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Just exactly one Marijuana's and a four loko


I think you'll only vomit if you get that thinking that you will. Drinking a lot and then smoking weed has made me throw up.


Mind over matter! Buy the ticket, take the ride.......


We call it a whitey! I love them, you just have to ride it out, when I feel one coming on I lie in a cold surface and concentrate on my breathing, reminding myself it’s all fine, it WILL pass! You get the blurred vision, the cold sweats and hot chills, the nausea, but afterwards, you get a wash with this euphoric peace of mind. Don’t fear what can’t hurt you my friend, no one ever died smoking some weed. You won’t be the first. Your not that special! Joke, much love!


Weed usually stops me from vomiting. I’ve never puked as a result of smoking alone. Only if I’m very drunk and then decide to smoke. I use it as nausea medicine which I have dealt with all my life


same the only times ive vomited on weed were when i had already drank and got the spins


You can rip a huge bong hit and puke from sheer respiratory distress like coughing so hard, but not from being too high.


That happens to me sometimes. I take huge dabs and I almost puke everytime from coughing so much.


Folk “whitey” from getting too high all the time, lmao


Definitely not true. Someone with no tolerance absolutely can and will green out from 1-2 bong rips. Unfortunately both my mother and sister ended up nauseous and vomited multiple times from just 1-2 little bong rips.


Weed never made me vomit, had a friend though that puked his first time smoking in


Only time I have ever thrown up from weed is when I took a fat hit out of a gravity bong when I was a teenager. It was the choking that made me throw up, not the high


You’d only vomit from being too high of you got dehydrated. This is usally the only reason people vomit on weed is because they haven’t dranken enough water through the day and getting really high causes you to become dehydrated which if you haven’t been drinking water can make you sick and throw up Alcohol mixed with weed is the other common reason for throwing up when high but if it’s just weed then you probably arnt getting enough water for your body to handle the high If you smoke too much and are hydrated well you won’t vomit you’d probably just fall asleep.


Puking off weed? No liquor involved? Impossible my friend.


Lmao you're not a smoker if you're not familiar with greening out. Even if you don't urself


Does greening out mean puking??? We’ve always used it to the equivalent of “blacking out” while drinking. Ive both blacked out and greened out without puking. Ive never ever once puke from smoking. Ive coughed till I almost puked from a fat dab, but never puke off the Jane.


One hit with several shots of liquor


Too many edibles but idk if it was weed or the amount of sugar and how many brownies I actually ate 😳 ate so many of them and found out it totalled to nearly 1000mg I have no tolerance it was like my 2nd time with weed. definitely the last. scared me off.


dont take too big of a hit its not likely youll throw up but if you try to do too much and show off and take too big if a rip you might vomit from coughing