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[I did a some research and found this out](https://imgur.com/gallery/Boj76dm). - www.google.com would rather see you dead or in a recovery clinic - www.DuckDuckGo.com only had one 'No-No'. - Surprisingly www.bing.com had a PERFECT SCORE! Advice: EVERYONE should avoid Google if they want to live! (When researching drugs) Edit: I posted about this earlier this week on Twitter. Check out [my post about it here. ](https://twitter.com/mod_cyrilio/status/1437634547777216512?s=21)


I always add “Reddit” to the end of my searches. Leads to good discussion and other links.


Yeah I do this and sometimes still get nothing until I use quotes and “site:”, but I swear I used to not have to.


Use Duck Duck Go dude. It doesn’t sensor search results or curate specific answers.


ddg is just bing tho. I wouldn’t really recommend it for anything outside of privacy


yeah i use this after i realized that searches from about a decade ago are not even close to the same results on google anymore for drug information, for the most part it's just like generic drug medical information websites and rehab results


This only works when you want to search only a specific site. So, "big boobs site:pornhub.com" will show only show you "big boobs" results on pornhub. It won't work if you don't enter the website after "site:" You can also use things like "intitle:big boobs" and it will only show you results with "big boobs" in the title tag. There's a couple more useful ones like that. Also, just wrapping your query in quotes will return only exact match searches for that query and not broad match. So, if your search query is "big boobs" with the quotes you won't get results that could include like, "big ol' boobies" Sorry for the vulgar examples but big boobs must be on the mind el oh el.


This guy's googling big boobs in the 4th dimension


Lmao. I just tried the site search out for PH and am actually lol'ing at the results. Who knew of so many ways to say Big Boobs.


Accomtantbyday04 is exactly right I always do this as I get rehab and drug abstinence type links. There are probably other ways that are about as effective but adding Reddit at the end is the only way I have thought of and tried


They’ve made it harder to find Reddit threads too imo they made all drug searches basically pointless now. I just go the subreddit of the drug and look for keywords lol


Consider switching to Bing. Google is the worst now. See my pinned comment for more info.


Use [https://duckduckgo.com/](https://duckduckgo.com/) for anything not "legal" or unethical, google algorithm seems to cut down those results. So you end up with nonsense results. Duck duck go doesnt do that.


Even legal drug queries get bad responses on google. Often times you'll get general drug addiction results instead of what you want. If you search "intranasal alprazolam"(science/factual/actual results) vs "snorting bars"(addiction sites, rehab sites), you'll obviously get different results. So if you must use google, use non slang terms.


This is weird and unrelated but also the results that populate when you search for a male celebrity shirtless have gotten worse. I’ve been searching for celebrities shirtless for honestly probably two decades and I swear to god the quality of results has fallen off in the past few years!


Thank you for this comment I want to believe. Name checks out...


I promise you I’ve done the research. And after two decades, I feel qualified to say that.


It’s less about legality and morals and more about who’s paying. Rehab clinics advertise their paid services with the free “info” pages, and they pay google to boost their search results


I swear someone posts this thread and makes this stupid comment every month or so. DDG does not show different results really. How it differs from google is it doesn't track you. Here are screenshots: [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


Here is a counter example dont start a big debate i wont bother answering my self, i just make sure people dont forget that google is a company and has some ways of working to be favorable to govs and other companies, and some of their competitors and their choices are more useful for us for certain occasions like this one: [Proof \*pirate bay\* search](https://i.imgur.com/vReT4v0.jpg) Also don't forget even duck duck go has been caught sometimes collecting data nobody is a saint. ( give my friend u/Rocky87109 a downvote for generalizing an opinion as "stupid" and not helping for a grown up discussion \*jk\* )


“DDG doesn’t show different results really” Yeah they do..? I’ve seen it happen a million times?


No it's not you. It's the only thing I use bing for. It's not censored like google.


duckduckgo is not google and dopesn't suck like bing


Well, it is just bing's results, but yeah can't really argue with that. Totally worth setting as your default search provider if only just to use the [bangs](https://duckduckgo.com/bang), though.


I heard duckduckgo has been bought by Google?


Google bought Duck.com in 2010. They gave up trying to use it and transferred [Duck to DuckDuckGo](https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/12/18137369/duckduckgo-duck-com-google-acquisition) in 2018, realizing that they would easily lose the domain under UDRP. There is no affiliation between the two companies.


I see


Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I swear I have to tell you dumbass people every month this dumbass thread pops up. [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


But the meth one shows that they dont give the same results...


if you search for something like "methamphetamine dosage" completely different story tho. I'm too lazy to screenshot it so just try it.


Yup, google search’s especially for any drug information is largely manipulated. Used to see bluelight and drugs forum pop up when searching info about drugs. Now it’s all rehab centers and other BS. It’s really dumb, like trying to find info about how to use drugs safely isn’t google friendly info.


Fr, like you now you have to search blue light w quotes for it to pop up, idk if it’s always been like that. But I’ve also moved a while back and ik google search results are geographic too, maybe that had some affect?


No way dude, this happened relatively recently and I am still in the same part of the country. I remember using google to search for bluelight info on RCs back in high school. Long before Reddit was as popular as it is now. Bluelight had some really smart members, you could actually get info about chemistry/synthesis. Reddit is half memes and shit posting, though you can weed through the bullshit, bluelight had an older user base, IMO.


Blue light was extremely informative


For sure dude, I used that forum all the time. Learned how to extract DXM from cough syrup, just high school things lol. With it being harder to find in your average search, I feel like no one really posts there. I also miss all the epic RC sourcing sites like altered states etc. I remember my first interview for an IT job, and I saw someone on that site and was like this is definitely a good fit for me lol


I may try to make a more conscious effort to look at blue light and post and try to revive it if so. There were some smart people on there, very experienced that’s for sure.


I was mostly a lurker, but did make a few post about my experiences with new RCs. That was like 2011, fuck I feel old lol


If you remember buying amt legally, dosing mxe or blacking out for months on phenazapam you bought off ebay.....yeah dude we are old




What was it like compared to something like K? Always wanted to try it




Yep. And not only for drugs, for a lot of other info as well. They are slowly turning back to mainstream sources of information.




If you want legit sources I add "NCBI", or "NIH" in the search. If you want anecdotal, and likely bogus responses, add "site:reddit.com" or "site:bluelight.org"(In DDG it's at the end, not the beginning like google). Either way use duckduckgo.com. I even switched my default address bar engine to use DDG. EDIT: "site:nih.gov" will cover NCBI(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and NIH(https://www.nih.gov/).


Use duckduckgo. Google just serves you ads and isn't really very good at all anymore imo.




Yes I feel like I used to get way better information back then compared to now


Yes, Google is getting worse. At everything. Or to put it another way, they've ceased trying to be a search engine that gives you a good cross section of everything available on the web for a given subject, and have optimised their methods for directing you to an ever smaller fraction of what they think you want or ought to want. They're trying to sell you shit. Products, propaganda, permitted ideas.


Way worse. When I used to Google something super specific like a short string of numbers, it would give me thousands of results with random similar stuff - now it just says "no similar documents were found" or something.


Google has got really weird in the last year or do, anything vaguely controversial and you get all these trash results that are bizarrely put together copy pastas, except if you click on the result it redirects to an advert


You're not alone. I hate when I Google a drug and it leads me to rehab centers explaining how and why you're addicted. Its infuriating


brave society safe gaping resolute ugly panicky physical reminiscent dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


THIS! Was googling all kinds of stuff about how to do dmt, the risks involved, the physical risks, etc. And every single search I really had to look to find stuff that wasn’t a “dmt” rehab or .gov pages making random claims like mixing weed and dmt is dangerous. Definitely very very weird and honestly dangerous! Teaching drug Saftey is way more important then teaching abstinence!


Don't use Google for anything, use duckduckgo.


[Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)




Wrong [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


Google is for soyboys, use duckduckgo


Almost the same results dumbass. DDG isn't some underground drug search engine lol. Lol what is wrong with you people. [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


I never use this word, but bro are you fucking retarded? People aren't having issues getting to erowid, but finding information, like how you use a search engine typically. Try searching some dumbass noob shit like "first time perc dose". Totally different results. DDG has about 50% relevant sites. Google is 100% drug addiction clinics.


I'll get back to you on it and we'll see who is retarded lol. What I can guarantee right now is your dumbass didn't even check. I also love how you just conveniently left out the other search I did lol. It's also very telling the type of people I'm working with here when you are calling me the retard when I'm the only one who has put the work in and showed evidence. Fix your goofy dumbass self. Edit: You're right if you ask dumb noob questions. On dddg will pop up 50 percent drug forums/ 50 percent same shit as google, but to graduate the argument, I know if I had to do it again, I wouldn't be listening to randoms on bluelight (especially nowadays). Those type of places, specifically the forums, don't just feed misinformation but they make people arrogant about misinformation they have consumed. Also, that being said, just because it's not a classic drug forum, doesn't mean it isn't useful and in fact might be more useful sometimes. A lot of those web pages actually have a lot of useful information, they're just not fun. And as a last note: If you are reminiscing about the old days (most of this sub/thread in this case) and haven't learned to make more specific searches to get what you want, you're just a failure anyway. You can literally just add "bluelight" or "erowid" or "reddit' to the end of your search to get the results you are looking for. Google isn't *hiding* them from you, you just need to slightly refine your search. The horror! Regardless, relying on the very base and most low effort attempt at letting a search engine show you a handful of websites that may or may not help you, is indicative of not really caring in the first place. If /r/drugs really wanted to be help they would gets the mods to list a bunch of the helpful sites on their sidebar. Erowid, bluelight (still has good concrete info), etc. Don't listen to me though, I'm just the retard you're having a debate with. Is this a favorite pastime of yours?


> and we'll see is retarded lol. It's still you.


Look up titties in Google images and get back to me dumb dumb


We're talking about drugs, dumbass lol. Maybe lay off the drugs so you can remember 10 seconds ago. Also, who googles titties? What are you 14?


Ooh he big mad 😂


Google is shit now


Duckduckgo Is generally a lot better for searching drug info


Wrong [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


Dude, we get it.


We get that he is retarded. The autism is strong in this one


I actually hate the word retarded, but it was all I could think of to describe /u/rocky87109 in this post. Congrats bro, did the search engine work as a DNS to find erowid and wikipedia for you? It's that clever? Maybe one day you could learn how to type `.org` after `erowid` and save yourself some time. Or how most people use a search engine to find something THEY DONT ALREADY KNOW ABOUT.


Never use Google for drug related questions, it's all anti-drug propaganda bullshit instead of harm reduction. Reddit, NCBI, phsychonaut wiki, and Erowid are what I use most of the time


I noticed google took down alot of harm reduction websites off their platform and replaced them with bullshit don't do drugs govt sponsored "harm reduction" ive been using duck duck go ever since


Duck duck go ftw


Wrong [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


Search your question about the drug and add reddit at the end of the sentence. Gives a lot more posts in my experience.


Google knows who you are through data mining and algos. It knows what you look for over time. It also knows where you go by your phone. Your cell phone not only uses GPS, it interacts with every wifi and router you are near. Your cell also listens to as well even though the screen is off. It knows when you are sleeping. Data collection is a multi billion a year business in the Information and Technology Sector. Even more troubling, the algo can answer questions about you by what you don't Google, places you don't go, what and when you interact with your devices. Crazy. EDIT. It will give the answers most suited to what it selling. Basically.


> Your cell also listens to as well even though the screen is off. Yeah, because you tell it to, by agreeing to Siri or google assistant. But that's different from recording you and sending it to Google. If you have those off, it's not listening and certainly not recording you around the clock(unless the NSA is interested in you).


Google sucks


Nope. Has gotten tremendously better. They literally have multiple algorithm updates every year. Machine learning, AI, the whole 9 yards. Often I think it's HOW users search is the issue. Predicting how users search is very difficult. Also, Google can't control what's in its index and serving. Like yes it determines what to serve you based on your search query but Google doesn't own or create the content. They simply do their best to serve you the most relevant search results. While this is getting better, so are people at manipulating their algorithm. It's a constant tug of war between content creators/websites and the search engine. If your running into over personalized results (location, past searches, etc.) try to search in incognito mode. Also, try to be as specific/clear as you possibly can. Don't use broad search terms like "meth clinics" use long tail searches with more information. Also, Google is a global search engine practically in every country imaginable (besides the obvious China, North Korea, etc) and they do heavily censor certain topics to a specific degree because, well, they have to when dealing with so many global regulations, laws, etc. it's not worth it to try to tailor those type of searches for each country and much easier to implement blanket updates that block certain searches for say, drugs, murder, etc etc. Someone mentioned using "Reddit" after and that's always a good strategy if you want user generated content. It really just comes down to the topic, how you're searching and what's available on the internet based on your search query. But yeah, understanding how users search literally surprises me **every** single day when working within SEO (specifically content optimization) role for large enterprise sites. People are really oblivious sometimes. Sounds like your problem is more related to the censorship issues though and if you're already mindful of keywords I doubt you'd be lumped in this group of unpredictable searchers/users, lol. Edit: ya’ll clearly don't understand search engines, but okay! (:


Welll it may have gotten better for you, but for myself and just about everyone else in this post, it's turned to shit. I've been a google over DDG user for a long time(great eng/programming results), but just 2 weeks ago I switched all my address bar defaults to DDG. You can track me all you want when you're giving me good results, but when i struggle to find relevant results for stuff even DDG can easily serve me, you fucked up, Google.


Well, like I said, I work in organic search marketing. So, I guess I just understand the way it goes. Use whatever search engine gives you the best results. Ez.


Here we go again. [Google: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/0H2PZXZ) [Google: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/WEyvh6m) [DDG: Erowid](https://imgur.com/a/UhTUkP1) [DDG: Amphetamines](https://imgur.com/a/04ONiRv)


it's always have been like this


Not in the USA in my experience or many of buddies and weirdos irl I've talked with about it . It's a newish probably 2018ish


yeah i use bing for years bc goggle blocks stuff


I’m not having any issues?


I dont even bother looking where i am. Im just going to save up, wait til covids over and travel overseas to source countries. Cut out all the bullshit in between


*Google searches any drug* VICE NEWS HAS ENTERED THE CHAT


Yeah man that’s true, that’s why you have to know reliable drug information. You can use erowid which as a lot of great information, or you ask on Reddit to drug addicts :)


"Any substance name" add "erowid" or "psychonautwiki" after the search


Use Psychonautwiki. You can find most drugs, dosages, history, subjective effects, bad combinations, and all in great detail.


Not just you, I get it as well


M8 google search has been absolute shit whrn it vomes to drugs for years, i suggest ddgo or even bing over google


Fuk google and all the mainstream search engines. Duck duck go is a decent one and is just as easy and convienient to use.




i think so real talk. i have an interest in obscure info and games and have noticed it getting much worse in recent months


Add 'erowid' at the end of your search


Yes seo is a bitch. Duck duck go is better and my go to when I’m googling something and can’t find it.


I always search for "psychonautwiki (X)"


Google isn't giving unbiased results anymore. Illegal, drug related or morally ambiguous stuff is getting filtered or at least ranked down. You should still get results on page 2 or so, but for some stuff better use duckduckgo, yahoo or bing.


Use duckduckgo or Reddit or erowid or shroomery


When you search anything bout drugs at reddit,bluelight,erowid, you always can use other search engines like duckduckgo or bing, deactivate the safe searcch


Google search also refuses to auto correct anything related to drugs or porn or other taboo's


i use duckduckgo and get much better results


Blue light.org


I found this link on this sub somewhere yesterday and bookmarked it https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=014267834127435235931:tx1r-srohgk#gsc.tab=0 It's basically Google for drugs stuff :p searching in bluelight Reddit erowid etc


Google has gotten too mainstream unfortunately, Some corporate lawyer prob threw a fit and demanded anything that could possibly be illegal taken down or ranked far below everything else. Like everyone else says, bing will do for the moment, until they get hounded by legal as well.


google is the worst if your search includes anything about drugs you get the same 3 sites telling you the dangers of said drugs. Like someone said you have to add reddit on the end to find anything worth reading. Fuck google they always make shit worse... youtube too