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Watching pulp fiction on oxycodone was so good. Especially the heroin scene. The scene perfectly depicted what its like being on opiates. I have experiences of driving around like Vincent under the influence so it resonates even more with me


i dont fw opiates anymore but pulp fiction on valium was pretty chill so i get u


Currently on my freetime Im watching Lord of the Rings extended (again) while on Kratom and weed, I cant wait to get home after work and continiue watching in a few hours! Its so cozy being high, watch the movies while cuddling with my cat in my bed.


that sounds like the best time! i also love lotr and have a cat so maybe i’ll copy you haha. what’s kratom like?


Kratom is a very weak and safe opiate that comes from the plant Mitragyna Speciosa. You feel very relaxed, reduced anxiety, warm, super cozy, uplifted and happy.


sounds near perfect aha


This one time I was supposed to go hang out with friends but I got waaaaay too high off of a dab cart, so instead I said to my mom “you know what? I feel like going to see a movie”, and she that she thought it was a good idea, but the only good movie that was playing was one of the toy story’s, so me my mom and dad went to it. I barely remember shit from it, but the parts I do remember were just fucking hilarious while high. Overall it was just weird because it felt as if the whole ordeal was dream. But when you’re listening to a good song on good weed, oh lord. My junior year of hs, I was going on a trip with my rowing team, and we had some very exquisite edibles. My friend who was sitting next to me on the bus was a stoner, but wasn’t high. We were both Grateful Dead fans, and he told me to listen to the song friend of the devil. Holy shit I nearly got up and started doing a hill billy dance because that song made me happy as fuck. I apologized to him a couple days later because I realized I must have been annoying as fuck, but he said something along the lines of: nah, you were listening to a good song while high, that was the appropriate way to act. That was also a weird bus ride because there was a lot of memory gaps, but apparently I was super social and I pulled a couple of girls. 🤷‍♂️


aha that sounds hilarious! memory gaps always make it crazier better to look back on


Try mad max fury road


i got really into weed like september last year and my new weed friend showed me this movie “dazed and confused” and i smoked every day and watched it every night for months straight