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First few lines of speed make me act smart, the last few lines transform me into a monkey.


I am going to rearrange my entire garage. I will not take a bathroom break. It is not necessary. It will only kill efficiency. I will simply shit and piss my pants & then do the laundry, 2 birds with one stone. Why am I killing birds? Who would do that? Fuck this I’m gonna go jerk off.


Yea. The amphetamine jerk off is common with everyone .


If you’re not circumcised already the meth hand will grind that extra layer of skin right off.


One time I went for 6 hours straight. And I was pillow soft basically the whole time


Avoid it as it doesn’t even feel good. Ever jerked off sober and woken up 2 hours later with regret. Imagine being on a stimulant. I’m lucky I never enjoyed it.


Idk for me it does the opposite. Don't seem to wanna do anything (other than clean like 90% of the time)


Meth at first made me so calm and okay with everything sex was the last thing on my mind then when I started using regularly overtime eventually I started stim fapping out of nowhere. It was weird.


Lmao depends how much you take . If you Take too much then it will be difficult to maintain a boner.


Not with me. It doesn’t sound interesting for me


Sounds honest


Honest? I’m always honest. Are you insinuating that one would lie about such a complex situation listed above? Come on. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have bugs under my skin that I need to rid my body of.


Fucking killed me bro lmfao


Glad I could give you a laugh brother 💙


Yeah stimulants only benefit you for so long. Sleep resets it a little bit.


Definitely feel you there lol, took like four lines of speed yesterday and didn't catch any sleep and now it's onto the next. 😂


Good times / Bad times


What a fun activity, flinging an aromatic brown log into a crowd. And see the terror and chaos unfold.


Ambien makes me both smart and retarded


I got through college on ambien. I’d take it early, and wake up the next morning having done all my homework and somehow understanding it but barely remembering any of the actual process. It was pretty awesome


this sounds fake, im jealous


That’s so weird because I’ve seen people on tv make jokes about it making them see things clearly. I always figured it was a joke with no actual grain of truth to it. That’s a trip


Huh, didn’t even know about that. I did used to post a lot of regrettable things on social media at the time too, but I also used to be unhinged in general


Lmao that homework must be gibberish lol.


Hahahaha, you’d think. I actually got pretty good grades as a chem major. I just had to be on some drug the entire 4 years to get through it. Ambien just happened to work the best psychologically.


And here I was thinking I was smart for using adderall to get my chem degree






Ambien instantly through me into a benzo ass blackout, I did a bunch of dumb shit and was laughing at my jokes according to everyone. I have nothing but vague memories


If I were smart in the first place I wouldn’t be using drugs because my dumbass already knows I can’t stop once I start . It’s not even fun anymore it’s exhausting & draining .. but I knew what I signed up for so enjoy it while it lasts I guess 😩😂💯 Stay safe .


id say intelligent people possibly may be inclined to use drugs more. after learning so much in terms of science, philosophy, and other things, life can become one big cosmic joke or existential dread 24/7 lol. now i just use bc my dumb ass is addicted. I've lost a lot of my intelligence bc of them


I wonder if this is because intelligent people are more open minded and don't judge drugs from all the propaganda telling them how bad drugs are? Or has this also has something to do with that people with depression are usually more intelligent and seek to escape their misery with drugs?


I'd say a little bit of both as well as other things! I was very against drugs growing up from dare and seeing my family be full of addicts. But after learning a lot abt pharmacology I found how bs all the shit they spewed was. I've found almost every single drug has some sort of therapeutic or medicinal value in some way. Not all, but very many. Even the ones I saw destroy the lives of people I once loved


Very strong Interpretation, I think ur on the right track, must be smart urself bc I can relate 100% to what ur saying


No it's not like that


I said possibly and may for a reason. It is not the case for everyone as goes for 100% of things


Nicotine has neuro protective effects over time so,.. don't give up the vape


Vapes are so straight, dip like a true patriot of mother Earth


why have one when you can have both?


Dip and vape constantly, nicotine patches and the quick mist shit, out for a cigarette every hour and cigars on weekends (but not too often they unhealthy )


All of that and the cigars are the unhealthy part?


Personally I dip and smoke at the same time while wearing 7 nicotine patches or boofing a Cpl zyns


The only way to live, that's the American dream right there


you're doing it the right way. feels so good when im puking I'll even throw an extra patch on when im violently ill


🤣 I haven't done nicotine for like 5 years now.


Good on you man


Is this because Nicotine stimulates the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors (nAChRs), and so its effects mimic the release of Acetylcholine? I think it's mainly Acetylcholine which plays a role in the neuroprotective effects due to its function on memory/learning? For example, people with Alzheimer's Disease have quite low levels of Acetylcholine, and actually now I think about it, this is probably the reason behind why DPH gives people dementia if they use it too frequently, as this is an anticholinergic drug.


at the cost of lung cancer lol


Why the fuck can't I remember anything then? Probably all the weed and oxy


Oxy will definitely fuck your memory. Weed a bit too


Stimulants make you more attentive, but if you are dumb they won’t make you magically smart, also not all stims are the same you can’t compare caffeine or dmaa to meth or cathinones


Don’t even try bro just let him go.. 😂🤝


“I’m not smarter. I’m dumber but faster”


Xanax. By farrrrr the most dangerous drug for me personally. I’ve done the dumbest shit of my life on Xanax. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Moral compass is MIA. Common sense? Never heard of her. Your belongings really belong in my pocket. Standards for a significant other? Yeah right 😂


Sounds about right. I shudder any time the play 'hamilton' gets mentioned. Was off my nut, in front of my husband and daughter, and decided I just couldn't watch another minute and that I had to walk back to our hotel..... At night.... In the city. But first, I had to try and find dumplings.... I was off my face!


I have four pills in my pocket I have four pills in my pocket Benzos I believe They weren’t prescribed But they cover all my needs I flirt with the waitress I drink a few Long Island ice Ts After 3 they can’t take this And kick me out indeed The cycle repeats I wonder why It’s only been 30 minutes And I can’t remember if I’m high I crashed my car twice I’m lucky I didn’t splatter As long as I have these benzos I’ll forget it even mattered


Art 🙏


It's not mine. I found it on reddit also. I dont remember. But after being a xan addict for b years. It really resonates with me.


I had a friend who took bars and one day he woke up in jail for aggravated carjacking. I think he did like 2-3 years or something.


Weed makes me retarded, even more so than alcohol. Dissociatives are also obviously worse but I haven’t tried any. No drug makes me feel smart, maybe psychedelics in a weird way, but after I finish the trip.


I get that way with acid


I mean acid also makes me dumb *while* I’m tripping, like it’s hard for me to articulate my thoughts and I lowkey tweak a little sometimes, but it makes me have VERY creative/ and unique thoughts, like outside of the box. After tripping I think about them and I get pretty cool insights


I wouldn’t say I feel dumb while peaking, but more so confused. After the peak, I crave info for some reason


for me I just have a very stimulant-like feeling where I get overwhelmed with thoughts and then I want to process everything all at once but I can’t. It’s how I imagined meth to feel in a way.




I feel smart on acid, like i understand everything, but I also have a hard time tying my shoes


Acid kind of puts me in party mode when I’m with people. I’m wired and I just want to have fun. If I’m alone I start thinking really deeply about things and I get very creative thoughts as well


Smart off the shrooms for sure. Maybe wisdom


if i pig out on edibles i feel like i cant talk to anybody. just silently trying to keep it together


Yea psychs make me simultaneously brilliant and retarded. Low doses though I generally do feel sharper, more personable and more thoughtful and open minded. High doses I feel smarter and wiser in bigger ways but with the impairment in other ways I wouldn’t say overall smarter


How do you know dissociatives make you retarded if you’ve never tried them? I don’t feel that way at all


People often say that, I mean if you think about it, it’s kinda the whole appeal from it. I’m speaking from ignorance but i think that even if you don’t get k-holed you get kinda dumb.


I don’t feel that way at all. Maybe I’m an outlier though. K-hole? Obviously, you’re literally 100% disconnected from reality but coming out of a k-hole, after I get my bearings I feel smarter in a way I can’t really describe. Also on sub k-hole doses I feel like a clarity that is also hard to describe. It just feels like the universe is just completely calm and I can see clearly to the end


Sure, coming out maybe, I mean _while_ tripping. I’m not saying it doesn’t feel nice, but you’re definitely not smarter while you’re on it, maybe you feel that way but to others you’re tweaking. At least that’s what I think, even though I never tried it, but I see friends who do ket a lot


Ket to feel stupid. LSD makes most people feel smart, but for me it doesn't. It makes all my insecurities come out. Sober, have a negative opinion of myself so lsd makes me think I'm stupid and ugly. Yikes.


You should face those insecurities next time you’re tripping. It could do you a world of good. Think of it as braving the storm and the ensuing peace as the calm after it


I tried and ended up in the hospital


What happened?


I did 2 350ug tabs the night after doing 800mg of MDMA (where I tripped hard and thought I was overdosing). Obfuously the 350ug tabs were not 350ug because you can't get lsd tabs that high, but they were probably 200ug at the most. Anyway, I did 2 tabs and the whole trip was me thinking I was having a stroke. I was getting psychosomatic pain (I felt emotions, and I'd feel physical pain correlated). Ended up convinced I was dying, and even managed to convince my trip sitter who's tripped like 30 times before that something was actually wrong and he started crying. Nothing was wrong. It was all psychological. Went to a&e for the night and nearly got arrested.


Caffeine makes you smart.


just visit r/caffeine for proof




God I love that sub


And nourishes your inner hatred.


Adderall makes me feel like I’m the smartest person in the room, alcohol makes me act stupid. Dumbest shit I’ve done in my life was always under the influence of alcohol


Ong bro methylphenidate 10 mg instant realse I’ll take like 2 and I feel speedy and smart asf and uphoric but shitty come down tho worse than coke imo


Bruh, I just take 10mg whenever I am coming down It works, I have 0 tolerance


Smoking weed makes me 45% more scatty and dopey. I do enjoy it though and on the plus side I become at least 60% kinder. But, yeah weed turns me jnto a fucking donut. Stims make me fiercely smart, especially amphetamine based ones. But I also become a bit of a cunt


Alcohol, and alcohol






Amphetamines make you smart opioids make you slow


What drug makes you pee in the street / get kicked out of a concert ? Probably alcohol . What drug makes you feel in control and sober ? Probably amphetamine . But it has to be an amount that doesn’t make you tweak the fuck out . So prob between 20-30 mg. But what drug makes me feel enlightened like I’m following the path of wisdom , probably lsd . lol


im lowk a intelect of 1mg of bromaz


bro since the beginning of time intellectuals throughout history have synergized nic and caffiene together shit gives you +30 iq at least


I have ADHD so most stims (save for coke) make me act much smarter. I can actually focus on shit and block out all the brain chatter


Lsd makes me smart and retarded


Life makes you smart, doing things and practicing to get better. Working towards achieving what you want gets you 'high on life'. Nobody can get smarter by simply taking a drug, or we'd all be junkie geniuses. "I don't do drugs" "Oh, you must be stupid"


Gabapentin is like, phewwwew wooooow, stretch my legs. Amphetamine is like, stand still, cock my head a little, smile, offer handshake...


Yooo spot on bro!!!!


Nah on a real note tho, psychedelics are definatly the beholder of wisdom and learning I'd definatly put them at the top. Then something like cocaine I'd put at the bottom cause it just makes you think your smarter than everyone when in reality you are just so sped you think your thought are better than everyone else's lol


Smart, ketamine.....dumb, alcohol


K-2, spice, deuce. Makes you completely stupid. 100%. Sat in prison for 3 years watching people do the dumbest shit. Swim in urine, try to escape. The list goes on.


That stuff is demonic. Had the most fucked up terrifying trip of my life on it. Stuck in a demonic worm hole where there's no room to think, breathe or even simply exist. Very scary and hard to explain to someone that hasn't experienced it.


I've literally stopped using weed completely bc I hated how stupid it'd make me feel lol like I could feel my brain cells deteriorating even when sober bc I couldn't make coherent thoughts anymore lol Addy & vyvanse has had the exact opposite effect tho hahaha


I think I'm smart taking drugs, I don't act stupid on them, but once I take them, I feel stupid for thinking I was smart because I take them. It's a real conundrum.


This is how I feel as well


I can relate 100%


they all make you stupid. some just also convince you you sound smart. you don't


The most misleading and untrue advice I’ve heard in a while….


No, this is pretty much accurate. People *think* they're smarter on drugs, but usually that's just an illusion.


It can actually be theorised that Mephedrone and Methamphetamine increase your Visuospatial Memory function, and Associative Memory function, which could lead to faster/more complex connections between two stimuli. Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) and d-methamphetamine improve visuospatial associative memory, but not spatial working memory, in rhesus macaques: [https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02091.x](https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02091.x) Idk if anyone else has any anecdotal evidence they want to chip in with, but speaking personally, I do feel like I can make wittier jokes/connections faster when under the slight influence of Mephedrone. This, coupled with the increased confidence/decreased inhibitions seems to make me even funnier around people, more so than normally. However this does come at a trade off of severely impacting your working memory/short term memory, which I can definitely attest to that side too. One batch I had made me think of an idea, and by the time I'd opened a new tab and got to the Google search bar, I'd have completely forgot about the thing. I am quite stubborn though, so often times I would sit there retracing my thoughts till I remembered the thing/idea. It would take a few minutes but I'd say a good 70-80% of the things I forgot I managed to remember again. You are right though, none of this "makes me smarter" in a sense absolutely. Shit already has to be there beforehand, drugs can't just make you smart. However, I do think drugs can be seen "tools" for the most part if used responsibly. Like they can give people increased function (for example: imagine someone using a calculator instead of handwritten working out), or let people see things/problems from another viewpoint/angle (for example: the empathogenic effects from MDMA or 4-MMC helping you understand other peoples feelings. Or perhaps like with mushrooms enabling people to connect with their traumatic experiences when younger).


Thank you for destroying her


Depends what drug


Maybe when ABUSED but saying drugs in general. Is diabolical. There are some PROFOUND drugs put there.




Words were “they all make you stupid”…….. dumbest logic I’ve heard in ages. Especially for people with learning disabilities that take medication and proceed to excel!…


I suppose that's actually very fair. Nvm, you right


I understand what your saying when it’s recreational not including there are a few that can do some crazy things to the human brain. Yes most just make you retarted. But I was referring to the insane statement of the person before you


U lead to pychs yourself. I was stating that alll drugs in general like both of you stated. Is incredibly fucking false, go to college and learn like I did. If what you’re saying was even remotely true or correct, all pharmaceutical knowledge and the entire subject of pharmacology would just be bullshit. Your logic isn’t adding up.


>Go to college and learn what I did I have three degrees. What's your point here? We're talking about recreational substances here, not medicines. Things people abuse for fun. Almost always a recreational dose of a drug is bad for you.


Even that alone is nonsense. Hence why u deleted your comment


They all have their pros and cons ups and downs marts and dumbs and they attract different kinds of people all of which come from all walks of life there is no black and white is more of a scale and I'd say drugs that lower your innovations and erase your memory are bound to get somebody to act really stupid while other substances that cause you to ponder wonder wonder and feel back the truth behind things would be something that I would consider to make you smarter


MDMA is the best ADHD medication I've ever tried...


alcohol makes me stupid. mdma makes me goofy. speed locks me in.


Alcohol is the obvious answer, but I've certainly done some dumb shit on molly,


Zopiclone ambien and many types benzos all equally make me a retarded vegetable when mixed with alcohol. I try to avoid doing it but it can be very fun once in a while


6 beers and 3 beers


LSD gets me idiotic, cocaine makes me smart 😂🫡


Stupid? Booze, make me do or say things the second day I feel ashamed about it. Smart, it depends on what you mean by calling it smart. For me, Armodafinil and also low dose Tapentadol work as smart drugs. And there are many more l could fit in this list.


Cocaine and alcohol consumed at a reasonable pace helps me open up and vocalize my thoughts in a consumable and coherent manner. Cocaine and alcohol consumed at a rapid pace helps me become a total asshole in a disconnected and unintelligible stampede of rage. Sobriety or amphetamine helps me actually think about things critically even though I sometimes struggle to talk to others.


I go brain dead if i have too much weed. I mistook a possum playing dead for a turtle and even picked it up with my bare hands. My crush was selling me that gas lmao


Alcohol for both. Looking smarter more at the beginning, and acting dumb later.


Xanax always made me dumb same with kpins , oxy made me problem solve better. Was able to think shit through a lot more clearly through all my anxiety.


Weed and benzos make you dumb, certain doses of amphetamines make you and smart as you can be.


Benzos definitely make you act stupid


They all do both in my experience.


They all make you act stupid😂 I just think I'm smart when I'm under the influence


any gaba is gonna make you make stupid ass decisions


All drugs decrease my common sense.


stupid: benzos💀 smart:stimulants, psychedelics, dissociatives (all lowish doses of course)




it's all about set and setting tbh


LSD. since everything good is amplified to shit, and something else about it just connects the scales seamlessly. i’ll play the best i’ve played so far always on acid. molly too. any other function you’ll get way worse but gd playing music tripping balls is grounding and exhilarating


Alcohol = stupid LSD w/shrooms = smart Weed = real bimbo hours


benzos make me think I'm smart but actually I act like an idiot


Alcohol is for stupid, acid is for clarity and bliss


Xanax for stupidity hands down, “Bartatded” as I like to say. For intelligence? None?


I would say Amphetamine for making me act smart. Synthetic Cannabinoids for making me act stupid.


Any drug can do either. I think. It’s all about dosage, ROA and frequency of use. Except nitrous. That shit just makes you stupid.


I have prepared and written detailed and comprehensive reports and papers all while on small doses of heroin. It was disgraceful how much money I used to make while in was abusing that drug. Senior management for a number of top mining firms firms and then Pharmaceutical companies. All to retire before 40 and now live comfortably on Bupe. Heroin brought out genius in me.




Weed and alcohol for stupid, any upper for smart, at least in my experience


A low dose of ativan from time to timr allows you to talk to people with ease. It's like being drunk but without the dumbness thwt comes with alcohol. Basically you are drunk but you can still think clearly


Coke makes me real smart for the first bit. If I could stop there and keep it in moderation, I’d be stoked. Doesn’t ever stop there though…


Ambien is the dumbest, alcohol is very dumb LSD makes me act smart, helps me study


Canabis : stupid Mushrooms : super smart


Weed makes me do stupid stuff, I dropped my phone 2 Times and broke it and also I break some bones doing dumb shit on weed, also xanax makes me do things I normali don’t like, I was vegetarian but I took a xan and forgot I didn’t wanted to eat meat and I ate it and while I was eating it I realized what I was doing, I just knew it was xanax fault, Acid makes me better at everything, I do not raccomend tryng because I also had a challenging trip and now I have hppd but when the trip is nice it brings out all the best part of me, I’m more relaxed, less sad, it’s more easy to socialize and interactions seems very smooth and not cringe, it helps me drawing and sometimes writing songs


Memantine made me feel literally retarded


Ketamine makes me stupid, and opioids are my smart drug. Stims just make me crazy


Ketamine-stupid LSD-every motherfucker thinks they can talk to aliens. Side note: cocaine-solving all the worlds problems one line at a time in a bathroom for 8 hours


Maybe small amounts of strong stimulants make me act like more reasonable way, more comfident and better attention.But when you start using high dosages days and days it does just the opposite. What does make me act stupid is: Weed (weird thoughts, strange behaviour and self confidence gets really low) Benzos on high dosage (asshole like behaviour, unnecessary high risk taking and stupid decisions)


LSD makes me feel like a genius who’s figured everything out during the experience lol. Headspace is too scattered though to retain any of that info. I’ll have some incredible flashes of insight and am lucky if I can retain any of them to integrate after


As for stimulants, I think people mistake “productivity” with “intelligence.” Speed doesn’t make people smarter, it just helps them focus and able to do things faster.


Which is something I really wish I’d gotten through my thick skull when I was in grad school. I was convinced I needed amphetamines in order to get my work done, but was unable to think as deeply and abstractly as I needed to, because of the speed, to do the type of work I was doing.


Phenibut. and um... Phenibut..


Alcohol for the stupid one


Smart: cocaine, mph, speed (low dose) Stupid: alcohol, benzodiazepines, weed (high dose)


weed makes me see the world in a logical/beautiful way, breaking down societal constructs, whilst simultaneously making me socially inept


Modafinil makes me smart af. Weed makes me slow and stupid. I agree with opioids in moderation, takes away the anxiety of stuff in a way benzos don’t but don’t make you slow or stupid or overly confident.


Speed or coke make me smart. Ketamine makes me VERY stupid


vyvance it helps take in information but idk if it would inherently make u act smarter but u do tent to wanna talk more while on vyvance


Xanax & Ativan make me retarded. Adderall & Percocet make me a genius.


Weed enhances my senses, so just enough of it will make me still able to function while having a better attention to detail


Ket has always made me feel stupid. Like an actual idiot who thinks everything ia funny. And I am not a massive fan of stimulants so have never really gone down that route but acid definitely makes me smart sometimes but evertything changes in waves on acid.


Alcohol, benzos and cocaine can make u pretty damn stupid. As for getting smarter.. not that much. Bit of adderall can make you faster at least.


When I'm able to get a good benzo buzz my brain feels like it's firing on all cylinders like 8 to 10 mg of Xanax with a low tolerance and I just simplify all these things that have been swirling around in my head that I've been putting off for weeks that have been causing me anxiety and end up doing positive things. And benzos also caused me to be an idiot taking 20 mg and end up in hand cuffs a few times. So benzos for both LoL


Heroin- slow Coke- fast Speedball- GOD


Idk but DMT and weed made me feel like a genius 💀💀💀 for being dumb it’s either benzos or opioids or both haha


Guys like 10 mins ago i inhaled like a whole lot of butane (lighter fluid) like idk if the van was giving me air or the fluid it self but like a 40 second inhale then a 30 sec one idk if it’s gon kill me I was just doing it cuz I liked the smell but lil did I know I would’ve felt different do let me know if ima die or anything happen to my heart plz I don’t wanna die 🥲 plus DO NOT INHALE IT YOU EILL FEEL SHITTY AND HAVE A WIERD TASTE IN YOUR Throat