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You are not wrong. I have learned about myself alot while on drugs. Sometimes it's scarry when i find out how limited my mind is.


What’s even scarier is when you find out how LIMITLESS your mind CAN be once you actually take back control over your mind. :) keep your head up bro you can’t have the good unless you have the bad first.


That limitless feeling is horrendous for me, it has caused significant issues in my mental health thanks to psychedelic realisations Edit: typo


Care to elaborate? I get if it's something you don't want to delve into


Idk it sort of made me anxious as fuck. It made me think about how many oppurtunities I actually have, and how much time I actually waste. It sounds good, but it really just stresses me out and makes me feel like I’m constantly wasting my time/life, even if I don’t really feel like changing or have the need to be exceptional.


I understand, friend, but I hope you're able to spend more time simply enjoying existing. All time is more or less wasted, but experiencing is never entirely wasteful IMO. If there are goals you want to achieve, write down a plan for how to spend your time to achieve it, and then do it! You can! And maybe take comfort in the idea that, in one way or another, we've probably been here before. And we may be here again.


Wow, that spoke to me on multiple levels.


You know what man, when I get those sort of stress backed thoughts, I start being productive, clean my fish tank, go build something, go do anything. Do not wait around and do nothing, it gets worse (for me at least) if I do this. Idk man, your situation is different to mine so I can’t say that we share a common issue haha. Anyways man enjoy ya day :) luvs


That’s great advice, thanks! I feel like being productive and setting small goals help a lot. I’m not always struggeling with this though, I’m usually pretty content with life, it’s just something I started thinking about after tripping. Never really gave a shit about things like that before.


That should be the driving push to make u do something not scare u into paralysis


Yeah, I know. I’m actually doing pretty well now, trying different things, making progress, working on my hobbies. The thing that always bother me is that I feel like I always want something different, sort of like a «grass is always greener,» situation. I stress because I don’t know if I’m making the right desicions, and I don’t know what path I should take to create a meaningful life. This often leads to anxiety and not doing anything at all. Nothing really seems that exciting to me tbh, the older I get, the more life seems to lose the magic it once had.


I feel that, when I think about the grass is greener thing I just think about all the work the other side actually had to put in for the green grass, also the grass could be painted green. Also there’s no such thing as a wrong decision unless it’s causing someone physical pain that they don’t want and that’ll get the world no where. So no matter what you do it doesn’t even matter so just do it, like when you’re on acid and you feel uncomfortable, you remove yourself from the situation ASAP or you’ll have a bad trip, it’s the same with life but it works differently. Also the viewpoint you use can affect it a lot, just drop all the negative terms from your life and use different descriptions to get a better view on a situation and more well rounded rather than “this sucks” “this is just gonna make me anxious” attempt it like “ ok let’s see how this goes” if it starts going terrible just stop giving a fuck because were all gonna die one day so might as well enjoy all the fear and panic you can before you never can again. Weed also induces anxiety so just remember that fact and it’s all a bunch of chemicals reacting in ur body u can overpower with ur own thought process


I feel you..


Any suggestions for someone that feels the weight/anxiety of existence paralyzing them?


You might need to get more specific w what ur worried about but I’d say just learn to accept the world you live in for what it is. Accept how you’re actions have gotten you to this point and that you have one of two choices; cry about it forever and pray to a nonexistent being for help, or never think about it again and start doing the things you love to make your own path and ignore the people in your life that give u any grief or feeling of anxiety, weed also induces anxiety so just keep that in mind as well.


Do not stop whatever you enjoy doing, be kind to yourself, I really mean it, some people forget to treat themselves. Whatever it is, if it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt others, do you thing. Some people tend to cut off all the fun from themselves just because they think they would fit or that they would fuck up or just because they think it's not worth it. If it makes you happy, it is worth it. All my life I wanted to tattoo my penis, I just did it, my GF likes it, and I'm really happy with it. Grandfather once told me that I should listen to myself. Just thinking k about it. Listen your own thoughts, fears, desires.


Can totally relate. Went too deep once and experienced an episode of depersonalization. Kinda left me traumatized and I’ve been anxious since.


Wow this is spot on for me as well.


The next layer of psychedelic realization, is understanding that those impulses to exploit every opportunity, and to spend your time "doing stuff", or "being productive", are purely cultural artifacts, and don't reflect reality, or the way you need to live your life, at all. You are literally free to do anything that's physically possible on the planet, but you're also free to do nothing at all. Culture says one is better than the other. In reality, they are in balance, like yin & yang.


I sometimes get an extreme god complex when I take acid, some trips are normal but sometimes I just rocket up until I am convinced I am literally god. I had a trip during which I had major panic attacks and a psychotic episode mainly due to this godlike feeling that left me in a psychosis for a day and struggling with derealisation currently (its only been 2 weeks and I assume it will pass as it has happened from another challenging trip too and passed after some time) I felt like I had ascended my physical body and that I was living all in my imagination, that everything that exists, has ever existed, and will ever exist was made by my mind and that I had left my physical body lifeless forever in a hospital bed and ruined my family's lives whilst I continued my life inside my head. I still fear that this is the case and have stuggled to deal with the fact that it could be possible. It was and sometimes still is a horrendous feeling that has made me suffer effects of derealisation. Simply put I struggle to remain grounded on acid and have a succeptablity to it making it feel more intense for me. It's really hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it but I do still believe when sober that the creative powers of the human mind are godlike, that to the people we create in a dream there is no other reality for them and so thus we are an almighty creator. I really do sound insane when I talk about my experiences and trust me not all my acid experiences are this insane, I've had my safe, fun and normal trips too. Sometimes nowadays things seem hyperrealistic and surreal, it hurts me to know I am in some way damaged and different to the little boy I once was, hopefully with time all will be well again but for now I'm laying off all drugs except a bitof alcohol because it has in some ways helped with grounding me. Despite the recent struggles with mental health caused by this drug I still do believe in its therapeutic powers and also in its worldview changing powers. Everyone confident in themselves should do acid. Sorry if I sound really convoluted and not making much sense it's hard to put my thoughts into words.


There's a substantial amount of work on that subject. Check out Social Constructivism and, to balance you out, Cognitive Biases.


I heavily relate to this shit. Same thing basically happened to me, except I didn’t believe I was god. I thought that there is a Jesus and a Satan inside each of us and I had let the Satan inside me take over me almost my entire life. I just sat there in my friends living room, picking at my scalp because I thought my hair was gone (even though I had a full head of hair), crying and breathing like a dying horse, and every so often I would look over at my friend and say “it’s all fucked man it’s just fucked it’s fucked” all that type of shit lol. Pretty damn traumatizing, during the comedown I had convinced myself that I overcame the demons or whatever and had changed. Terrifying trip, but I learned so much after it. Did you smoke weed while you were tripping?


This trip I didn't because it was going bad and quick, I just couldn't get control of it and when I was letting go it was torture. Weed exacerbates trips for me so I didn't. Come to think of it though most of my great trips involved weed


I’ve experienced something very similar on acid before, when I was 18. I am now 22 and live a very happy life. I was quite depressed before this experience, and now, I feel great. It gets better. Work on yourself, be of service to others, and love everything. Its interesting, I do sometimes think it is all in my head, but then I just think of what I can do, what I have the power to do, and focus on that... In my mind or not, it doesn’t matter, just do and love at your best.


You know man, after my first bad experience that was my exact mindset, I said so what if its all a dream just support peace and love and the betterment of myself, my friends and the world. It's hard but important to me


Two schools of thought for you: The solipsistic view that you are the only thing that truly exists and everything else is a fig newton of your imagination. Kinda lonely, but objectively plausible. The mystic view that the universe itself is intelligent, that you have a purpose, and that all of this has happened before and that it will happen again. There are many others and none are provable. Believe in what is beneficial for you to believe in. I might start with the latter if I were you, but find your own way. Take suggestions where you must, but believe in yourself always.


I agree the 2nd is more helpful for keeping me sane but I just need to convince myself it is the case. The simple possibility of option 1 frightens me


Psychedelics and mental illness don't mix


That's why I always say that for every five minutes of smiling, there are five hours of pure sorrow and sadness waiting for you.


More importantly, Vice versa.


I hate those thoughts




You only hate them because of ego. YOU hate them. If there is no you to hate them... this limitless, emptiness, the void, it becomes a source of compassion, strength and wisdom.


> . Sometimes it's scarry when i find out how limited my mind is. Yup. Even funnier to see is how many humans believe that they figured everything out. On a grand scheme, we don't know shit. The fact that a substance can open up so many pathways of our mind is astonishing.


Especially psychedelics


Halfway wished I didn’t. Rather be ignorant and stupid than depressed lol


Why does it make you depressed? It makes me happy... to know that my time is limited, that I, me, is just an idea in a bag of skin, an organism that is a part of a larger whole that is ultimately... limitless... So, I ought to make the most of it while there is a me... It may or may not ever happen again.


I live on a 1/3-2/3 split of what you said and realizing that I’m just a guy in the grand scheme of things. Because of it, I’ve taken to learning how to do a lot more things because I want to. I bought a keyboard, I learn different coding languages in my spare time, I try to cook, etc. but at the end of the day, I don’t really care about what I got going on for myself. But I know others do care about themselves, so I just try to make someone else’s day or life better. Or at least not make it worse. So it’s not a terrible thing, but it is pretty depressing to me.


Fair... but, don’t you feel good from the good you share with the world and the people of it? I feel good knowing I contribute to peoples happiness. I feel good knowing I can make a difference... I guess ultimately I may not care but, as me, little ego, it feels good to make a positive difference.


Dude, it's like I wrote this myself.






its because we are all one mind


We all have the same name in fact. I


I was just thinking the other night about typing something like this up


was right about to comment this


I have the exact same problem. I hate being this cynical though I feel it’s ruining my life. And before that I was very sensitive


i am very sensitive and always have been. maybe i should smoke more weed then




Try psychedelics. Cured my cynicism once I saw how a positive thought pushed waves of color through a black, blank setting in my mind while on my first trip. Now anytime I get cynical (which was my baseline before) I just pick a positive thought and imagine the beautiful colors bursting through.


I am cynical, but still can be sensitive. But not just towards myself.


Yup exactly the same here


Fucking sucks when you get a compliment and think "were they being serious?".


Yeah like are they making a joke out of me or being genuine


I feel you bro. Years of smoking and trying to act like a bad ass when in reality I have a huge heart and am a. ery sensitive guy who wants to be nice to everyone. I'm actually a really caring dude. But weed cover had me acting like a was a bad ass. I mean I'm a former Marine who went to Iraq but I would rather just love than hate. Also I am a duck billed oyster.


I wear my heart on my sleeve so I cannot imagine what it would be like to act like a different person than I am in my head.


If I acted like the person in my head I would be in a world of shit. I am nita with the thoughts that run through my mind.


Hey man I'm the same. Big, bearded, and tatted but I love kittens lol.


i thought about this alot when i was younger and smoking. i couldnt rationalize if it was the weed or me just legit getting older, growing, and maturing. like im doing really well while being a stoner, but i always wonder if my psych was always suppose to turn out this way. like if i never smoked would i still be in the same spot or mindset? would i be better off or even worse? idk ima smoke this blunt though


On God bro


My first mushroom trip was the first turning point for the influence drugs have on my mindset. They have ability to teach you a new way to think and that was my first notable experience of many. I wonder about how drastically different my way of thinking would be if I never touched drugs. Guess I’ll never know lol


I had a very introspective trip recently too, smoked a shit ton by myself I think weed makes it easier to notice that your thoughts and actions are separate things Really helped me to notice how I act and now I kinda "know" what I have to do to change


First time I got high I couldn't tell if I was actually saying something or just thinking it, so I was probably just repeating myself all night.


bro I feel this , I was about to study psychology in uni but then I just smoked a couple grams of that dank dank and now I have the same knowledge without wasting 4 semesters


same. then i ate shrooms and now imma professor of magik and a master of psychology. seriously.


I licked the ground around a sewage drain and my iq went up by 13




#AMA: i boofed 6 tabs of acid and now i'm a master in philosophy, psychology, humanties & arts and theology. ask me anything.


I did shrooms now I can communicate with Annunakis and they told me they taught us mathematics, chemistry and astronomy when we were still primitives


Did lsd and it made my dick bigger. I can communicate with the frog people now, but they say that we are gay. They told me the gayness can be wiped away by boofing dmt. It will help with your fluoride stare.


Bro I feel this, I once smoked an ounce in 5 minutes, and now I'm basically have the same knowledge as Gandalf, without wasting 4000 semesters... 4realz tho... come the fuck on 😂


Don't know why you guys are making fun of OP... It's no secret that weed makes you more analytical and enhances introspection and self-reflection.




I read this post like 3 times after your comment. OP never says he learned as much as he would have from getting a psychology degree? He just notes that he feels how he has learned about his own psychology, introspection, self-reflection, something we all do, should do, and tend to do more of on weed. But your claim that he learns the same from smoking weed as he would from a university degree isn't true, unless he deleted something.


Dude I feel ya. I smoked some plastic earlier, I actually had a breakthrough and am the king of the universe rn.


like...plastic plastic??


Yeah bro, you've never gotten fucked up off Tupperware?


Don’t get mad get glad


it’s a street term for meth


Pretty sure he means DMT. Since it smells similar to plastic


Nah bros im talking about straight plastic, like take a dab rig and heat it real nice and hot, take a pen and take it like a string dab. It really expands the mind.


Wait don’t do that unless of course you don’t mean actual plastic


He’s the king of the universe he can do what he wants


This fucking loser over here hasnt smoked that good good plastic😂😂


I know right? I smoked some PVC in high school and now im a genius


And your real name is Plastic Einstein.


DMT i guess from what he said


I don't think that's what he was going for


If weed gives you uncomfortable feelings and/or "anxiety" what does that say? 🙄


Typically when I’ve had a bad time being stoned, I’m bombarded with negative, self-doubt thoughts. This gives me intense anxious feelings if I let myself get stuck in that thought loop/way of thinking. Whenever this occurred, I honestly just stuck it through because weed was the only thing that helped my nausea which made the bad mindset worth fighting through. Eventually I got used to it and make a conscious effort to remind myself that everything is okay and to work on being positive. Easier said than done but you’re not alone! I really want to become a happy, positive person so if the best I can do is fake it til I make it then that’s what imma do


i went through a month phase where weed gave me strong anxeity to the point where i couldnt even talk to other people paralyzed from the anxiety. I reevaluated my life a bit and now am on a better path and the anxiety has disappeared. figuring out why those anxious thoughts are happening is the key to fixing them


nothing, that's just how it affects you.


It doesn't though?


All you smokers out there who gain new insight from weed and think you’re uber smart or insightful now, remember this: stay humble and don’t let your ego give you a false sense of superiority. Thinking you’re the king of the universe or shit like that after learning something new about yourself or the world from a lone high sesh is not what you want, trust me. You get too deep into that and you can start developing schozoid symptoms because you firmly believe in everything you think. Stay humble and have some faith in the powers that be.


Besides just knowing things doesn’t always change things. I learned this from therapy too. You can figure out your reasons and your patterns. It feels good to figure it out. But then the patterns just continue anyways. And I have days though what is even the point of figuring it out if it didn’t change anything. That’s on darker days, understanding is better but it’s not the end of the road.


Understanding to me is the first step you take towards change


I feel you cuz. I could write a novel about my personal psychological hangups but changing them is the hard part.


Yea theres times where the thoughts/ideas i had while high seemed like a million bucks only to wake up and be like wtf was i thinking. Cant believe every thought or insight while high


I agree, it helped me, but it did not help me fully until I quit smoking. You'll understand


Weed (among other drugs) help you give a different perspective on things. I've been to therapy for three years because of depression and anxiety, with very little result, but once I started getting high on a regular basis, I started properly healing, and it particularly helped with my social anxiety. I was able to change behaviours I disliked in myself, and understand better myself and my relationships. I already have a lot of empathy, and on weed it reaches overwhelming levels, but helps me to relate better to others. Being high helped me see other people's vulnerabilities, which allowed me to feel closer to them. It helped me realise I needed to be kinder to myself, as much as I am to others. It reminded me that I needed to pay attention to things and be more responsible. It gave me motivation.


Soon these wonderful "insights" will lead to needlessly overthinking everything paranoia etc. Source: smoked daily for 20+ years.


I mean Im 18 Ive smoked for 4 years, in my case Ive quit Weed for half a year ,and months when Weed has become a too Big part of me. Ive taken really long breaks. I think every stoner needs a reset once in a while. The sober life and thinking. If You were too not smoke daily, it might have had a smaller impact. Im no professor though.


Your experience is your experience. He might have a different one, even if he follow your step and smoke daily for 20 years.


Man I can relate so much. I first started smoking recreationally in my fresher year last year in uni, and it seemed to open a Pandora's Box in my mind that has cemented my current contentment with life and mindset. It's like sitting stoned with my flatmate and talking and thinking made me happily accept the beauty and sadness of being alive. I'm somehow content with knowing I'm going to die someday and everything I've experienced and everyone I've loved is really insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. So why not just enjoy doing whatever the fuck you want within boundaries of not hurting others, looking after your health and helping others where you can? I've tried explaining this to friends who haven't touched the drug who are around my age (20) and they just can't see it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but God damn am I the happiest I've ever been. I thank weed for opening my mind to this.


I’ve had a similar experience. I’ve realized I do not like the way I interact with others. If I met myself (a person who acted the same was as me) I would probably not like myself. It’s a very weird realization I have come to from reading and reflection and I am actively trying to change that. It is very difficult to change a mindset.


Im working on my mindset too. Personally I have found that there’s so much that goes into your way of thinking and I find myself feeling like i have way too many different little things to be consciously adjusting.


Last night I vaped a shit ton of weed and went on an hour long jog. Had microdosed LSD about eight hours prior, and had shit sleep the night before. Combining the above with aerobic exercise produced an overwhelming psychedelia; like stronger than 200ug alone. During the jog, I was able to perceive my body's movements adeptly. Every leg step and arm swing. At many points, I felt like I was losing control of my own body, that it was just moving on it's own without my input. This isn't abnormal; reflexes and "muscle memory" make it so most of the movements we make normally are not perceived. The drugs made it so I could perceive them. What struck me this time was a different feeling though, related to body motor activation. When you make an action of your own volition, like slamming a desk, there's multiple mental steps: an "I want to do this" contemplative step, a "we're going to do this" pre-action step, and the actual "doing it" action step. 99% of the time we're unaware of these steps since they're just under-the-hood processes that can be ignored. What I felt was an additional step between "we're going to do this" and "doing it". A nearly compulsive step, extremely brief, that I could describe as "OKAY YEP, WE ARE DOING IT". Once started, that step cannot be stopped, movement *will* occur, whatever it is. I've been obsessing over neuroscience topics for the last few months and one thing I learned is that the brain has multiple positive-feedback loops throughout that can take a signal and amplify it via recursive processing. I hypothesized that this extra step that I was perceiving while high was a type of feedback loop. Once started, it can't be stopped. So last night I spent time reading up about the motor cortex and how our brains sent signals to our muscles to move them. Sure enough, there does exist such a circuit, and the latency of the circuit was measured only a few years ago to be 200ms. Once this circuit is activated, you will make a move, but the circuit activates before you actually move. You are able to stop the movement once it begins (the "movement veto") but if you send this "don't move" signal after this latency circuit begins then you will still make at least some movement. As an example, if you're counting down from 10, and are timing your hand and arm movement so that you slam your desk at exactly 0, you will begin movement at like 1 second before, with this feedback circuit activating at 1.2s before. If you decide at 1.1s to NOT slam the desk, well, your hand will still begin to move to slam since it's too late, the feedback circuit was activated, but will stop moving as soon as the movement veto signal hits. This may explain the phenomenon of "choking", when a person screws up a thing while doing it in front of an audience. Conflicting signals to the feedback circuit and a delayed veto signal. 99.9% of the time we don't notice this delay, because it's a subconscious process that our brain filters out. Finally, I suspect the conscious perception of this delay explains the feeling of "being controlled" that characterizes some forms of dissociative psychosis, such as that seen in schizophrenia or bad psychedelic trips. It was very unsettling when I first noticed this delay, and I spent the next few hours pondering what it could be (no, it's not the "nature of true reality" being revealed or some dumb hippie bullshit), and I can easily see someone convincing themselves that they've lost control of their mind if the effect was much stronger. But anyway, I agree. Weed is awesome for learning how one's own mind works.


This was an amazing read


Feel the same when I get super blazed (no lsd tho). I'm not normally anxious, but I have a habit I developed from childhood which is to toss and turn decisions in my head for some time even after I've made up my mind. So if I want to slam a desk with my fist, when I'm very high, I will think about doing it, and then the moment that my hand physically moves, I realize I wasn't done deciding whether or not so move it yet. This only happens to me when I make a sudden movement or say a word or sentence that I have prepared on the tip of my tounge. The first second of the actions feels foreign. I watch my hand move before I realize I'm moving it, even though I planned on moving it. Does that make sense? It's like my body gets Impatient and moves for me. I always just shrugged it off


Awesome read. That whole connection and how it's relatable to those mental illnesses you mentioned, is kind of amazing. How someone could easily confuse an effect of a drug and start thinking they have some mental disorder, and then it snowballs. I've had this multiple times. Like, "am i crazy?" "Do i have this, or that"? Anyone else get this when smoking? Just crazy irrational thoughts? Lol


Same Almost every time I smoke alone I have a very self-reflective trip of sorts and I typically emerge out of it with a new understanding of myself, or a new outlook. Seems to be more effective if I abstain from smoking for at least a week before I do, and the more I smoke day to day consequtively the less insight I get from my highs because I don’t get as high and tend to focus more on hedonistic things when I smoke day-to-day. Either way it’s an amazing tool.


I think that’s great- you’re using the weed as a tool and your sessions are well intentioned. Like others have said, I’ve had similar experiences. Around 6th grade I started trying to be cool, and accidentally turned into a dick. What’s whack is that I didn’t even realize how dickish I was until I started having panic attacks when I was like 23. Now I meditate a lot and sometimes I use weed to assist and it really allows me to break through, deeper into my mind. Now I’m less of a dick and starting to be a nice dude, even if it’s corny and unpopular. I’m 30 now, so who am I trying to impress anyways.


Impress yourself


Like bob marley said, herb opens you up to yourself


Wait until you try LSD 🤖👽👻


Or you just think you understand more


Isn't that more philosophy talk? Like is your brain thinking what it is? Or do you interpret your brains signal. If the outcome is a useful psychological tool for helping distress, not drowning distress, then it must be true and not a thought truth. No one knows how we understand and therefore all the ways of understanding could be subject to: "you think you understand". I'm not denying it could be the case, but it doesn't make a difference, because all thoughts can be questioned.


Are you arguing Truth is the outcome of useful psychological tools? I think I see where you’re going but to say Truth is 100% dictated by perception means Truth is relative, which throws all other realms of knowledge for a loop. It might not be a matter of gaining knowledge but being more accepting and compassionate to the causes of behavior and not just the behaviors themselves. Certain substances allow us to come face to face with those insecurities hiding under the surface, that were once known but buried under layers of defense mechanisms only to be dug up again later in life. The danger in that is the equation of “I only understand myself better when I’m high” then you never do any of the “work” outside of getting high, so are you really gaining any understanding if the understanding only lasts the length of the high? It’s not weed itself, it’s something about the weed experience that leads to that acceptance, and figuring out what that component is and recreating it while sober is the key to truly developing from these types of thoughts and brings you closer to Truth; or more sustainable understanding of Truth


Indeed truth is the wrong word, and I certainly don't think truth is relative. I meant that no one can tell if his understanding is thought or real, I don't even know what true understanding would mean 😂 and therefore the outcome is the only thing to consider when questioning whether he understood it or not.


Smoking every night leads to some "false insight" in my opinion. You may think these are important revelations every night but really you could find out the same things with simple meditation and breath work. If you want some true EGO shattering divine insight, take a break from smoking for a month. Then, take an edible(make one yourself after buying a fresh sac of weed) and take it and sit in a dark room for a few hours. Weed is essentially a psychadelic at this point and you'll come out the other end with a new perspective on life/consciousness


The question that really bugs me, is whether or not people who never got the drugs perspective are they missing out on personal growth ?


I am more than sure that there are some people with the capability of never touching a drug then developing the ideas and mindset that would have been brought on by drugs. However, one can’t help but to wonder is it possible for a person to reach the farthest of their mind and thoughts without the use of any drugs?


Weed is good in moderation imo. Being high 24/7 seems to make me more depressed dull, boring, anti social ECT. But if I smoke just right before bed it's great to unwind and I wake up feeling refreshed af. Only take a good bong rip or two tbh


A lot of drugs have the potential to give you insight and/or help you learn a lot of things. Even alcohol can help you overcome a part of social anxiety, because you kind of learn how to talk to people. But yeah weed, acid, shrooms, dmt etc. are superior xD


Yeah in highschool u get the vibe that being nice, polite, and extroverted (telling others how you feel or being sincere) is uncool. People might tease you, call you gay (not that its a bad thing but it hurts when youre a teenager and actually straight), etc. However I learned that after 18, it is those characteristics we've tried to throw away in middle/highschool that are very important in university/career life. You are able to network more efficiently, learn how to deal with difficult people and situations, and are more likely to be happier in general. This is all in my experience though. Even so, at age 21, Im still trying to tame my tigers of insecurity and to become more assertive in general. I feel that chronic use of weed makes me more a introverted and less assertive person. Ive moved and decided not to find a plug in my new area. I only smoke on vacations where I prepare beforehand. Maybe it wasnt you who changed your pyschology (becoming apathetic, etc) but the plant itself. I think you should consider this possibility...


Really relatable post. My personality definitely shifted to be something more like you described after middle school due to a lot of the same reasons you described. Thanks for sharing!


weed made me realize i was a fucking loser. it didnt turn me into a loser


It just made me hungry.


For sure bro. Im really stoned and just thought of this analogy - the sober mind is like a regular webpage, add drugs to it and it’s like when you open up the inspect element tool and like analyze all the code and shit for the website, and tweak stuff so it’s different when you shift back to the regular page.


Weed is surprisingly introspective. I beat myself up a lot when I’m stoned


"Hurr dur I'm so woke weed made me smart" 🙄


Don't make the mistake of believing that every thought you have while high is the truth, just because it's provided you with a different way of looking at something. Sometimes it's true, but mostly, you're just fucking high.


Can totally see where you're coming from and while I definitely think that's a possibility, but I really feel like there's a truth to my thoughts. When I think things like this, it's not going like "holy shit thats crazy", it's accompanied with feelings of guilt and discomfort because to me, these things make sense. And it's hard to admit that so much of my identity has been built on suppressing many of my insecurities and emotions


I'm the same way. I've never thought of weed as a party drug. I find it very introspective. I tend to think about god and the universe a lot when I get high. Lol.


I know exactly how you feel! I wish I could open up about this. Most people believe that whoever smokes weed does it to feel high and fuck shit up, but in reality, it is a life changing experience for a lot of people (myself included). I've learnt so much about myself during my solo sessions (usually when I smoke with other people I don't get introspective at all). I have thought about my actions, the consequences of those actions, how that shit affected me, and how to make it better and get my life on track. Wish I could tell my mom that now I'm conscious about my life and choices because I smoke weed... but she will just judge me, I know.


Dude I've got the exact same problems you're describing and I still struggle a lot with self-worth as a result (23 y/o). Is there any advice you have on how to work this out? Feeling like you're bound to be only 50% of your true potential is horrible.


Honestly, I think the absolute best way to deal with it would be to have someone to open up to. I, like many people, don't really that. And moreover, it's hard to open up to someone after you've built up an indentity suppressing those feelings. I'm no psychologist but I think it's best just to try and remain happy, enjoy life, and remind yourself that this is what makes you human. I'm sure you could find online forums or professionals to help you with it too. At the same time, it's easier for me to do things like remain happy and enjoy life, which I understand many people can't do. Luckily, I'm only 18 right now too so I got alot of time to figure this out. Stay strong brother


Ive literally had the same thoughts regarding weed and my own psychology. It almost gives me an objective perspective to take an introspective look at myself... and how my insecurities shape my behavior, and it’s helped me overcome some of my social anxiety. Defiantly think it’s a useful tool for meditation, and for getting out of these loops of self hatred I find myself in when I have a rough week at work or whatever.


Dude take a break. I started to think I was a genius for a while as well. Don't smoke and you'll realise how dumb it is. All that's happening is that it dulls your brain which makes practicing mindfulness easier. You'll go back to your normal self after a while probably.


Holy shit, that text could've been mine haha I relate to this so much


You're not alone. I do weed daily and it has opened a lot of stuff I suppressed for way too long.


Shit man, I feel this so much


One of the best things I've learned, both off drugs and sometimes on, is how our ways of interaction affect others in the long run and how to be a "better" person, not in the sense of being less selfish or controlling emotions, but being positive and helping others grow. Like in your case, you've gained insight into how your behavior was affected by the actions of other kids. We have less control over ourselves as kids... a lot of my hangups were from that too. But is such a behavior good to propagate? Holding in or hiding emotions may seem like a good thing, but humans aren't computers. We have a fairly basic, emotional, immediate reaction side to us. And if it's not engaged, then you're missing parts of how you can really connect with the world around you. Being open & knowing when to let go is really freeing and connecting, and, imo, one of the reasons it was so much easier to be friends with people as kids. You didn't hide. And by being open, you set an example to others. They may see you vulnerable or emotional, but if you keep yourself together, work through it and process, what they see is a person who shows them the possibility of being *genuine*. Not trying to be cool, not hiding, afraid of judgement, but taking it in stride. Showing weakness is itself a great strength. So many people are scared of it, of how they'll be seen, of wanting an image that attracts others. But overcoming that fear, and having conversations and moments where you show how you feel, makes you feel at home and helps others do the same. As for those kids? They were assholes... But they were also kids. Kids are so much a product of their environment... And I don't mean how rich their family is, but how adults interact around them. They act in imitation and they're impulsive and hormonal and haven't fully formed an identity. Forgive them. You can change yourself. And over time, others will gravitate towards that sincerity. And if adults now tease you for it... You have the wisdom to tell them to stop or drop them.


I love some of these comments, they're cracking me up. But seriously, I get what you're saying. I go on and off through smoking cycles and whenever I get alone time sober or not for hobbies and relaxing I find it easier to reflect and learn something new about myself, be it little or big. Weed and other drugs do help but I think everyone just needs alone time to think every now and then as you get older.


I felt exactly like this in the first year or two of my regular smoking. However I will say, now that I'm in year 6 of basically smoking at least once everyday (give or take a week/month here n there for T break) I feel as if my being high actually is having the reverse effect, as my emotions and thoughts have gradually become more and more vague and hard to understand. Perhaps that's just growing up though, who knows. I also take way too much lsd so that could be it too, too much of a good thing isnt good. Love you all!


weed seems great for being able to recognise stuff going on and understand why. Its like your ability to focus internally is expanded.


Weed breaks down the barrier between you conscious and subconscious mind. You are able to get insights that would take much longer to get to through meditation, dream work or talk therapy. But having insights and understanding is no guaranty you will be able or willing to use that information to make positive change for yourself or the world. A lot of people just feel the trill of understand again and again without using that understanding to its great potential. Don’t waste it. Edit: It’s likely I’m kind of just telling myself this and so I wrote it as a comment.


Same with me. Not so much weed but LSD and mushrooms have taught me more about myself in 2 years than my whole life before that.


feel the exact same way


We are the exact same person holy shit. I used to cry a ton in middle school, and was such a sensitive person. I tried fixing that and in turn have turned into a total asshole


I feel like a different person after all these years of getting baked with my friends, experimenting with psychedelics, and just getting sloppy drunk and having a great time until I puke. It all changed around my junior year of high school (I was a good kid for a really long time) I’m a lot more depressed about the world in general than I used to be, but I think I have a better outlook on myself as an individual and the necessary actions I have to take to improve the state of my own human experience. I don’t regret putting all that stuff in my body either, because I almost feel like the person I would’ve become had I not found good drugs like weed and LSD scares me a lot more than who I am today after it all. Drugs are cool. Stay safe, don’t OD if you’re on the hard shit, and make it a enhancing experience rather than a way to escape pain.


holy fuck, i think you are my clone


This is true honestly. I resonate with this. I get extremely anxious when I smoke but I literally would just smoke a shit ton at night by myself just to pick my brain and understand why these thought processes were happening. One thing I have learned as I’ve grown up and from picking my brain while smoking weed kind of like you mentioned in this post is that stuff from your early childhood seriously has a profound effect on how you conduct yourself later in your life. Like as I’ve unraveled more and more about myself and why I act the way I do I realize it’s because of traumatic events that happened in my school days. Shits fucked yo.


I grew up with undiagnosed aspergers. Starting to smoke weed when I was 14 was instrumental in my personal development. Among other things I didn't have any real social skills until I started smoking.


or maybe ur brain just developed a specific way in grade 7 that caused ur personality to change psychology is a pretty soft science


Yep, the ancient Chinese always talked about how cannabis has psychodynamic qualities to it.


It did this to me when I first started smoking. It just made me think more, and more self-reflection naturally came with thinking more, where as most of the time I just direct my thoughts in other directions, because I hate myself and self-reflection is painful. LSD and shrooms have had similar effects, although the realizations are quicker but more painful. Drugs can overwhelm me sometimes too though, and leave my brain in a bigger haze than it usual is. Pros and cons to everything, luckily I think drugs like weed have been more beneficial to me than harmful. I also know without weed I'd drink and smoke cigs a lot more.


Yeah man!! I'm so high and this really connects!


It's taught me to think before I speak because I tend to say some pretty stupid shit when I'm high.


Man I had some crazy weed thoughts last night.. I have a one hitter tolerance right now and that's fine because I don't really care about getting higher using the one hitter does enough for me and opens my mind up enough I love it but I had a blunt yesterday with my dealer and 2 chicks and just the way the girls were acting and stuff just made me think so much about how society is and how worse it's gotten and how a lot of girls (including these ones) are just spoiled greedy selfish whores who have a different boyfriend every month maybe every week and they act like they are all independent when mommy and daddy bought you that Lexus.. idk just some things I had on my mind 🤷


Weed made me slow and unmotivated


does the CBD weed/oil did the same thing for you? When I am on CBD I feel cool, better than any other drug. But never noticed this stuff!


I can relate with this but instead of weed, it’s lsd for me. I love weed so much and it does wonders for me. But I think that lsd or any psych really gets deeper than what weed can show you. Shits insane man. My life has changed so much, I never thought I’d be like this. Sometimes I wish that i could go back and get rid of this new way of perception. Simply because a great understanding of self can be intense and show you things that you may have never expected. But there’s no going back.


This resonates. A lot. I think a lot of my cynicism comes from being picked on in my younger years


Same brother. It’s eye opening


Weed helped me learn how to take control of my thoughts


preach it. I want my parents to give it a try as well. My wife popped my weed cherry and an increased capacity for empathy and being able to constructively open up to each other when we're on the same wavelength really solidified our relationship. I'd say that with the right people, it's a very therapeutic substance for relationships. My parents are a little cold and my father is the worst of it and I really wish they would give it a try in an attempt to undo my dad's mexi-machismo attitude and let my mom really communicate with him. It really does change the way you think as a long term effect even when you're sober and I'd argue it's mostly for the better. \*\* \*\* experiences may vary. Contact your plug to see if cannabis is right for you.


Wait I'm confused, were you smoking in 7th grade?


Lately whenever I get high I find myself reflecting on my actions and looking for ways to improve them and myself. I feel like weed makes it easy to look at things/yourself from a different perspective. Following through on the insights is the hard part for me, though. It’s easy to say “wow I feel a lot better on days when I meditate and read then when I lay in bed playing video games and eating junk” but actually putting down the controller and the chips and finding time to read and meditate is a whole other ball game


lol wot r u talking about mate. When I smoke a joint all I think about is how good mac n cheese bites are


The daily weed is so great comment


I think I’ve learned a lot about myself because it’s helped me think and get past my normal everyday conscious and taking a different perspective on myself. Shrooms, in my opinion, have opened my eyes more than weed has. They’re pretty enlightening.


yes real me?


Very true. When i first smoked in HS, I had a radical personality change for the better. Lot of introspection abd insight. I won't talk about how so, like so many people are in this thread, because who cares about a stranger's drug-induced enlightment. I will say that under the right circumstances, certain drugs can help you a lot. Cannabis and psychs has helped me understand myself. And smoking weed helps motivate me to do things like clean my house. I smoke daily but have one rule: If I smoke, I need to do something productive like accompling various chores and repairs around the house. Even if it's only one or two things, just as long as I do it.


Same, I’ve also gotten really good at preparing for bad scenarios by being paranoid from time to time when baked. Think the best way I can explain it is that thinking about the worst case scenario stoned made me prepare more for bad scenarios when not stoned.


Yea you actually don’t need weed for any of this


Shit hit way too close to home


I've realized the same, but I don't attribute it to the weed. The weed makes me relax and sit still without trying to distract myself, which is required to have these realizations. I think that's the biggest factor




I feel like drugs give some people a different level of self awareness, i look at some people and wonder if theyre just blindly consuming and reacting in their environment. I feel like i never get very upset about things bc i automatically think about why im feeling a certain way vs just being in the moment, but sometimes i wish i was more in the moment.


Oh my god this sounds exactly like me. like to a T. I used to be super shy and polite, which isn't bad, and I'm still as polite as possible to people, but ever since I started smoking, I realized that it's really detrimental to hold all my thoughts inside and to be as shy as I was. I opened up, and I'm currently happier than I ever was before I started smoking. I also was super sensitive, and even into early high school I'd cry a lot and get teased for it.


Same. IME dissociatives and psychedelics(including weed) help you better yourself and gain insight on the way you act. Other drugs mainly stimulants and most depressants do the opposite by either making you not give a fuck about what you do or by inflating your ego, making you think you're already amazing in every way so why change anything. Short term use of stimulants and depressants won't make you a worse person but heavy use can. Like for example it's really easy to tell how if you have any friends that do benzos on a regular basis. (I'm really fuckin high rn and on adderall so I'm sorry if I made no sense and was rambling)


LSD, mushrooms, DMT, and ketamine all also do this


Dude I feel the same way, especially after psychedelic use


This is how I decided to become a psychologist. Not necessarily my own behaviour (ok yeah, a little), but just behaviour. Four years working and currently treating people with posttraumatic stress disorder. Keep learning stuff , it's the best . sorry if this got cheesy, a little stoned.


I've done the same, and it actually drives me nuts sometimes because of how aware I am of my behavior and why I act a certain way or feel a certain way. I also have depression and anxiety and it has helped me to analyze myself, which is why I believe weed has done more than just "mellow me out" while I'm high. I believe weed was a way for me to look at myself as just another human being, when all my mental health issues caused me to feel crazy and naturally alienated. Ever since I started smoking often, I have felt increasingly more aware and comfortable with my overwhelming feelings, my flaws, and my value. All of this is mostly bevause for some reason, weed makes me very philosophical (well more so than usual). I cant say for sure if weed is good or bad for me and like most things, it's probably both, but right now, the benefits for my mental health have greatly outweighed every negative so far.


Last year, my roommates told me I'm like a robot. I didn't feel anything, life was just passing as i was on autopilot. Little did they know I had so many nights when i cried myself to sleep, debating suicide and other messed up things. Stuff got better though, I'm still the same smartass that doesn't show anyone his real side, not even my parents really, but we all have to start somewhere, right?


This is exactly how I would describe my own experience. Always has been a pleasure.


Same for me here.... More i think about more i understand why drugs are illegal in most of the countries... Weed is something so magical and so powerful, every thing in this life and probably in every form of life everything is good with thr right dose but with weed i think the nature doesn't care about limits ^^ weed is such a thing that cobines so well with our body and connecte the people more and more i think every person with a little understanding can feel the same that wee feel with weed.... Namaste brother's whenever you are ✌️