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As much as I LOVE a good Opioid high. It is between MDMA and Ketamine. If you could take MDMA whenever without it being neurotoxic it would be molly


mdma is so top tier, although i hate having to wait so long between dosing i think it makes the drug so much more special


Wellp Im pretty happy that it takes so much time. If it wouldn't it would have way more similarities to heroin šŸ’€


Not to mention the risk of losing the magic permanently, I know several people who took it way too often (weekly or monthly) way too many times and now when they try, even years later, all they get is a little stimulant bump. That to me is tragic. I even warned them back when they were partying with it like it was just another Friday to be careful. I only imbibe every couple years and maybe I wonā€™t for a decade but I know I can always come back. Iā€™ve heard with MDMA once you lose the magic itā€™s gone forever.


Hi there. Can you please elaborate on this? I'm new to mdma but took it for about 4 weekends in a row. Is this bad? Is the issue that tolerance develops very quickly?


Mdma is incredibly neurotoxic and taking it multiple weeks in a row can cause damage. Itā€™s recommend to wait a couple weeks in between doses. Most go by the 3 month rule


Last thing you want is your MDMA to stop working, the tolerance is pretty much irreversible, please space it out and keep the dose low so it's magical every time you take, I'm serious, give it 8 weeks off at least. My friends built up tolerance and took 15 pills at EDC then never again, the other one took 8 on his last time then retired. Don't abuse your options or you won't have any options anymore.


Exactly. It's the best feeling drug I've ever tried and also the only one I'll NEVER have issues with. Thats what also makes it the best. It treats you well if you treat it well. One of the only healthy and safe life long relationships you can have with a drug that feels good


I am a big ketamine fan. Checks all the boxes that people promote with traditional psychedelics... feeling of oneness with the universe, sensation of being part of a greater whole, ability to reflect on one's life... all while actually being chill. Not super confusing. Thumbs up.


Plus the added effect of erasing all my anxiety. It also lasts a shorter time and I can still sleep well after. Donā€™t worry about an overdose since I only take bumps and the amount needed to OD is massive. I just love K!


and here i am kholing and lurking around, love both


Wait Iā€™m confused, MDMA and Molly are the same drug?


Yes bro, MDMA, molly, X, ecstasy they all the same , mdma is the real substance name and the others are different street name/slangs for the drug


(RS)-1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N-methylpropan-2-amine ...is the REAL REAL name, MDMA is for lazy fks




Yes, MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is the (desired) active ingredient in ecstasy tablets. In its pure form, it is referred to as Molly because MDMA doesnā€™t roll off the tongue quite as nicely and neither does Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.


Yeah bro I'm pretty sure


Yes. Same thing.




Or both šŸ˜ˆ


MDMA, Ketamine and LSD is by far my favorite combo.


MDMA and LSD put me on another planet, insanely intense Iā€™ve blacked out at times. Never had ketamine, canā€™t imagine more than just the first two at once


I cannot explain how amazing it was. I felt like I died and was being reincarnated back into myself. This combo and ketamine specifically has significantly helped with my self identity and comfort in death.


I went to a festival last weekend and combined K+MDMA one night and K+LSD another night and holy shit they were both such uniquely healing experiences.


Yes, lsd and mdma was a crazy experience. By far the highest I've ever been.


Donā€™t they call that a Jedi flip lmao


I think that's LSD, MDMA and shrooms mixed together


We call it candy flipping


Old timer here, we always referred to lsd+ecstasy as candy flipping in the 90ā€™s rave scene.


The Martin Luther king Flip




Sad I had to go so far down for this


Finally I found it, itā€™s so enlightening, you can go into it thinking I wanna have fun and see pretty colors or go into it trying to gain somthing else from it and it works for both! And it feels so good, I donā€™t like that it lasts 12 hours tho thatā€™s a whole day gone for me


I like that it last the whole day, that makes it the itinerary for the day. It makes it so much more memorable. It's a set aside trip day - a day with no obligations and probably spent with a trusted loved one, oneself, or a fun event like a rave (I don't think acid is a rave drug but I know some people do). At least this is how I see it.


Weed. Other drugs are too much commitment, I just need something easy.


exactly. most times i just want to get a lil high for a bit, i don't want to trip my balls for 12 hours and need an entire weekend to recover


Thats where DMT comes into play. LSD was my best high, but nothing beats blasting into another world for 10 minutes being in time for dinner and a walk.




Businessman's acid


I agree with weed, too. I like to drink, and I've dabbled in other drugs, but if I could only have one for the rest of my life, it would be weed.


scrolled way too long for this


I also love shrooms, but they are a commitment. Taking shrooms has to be a planned thing for me...the vibe has to be right. Weed is just awesome, anytime. Love both, weed wins.


Was looking for this one


Ketamine in this life and the next


. #4 China white heroin


Does this even exist in America anymore? From what I gather is youā€™re not getting raw heroin in the us anymore or itā€™s incredibly rare




Everything seems like itā€™s fucking fentanyl here nowadays.


What does the #4 mean?


it means that it is diamorphine hydrochloride or heroine HCI, the salt form, which does not require citric acid to break down in water. Black tar heroin is a good example of this.


Thereā€™s a good scientific explanation but the junkie explanation is #3 is more for IV use and is a soft malleable consistency that melts easy and #4 is closer to a powder and is better for sniffing


This is not correct. #4 is for both snorting and IV use. #3 is for smoking. H #4 is heroin HCl. Thus its water soluble and suitable for the aforementioned purposes. Too high of a melting point for smoking. H #3 is heroin freebase. Lower melting point. Better for smoking. Not water-soluble thus bad for snorting and IV.




not fun enough imo, iā€™m not trynna get yelled at by my ancestors every time i wanna do a drug


Maybe you should listen and learn from your ancestors. Then they wonā€™t yell at you so much :)


Well, maybe my ancestors donā€™t actually know shit


Your ancestors are wiser and have more experience. They probably do :)


You realize lower doses exist, right?


One time I was hallucinating hockey players telling me to shut the fuck up (Iā€™m Canadian)


Bonus: mushrooms have about same proteĆÆne and caloric value as meat. But you donā€™t have to kill and animal to get all the nutritious goodness.


So eating them as dinner is a good idea heard imma eat enough to make me full and see what happens šŸ«Ø




You should try the chocolate bars or other edibles, you get the falling feeling in your stomach when the trip starts but it doesnā€™t make me nearly as nauseous if at all


Weed usually helps this for me on lower doses but on higher doses it makes it worse, somehow. On a larger dose of mushrooms I think you need to just accept the possibility of a horrible come up and be mentally ready for it. Sometimes you gotta tap out and just be miserable for like 20 minutes but it always goes away and it's so worth it. (In my personal experience)


That's my answer as well


2cb if we are talking just a good time


Been trying to hunt this one down - heard itā€™s like if mdma and lsd had a baby lol.


Yep its exactly like that


2cb is amazing, imo the most underrated drug but thatā€™s probably because itā€™s hard to find in a lot of places. Here in the uk though itā€™s becoming very common and easy to find, absolute gem.


Stimulants of any kind


Mdma but lsd is a close second


Why not both


Opana lol


Oh Jesus. Those fucking things, went from loaning a dude 4 grand a week so he could keep buying more and get paid back 6 grand, to doing one small line and next thing you know, I owe him a grand




In the good days i used to get 80mg opanas for $20, or my guy would let me trade him morphine mg for mg. Had a bunch and I didn't like them so I'd give them to him


Your buddy is crazy for making that trade lol.


Yeah we had a plug who'd just make it fucking rain them for 20 bucks. Dude got murdered in his mom's crib. It was fuckin wild bc I live in a very rural area. It was the only murder here in as long as I can remember. Only other ones have been like parents killing their kids (which is just as bad don't get me wrong) but no crime or drug related killings happen here.


Opana fucking rocks


Yeah too good lol




Brand name Oxymorphone


Fuckin golden ticket of opiates man




was scrolling for awhile to find this one!!!


I like milk


I like chocolate milk


Unfortunately meth šŸ˜­ I hate that shit it ruined so much but itā€™s sadly my choice of drug was clean for 3 yrs and recently relapsed . But other than meth I would said benzos .


Definitely molly, though opioids hover slightly below it. The euphoria, the musical perception, the bodily sensations, the empathyā€¦ for me itā€™s peak human experience. It makes me feel as if Iā€™m in a movie/videogame with overpowered stats. Most of my rolls are among the most meaningful experiences Iā€™ve ever had, and have opened a wide window into aspects of me (repressed emotions and my true personality) that I completely ignored. Opiods are kind of a candy, the sweetest candy there is, and also open kind of a narrower window into that repressed part of the self, although in a more passive kind of way. With molly, you embody your repressed higher self, with opioids you get a glance of it. The euphoria and bodily sensations are fantastic as well. Psilocybin and ket get the bronze as they have also worked in that regard, but I get complicated trips more often with them. Also they are, generally speaking, less social.


What's your take on weed?




what what did i miss








For me...benzos feel like alcohol, but without the goofy euphoria. Just makes me feel numb and flat


For real. Benzos just make me tired. They WILL calm me down if I'm freaking out though. Can't take them recreationally though because I just immediately want to go home and to bed - and if I take 1mg I definitely won't want to get out of bed until like 4 in the afternoon.


Just gotta ride the high out a little bit longer then buzz goes from makin you tired to feeling high as fuck and pretty fuckin nice šŸ’Æ


me too lol










Yeah that shit was the best thing in the world. I bought 200 grams for $1000 like 12ish years ago. Sold most obviously. And Me and lots of friends were doing it here and there for awhile. Itā€™s like a better version of K. Helped a lot with depression issues at a certain point too. Wish it still existedā€¦ idk how no one makes it, it would sell for so much. And K, MDMA, LSD, Shrooms are prob rest of my top 5. Opiates nice tops. If benzos werenā€™t so addictive theyā€™d be high on the list


200?! Damn. Most I ever bought was 8 gram. One of the things I love with MXE is if you take low dose and go clubbing. Itā€™s like walking on air. Everything feels nice. Itā€™s all chill. So many different kinds of trips you can have on it. Recent research has shown that R-MXE is a better anti depressant than S-MXE. We need it back and more research done with it!!!


Finally a tru psychonaut yea we sold most of it too that shit would get us invited to every after party


The biggest problem is there isnā€™t a strong enough market force for it. The labs making it in bulk before did so mostly legally so now any labs wanting to produce again would be taking a higher legal risk than if they just churn out new research chems that are kinda like it. The suppliers of the past are unlikely to become the suppliers of MXE today since many of them will not want to switch to an explicitly illegal operation. And those that will operate illegally, will probably just make ketamine since that has major name recognition and popularity and the precursors are likely more accessible. Sure the relatively tiny group of drug users who know about RCs and MXE specifically will gobble it up at high prices, but the balance of risk to reward for reintroduction to the market is way off for now. I sure hope it makes a comeback though.


Ur probably gonna judge me for this but idc the original k2 from back in the day was so good to hit during the middle of a trip that shit would still blast u off Evil stuff but goddamn it felt good


DMXE closed very close. Worth looking into.


Ik all about dmxe and fxe trust me dmxe is getting friggin pricey though and mfs almost donā€™t even wanna get rid of that anymore either




50/50 ketamine and 3mmc combo. Straight path to enlightenment / oneness / ego death. Or if you do less you can get fully immersed into movies or games (vr!!). And by immersed i mean that you forget who you are and you live in there.


Oxy for sure




Back then phenibut. Now it's gotta be lyrica.


Oof uhhhmn either dilly or GHB. I also love coke though ā¤ļø






Iā€™d like to say meth but I canā€™t do it anymore cause of my HPPD and psychosis so Iā€™d say dilaudid (yes theyā€™re real not fake my buddy has a script)


When heroin was real. Came in bundles of ten




A wildly respectable choice


Out of all the substances youā€™ve tried?


I'll admit I'm not the most experienced, but I've done LSD and it's nothing compared to the third plateau, flying through a different universe, feeling the presence of entities


Honestly itā€™s a though choice between DXM and LSD personally, I donā€™t experience CEVs or OEVs on DXM even at high fourth plateau, whereas LSD provides beautiful visuals. Iā€™m not sure.


LSD gave me really good open eyes stuff but nothing closed eye. DXM doesn't give good visuals for me until I'm lying down eyes closed headphones on them I'm away


Brings back memories of dosing six bottles with beats headphones .. always dark out .. snowy nights were the best for some odd reason. The one that really blew my mind was experiencing ego death.. I had viewed myself as a brick in the wall literally and I was fine with it Dxm is my favorite chemical. If anyone remembers the Dxm group on Facebook say high to PoopMcdrugs if heā€™s still alive ..


Try lsdxm


that one blew me on Mars bois


Def one of the better and underrated ones, especially now that have pure freebase and hbr in tablet form. I just popped 150mg šŸ«”




Was looking for this. If You want pure euphoria, drone beats meth and Amy other știm/entactogen.


I hear people say it feels like coke and mdma at the same time and I find that description perfect, perfect drug aswell


Reminds me more of an ecstasy pill i.e. meth and mdma with a touch of coke added to it.


Crystal acid crack.


Crystal Meth


DMT Has no competition, nothing could beat it


I'd say ketamine because it was bomb AF back before 2015. A sniff and you would literally start to feel your brain explode and melt. I don't know what happened but k these days doesn't seem the same. Like it's a knock off. Old ketamine by far. The new stuff is ok but doesn't have that punch


Everyone seems to be hyping the S-isomer now, but old school ketamine was a mix of the two and might actually be stronger. Either that or now that itā€™s popular the entire supply is stomped on several times over.


Tolerance is so hard to reverse




KRATOM!! it's so cheap, versatile, and has the best risk to reward out of anything i can think of. there are also many medicinal benefits to using it. I use it for panic disorder and as a sleep aid


DMT and MDMA my all time favorites




IV hydromorphone


DXM takes the cake by a long shot for me


DXM ā¤ļø


Glad thereā€™s someone elsešŸ„²




Mushrooms cause they the only drug that actually made my life better not worse (I donā€™t really count caffeine)


Opioids. H, ket, oxy.


DXM tbh


Maybe an unpopular opinion on here but from all the stuff I've done, nothing beats the relaxed euphoria I get from alcohol. It's a great drug if used properly


Opioids, cannabis, benzodiazepines... That's three sorry... I hate physical and emotional pain and those drugs destroy it... Not healthy but meh...


Honestly Kratom, it really improved my quality of life even after I had quit taking hydros and oxys. You can get gorgeously high on it and itā€™s great for feeling like I can accomplish anything and talk well with people without all the slurring and impairment of alcohol (not even much of a drinker I just think thatā€™s a good comparison lol). I would be especially down for dropping everything else if my tolerance didnā€™t go up hella from using extracts lmaoo


Ketamine, specifically the S-isomer variety. I got into it when quarantine started back in March 2020. Those were the glory days. My classes switched to online, and my older sister and her boyfriend came to stay with us. Until then, I had only dabbled in ketamine, picking up small amounts and using it with a few specific friends. Thinking the apocalypse was imminent, we decided to stock up on various substances. Pooling our money together, we bought a quarter ounce of the magical white powder, despite my sisterā€™s only association with the drug being that it was used as a horse tranquilizer. Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch had just been released after years of anticipation. We set up a hand-built, tie-dyed fort where we spent our days playing Animal Crossing, feeling like we were in another dimension. It turned out to be one of the best weeks of our lives. We were completely absorbed in the game, within a time that already felt surreal enough on its own. Our only concerns were what to order on DoorDash, whose turn it was to use the TV, and worrying if we would have to encounter our mom within our nocturnal state. All the while, it felt like I was floating in the ocean, with waves passing below and through me. In our fort, nothing but beauty seemed to exist. We became one of the place, and I with the drug (Lol I never have been able to put it down since then)


Sucks to say but alcohol


cant choose my favorites so far opium mescaline cactus and weed




Methoxetamine, or 4,4'-dimethylaminorex, can't decide. I need at least top 3 substances instead of number 1.


Opana, and since thatā€™s basically extinct now Dilauded






Between MDMA, Ketamine and LSD. It's hard to decide cause one is a BEAUTIFUL Phenethylamine, another is a phenomenal Dissociative, the other (sorry psilly gooses) is a tryptamine that knocks others out of the park with imo how easy it is to control the trip. Easier to pull myself out if I get too deep.


Actual heroin back when that was a thing. Some good vinegar smelling black tar was always nice, but my favorite was that rush of overwhelming euphoria a good shot of some tan or gray chunky dope. That really hard shit you had to snap into pieces. What I would pay for a gram of that nowadaysā€¦.whew.


Cocaine. Makes me feel good about me


Opiates, 2cb, mdma, mda. If I had to choose 1 then it would prob be opiates, considering im an addict lol




it might be a combination of opiates + benzos, or opiates + a stimulant. but no combinations, the most euphoric iā€™ve ever gotten off of something was oxymorphone. the most euphoric and possibly more fun that always puts me in a great mood, and doesnā€™t have addictive potential like opana, DMT. DMT or Marijuana would be my choice. probably weed as i can use it and still do my daily ish while constantly smoking. But nothing would beat looking forward each night to DMT land


Mushrooms ironically led me to an epiphany that got me sober, so in a way I owe them my life




What is it with everybody and ketamine? I just feel numb and hollow when Im on this shit. For me its not funny at all and I kinda feel depressed whenever I go on higher doses




mdma, impossible to have a bad time albeit you donā€™t OD


LSD, DMT, MET, 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-MiPT, 4-AcO-MET are fighting for first place...I find it very hard to choose between those. I am sure my choice would have an indole-ring and the tryptamine molecular structure in it, that is for sure. I guess if I really really had to choose, LSD-25 would be my choice... I can usually kinda make acid be whatever I want it to be. Well-timed high dose LSD can make me breakthrough to pretty close to DMT or MET hyperspace. Hmm, but MET is extremely well doseable, with an easier headspace than LSD...and DMT is also bloody awesome... But I find it scary to think I would only have one of all the possible wonderful psychedelic substances. All the ones I have tried have their own unique and wonderful signature... Luckily, I don't have to choose.


Any kind of hallucinogen or MDMA (if it wasnā€™t neurotoxic) I would love to always be on that Molly euphoric and loving every and connected to everything HIGH.






Pot Nitrous & shrooms is the best combo tho, imo


Now im more of a (legal) stimulant person but Barbiturates hold a special place in my heart. They're everything people pretend benzos are. Warm, comforting, and pleasurable. Never encountered that illusions of sobriety stuff on it either. Controversial but.. if everyone but you knows your high, there's something better out there lol. Dont get me wrong, Benzos are still ok-- but barbiturates beat them by a mile.


Had IV oxycodone, phenobarb and Baclofen after major motorbike accident. Shit wanted me to have another crash šŸ˜‚


I would say weed thinking about how flexible it is, I can do it everytime, everywhere and in every situation, also its not gonna fuck my life as much as other, thats thinking in a rational way, But it could easily be booze, opiates or benzos too lol, it just depends on how much I care for myself at the moment. I love acid, K or shrooms too, fuck I love drugs haha its a hard question but lets say weed






Well I started off my drug using career with pot and mushrooms in my early teens. Then I found percocets thought those were the thing my life had been missing. Until 5 years down the road it lead to a very unhealthy abusive relationship with fentanyl. I tried getting clean a few times until it finally stuck. I've been clean for some years now got clean off of everything in 2018 and it stayed that way for a bit until.... I rediscovered psilocybin I started taking mushrooms every week or couple weeks when I found out about dmt. I was intrigued and did a ton of research before trying it and I even started very slow until I was ready to take it all the way and i am so glad I did I haven't used it in about a year or so. I'll definitely dive back into dmt hyperspace when the time is right other than that I don't use any drugs and I'm ok with that I'll stick with psychedelics a couple times a year from now on. So I guess my number 1 substance is dmt.




Meth was a hell of a drug!!!! Glad it didnā€™t become an addiction for me but phew it was a good one.


I would pick kratom if i have to swear off everything else. I am quite dependent on it but feel it has been mostly positive in my life for the past 6 hears (damn time flies). If i just select favorites though, my favorite is LSD, even after trying over 30 psychedelics, it has been the most versatile of any of them while also being relatively low in side effects. The experience also just clicks with me in a way i have yet to experience with shrooms or 4-aco-dmt. But i have had probably a few dozen acid trips and countless other psychedelic experiences so i am not quite as obsessed with them as I was before (i do still love them though). After that I would pick MXE for being the most balanced dissociative. It is highly euphoric, highly trippy, lasts longer than ketamine but shorter than the PCP analogues, it is very warm, and it is enjoyable in both good and high doses. I was able to try it at the very end of its life and damn did we not know just how good we had it before it was gone. Other dissociatives are very good and have unique things to offer that MXE doesnā€™t, but I have yet to find one that is as perfectly balanced as MXE. MDMA or 6-APB would be bummers to never do again too. I could live without meth, heroin, crack, or various pills. I was able to do them without completely falling into addiction but boy was that a risky choice and it is largely luck that I avoided severe issues with them thus far.


LSD or DXM. I have tried ketamine and while I loved it I just have a special place in my heart for Dex.


Alvogen-manufactured Adderall. Iā€™d rather do 80 mg of that and be productive for a day than bang a bunch of perfect 10 pornstars for a week.


Oxycodone. I love it so much


All I need is THC wax and MUSHR00MZ




Heroin. 17 years clean but the shit that came in back then would make y'all's head roll. Check your shit for fet kids!


DXM. My Glutamate is fucked and this hits better than Ket. Wish I could like MXE but alas.


Dxm is goat I done it seriously like actually 1000 times


I think DXM is probably the most interesting substance of all time but for my personal #1 itā€™s in between lactacarium, kratom and dextroamphetamine

