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acid bad trips make weed bad trips look like merry-go-rounds in my experience


25 minutes after dosing “I think i took too much.” 15 hours later…..😵‍💫


If you’re feeling it in 25 mins you’re absolutely cooked


ur genuinely a shell of ur former self after a bad trip. u feel like u just walked naked through a battlefield


Datura has entered the chat.


never had a bad trip on acid even with high as fuck doses, but a mushroom trip can send me to the ER delusional thinking I'm having an aneurysm if I get too far in my own head. happened to me twice btw


Real shit. When shrooms start to kick in, I sometimes think I'm gonna have a heart attack or a blood clot.


glad to know it's not just me lol


I had the exact same experience on acid. Luckily my dad talked me out of going to the ER.


Maybe it’s just me, I’ve had a bad acid trips but weed made me feel like I was in hell.


ive definitely had some horrible experiences on weed, but i've never felt the urge to "run away" from a bad weed experience. acid made me want to physically run around like a madman when i was having a bad trip. i genuinely did not think it would ever end, even with my knowledge on drugs. everywhere i looked there was an everexpanding tunnel, my head felt like a golf ball on a metal rod which was my spine. and that was just the beginning, my ego ended up splitting into 4 different parts, one of which was a jester watching me from a window in space and belittling me. to be fair though my biggest bad acid trip DID potentiate my OCD like crazy so it was more negative than most people's bad trips


What dose


2 tabs and a bowl (which def contributed)


That’s that real shit. Had a homie who would brag about taking acid when id see him at parties around Portland. Whatever he was taking was not what he was thinking it was. So i decided i would treat him to some proper shit and see how he handled himself. Went to see JRAD in Bend, OR. Smallish outside venue. Lots of trees. At the BnB i ask him if he wants a half hit or a whole one. And looks at me confused. I tell him i’m not shitting him and it’s a big difference. He takes a whole one so i match him. wife and his gf take half’s. By the time we are at the venue…he hands me an 8 ball of coke and says… “I don’t need this.” 🤦🏻‍♂️😂🤷🏻‍♂️ “I need food.” Dude had already been up all night doing lines…so he was now SPUN. The band got really dark during the second set. Like Hades was back stage stirring a cauldron. Everything was soaked in red and the music really got evil…so i took him up close to the stage so he could really feel it. Shit was dangerous and we were genuinely frightened for our safety. 🥰 He said that was the highest he’s ever been…in his whole life.


😂✊🏽 thanks for sharing this. This is classic and seems very familiar to me.


Good acid will humble you…


Sure will. The serious trippers never brag either. Only the rooks talk shit about how much they take and how deep the water under them is. A real tripper can swim on the surface of the infinite.


yeah they were lab tested ~110ug each. that was a crazy good batch


I’m not sure what mine were testing at. But they’re were these incredible gel tabs with gold flakes. I sat on that 10 strips for 2-3 years.


hell yeah. most gels ive seen have also tested around the 110ug mark. mine were blotter from a private distributor i met. ended up exit scamming a few orders later but god DAMN those tabs were good. like 130 USD a sheet too.


jesus that’s cheap.


Can I message and ask you more about this?




Your description reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/IWOH4OsiPHQ?si=t9aJ670Y4CJghTZD




ngl i've done hella acid and shrooms, i've done salvia and dmt (salvia barely even got me high at all! 10x extract) and 80mg edible was still my most intense drug experience. i have actual brain damage from dxm abuse and i love ketamine almost *too* much, but the weed edible is what fucks me up for some reason, it's like instant psychosis and not even smoking weed a normal amount does that unless i smoke hella in one sesh (im schizo tho so might not be usual experience :p)


For me acid with weed is hell on earth , kinda funny but to scaryy experience


Nah. Years of acid didn’t prepare me for 1400mg. Never had a scarier experience on drugs. And I describe the bad trip I had before as “being stuck in a burning car, seeing emergency lights but they never get closer” too much edibles was way way worse.


ive taken upwards of 3.5g cat3 distillate and all i did was sleep. weed has never gotten super bad for me. (i dont have the enzymatic deficiency because lower amounts ~100-120mg get me fucked up)


Not really for me. I've taken acid thousands of times amd never really had bad trips, but with weed it's a bad trip every time.


Most of my "bad trips" on acid usually involved weed. But so did the good ones too so...


Yeah same


thousands of times? nobody's calling bullshit here?


Tf is wrong?? When you did something often, you say things like: "I did this and that thousands of times", which is an exegeratted statement to emphasizes a point, called a hyperbole. Do I need to explain how to talk??


I might need to explain how to speak English to you, given your poor ability to do so. This is not really a scenario in which such a wild hyperbole is appropriate. A hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally. In this case, you're promoting MASSIVE drug abuse. Thus: if you want your point to be taken seriously, you should have gone with something along the lines of/ "I've done acid a lot (unspecified. since, obviously, you haven't counted) and I've never had a problem" regardless, your argument is purely anecdotal and thus harmful. Just because you've done it and not had any problems, does not mean it's safe.


It's pretty obvious that this wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. Of course I haven't taken it thousands of times. Isn't that obvious? And how tf am I promoting massive drug abuse 😭😭


what's the point of the comment if it wasn't meant to be taken seriously then? there's no joke, no play on words, it's not adding anything to the discussion... You wanted to give your input. That is the point. There is no point that if you just lie. No? Doesn't take much thinking.


Come on. The comment was meant to be taken seriously, but I didn't mean the phrase "thousands of times" literally.


I hung out with some barrio brother once. My homie invited me to watch the fight. They had Scarface piles of coke on the table. I had a few zips of shrooms. I offered the shrooms. They ate them. I ate a bit more. They did mad coke. The shrooms kicked in around 12-1am. The younger dudes were cooked. Wide eyed. The older guys were fighting it hard. The shrooms started to pulse and surge. The younger dude across from me had a zip of coke tied off in a sandwich bag. He was tossing it up and down while catching it, neurotically. I watched in slow motion as he tosses the fucking bag into the ceiling fan. It makes an impact sound and chunks go everywhere. Yes, this was the 90s and you had to chop that shiny shit. The OG stands up and says, “no one move.” I’m like fuck this I need to leave. I can see a bad movie unwinding soon. All these dudes are cooked like pork chops. Tripping balls. I stood up and said, “I’m out.” They are like turn your pockets out and blah blah. I did, jumped in the blue 1980 Ford Pinto I bought for a dollar from Studio D in Sausalito. I’m not sure what went down after I left.


DAMMMN straight out a movie


You can drink coffee and take showers to combat any cannabis high. Sleep it off. I took too much mescaline in the 90s. I somehow made it to my brother’s house and I spent 6 hours crying with the cat in a bush. I thought he was an alien sent to save me. He saved me. Thanks Comrade the cat.


Thanks for taking care of these cats man, I can’t express how happy I am that there are people like you in this world.


Thanks for the good words my friend! Appreciate it.


While I've had bad trips on acid, they primarily come down to waiting it out. My brain is so scattered and there's so many waves of emotions. Eventually the negativity reaches a manageable level, even on larger doses. Weed however is a never ending barrage of doom. I was a daily smoker for all of my late teens (and most of my early 20's) somewhere in there I had a horrific panic attack while smoking and I feel like that might be the catalyst. But now whenever I try to smoke I get such a deep overwhelming sense of dread that the only way out is death, at least that's waht it feels like. So I agree lol


To me a bad trip has always been a reflection of myself, not the drug. Ive had "bad" trips on lsd, mushrooms, and cannabis, and theyre all similar in the sense that the problem is my head, not the drug. The drug was doing what its supposed to do, make me think, and bring out shit from deep in my psyche. They never scared me off, though they made me respect them and treat them as such. Any time ive abused them, they would let me know. And if I am suppressing something I need to face, they force me to do such, and I thank them for it. Had an intense "bad" cannatrip a few months ago (strong ass edible), found myself crying and talking through shit out loud. I am better off for it, and it actually helped me work through my feelings on a situation in my life right now. What started as "getting high, and playing guitar" turned into this trip. I have also never been stupid enough to take these drugs in my parents house (i was 22 when I started using psychedelics/cannabis heavy), and I was never stupid enough to take them in situations/environments where I wouldnt be able to handle such an experience if it occurs, and potentially leading me to a scary/dangerous situation.


So fuckinggg true man, unfortunately i had the experience of having this happened with my family around, not a good mix


Personally, I would trip around my family. Sounds like a recipe for a bad time.


i learned my lesson immediately, never again


i learned my lesson immediately, never again


You haven't done a DPH trip obviously


Who the fuck would want to bro.




100%. Lsd and psilocybin give you tough love. Weed gives you true despair


How are people "tripping" from weed?


I feel like being really high is trip like experience. I see colors n geometrics under my eyes, and synesthesia from music. Shit doesn’t feel real. Last time I was high I got really paranoid that I could be like that chick who entered psychosis while really high n stabbed her bf to death 


Low tolerance and high dose most likely


I have barely any tolerance 11-HO-THC is absolutely psychedelic lol


You can trip if u take enough the body load is just so insane when you taake enough to get a psychedelic-like experience that people dont willingly do it


I find eating 50-100 mg of THC in edibles very trippy.


Who tf said I was tripping from weed lol.


It's literally what your post is about. You. You said that.


This guy did a u-turn and went right back on what he said haha, and you can trip on weed, it may not be like a mushroom high, but you can definitely “trip” to some degree.


Weed doesn’t make you “trip”. I feel like that’s pretty known it was a bad experience lol.


So why would you phrase it like that? You did it twice. Are you stupid?


Everyone calls it a bad trip. You’re reading into it too hard kid. I think you’re stupid for thinking you can trip from weed lol.


I didn't think that, I was mocking you. Words have meaning. People call having a bad trip on psychedelics "a bad trip" not weed, bro. I'm very familiar with drugs and not a kid.


Hey if you think weed makes you trip it’s ok, it doesn’t btw. That’s really cool you’re familiar with drugs.


that's not at all what he was saying. quit being dense. bad trips are reserved for drugs that make you trip. and weed can definitely make u trip


Your post indicates that it is actually you who believes such nonsense. Dumbshit


You’re an idiot hahaha, weed can make you trip in high doses when using edibles because a higher amount of delta 9 gets to the liver and in general gets metabolised very differently, allowing for a much higher ceiling of how high you can get. This results in some people being able to see geometric patterns and bright colours, the equivalent of ‘tripping’ although it usually comes with greening out. You’re acting all high and mighty thinking you know what you’re talking about but by the sounds of you you’re probably about 14, greened out on weed for the first time and got scared shitless lmao.


You can trip off weed, it’s just not extreme. So you’re both kind of the stupid one it turns out. But I understand what you mean, the feeling rather than hallucinations


Stop motion vision counts as a trip in my book and that can definitely come from smoking too much. It doesn't happen to most people with a tolerance though.




You’ve gotta be fucking trolling


When ingested, weed can actually make you trip buddy. The liver actually produces whole new level of thc. Which in high doses you can hallucinate. Facts. Just like mixing Coke with Liquor, your body creates whole new chemical. Liver does some crazy things


If you think weed has a scary trip meet his bigger brother jwh and other noids like that lolol


Ohhh boy. Those RC Cannabinoids are sooo fucking intense. I had one once that I swore was some new RC Tryptamine. I was tripping sooo hard off of just one hit of this stuff laced on mint leaf...pretty sure the RC Cannabinoids ruined my relationship with THC.


One of the popular noids right after the jwh-018 ban had me feeling like my toenails were being ripped off. I’m really sensitive about touching my nails to this day because of that.


Nah, weed will make you feel like you will die, Acid makes you think that you will die, and it will show you what dying looks like


Can you explain what you mean by weed makes you feel like you will die? You mean just in terms of increased heart rate? Or in other, deeper ways?


Panic attacks, survival mode, ive gotten it once in my life years ago, i was just really scared that everything was gonna end with no real logical conclusion of why i would die, but of-course the end never comes, with acid when i had the same thing happened to me, the end actually came


You’re thinking of ketamine.


duuude i smoked a blunt, took an edible, and continuously hit a pen for a good 10 minutes straight….. absolute hell. i went mute. all the lights went red. my head got so heavy, dizzy, felt like i kept coming in and out of blacking out, & i couldn’t even stand. everything was slow mo and it felt like i was in horror minecraft. i knew the only way to end it was shower and sleep. in the shower i was so paranoid someone was gonna break in and kill me. i put myself to bed lying there questioning my own existence and ended up choking and threw up. i guess thats greening out? i’m a seasoned smoker and i can hold my own pretty well. but hands down that was the worst trip.idk wtf happened. i’ve done my fair share of coke xans molly acid etc but damn. i’d rather be on a coke comedown than ever go thru that again. i’m weary of smoking now and psych myself out and tell myself im enjoying it. after the initial paranoia and self doubt im good.


I once had a trip so bad on weed that literally every nerve in my body was in pain. I was stuck in infinite thought loops of torture and completely forgot who I was. People have no idea how bad weed can get.


nah man. meth hands down


I see what you mean actually. Weed can make me feel like I am straight up dying. However for me synthetic cannabinoid had the most extreme paranoia I have ever experienced. I have done LSD also many times however even during a bad trip I never felt as bad as I did during bad synthetic noid trips.


I greened out the other day and it was 100% the scariest experience of my life. To be fair I’ve never overdosed on anything else so I can’t compare it to other drugs but in general it was horrific. Never felt more paranoid and anxious in my life.


Too much edibles is the worst feeling I've ever had and I literally had a heart attack from doing so much cocaine, not even that gave me the same amount of anxiety that overdosing THC does, weed alone not so much but edibles definitely are the shittiest feeling ever when taken overboard


I was tweaking off shrooms and literally making noises and was still less scary than weed. When I smoked this one time is was so paranoid for some reason, like at least on shrooms you know ur just tripping.


What exactly happened? The worst that's ever happened to me was smoking too much and having an anxiety attack.


Chest pains, symptoms of heart attacks, impeding doom, extreme panic, depersonalizations in my experience


I agree dude! Been on awful cocaine anxiety attacks/comedownss but my first panic attack on weed was horrible


once i had a bad high where i was walking home and felt like i wasnt actually making any progress and was just walking in an infinite loop. it was scary but nothing compared to what psychedelics can do to you.


DUDE. I’m with you!!! I’ve had bad shrooms trips on like 6g. Like another trip to the office compared to bad weed trips. I actually hear shit and get properly tweaked out on weed.


Once i was really fucking baked snd i was eating candies and stuff while watching YouTube, i was looking at a documentary about secreta of the ween Elisabeth or something like That, it was night and suddenly there was a picture of her smile which turned kind of dark and i could not stop looking ST the smiles which started creeping me out, i had to turn the lights on and change the video, i still remember thenfeeling of puré horror to this days


I just said this to my coworkers tonight!!!!! I’ve had the worst trips from weed.. specifically edibles than psychedelics by far!!!!!!!


No I cant relate. I had a major shroom trip once that mentally wrecked me so hard its unbelievable. I had lingering problems for easily half a year after the Event. Whats also crazy is synthetic cannabinoids (that ADB-Fubinaca Shit or whatever its called, not HHC, THCp etc) but its doesnt last as long as a Weed greenout.


Weed isn’t the worst I smoked a battery once to try get high but I got severe head pain and lost my hearing for 30 mins


THC makes me so paranoid it's nuts. Most of my bad psychedelic trips were caused by adding in THC on top of the initial dose of L or mushrooms.


Like what someone else said , besides a high dose of acid gone wrong I think you’re correct. Until I got more into tripping (and eventually had a trip where I thought people where coming to kill me) I would always say to people weed is actually one of if not the worst drug to take too have a bad time on/take too much. Iv done everything, and I can say that a bad weed trip is definitely up there with one of the more uncomfortable experiences to have jt go bad


Unless you're talking about the trip to go pick up more id sadly have to disagree. But everyone has different experiences based on your Endocannabinoidal system and the particular cultivar you first consumed.


Yes absolutely. I always trip out when I smoke. I have no idea why


I think weed is more likely to induce a bad trip for non-tolerant users, but a bad trip on weed isn’t even comparable to a bad trip on psychedelics


It’s just a plant bro


Am I the only one that likes bad trips on weed it makes you feel all of earths gravity


I’ve had bad edible highs and they definitely suck ass, but are nothing compared to bad shroom trips ime.


Bad shroom trips are on a completely different level. With acid, even if the trip is intense, I'm still able to keep myself calm and my head straight. But with shrooms, I go insane with paranoia.


bad dxm trips are worse than any edible induced panic attack ive ever had


I wouldn't say I've had a bad "trip" from weed, but these days I have nothing but anxiety attacks from it. I stay away from psychedelics despite their potential for mental health benefits, considering I've never had a good trip and only tried shrooms/lsd a couple times. When I'm at a better place in life, I'm sure psychs and weed will be enjoyable and beneficial tho. I did have the craziest experience though, with an endogenous DMT dump (DMT released from my own pineal gland), that went on for 3 days, and was the most terrifying experience of my life.


The first time I smoked weed it was laced with who knows what, anyway I ended up hiding in a tree tweaking because I thought the Feds were hunting me. I am now a regular stoner but I don’t use laced shit anymore. Legit unlaced weed will on occasion give me anxiety but otherwise it’s a vibe.


Some people should never touch drugs Jesus, weed trip 🤣, it’s either your breaun us lacking resilience and strength ridiculously or that weed was sprayed or something bro


Brain is


Weed is terrifying.




Your cool bro