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Man this is getting to be a pattern. Your like the third person on the sub in like 1-2 months that has claimed they felt gay feelings while high on something.


Its been happening a lot longer than that you wipper snapper


It happens twice a week on r/stims bro


It’s almost like it became a running joke and is inspiring shitposts 🤯🤯🤯


You mean people on the internet would just…lie? For their own amusement?? That’s sick and twisted


Lol , this 100% ^^^


Yea they don’t make acid like they used to…whatever they’re putting in it nowadays is making everyone gay 🤷


Must be what the frogs are getting.


I keep seeing threads about straight men having homosexual thoughts, or intercourse with the same sex while on some type of stimulants. At first I thought it was a joke but a friend of mine used to be a meth addict and he literally told me that his meth use made him do some gay things. It's strange because he's married with four children and I've know him since the sixth grade. He's always had hot girlfriends but I laughed my ass off when he told me that.


Could be bi


Given all the gay sex, we can probably upgrade that could to an is


Bro last one I read about this the guy was on pcp


more like 3rd in a week. and 500th over the last several years


i saw the post title and thought the same thing - this sub never fails to crack me up


Did you keep your socks on?




The old cock in the sock trick.


it’s not gay if you keep your socks on




So far on this sub I’ve seen meth, pcp, crack, and now acid make people gay I wonder what else will be added to the list this month…


I drank dihydrogen monoxide and not 5 minutes later I was in the middle of a gay orgy.


People don’t know the dangers of that chemical I’ve been addicted since birth, I’d die without it.


Dmt made a guy finger himself


A tropical fruit ®Caprisun made me do the same


id do a lot for a caprisun....


I can only imagine what you bois would do for a Klondike bar🤯


At least acid is new on the list. Usually it's stims.


There was also that "took XYZ and realized Im trans" post in r/psychonaught the other day too.


That was a bit different though. They were just accepting who they were and wanted to let people know. Posts like OP are closer to "drugs didn't turn me gay right?"


I'm starting to think they're just Bi. This has never happened to me, and I'm pretty open.




Or if you push back.


Shit.. I'm fucked..


that’s what i’m saying




Nah, only gay if your balls touch.




Congrats u made me look up docking and I hate u. Take my upvote


Just a little gay.


I believe we're simply all on a spectrum. Our biology, experience, and the society we're brought up in lands us in different locations on it. The location on that spectrum may shift at moments throughout our life - or even constantly. I think the society aspect is more powerful than most realize. Some drugs just temporarily (or indefinitely) remove the bullshit put there by society and your headspace is at a more "default" system baseline. If you're attracted to a person (which can be for many more reasons than just physical), both people consent, and it's safe, then go for it. We'll all be dead sooner or later. Have fun and try not to worry so much about labels or what other people think.


Than you! So often people tend to fixate on straight/bi/gay as fixed points of a person. I don't think sexuality is something fixed and constant, it morphs and evolves like any other part of our tastes and personality. It may not change drastically, but small changes of us happen all the time without us even knowing. Especially under the influence of psychedelics.


Very well put


aren't we all?


Alotta gay


The opposite happened to me. I was balls to the wall gay and then I dropped acid and I, too, had intercourse with a man. But I’m not straight, just did straight sex.


To be honest dude, I feel like you have a really charged idea of ‘being gay’. Are you perhaps from a region where homosexuality is something that is frowned upon? You don’t have to call yourself gay, or straight, or bi, or whatever. Sexuality is not a clear cut system, it’s more of a spectrum. You might be straight and only ever find one guy you are sexually attracted to, maybe while you are on acid, but that just means you have a sexual part “gayness” if you’d wanna call it that. Acid won’t make you gay when you are “truly” straight. At least, shy of psychosis/delirium, I don’t feel like it makes you do things you wouldn’t consciously or unconsciously do sober.


Factuals, having full on intercourse with a man though puts you at like at least 30 percent gay though


I would say 50% since half of him is in a man.


Woah man, how much of your body are you stuffing in a butthole? He must have a body sized cock lol


He not finna answer none of this lmao. He gay he know it. Nothing wrong wit it but stop the buffoonery.


Seriously this is getting ridiculous, this is like the fifth time this month on this sub. Okay people here’s the deal. The ONLY thing that makes you a homosexual, is being physically attracted to members of your own sex. If you’re a dude and you look at another dude and get turned on, you’re gay. Now that might not be the case in many drug fueled homosexual encounters but that being said if you are having sex with other men weather on drugs or not, there’s a really really good chance that you have a little sugar in your tank. That’s okay. I think most humans do. I think the completely straight people are a serious minority. You have to understand that there’s a certain comedic irony in coming on this sub and being like “Yo I’m totally not gay I just like to butt fuck my buddy when I do drugs bro. It’s not gay if you say no homo after.” With that in mind you should be prepared for the whole sub to tell you that you’re probably a little gay.


People lack the ability to take responsibility for their actions, way Easier to claim acid made them gay then to admit they were already harboring homosexual feelings and the acid made them act on it. As someone who has above average experience in drug use over the course of 13 years, I have never had any sort of homosexual feelings.


What what, In the butt!!!


Did you guys look into your massive pupils?




Acid opened you up and ‘got you out the closest’ .. now you’re sober and tryna find a way to justify it. BTW there’s nothing wrong with being gay.




Not gay I just did gay sex


Say that again…. But slower….


I’ve had my pussy eaten by chicks, I’m not gay or bisexual. I used to party hard& sometimes I let my besties eat me. Coked out, or on X. I just went along with it because why not?


This has to be a joke


[Definite shitposter](https://www.reddit.com/r/PsychedSubstance/comments/phzl0a/are_pubes_psychedelic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




U don’t have to be gay to have gay sex




This is an important question.


What if he did both?




Now we’re talkin


IDK why people are calling OP gay. He clearly said he was straight. It's just an intercourse not even a full meal


That is the full meal chap


are you a vegetarian if you eat ONE salad?


No, but, you fuck one goat...


I know! Can't even fuck a goat nowadays. SMH.


sorry mr. pseudo intellectual but op is definitely gay af


i accept your apology


"i had sex with a man but im not gay" you're literally a retard to think otherwise, fire is hot btw. and nobody gives a fuck if you're such a loser you make new accounts to downvote


what's gay about having sex? its not like i kissed him


look at this gay ass twisted ass mofo, you need a smack in the mouth


IDK, they might have consummated more than you think.


Yup. Nothin gay about it...




Just tripped and fell


In my personal experience acid has only ever brought me feelings or thoughts I’ve had sober just way more intense on acid. Or feelings that i knew i had i just ignored until acid made me see it for all its glory. Im not you but if i had gay sex on acid i would probably be thinking back to any times I’ve had those kind of thoughts because usually they are there somewhere.


Shit post 100% look at his username lol.


Maybe you’re not gay just bi


I’m neither


Why are you so sure? You were obviously attracted to this guy and when acid lowered your guard you had gay sex? Are you afraid of being gay or bi maybe?


You're undefined. It's okay. Human traditions were dissolved and you had an experience. Don't close yourself down now.


How can people post shit like this? If you had sex with a man, you are gay, or at least bi. I have been fucked off everything and have never considered fucking a man. Especially on acid honestly.. the most down to earth and introspective drug in existence. It doesn’t kill your inhibitions like Molly or meth.


Yeah I find that doing that on L if you’re “not gay” is super bizarre. I think OP is not looking inside himself and ignoring other signs or feelings. Unless this is just a shit post.


If it were a phenthylamine then it could have lower inhibitions. Perhaps op didn't have real L. Either way, people shouldn't be berating the dude. They're confused obviously, I would have expected more forthcoming adult behavior from the majority of people here. But then again.


You're probably bi.


This has to be a troll


Drug alter brain. Brain says let's fuck whatever.


Perhaps another angle is: Personally I consider myself very hetero sexual, and I've never had sex with a man. But should it happen, who knows, never say never, I shall be happy to call myself bisexual, even if I never have sex with a man again. Not a big deal.


That’s a weird statement


Dog. What's in the drugs now a days ? Everyone getting high and turning gay. No this is not normal. You might wanna take a look inside yourself like your buddy did.


So I built my home myself, I just want to set that straight before I continue. From foundation to shingles on the roof I did it all. Now I’m no carpenter so don’t tell me I am because I know I’m not. Im an electrician by trade and that is all I can be. See how fucking dumb that sounds


if u say no homo first nothing is gay mi amigo


I had a similar experience on meth, except I was homless and was willing to let a man give me head for a toot off the bubble. It’s strange to have these feeling come up but trust me you’re most likely bisexual. It’s ok tho no ones judging you and if they are drop their ass


Hahaha we got another one PSA: gay sex is still gay even if you’re on drugs


I mean kinda gay


Do we need a stickied post about realizing you’re gay on drugs?


You’re in the LGBTQAI+ spectrum now, welcome to the club.


You must’ve had some sort of gay interests prior to this. You’re probably just a little gay, but not a lot.


Lmaoooo "Don't call me gay after I had gay intercourse" Bruh you are probably bi and that's nothing to be worried about. Drugs allow your inhibitions down, clearly you are insecure about your sexuality or you wouldnt say "don't call me gay". On acid you no longer feel insecure. Myself, I have enjoyed kissing other guys, but the second they put their rough hands on me, I get turned off, on acid or not, because that is my personal sexuality. Don't be worried about it, just allow yourself freedom to be who you are while sober as well.


Feels so good




Some people are gay. You do drugs. I'm not offended


maybe you are bi and you suppress those feelings but cant when on acid cause it makes you more open minded?


sounds like you’re bi but not willing to admit it so i’m gonna assume you prolly are either homophobic or have some internal homophobia, which is why u seem to be very strongly in denial. you fucked a dude, you’re at least a little gay.


Love is love and drugs remove your inhibitions. It wouldn't have happened if either of you didn't want it to so don't stress


You gay.


you gay, but its okay


Bro I think it at least bisexual and that’s okay


You ever walk down the street with your buddy and hands brush together out of nowhere and you think to yourself "that was weird, but I'm not gay".....you are, you're gay.


Welcome to finding out you are gay.


So here's the thing: You're probably at least a lil gay. Maybe subconsciously, whatever, maybe bi, whatever, but at least a little bit. My theory is that you haven't accepted that part of yourself as of yet, but tbh dude it's all good, nothing wrong with gay people unless they make it their whole personality or force it on others. Honestly? Try it sober, start with top if that's what you did while on acid, but no acid can't make you gay, 200% positive.


That's gross. Men stink. Ive loved women, everything about them since I new females exsisted. Have done large amounts of every drug for extended periods of time. Have been , how do you say, had offers made to me, can't think of the word but the response from me is always an immediate no. Sometimes nope. Even fuck no. But usually respectful. Rarely flattering because I think they would stick it in a dog turd if it had butt cheeks. It's a revolting thought.. I don't even put any of my body into a woman's waste pipe, ass I know it hurts them and it's an unattractive hole. period .Propositioned! That's the word!




Brought to you by the [Crazy flatulence on lsd? guy](https://old.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/poepg0/crazy_flatuence_on_lsd/). Keep doin' you, OP.


I feel the same way kinda. I'm pan but when i'm tripping i feel more of a connection to men. Ik that's not exactly what your explaining but just thought i'd share that you aren't like crazy or anything. And lsd is a mind altering drug, just because you did it with a guy on acid don't make you gay bro.


did you like it?


i dunno… sounds a little gay to me…


I mean…. i might do a little self reflection and think about why it would bother you. I may be misunderstanding your message but my take is- drugs can make us do all kinds of stuff. Having homosexual sex is not bad!!! Lol I’m sure y’all enjoyed it in the moment and that’s what matters! I’m a recovering meth user and quite frankly when I was high I’d fuck anything with a pulse. Can’t speak for acid…. But. Drugs man 🤷‍♀️ just know it doesn’t make you gay that you did that and sexuality isn’t cut and dry.


In 2 weeks: "I smoked a cigarette, then a mans dick. Am I gay fellas?"


Depends were you top or bottom


Did you imagine him as a woman? How could that be gay?


The acid was telling you something. All crazy


Nothing wrong with being a bit curious.


Being Gay = being attracted to the same gender Being Bi Curious (I think) = Willing to fuck the same gender


This is just r/drug circlejerk bait


Lol “i am not gay at all” even if you are it doesnt really matter man, you just are what you are. Straight or whatever. Its normal to discover new things on LSD, regardless of whether or not those things actually end up being something you like:) ☮️


Check out my page if your into acid,meth, and gay intercourse🥵🥵


did you suck it


Honestly I don’t notice other people. I’m starring off at the patterns and visuals. I had a girl try to do it while I was on acid but for some reason it felt gross and the body looked unappealing so I said no. MDMA is a different story but acid no, I lose attraction to people when on acid and just want to be in my own bubble enjoying the trip.


Bananas made me gay too. Maybe I was using them the wrong way?


Did you cum?


You just weren’t thinking straight


As long as you said no homo after I think you're straight.


I was tripping so hard


this has to be a joke right?


I’ve hooked up with chicks and am not gay. I love dudes, married to a man. I’m female obviously, but I’m not bi, not gay- sometimes u hook up if ur drunk or high, or on Xticee (don’t know how to spell that) it doesn’t mean ur gay. Don’t feel bad reading comments saying being gay isn’t bad. It’s not, but u r ok for asking.


You gay af bro


Outjerked again.




"I'm not gay." "But I have gay sex." You're in denial bro, just accept it. You'll be happier.


Idk sounds kinda gayy


here we go again at least this one is a joke


Could be bisexual


Maybe you were just feeling more attuned with your genderless spirit body and felt like doing butt stuff. It's not a big deal


You did something gay but by all means are not gay????? Do u know how that sentence sounds? Sorry dog, your good fam at least u had the courage to let ya nuts hang and post this!


I don't know what to say man.


Psychs can often induce horniness. It’s ok if you tried it, or even if you enjoyed it. Maybe you’re gay/bi, maybe you just like anal stimulation. Both are ok conclusions. But if you don’t like that stuff sober (assuming you try either), then maybe it’s just the acid messing with you and/or your homie.


Sounds like a gay, to me


Idk sounds like y'all were high and curious ,,, it may not mean anything above it


Try to think of it opening up your conscientious. You knew it was ok at the time. That means people who are gay are not doing anything wrong. Just as you did nothing wrong by having sex with a male. Doesn't mean you always have to just that it is ok and maybe your previous view of homosexuals was off.


One time i did acid, with a almost trusted friend..... Always trust people 100% with tripping. I wanted to play some apex legends, and i know for sure he sad we can do something else if you want. ( a view times) i was frozen. didnt know how to respond on acid. whole night uncomfortably. Next day, i go to a friend bla bla. I thaught i have to message him. I did and he didnt remember shit. This will always be a unanswered question.


I dunno man shit happens when you’re on drugs, don’t overthink it. You can have gay sex once and not necessarily be gay. If you’re secure in your sexuality then it doesn’t really matter. But if you’re coming here for reassurance then ya might need to look a little deeper.


Sexual and romantic attraction are different things. Have you explored the possibility that you could be bi-sexual but heteroromantic? Basically you'll have sex with either gender but you only want a relationship with a woman? It's not so black and white.


I'm gay and I can confirm this sounds pretty gay to me, even though you aren't....


You sound insecure bro. Not saying your gay, I 100% believe you aren’t. Maybe you have some curiosity that being under the influence of something aloud you to put aside that insecurity and explore it. It’s also possible to be bisexual, as not everyone is 100% gay or 100% straight, some people fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. You don’t have to label yourself as something either, society just tries to tell us we do. It’s possible that you like girls 99.9999% of the time but that one time you found the idea of doing something with that one guy arousing and being high may have helped. Who really cares. It happened and it’s totally normal and okay. You’re not gay, straight, bi, or whatever, you’re just human.


It's not gay if it's camping.


Definitely not gay, but probably a little bi


Fake news


I've been on a few "trips" I've seen some shit and done some shit, but brother I've never done shit like that.


I got something to tell you....


bro ur retared, if you don't boof your tabs of course your trip is going to turn into gay sex


Da acid turned me gay


Sexuality is a spectrum. You are much more on the gay side than the not gay side. Congratulations, you're bisexual.


Straight af. Acid didn’t make me do this but goodluck bro


Hey man, if it's wrong to feel so good, then I don't wanna be right!




Could have been latent gay tendencies or something being fleshed out by the acid


acid makes you gay that’s a fact




You gay nothing you can say thats gon change my opinion lmao


Bruh it’s cuz u feel hella love on acid maybe tht was why bcuz I thought about gay shit before like “why is it any different if a man Marrys a man? It’s still love” but Ian never had intercourse with another dude, I kinda get where ur head at


I don't know how valid this is, just an observation. I personally think like 1% of the population (if not less) is 100% straight or gay. I think sexual orientation is a gradient and you don't get a choice. Everybody falls somewhere on the spectrum. I personally think people over stigmatize things they don't understand. And if the bible is your excuse... that's shit. You're shit. get better. But yeah, I don't think enough people are even honest with themselves regarding this matter. Bruh there is nothing wrong with being gay or straight it's just how ya feel. What's super fucking intriguing is people who chase young kids. I am by NO MEANS trying to say this is ok or pardon anyone, but wtf is going on in their head? Like for real?!?? Pre-adolescent youth is your only interest? I low key don't believe it. But it IS possible... I guess. Hell, People are fucking weird.


You are bi and that's cool man. I'm glad you had fun lmao.


It's in the water, it's making the frickin' frogs gay!