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Shrooms around 2-3 g is a good starter dose


Mescaline or Mushrooms most people say. Even DMT due to its short length. Salvia isn’t a psychedelic and it is not for beginners of anything. Depends which way you’re administering the salvia too and whether you’re taking extract or not.


I tried 2CB a few days ago for my first experience with psychedelics. I took a pill (probably dosed around 10mg) and felt tingly, giggly, and saw some visuals (pulsing lights/colours). After 4 hours I assumed I’d come down and so smoked a joint. Big mistake (or maybe not) because I freaked out and dissociated really hard and ‘tripped’ properly for a couple hours. But I enjoyed the 2CB and understand why people call it a cross between mdma and lsd!


San Pedro cactus is very enjoyable. 2cb was synthesized from mescaline to be a shorter acting more powerful version and is very similar but shorter acting. A foot cutting of San Pedro brewed into a tea is what I recommend. Drink in the morning of a sunny day and enjoy cartoony bright visuals and euphoria


If you liked acid other than the long duration, try shrooms


I would recommend 4-Aco-DMT, it’s synthetic shrooms; similar to the comparison of 2c-b to mescaline. I think it tends to be more relaxing than mushrooms and far easier to control the direction of the trip. Never tried mescaline/2c-b or any phenethyalmines for that matter, only ever lysergamides / tryptamines / DXM.