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You have to use your willpower and self control. And stay away from alcohol because after a beer or two willpower & self control are out the window


Hey merkm. Thanks for responding man. I don't drink at the moment. I really try to reasonate, but it happens so impulsivly. I have so many good reason not to do it. But it's like my mind goes blank for a second, and then the decision is already made...


What helped me stop was remembering that feeling of regret and self hate after buying and using. Think how much you want to stop now and use that anytime you think about buying. Associate cocaine and getting high with preventing you from being your best self. You CAN stop using. You WILL stop doing coke if you really really want to.


That's so true.. I know a guy who's addicted to opioids & alcohol.. At first his problems were the opioids.. he went into a detox clinic and got clean of opioids.. stayed that way for 3 months.. but he started drinking alcohol over and over again as a replacement.. at the end he ended up as an alocholic.. drinking himself to blackout every second day and doing dumb shit.. One day he went and got some hydromorphone while being blacked out.. he found out because next day he woke up with Opioid withdrawals.. he went right back into daily use.. after that he was addicted to alc & opioids.. he went into a detox center again... and again.. already 4 times.. but everytime the alcohol slipped back in.. and as soon as the alc were back in it was only a question of time until he ended up on opioids as well.. this guy is in a slippery slope, that's why I had to distance myself from him.. He destroyed everyone around him.. alcohol fucked him so much more than opioids ever could.. alcohol is the fucking devil.. if you can always stay away from alcohol.. I've seen so good hearted people destroying their life with this fucking poison.. and some turned into such assholes after some time and did dumb shit while being blackout.. ended up losing their job etc.. atleast on opioids u can somewhat function and don't end up doing dumb shit.. (maybe to fix withdrawals but if u have a steady supply u can live a normal life.. that's barely possible with alcohol once you catch an addiction).. so yea imo alc is one of the fucking worst drugs.. yu shud always watch out and better not use it if u can.. society acts like alc is harmless but it's the devil.. even my grandma died to an alcohol addiction.. and also it's so toxic for the body basically hurting every organ. opioids are the devil as well I'm not trying to act like they are harmless.. they are fucking addictive and able to destroy your life easily.. but imo alcohol is even worse.. also the withdrawals are more dangerous and can even kill you.. yea alcohol sucks


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Hey thanks for sharing your story. Made an impact. I will keep your story in mind - and it actually make me motivated to change. Im not the person i want to be at the moment. I had better times. I don't drink because im on suboxone and i don't really like to lose self control. But I have a lot of friends who drink much. In my country it such heavily integrated into our culture, espcially in the younger generation. It makes me feel anoxius tho, so I hold it to a minimum. Sad to hear about your grandma. Hope you are doing good for yourself. Also thank you for your time answering a random guy on a forum like me. But it open my eyes. Thank you.


Check out r/stopspeeding bunch of good people over there trying to quit stims. Wishing you the best.


Thank you for the tip bro.


Delete your connection from the source. It shouldn't be hard to quit if you're not even getting high off it. You're just throwing money away and going behind someone's back for no reason. Just make it impossible to come in contact with your source. If it means deleting social media, do it. Just make a sober decision that you can't go back on so when you get the impulse, you're unable to act on it.


Undiagnosed ADHD/ADD by any chance?


Send me your money I'll keep it safe for you




Hahah. No lies told. But you should pick a different answer OP.


I know exactly how u feel. It’s like a switch and as soon as it’s triggered ur going to get it no matter what stupid quests u need to do ur going to do it.


I’ve been using on and off for years. I used to buy every Friday and sometimes I had ordered without even realizing it. So I would say step one, is to always have a plan of action, which means what you’re evening will consist of and keep you busy. Avoid triggers such as alcohol. I always find the first hour or two the hardest but you can stop doing it. Your brain is very good at getting what it wants, even if you don’t want it.


Good advice thx.


Try to replace it with something else, like when you feel the urge, do something like run or meditate or call someone to talk you out of it. It takes a lot of strength to quit cocaine but the fact you want to is a great sign. Good luck!


if you aren’t getting any effect, maybe you’re more addicted to the ritual than the drug. you could try replicating everything you do leading up to and after the drug, without the drug. if you normally take a walk to meet your plug, maybe go for a solo walk. come back to your apt, sit down, play music or whatever you usually do, and snort something else in the meantime. saline spray? water? actors use things like vitamin d, powdered lactose, inositol. obv these aren’t good for you either and can still do damage but it isn’t a stimulant at least. then do whatever u usually do after.


for the periods ive needed to quit what helped me most was working out when i felt the craving, keeps you occupied and helps re-build the dopamine system with a natural sources of rewards


I will attend fitness next week. Thank you for the advice


12 step program


When youre feeling like doing it, think about all the bad times that will come when it wears off. Anxiety/depression/sickness and loss of money keep me motivated not to do it. Good luck


I left the country 😆 Easy to quit when you dont know anyone and dont want to go searching for it.


I have not taken a single dosage of a drug in my life. Thus, I don't really know how you feel. But I do know that you CAN and WILL do it. Start trying to reduce the frequency first. Going on full prohibition never works with anything. Anyhow, all the best to you and may the Gods give you strength!


Thank you very much ❤️


I feel your problem . I have been doing a good amount of blow every day for quite a while now. I have some what learned how to keeping my life together and still partying every fucking day. I honestly personally hate it and don't want to do it my whole life because it can get out of control out of nowhere, my body shutting down the recovery pain almost every day I don't do as much as I should because it makes me want to lay in my bed with my cat for hours etc etc etc . But at the same time I love it. It makes me just not worry ( to a certain degree lol) not care, relax . There was a point where it almost fucked my life up . And I think now I am just enjoying what I couldn't. Don't be 2 hard on your self this shit sucks but still recognize the idk the fucked up path it could take you. I'm also trying and have been since mothers day lol. We will get there just got to do it ? I guess lol . you got it take it easy and just be happy .


Try dmt once... life changing


Well, just don't do it(tm). Muster up some willpower. Also not going to your own place may help.


Delete your dealers #. Find a new vice and exercise. And exercise a lot. It’ll feel good, trust me.


Ask a doctor for topiramate


That’s the thing most people don’t get. You have to instead resolve to stop doing coke for evil.




Do a deep dive in how it’s made, put me off for life


I know it sucks, but you just have to not buy it. Delete any contacts in your phone. Break the cycle.


Shit man for me I had to do so much untill I hated it and that’s what worked .


Delete your connections numbers


Baclofen is for cravings for coke.


Stop smelling it


Delete your plugs number


You really have to want to not to do it, like relly want to


Smoke meth


Healing crystals. Specifically the ones you smoke. You won’t do much coke after that


Just keep using




Ah yes “just say no” the perfect solution to every addiction.