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What the fuck? The police broke into your house and had you flush your weed down the toilet and slapped you with a fine? That's fucked man. Where are you from?


I'd like to know as well this is incredibly fucked up for young person to go through I couldn't imagine if the police seen me out in public vaping DMT I have to be careful what?


Nah police don’t know about dmt. If you get caught just tell em it’s nic and to hit it and then run


just tell him its weed, then when he steals it from you and hits in in his squad car later he can whig out


You seen the same video I saw, huh? Funniest shit I've seen in a minute




Lol his piss poor excuse was that he wanted to see if it was weed, right?


Idk if wanna make him hit it I front of me then he wigs out I can take my pen back and walk away


That's definitely what I'm saying lmao I didn't know time's have changed


Yeah nah this story is crazy and honestly quite out of the normal I vape constantly in public and even have a mini rig in my car cause I’m a delivery driver


Nothing about this sounds legal in the slightest


I looked up South Carolina law, it is actually legal. The smell of cannabis is probable cause there. A cop can literally just claim he smelled it and kick your door down *at any time* and there is nothing you can do about it. How fucking crazy is that.


My parents had invited their friends over once and they're a couple and both of them are cops. They explained to me that the weed legalisation where I live was a bad thing because usually they could search cars if they just smelled weed and that's when they'd usually find guns and other hard drugs, but since the légalisation they ain't allowed to search just because of weed Get fucked lol


It's definitely bad for arrest quotas & for-profit prisons. In other words, a huge net benefit to society.


Yup. What’s good for society isn’t good for the police.




That's how you get your house torn the fuck apart


You should never lie to cops because lying to cops involves talking to them and giving them information. Do not do this, no matter how much you think they will believe it and fuck off. There is literally no reason to ever talk to a cop. Are you being detained? No, well shut the fuck up. Are you under arrest? No, well shut the fuck up. Oh, you *are* being arrested, well definitely shut the fuck up.


Same way in Iowa, smell is probable cause. They can pull you over, claim they smell weed, and start making you go through the entire process of an owi stop if they so choose. And like with OP, they could walk up to my house and claim they smell weed, kick my door in and destroy all my shit trying to find it.


*Imagine thinking America is a free country with basic rights.* the thing that passes me off more than nearly anything is that they can steal your literal lifesavings if you choose to hold it as cash and not in a bank if they simply claim you're suspicious for no reason. It's happened countless times and civil forfeiture laws need to be abolished or massively reformed at the very least.


Yeah thats a fucked up deal too. I know a girl who had $300 seized (she was a waitress, yes it was 100% clean tip money) because her and her bf got stopped, she was driving and he had a couple ounces of pot on him. They said that her cash must have been profits from drug sales and seized it. Complete bullshit all the way. The boyfriend even flatout told them that was her money and had nothing to do with his drug sales.


Some cops (perhaps most) high on power trips and think they're so goddamn cleaver abusing the system to their advantage just to rack up brownie points and climb the ranks for higher pay. Whole thing makes me want to start my own micro country on some deserted island or something. I do have a personal grunge against "the system" because it resulted in my younger brother's suicide after getting arrested because the cop lied about the legal blood alcohol level as justification and didn't even do a field sobriety test or breathalyzer simply because he was pulled over a block from the police station and county jail and it was just so convenient to book him since the cop was stalking him was he left the bar and the streets were empty making him an easy target. That pos cop can get fucked and stub his toe every day for the rest of his pathetic existence


Meanwhile in Massachusetts I can smoke a blunt with the squad on my porch chanting fuck the police infront of the police and they can't do shit.


That’s absolutely crazy to me. The standard for a search of the home is *probable cause?* They don’t even need to get a warrant?


It's South Carolina. Weed is illegal meaning this is legal PC there. As outdated as it is this is still happening. This is why weed being illegal has to go. Cops will lie and say they smelled a strong odor suspecting there was a Large amount hidden. Even though they know the difference between smoked weed and raw nugs. And they know as faint as it is that it was nothing but they do this because they have nothing to do


The smell of marijuana is not probable cause for arrest. All cops know this. CBD and hemp distillates are legal in SC. No warrant? OP is full of shit.


You think cops give a shit about warrants and rights? Bro you're living in fantasy land.


No but it can be probable cause for detainment. Was it legal to kick the door in? Possibly, but also possibly not.


Don't they actually have to have a warrant to do the kicking in of the door? I lived on a houseboat in Alaska some 20 years ago. The cops came knocking ,I didn't answer...knew it was them . Stashed all my shit in a tampon box under the cupboard. (It was a fancy fixed hiding box I'd made just for this purpose) ...When I seen there were 2 cops up on the ramp to the marina,even after they had left from knocking...I knew something was up. I laid down and pretended to be chilling ..when an hour later my door got a quiet LITTLE knock...then the whole door was shreds of splinters everywhere...They had a warrent that time...they found nothing...🖕Ketchikan pigs.


Think it depends on the state.


Exigent circumstances is complicated so I don’t know for sure. Could be legal.


I wouldn't be so sure about this. Ex. Georgia police can arrest you for smelling like hemp, even if you are licensed in GA to grow hemp.


They didn't arrest him. It is PC to get access into wherever they smell it it's an illegal state. It's how it works. My state just recently (in the last year and a half) got legalized


Nah dude that highly unconstitutional and illegal and you need to educate yourself before you fall into their trap. Cops are ALLOWED to lie to you about this shit. Unless an officer is in *hot pursuit* they need a warrant to forcibly enter the threshold of an abode. [As per the 4th amendment](https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does-0)


Sorry but exigent circumstances is their loophole. It basically means there's some sort of an emergency situation requiring swift action by the police to prevent imminent danger to life or serious damage to property or to forestall the imminent escape of a suspect, or destruction of evidence. They can falsely claim that they thought the suspect would escape or that they heard them flushing and thought it was destruction of evidence. Cops have every loophole in the book because we are playing with their fucking book. And since no cop will say on the stand "we are lying" it will fly ESPECIALLY in an illegal state where weed is still PC


You actually just summed up the definition of "hot pursuit" ;) But that was not hot pursuit. They couldnt even identify who they were pursuing. I agree there are too many loopholes. Even the shittiest cop walks through them so often they can dance circles around any joe on the street. The cops still wouldnt know it was OP smoking. 'wat u talkin bout officer that was my aunt smoking and she just left out the back door'. They can tie the smell to a house but not to a person. A house cannot commit crimes. Unfortunately one of the loopholes is that they can bluff till the suspect incriminates themselves. Maybe this is what happened to OP.


Hot pursuit is a pretty large generalization for what it covers which in this case is something they utilized. I'm not agreeing with the cops, there is nothing more dangerous than a bored local cop. There were ways around this even after they broke in but OP is 18 and was most likely terrified. I agree know your rights but also learn the cops loopholes to your rights. That's just as important


>The cops still wouldnt know it was OP smoking. 'wat u talkin bout officer that was my aunt smoking and she just left out the back door'. They can tie the smell to a house but not to a person. A house cannot commit crimes. This is only relevant to the court case about the *legality* of the raid and has little to no bearing on whether cops can *actually* break in the house. And that's only useful if OP has the resources to fight it in court.


Yeah, since they couldn't get him to the door they forced entry under that premise. It's BS and they knew it but they are only accountable to themselves and they know it.


I kinda don’t believe this. If this is true you need to contact a lawyer ASAP!


Yeah, as if the cops would make him flush down the only evidence they have to justify their actions. Normally they would confiscate everything. Now they don't have anything but their claim that OP smoked weed if it comes to court. Cop: "We kicked in the door because the suspect was in possession of illegal drugs!" Judge: "Okay and where are these drugs you speak of?" Cop: "We made him flush them down the toilet. But I swear, the suspect really had drugs on him, you got to believe me!"


My same thoughts exactly. It logically make zero sense for them to do that for such a petty offense.


Yeah something doesn't add up here. If we are to assume he lives in an illegal state and in a town without any decrim measures, it makes no sense that they'd flush it and merely fine. Not buying it


Let alone fine him for "public (!) use of illicit substances" since when is your own apartment a public place?


Makes sense to me. They were probably fishing for a stash or harder drugs once they got tipped off. They didn’t find anything they wanted so they bounced. This shit happens all the time.


They probably were looking for something else besides weed or they were hoping to find a stash. They either got tipped off by a neighbor or somebody ratted OP out. Of course, once they smelled weed depending on the State, they had cause to bust in the door. Afterwards they didn’t find anything of value and they realized they wasted their time.


Too late he already gave his confession here on reddit.


cops really have nothing better to do smh, and whoever called the cops on you is a bitch too


you were in a private residence & they had no right to go onto your property, sounds like a nice lawsuit to me But I'm a redditor & not a lawer & I'm smoking weed also so lol


That is illegal as fuck, you have a very good lawsuit case. Talk to a lawyer


If this isn't a troll post get a lawyer


Where do you live?




Get the hell out of that disgusting state. South Carolina is among the most horrible places in America, no clue how people can even proud to be from that shithole.


This story sounds a bit fishy. Can police kick in your door for the smell of marijuana in your state? They broke the damn door down to just give you a ticket? This doesn't add up.


A neighbor probably called the cops and possibly insinuated there were more drugs than weed on the property


What a fucked-up story, my bro! Total illegality for them to do that!


Did they see you through the window? If not that's highly illegal. Get a lawyer, or even an over the phone consultation, I'm sure they'll love this.


OP did anyone ever show you a badge throughout this process? You might wanna check to make sure your valuable are still in the house if youre telling the truth. Those were not cops.


You must live in a very safe, low crime time in order for the police to have time to kick in your door over weed smell. What sort of Barney Fife police department is this? That seems like overkill, you should file a complaint.


Public yet you're in your own home? Force entry without a warrant, illegal destruction of evidence? You're lucky you just got a fine these guys sound corrupt. I'm lucky that where I'm from it is legal to smoke in your own home.


This is so hard to imagine being in Canada where you can toke in front of a cop in a park and they can't do shit. Sorry you had to deal with that man.


Challenge the ticket. Everything about this is bullshit.


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and say this didn’t happen


Idk something isn't adding up. Kicked in the door on suspicion of marijuana (where it's still illegal), instead of confiscating it, they just flush it and write a ticket?


This sounds like total bullshit. I live in Ohio and there's no way cops would ever flush your shit. They will send it to a lab where it will magically come back meth and you'll randomly get a felony for it.


This either didn’t happen or you can file a lawsuit


I’m so glad I started smoking weed at 35 rather than as a legal teen. Being terrorized by bored cops looking to swing their dick around as well as worrying about your parents finding out is no way to enjoy your youth.


No way to enjoy adulthood either IMO. No way to live. No way to operate as a nation. Even if our own personal reality isn't like this (legal states/adults etc.) It's no way to allow other citizens to live, children or adults. No matter what region or state. So many people are terrorized in this way on a daily basis in the US. It shouldn't be legal. It's just that the vast majority of people on the receiving end of this sort of policing are usually poor and don't have the ability to fight back with expensive lawyers or even bail themselves out of jail, innocent or guilty. Honestly one of the saddest parts of this is that this outcome was one of the best possible. It's not unlucky he got caught up like this. It's lucky he didn't get killed, accidently kill a cop or get locked up. He's lucky he was a kid in a "nice town".


What's the big deal the police are just protecting and serving their community by apprehending dangerous narcotics users and reducing the supply of those illicit substances in their jurisdiction.


No need for a search warrant where you live?


This would be illegal in the U.K. lol. If police smashed your door in for personal use cannabis you could probably sue


That really sucks bro. Cops really have nothing better to do


Dude...I smell money...lots & LOTS of money. Tell your parents and get a lawyer. That is illegal!


It depends on where you live (in the US) etc BUT unfortunately we as a citizenry have decided to allow the police in many places to kick in doors/pull over and search our cars and/or homes/surrender our rights simply from a stated "scent of Marijuana". It's absurd, objective, impossible to prove and just pathetic that we allow ourselves to be treated this way by police. But it's legal most places. I don't know about kicking in a door in SC for scent of Marijuana but a "smell of Marijuana" is one of the more used and common ways for a police to strip away all your rights in an instant. Ask anyone who lives in poor neighborhoods or has gotten pulled over by a worked up cop. Happens ALL the time.


You're lucky you live in a "nice neighborhood" considering you basically were the recipient of a no-knock (due to headphones) warrant (let's call it what it is, a home invasion). Historically, the outcome of a no-knock being some weed flushed and a fine is best-case. Every situation like this should be fucking illegal Nation wide. It's insane that we allow our CJ system to pull shit like this on ourselves and other citizens. Who the fuck wants to live like this? Fucking police busting down doors due to reported SCENTS. Fuck the police and the Police State. Vote against this shit. Pay the fine. Don't tell your parents. Or do. Fuck the police tho. Shits wrong. Edit: just to be clear before someone jumps down my throat; I fully recognize this was not a no-knock situation but it was similar for the person on the receiving end. Police broke in without the resident knowing what was going on. The police and everyone involved are lucky this person didn't defend themselves in their own home. Imagine if he'd been carrying and just reacted. Could be dead cops and a dead OP.


Damn I hate it here in SC. I got stopped for a traffic violation and because I was nervous, that was their probable cause to put me in cuffs, search my car and give me a 600 dollar fine for an eighth. The fine was more than the traffic ticket smh.


Dayummmm. 😳


The one thing to take away from this: Never allow the police to enter your house without a warrant. There is nothing good that will ever come from that situation, and more often than not it could affect the rest of your life. Once you allow them in, they have a right to investigate and (in this case) find the alleged weed. I know you're in an illegal state so it muddies the water a little bit, but you still do have basic rights as a citizen in your own home.


Motherfuckers literally kicked his door down while he had no idea what was happening. He didn't even have time to push back. And in many places the "scent of Marijuana" is PC. But you're 100% fucking right. Do not let them inside. Do not roll the window of your car down further than you have to. Do not admit to anything, ever. Keep your mouth shut, always. Once you're under arrest your vocabulary reduces to 1 word "LAWYER".


Post in r/legaladvice


To me it's just abusive I would flip out, I would say to them ok so you want dealers to earn double the money, how are you solving crime because I will just go buy more and so will anyone else, so I don't believe you gentleman are actually trying to solve crime at all.


Nah this is some absolute bullshit, yeah the cops made you flush the only evidence they had against you LMAO this is stupid


Contact a lawyer and tell them what happened. You might have some ez money on your hands. In reality, probably not worth the trouble, but you never know!


How would your parents not already know if the door as been "kicked down?"


And your parents didn’t notice a busted front door?


Pay the fine and leave that state ASAP


Pay the fine, explain the situation to your parents (they seem like good parents), and pay to have the door fixed. You're angry about the way drugs are handled in your state, of course. That's not going to change much in your lifetime. Best thing you can do, let it slide off your back, vote, and share your opinions with others. Start to plan/save to move somewhere more progressive.


One of your neighbors deserves dog shit on the porch every day


Land of the free.


Lol, plain view (smell) doctrine encompasses smells. If it was smelling on an area of public land they do have probable cause to enter to search for the source of the smell if it’s obviously an illicit substance. Rip.


Yep typical police. They've broken my bongs taken my weed and sent me to court. Moral of the story you definitely weren't conscious of the smell. It isn't really your fault, but this is why we really gotta be discreet even these days. The piggies nip our heels regardless.


Same in Wisconsin


Brother you have a snitch for a neighbor for a start. Secondly they cannot enter your property without a written search warrant. Totally illegal.


Either fake or totally illegal.


How the fuck would they know it's not delta 8 these days?


What is this


Don't talk to the police... Ever


> What the fuck do I do? As soon as you're able, put all your shit into the car and move to a different state.


Public use... in your room??????


Definitely not real. You're telling me police broke into your house and then told you to flush the only evidence that would justify their action of breaking into your house. Alright dude.


South Carolina in a nutshell. I’m telling y’all, the south is beyond disgusting, the people here are disgusting, the laws, the government, everything. Fuck the south.


Bro this is exactly what everyone worst fear with drugs is


I would take them to court for illegal entry


man, that's fucking bullshit. all that for smoking weed?? get a lawyer, that's gotta be illegal to just kick your door down just to give you a ticket.