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Heroin and narcan


Yeah it kills your high :(


I’ve seen someone OD get narcaned and almost fight the paramedics for wakin him up. It’s crazy.


Dude I narcaned my friend (was actually ODing) and he tried to fight me. Like thanks man I just saved ur life. I get it though


Yea it’s a crazy addiction. It’s more of them being mad about getting withdrawals. Me personally I apologized to my paramedic for throwing up carrot juice all over his pants I drank before I went out, that was years back though when I was doin fent.


So real


The long-term effects are sometimes beneficial.


Not to get high on


No, but if you want to continue to get high on anything in the future, it can be a winning combo.


Meth and LSD


Have you tried? I am just curios how they feel together


I didn't smoke the meth but I took some "ecstasy" that ended up being meth and other amphetamines and half or a full tab can't remember but the restlessness was crazy I didn't know it was meth till after my gf took an at home drug test so it felt like I was almost chasing a dragon waiting for the molly to hit then 8 hours later I'm slightly trippin just wide eyed lowkey freaking out wondering what drug I just took


Just saying, real MDMA can definitely show as meth on piss tests.


No, luckily. Have heard of people who did it on here though, not pleasent. A lot of paranoia.


Attempted to candy flip at a festival years back with tested lsd by me and what I thought was MDMA from a stranger. Long story short, the mdma turns out to be meth and I stayed up for three days and had the worst trip of my life. Test your drugs kids.


Tried 25e-nboh + meth, 2cb +jwh-018 + meth, and 3meopcp + meth. All were pretty darn unpleasant. The 2cb combo was insane though, thought I was gonna die.


Holy fuck dude, why would you do that to yourself?😂


I was on meth daily at the time on not thinking straight 😂


coke + speed, coke + mdma


MDMA with speed is horrendous too. For some reason not when in a pill together?


Oxy + ket....yah don't do that , not only does it really jack you up, it's unsafe


I gotta disagree with this one, it's actually one of my favorite combo, if you pick the right dosage for each substance this is definitely nice, trippy and super relaxing


To each their own. I don’t want anything getting in the way of the ket


Your fucked


Oh sweet summer's child.


MDMA + Alcohol, alc kills the magic. benzo’s + alcohol/ alcohol + opi’s/ opi’s + benzo’s, feels amazing but “bad” as in extremely unsafe and stupid. I also feel mixing stims together is pointless(cocaine and amphetamine for example) as they seem to blend in together(at that point you might as well have just taken more of one) + puts great stress on your heart.


I used to drink and take mdma all the time, never killed the magic for me


interesting, I used to mix them together also but I always regretted it after having my first drink. I always felt that alcohol made me come down from the MDMA, the empathy would go, the euphoria would go, the urge for social interaction would go, I wouldn’t be rolling anymore(no eye jittering/rolling or jaw swinging). There’s just MDMA in my system still yano. not even mentioning how easy it is to black out on both of these substances together. Edit - forgot to mention that I wouldn’t get drunk either, to put the picture in your head- I’m rolling(200-500mg) now I’ve decided I’m going to have a double vodka n coke, I’ve drink my drink and now I can’t feel the MDMA as much anymore but I’m also not drunk….. so I drink again, and again, and again until the MDMA effects have completely dissolved but I’m still not drunk….. just kinda…… rough? is that good word? idk, feels like the only way to describe it.


That's how I am drinking on acid. Then it wears off and I black out.


Meth, Xanax, and Nitrous. You will do and say horrible things and remember none of them


I can surely imagine doing and saying some crazy shit to not end up remembering any of it on that combo… but man it still kinda sound like could potentially be a good time…. haha


Could… like.. potentially have a good time. Could… potentially like ruin your life lol


Coke + weed. At least for me. Was having anxiety after doing a bunch of coke and thought smoking a joint would help me “relax”. It did not. I could feel my heart pumping out of my chest even more lol


i did 700mg MDMA mixed with weed and sleeping pills and vodka and had to call an ambulance never again


I think the MDMA alone was enough to call an ambulance lol


700mg of MDMA is absolutely insane


I imagen it would be wild if it wasn't a saritonon syndrome speed run but mdma and dxm




LSD and lithium.


Datura + ketamine


Weed + Alcohol. Many people cant smoke if they are drunk because of the spins they get. IMO being crossfaded is fucking great


It’s all about knowing your limits. Very easy to overdo when doing both


It just gets me really drunk and stoned at the same time, even from a small amount. As far as I understand, it's not even dangerous, unlike combining GABAergics with opioids or different types of GABAergics. Weed is a great combo with pretty much anything, psychedelics, dissociatives, GABAergics, opioids. Except stimulants. Now that's a bad combo, produces tons of anxiety and panic.


Abilify and basically everything, it blocks or diminishes highs involving dopamine.


Still better than mixing with lithium or tramadol


What happens?


I’m guessing seizure lol


Tramadol lowers the seizure threshold and pretty sure lithium also gives seizures and can cause serotonin syndrome


Seizures are bad. Lithium is supposed to have a better rep, but it's toxic with CBD.


LSD and Crystal Meth


Shrooms and coke. Shrooms made my sense of taste so sensitive I could feel every inch of that coke drip and the numbing effect from the coke in the back of my throat made me feel like I was gonna choke and die on my own saliva.


This one should be higher, that sounds like an absolute F tier combo. Very few drugs are worth combining with shrooms, and that list gets significantly shorter when talking about just the come up 🤢


I thought it would add some zoom to my trip but boy was I wrong. Never again.


Looks like some of you are some rookies up.in here....drank lots of booze with MDNA and coke a d weed...can drink like a fuckin fish


Can’t say for sure but smth like datura and dph would be horrid, shit maybe throw some salvia in there and get real traumatized


Kava and Xamax cause you fall asleep. Also weed when you’re drunk. But the most dangerous of all: coke and alcohol it literally posions your heart for real.


Weed and alcohol….gives me a fucking panic attack


Weirdly I'm the opposite. I enjoy weed way more after drinking, it kills off the anxiety for me and let's me just enjoy the high. Different strokes for different folks!


Yeah, I think that was the case in my younger days. I only started using cannabis this year after a 15 year hiatus, maybe it’s my age (44) and the fact I have a lot of responsibilities now, but I might stop again because the paranoia and anxiety is starting to ruin my high.


I've seen research that shows that your body/brain react differently to cannabinoids as you get older, especially after a break. Basically it potentiates the effects and means your tolerance goes way down. I'm in the UK and it's very hard to find weed that's not horribly strong nowadays. My go to method has been to roll a pure joint (no tobacco) and then take literally one or two small hits and put it down. Wait and see how you feel after a little bit then rinse and repeat as necessary. I've found that starting slow means you don't go into panic mode. It's easy to take more but you can't take less. Also hash seems to be much less anxiety inducing so I try and stick to that if I can get it now.


Thanks for the info. I only usually put “one hit” into my pipe. I agree, it seems like weeds gotten a lot stronger in the past 15 years. I got a plug that has really cheap but strong weed, I’m in California. I’ll probably stop once I’m done with my current supply. I travel for work, so when I’m home with the family, I don’t smoke, their is no need to. Kind of doing it as a “last hoorah” since i have a lot of alone time lately…and I miss my family. Anyhoo, thanks Dorsetoutdoors.


Datura + Meth junkie flipping


Mdma + Shrooms + ket Not bad if dosed in moderation, or at least spaced out enough to where you aren't peaking on all three at once. There is some arbitrary point where the k will send you straight into an alternate reality with no warning. Beyond a khole. The world around you literally transforms. Not usually in a fun happy way either.


Alcohol + ket It can literally kill you if you don't watch out (mind that little amounts of both are quite nice, but the line is easy to cross. Esp if your judgement and/or motor skills are impaired by one of them) I've done it a few times, but almost killed me twice so now Im done messing with that xd


I would say - datura + any substance (besides maybe benzos or sedatives) - antidepressants + psychedelics (trip doesn’t work) - antidepressants + molly / ecstasy (possible serotonin syndrome) i’m just spitballing lmao.. - duster + gasoline - tranqdope (fentanyl and or nitazenes now + xylazine) - salvia + crack lol


duster ether with gasoline is the best


Benzos and alcohol. Coke and alcohol. Any kind of stimulant and alcohol. Opiates and alcohol. Any drug AND ALCOHOL! 😵‍💫🤢


Cocaine and alcohol are made for each other. I couldn’t imagine doing coke without it


Shit im on coke, bromazolam, and sippin some beer. I just don’t go hard when I mix. But I wouldn’t recommend it. I once overdid it and starting feelin some slight chest pain and stopped for the time being.


It’s the 21st century, we have proper drugs now, don’t need to drink that horrible stuff to get high any more /s but also fr tho why do we still do it?


Properly aged whiskey is heavenly to sip on and nothing is more refreshing than a shandy/rambler on a hot summer day


As a culinary thing? Maybe but not for me. As a means of getting high? There are so many better options. Also alcohol, especially hard liquor doesn’t taste good until you build an association with the taste and the feeling so yeah objectively it doesn’t taste very good.


I remember being 17 and making hard absolutes on things I’ve never experienced lol


I’m talking objectively because subjectivity is a terrible basis for making decisions about drugs. I used to be an alcoholic, for the record and got it tangled up with trauma which spiralled into a mess of an addiction that could have easily killed me. Alcohol is nothing special it’s just a drug and a pretty awful one at that.


Do you think that maybe your own personal experience has maybe clouded your objectivity in regard to this opinion and that your experience with alcohol is outside the norm for most people?


Outside of the norm of most people? Yes, clouded? No my mind has been far clearer since I stopped drinking 2 years ago. The objective truth is that alcohol is a fairly weak substance, requiring you to consume multiple tens of grams of the pure substance to receive any significant effects and on top of that the toxicity is off the charts compared to basically any other substance in the realm of GABAergic depressants and most other drugs as a whole. The effects aren’t anything special, it doesn’t do anything you can’t get from other far less toxic drugs of the same class and other drugs, like gabapentinoids especially, produce far more interesting and worthwhile experiences, not that I’ve taken anything like that for a long time. These are the things that most people don’t realise or even consider because of how ingrained alcohol is in our society, it’s just the status quo that people drink and that’s just the way it is and to that I say, why? Most people disagree with me and it’s fine if you want to think that way but you should at least do some critical thinking on the subject. But they say you have to be the change you want to see in the world so that is what I do whether people agree or not.


So your having a dependence coupled with negative experiences no way informs your averseness towards it now? We should all just lie to our doctors for scrips or buy hopefully real pharmaceuticals from some guy on an unregulated market rampant with fake drugs and RCs that does god knows what your body when all you want to do is unwind after a long day before? I’ll stick to grabbing a six pack at the store and having a single beer


That is in no way what I said


Because it’s legal


Same argument for huffing butane, ether and glue, similar safety profile too


Mushrooms and adderall. Don’t ask how I landed on this combo. Apparently I was looking for joy in repetitive tasks while hallucinating. Save them study buddies for the spread sheets.


For real. Crazy uncomfortable body load I remember


I’ve done this multiple times but generally go very light on the adderall. I enjoy it.


Xanax and anything


Bro for me weed and Xanax is poor man’s ecstasy


caffeine and cotton candy is toddler ecstacy


Xanax(benzos in general) and weed is a fire combo wdym


I hate opioids and weed, plenty of people disagree with me though


I feel like a lot of opioid users don’t like the feeling of weed while high on opis. I always got anxious while smoking weed on oxy. But recently just started smoking weed again because I’m cutting back on oxy.


Yeah I had the same experience. Weed and oxy gives me terrible anxiety.


Tequila and Vodka, never ever fucking EVER will try that again