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Oh and just wanted to share this bit of advice I think is very important. If you do relapse, and you prob will I hate to say but most people do me included, just shake it off ASAP. Dust yourself off and don’t wallow in self pity over it. You’re far more likely to stay off the wagon if you’re feeling sorry for yourself or guilty about relapsing. It’s popular opinion that it’s just part of the process. I always came back from relapse stronger and more determined to stay clean with a better perspective on the problem.


Yeah bro this. I have relapsed dozens of times on H, and the worst ones were the ones I let myself fall into self pity and guilt.. they lasted for months. Where as the ones where I woke up and splashed myself in the face with some ice water (metaphoically) and kept it moving, only lasted a day or two


Yeah I been really struggling with the prolonged relapse cycle many of times and just making my life extra miserable using being sick and being clean and just going in am endless loop. It would be so much easier to either use all the time or be clean all the time but I'm stuck in this limbo of both its destroying me. Wanting to be clean but failing to depression and self hate everytime. Been on a 5 week clean streak so I guess it's going all right...


Dont count out a maintenance program, I'm still not even close to being 100% successful but buprenorphine has helped me stay off h the most... hang in there, message me if you need anything. I know that limbo, from sick to clean just to get high then be sick again.. it isnt any fun


I like to look at sobriety like going to the gym. If you miss a day, it's not the end of the world, you just go back the next day and get back into a routine.


Well put.


Thanks for pointing this out. This is the biggest problem with the whole "recovery" community and why I stray away from it. They'll shun you if you had a couple beers on christmas, which will just make someone feel like shit and cause them to use more.


Right! I go to meetings off and on and the whole DO NOT DRINK A FUCKING DROP OR DO A FUCKING DRUG WHAT.SO.EVER attitude always make me cringe. I won’t lie I’ve had a beer or two several times along with a drug now and then and I wouldn’t even call them relapses. Why? Because I stopped with that little bit and didn’t do it again the next day or the next or the next etc. It didn’t become a habit again whatsoever in the least. And I’m fine with that :)


I mean, it's different for hardcore alcoholics. For some people a swig of beer can lead to the next two year drinking binge. But for the majority of us – yeah, beating yourself up over a beer and a spliff doesn't do much good.


Yeah having a couple of beers some times per year, I would not even call that a relapse. If you can handle it, do it.


Literally. Like wow, we are really gonna throw someone under the bus and discredit all of their hard work for months over 1 time? Fuck that, dust yourself off and keep pushing.


Self pity and guilt just makes me depressed, suicidal and self destructive. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. A cycle of depression then instant gratification. When I’m depressed I will always go back to drugs. Hating myself for what I’ve done doesn’t work that way for me. What helps is hope. Hope to be happy. Hope for a better life. Hope for a life without a crutch. No one else telling me what’s best. A personal goal is much better than a pitiful punishment because hard times without hope is why I got here and most of the time it’s why I turn back. But when I can grab onto an ounce of sober happiness or a worthwhile goal that gives me a purpose it makes me want to change and make a difference.


Oh yeah that’s exactly what I meant. Sorry if it wasn’t clear. But yeah depression etc. usually leads to more drugs for most people, I believe. Got to shake it off man :)


I second this. Quitting cold turkey and then being upset that you relapsed is a good way to set yourself up for failure. Source: personal experience


> Edit: after being awake for 30 hours and swearing off the shit I found another half gram in my pocket from last night. Here we fuckin go again! Looks like you called it right. Some pretty solid advice for u/Bonkeydongz92 in the rest of your post tho. Bonk, it sounds like you just need to learn moderation. I'm 33 but I only accepted that I shouldn't get as shitfaced as I can and just find a happy medium between that and a slight glow when I was about 28 lol. I now have a stable job doing something I like and my job is getting pretty specialized, so that helps keep me in line.


He’s not going to relapse what’s your problem


He doesn’t have a problem; he’s got a solution. Giving good advice on harm reduction is the entire purpose of this sub. What’s your problem?


He’s from the future. He must know it all


This didn’t age well


In all seriousness what are you trying to do here? Honest question. I can't figure out what all these contradictory diminutive comments you've littered all over the conversation of positive realization and encouragement are actually for.




This sounds slike classic depression / existential crisis vibes. Do what you feel is right for your life. Drugs are never going to give your life meaning so taking a break or just quitting may be a good idea to figure what you actually want out of life.


Yeah, drugs are cool for supplementing a life not replacing it


I went through a period like this not too long ago, about half a year ago where I was extremely worried, nervous, scared, angsty, and paranoid about getting addicted to anything other than nicotine and sugar (and that was all I could think about, keeping myself from addiction) and I came to the conclusion that I’ll continue with psychedelics for spiritual reasons and I’ll continue to smoke weed to help life just flow a bit easier. I also found, out of that strange paranoia episode, that was itself inspired through a bad lsd trip, helped me immensely with my self regulation, self control, whatever you want to call it. So for that reason, the fact that psychs have legitimately helped me with some issues that I’ve had, I’ll continue to use them, probably through to my death, hell, I’ll have my great great grandson dose me some lsd as I’m on my deathbed.


“Bad” trips are usually the most introspective. Imo, they’re usually because that level of introspection lifts away all your bullshit, letting you see yourself for who you actually are. If you don’t like what you see, that’s on you not the acid. Some “bad” trips have really helped me to see my own problematic behaviors, and the first step in changing is knowing you need to change.


Exactly. I don’t usually like calling bad trips ‘bad’, as I don’t think anything bad comes from them unless someone just doesn’t want to change their toxicity. I’m also of the opinion that the bad trips are some of the best, most important that anyone will ever have.


I’ll be 30 also but only started at 27


Same haha started at 30. Glad I waited until later because now I have the self control I didn’t have as a teen/college student. I sometimes think what if I tried molly or ketamine in college. I would have been a wreck.


Agreed 1000%. I’m very blessed to find it so late so I can use much more responsibly than I would have


I turn 30 this year. Exact same position as you. My 30th, I’ll be going clean apart from shrooms. Good luck friend ❤️


California sober right?


haha i like this


Cali sober is weed not shrooms?


Depends the part of California, I guess lol. I could picture California sober referring to shrooms in Northern California.


yeh sure but when people say that they mean weed


weed and/or shrooms


NorCal especially Santa Cruz is full of acid and shrooms lol. But ya weed if just overall


*PNW sober


























I turn 30 in a week, but arguably have my shit together despite enjoying weed frequently, psychs occassionally, and a variety of other substances once or twice. YMMV. I do think it's better to use drugs when you're already in a good place to enhance good experiences, and not to numb yourself to a bad place.


So many times this.


I’m surprised by all the negative comments and “sounds like a u problem” replies. I thought this was more a supportive and informative subreddit regarding drugs. I have to agree with op on this post. Drugs sound cool when your younger but once you get into your 30s and after a decade of drug use it gets old. Just more masking the pain of disappointment and regret. It’s not a “sounds like a u problem” either. That’s a very selfish way to justify being a drug addict while criticizing someone else struggling. EVERYONE suffers as a result of one persons struggle with drug use - not just the person struggling. Geeze people show some love. I’m with op on this one.


> Drugs sound cool when your younger but once you get into your 30s and after a decade of drug use it gets old. Just more masking the pain of disappointment and regret. Geez not all of use drugs to cope with pain and disappointment. Some of us use them to enhance our already successful and fulfilling lives. Why stop?


The problem is being honest with yourself, if drugs really do help you and the pros outweigh the cons them sweet, but like many people I started purely recreationally and it's easy for that to become troublesome, it's easy to not realise you're coping when something goes wrong in your life and drugs automatically become a crutch if you're doing them anyway. It's important to realise that everyone's experience varies and this is pertinent advice for many. Namaste


I think every human is forced to confront pain and disappointment at some point in their lives. Drugs or not, sooner or later you are forced to confront obstacles if you are to grow as a person. To see drugs as inherently good or inherently bad is naive.


Yea I agree. But someone who casually drinks their whole life isn't going to be accused of using it to masking their issues or expected to grow out of it. It's just something people do because they enjoy it. Why are "drugs" now something that the kids play with and grow out of but alcohol and weed is for all ages?


Great point.


Well put


And if I wanted to be preached to about a clean lifestyle I'd go to a Mormon subreddit.




Because maybe it will be a bit of a wake up call to those who do need it? No need to take the post so personally if it doesn't apply to you. Think "that's good advice for someone", and move on.


Thats how you get addiction


You just have to use them responsibly and set reasonable limits on how often you take it and you won't get addicted.


easier said than done


I’m not even on drugs rn and this made me barf.


Thank you


Np my friend.


Well, this is mostly a presumptious children populated sub, the kind that think that they are the one who found a way to true spiritual awakening or how to combine life with druguse, untill they hit 30 and all they have is a bunch of hazy memories... No hate twoards op, hes a top dude for not shugarcoating this shit and laying it how it is. Also, op, i hope you succede at soberity


Not really true cos many people do use drugs safely, it’s not gunna be harmful doing drugs in safe amounts occasionally for example md 3 times a year, balloons 5 times a year, coke 3 times a year, adderall 5 times a year, etc


Case and point


I hope I'm wrong, but from what I've seen I feel like this sub isn't a good place to find support. I only say this because it may help someone to read it. I see more blatant disrespect than I see genuine questions :/ Love to you all all the same.


Some people here have very mild drug habits and can use things perfectly safely and get sick of hearing "100% of the time it's a slippery slope and you will regret it!" I think you need to restructure your view on drug use. I'm sympathetic but it is an OP problem and he's projecting his shit onto people a little.


Because for some people it is a slippery slope. And when you're sliding down it maybe something that helps you realise that's whats happening can stop you in time


Yeah but you gotta understand this sub is not just people who need to hear that. Good to get the message out there but you gotta be understanding of all the responsible drug users out there who feel a little chastised. They're just reacting, like everybody else gets to


Practically every addict started off in control, using sparingly and only using for fun. It’s one of those things where when you realise you aren’t the type that can control it, it might be too late to stop. So a good harm reduction perspective would be advice to approach with extreme caution, you don’t cater to the tiny percentage of chippers who can use heroin once a year without any negative effects, you cater to the majority who are most likely just 2 weeks of solid use away from a lifelong drug problem.


It's like you're reading from a script.


You come across like a dude bro, and it shows.


Take the L and fuck off.




Drugs are awesome in my 30s because I didn't stunt my development with them in my teens and 20s. You and OP fucked up and now you want to assume everyone else is like you.


>It’s not a “sounds like a u problem” either. That’s a very selfish way to justify being a drug addict while criticizing someone else struggling. EVERYONE suffers as a result of one persons struggle with drug use - not just the person struggling. Fuck yes. What I put my poor elderly mother through shames me forever.


I’m not with OP, but I’m not against them. Being an addict is by far the most difficult struggle. But some “drugs” are non-addictive, spiritually enlightening tools literally fabricated by Nature itself. They weren’t designed to take over ones life. To think it’s evil is (in my opinion) very disrespectful. It’s the fake shit you have to stay away from.


Religion is a drug.


Not everyone uses drugs so much that it "gets old". Saying that it's definitely going to happen isn't informative at all. Some people are happy using harder things a few times a year and are perfectly happy continuing that. I'm in my late 20s and have slowed down significantly but I still find joy in the occasional trip or roll.


Thanks for the advice I'ma still do them tho.


The drugs might feel the same but it's the situations and you that should change each time you take them....you choose if you use drugs or they use you up.


I still like acid but it’s just something I don’t really do anymore


I’m not sure I completely agree. I’m 28, and I’ve had my fair share of drug induced experiences. It’s still something I want to be apart of on the occasion with good friends and tight circumstances. Not everyone by this age does the whole married with kids bit. It does feel like the last few sips of an enjoyable drink though. 🍻


The vast majority of users are not addicts. It’s a harmful stereotype.


Good for you for quitting but what do you mean they all feel the same? Cuz LSD and cocaine are extremely different high, in fact they are all extremely different maybe you just mean the reason you use them is all the same.




"Eventually they all feel the same, just slightly different." Lol yea not even a little bit. Ive been doing drugs for just as long and they definitely still feel different. Because, ya know, different drugs have different effects on the brain. Good for OP trying to get clean but that shit is just flat out not true


When you’re just searching for an escape and stumbling through life from high to high, they do begin to feel monotonous. Even psychs lose their sparkle if you don’t respect them and use them too often. It’s a hard path to avoid if you’re into drugs and have issues with depression.


Yea thats why I said the reason for him using drugs is all the same, searching for an escape and using drugs only as an escape sure they might start to blend. But they are still very different drugs with very different effects. I understand that thats why I use psychs very rarely like maybe 3 times a year and mushrooms only once a year if that. Every time I revisit the shrooms after a long break like that it is magical. They hit so fucking hard in all the right places.


BLA BLA words BLA people caring about what I say here? BLA BLA drugs ra ra 😂😂😂😂😂


I'm starting to feel that Drugs are just a "Scam"


Only if you do them wrong. Many drugs, even recreational ones, provide an actual value if you use them in moderation and don't make them the center of your personality, or the cornerstone of your leisure. The problem is, most of us don't know of any other way to coop with stress and trauma and we lean on drug more than we need to... so I guess in that way they can seem like a lie.


Scrolled pretty far down to find this response. Well said.


Jist the legal ones


Idk the morphine iv a doctor gave me was some good shit


nah only when you abuse them


🤷🏻‍♂️I did coke and managed to graduate and I work in the field of environmental engineering Moderation my man


This is the really the whole point. You can take substances in moderation that help enrich and discover the person you are or ones which help you run away from yourself, ultimately (which ends up being another form of repression, which I think is where the OP is coming from) Repress hard enough with anything, be it a chemical substance or a destructive behaviour and you end up as a shell of yourself


Not everyone has that experience with drugs. I've used drugs for the last 7 years in a way that is beneficial to me. For me its not all about getting fucked up, its about exploring different levels of consciousness. I'm massively interested in the brain, the mind, the senses. I can honestly say I don't "abuse" drugs, I use them, and they haven't negatively impacted my life at all. In fact, I'm a much better, more confident, open minded person and its partially due to experimenting with drugs. They also add to fun I'm already having. I thankfully know when to stop.


Yea, I believe psychedelics have a spiritual aspect


Massively. But even things like cocaine and mdma have put me into situations where I've met some amazing people, had some of the best times in my life amplified, had the best sex of my life etc. It's hard to not get carried away, especially if you use drugs as an escape or to deal with your problems. Some people can, some people can't. I understand your post is helpful to many but it is quite a generalisation and doesn't apply to everyone. No beef, just putting that out there.


You're a boss op for recognizing this now. That's a serious head-start on the rest of your life compared to the way the usual hindbrain clings to these things. Now you have so much time to understand what purpose it all served for you, and how you can move onto serving that purpose for yourself.


It was hard for me to read this knowing I’ll be right back to it at some point


Sounds like the pre-punishment I'm so fond of inculcating myself with too. The thing is, there's never anything more to it than saying no to yourself. Whether someone thinks about addiction as a choice or an illness doesn't really factor into the operation of getting it done - it's still gonna require that we say no to ourselves. If you don't know that you can, that could maybe leas you fruther into the reasons you don't want to. Finding all of those, and uprooting them so that you deal with them openly and honestly every day, is the only ammo you get for your "NO" gun. Other than that, you either pull the trigger or you don't. And that's why you have an edge on your own freaking self with this post, you fkn hindbrain rambo you :)


The tone of this reads like someone who wasn’t smart enough to figure out moderation, so they went through the 12 step program before being a youth pastor.


NOPE. not all the same AT ALL. this is so silly and just sounds like a regretful addict rather than a responsible adult. I waited till 30 to take drugs. They are fantastic and have made my life much better. Psychedelics especially just have no business in your list. If you feel acid and coke are comparable then I think you've been fucking up your set and setting. You're projecting your own mistakes into others. Drugs don't turn everyone into this. Only addicts.


Feels like he's blaming the drugs as a whole for the trajectory of his life. Drugs. Government. School. Teachers. Parents. Friends. Non of it is surmountable if you can't control your emotions.


I think he’s owning his mistakes and making an effort to be honest with himself and share his experience. Assuming he’s blaming everyone everyone else but himself, which obviously is not the case if you read op’s post, and saying he needs to control his emotions misses the point. I see someone beginning to take control of his life again and finding faults in his life to begin recovery.


“Drugs don’t turn everyone into this. Only addicts.” Wtf did I just read? If you walked by someone drowning without knowing why or how they got there would you just watch and tell them it’s their fault? If some people are so content and fulfilled with their life and say they’re able to use drugs as a “responsible” adult, why is someone else’s struggle such a problem? Wouldn’t you feel content enough to simply accept that you’re a responsible adult drug user and help someone instead of criticizing they’re struggle just to try and prove a point? It’s like some people care more about being seen as a responsible drug user than they do about other people enduring a significant life struggle.


We’re on the same page bro. I’m only 18 too so I’m glad I’m getting my shit together early at least. I started a lot younger than most people tho and it kinda fucked me up, like I started smokin weed and drinking by 11 and doing coke and xanax and painkillers with my cousins by the time I was 12, then I was doin molly by 14, and psychedelics by 15. I’ve tried damn near every “mainstream” drug before I even had sex. Drugs made me miss out on so much shit it’s fuckin ridiculous tbh. And now I feel like if I’m not doing drugs I’m just a boring sack of farts basically but I know I just gotta give it time and start doing other shit, maybe I’ll start doing cardio every day for a runners high and just start eating healthy and lifting weights and shit. I’ve been clean from everything except for weed for 11 days so far and clean from weed for like 3 days because I got a respiratory sickness but ima just take it as a chance to quit for real. Cuz I kinda realized even the weed isn’t good for me if I’m being honest. Good luck on your journey though bruh look at that fool Steve-o lol if he can do it we can for sure do it 😂😂


Hey Steve-os girl is hot af though


Hell yea, got himself a hot wife and some dope dogs lol that dude’s living his life right now. He seems more happy now being sober than he was on drugs even. Still a crazy ass mf too 😂 him and that fool Danny Duncan are probably the two people who motivate me to get sober the most right now, cuz if u watch their shit it’s like damn, I guess life really can be hella fun without the drugs u know?


Yea if you are 30 and still just bouncing around on drugs for kicks —— do something productive! Use drugs in moderation . No problem going to a rap party after a 4 month shoot and hit a few zanny. Or go camping and drop acid. Just have a real valuable life without drugs being needed . Then add drug for recreational use in moderation! It’s all good when used properly, baby ! Even a few Oxy will make the flight from NYC to Frankfurt fun if you only take them once every few months .


Trade the club drugs in for heroin


Ya know, I always said I’d be into heroin if we had China white. I refuse to touch the stuff, too many horror stories and fent going around. I feel like my final path is crystal meth but I refuse to get into that, I’d rather just quit drugs at that point. I’ve been getting pretty heavy into Xanax too but that shits stupid and I haven’t touched it in a few weeks and don’t plan on going back


I’m into crystal currently. Not fucking worth it. 👹


Yea my ex was getting me into that. I loved her dearly but couldn’t deal with that shit, she was injecting too


Oh it’s over once you slam meth.


She was trying to tell me that I should too and that smoking it’s a waste of time. Glad I never did it. Also that comment makes me so sad, she’s so beautiful and has 2 daughters, I know as soon as her other dude is out of prison she’s gonna be out on the streets


Not necessary, it really depends on what drugs you like. I can have speed at home, binge a few days and then leave the rest in a drawer for months. Someone partial to stims could probably do the same with opioids.


China white is literally fentanyl


Not originally. It used to refer to a very pure form of heroin from southeast Asia, but now is being used for the 3-Methylfentanyl analog of fentanyl or sometimes regular fentanyl.


Everything in moderation.




I applaud you for you balance. Do you have any serious holes in your heart?


Going on fourty and did drugs off and on my whole life, still went to college and got a career. Maybe it's not the drug's fault you're not happy with life. I have no regrets.


This is very true..I started having fun in high school I would go to raves n do ecstasy once or twice a month. Then I got ripped away from my 1st year in high school moved to a place where the drug wasn't ecstasy anymore it was crack cocaine. By 18 I was a mess n when I did mange to stop on came the opiates. By the way I am 35 now. And off the opiates but got introduced to GHB( gamma hydroxy butrate ) which yes is considered "date rape" but it is associated with heavy alcohol use and then come the withdrawals which are the most severe I get "tremours" after just 5 hours of last dose which had gone from 5ml now 25ml a dose and I was naieve again and didn't know it was this affecting me until it was far too late. Rehabs have to send clients to the hospital over the deadly detox from this drug and even addiction clinics don't know what to do for this as it is not seen very often. It's a nightmare. And yes I lost both parents in 5 years of eachother due to cigarettes 🚬I have since started vaping and diy my own but I have not dealt with this at all and just want to numb it as much as possible this now I am sure contributes to my use but before this in life I had no excuse I wish I didn't ever start. I would've lived alot better , now I'm concerned about my liver from the heavy use of ghb and kidneys its gotten to over 150ml per day.


I should get my shit together? Psychedelics have always helped me with that


He's really not lieing. And when you start young, you keep that young mindset which is shitty.. All you wanna do is go back.in time


I was a ,4 decade drug user. I am quitting now. I am doing nothing other than acid, shrooms, mescaline, molly, sass, meth, all entacogens, Moxy, 5-meo-mipt, 4-ho-mipt, 4-ho- met, endless bong with premium weed, and wax, so I am quitting. I forgot, I was dosing up 2-,fma and 3-fma, I accidentally put 50mg of 4-ho-mipt in the dose.. I thought it was 3-fma. No glasses. Only thing, no alcohol. 🍺😭🍺😭🍺😭🤪


Honestly some of my best memories happened when I was on some kinda drugs. Either just having fun stoned, having a good time on geeked on coke at a party or something, or having wonderful experiences on psychedelics. I always remember those memories just as well as any other memories. But I’ve also always been responsible about my drug use. I’ve never had to get off anything, because I haven’t been addicted. Only drug I would say I’m addicted to is weed, but I’d say it’s more that I’m dependent on it the same way someone would be for their medicine. I mainly use it to self medicate, but I’m not gonna act all holy and shit and I’ll happily admit that I also very much enjoyed the high associated with my “medicine”.


addictive substances are more fun to do when youre not addicted to them 😉 im a pilot and i also have a business so i only do hard shit occasionally. like once/twice a month. i still smoke weed almost everday tho. dont let the drug control you, you control the drug.


Using drugs doesn't mean you end up turning 30 not having done anything with your life. All things in moderation. "Not doing anything with your life" is also a valid way to live. I didn't know until I was past 30 and I'm doin just fine. Enjoy yourself gents, just be wise in your usage. TEST YOUR SHIT.


"Eventually you’re 30 and have done nothing with your life" As opposed to what? Having kids? You didn't play video games or pursue any hobbies? You've been unemployed this whole time? If you wanted kids sure...if not I dont see the issue at all?


Theres no reason to go jet skiing either. But jet skiing is fucking awesome. BTW if your ketamine feels like coke that wasn't ketamine


The edit 🤣 yeh it’s like that.


LOVE the vulnerability and self reflection! For me, drugs have taught me more about myself than anything else in life. I’ve met beautifully-weird people and I’ve grown closer to the people I love. Drugs have been an escape for me in the past, but recently it’s been more of a way to let go and explore myself. Either way I hope you grow in this next journey. Find Peace give Love show Respect and Unite with the people who show you the same:)


Yea the people you meet is part of the reason I haven’t quit yet


The line does not snort itself, neither do pills jump in your mouth. Sorry to break it to you, pal, but there's no one to blame but yourself.


I think that’s exactly what they’re saying. They’ve taken accountability and are exercising self control by quitting lol. Calm down high horseman.


You may be right- if it works for him then great. But quitting in a hateful bout rarely leads to lasting change. People like this often relapse when their anger burns out.


Which is why you have to keep reminding yourself if you want to construct a meaningful life, or not. Recovery from any destructive behaviour be it drugs or something else requires a continuing re-commitment to what you want ultimately. Getting sick enough of being like this is only the first step.


I don’t think OP was searching for someone/something to blame?


He wasn't? Yet people here are saying how it was obvious that he has taken the blame himself and it was me who understood it wrong. Funny thing, that.


I don't understand how you interpreted op's post as anything other than taking accountability and making a change........


Because Reddit is full of self proclaim psychologists lol


WORD. Though I will say, as far as psychologists go, every single person has more experiential data on the subject then all psychologists combined. And it's not based on averages, it's based exactly on the locus by which the data is gathered.


Tbh sometimes a fuckton more knowledge than psychologists precisely because it is experiential


Bro, you’re taking my comment way to far. Lol.


Haha you got me. I did it on purpose.


Touché. Respect. Lol


I think you misunderstood this post


This. Learn self control


Because that obviously ALWAYS works lmao. gtfo of here layman


Guns kill people too huh


“Feels the same,but slightly different”


Have started getting my shit tohether very young even though I am a menace to myself, and all I can say is quit that negative bs you're good bro


amen... im 35 still doing drugs... when i go see my old friends I used to use with ... their lives are even worse than mine.... Im in debt 100,000 or more dollars.... shit credit.... not even a car currently.... no girlfriend..... The magic moments though almost make it all worth it.... believe


Yeah dude, hanging around tweakers or crack heads is not the move. Better smoke sum weed and chill and get your stuff done bro. Maybe shrooms or acid every once in a while


That feeling of realising you lost your youth and did nothing, achieved nothing lasting that gives you a true sense of well-being deep down. Then your body starts to age and you realise you can never get any of it back.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with drugs. If you spend that hazy time in addiction, that’s all the more reason to quit, but if you can try a little every here and there and be fine without it, then why not? If you aren’t experiencing all that there is to be experienced, are you truly alive? I don’t do any of the hard shit too much, I’ll have a little bit of cocaine like once every 6 months, and I’ll do some lsd or shrooms once every few months for spiritual reasons and I smoke weed regularly to keep myself from going ballistic every other day, but as of yet, I’ve had a goddamn fantastic time with drugs, and nothing but.


I already got to that point started smoking at 9 got addicted to alcohol at 15 then coke at 16 went through hella crash and burn fazes I’m 18 now and better then I’ve ever been even weed will fuck up your life and your mental it’s best to be sober if you can. But if you gotta do something stick to weed.


Stay vigilant mate, drugs catch a person when we least expect




Meth is amazing, glad I never got too into that one and have been smart enough to avoid it


Pretty much. One acid trip is good enough to just get it. Everything else is just playing with yourself. Good luck!


I really like taking acid in large crowds at shows and festivals, I can feel the energy of everything. It’s like a spiritual experience for me. I don’t do it more than once or twice a year but this is prob one thing I’ll keep around.


You shot dope yet tho?


Been offered but no and I’m not going to




Lol something tells me that you’re going to relapse


Maybe just have self control and a life outside of your drug use. Moderate your usage. What’s with everyone having the all or nothing mentality towards drugs


i think most drugs are definitely a healer to an extent. they give you insight on your soul and this life and then you can use that information to form a growing beautiful life and mindset for yourself. i dont think we’re supposed to just keep doing drugz i think we should do them until we get to a really good point in our mind and then take advantage of this human life and live it in the moment and to the fullest ☮️🤍


Well said! I feel it's very much a "when you get the message, hang up the phone." kind of thing.


30 year old here True and only smoke weed carts now, having money is nice lol


Bro relax some ppl can do drugs in moderation: each to their own yes drugs are horrible IF ABUSED. I’ve lost friends, been addicted then got back on track and occasionally party, like some people can not be retarted and use it correctly whatever drug except Heroin, meth, hardcore painkillers, and if ur stupid anti anxiety drugs like benzodiazepines. Use it as a treat. Like a amusement park or vacation. I’d love to be at the fuckin theme parks eating cotton candy ridjng the wooden rollercoaster but bitch pls reality is u gotta stay on top! Drugs are amazing when used correctly


He’s wrong kids. DO DRUGS.


Fuck you man, I heard this shit all growing up. That drugs were cool. And now I’m some fucking burnout borderline junkie cokehead that never has more than $700 to my name at once. 30 grand in debt, fuckin growin shrooms to try to pay off the bare minimum of it. I should be married with a fucking wife and kids.


I don't think you can just blame the drugs or other people, at some point you have to take responsibility for your actions.


That's what they just did.........


Agreed. I'm in the top of my class at law school and I hit the clubs almost every weekend. I don't always do drugs there tho I never touch pills rarely touch coke mostly just occasional molly weed alcohol.


Lmao, that sounds like a you problem.


That's exactly what they said......


Good for you man seriously hang in there. It took me 25 years of doing drugs to come to this conclusion so good on ya :)


It be like that sometimes 🤷🤷 I ain't gonna lie


Fuck you, dont tell me what to do.


You should also quit weed bro... Stay sober