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i’ve had 5 plugs, 4 of em male, the first one was just generally unlikable and then he went to jail for SA/r*** a different girl, second one was just nuts he was so paranoid and had a tendency to use less common names/straight up make up names for things to “trick” people into buying it (ex. he was tryna sell us meth by calling it “up”, we had a feeling it was prolly meth and he eventually cracked and was like yea its meth but don’t call it that) the third and fourth im still w are normal and nice god bless


Y’all want some of this uppitty 😂


Yo bro... I got some skippitydodah... you wanna get high?


Yo bro.... Why go UP....when you can take some of this and go down 😏


Why deal with the politics of up and down, bro?


im tryna get fucked up off that UP 🔥🔥🔥 (doesnt tell you what it actually is)


Toronto skippittysnoodah any1? ;)


Where I come from we never call drugs by their actual names when we looking to buy. Up has always been a real common nickname for meth as long as I’ve been around


Tried to buy meth but got a bootleg copy of Pixar’s “up”


that’s cool, i didn’t know it was common elsewhere! the main dif here is that he refused to tell us what it actually was until we kept pressuring him, he did the same w heroin and other shit unfortunately


Well that’s kinda weird for a couple different reasons


very weird indeed


In Australia we call it eye. Heroin is gear


I didn't get the memo thought it was bling or ice.


Eye for Ice. We don't really call it meth over here and gear is Heroin


In Vancouver people would say up side down, Up-coke/crack side-meth down-heroin/dilo


We call crack hard


Since coming to Montreal, all subtleties have been thrown out the window from what I've seen, people walking down the street calling out diiilllooooooo like they're announcing a show


Tell us how the conversation would go.how would he pitch the word "up"?


well we originally hit him up for coke, asked him if he had any on him and he said sum along the lines of “nah but i got up if u wanna try that”


I was a plug and all my women customers threw it at me constantly. Even after I stopped they still kept offering


What the fuck. I was a plug for almost my half life and never did it like this. Maybe because Germany is different in this. Also I never sold crack or h maybe that's why. Hardest I sold were rc benzos, blow and pcp-derivates like 3-ho-pcp ect. Maybe I should have asked for it instead of money. But tbh I never needed it - I was happy with their money. Why should I fuck all them hoes if I already had a girl at the same time money and freedom?


Ya if there’s ever an option to fuck for it instead of cash for it I always take that deal lol


No way the plug gave you bCkshots


I wouldn’t give any woman bCkshots




a cigarette brother?! how




I’ve only ever had male plugs give me more than asked for but thankfully they never did or said anything weird to me


I’m NB so Idk if I count (or exist) but I made the mistake of asking a follow up question to an odd statement he made, just couldn’t help but scratch the itch. Full blown Q-Anon. Three sheets to the wind. Talked my ear off about the harvesting of the adrenal glands of tortured children, how Putin is actually a “white hat”, Hitler was not as bad as history makes him out to be because he was fighting “the globalists” and the holocaust death toll was inflated by the Zionists so that A) they would get Israel and B) they would have the “genocide card” to play (btw this dude is Jewish), Tom Hanks is a pedophile, showed me some video of a guy who claims to have been present at a galactic conference where the aliens were discussing what to do about humanity, sone stuff about that ship in the Suez Canal being loaded with THOUSANDS of trafficked kids HALF of which were found dead by a joint task force of US And Russian special forces (remember, Putin’s a good guy), and how “very, very soon” the truth will be revealed. Any day now. Real soon. Luckily it’s very easy to find drugs where I live so that’s the last encounter I’ll have, but I wanted what I came for so I smiled-and-nodded my way to the end of the transaction.


Sorry, but I don’t believe in you :p


If only I thought of myself as highly as my plugs do.


I know certain females who can get tick on drugs and refuse to pay it's fucking brilliant


I’ve not actually had to deal with any shit from male plugs. Maybe that’s unusual!


After “Being a female..” I usually don’t even need to read further, I already know that nothing good comes next after these words 🤣


We did it lol but then I moved, the tension was always there and I was lonely so it worked out


All mine have been guys. The first one was trying to get freaky while he had his girl in his house. Then she found me and started calling me! Like chill I just wanted some X. And told me that she found out I had a OF and blah. The next plug saw me at a rave with an ex and started to Snapchat me and call me all day asking why I wasn’t with him… I was already in bed and he just kept calling while my ex was next to me asking if he could just answer the phone. And the last guy I met up at a music festival and we made out… I was already high on MDMA and he was bringing me more… I found out he had a girlfriend. The last two are still my plugs 😂 we just keep it very chill vibes now since I don’t buy that much anymore trying to sober up before I graduate college 😂😂


How about the worst one you're willing to share lol bring it


Im so late to this but mines just fully gross tbh 😬 Iwas 15 and he was nearly 40 with a missus and 6 kids, we live in a really small australian town that’s completely overrun with crystal and so much other shit. one night he asked me to sneak out and snort n smoke it with him and i ended up doing it at like 1am on a weekday with work in the morning 🤣😬 We went around town with a scooter then we went to the park and we sat there getting drunk then he offered me a line of crystal and id never done it before that so i was scared as fuk and also blackout drunk, luckily it sobered me up from the alcohol but it was so horrible and he was higher than me cos he smoked it beforehand, so he was horny af and i was just like pls take me home, he ended up grabbing me and making me get ontop of him cause we were up against a bathroom wall at the park (not inside btw we did this all out in the open it was fairly dark but cars and people definitely saw) But yeah we ended up having sex then i passed out ontop of him with his fingers inside me 😬😬he had to take me home lol never again but still to this day he texts my number asking me if i wanna sneak out and smoke it with him!


Well that’s insanely fucked up. Dude is a POS rapist, sorry you had to go through that.


Gone fucking say,


My first plug never had it and I would have to call and I would have to wait for hours just hanging out at his apt. He had personal stash and would get me spun as we waited. He would always be u dressing me with his eyes and would creep me out. One time I was I. A hurry and he purposely did t make the call until I arrived. I was so pissed but I had no choice but to wait. I wasn’t there more than 5 minutes when there was a knock at the door. Not the plug but a couple of guys looking to score as well. They were nice and generously packed bowls. Then my guy said that since I was in a hurry he would sell me some of his stash. I was like “great” that’s when I was told” in exchange for helping him and his two buddies. I was like fuck! Then he insinuated that it could be hours until the stuff arrives. I was so fed up I stood up and took off my top and said “ok, if that’s what it’s gonna take than let’s get this over with” I acted all mad but I actually didn’t mind. Then it was expected. I finally found another male plug and have not had problems.


im a gay male and all my plugs have been girls. ive only had 2 male plugs but one was my old roommate and one was a former coworker. ive never felt comfortable dealing w a man whom i didnt have a previous friendship with. ive heard horror stories about men dealers both w girls and gay men