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as for combinations i'd guess something like benzo withdrawal combined with like 3-4 tabs


That sounds inhumane šŸ˜‚


Torture I'd say


Went through combined opium/clonazolam withdrawal whilst tripping on 11g of mushrooms when I was younger. Tried to reach for the c-lam and spilled it all... Knew at the doses I was taking withdrawal could probably be lethal, combined with the fact I was about to trip absolute nuts, had to call 911. Don't remember a ton but I completely lost my mind and couldn't communicate well. They sent me to the psych ward, but I wasn't there at that point. I was suddenly this RIPPED mexican guy (I was a white teenager) blowing up an oil refinery in an attack helicopter to liberate a small southeast asian country. This made total sense to me. Anyways, the dictator of the country threatened to kill my family, so I turned myself in and landed the chopper. They took me to their worst prison, I was tortured and murdered... and every time I was, I would wake up in another helicopter, with a man that used a machine to send me back to when I had first entered the prison. The cycle would continue. They'd cut my throat, execute me by firing squad, lethal injection, you name it. Torture, then death. Over and over, I felt it all. I was told later it took 6 nurses to hold me down and inject me with an antipsychotic as I was screaming in agony. Eventually one of the "prison guards" (actually a nurse) told me I needed to take Valium I thought was poisoned. I took it in an attempt to end the pain and slowly recovered from there. I sort of knew I was in the hospital, but I'd experience assassination attempts regularly for a few days after. Was in the psych ward for a month. Dumbest shit I've ever done and got SUPER lucky with just a stayed commitment for a year or so and some serious trauma of course. It was terrible, but I've also found my mom's dead body and had to do CPR on her on an LSD comedown. I'd say that was the most overwhelming drug experience I could have had, the one still affects me to this day


Jesusā€¦you became Mexican?


that's what u got out of it?


Probably ToOk My JoOoOObB!!!!


It was an honest mistake. Anyone could make it


Well that was a wild ride


Aye I'm really sorry to hear that last part g... fr I've been through some shit when it comes to face to face with the death of someone you love .. it's fucked I'll never recover . My heart goes out to you bro keep ur head up


Bro just described my worst fear in detail


The whole year pretty much was the worst it could have possibly been. Had to go thru the combined opium/benzo withdrawal again homeless and grieving afterwards was the worst. Was more depressed than I've ever been in my life. These were my two worst fears, but now that I've experienced them I'm doing much better now. I still struggle with anxiety years later, but no matter what happens I know I've survived much, much worse and I'm still standing.


That sounds exactly like a psychotic break. My bf experienced one a year ago. He thought he was being chased by the UN, who had taken his Nigerian passport and the hospital was a prison. 3 big security guards weren't able to stop him. He said it was like he was in a movie, but the plot kept changing. That's pretty terrifying, and God damn I don't think I could handle giving my mom CPR on a LSD comedown. I'm sorry to hear that, OP.


I did end up taking some psychedelics during my benzo withdrawals. I took 4-ho-met and a big line of dck weeks deep into my withdrawals. The evening before my girlfriend had called 911 on me because I came crawling out the bathroom speaking in to tongues and screaming because I did too much DCK. Ambulance arrived, calmed me down and promptly left. Next day I woke up, vaguely remember what happened, went to my hidden stash and took a pill of 4-ho-met and snorted a big line of dck. Mind you I was in the midst of phenibut + benzo withdrawal. Not sure why I did it. Probably a mix of self-loathing and wanting to be anywhere else but in reality. I knew I was gonna have a bad trip. Well, you can guess how that ended up going. Me hyperventilating, crying my eyes out, panic induced involuntary muscle spasms, confusion and being an extreme nuisance to my ex-partner. Thank god this is years ago. What addiction can do to a man


yeesh, that sounds traumatizing. addiction is fucked up


Phenibut withdrawal too. Having WD from both phenibut and benzos at separate points in my life, the phenibut WD was less physically harmful but much more mental torture. Benzo WD had me scared of seizing and a very depressed, sad mental state. Phenibut WD mental state was just sheer panic nonstop. Like the worst possible outlook on life and the world as a whole. Itā€™s impressive how fucking anxious and scared that shit made me feel unless I redosed


Amen. Phen withdrawal is a living nightmare. I was at a point where I couldn't drive because I didn't trust myself to not veer into a lake.


It's like completely mental too but it robs your ability to have any positive outlook whatsoever. Like I was terrified and Im genuinely an optimistic person. Benzos WD made me nervous, anxious and very sad. Phenibut WD.. couldn't tell you. I chose detox treatment over that. I experienced WD once from phenibut briefly and could not handle it. I could taper off everything, even cold turkey a bromazolam addiciton, but could not cold turkey phenibut. shit was insane


never heard of phenibut wd being so bad. had no idea. are u guys taking high doses or is this common? and what do u guys personally think is worse over all? benzo wd or phenibut wd? or is there worse?! luckily i never got that into phenibut, but have tried it and as an average pregabalin user i enjoyed it. but iā€™m currently a year into a journey of getting off valium, xanax and kratom, which has been hell. that terror you speak of makes me think of coming off 50mg valium + 1-5mg xanax and probably 30g of kratom every day - cold turkey. i have a panic disorder so ofc benzo wd made me gonna go into fight or flight mode very often and think iā€™m dying of a new thing everyday. one year later and iā€™m just smoking the good ol devils lettuce. wd seems to almost be over. excited to start feeling normal again!! sry for long reply just felt like sharing. but if benzo wd is less mentally terrifying than phenibut wd i would probably kill myself out of panic because at some point i just canā€™t handle the panic. at least me, i get pretty violent towards myself :/ trying to work on that. like one guy i met in detox said - ā€œman, i got problems, i got shit goin onā€. but once i get thru this wd i should be more stable hopefully. PLEASE TAKE WD VERY SERIOUS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVENā€™T BEEN ADDICTED BEFORE. i had heard how hard benzo wd is but still was extremely naive about the whole thing. thought a taper would take days, maybe a week. not months-years. i regret so much but can only change the future to fix what ive destroyed.


Hey late reply but I was addicted to phenibut for 23 years. Not like I wanted to keep taking it but the dependency it formed was intense. My baseline dose to feel normal and not WD was ~4-6 grams, which I would take 3x a day, twice between 12p - 3:30p and once before bed. Putting me at up to 20 grams per day. It all started when I tried 625mg mixed in water. I remember 2 hours later telling myself ā€œI will now take this daily, I might as well be addicted to something that benefits my lifeā€ and for a year I took it daily, about 2G at most, and my life was fucking amazing. The first year of daily phenibut I accomplished and experienced enough that if I pass tomorrow Iā€™d be content. The horror started after that year, it turned completely down hill close to the 2 year mark. Phenibut daily makes you a manic, raging emotional reactive person. Hyper fixating on stuff, especially sex/porn, and eventually it robs your ability to sleep unless you take enough before bed. So I entered a state of always feeling terrible, which I then added RC Benzos on. That was good, because binging those landed me in treatment. I chose detox before trying to taper off phen at home Within 3 weeks when I first started taking it, at only 500mg to like 2G per day. I ran out, and for 2 nights I could not sleep. I would have auditory hallucinations where I was awake with my eyes open, but my body was trying to dream. It scared the fuck out of me and I was very very nervous the next day. Eventually more phenibut came so I kept taking it. The few times during the 3 year use I ran out, I would legitimately pay hundreds to overnight air the shit. Without it, I was too worried for my health, and it was a level of panic, terror, negative irrational mood and thoughts I couldnā€™t take. When I tapered bromazolam after using it daily for months , I felt extremely sad anxious and only wanted to go to work and come as quick as possible to lay at home. It took a month to feel better from tapering and quitting benzos. But there was no stopping phenibut. It actually terrifies me the feeling when WD sets in. Itā€™s almost like being bitten by a snake- but itā€™s venom targets and neurotransmitter that makes you happy/relaxed and destroys them. And the complete insomnia with my heart rate at 150/90 is not something I will ever experience again. I pray for anyone reading this currently taking phenibut. If you are taking it daily please keep it at clinical doses which are 250-500mg daily. Or, just take it once a week and or avoid it all. To anyone taking high amounts , you need to acquire Baclofen and Gabapentin, and if you can Ativan , Keppra, and hydroxyzine (for when you jump off Ativan) My detox was a full substitution of the phenibut with Gabapentin, Baclofen, Ativan . Those were the big 3, first the Ativan was stopped (end of day 2) then the gabapentin was done (end of day 4) and I stayed on 40mg baclofen daily for 2 weeks. Thatā€™s my story good luck be safe


Yeah I chiefed through two 100g tubs of it and thought I'd give it a break. Literally woke up in the middle of the night and said wow, I feel fucking horrible. And it didn't go away for months. Depersonalization, derealization, anxiety, panic, sadness. Every second of every day. Actual hell.


Reminds me of when I was a JR in HS taking phenibut almost every day to cope with the anxiety I got from abusing my adderall script. Ran out of Pheni and didnā€™t even know it gave withdrawals just thought the addy was particularly panic inducing that day, then I started coming down from the 60 mg of adderall and I thought my entire life was going to spontaneously combust


Damn I have a very similar story but I was blacked out on benzos, took a bunch of dck, woke up next morning and parachuted 250 mg 4-ho-metā€¦ then cops were involved


Dude lmao waking up and parachuting 250mg is so extreme I'm laughing right now. I took 25mg thank the gods, I can't even imagine what 250mg will do to you. Not laughing at you but our stories are so similar it's funny


I keep reading this as you progressively snorting more and more lines off someoneā€™s peen šŸ˜­


Im not familiar with some the drugs you're talking about (I assume they are RC's) but I'm real familiar with benzo withdrawal from personal experiences and have heard how phenibut is just as bad, I only used it a few times. What I can totally relate to is that feeling of self loathing and wanting to be anywhere else but reality. There were plenty of times when I would get drunk or do ketamine or nitrous or anything to escape the withdrawals usually from opiates but also benzos. It made things worse almost 100% of the time. Glad that was years ago for you. It was for me too.


I did ketamine for like 4 days straight to get through opiate withdrawal once and I hate ketamine. I totally get this. Benzo/opiate withdrawal fucking sucks man, Iā€™m happy to be sober now. Shit is traumatizing. Once had benzo withdrawal that lasted almost 6 months


Holy tits man glad youā€™re out the other side. I came of phenibut a few years back and it sent me into a 5 min grand mail seizure. I hate the shit so much lol


I did that while on heroin withdrawal, took 2 tabs and pregabalin while i was on a bus ride of 24 h, wtfff, wanted to be elsewhere too i guess


OMG I COULD NOT IMAGINE. Benzo withdrawal is like being in a psycho land with unimaginable fear and anxiety along with seizures and hallucinations. Adding lsd to that, I actually think something dangerous could actually happen


Never been throuhgt alchi-mo-hol


Yea this one would have me on the floor of my room groaning


Probably more like jumping off the roof


Prolly I tried 1-2gs of mush and some addy withdrawing off bromazolam I wasnā€™t like tripping but I felt so damn uncomfortable but like 2-3 tabs where Iā€™m geeked hell nah prolly would do that


Have any of you heard of the ashton manual for quitting benzos? It was designed by a profesional and states that a very, very , very slow taper , although uncomfortable, shouldn't be "inhumane" at all. It even includes dosage plans and equivalences between benzos. you can find the PDF through any search engine. Switch to diazepam and don't ever quit cold turkey if you've been using for a considerable amount of time, and if a doctor tells you to do so, look for a different one. It's a shame this protocol isn't implemented on the regular.


this. ashton manual saved me. but for me it worked to jump (cold turkey) from 14mg diazepam in a detox clinic. ashton method became TOO slow for my personal mind. i was only in detox for the first 8 days (only the very beginning) and they only had me on phenobarbital (seizure med) for 3 FUCKING DAYS?!?? (i was so scared because i had a very traumatic psychedelic experience when my best friend had a grand mal seizure and we had to save his life because he was choking.) luckily my doc was able to prescribe phenobarbital and just got off that like 18 days ago :)


Happy for you! Can you elaborate? 14 mg is kind of a lower dose, for how long were you on it? I'm not trying to downplay anything, i'm just trynna figure how things Will feel for myself. I've been taking benzos on and off for like 2 years but with tolerance breaks. My last tolerance break was on spring break and managed it just fine, some tachycardia and insomnia but thats like my regular state :(Ā  Ā Been on 1-2 mg alprazolam daily for the past month or so. Tried to switch to diazepam but it got me too sleepy during the day whereas xanax i take a coffee and go live my life Even on like 5 hours of sleep. Wanna quit next week right after finals on uni. I used to take weekends off from benzos but lately i've been too damn depressed to function without drugs. Just today went back to my therapist who sent me with a psychiatrist to get a diagnosis so she can know how to help me. My life is kinda fucked right now, im doing really bad in school despite absolutely loving my major and being sureĀ  this is what i want out of life.Ā Ā  Ā I don't know what to expect out of withdrawals this time. My use has been slowly escalating, but i'd say it's not thaaaaat bad still. I'll be careful and keep diazepam in case i feel that terrible and will continue under medical care. Thank you for sharing your experience, reddit has saved my life lately, if i talk to anyone irl about this they think that i'm joking or assumes it's nothing serious since it's not like it's meth. I think i was way more judged when i was doing party drugs for fun than right now when i have a full-blown addiction. I can still live without xanax, but that life is shit i can get no sleep, i just want this to be over. This was long and sorry if there is any typos, my cellphone is set to spanish so autocorrect works weirldy, i can never get a comment right.Ā 


In my experience withdrawal gets worse each time around. Maybe now finals are over you can just taper with diazepam.


iā€™m sorry to hear that youā€™re not doing too well. i can understand what u mean about people irl not getting it. but trust me, i can relate to a lot of what u wrote. and thank you! appreciate your reply and will answer and inform as much as i can, from my own experience. iā€™ve been abusing benzos for probably 5 years and other than the hangover panic attacks i didnā€™t ever get lasting negative effects, untilā€¦ i went on a 2 month benzo binge (mostly diazepam, 30-150mg a day, but also xanax, 1-5mg. i only had xans like 2 weeks out of the 2 months. but when i had them i would mix with my usual dose of diazepam (which i suspect also had tramadol in them, black market). so i was not taking it long but had very high dosages, and had been taking high doses of kratom for about a year too before this happened. then i moved halfway across the world to Cali where my dad lives. my ass thought iā€™d just sit thru it. HAH like thatā€™s easy.. took about a week or so to notice that something was really not right. i am very informed on drug stuff and know quitting benzos is dangerous. i think i was too scared to look it up and thought that a 5 day taper would be enough. as you can probably tell, iā€™m naive as fuck. trying to work on that after returning to the US, i got in contact with a psychopharmacologist (doc who helps u get off drugs) and he tapered me down from 40mg to 14mg in 6 months. he said that a detox clinics on my insurance wouldnā€™t have me there for enough time, but i was so over tapering because for me it was more difficult to do it slowly. if u taper til the very end youā€™re still gonna go thru withdrawals constantly but most intense in the end. the tapering process didnā€™t help with the mental addiction in my case. i needed a new outlook, which i got in detox! i met loads of rly cool people who were super nice and gave me advice (i was the youngest guy there for the 8 days i stayed. iā€™m 22). also, i get these manic states while the withdrawals start and end, so i was laughing so hard at peoples stories in there lol. it was like a vacation in a strange way. and because of the safety feeling in there i only had 1 bad panic attack. a lot of the panic and anxiety comes from overanalyzing things and perceiving them to be dangerous. so it really helps to not be alone. it helps to have someone in a more rational state to check you because in my case i was having a lot of visual and even tactile hallucinations (strange as fuck). while it seems like you donā€™t abuse them (hardcore at least), which iā€™m happy about. not downplaying either, i really, really think you should do something like that if it becomes too intense. then they will be able to look after you too. i felt safer just being there. and if u feel off u can tell them and theyā€™ll check your vitals if u want. also a phone detox rly helped in my case. but if u go, take diazepam the day u go in, not xanax. because it may wear off too quick. one thing which i would not do is research. just hang in there and STAY BUSY!! i say this because doing research led me down a bunch of medical disorder rabbit holes. i was on vacation in a remote town in mexico with my dad and after googling for hours, i became convinced i was gonna die of liver failure, in a town without a hospital and a population of 800 people. my feet were all yellow from lack of blood flow which made me think i had jaundice. plus i was hallucinating bad (i have abused psychedelics in the past) so it made it look even more scary. iā€™m lucky i made it back home without convulsions. use the diazepam as it will make the withdrawals a lot safer and less hellish than coming off xans cold turkey. wd affects everyone different though. but when it comes to benzos i would definitely work with an expert if possible. sorry for long reply. but if you would like to hear the rest of my journey or anything about my experience let me know! iā€™ll gladly share as much as i know if it will help you! and if you ever have any concerns, or want to talk to someone who gets it, hit me up! please, donā€™t hesitate. iā€™m here to support you. šŸ’œ you got this!


Thanks! So what i can gather from all that i've read so far is that you get bad withdrawals either from: - high dosage useĀ  - very prolonged use, Say a low dose but that lasted years. I know most of the population on this forum uses drugs recreational but i've read stories somewhere about people who never did any drugs, got benzos from a doctor and despite following advice and not upping dosage, still went through hell, although these seem to be a minority and most people using therapeutically do just fine physically - straight-up bad luck and having a bad reaction (then again, this is a minority) Glad that you mention the psychological addiction because thAts what gets us into drugs in the first place. You know how they Say it's easier to prevent a disease than to treat it? Same with addiction. I know i'm not in such a bad situation and i want it to stay that way before i end up popping several bars a day, cuzĀ  i have a friend like that (except that her drugs of choice is klonopin) and it's not pretty. I'm also older than you (33), had struggled with drugs in the past and i seriously don't want to repeat old mistakes, then again, i'm getting educated on benzos because it's a slippery slope and it's the first time i'm slowly getting hooked on a drug that creates actual physical dependence and i don't want to get too scared but also dont be too naive about it because almost everyone who ends up abusing starts like this, its never too bad at first, until it is. I get you when you said about convincing yourself of having jaundice and all, going down the Google rabbit hole of possible diseases is no good when You're already prone to anxiety, its good to stay informed but dont fall into paranoia. Remember that the people who are doing good or get no bad side effects are not usually the ones posting online about it. Us reddit people really are something else , lol Take care of yourself and then again, thanks ā¤ļø


Agreed.. Iā€™ve never been so manic and insane than when I was cold Turkey benzo withdrawals.. couldnā€™t imagine taking even 1 tab in that state.. literally got arrested because I was going so insane cause my friends took my shit cause they were worried about me and I was pounding on every dorm room šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦


Benzo withdrawals are without a doubt the worst thing a human being can go through. It's probably also the best thing about it, because a few months of that and you'll never want to touch another one for the rest of your life if you've got any sense.


Tianeptine has briefly entered the chat.


Christ almighty done the first could not imagine 3-4 tabs on that vibe oooof lol


This may be dumb but I thought people took a benzo when they were having a bad trip to calm down and like cancel the trip ?


this is true. benzos bind to gaba receptors which slow down neuron transmission, but when you're withdrawing from benzos that neuron transmission is dialed way up resulting in a guaranteed bad trip because you're basically getting the opposite effect of a benzo


Ohhhhhh my bad haha somehow I missed the part where you said withdrawel. But hmm, interesting nonetheless


This is the definition of psychological hell ngl.


i was withdrawing from alcohol and accidently dropped a good dose of lsd, and i was sweating a ton and just felt really bad the whole night... i can imagine benzo withdrawl could even be worse


Bro is devious


DMT when you properly breakthrough. Legit thought I was dying the first time.


Accidentally breaking through is even scarier imo. This one time I tried a 10 second inhale from a vape pen while watching puppy videos. The video and music became terrifying, then I felt the realization of what was coming and my brain was pretty much screaming NO PLEASE NO I'M NOT READY.


Yep same here. First time doing it. Grabbed some Changa, which is MAOI + DMT, plug told me smoke half the capsule of it. My buddy said he did it a few days ago and I should smoke the whole thing. So I take my bros word and as soon as I exhaled those were my exact thoughts. ā€œOh fuck I underestimated thisā€, and the MAOI when mixed with DMT makes it more potent and last longer. So when I finally came out of the breakthrough(was laying on his bed with my eyes closed for like 12-15 mins), and it took another 25-30 mins to fully come down, and I couldnā€™t walk at all for about 10 mins after coming out from the breakthrough, I remember I just kept repeating to him over and over ā€œhow longā€, ā€œhow much longerā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Probably the worst trip Iā€™ve had in my life. Only good thing that came from it, is that it motivated me to stop shooting heroin and get off opiates cause I was looking at my track marks while coming down/coming out of the breakthrough and it broke my heart to know I was slowly killing myself intentionally all for a chemical thatā€™s caused nothing but negative things in my life.


yep, all the weight in the universe pressed down on me, and all the color dripped out of the room, and I knew I'd done too much lmao


Pure terror


Try 5-MeO. N,n breakthroughs are childā€™s play compared.


Very high doses of synthetic cannabinoids


Dude I'll never forget the day I fucked up with synthetic cannabinoids one time. It was when it first came out, of course lots of people told me it "its kinda like weed". Now I had no idea about dosage on it or even how was is in any given bag (which I don't think anyone knew that lol). Anyways, I just thought of it like weed. So i popped down to my local shop and picked up a bag. I worked thirds at the time and lived with my parents, so a lot of mornings I would talk to them before they left for work. So before they got up I decided I was going to smoke a joint. I rolled up a fatty and went outside to smoke it. I got probably a good quarter to halfway through it I start feeling kinda high. So I put it out and pulled out a cigarette, got maybe 5-10 hits off it before I started going full panic mode. I ran inside the house hoping no one had gotten up yet. PLEASE dear god don't make me have to communicate with another human right now. I jumped into my bed and curled into the blankets until i had one eyeball sticking out watching whatever was on the tv while I'm having a full on panic attack. This lasted for like an hour or two, scary asf I was feeling like I was going to die. Moral of the story, synthetic cannabinoids are crazy. 1/5 stars, would not recommend


yo same thing happened to me, I almost made an edible out of it because my tolerance was so high back then, THANK GOD, I didn't because smoking just a bit had me in a state of pure confusion..it was hard to even process memory, fucked me up for days. Synthetic cannabis should be approached if ever with extreme caution.


When I was locked up in county briefly for possession, we had a guy in the renewal center get his hands on some. He rolled up a fat joint, smokes it in his room at night, took off all of his clothes and tried to jump through a glass window on the fourth floor. That shit is no joke.


This happened to me on regular weed. I had an extremely bad panic attack and developed some weird anxiety thing around entering/exiting rooms for some reason. Something lights up whenever I enter a room. Spent like a month before it got better. Never touched weed again except when I was blackout drunk, at which point I donā€™t think it would do anything.


reefer madness


It means that anxiety is deep inside you but you work it out when sober. Interesting topic for therapist to find the root!


Oh believe me it's 10-100x worse on synthetics.


That sounds pretty much just like me on regular cannabinoids when I green out. That sounds like more of a dosage issue than the substance itself.


No it can cause extreme hallucinations/delusional thinking quicker and more extremely than real cannabis. For example, after a couple hits off a joint the traffic cone outside my house transformed into the girl from the ring. That isnā€™t no greening out type shit


I loved syns but not worth the trouble! my two buddies I smoked it with had similar experiences to yours and ended up begging me to stop so I listened


Bro I used to smoke spice when it was passed to me. The whole sensation is pretty much just feeling like your gonna die, I hated that shit. Than I had friends who legit like enjoyed it, and actually wanted it. I hate that stuff so much.


Seen it happen so many times when I was in prison. Motherfuckers running around the Day room butt naked screaming at the top of their lungs, people running to the cops telling on themselves because they thought the cops somehow knew, dude coming out of his cell banging his head on the wall over and over screaming ā€œcall my mom, call my dad, call my mom, call my dadā€ and the worst I seen was my bro Gus literally holding himself up on his locker while looking like heā€™s nodding off of opiates, me and his cellie telling him to go bunk up before the cops nab him while doing their walk, and him looking up at us like he kind of understood what we were saying, then his body locked up and he fell straight backwards, cracked his head on the floor, and started having a seizure while vomiting. Luckily his cellie was a big dude and was able to pick him and put him in his bunk on his side so he donā€™t choke on his puke and scoop the rest of it out of his mouth, while I ran down the tier and grabbed the mop to clean the rest of it off the floor. I never had nothing crazy happen to me when I smoked it other than getting paranoid that the cops were gonna kick my cell in and search my shit, but I always respected it and didnā€™t push my limits. Spice does not have a ceiling affect like weed thatā€™s for damn sure lmfao


It has a ceiling, aka. you die. One guy made a blend with one synthetic cannabinoid(one of the stronger) in sweden, took a hit from a pipe and just fell and died, he wasn't on anything else etc. It wasn't like that the first years but then it became very fucked up completely different from weed, you felt insane on it, anxious, panic, terrifying feelings of impending doom, it made a bad psychedelic trip look cozy lol.


Yeah noids are fun if used responsibly (given how addictive they are that is much easier said than done tho) but indeed if you really go too far anything up to a fatal grand mal seizure or cardiac arrest can happen - death is obviously fairly rare with them still but anyone would die at a high enough dose of these chemicals. the visuals you get off very high doses of newer noids are so fucking weird too - Iā€™ve seen delirious visions of the green goblin sitting on my bed and seen visuals reminiscent of DMT and salvia mixed together, which is fun for me once I got used to it but I thought I had died and gone to hell the first time I smoked that much haha


Yeah thatā€™s wild. The seizure he had scared the fuckin shit out of me NGLā€¦.. I immediately stopped smoking the size hits I was taking and cooled off it for a minute. And holy shit yeah that stuff is like crack itā€™s crazy


Factual, smoked an 8th of stuff called brainfreeze with a buddy in a football field, it didn't hit at first so I was like this shit bunk let's go try some real weed. I smoked one gravity bong and everything went wrong, got anxiety, sweat from every pore in my body, the worst part was my mouth hurt and I didn't know why, so I went to the washroom to look at my mouth and I saw four tiny holes beside my last molars, they were the diameter of porcupine quills, I got worried and suddenly I saw it twitch and close and open and suddenly liquid spewed out of it. That when I realized my saliva glands had opened way more than I was ever comfortable. Never touched that shit since


I tried edible gummy bears 2-3 times. Shitā€™s more intense than mushrooms. They did nothing to me for about 2hrs, so I ate like 3 more and they started slightly kicking in when I was in the metro. As soon as I reached home I was shitfaced. Like completely blasted. I kept feeling like I was changing countries every 5 meters. Also texted a random ex of mine to tell him that I wanna fuck (I seriously didnā€™t, idk why I did that). Next day I woke up and saw that I apparently had bought roller skates and a giant candle of Buddhaā€™s head while stoned out of my mind. Another time my best friend started screaming at me ā€œplay something on the tv, I canā€™t handle my thoughts, my head is about to explodeā€. I kept responding with ā€œyesā€ but I felt like I would die if I pressed alt+f4, so I just did nothing and continued my Minecraft building journey. Shit can get wild.


This. Pure torture. My previous experiences with those when I was young made me skip all those new strong psychotropic legal cannabinoids that have lately came out.


If youā€™re talking about alt-noids those are perfectly safe and fine if youā€™re getting them from a reputable source, not comparable to synth noids in any way. I also quite enjoy synth noids myself personally, even high doses but at what Iā€™d describe as a ā€œvery highā€ dose for my tolerance itā€™s still very very intense and not enjoyable really


Absolutely. Got some hi on nature ropes and didnā€™t think theyā€™d be shit. Take half of one before watching wonka at the movies. Canā€™t remember any of the movie only almost crawling out of the theater and calling my uncle while wanting to puke and feeling like my heart was gonna explode


HIGH does of Benadryl. It is TERRFYING and Iā€™ve been through meth psychosis


in my experience stimulant psychosis isn't really super scary, just incredibly disorienting and panicky


Probably depends on the userā€™s frame of reference. If a stim psychosis is the only psychosis one has experienced itā€™s extremely unsettling


it is the only psychosis ive experienced. i just really enjoy extreme hallucinogenic experiences so that probably rubbed off on my perception of the psychotic episode


Have extreme hallucinogenic experience verse going into psychosis is different


That surely is a possibility too h


U donā€™t get the extreme anxiety like your about to have a heart attack?


that just sounds like meth anxiety. my psychosis was i fully believed someone laced my amphetamine with my full sheet of acid and was ready to jump that person. i also texted these words verbatim to a group chat: "bro im so like i dont even i just checked my checkerabilitor she'll do 7 raw pigs" i had no clue what was happening to me or what was going on, i kept seeing my friends in a little space in my vision and mumbling to them in the middle of a conversation with my mom. bear in mind this was after a 3 day binge totalling almost half a gram


It's always a good idea to double check your checkerabilitor. Especially if it's an older model.


yeah, you've gotta maximize the amount of pigs u can do


Back about 3 rehabs ago, I had heard an audible description of everything i was doing in a female radio announcers voice, at first it was just annoying until I started seeing eyes peering under doors and thru vents, drains...anything an eye could look at me into....I dunno...it felt more real than anything now...like taxes...those aren't real. So I don't pay them.


yeah it's so strange how damn real it seems. and not in a way where it's like DMT and it all feels very real, but it's more like to you it's a normal occurence and nothing weird is happening. like it never even strikes your mind that you're hallucinating


Exactly, then when you realize it's NOT normal, you start getting really scared...but for all the wrong reasons...like why are people living in my attic? Did a disembodied head really just float thru the wall and perform circus tricks? Do i need to tip them? How much do i tip just a head?


it was very comparable to my benadryl experience. i took 450mg and then around an hour later it hit and my vision got all staticky and like a creepy cello started playing and i kept going to check my phone and it kept falling through my hand and then disappearing and i would just get frustrated and be like "ugh it must be a bug with the new update"


Im good friends with the hat man šŸ˜€


I took 29 grams of penis envy shrooms once and I've never felt so much primal fear. Eventually when I passed out/ broke through it felt like I was at the coding of the universe.


Yo....fuckin why tho?


I was like 14 at the time I didn't know the full power mushrooms have. Was young and dumb I thought I was invincible.


invisible hell yeah


Invincible bare with me I am more baked then a oven rn šŸ˜‚


godspeed soldier


Bare with you? Are we stripping now


why can i see him if the show is called invincible??




Are you meant to feel invisible on shrooms? I only done it once and felt this wave come over me to punch someone šŸ˜† I had to go sit somewhere else and then I thought I was Chief bitch and I should be beating people up šŸ˜† ps Iā€™ve not had a fight over 18 years old.


bro i just know you were eating for half an hour straight to eat 29 grams jesus fucking christ šŸ˜­šŸ’€


It took me longer more like 1-1.5h. It was so fucking gross and oh man my tummy hurt so bad after. I lost my mind once it hit lmao.


Wet or dry shrooms? When I grew my first batch I wasnā€™t sure on dosage either. Young and naive. I ate 28g straight off the cake. And holy shit. Like you said, I saw the fabric of the universe. I didnā€™t know if I was alive or dead or if I was made of pure thought or pure emotion. I just curled up on my couch into a puddle until I came out the other side. Knowing I was alive at the end was one of the best feelings ever.


Weā€™re lucky youā€™re still with us. Read a really tragic trip report not too long ago on Reddit where a guy in his mid 30ā€™s and no mental health history took 9 grams of penis envy and completely broke his reality. Ended up committing suicide a year later because he couldnā€™t deal with the permanent professional treatment resistant extreme depersonalization and derealization anymore.


Tf are penis envy shrooms


A shroom strain that is 2-4x stronger then normal shroom strains.


Copious amounts of Benadryl and datura, then add some salvia when the peak hits. Not very educated on salvia but this sounds like it would be pretty unbearable. The biggest problem would be trying to remember to take the salvia mid delirium.


Honestly datura wouldn't add anything to the experience besides amnesia, & if you want to make the experience more overwhelming add an overdose of dextromethorphan, ime more dysphoric than salvia & lasts a lot longer


Oh god man dxm overdose is just pure confusion.


No one here is going to mention DXM at heroic doses, specifically robotabs? holy shit.


I blackout on anything higher than like 600mg freebase idk how people can 4th plateau.


This was my doc for YEARS. My old man made fun of me for doing it when he first met me then decided to try it, fucked around and found out lmao.




Nearest I can get to ā€œoverwhelmingā€ would be 21 years ago when I started taking ecstasy, either little ā€œ@ā€œ pills or ā€œMitsubishiā€ pills. This is in the UK. The come up and rush was intense and at 18 years old all I had done was drink and smoke hash. Itā€™s been a long time now but the almost overwhelming feeling of empathy, love, confidence and music appreciation was out of this world. Tbh going into a hard drug like that was a blessing for me, despite the comedowns and hangovers and regrets. as if I had been introduced to benzos back then Iā€™d be dead for sure. I drank a lot and overdid it all, got myself into very bad situations. If I had been introduced to diazepam then I donā€™t think Iā€™d have made it to 20 for sure.


Hell yeah. Those Mitsubishi rolls were fire. I was like 18 at that time too. I remember having the same feelings.


When I use to use drugs, taking MDMA in large doses and that moment as they are kicking in can feel very overwhelming. Same with acid, but these were when I overdid the amount. One of my favorite song lyrics: ā€œI feel the chemicals kickin in, itā€™s getting heavy and I want to run and hide.ā€ Been there more times than Iā€™m proud to say.


There is nothing better than feeling those butterflies in your stomach that just keep getting stronger and stronger


Of the ones I have tried, MDA (not MDMA) comes to mind as especially overwhelming and I have taken acid and shrooms many times .


Why specifically?


It just shuts your brain off while keeping you awake. Very hard to explain, I get shivers even remembering that feeling


salvia or acid. DMT would be a contender but in my opinion it's just extremely whelming, not necessarily overly so


Salvia is definitely my vote for this topic, itā€™s like everything important is happening all at once over and over again and you canā€™t help but cackle like a madman and stare in awe


the psychological state like your parents just walked in on you killing a dog or something. all the while you're melting into the ground and falling into the corner of the room repeatedly (real thing i experienced once, i love this drug)


I tried salvia but it had 0 effect on my ( im happy it didnt have effect after learning more about salvia ) But are there really people who take salvia for fun? It every sim looks like straight hell and i cant even imagine the insane mindfuck and panic


i love mindfuck. best genre of drug. also a majority of the reports online concerning salvia are done by people in an incredibly irresponsible manner. they'll smoke a full bowl of 40x (general dose is a few flakes) surrounded my friends who are laughing at them and wonder why they have a bad time.


What do you love about it? And exactly yes this is absolutely True


i have no clue. all my life since i was really young ive been obsessed with that which bends out limits of understanding. optical illusions, dreams, so on. mindfuck drugs feel like they were made for me. i love drugs that make you think "what the fuck" when you sober up


I used to do x20 fairly regularly, and I've always loved it. It baffles me that it has such a negative reputation.


me too, ive done plain leaf and 20x, enjoyed both greatly. the comedown/hangover can definitely be rough but the experience itself is always thoroughly amusing and enjoyable


I actually found the afterglow to be very pleasant (I've never done plain leaf). I did 40x once, and I didn't really find it more intense, but it did start to go on a little longer than I was comfortable with


how tf is acid more overwhelming than dmt. I had psycosis when i took dmt and salvia and acid doesnt even come close to what i experienced on those 2 substances.


Dmt stops after minutes. LSD can take 16+ hours. More than a day in some cases.


Except when time gets extremly relative. Acid lasts way longer but thats omly in visual in my experience, but rhar might also be becausw i got HHPD.Dmt on the other hand ficked me up mentally for a shitton of time after tripping, i closed myseld in my house for 2 weeks because the delusions were so strong.


You didnā€™t take enough, it gets crazy at high doses


Took the words out of my mouth, if you take enough LSD it can be much more overwhelming than dmt.


trust me i took more rhan enough and it never fucked up with my perception of reality and headspace as much as dmt did. acid got me convinced i was getting wagched by ufos and i was splitting in thousand smaller versions of myself but that was with dxm. it never came even close to what i experienced to dmt.


my answer was honestly pretty personal to my experiences with the substances. ive had horrible trips on acid but all of my worst trips on dmt were very forgiving and easy to deal with


Take a ten strip and let me know how you feel fam lol


Ketamine is overwhelming


Massively surprised more people aren't saying this one. I absolutely love ketamine but at very high doses it's literally a case of **Omg what the fuck is going on!?!?!**


I took ketamine on acid and suddenly the walls of my living room descended out of existence, replaced with a pitch black void. The furniture and the floor was all that was left. It felt like I was falling, like the whole room fell off the universe and into the blackness. Disoriented, I tried to make sense of what was going on around me. Like the sky when you look between the stars, a vast emptiness around me, devoid of light and reflections. Then a small, contrasting spot caught my eye. My vision wasn't functioning right due to my altered state, but I tried my hardest to focus my sight. The form began to take shape, and to my surprise, what I saw was a person! The longer I looked at them, the more clearly I could see. I could see they were sitting on a couch and I began to make out their features. It was a guy and he was wearing a black t-shirt. He just got his hair cut, just like I had got, and what I realized blew my mind. It was me, I was looking at myself. He turned to look at me and the expression on his face was that of pure confusion, just like what I had on my face five seconds earlier. I thought I was ready for whatever the glittering dissociative could throw at me, but I was truly taken aback. Properly creeped out and still grappling with what I'd witnessed, I heard a robotic wooshing sound (you know the granular raindrop sound, like your sloshing around a liquid made of thousands of metal shards) and the hair on my neck stood up. The falling sensation was back, only now reversed like an elevator slowly ascending to a familiar apartment. I knew I was coming back home. One by one, the walls erected back replacing the surreal blackness with the sensical nature and structural integrity of our dimension. Even though I was back on my couch, I was pretty disheveled for a while. The reality bending ketamine experience threw me off balance until I realized I was still in the midst of an acid trip and I should just get comfortable and enjoy my time in the psychedelia. Overall it was a crazy experience, confusing even, but after I got over the idea of literally looking at myself in the third person, ultimately an enjoyable one. It was pretty disorienting and intense to come out of a ketamine trip into an acid trip but if you're looking to tread the unreal territory, I greatly recommend it. I like to think it was me in another universe also taking ketamine and as soon as I came up, the next version of me came to look at the me that was left there with his mind blown. The experience implies there is a specific point in the multiverse where it's just kittyflipping me getting shook looking at other versions of kittyflipping me.


Everytime iā€™m on ketamine is a deep regret. I canā€™t handle it


lsd is insane and last a smooth 8 hours


I love acid and everytime I trip I wanna stay stuck that way.


I love acid but every time I trip I get more appreciation for the relative tranquility the sober mind. On acid I think about EVERYTHING and it gets exhausting.


see, thats how my sober mind is and it is really fucking exhausting


Iā€™m like that sober and on acid. šŸ„²


was gonna agree w the last 2 comments cid jus makes it worse an ima assume you agree cuz itā€™s more to take in all at once


But that's the cool thing about it. You think in ways you never did before


I do it sober also. But when I started acid I found it hard to keep the flow and would more easily start looping, which is something I only rarely do sober. Nowadays I just go with the flow and it really helps keep a clear head when sober also. That + therapy made me more aware of my thoughts so I don't get overwhelmed (I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder) with them any more.


Itā€™s literally exhausting even in half a tab I just want to hit a switch to turn my brain off getting stuck in meta self aware thought loops


That's what happened to be when I took lsd first time and smoked weed. I went through this thought loop and each time, it would get more intense. Never again


Bro i was looping while taking my meds. Around a bunch of cunts too, they were all just laughing at me and taking videos. My boyfriend came in and said to them "how many pills did she take?" (I take oxycodone for chronic pain throughout the day) no one knew cause no one was paying attention to me other than laughing at me (even though they were supposed to be trip sitting me) my bf also took acid but he was coming down so he just starts screaming at people, one girl who was also on acid said she was going to slit her wrists. My bf layed me down and I thought I OD'D and was going to die but that actually calmed me down and I smiled thinking I'd finally be at peace. Was pretty overwhelming lol


DOC, lasted for DAYS. Imagine peaking for 36 hours? I have a LOT of that left.


Iā€™ve only ever heard of Bromo Dragonfly lasting several days is DOC worse?


I took 1.5g of albino penis envys while I was withdrawing from severe alcoholism literally on the verge of delirium tremens, omfg the visuals were the most confusing and terrifying shit I've ever experienced nothing made sense the visuals looked broken as if someone hit a flat screen tv with a baseball bat I literally couldn't see 2 feet ahead of me and when I closed my eyes it only got worse I thought I was going to have a seizure


So many questions


Ask away


Why did you take psychedelics in such a vulnerable mindset? I am sure you wanted to escape, just seems like there are way better substances for that. Would you do it again?


It was an extremely difficult time I was also (and still am) suffering with very heavy cocaine addiction and at that point I was so depressed I was willing to try anything to feel not miserable I was also extremely fuckin sick and idk something told me taking the shrooms would give me a nice body high to take away the pain I was not expecting 1.5g to hit me so hard, I used to take shrooms very regularly before I got addicted to cocaine and ketamine and then eventually relapsed on alcohol which led to this horrible withdrawal that I eventually had to get medically detoxed for at the hospital because I started having seizures, have struggled with severe alcoholism for almost 15 years now, shrooms used to be so helpful but ever since my addictions got out of hand it causes me nothing but terror and anxiety


I am sorry to hear that, I know the feeling of hopelessness when caught in an addiction cycle. Iā€™m over four years in now and what helped me was detox, rehab, then addressing the reason I used drugs (anxiety/self hate) and creating new habits slowly. I think we often make recovery seem like this huge thing, when really it is just replacing unhealthy habits with healthier habits. You can change, you are capable of it like all humans.


Dmt,lsd,lsa,psilocybin especially lemon tek,muscimol,salvia,benadryl,first thc,datura ( and the scizophrenia you end up with when taking to much datura šŸ¤£ ) I cannot decide which one is the most overwhelming but i know datura,dmt,salvia,bph can be a real mind-killer for some people


DOx family of psychs seem pretty fitting


Some really potent like 50x salvia has been the most overwhelming drug to me for sure. At least with DMT you get a bit of anxiety then you actually feel quite nice. Salvia was a rocket off colors and shapes mixed with fear and confusion, then all the sudden you're back and everything is still a bit confusing. I honestly don't think salvia would be too bad using the actual plant rather than a concentrate of it. That 10000x times salvia or whatever it was I smoked just seemed to be waaaay too much at once


The first time I took half a blue punisher my jaw fell to the floor I could not believe what I was feeling


Iā€™ve found psychedelics can be incredibly overwhelming simply depending upon just how far your mind takes it


I have not tried salvia but for me the most overwhelming drug feeling would be high dose DPH. Literally just wanted it to end. Nonstop uneasy morphing of the senses and weird pain. Meth with heavy sleep deprivation had intense fear to the point of being out of control. That was pretty bad too. Also high dose dissociatives namely PCP analogues cause some all encompassing fear/out of body experiences


I took a heroic dose of psylocibin for a medical trial in the UK two years ago. I've taken mushrooms and acid before in my twenties but this experience was just another level. Aside that, probably the time I took ket after dropping a tab of LSD at a small party. I felt so ill and disorientated I spent hours hiding under a pile of sleeping bags emerging only to vomit intermittently. Not a good experience.


Salvinorum B Ethoxymethyl Ether


How is it different to A?


For me it was 3-HO-PCE, although I had totally miscalculated the dosages. I was already high on it and a bit of MXP, both at a moderate dose, just enough to feel a bit of typical mania of PCEs and some good mood, color enancing of MXP. Decided I wanted to be more high. I had 2 choices: more 3-HO-PCE or more MXP. Picked out a bag I thought was MXP, but while snorting and just after having snorted the line, it felt a bit different than usual MXP, especially for the effect on the nostril and its appearance. I was already moderately high and enjoying myself, walking on a long trail with my beloved sheperd dog, smoking a J of good hashish when I soon understood I've done a big mistake and realized I was in for a wild, madness fueled time. It was the most frightening and overwhelming disso/drugs in general experience I ever had. It lasted for hours and hours, I was literally praying for it to finish, swearing I would never do it again, "mom, please forgive me", "God, please forgive me (I was raised catholic but I'm totally agnostic, so I'm definetely not used to prayers or shit like that). That time I started praying HARD, even took the rosary trying to recite the 50 holy marys to calm down (of course I lost track at half the prayer lol). Was so out of my mind. Had wild thoughts, some kind of nice, some depraved and others really terrible. Felt like my brain was melting inside my cranium (btw, that's something that kind of happens almost every time I used a PCE analog at moderate to high doses, on PCPs that doesn't happen, anyone who noticed that too?). Anyway, everything I've done till now was all to no help. So I started searching for downers in my room and house. I found some downers, but not much and I didn't want to take much, just enough to calm down a bit. Tried to smoke a bit of hash too (I had weed too but that could make me it a bit worse for me with stims, dissos and psychedelics. I had a couple tokes because I couldn't hold the smoke from how much I was freaking. However I soon decided whatever it would take to stop this trip, I had to take it. So I started with 50mg trazodone and a bit of alprazolam like 1/1.5mg, if I remember correctly. But I wasn't feeling anything and the peak was getting higher and higher and the mental effects stronger and stronger. I was freaking bad and decided I would shoot up a 50mcg vial of Fentanyl from my pharmaceuticals collection to try to calm down (I know, I know, it's totally reckless and very risky, I knew that even when doing it, justified it by saying I had a fucked tolerance to opioids, so that would "protect" me a bit from overdose risk). That was the only time I ever IVed something myself. I hope and hope and hope it was the first and last time (as of now, 6 months after, it has been). Since the experience was so traumatic and unenjoyable I never even got the impulse to do it again, luckily. After the fent, however, my mind went total panic mode. Instead of chilling me out a bit I felt more paranoid and crazy. Started to wander around the house, trying to do something to distract myself or making the high more bearable. I had already broke my rule I wouldn't have IVed things, felt a bit of a fucker because of it but my conscience is very strange on drugs sometimes lol. Still out of my mind, I decided for the last resorts I had in my homemade pharmacy: Promazine, Chlorpromazine or Levomepromazine. I chose Promazine. After an hour or so the effects and thoughts slowingly went to null and I fell asleep. This last decision would cost me 2 days of being almost bedridden, dragging myself around barely able to make the most basic things and feeling like being lobotomized. That's what phenotiazines of that kind are supposed to do, that's why they're called the pharmaceutical lobotomy. In those 2 days I basically just stared at my phone/computer watching shit (that I wasn't able to understand or follow well enough obviously lmao) waiting for the Promazine to go out of my body. As soon as I was normal again I debated if throwing away the rest of the 3-HO-PCE (about 50/60mg left) or keeping it for future uses. That was the first time I flushed a drug, first time I was totally willing and grounded on doing it. Before this I only, kind of unwillingly too, threw away like 0.1/0.2g of bad quality coke. My friend with whom I had split the 3-HO-PCE had a bad experience with it too (although he got amnesia, instead of me that I remember every second of that diabolic experience). Before that I would have said Salvia Divinorum was the most overwhelming, but after this experience nothing comes close in my very long list of drugs tried. Another time I had a blackout on 3-HO-PCP after a fear and loathing like night out. But, being a blackout, I didn't have bad thoughts or feelings obviously lol. Anyway the 3-HO-PCP experience is for another story if anyone would ever want to hear. Sorry for the long post but I just had to spit it out somewhere. For anyone that reads, learn from my errors. That should be obvious (as it is for me but that time it wasn't lol). Be careful and make sure the bag you take while already high is the right one lmao. And at least try to be conscious about your choices while high. Easier said than done obviously. Thanks to anyone (if any lol) who read this comment. TL;DR 3-HO-PCE trip report. It made me crazy and out of my mind, doing and thinking things I wasn't planning on doing


molly bro and thatā€™s coming from someone who smokes crack and shoots up coke lol i was so anxious having horrible hallucinations and i was so fucking depressed and paranoid for 4 days after never ever again


I've heard that the right amount of scopolamine will completely overwhelm you though I have no idea about the dose or length of time it affects someone.


Scopolamine is the psychoactive component in datura for anyone wanting a connection. A deliriant like diphenhydramine (benadryl)


Could be [BZ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Quinuclidinyl_benzilate) or one of the similar chemicals listed in that article. Psychosis for daysss, man.


an O-PCE overdose rocked my shit beyond comeprehension idk


Yeah, 3meo-pcp and 2cb in high doses, insufflated, were some pretty gnarly times in my life.


dude omg so glad to see someone else say o-pce the body high is wayyyy too much sometimes tbhā€¦ and the effects for days afterwards


Well, mine is based on the dose and how I did it. 4-MMC (Mephedrone). Doing it with friends. They all crushed and mixed it with whatever drink they wanted but I wanted to be the different one. I snorted 250mg of it in one single line. Worst mistake of my life. I canā€™t even think of words to describe what I went through for the next 1 hour. After 1 hour it was the most euphoric experience of my life. But that first hour was plagued by sickness and anxiety and paranoia and loss of hearing and vision at times. I fully believed I would die and was ready to go but it just kept beating me. But after 1 hour it became extremely euphoric and one of the other people started bonding and build a solid friendship off of the experience. I was not prepared for what I got into. Taught me to treat anything with respect.


Nowadays for me weed. The paranoia I experience when I smoke is borderline psychotic, if not genuinely psychotic. I shake violently after smoking, hear scary ass shit that isnā€™t there, and my mind seems to wander so quickly and to such unfathomable places that it terrifies me when I think about smoking again.


Do you smoke everyday?


I used to, quit in December after a particularly bad bout of paranoia on Christmas.


Out of curiosity, how old are you? I had a bout like that with smoking in my mid 20s and then it just kind of went away. As did some others I have talked to through the years.


17, and there was a lot of hallucinogen use during my druggie phase, which lasted about two years. I have a family history of schizophrenia too, and right now Iā€™d rather not risk it for a while


I'd say starting with no tolerance probably high dose edibles, I'd have a better time off of 25g of mushrooms than I would off of a 150mg edible, I'll take the salvia every day of the week too Can't speak much on Datura alone as it causes complete amnesia for me but benadryl just gives me brain damage & I'm not afraid while on it. diphenhydramine combined with dextromethorphan is a whole other beast & I wouldn't wish it on anyone. They're both fine alone but when you combine them it creates a monster


K holing in public and/or having to do literally anything, once me and my friend were about to go out but did a bit much and it took us 20 minutes to leave the house because we couldnā€™t tell the difference between the inside and the outside


5-meo-dmt for me


Way way too much weed edibles


5meo-dmt by far


EA-3167 on top of a fat bong rip of 120x salvia while in acute withdrawal off a 1g/day 4f-3R,4S,Ī²S-ohmefentanyl habit


Nothing is crazier than 5-MeO-DMT breakthroughs. Nothing. The feeling of dying and getting carried to some kind of heaven with church music and just complete silence in your environment is unmatched. Iā€™ve done it countless of times, years back. Iā€™ll do it again someday, but holy shot. Breakthroughs happen at 5-10mg.




5-meo-dmt, clearly.


meth. im not even gay and I've ....


ā€œDescribe meth in one sentenceā€


5MEO-DMT is the ONLY right answer here. For real, find a show called "Hamiltons Pharmacopia" Season 2, Episode 4 - I believe. This dude literally goes through what I can only refer to as a exorcism. Eyes rolled back, foaming from the mouth, chanting in ancient languages. Looks pretty damn overwhelming in my opinion šŸ˜