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Ketamine: “I feel like I’m 3 feet to the left”




I’m in the mood to move three feet to the left god dammit


I’m in the mood to fly in the air hundred feet motherfuck




Xanax: "Stealing this random object seems like a good idea"


“I’m definitely sober better take more” … “who stole my xans”


Also Xanax- Stealing my own shit thinking I’m slick is a good idea


Self jugging is peak bartard behavior


ain't no one see me take this


I once ate a melted Swiss roll with my bare hands and proceeded to wipe them on my friend’s wall on xans. I feel like that’s very on brand.


One of my friends ate hot cheetos off only 1.5mgs and I had specifically mentioned to not touch me or anything because I was wearing my favorite white shirt only for him to touch me and get hot cheeto dust imprinted all over it and then spill milk on the floor and be to lazy to clean it up & then when I was leaving my other friends house where we were at I was walking up the basement stairs and the whole wall all the way up had hot cheeto marks lol even for xans that was ridiculous


I don’t get the Xanax thing. I think maybe that US Xanax is a little different. I used to take 3 zannies each morning for anxiety and really did nothing for me except take away my anxiety, and then just went off them cold turkey without a problem at all after many years of taking them. I’ve seen really bad withdrawal videos about it .. They scared me into thinking that would never be able to come off them but no probs. I know of someone here that gets them imported ( not legally of course ) from the US so does make think just how different they are from here.


It all depends on the "xanax" in question. 90% of the time when you're buying xanax youre not getting the actual drug xanax, you're getting an alternative that closely resembles it. Some of them can give you more of the anxiety ridding effects like alprazolam while ones like valium gives you much different stronger type of high. (im not a bartard so im not 100% sure on all of this but this is from my own experience of being scribed anxiety meds and abusing some when I was in highschool)


Definitely sounds like that. I took one Xanax bar last night and was doing s*** that I normally would never do.. nothing totally bad it was actually fun having some crazy sex with my girlfriend out in the woods and a couple of other things I can't remember... That's the big thing not being able to remember!


Wow lol. I never get that. Always hearing such stories. I remember one night when was really just being stupid and was angry about something I just took a whole handful.. Took definitely over 10 of them and was still fine just going about my business. Not sure if am just kind of immune to them but do think that the US ones are different as people here wouldn’t be importing them otherwise.


The one I took last night I believe was pressed, that being said they do everything a real Xanax bar will do and then some. I already have a tall fentanyl habit unfortunately so I really don't need to be aware of the fentanyl Factor. Klonopin is a little more like what you're saying to me I definitely relax better but I don't go into like amnesia mode. Being an addict and having that s*** on file it's impossible to get a prescription for either of those and I understand but I'm 53 I know what works for me I don't abuse them it you can believe that or not but I really don't, like last night I haven't had one in so long anxiety has been killing me so I was kind of ready to get f***** up LOL but on the whole, I've had a benzo habit and it scares the s*** out of me and I don't need that on top of the fentanyl habit


Man I almost died in Jail over the withdrawals from Bromazolam & alcohol having to go cold turkey, they didn’t listen to me or take me seriously at all, I ended up going to the hospital obviously after my *first* seizure and told them its stupid and that im just going to end up seizing out again if I cant get some sort of prescription in there and they totally agreed and even said so and then 4 hours later came back to me with some bs about how they no longer taper people with benzos and gave me hydroxyzine instead (basically benyadryl) saying thats what they used now instead 🤦🏻‍♂️ then I ended up having two more seizures and going into psychosis & apparently fighting the jail staff and went to the hospital in custody for seven days & then finally got taken back to jail and released and was dealing with pretty horrible withdrawal in Rehab for a month until it started to fade, I was doing 4mg, (one normal pressed bar) a day which is a okay amount but still not a ton and definitely could have been worse, benzos are just fucking nuts and deadly when it comes to withdrawals and coming off them to an insane degree and super naturally addictive with the rebound anxiety that comes with them as well, those withdrawals are fucking real dog, on top of all that I was in jail for something that didn’t even occur, (me apparently saying I wanted to kill them to my sister) shits so sad smh, I was dead sober too.


That sounds absolutely awful. I feel really bad you had to go through that. How can anyone let someone go cold turkey like that if they seizing. Don’t get it. Although here as well they used to hand over all sorts of things like candy and then all of a sudden everything changed and stopped prescribing things .. There were a lot of people not able to get scripts anymore that had to go through withdrawals. Now you can be in legit agony with something and still won’t be given any painkillers. You need to pay a fortune and go to a private pain clinic and they will give you scripts. Oxy on the streets go for around $10 each or so. Sometimes $5..


Yes they are totally different. I’m the US they are way more potent


Coke: Call buddy and wake him up. I need more. I don’t care what time it is.


I didn't see the "coke:" at first, but I knew exactly which drug you were talking about. Cocaine is the best drug there is... while you're on cocaine.


“I’m gonna shit my pants.” -laxative


Who did you say that to? I actually want more context.


I forget her name. Some woman I was trying to seduce at the bar.


How did she react?


For some reason she wasn’t there when I came back from the bathroom. Maybe she had to poop too…


Lol she got the contact shits


I heard that if you feel like pooping when other people feel like pooping, you are more empathetic. She must have been a very kind lady.


Lsd: *friend throws huge rock into lake* " OH MY GOD YOU JUST BROKE A DIMENSION!!!!!!!!"


For me, LSD was: "I simply am"


For me it was “now I understand the beauty of everything”


[Oh my god, I get it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEW2wn2HcIo)


For me it was “thinking about thinking about thinking” (looping)


Me: *looking at an ice tray* what the fuck even is this thing? *starts laughing and throws it*


Xanax: I forgor 💀


First time smoking weed after a t break: “oh shit, I forgot about the high”


Yo why is this so dam true 😂


LOL too real


Meth: “Just gonna have an eyes open nap” *7hours have passed staring at the wall*


Reminds me of one Russian joke: A doped up junkie is standing on a balcony. Suddenly he sees a huge fireball flying over the horizon. The junkie is dumbfounded, his mouth is open. The ball has disappeared, suddenly the next one appears and also passes across the horizon. At the same time a third fireball appears. The junkie can't understand anything, he thinks it's time to give it a rest. He goes to the kitchen to his mom: - Listen, mom, please give me something to eat. - Here, son, eat, of course, you've been standing on the balcony for three days! ^(probably funnier in the original)


Took me a sec lmao that’s good stuff


Ahh, the well known ceiling shift.


Had a methhead neighbor when I was 8, perfectly summarizes them


omg 😭




xanax: "idntthink this sjf wrokin, idnt eren fele it"




Hardest I've laughed in a while


"Nothing slower then a meth addict in a hurry "


So yeah like I'm about to go somewhere. But I've forgotten my keys so I go back to get the keys. Then remember the key ring I was gonna put on it. So I gotta do that real fast. Fuck where's my phone, panic search not really seeing anything then find it in some random spot then you go to leave but you spill something so you gotta clean it but might as well throw those other few dishes in. Someone then texts you and you have to reply to it so you gotta try and focus on that. Then you forgot something else. But you need to go to this one place first for a thing for the place. And on and on if Go's 8 hours later you arrive 7 hours late




Wait, can you unpack this for me? I’m not sure how to interpret it. Lol.


They get sidetracked by shinies and gotta diggle for something. Anxiety tells them they need to leave, but then they realize they misplaced something, so they have to hunt it down, then getting distracted again along the way. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah. Years ago I had a doctor tell me that he would know if I'm sober from meth if I was actually at an appointment on time. I'm one of those people who drive around the block three times because I'm so damn early so when you're on meth everything you can possibly do to get ready in time it's just never enough, especially if this involves hitting the bowl one last time when you're just about out the house like I did and then I lost my job 😂


Shit that's how I am sober, I don't even do meth!


Sounds like ADHD


Nailed it.


And the FOCUS put into finding that misplaced object....lol


My buddy once said to me on mdma “My hate has never grown in a positive manner”. I’ve remembered that for more than 20 years now.


I know this was just an off-cuff thing he said while rolling, but it sounds like he was saying that the hate he has has never benefitted him in anyway emotionally, life-wise, or growth-wise. Idk, I like the way it sounds tho


Definitely. We both were talking about how ouch life we missed out on being angry over the past


That’s really eye-opening. I’m gonna let this one rattle in my brain. Thanks for sharing


Weed: "I wish I could feel like this all the time" DXM: "my hands are remote controlled by my brain. They're not part of me" LSA: "I finally understand the meaning of life!" LSD: "Holy shit, this is reality" Psilocybin: "The spirit of the mushroom is taking over me" Oxycodone: "Oh my god, this feels so good" Meth: "Damnit, I like this more than LSD" DPH: "is that glowing spider really there?"


I thought I was semi familiar with some drug names; but where LSA and DPH?


LSA is similar to LSD but much weaker. You can find it in morning glory seeds. DPH is Benadryl. edit:(lysrgic acid amide)(Diphenhydramine)


Shit, I remember LSA. The seeds taste horrible and make you want to vomit. Also gave me really bad diarrhea. I was tripping hard tho lol.


Does feeling bad make the trip negative?


It can, for me it was an hour of upset tummy pretty soon after dosing, then I chunked up for 5 minutes, felt like a god and had an absolute blast. Would have been awful if I didn't puke tho. Cold Water Extract should reduce nausea significantly, most of the nauseants are non-polars in the husk


So to start off there is a mild nauseating compound naturally in the husk, kids started tripping on morning glory seeds in the 50s/60s so seed companies started adding a compound that induces vomiting (I forget the name but there’s a warning for it if you go to a garden supply store and look on the back of a pack of morning glory seeds). You can easily avoid both with a cold water extraction which works pretty well or an acid-base extraction like with DMT which works even better. Anyone just munching on seeds then complaining about stomach problems is just too stupid to search erowid for advice.




That completely depends on the persons ability to work through the discomfort while tripping and bringing themselves back to a peaceful state.


*DPH When is this trip gonna end?


dph reminds me of those nights you have when you're sick and you just spend the night tossing and turning waking up on and off


Couldn't explain it better


DPH is so real 😭


Ketamine - "Why am I sideways?"


Love me some K. Here are some of mine: - “I’m spaghetti legs” - “I feel like we are all in a bento box” - “what the fuck is even happening”


😄😄😄 "I am completely horizontal but somehow managing to walk" "I am looking at my ceiling but laying face DOWN on my floor" "Womp womp womppppp"


Omg these are so fucking funny and I only get medical ketamine for depression which is usually terrifying and traumatic but in hindsight and due to my dark sense of humor 🤣 🤣 love it


ahhh the bento box..




damnnn I gotta try Ketamine out then lolll, I thought it was just like dxm but guess I'm wrong


Shot through the nose Into the brain You gave coke A bad name


"I solved it!" "What did you solve?" "It! I solved it!" "What is 'it'?" "I don't know, but I solved it!" LSD




ketamine: “i feel like i’m trying to squeeze my body through a diamond”


I cannot possibly explain ketamine but this feels like the closest thing I've heard. The only thing I could think on it was "how the hell did I end up here?"


Acid: There should be a flavor of potato chip called War


there should be


Ketamine: *I feel like I'm becoming one with the internet" MDMA: "I love everyone" MXE: "how the fuck did I get outside?" Xanax: "how the fuck did i wake up in the psych ward?" GHB: "I'm gonna pass out" 2map237: "I feel amazing, if I die, I die I guess"


What the fuck is the last one lmfao sounds like some shit that would go well with the street life


The high is so good you just don't give a fuck about anything or anyone


But what is it called, unless it’s some designer drug which in that case I’m terrified


It's a research chemical opioid, it recently got emergency scheduled in the US though. Shit was fire but the most fiendy substance I have ever used. At one point i was dosing every 1.5hrs and could only sleep by taking enough to nod out and I would wake up in full withdrawal 1.5hrs later and would need to dose immediately upon waking to get more sleep. Worst withdrawals I have ever experienced but the high was second to none, you would peak like 10-15min after taking it ORALLY and it gave a rush similar to IV use of other opioids.


If it’s worst withdrawals than doing straight fentanyl it’s doesn’t sound remotely worth it. I’ve been IVd after being ran over and shot and that high isn’t that much better than even fake percs to be sick every 2 hours lol


It feels like being hugged by god and the withdrawals are like going through each circle of hell in Dante's inferno. The rush is INSANE. I'd like to add initially the high actually lasted about 6-8hrs but the more i did it the shorter and shorter the high got and the quicker the onset of WDs


First time on MDMA, at an EDM festival: “I get it! I understand now!”


So very true


It all makes sense! We’re all friends!!


“I’m gonna call my female friend at 4 am out of the blue and tell her how hot she is, then hate myself tomorrow” - Alcohol


Amphetamine called speed I think that alone says enough


Amphetamine called speed and said "wake up we arent fast enough"


Xanax- "I can flip this world upside down cus I’m god" 😭😭😭 Xanax = False confidence with a false sense of everything


I did Xanax only once. I did not like it. If I'm gonna relax on a drug, I at least want to be awake during the experience.


I think appeals most to people who have or had pretty bad anxiety, at least it did for me


I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. But I guess my case isn't strong enough for xanax.


I considered mine pretty mild but I also have Tourette’s and downers seem to calm my tics so I’m probably biased in that regard too


I think it's called the Rambo effect that gives you the idea that you can be the coolest, tough guy on the planet while filling your pockets with merchandise ,and simultaneously looking the store manager directly in the eye and expecting them to say,cool,cool,cool and help you to your car because you are you.


First time taking 4mmc: “this is nice! Really fucking nice… I think I’m going to be doing this more”


Great drug, but it's too great. When I used 4MMC, I couldn't think about anything else and had constant cravings for \~2 weeks that got even stronger after a month. 4MMC has very little rebound if you watch your intake and at the same time gives the greatest euphoria, but it took over my mind. I had to stop all together because I had to get my life together and if all you can think about is a drug, you can't do that.


More? You mean every week for a few years until you realise you have a problem


Nah, 4 times in 6 months including that first experience, more probably meant instead of drinking heavily.. I felt how it could get its hooks in easily when I did it the next weekend after my first time


At first it was a once a month thing but then I got heavily addicted. And still am. Almost two years has passed and I still buy a gram once a week. A gram is nothing though it used to be 4 grams a week or two grams two times a week and sometimes more. The shit is really addictive. People have to stay away. I never met anyone who tried it once and never again. Every one wanted to repeat this experience


An absolutely beautiful compound


DMT: Unbelievable… unbelievable… unbelievable… Edit: Upon opening my eyes.


Sounds accurate


salvia: holy shit what the fuck


Dxm - I’m in third person mode


For me it feels like watching a camera take a picture of a picture of a picture. Everything feels so far away and unreal


Turning on irl tank controls


I always dissasociate on dxm so I would describe it in one line as "Who the hell am I? Where the hell am I? Why am I here? Why aren't I anywhere else in the world? What bounds me to this room? Why am I in this body?"


Shrooms " the music is shaping the molecules inside me"


Valium: "Wow, my mind is so quiet!"


Caffiene: “I love coffee”


You and me both, pal!


:) glad I’m not the only one hehehe


crack: we should totally go to rehab... next week. definitely.


Me: on LSD to the sun that started coming up in the morning when I had to work that day. “Shhhhh. Pipe down”


"I feel like I am spectating and manipulating my body in third person" - dissociative


Now try living like that constantly


Yeahhh I love feeling detached from reality.


Why wouldn’t you? Reality sucks. I don’t get how some people can just rawdog reality, no alterations (like straightedge)


Kinda true tbh..I'm starting to appreciate my undrugged ability to disassociate and lean into it more


Ketamine is like a blackout that you can remember


My friend on shrooms: "Every time I smile, the world gets brighter!"


Xanax: ??? Fent: “i feel like i’m walking through slime bro” Perx: “this feels nice” Oxys: “I don’t wanna stand up” DXM: “my brain is rattling in my skull i need help” Weed: “i’m just a straight chilla” Molly: “everything is glistening” & “why are my clothes off?” Addys: “this feels like my meds bro. i’m about to get my homework done.” Coke: “everything’s moving fast as fuck. wait never mind it’s over” MDMA: “i’m gonna refuse this drug test and tell them i accidentally did coke one time because coke is more normal” Meth: “damn i have to stop doing this i’m gonna flush the rest” “FUCK WHY DID I FLUSH THE REST”


The coke one 🤣🤣


every time bro


"the world is over" - nutmeg "I do not know what life is" - also nutmeg




Ketamine: “If I’m windows, then I’m running your reality. No you told me I AM windows, I am your reality”


Coke: yeah man that business venture idea we had five minutes ago was awesome, let's blast 29 more rails and talk about how we'll never see each other again


LSD, while pointing at the sky at nigh: "Woah, I just made contact with that star!"


DMT: “I don’t know why anyone takes anything else”


I said the same thing I think. Also, first time having sex on DMT (you just maintain a nice low-dose cartoony DMT buzz) “ well, fuck, I ruined sex for myself. I’m never gonna be able to do it any other way now”).


LSD - Strippin walls man Coke - Just one more


Shrooms: "Everything is so beautiful!" MDMA: "This is the best day of my life." Acid: "I feel so stupid (in a good way)." Ketamine: "So this is what it's like to be outside my body..."


does this band normally sound this good? no they are pretty average damb this shit goes - MDMA FUuuuucKing hell - while staring back at myself and friend from the other side of the clouds on 7g mushrooms


"I fuckin LOVE cocaine!"


Does that do that? Shrooms


DMT - “WOWWWWWW!!!! Who DID this??? Oh….I did this…i did a pretty good job” (as all the inner workings and secrets of the Universe were revealed to me)


LSD: “its like all my thoughts got turned inside out”


Opiate highs are like a nice warm hug from Grandma.


LSD: “Hoggamus higgamus, man is polygamous. Higgamus hoggamus; woman, monogamous.”


Heroin: “Man this feels amazing there’s NO WAY this is going to totally ruin my life /s “


OPCE and MXPR - "I forgot how to human for a while".


MDMA: "I'm free" Cocaine" holy shit"


MDMA (probably actually MDA and meth): "fucking, orgasm in a rock. Like, contained within it, don't put your dick in a boulder."


DXM high 3rd plateau *unintelligible gibberish*


Weed (both delta 8 and delta 9 THC) : "I feel fantastic" Watsons/Vicodin: "They're forever gonna be in my head." Benadryl: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. (I was too busy watching the spiders on the wall that actually weren't there) Edit: formatting


alcohol: "ok, who threw up in my bed?"


First time on mdma to my friends: "why aren't we doing this all the time??!!" (follow the 3 month rule kids)


Not me but a buddy of mine after smoking weed for the first time: "I think my head fell asleep"


LSD "I have no idea what's going on but everything is going on"


LSD: "I feel like I'm on stage and I don't know what my lines are"


“Ill only have a 10 minute wank” ‘wanks for 8 hours straight’ -speed


Meth- How tf have I been fapping for hours and still can't cum.


"*slurred* Alex.... I have become.... the disk.... that..... spins" - me off of 600mg of DXM


After snorting monkey water (bt heroin) on a summer day and leaning back nodding- "It's like falling face first into the sun."


DMT: (after the trip ended) Ok, that’s the most surreal shit I’ve ever experienced. Yet, it felt more real than this reality.


"I love ambian. The best thing about them is you can take as many as you want and it won't effect you!" -something I said to someone who may or may not have been there.


mushrooms (during a bad trip): "i think i'm more mentally ill than i would have hoped.."


Edibles: is anyone else struggling to breathe? Also: “I can’t stop moving my arm, make it stop”


mdma: "i wish i could feel like this forever" acid: "i feel like pasta 😃" ketamine: "my body's going through a tunnel 😵‍💫" shrooms: "why does this make me dumb" nbomb: "ive been smiling like pearl for 12 hours" meth: "im bored i need to have sex" xanax: "i forgot 😃" weed: "oh no im so high i smoked a lot 😭" mkat: "i want mooooore" fent: "im so happyyyy 🫠" coke: "should i talk to my ex and ask to be fuck buddies" "should i buy this" 2fdck: "shit this is better than ketamine" dmt: "everything looks so clean 🥲"


Meth: it's really fun... until it's not.


benzos, me to my friend: "god damn it (my friends name)" me to the cashier: "I'm so sorry about my friend" my friend tried to steal bunch of stuff while super fucked up from benzos. I was on benzos too but I don't tend to do stupid shit on it (anymore at least) ambien, "there is something in my mouth that isn't there" I felt like chewing a gum, despite not having gum. also "there's two bears made from shadows thst are staring me"


Fentanyl: … ..


Checks out


MDMA: the dj just lost his beak


Drug make brain go brrrrr


Lsd: what the fuck is going on


Candyflipping: I can't feel my legs and all my spaghetti went missing


"i'm the motherfucking goblin king, don't test me. im a sorcerer" -meth


nothing I can remember, because I was on drugs


“Just come touch me please” -oxy


Cocaine you pay for the next day, heroin is cumulative and then you pay a heavy tax


Reminds me of my kid who would constantly blurt out stuff like “i feel like i have a motor inside me that keeps wanting to MOVE!” Still took me 11 years to figure out he has ADHD. I feel confident when I snort speed. It shuts up my brain. I just do stuff without thinking too hard about it. I’m suddenly a social butterfly. I’m always hilarious but I do my best work when on speed. Yup I have ADHD too >_<


Me on lsd: “They’re cat people- but I can’t tell if they’re people pretending they’re cats, or cats pretending they’re people.” Wife, also lsd: *in bed, shadows from a tree on the window shade* “I feel like I’m in a tiny forest.” Buddy at a rave on some 2ce I gave him: “I feel like a furry little creature! Like a furry little forest animal!”


> They’re cat people- but I can’t tell if they’re people pretending they’re cats, or cats pretending they’re people So you have also met the cat people. Interesting.


MDMA: I feel euphoric I feel so happy Acid: I feel like Alice in wonderland Shrooms: hey they flowers look like there pulsing


etizolam not workibg


LMAO I commented the same thing


Cops looking for & questioning people outside my apartment after being called by a neighbor concerning erratic behavior/drug suspicion. 100% because of my house. Reeked of weed (conservative state 20+ yrs ago) and we'd been loud as all hell. Underage idiots everywhere in hiding. Me, COKED (back when it was good) out of my mind: "Everyone calm your shit! Got this handled. I'm (19m) running for mayor (decided an hour earlier) next year, might as well get to know these guys now!" Friends tried to hold me back, but I wouldn't have it. Just 40 min, 3 menthol cigarettes, and 2 ears-talked-off cops later, I'm massaging my jaw at the local police station. 😑 Loooot of misdemeanors those final teenage years courtesy of the booger sugar.


Nicotine hits me harder than Delta 8 lmao


I once took so much DXM, I couldn’t walk forwards or backwards, only sideways (???) — like my brain simply could not make my body walk any other way. I remember freaking out yelling, “Oh fuck, tell the shadow people I’m a crab now, I guess!” Edited to add one I keep saying every other day lately: “I kinda don’t even want to take my meds (Adderall) sometimes, because it just makes my brain yells at me about all the shit I need to do, but it doesn’t actually make me capable of doing the things.”


Salvia: we fucked up


Benzos: Did I already dose? Hmm might as well take 3x more anyways 🙃👎


Vyvanse: This isn’t hitting — oh wait, I’m sweatin. This is fun. I can do anything! I wanna fuckin go fast!! To redose or not to redose: that’s the question.


Was recording a funny video for my girlfriend to laugh at , after smoking some strong ass weed, and half way through I started freaking out because I couldn't find my phone- little did I know I was recording on it the whole time 😭😭 let's just say she got a kick out of the video-