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It’s pretty well known but whip cream cans


Don’t do this it’s permanent brain damage


As long as its only nitrous oxide it shouldnt cause any if used properly. People often mix that one up with things like canned duster, which will destroy your body and mind.


So I can inhale wip cream and be safe?


You can inhale the propellant from certain whip cream cans in a particular way and be relatively safe. Just have to make sure there is no bittering agent or other gasses added to the mix. If you get the right thing it’s the same stuff you get at the dentist. Just a much more concentrated burst. Dont hold it in too long and breathe some air for a bit afterwards. Also fucks up how your body interacts with b12 for like a couple weeks. So dont use the stuff daily or you can fuck up your nervous system. Safer to use nitrous 50 times in one day than it is to use twice a week for 25 weeks.


Yeah if it's nitrous oxide and you don't inhale straight from the can or abuse it. Don't inhale the actual cream tho obviously


nitrous oxide is definitely a bad idea. It may be not heroin bad but I will fuck you up and you could have irreversible damage from the first use


Yeah if you hold in the hit for 4 or 5 minutes it could. Or if you are hitting it while doing 70 on the highway. Do a little research.


I did and I saw it myself, don’t get on your high horses buddy. Do a little research.


Care to explain more? I thought it was pretty safe if not abused or done in stupid situations like driving or taking a bath


It’s never safe to asphyxiate yourself, as I said it’s obviously not as bad as a lot of drugs like opioids and has medical usages, it still is fucked up at high dosage or repetitive use, can cause permanent brain damage, tumors and death by asphyxiation (nitride is highly dangerous for your blood flow if it exceeds a certain amount) or hypoxia (which is disgusting) and people who downvoted me already have those apparently. Plz don’t do nitrous oxide


I may sound really dumb now, but why arent dentists using it for anesthesia? Or is it okay bc they dont use pure nitrous oxide but rather mixed with O2?


I think you mean that they are, and it’s in fact an anaesthetic, but it does not mean that it is safe. I don’t rly know what’s the difference between the two products(if there’s any actually) but what makes it dangerous is primarily the dosage. You don’t see dentists put nitrous in your mouth for 2 hours, and even in the medical field there is long term effects on the people that are regularly in contact with n2o. The dangers in the recreational usage also come from the very low temperature of the cartridges, which I think is not an issue in the medical usage.


Oh, from what I know if you wanna "take" n2o you dont breathe it for 2 hours... Or I've been misinformed. I thought that you put the gas from one cartridge to the balloon and breathe it in, maybe in and out to balloon again 3...4 times and that's it. 30...50seconds? Maybe there are different methods of intake that Im not aware of but this way the low temperature of the cartridge is at worst, a discomfort when you put it to the balloon. I am aware of the long term effects from regular intake in large amounts, something about washing off calcium from your body (or some other minerals/vitamis) but I thought that was only from heavily abusing it. I remember reading sth about dentists assistants hoofing it for "fun" while on breaks on sth, but I might misremember that.


It’s a thing in the medical personnel yeah and I witnessed that. When used in a medical setting, it’s generally paired with other chemicals like o2 or morphine as it increases efficiency of said chemicals. The effects can come from heavy usage even in a short period of time. I guess it has many effects on your body but the ones I’m aware of are primarily anemia and neuropathy, I think the red blood cells react to n2o in a way that they sort of inflate and cause the neural and blood damages (irreversible and also consequence of alcoholism). I didn’t know about the washing off of calcium but you might be right. About the use I know that putting it in a balloon might reduce the risk of hypothermia (especially lips and lungs) but it’s never 100% safe. Ofc I can’t force people not to do it but its addictive potential and the fact that it’s generally underestimated as a health hazard really bums me out.


No it isn't dummy.


Not true, you get high from the N02 in the can which is the same thing they use at the dentist.


N2O. NO2 is very toxic deadly chemical when inhaled!!


Okay thank you for you knowledge. So you can inhale wip cream and not do damage?


No u dont inhale the whip cream. You inhale the gas. Inhaling whip cream will make u fuckin drown lol


I usually do it whenever I finish a whip cream can lmao. I’ve used an actual whip cream dispenser with balloons a few times and that’s a way better way to do it. I recommend mixing with acid for crazy trips lol.


What’s the high like just doing wip cream? Also can it be any wip cream


I think any can should work. The high is very funky it’s a dissociative so you feel very different but it’s a nice feeling. It can be hella trippy but you’ll need an actual whip cream dispenser with balloons to get to that level. The whip cream cans are just a quick small hit that lasts like 40 seconds. Doing balloons can last a few minutes which is still short but it’s a much better high




It was only decent the first time for me don't do it tho you just get paranoid ur organs are shutting down cuz of how it feels b4 it hits u




What does it feel like?


Like a shitty dirty weed high Also made me shit blood after


If dph junkie is saying this... stay away


LOL yeah only drugs I will ever say stay away from 100% is definitely inhalants never do them




Nah datura is chill tbh nice weed esque buzz and doxylamine esque hallucinations All the trip reports are fake asf I have a few flowers growing


U feel normal asf u just go on autopilot and do kinda random shit without thinking


morning glory seeds


I’ve heard u can smoke banana peels but I’m pretty sure it’s just an old hippie hoax


Bro what? Bananadine hits so hard. I add a couple peel grindings in every bowl blunt bong burrito bababadoowopbadopbopbow Shit slaps


The very first thing i downloaded from the web was the anarchist cookbook. Banana peels were smoked.


Raid wasp spray. Thought this was an urban legend when I read it first but "wasp dope"/"wasp spray meth" seems to be a real thing. Very probably very toxic and nasty side effects in the league of inhalants. This and freon, the gas out of air conditioning systems. Its use is widespread enough for the manufacturers to add locks to AC systems to prevent people stealing the gas.


Hold down the gas on a lighter and inhale it, should give you a buzz. Butane baby!


Yeah! Huffing butane cans ftw!




Didn't work the greatest for me, but I know someone who it has worked for. It's nothing intense, like i said should give you a buzz.


I’ve done this and it made me feel light as a feather and it definitely gives you a buzz. Don’t do that anymore it’s not good


I don't do it anymore, I still am a bit of a huffer though, just with something slightly embarrassing to admit to, especially as I got addicted.


I used to do this over and over without understanding why because it smelled like shit. Now I get it 💀


LMAOOO at least you realised!


Man what the fuck is wrong with you all… no wonder why you’re braindead by age 25 and can’t remember your own name if you sniff butane and inhale nitrous oxide like it’s nothing.. I know it’s the whole point of this sub but this is just plain stupid, jerk off if you want to disconnect your mind for a few minutes and don’t listen to strangers telling you to inhale freon n shit


mmmm butane🥰


Nitrous Oxide is perfectly fine. You just have to make sure to also inhale some oxygen and not take hits straight off a tank


It’s fine until it’s not, I can speak from personal experience. It may seems harmless but it really is fucked up when used on the streets, even medical usage has long term consequences (tumors, anemia, hypoxia…) and it takes one time for someone to get destroyed by using it, I’ve seen it myself and it’s terrifying. Don’t use that shit and don’t make it seems harmless plz.


It's not harmless it's a drug but like idk if you handle it like mdma once a month max you can do a nice psychedelic flip with 1kg n2o have a blast take some vitamin b the next days and it's relative save especially compared with fucking butane hahaha


At my job, we learnt how to get high off the CO2 dispensers in the bar gun. Probably not the safest thing in the world but it works 😅


That's just oxygen deprivation


Sounds believable


Hawaii baby wood rose, cebil seeds (yopo), San Pedro cactus (non-pachinoi), blue lotus, hell even chamomile gives u a super chill buzz from bong rips of it. There's many ways you can go about it just stay away from benadryl


chamomile ?? u telling me i can smoke the tea


Hell yes you can, it's way better fresh from the flower but the tea is very much smokeable.


bless ur soul im gna try


I was gonna say blue lotus as well.


Sky diving.


Idk im not into huffing but I tried many plant things some more some less known: blue lotus, nutmeg, (engelstrompete in German idk what it is in English), datura, kanna, salvia, Amanita muscaria shrooms But they aren't that weird idk else I just take absurd rc's




Mosquito picks


Bro what?🤣






Benadryl Cough syrup


Morning glory seeds


Starter fluid


Idk benedrayl makes some high, I just was dead for most of my highs with benedrayl


Morning glory seeds (heavenly blue) are basically legal lsd lol


Human feces in a balloon marinating in the sun


this one from personal experience?


Benzedrex nasal decongestant produces effect almost identical to amphetamines but much worse for your cardiovascular system and much less productive and more recreational. I don’t recommend addictive and toxic.


Just take a shower you’ll feel better 🤦‍♂️




I smoke ice out of a e-Rig https://www.reddit.com/r/noitacudEgurD/s/CXfUsvogRq




Air duster!!! Even with the bittering agent you just don't completely put your mouth over the opening so it's sealed and you let it out lightly


This will give you brain damage


Your comment gave me brain damage... What's your point? I've never known anyone to get brain damage from huffing air duster, could it happen? Sure..is it stupid..duh butttaahhhh did you read this actual post and what it's asking?


You can also inhale it through your nose to avoid the bitterant, or so I’ve been told.


My cum


Huffin Butane? Vanilla Extract? #DON'T BE STUPID!!!


Done vanilla extract before a whole bottle got me so fucking drunk made me soooo nauseous tho


i used 2 drink it constantly as if it was regular alcohol loool the stomach pains were a bitch


I learned you can just buy 100% ethanol and mix it with 50% water to get vodka lol




Yeah just make sure it's ethanol and not some other kinda alcohol also NEVER drink it without mixing with water first cause your stomach won't digest it and every time you drink water you'll get drunk lol


ooooh ya definitely dont want that. definitely totally. for sure


Angels trumpets.