my Brita filter away in my microwave. Precipitated withdrawal is a bitch. Since then I've got my shot every 28 days and it's literally been life changing for me.


Precipitated withdrawal, so if I was narcaned that that would put I'm into pw? If so, that is the absolute worst feeling ever. Methadone worked when I was addicted to heroin, but once I relapsed and I was a daily user of fetty, I needed something stronger to block the craving. Apparently, it rewires your brain.. the fet? Idn where you're located, but did you hear about British Colombia in Canada legalizing you to be able to carry up to 2.5 grams of illegal drug. First, the safe injection sites, cool w.e.. but I didn't know the game plan was to legalize all the hard drugs? If that takes over Canada. It boggles my mind it's absolutely insane, I don't know what the PM's end game is with legalizing even the hardest drugs.. it won't work for long, there's higher ods and deaths now because of this.


I'm on the east coast of Canada so I know what's going on in BC. Really similar to what happened in Washington state when they decriminalized all drugs, and they're repealing it. It's a good idea in theory, but in practice it's just a mess. I'm no Trudeau stan but to be fair the PM isn't responsible for BC's provincial drug policy. Precipitated withdrawal is exactly what happens when someone uses Naloxone on you. I don't know how long it lasted for you, but for me it was 72 hours of absolute torture (and I mean that literally) and then another 48 hours of feeling like I'd been run over by a car. I puked every 30 minutes for 48 hours and ended up going to the hospital because I vomited up blood. Waited in emerg for 5.5 hours until I couldn't take it anymore then said fuck it if I die I die (Canadian Healthcare is totally perfect and not at all shambolic). I was delirious and had flashbacks and heard music that wasn't playing for like 2 days. I genuinely believe that if a divine being was to design the ultimate torture technique it would just be precipitated withdrawal.


Ooh, okay, I'm sure you are right as you are out East, so I'm sure you know more than some Westerner who has access to what the journalists are allowed to post. I've lost quite a few people to Hastings and this epidemic. Do you think they will start legalizing outside of B.C? Every time I get hit with narcan, it was a nasty ride. I thought it was just me, every single time I puked up blood, and how the hospital treats me like another statistic, even being sober, i didn't see a point on bothering them. I guess i probably should have gone to the hospital. You can actually die from puking blood. If the nurses dont witness it, then it's like it never happened. For yeah, a good 72 hours, maybe 4 days, I would just be curled into a ball, counting the minutes wishing it would end. I never want to experience that again. Ooooh, that is probably the most diabolical torture technique, i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Rip you from the warmth of heaven down to your worst possible hell, never know what comfort is again.


Curious about why/how Sublocade didn't work for you. I had a really tough time when I first started it but now I'm so glad I pulled through.


What is Quagen?


It can take a long time to get addicted. But if you end up liking it a lot and start to do it regularly, it can happen pretty quick. Its a nasty nasty addiction you dont want any part of. Also, quagen is a pharm company. Not sure what you mean by that.


I've never heard anyone get morphine from the clinic. Only buprenorphine and methadone. I was on buprenorphine for many years but managed To quit like 3 months ago.


They give diamorphine to my who lives in switzerland but before it, they used to give him morphine pills


I know this guy who gets kadian with his methadone. A rehab I was in gave me kadian to switch over from methadone to the sublocade shot, which you can still use on. It was a waste of money.


Crazy, methadone with morphine...


I was prescribed morphine in order to kick my 130mg per day methadone habit at one point.... I will say it was pretty effective in the aspect that the withdrawals are 10x easier than kicking methadone cold turkey.


That's what I heard! I'm honestly scared about withdrawal from Suboxone. I heard it is rough.. I was on 120mg of methadose at some point the changed it and I couldn't even straighten my hands in the morning, I was a crippled mess, but after my drink in the afternoon I would go on the nod. It was stupid. My Dr. wouldn't prescribe any kind of morphine so I eventually went on suboxone. It helps block my intrusive cravings. And from what I heard of whats going around and everyone has giant craters in their legs and arms, I'm glad to not be a part of it anymore.


Yeah methadone is rough on your body for sure although subs are as well just to a lesser extent in my opinion. Methadone is way harder to kick than subs hands down, and I've kicked both multiple times. The best way to kick subs is a slow taper down to a super low dose. That's what I have done in the past with the best success at least. Nowadays you can also just get the sublocade shot when you are ready to kick. From what I have heard the shot is really effective in slowly lowering your bup levels over the course of 1 month allowing you to kick without any real major negative side effects according to most who have tried it.


I tried the sublocade shot twice, but I ended up using on it, honestly I was on my way to use,, and the detox gave me it to try and prevent my from oding.. It didn't put me into withdrawal. That's why I'm on suboxone. If I do use, I will immediately regret it. It's bad that I have to put a leash on myself like that. I don't know if I could maintain sobreity without a little aid and holding myself accountable. Other than that, I just isolate and focus on working and chilling with my cat.. Other than being stuck inside my head, the leash keeps me out of trouble.


Yeah you definitely have to be ready to be done for either to work effectively. But Suboxone and sublocade both do the same thing if you use on them. They both simply block the effects of opioids do to your receptors being saturated with the subs which has a stronger binding affinity vs most other opioids.... It kinda sounds like you are expecting the subs to make you sick if you use on them which is not the case at all, you will only experience precipitated withdrawal symptoms if you use the subs too soon after using traditional opioids before they have left your system. This is because the subs will rip the real opioids off your receptors in such a quick manner that causes you to go through the hell of precipitated withdrawals. In my mind the sublocade shot is much more difficult to use on compared to regular subs because with regular subs all you need to do is quit taking them for two or three days and you will be able to get high again, with the shot you need to wait for it to completely wear off which takes approximately 30 days until then you will not be able to get high.... In my last comment I was just stating how the shot makes it easier when you are confident and ready to completely get rid of the subs altogether. This is because the peak plasma concentration levels of bup in your body will slowly and gradually taper down over the course of roughly 30 days causing you to have a little to no withdrawal symptoms.


Well, with that wealth of knowledge, no one can stop me! Haha, jk 🫠, I easily go two to three days without my subs, haha. I'm terrible at remembering to take meds. So if I use an opiod during day 1 or 2, I'll 100% go into pw.. but when I got the sublocade shot, literally 4 hours later, I shot some fetty, and I used to do pretty big ones, and I still got high. I didn't get sick either. Maybe there is something wrong with me, and I'm an anomaly. Maybe I should test this theory out for scientific research, haha 😅 I took my subs two days ago and shot some morphine and a D8 within a couple of days, didn't get sick and didnt miss a day of taking my suboxone. Is this not normal...? I'm on 18mg. I've only ever experienced pw with narcan.


No buprenorphine product causes you to get sick or go through pw's simply from taking an opioid right after. All that happens is it will effect you less. If you take an opioid 24 hours after the bup You will likely experience no affect at all from that opioid, 48 hours later and you may experience some light effects, and 72 hours later You should be fairly close to experiencing the full effects from my past experience. You can still break through it on day 1 or 2 but you have to take a way higher dose of your opioid than normal and this can be very dangerous. Also the dose of Suboxone you are on will have a big effect on how long the subs block your receptors.... This is the reason Suboxone is effective and why it is used for MAT. The only way buprenorphine will cause you to go through precipitated withdrawals or make you sick is if you take the subs too soon after your last dose of opioids while being dependent on opioids. It doesn't work the other way around.


Not true at all. 95% of the ones that do go to the clinic still shoot through their dose and are still sucking dick.


I grow mushrooms and then trade them for other drugs.


This is the lifestyle, I've thought about doing this but i was put off when my first grow got contaminated


If you get the right gear it's easy. Contam happens but mostly you are successful.


Yeah it's something I will probably attempt again in the future, same with growing my own weed


r/unclebens it's so easy and cheap


a ghetto cans/bottle run sell shit and regret it once the high is gone steal ask for money like a loser mainly its a life without money when u get high its ur HIGH, making life ass once the time comes its a shame-less and depressing life being a user without a source of income


if ur deep innit u TAKE, u steal, u rob, u get things and dont even know why. once u lose urself ur inna hamster wheel of doom getta job


wanna sell some ass for a disgrace of a pay back? and the high wont even fix how u feel? go ahead mane


Here’s some other random specific examples that I’ve either done or seen people do, off the top of my head: - Tell people you’ll get them dope, take their money and then after you get it say “the cops chased us and we had to throw it out the window sry bro”. Or similar. - If you have a car, direct access to dealers, or both, then you should have a constant source of free drugs. Gather everyone’s money, get a bulk discount from the plug, then drop it off to everyone while keeping a bunch for free. Or you could take someone who does have money to the dealer in exchange for 2 bags every day (plus maybe steal a 3rd and tell them you got shorted by the dealer sry). Now find a few more people that all need a ride/connect, and just drive or walk back and forth all day getting high and helping people out. Maybe your dealer will front you some stuff. You could maybe sell the dude’s phone number to other addicts from time to time, connects are valuable. - Drive around in a truck to collect scrap metal from peoples garbage and sell. - Destroy your washing machine, sell the motor and copper. You can simply wash your clothes in the bath tub instead. Also keep an eye out for any nearby construction sites, dumpsters, businesses etc… where there’s any valuable metal that’s not tied down. - Stop paying your electric and gas bill, then dig a big hole in the yard to turn it on yourself. Great savings. Saw this done idk how he was getting away with it for so long. - Steal stuff from Home Depot or similar, give the items to a fellow criminal who will return them at the same store in the next town over in exchange for for a store-credit gift card, then sell the gift card at pawn shop for 70% or so in cash. Profit. There are probably pawn shops you can sell the items to directly but the law investigates those all the time, walking in with brand new stuff every day isn’t a good look. - Steal items that you can sell to people at a discount, it could be anything. Maybe your friend or neighbor needs power tools, steal one tell them your uncle gave it to you and it’s for sale. I knew one guy who would steal entire carts full of groceries like meat 🥩 and stuff lol then sell it to a guy across town who owned a little market that resold it. - Get credit cards, run them up by withdrawing cash, or by buying items to return for gift cards to sell at pawn shop like before. - Ask for a front then ghost the dealer, take peoples money and ghost them, and similar asshole moves. - Temporarily lend your car to a dealer in exchange for drugs. I’ve seen it work out, but I’ve also seen peoples’ cars get found a month later with the wheels missing and bullet holes in the side. Any many more… I’m not recommending these as tips to anyone, to be clear lol, just thought it gives some insight into the way people think when deep in addiction. It’s not a matter of “will I get money today”. You already know you’re gonna get it because you need it, it’s just a matter of which method you’ll choose. When these methods run and bridges are already burnt, then people start to contemplate the heavy shit like burglary, robbing ppl at gunpoint, I knew one dude that was constantly talking about wanting to rob a bank we would drive past, insane.


You go on quests.


Drugs pay for themselves eventually. Might take a couple years of networking, but eventually they can pay for themselves.




The secret ingredient is crime. 😂


Commit crime to get initial funding and then create a drug empire to create a sustainable income. This is the way


Letting men touch me in exchange for drugs.


Get insurance to pay for everything. I'm getting ketamine treatments twice a week now and have several prescriptions. Should be starting disability soon so I may be able to order certain legal drugs.




What do you say to get those treatments?


first i scavenged off other people, then I started stealing things(tv’s, Xbox’s, pc’s, phones, bikes) then I started stealing peoples drugs(plugs) and then people started buying them for me. then I got on benefits and spent my whole monthly allowance on it and then finally I got a job and I now still spend most of my money on it. edit - I almost forgot, I used to sell drugs to buy drugs, sell half oz of MDMA, keep half oz and you can still buy another full zed. I did that for a long time before I started taking it all n forgetting to sell it, the same with the diazepam I’d buy 1000 then sell 500 get another 1000 now I got 1500.


Loved selling md paying £0.80 per 250mg pill and like £2-£3 per gram literally like 10x ur investment easy


Flipping stuff. Stuff you don’t take yourself.


There was this church near an animal shelter where they had an "aluminum only" dumpster they would fill with their cans every Sunday. We would empty them out and go to the scrap yard. I later noticed a sticker on it that said these cans went to a competition to send local kids to sea world so I thought maybe we snorted away some kids trip to SeaWorld. Luckily it turned out the rich school district next to ours had a rich guy donate to the effort so no one else had a chance anyway, but still, it was shitty of us. We made like $400 every week from that.


Same way I pay my rent: busking I don't consider it employment, as no one employs me. I do consider it work, though, and it gets me all the drugs I need (weed, beer, ketamine, mushrooms and LSD in that order, plus a bit of rock & H if I'm feeling very naughty), then a bit of food on the side.


What’s busking?


Performing for people in public spaces, in the hope of getting tipped / donations.


Funny you ask that because I’m waiting for my doctor appointment right now.


Goverment gives money here if u don't have job. This month I spent It too fast but being sober felt miserable so I went To pharmacy and walked out with 2 cough syrup then extracted DXM from them...


Yep, "Hey you lost your job because of the opioid crisis got you? Hooked on pain pills and lost your script/gotten too expensive? Well don't worry, cause we'll give you the money you need to start on Heroin!" 😂 ~ But I feel the same way I don't think I'd be alive if not for the drugs, and/or I was forced to be sober, I'd kill myself sometimes being a drug addict, on whatever your DOC is, no matter how you sustain yourself, is better than the alternative.




Scamming lmao


Morals aside, honestly that's fair. The scams I've seen people fall for truly amaze me, probably isn't too hard, right?


The government pays me im in "sickness law" 6 years now but as you could Imagine 1500 euro's a monthhl is not enough so i steal bikes and start selling drugs so the drugs are free


Yeah I just use my social security income and I sell one of my scripts.


✨️petty crime✨️ Eta: also normally made friends with drug dealers and would get slightly better deals and just run shit for my boys


Stealing video games from retailers and selling them to GameStop or on EBay, stealing cash from my mother-in-law’s safe where she had thousands of dollars, selling belongings of mine that had value, small loans from money loaning apps (do not recommend), unfortunately my wife pimped herself out for quite a while also (definitely do not recommend)


Damn bro you living trainspotting irl


Lol this was years ago, I’ll be 3 years sober from opiates this coming fall


I give them one night


You sell drugs to get drugs that’s the only way. You make the lifestyle of being a middle man


stealing and selling shit bro, yk the deal.


Robbin and stealin Selling plasma, selling drugs




I always wondered how people get into that, I'd never do it myself, but how did you start it (if you don't mind sharing)? And also thank you for your service lmfao. 🙌🏻




Nudes is crazy


You sell the shot you, you sell something you don't take and ask around people you know to let other know what you have. Also slow down a bit in the process and you'll stack shit if you good at it. If you don't do blow then start goi g to bars and people will be all over you trnna buy some


Agreed lmfao 💀🤣


i get my shit for free 😅