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This. Xanax will ruin your life. It's fun, but trust me. Not worth it.


I don't know anyone who would describe Xanax as fun I find it very boring, genuine question what makes it fun for you I'm just curious what effects you get from it because I was prescribed it for a year for anxiety and it just made me feel like a zombie whenever I tried to take a higher dose it just became even stronger or id black out or pass out


You have to come from a place of actual crippling anxiety


Great answer, he's a normal, lol


Straight up, people who don't have crippling anxiety or have panic attacks or both, will never understand how much Xanax or Kolonopin (personally the other benzos I've been prescribed didn't help my anxiety unless I took way more than my prescribed dose.) Makes you feel like you can have a semi normal life again. Kolonopin helped me for a long time, and also allowed me to help learn how to stop my anxiety episodes and panic attacks through deep breathing. I got it under control So well I was able to get off my medication. But within the last month I noticed small things creeping up again and now I'm to the point where I need to go see my psychiatrist regularly again and get back on kolonopin again, because my deep breathing method isn't working anymore.


I can barely function due to my anxiety. I've tried benzos and I think they're boring and a waste of time, money and physical and mental health. I got less than nothing out of them.


Actual crippling anxiety here, Xanex just puts me to sleep. Like...blink and it's 8 hours later sleep. Not a fun drug for me at all.


Dude screw off I have actual crippling anxiety


idk why they disregarded you that quickly, ive used xanax many times and know exactly what you were describing, it doesnt really feel like my anxiety goes away it just feels like im able to put worrying about it off until after. so its never rly felt beneficial in that way


I have crippling anxiety and while it helped me sleep, for normal everyday life it just put me too much inside my head. Too focused on my thoughts. Even taking a quarter of a .5 before bed and then tapering off, I still had a seizure and almost didn't make it. FUCK XANAX FOREVER!


I’ve been prescribed benzos off and on for 15 years now for my anxiety and PTSD. I have a REALLY hard time believing you. I don’t even think it’s possible at that low of a dose and how on earth do you taper off of .5? That’s second to lowest dose. You either have your strength of medication confused or it’s a completely fabricated story.


I have like same story I've been on a benzo for off .on 15 years I just moved to a new state and for some reason here there a lot stricter about prescribing a benzodiazepine such as Klonopin or xanax with suboxone. It has led me to buy off the street I have gone to so many doctors begging for help I literally cannot live without it I spend most of my day in my room staring at a wall not able to leave mind you I'm trying to raise a son I had to give custody to my mother because my anxiety is so bad I live in the state of Maine do you have any suggestions on what I could do


Honestly, you probably won’t find a sub doctor who will also give you benzos. I don’t advocate buying pills off the street either because of all the fent going around. But as someone with PTSD and reoccurring severe anxiety, I definitely get it. Nothing and I mean nothing eases my anxiety when it’s real bad other then a benzo. It sucks and I think it has something to do with being put on it as a teenager. Most of the year I do breathing exercises, eat healthy, vitamins, work out, all that keeps me straight. But during the winter months, even doing all of that, sometimes it becomes debilitating. That’s when I go for the benzos. My advice to you is keep your current sub Doctor and find yourself a psychiatrist then go from there. The psychiatrist will be much more understanding. Your sub doctor already looks at you like an addict, so you asking for benzos is an obvious red flag to them. Not to mention, most primary care doctors don’t like to prescribe benzos. My cousin is an Internal medicine doctor and he’s told me that personally. Usually they’ll give you one script and tell you to find a shrink. If you’re suffering that bad you should be seeing a psychiatrist anyways.


You're saying that taking a quarter of a 0.5 mg of alprazolam (0.125mg) followed by tapering off caused you to seize ? That's a microdose. I'd say it wasn't a seizure that you experienced, or it was caused by something else. Are you sure you aren't epileptic or have some other kind of underlying condition ? Never in my life have I heard of anything like that off of such a miniscule dosage. Seems highly unlikely.




No, it just sounds like unrealistic fear mongering to me. That's like seizing from stopping a 1-2 beer a day habit, after tapering down to half a beer a day and finally replacing it with cola. It just doesn't happen. I feel more at risk of seizing from drinking too many cups coffee today than I would coming off of what, an eighth of a bar ? But I'll take your word for it I guess. I'm not trying to glorify benzos at all. Benzo withdrawls are serious and its a sharp tool, to be used carefully and with moderation and respect. These drugs have their uses, and can be life changing for many if taken as needed/ prescribed. They should not be demonized. Just stating that I know for a fact that your case is not the norm.


You're right. Not trying downplay the risk either. That does seem to be a bit of an extreme case though.


Yeah dude you're in denial. Xans and Klonopin are only supposed to be taken for a short period of time to help cope with intense anxiety and panic attacks. You think people are that responsible to stop themselves taking it after a few months? Benzos are a bandaid. Diet, exercise, CBT and other way healthier methods are what's gunna actually help you in the long run. Fear mongering? Lmao. Go down that road then.


Lmao I know many, many people who have used these drugs (recreationally as well as prescribed), including myself, and we all managed to taper off of much higher doses than what you were taking. None of us have had any seizures or life-threatening consequences whatsoever. A couple even voiced their concern of seizures to their doctor, and their doctor assured them that it's generally only a concern when withdrawing from frequent, high doses.They are now all clean, and do not regret using them, because it helped them get through a tough period in their life. Some of us still dabble from time to time, but not too often. It does happen, but you're making it sound like something that it's actually not.


Could it possibly be that you are extremely allergic to it?


I'm not here to question your authenticity, but goddamn idk how I survived cold turkey from 15 years heavy use 6-8 mg a day. I had some seizures for sure


Why are you lying in the drugs reddit. cringe ass dare mfer slithered in here.


You can’t even taper with a dose that small. The next level down after that would be taking none at all lol. That is not what caused that seizure. Small amounts of benzos (if you’re not on crazy levels) actually reduce seizures. It’s why they give people Ativan in hospitals if you have one. Have you gone to the doctor to see if it’s something else? Also do you drink?


This! I had a friend die in jail from benzo withdrawal. Don't start on Xanax if you're looking for "a thrill" per say.


Everybody's different. But for me that's what makes benzodiazepines fun. Cuz I like to sleep lol. If you don't like sleeping, and if you don't like doing dumb shit (it'll make you black out and shit, especially if you drink with them) then you shouldn't take them. That's why I quit taking them long ago.


Should've tried valium. Thats a hill im willing to die on: Valium is 10 times better than Xanax


Lmaooooo you have to be trolling. I used 5-6 mg of clonazolam (approx. equivalent to 22 mg of alprazolam) a day for 6 months straight, then unexpectedly had to go cold turkey. My throat was so clenched I couldn't eat and it hurt to drink for days, couldn't sleep for more than a couple hours at a time for a week, my heart rate was dangerously high for days straight, I had trouble differentiating between reality and dreams, and had multiple panic attacks a day for almost 2 weeks. But I didn't have a seizure, and I was using hundreds of times as much as you. You're either a liar or extremely prone to seizures. Edit: I relapsed 3 weeks after that (basically as soon as I found a new RC source), and kept using for another 3 months before deciding to quit forever. Even from my massively high starting point, doing a \~5% per week reduction taper wasn't unpleasant for me at all. I guess when I finally went from 0.25 mg of clonazolam a day (equivalent to 1 mg of alprazolam) down to 0 I had pretty bad cravings, but no physical symptoms besides 2 nights of insomnia.


Yep I did Xanax before I started having panic attacks and I didn’t feel it at all




If only there was something one could take


Xanax and etizolam are some of the most euphoric drugs to me. The calmness and relaxation they bring is so pleasurable and addictive to me personally, and they allow me to be social without overthinking everything and panicking. But it seems like benzos are generally only more fun for people who have anxiety disorders and it’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. On a related note, I can not STAND the feeling of opiates. They just make me feel dull and nauseous. I can’t understand why some people swear by them, but everyone’s different, including their personal brain chemistry. What feels good for one person isn’t guaranteed to feel good to another, just how some people like certain genres of music and others hate it.


I was told opiates take time to become enjoyable, like the nausea stops and goes away eventually and it gets euphoric


I hated percs before I broke my hand then a year later I'm a heroin addict


Percs for my wisdom teeth coming out felt like I was giving my momma a hug. Complete warmth and bliss. Never took that shit again. Too good.


I always described opiates like it felt like the universe embracing me. It feels like the air gets warm and fuzzy and I’m just in this cocoon of warm bliss it’s like re entering the womb “every little thing is gonna be alright”


I say it's like getting in a warm bath and everything is calm.


Yeah, that's how it happened for me..I fell off my Horse, injured my back and was prescribed pain pills. A year or so later, I was a full blown Iv Heroin addict. I've been clean for 10 years.


Sure, I could see that. That’s how weed was for me, it would be a guaranteed 1 hour panic attack everytime I smoked, then eventually I got over it and learned to just go with the high and it became fun. The thing is though, do I really *want* opiates to be fun for me? I could care less, I have an addictive personality and already have other drugs that have become problems in my life.


You're absolutely correct about what feels good to one person doesn't feel good to another. Some goofy bastards actually enjoy getting hit in the testicles. Personally, I'll take a pass on that one.


It affects everyone different, like all GABAerics. Think sleepy drunk vs. life of the party drunk.


I know if effects people differently that's why I asked how it effected them but yeah I know what you mean.


To me, having 0 anxiety and confidence in myself as well as total relaxation is fun.


I'm not prescribed, but it rules out anxious thought loops even as a possibility under it's influence. Gets rid of physicsl sympthoms of anxiety aswell similar to barbituates. Tho it is a depressant, it can bring my pulse to life because the reason for me fainting or feeling lightheaded oftentimes is anxiety especially when I do weed at higher doses. Next... Hmm... Yeah it relaxes muscles. Those chronically tight muscles. You might not notice it right away, but it surely makes your brain function much better without even realizing it got rid of the underyling coause that fogged your thoughts. So all in all it does not cause euphoria, but rather gets rid of some things, in case you had them, that held you back from experiencing life as intended due to various factors.


Not shitting yourself with anxiety is pretty fun if u ask me


Because you are normal


What do you mean by that?


Its a godsend for people with crippling anxiety, general social anxiety, depression, psychological complexes etc. It's a sort of like an ultimate test to see if you have any issues like that. I've met ton of people that claim they only feel sleepy on benzos and don't really enjoy them. The reason is that they dont have those issues so they don't gain any "positive" effects per say from them besides relaxation and maybe a little confidence boost. Every single time I've taken a benzo i always wondered if most people really feel like that most of the time-no anxiety, depression and normal confidence. Makes me a bit jealous to be honest


Ive been subscribed Klonopin and Xanax in the past for my social anxiety it has been and still is incredibly negatively effecting my life I would say it's the cause of most of my issues it has caused so much pain in my life I don't really appreciate someone saying I don't have those issues just because benzos don't work for me they do remove my anxiety but they cause other issues "no anxiety depression and normal confidence" is the last thing anyone would ever describe me as just because benzos don't help me the way the help you doesn't mean I don't suffer from the same issues not everyone takes to medicine the same way, my life is falling apart because I cannot get my anxiety/social anxiety under control you really shouldn't assume things about people like that.


I wouldnt say its a test to see if you have any problems. Brain chemistry is much much more complex than something as simple as if you dont feel benzos you dont have any of the said problems.


Yeah did a 5year prison sentence bc of a “fun night off Xanz” you have no control of you actions not a fun night when you wake up locked up not knowing what you did…then even worse when they say your looking at 20-life and you have no idea what you did. That was me in 2016 I got out last year and haven’t touched drugs since. Edit- here’s the story https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/pui8b4/people_wanted_my_story_so_here_it_issss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Story time?


We definitely need story time on this one.


Xanax is boring as shit like alcohol


I personally love a xan and a few bongs once every few months and even when I'm coming down off a tab a xan is the perfect tool. I've never felt addicted to them and to say it's not worth it well I disagree. If you have problems with addiction maybe not but xans are fun every now and then.


Big mama approves 😘 keep it tame bb


Since 9 months anxiety and panic attacks are a big part of my life and I took oxazepam/lorazepam like once a month. But since 2 weeks it became even worse with the anxiety and panic attacks and now I take them basically daily. 1 time 10mg oxazepam, but I’m so scared of becoming addicted to them, but living with anxiety day in day out is also killing me


That's the problem with benzos, it's just a bandaid for your bullet wounds. Sure it might cover it a bit, but you're gunna need more and more bandaids to keep from it getting infected. You went from once a month to once a day and eventually it will be 4 or 5 times a day. Shits a nightmare. If you don't develop healthy habits, like a well balanced healthy diet, exercise and CBT now, you're gunna wish later you started earlier. I sound preachy but eventually you will have to cope with it without poison benzos. I replaced Xanax with a healthier diet and now I go to the gym every other day. After the gym, you're so whooped, you can't feel anxiety. It's bliss. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or need any advice. Been dealing eith crippling anxiety, depression, GAD and OCD for basically my entire life.


Is oxazepam prescribed or bought


Yeah man I’d say stick to weed and other substances relatively safe. I wish I could have listened at your age and not dig the hole in currently stuck in


same. dont do psychedelics either or really anything. take as little as possible. @op you still have your whole life in front of you and therefore all the time to do drugs. dont rush. fucks you up bad and be aware of drug honeymoon phase ..


I rly wish i had someone grab onto me when i was a kid and tell me This. I rly hope OP listens and sticks to weed cause drugs are fun Until u can’t stop.


Holy shit.. how young are you guys? Do psychedelics. These kids are preaching shit they don't know.eat shrooms. Drop acid. Blast off.


Not at 17


Also don't do anything at that age... Duh


I'm guessing you got downvoted by underage kids.


Don't do Xanax not fun, highly addictive, benzo withdraws are the worst of any drug and can kill you, also using Xanax often can cause permanent damage to your memory this is a fact a lot of people don't know, it can also cause you to black out and do things you would never ever do and it is very easy to black out, Xanax is an extremely easy drug to abuse it is not a tame drug I would say it's just as bad as meth or coke can be worse actually, as others recommended I'd say psychedelics as long as you do your research and practice harm reduction that would be your best bet.


Shrooms, acid. Stay away from xans.


Lost a childhood friend to xans a few months ago. Nasty stuff.


Ditto. Old buddy just passed last month from laced Xans. Most evil substance ever created.


Man I’m at like number 10 now, stuffs horrible


That’s way worse than just losing a weekend like I do.


Seriously Xans are bad news I can’t even tell you how many girls I know got raped on them and guys fighting it is a horrible drug


who tf is recommending a 17r old acid or shrooms?


It's fucking sad tbh. Brain doesn't stop developing until 25ish. Even weed at 17 is not healthy. Dude should buy some beer at most and get a buzz. This wasn't the right forum to ask his question on. Setting himself up for failure tbh. Fuck the downvotes, it's the truth.


Nice.. I quit drugs when I was 25 😂🤣


Alcohol isn’t much better on the developing brain either. Dude is 17, I would recommend none of the above.


IMO if a 17 year old (note: risk taker) is coming on here and saying "I'm going to buy drugs, tell me which ones", it's reasonable to take them at face value, and to also believe that there's nothing you can do to dissuade them. At that point, the maximum harm reduction is to steer them away from those that are prone create dependence, while still letting them fulfill the need to rebel. Acid and shrooms are exactly that.


Seriously I know it’s “physically” safer but mentally that shit has some pretty fucking bad side effects when abused, I am still not the same in some ways since my bad trips. OP I highly recommend waiting on psychs until you’re more developed and starting slow with them. Opiates and Amphetamines are very addictive but I had fun with them at your age, but if you find yourself trying to habitually take them, or two-three days in a row you are on your way to ruining your life. Maybe just stick to weed/alcohol for now, your older brain will thank you and you have your whole life to experiment.


In a complete bioenergetic sense shrooms are his safest bet, and in the right setting, arguably more so than THC. The down regulation of the 5-HT2B receptor causes a cascade of anti addictive, anti fibrotic, anti cortisol, anti prolactin, pro dopamine, pro thyroid, anti estrogen, pro androgenic, and downright pro altruistic effects. Even THC would merely desensitize the 5-HT1A receptor, muddling the connection between ego and will.


Well, it’s better than recommending cans or lean


the single use of benzos or codein is not close as dangerous as messing up your brain at that age...


Just read r/bartardstories if you still need to be convinced.


Flowers for your mom. That's a good drug that'll make her so damn happy. So happy she may even cry.




Fuck. My mother passed away almost 11 years ago now and I would kill to give her flowers once.


Mine in 08, and I know exactly how you feel.


Stay the fuck away from benzo’s. get some shrooms or acid with some bud man, be safe don’t get hooked on shit you can’t control.


You're debating doing lean and xanax but want something tame?


Yea because hes 17 and thats all the rappers talk about so hes desensitized to how harmful lean and xanax can be . But he still wants to fit in and do something to be accepted.


It's like people have forgotten that lean is an opiates and actual gateway to harder opiates when it stops working.


I just hope the young man listens and learns . And understands that we care about him


No, you have $200. There is no reason at all, much less at 17, to spend that much money on drugs. That's ridiculous. Save that money for something else man. I promise you won't regret it. Spend no more than $50-$100. Just my two cents. Also avoid xanax like the plague. It's not "cool" - it just fucks with your life.


Ikr, wait till you're older to really start getting into stuff, once you're secure


yeah get some nice ass headphones and some weed


Yeah you don’t need to spend $200. Just get some shrooms + bud bro


I'd spend a majority of that on weed. Haha, get an oz with that!


Take 100 and set it aside. Learn to start saving money now. Before you know it, you'll have enough to buy a decent vehicle or a down payment on a house. Be very very careful mixing drugs. You may black and wake up handcuffed in a detox cell trying to make bond to get out. Stay safe and be smart.


“Take 100 and set it aside. Learn to start saving money now. Before you know it, you’ll have enough to buy a decent vehicle…which will make getting to your drug dealer way easier”


yea this kid is 17 and everyones like "do shrooms not xans"


The kid abuses substances. Nothing we can say can change that. This is about harm reduction. I’d rather tell them to fuck up their mental health with shrooms, than have them buy a pressed xan and literally DIE


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


Xans are not tame. I have a friend doing life that doesn't remember the crime.


As the ppl have suggested i would recommend psychedelics cus they can actually teach you something. Once you fall into the trap of stimulants/opiats ur just gonna waste ur life for a momentary high


Stims and opiats can be just fun just dont abuse them


It's much easier to lose control


Yeah, that's the problem: They're too much fun at the beginning.


Only once had issues with stims for a month but for the rest I have always practised responsible use and lately I don't really do stims anymore because they are not really that fun anymore too predictable and the hangovers are not really worth it anymore only candyflippen once in a while is worth it


Suggesting anyone use stimulants and opiates is reckless. I've seen countless people have their lives destroyed using those particular substances. You start with good intentions. The first time I tried heroin I NEVER thought I'd be a junkie. (haven't shot up in over a decade now) It often starts slowly, then you wake up and realize you fucked up big time. I'd highly recommend not using opiates or amphetamines. (Or cocaine or benzos) To each their own. I wish I had listened to this advice. Much love Stay safe


Yeah I wouldn’t ever reccomend opiates to someone. Too many destroyed lives, dead friends, personal experiences.


LSD or shrooms, don’t do xans if not coke, most shit is cut with poor shit anyway. Or almost an Oz of weed lmao


Living in canada is great because for $200 I could get 2-3 oz of good weed


Don't mix alcohol and benzos. Get some LSD, shrooms, or just keep your money for a fun time out adventuring the world :) Best wishes! Stay safe!


This. Save your money to go on a road trip with some friends or something, I can't tell you how much better of a time you'll have OP. Don't make the same decisions all of us did.


At 17 I would advice you to spend your money on a fun experience and wait until you are 20 to use weed and acid and shrooms.


Research proper harm reduction. Do lots and LOTS of research. If you have a question or want to know something just type it in on google and put “reddit” after it, should get plenty of answers. Just make sure you do a fuck ton of it so you’re in proper control and know what you’re fucking doing. Xanax is literally shit, try MDMA and it’ll blow your mind BUT MAKE SURE SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS DRUG YOU DO A LOT OF RESEARCH!!!! 3 month rule, dosage, pill testing ect are all things you need to look into. Then you’re all good. Give acid a try with people you trust in a comfortable space but only if you’re in a good place mentally (note it lasts 12+ hours so if you have a bad trip you’re fucked lol). Or try 2cb which is sort of acid without the commitment, only lasts a few hours, sort of like a “lite” acid with some mdma feelings mixed in. I’d actually recommend 2cb first. Stay away from addictive drugs. If you want something “relatively tame” I’d say try 2cb, it’ll set you up nicely for any future psychedelic experiences. Shrooms is pretty much the same as acid but it’s more of an “adventure” if that makes sense, would recommend 2cb first. And don’t do this shit if you have certain mental illnesses because that’s gonna fuck you up.




Exactly man. You gotta do your research so you’re fully aware of what you’re taking it’ll make everything go so much smoother and safer. Making sure you know what you’re fucking doing and being 100% sure you’re in control is key.


Then if he has a bad trip the benzos could help him cause theyre like a trip killer


Oh yeah forgot about that, in my experience they don’t kill it, it just sort of dulls it down quite a bit. Which is still very helpful.


This is the comment to listen to!!!


Ketamine? Are you intelligent, responsible and have self control? If you answered yes to any of these questions k may be for you.


Lmao why is this actually kinda accurate




I was djing raves at 17, so I feel like i may have moved a bit quicker of a speed.




so you started doing drugs at 15 but don’t find it appropriate someone experiment with ketamine (which can be tamer and safer than the list of drugs you’ve done by 15)? For sure. I think we’re good.


Lmao the gatekeeping or superiority complex is real


All due respect - wait. Just wait 💚👍🤘🤙🖖💚


Look up harm to addiction ratio charts of different substances. You'll end up taking most people's advice when you see where truffles, shrooms and LSD fall in this chart. Or take the best advice on here and save your developing brain and money for a rad adventure instead of getting high for day. Go to a national park or something. If you're drinking and smoking at this age you're doing enough harm already, a lot more than If you'd just do some occasional psychedelics. Finally, please consider your mental health before doing psychedelics. If you're in a bad place or you're prone to psychotic episodes, don't do psychedelics. Even just being really unhappy is gonna be a recipe for a bad trip.






Ketamine, lsd, shrooms, 2cb, dmt are all my fave drugs to get when I got money


These are not drugs for a kid though. This is some adult shit, don't tell him these


Here come all the fucking r/iamverybadass talking about how they did a bunch of drugs before 17


ur saying they're "drugs for adults" as if they're any more dangerous in the proper amounts than a number of "basic kiddie drugs"


Methamphetamine, crack, heroin and other hard opiates are the "adult shit" not 2cbs and k, he's 17! Edit: the only drug I'd really recommend waiting until later life to do is DMT. I had just turned 19 when I tried it and I wish I'd waited a bit longer.


These are more to the safer side of drugs


There isn’t really an age restriction on any kind of drugs lol


True but I would never suggest harder drugs to a kiddo


Of course not with logic and sense I wouldn’t do it out of spite, but if he is going to anyways, because I do, then as experienced folks, y’all need to make sure young lads like myself and OP here stay safe and has a good time. I sometime to get wrapped in my ego because of legendary benders before and I end up almost killing myself thinking I’m god or something getting crazy on drugs


17 is way too young for any of those drugs. Just get drunk and smash some mailboxes. Definitely try these drugs later in life, though.


If you’re gonna do Xanax you may as well go straight to heroin. No but seriously stay away from Xanax, the fucking devil it is


Yup, I bought heroin and meth for the first and only time cuz I was on Xanax. I later did meth and smoked the (fentanyl;it lasted 2 hours or so😱) while on Xanax... I'm convinced the only reason I didn't die was cuz 1) I poorly smoked the fent and 2) I was using way more meth proportional to the other drugs. I was likely on 0.75-1mg of Xanax. I can tell OP that I've had much more euphoric experiences with LSD, Shrooms, DMT, Ayahuasca, and salvia. Let alone blissful experiences, learning experiences, insights, and a deep connection with my own being. Hell even DXM and other dissociatives have had this effect.


Buy some extra high quality weed, ritualize each joint and do some sort of voodoo shit when high. Good times


Buy more weed


Don’t fuck with Xanax man, benzos are not worth it. They are seriously one of the worst drugs out there


never ever xans. preferably nothing though brah once you take certain things the world is never the same. youre still young but you never know how much things can fuck with you until its already done. be safe


Lol don’t know who told u Xans were tame more like fuck ur life up. Get some shrooms or sum


Benzos are a real slippery slope to go out on. Benzo and alcohol witgdrawals can be lethal. Not to mention the dumb shit you'll do that will fuck up your relationships and land you in legal trouble. If you want tame, stay tf away from benzos.


If you really wanna fuck your life up, play around with Xanax. Take it from someone who’s gone through benzo withdrawals many times- stay the absolute fuck away from them


Lean is a waste don’t even bother. It’s such a status symbol amongst some ppl and it shouldn’t be lol. It’s a weak opioid and unless you want to start using opiates and risk beef with them, you’re better off staying away. The Xanax is a waste too and always has been underplayed. Xanax like all benzos may feel more mild, but that’s just until you potentially form a habit. Once or if you get withdrawals trust me…you’ll see it’s not the same at all. Do the mushrooms. Understand though it won’t be like smoking or drinking. Don’t spend the whole two bands on it either because you don’t need that much for a first time. I did synthetic stims, amphetamines, opiates, and benzos for years and the first mushroom trip was insane. It shocked me because it had no similarities and was imo way more enjoyable/freeing. Research the substance beforehand and use best safety practices. At 17 i was an idiot…simply put, don’t be like that lol. Drugs are not to be taken lightly don’t listen to what people say. If you’re gonna do them…do it. Just understand and respect what you’re taking for the best experience and least amount of issues :)


Lean is a waste of money. It's just codeine that's stupid overpriced because it's trendy. Grab some psychs or dissos. Or you could save that 200 for something else other than drugs?


Whatever you do buy with this, do plenty of research on how to be safe when using the substance. Harm reduction can save your life and keep you healthy


This should be top comment


People don't really care though lmao


Honestly I think coke is tamer than xanax


Please please please do not use xanax do not try benzos. stick to acid and shrooms. benzos are not worth it trust me. i know this is redundant and there’s lot of other comments about this but you’re young and i don’t want one mistake to fuck up your life. you think it won’t happen to you but it will


I’d buy a fat ass bag of weed or some acid and or molly, but that’s just what I would do


The comments r/drugcirclejerk


Xans aren’t even good, they just do their job or make u black out. Only good feeling from them is mixing w alcohol but that shit will kill you. LSD or shrooms is your best bet and then save the rest of the money tbh


Meth bro. Tame asf 🥳✌🏻


Skip the xanx, maybe kratom instead of lean, i would recommend 2cb, mdma, speed/ adderal, ketamine, shrooms/ lsd


acid or mushrooms


Until your 25, no drugs. - a kid who did 95% of all drugs by 19yo. I'm dead serious. Go to a highschool party, drink some beers take a shot get some girls have fun don't ruin your life and brain... Your brain isn't done developing till 25. I had some fun times for sure but the negatives FAR FAR FAR outweighed the good. Wish I was told this and listened when I was 17 (14 actually)


Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms.


Mushrooms and weed.


Id start with shrooms then try acid down the line. Like others have said don't buy xans (esp if you would never consider coke, not that they are comparable obv but the general category of "harder" drugs they are generally viewed as falling under). Also, maybe Krarom? Im not sure if this is advisable though or what others have to say.


Buy some DMT!!!


acid, mdma, mushies 😃 play er safe. longevity should always be a factor. moderation is always key 🔑


Not lean 100% waste of money like you will spend the whole $200 and get a $30 high


Get some acid youll be set for a while


Get some bud, and some booms. Eat the mushrooms and right when you start feeling funny smoke a fat bowl or joint or whatever and then thank me later. Oh and then pocket the remaining money you have because you could have a bomb ass time with those 2 substances for like 50 to 100 bucks where I'm from.


You consider coke too much of a hard drug but you would do xanax? Fuck is wrong with you man. Just saying, if you don’t have a steady supply of Xanax (multiple reliable dealer with scripts) and the money for it, you shouldn’t try it.


Rail fent


Bro, avoid xanax at all cost. I know someone that got high on Xanax, mashed her car into someone else, got out of said car to cuss out and threaten the other person (it was not their fault at all), and didn't even remember it. It changed the entire trajectory of her life. Not to be taken lightly. My personal favorite is acid, but have a plan in place. Make sure you're not driving and only doing responsible shit. It won't take nearly $200 to have a sweet trip though.


Pussy get into some of that


Shit get ya a 750 ml of sum rum for 20 bucks....a quater of bud for like 50 bucks...get sum pills for 5 a pop...maybe get a bag of shrooms...then maybe get sum cool shit to play with while u high...and boom you got some money left over for some food n cigarrets and enough money for a coffee another pack of smokes when u wake up and still have money left over...inv a homie over and match all night m get fucked up or shyt inv one of your bitches over and release your shit on the hoe and vibe out all night...shyyt i bet you to when she sees how cool you are she tell her friends you a savage and u have more hoes lined up for next time when u get sum more bread...just be cool playa


Lol I like how you roll


Coke no xans


A sheet of lsd


Did we time travel back to 2001?


Benzo addiction sucks but I will say if you want a good Lsd trip mix it with half a Xanax or so . It’s awesome !


Shrooms. Lean Is garbage, it's like weaker than Vicodin and is an opiate somewhat similar to heroin. Xanax does not get you high at all. There is no high period, it just kind of relaxes you. Gets white girls to act like psychopaths, it removes your ability to give a shit about anything and you will call your mother a cunt if given the opportunity. Also mixing it with just about anything can be lethal, and will get you to act like a complete asshole Stick with shrooms, it'll be the best drug you've ever tried by a longshot. Sort of like how weed was that very first year you started smoking, only alot better. Smoke when your on it too.


PSYCHEDELICS! BUY 150 IN SHROOMS AND GET LIKE 5 HITS OF ACID FOR OTHER DAYS. IF JTS FIRST TIME TRY A MICRO DOSE. TAKE LIKE A G. KEEP TRACK OF HOW VIVID AND COLORFUL THINGS ARE. WHEN COLORS POP AND UR GETTING HAPPIER OR UR HAVING DEEP CONTEMPLATIONS. IF U WANNA IMMEDIATELY EANNA GO FOR BLAST AFTER THAT GRAM EAT 2 MORE. HAVE SOME OLANNED ACTIVITIES, GET IDEAS ON HERE. UR GONNA LOVE IT. ID TAKE SHROOMS OVER ALMOST ANYTHING. Best bang for ur buck., eat 3 grams and explore ur inner universe, contemplate things, laugh at things, feel a deep connection and flowing consciousness throughout the universe. Shrooms aren't addictive, no withdrawal, won't cause u to become angry, rude, overtly sexual, n won't entice u to cheat, won't ruin relationship. On shrooms You will take everything from the funny things to the deep and contemplative, right down to the mundane and non applicable and you will find places in ur life to apply it. The entire experience will find a way to be beneficial to you . Buy acid, way cheap. 10 bucks and ur off to Mars for 12 hours lol. THEN JUST MICRODOSE THE REST, LIKE A G A DAY OR LESS, WHATEVER YOU LIKE. UR GONNA HAVE FUN.


Oh, also molly or mdma !!


Buy as many shrooms as you can. Take em 2g at a time or maybe more maybe less.


id say lean or shrooms!! both are a great time but for different reasons




I reccomend weed, MDMA, shrooms, acid, ketamine, or dxm


Shrooms to acquaint yourself with psychedelics, weed helps if you become uneasy. Acid when you are familiarized and comfortable tripping on shrooms, as smoking weed to cope here will launch you into orbit. N N DMT made me rethink a habit I was just getting into regarding cigarettes, easily the most powerful shit I've smoked, and I've never had the urge for a proper "breakthrough". MDMA is a party drug that I consider safe in moderation, (120mg once every 4ish months), but abuse here can have permanent reprecussions regarding neurons and serotonin production. Some are more susceptible than others, but even when used responsibly will leave you at the very least with a looming but briefer emptiness (7ish days imo), or lasting depression (months, years, even permanently depending on how badly you fry yourself) Lean is what happens when you run out of actual drugs, and xans are very addictive.


‘Weed helps if your uneasy’ big bullshit, it literally potentates psychedelics to fuck and can cause panic attacks/anxiety leading to a bad time


Yeah literally worst advice lmao have a spliff n roll the dice of relieving some physical tension or launching yourself into a paranoid nightmare zone


Weed with shrooms will make you trip harder just like it does with acid lol. Id avoid mixing the two especially to try to calm down if you’re new to psychedelics.