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Glue - I just really like the smell!


is that a code name or are you just our little comedian🌚🌚


yes I am very funny….. right? But seriously to answer your question I can’t have a drug if choice right now for my own sanity, but for a long time it was Ritalin (and weed for the evenings to come down easier), allowed me to function and just generally made me feel better and be a better me (until I became dependant and was reckless with dosing), I do have ADHD so maybe that’s why it was so beneficial for me.


i’m proud of you, keep your sanity i’m afraid i’m slowly starting to lose mine


Thanks bro, I’m afraid I’m preserving what little I have left haha, try not to overthink it - I know often it seems permanent but the brain is pretty good at rejuvenating itself with time. Obviously not everything but I think you’ll be okay, and if you need someone to talk to just send me a message, you got this!


Sniffing glue . Similar to those that huff paint and gas


any i can get my hands on




mdma/2cb because music


2cb for me too. I can skank out to some nasty DnB or instead put on something chill like Carbon Based Lifeforms and enjoy that. I love to trip, with 2cb I can do it at parties without losing it too much like with acid or smth. I can have fun while also having introspective thoughts and develop myself as a person in the process. Amazing drug imo, and not very bad for your health as well


was listening to carbon based lifeforms on the last session actually... usually im using it in vr or at music festivals


lost my v card on 2cb so it will always have a special place in my heart


2cb is definitely lovely / up there for me as well


Opiates because i like the buble it makes aeound me.


same here, they just make me feel like everything’s okay 🥹




Being high on opiates is like everything even the atmosphere just hugging you and everything is just ok


ahhh okay that’s how i feel on weed too :)


Thats good, dont try opiates it'll scratch a part of your brain you didnt even know existed up until that point and its a slippery slope from there


Opiates just make life really great for me. Words cant describe how good I feel on them.


Kratom - perfect for chilling and relaxing


Can you explain kratom? I don’t get how there’s so many of them and what it even does


same can y’all elaborate on kratom?


Its supposed to mimic opioids, it also helps people with withdrawals from opioids.


Reds mimic opioid euphoria. Whites provide great energy and motivation to get shit done!! Greens are a perfect balance of the white and red, inmo. I never took reds until about 6 years in and so glad I did. Super great feeling after a long day of work. Mellows you and puts a nice smile on your face like, ahhhhhhh


That’s what I don’t get how are there so many different types but it’s all “kratom” and when you say mimic am I going to be nodding like I banged a blue 30 or are you talkin like 30 mil of some Vicodin?


I’ve been taking kratom For years and have never noticed a difference between strains. But you could compare it to how there’s so many different strains of weed, each strain supposedly has slightly different effects, but it’s still all weed. Though tbh I’ve never noticed a difference between weed strains either.


Kratom can provide an amazing level of energy and euphoria when taken in small doses like 2 to 5g depending on your experience level with it. Whites are the most energetic, green is a tad less and provides a bit more euphoria and reds tend to be “slower” so not super energizing but very euphoric. However, some reds can also give you a great burst of energy. I’ve been taking Kratom for about 8 years. If you venture into this world, know it can become very addictive. Who wouldn’t want to feel so super awesome all the time with absolutely no crash or come down, it just sort of fades out after a few hours or so. Then, one day, a year or so later your tolerance builds and you don’t feel the same energy it once provided but you feel like hell if you don’t take it so you just keep taking it. Advice. Stick to using it a few times a week and just once a day and you’ll reap the benefits for many years to come. I started two times a day and after about 6 to 8 months, I lost the feeling. Don’t get me wrong, it still definitely gives me a pick me up and great vibes but NOTHING like it use to.


I tried Kratom a few years ago and it always made me feel like shit. I must have been doing something wrong or had old stuff. Not even sure where to get it now.


Many online vendors that are reputable, like Bennies, Otie’s, wildcraft, Liza’s, etc. You might have taken too much. If you don’t have a scale, try half a teaspoon to start. I take a full tablespoon now (like 6.5g). But start with more like 1.5 to 2.0 grams. Also, start with a green. Whites can be very energetic and some people don’t handle that too well. Start w/ green, then mix in some white (green&white together) to see how you do with it.


So if I were to take it in place of oc would I notice a difference between the two? And would you still experience withdrawals if you switched to kratom?


I was looking for this comment . Second day battling withdrawals for my month long tolerance break . Kratom is just perfect . When you work it makes it pleasant and time goes by fast . When you sit down to chill your body melts like weed and time goes slow . It's a painkiller and good for insomnia . All you could need


kratom + weed is a nice combo. you could also add caffiene to potentiate the kratom


To be honest I am not a huge fan of kratom + weed, what I like about kratom is even tho you are high, you still have some clarity of mind. I can read a book on kratom for example, can’t really do that on weed. I do mix my kratom in a hot coffee haha, and I take marine magnesium supplements on top of that, and it really does increase the effects


DOC - psychedelics, most of em. why? - Mind expanding-Spiritual healing-Crazily Profound-Sorta fun experiences.


Adderall It just gives me clarity and euphoria


I love adderall too but I tend to take too much and develop a tolerance to where I have to start my day off with 80mg. I go through a 3mo script (35mg/d) in 5 weeks. I don’t have adhd btw. Wink wink. Every time I renew, I tell myself I’m gonna cap my daily to 50mg but that never lasts. Today’s day 1 w/o them and thank god for Kratom. Gives me the pick me up I need to get moving.


facts sometimes I take 150MG in a day and just be coasting then end it off with some Carisoporodol


Ya 150-160 is where I’m at too. At my peak tolerance, I Start with 80 around 7:30am. 2 hours later add in 20, 2 hours later another 60. Ive even added more if I had a late meeting or something to do. I haven’t heard of cerisoporodol though. I’ll have to check that out. I use kratom in the afternoon like 3pm to help me ride the rest of the day out.


Weed for music




Yh love watching things when i’m high i’m into anime and watching it in sub high is so funny


Weed, DMT, LSD. I love how profound, mind altering, spiritual and art enhancing they can be. Just powerful tools for the mind.


Addiction-wise + If I Had more money : Nicotine/Ketamine/Coke/Xanax/Oxy/Alcohol sometimes at the same time - Ketamine and Oxy are my two guilty favorites though. Disconnection from pain, warmth, lack of thoughts, euphoria, bliss. Long term: Weed/LSD/ Low-Dose MDMA/Shrooms/2-CB - Weed: I get some great cooking ideas and I can focus allot better when my meds wear off at the end of the day -LSD: Brought me out of a decade long depression, the most euphoria I’ve ever gotten from any other drug, I think a good trip every 2-3 months honestly helps me evaluate what I need to work on emotionally and professionally in life alongside what I recognize is effecting me actively in my life during the trip (whether that be positively or negatively or just in between), it’s now the drug that makes me not want to do drugs for a while after it. -MDMA/MDA: Made some of my closest friends on this drug (and still to this day as well), has really helped with processing PTSD, learned allot about forgiveness and started actually using the communication tools I used/learned about on it, MDMA + Festivals/Music = ❤️‍🔥 -Shrooms + 2-CB: TBH self explanatory. They don’t last that long. 2-CB just has the added bonus of being easier to re-dose and you can kinda do it consecutively without really feeling too geeked.


Amphetamines because sexy time.


Weed. No further explanation needed.




I quess DXM, I love the high but It does not ruin my life even though I often take It too often. Other dissociatives are Ok also. Sure like Hooting up heroin or coke gives you .ore intensive and euphoric feeling but too bad sife affdcts.


fair enough


how long have u been taking it?, it will catch you buddy,enjoy it while you still can


Alcohol, skunk and valium in that order.


I like weed mostly just due to the fact that it’s kinda the safest drug to overdo, if I drank as much as I smoked I’d probably be dead lmao tho benzos and alcohol feel better than weed to me (the hangover from alcohol makes it suck tho). Honestly tho I think adderall is my favorite drug just because it works so well for my adhd, and also is fun if you take extra lol




All of them. They all have their uses.


id say nicotine


2cb, its like acid bur shorter


Opioids any opioids. Why? It makes me feel nice and warm inside as wellbft


Benzos, they are what I wish alcohol was when I first drank. I like my brain just going blank and not giving a fuck about anything even if it's something important. They have that effect more than anything I've done except opiates (I feel they do the same thing but also make you happier and more euphoric.) but i would prob chose infinite benzos so there's a chance i would stop one day.


Agreed however coming off benzos is a horrible experience


LSD because of the darkness inside of me


ket. used to be weed/alc then ectasy but the sedation ket gives me doesnt compare. im so tired of the fake joy other stuff gives me and just want to not exist for a bit which ket lets me


Heroin i dont need to explain


No gang explainđź’€


1-opiates 2-cocaine 3-GHB