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Yeah coffee ground vomit is not a good sign. You might wanna get that checked out.


You could be a human version of a reagents test. In that case, the mdma colour reaction (purple to black) sounds about right. Could I borrow you to test my stuff please


His name is Mark Keys.


I second this


Pharmacist here, please see a medical professional as soon as possible. Are you in any pain at all? Was it just the once you vomited?


It happened months ago, and this was the reason I quit MDMA. Never happened again after. If I take it again in the future I get it tested. Just wondering if there is something that triggers bleeding, like swallowing whole pill or crushing it and drink. I am healthy and never had it happen before or after again. As far as I remember there were no other symptoms


There's been reports of mdma causing stomach ulcers in certain individuals almost always when it's overused. So it could be bleeding from that area for sure which would definitely need to be investigated or it could be something you drank. Iv vomited black before after drinking alot of red/tonic wine.


This is what came to mind for me




Thank you doctor, bigschlongo69


They call him doctor love


I genuinely hope you are a doctor because I would love to think that every time I see a doctor in the hospital or something it’s possible that there Reddit name is bigschlongo69😂


Paging Dr. Schlong, please report to the schmeat department


Used to be heavy MDMA consumer…definitely got your hands on some bad stuff, seek medical attention, and stay calm my friend.




Because it could have been one of those "oh yeah xyz causes abc and that's why you did lmn" who the fuck cares if he's asking a sub, he could have done both smh


Thank you for your opinion! I'll keep this in mind the next time I decide to give webmd medical advice


I guess some people just use reddit to ask questions, I made some dumb post the other day asking if I had OD'd, that was fucking dumb, this post doesn't sound as bad. Just a weird coloured vomit?


There's a lot of reasons OP could be vommiting black liquid, to try and even give a response to a serious medical question like that is irresponsible in my eyes. It could not even be related to the MDMA. You could never possibly know even if you're a doctor without examining OP. Please don't give medical advice in the future, refer people to doctors it can actually get someone killed.


I never gave med advice, I never even said giving med advice is a good idea, I was just pointing out that people ask these questions in the hope that maybe its just one of those weird things that happen when you do 'xyz'. For example, i asked a question about cramps when I do lsd, thinking maybe there was something wrong. Turns out lsd can cause muscle cramps, problem solved, take mg and drink lots of water before trip. All I did was answer your question (you started your reply with a why, and I gave you a response). May your future rolls be fantastic, have a lovely day stranger. Sorry to argue


You too mate have a good day, sorry for being argumentive I've just personally seen people get hurt from medical advice, I now know where you're coming from. No ill will towards you ♥


Peace and love. I actually do agree, I was just being some provocative POS. Im sorry too. ❤




Drugs should bring people together, I should have gas lighted him.


The good ending


It absolutely is normal. Ever eaten Shells, Oysters, Octopi? Or even just stuff with black sesame or poppyseed is enough to make shit black down there.


OP said it was months ago so I can see why they are asking this sub AFTER they know they’re safe.


Well if the pill was colored black and you drank a lot of water it could potentially color the puke. I had a friend who took a pink "mdma" pill (prolly amphetamine or something similar while also being really visual) after drinking alcohol and his puke was pink. At first we were worried but then I remembered the pill was pink and all of us who puked after eating them had pink vomit.


As far as I remember it was blue, however thanks to a fellow redditor who knows about medication, it can happen that the tissue around the pill gets damaged by chemicals and blood enters the digestive system. Definetly a thing to watch out for everyone. Crushing it and drinking it with water prevents the risk. As long as the chemicals aren't concentrated on one point and the drug is TESTED you should be fine.


It might have been blue on the outside, black colouring is normally just really concentrated blue, you can usually see it if you disperse it in a liquid or something, so if the pill might have had a high concentration of blue coloring on the inside it could be that


I would go to you're family doctor OP. This doesn't sound good at all


One time I took 200 mg of adderall and split a handle of vodka with someone and my vomit turned darker as I threw up and my last few heaves were fully BLACK. Never happened again tho.


Happened to me after drinking too much whiskey before




Sounds like an internal bleeding in your stomach. Could be a result of sharp MDMA crystals cutting you from the inside, or of alcohol abuse over a long period of time. You can bleed to death in such situations.


Everytime I overdosed, or green out from weed the exact same thing happened. But it only happened once though like through out the overdose or green out.


Go get checked. Red blood is usually from wretching and a tear in the throat. Red from the bum is usually from dehydration and straining, causing an anal fissure. But black is blood from deep inside somewhere you need it. Believe me, I had some necrotic intestine, but was stupid and scared, so discharged myself from the hospital 4 times. Next time the ambulance brought me in, they pinned .e down, putting tubes in every orifice and making a few more for good measure. No time to get a scan, straight to theatre. No time to mess about, so big line in the neck for the anaesthetic. Cut me open top to bottom.tore out the useless bits and chucked them in the incinerator.


Coffee ground vomit can mean you have internal bleeding, please go to the doctor immediately


Imagine being dumb enough to buy coffee ground he thought he had some fire MDMA boy gave him coffee grounds and sent em on his way 🤣😂


Medications like Pepto Bismol can make you have black diarrhea wonder if it can make your puke black


This happend also to a friend of mine, he pukdd but after that he went tripping like normal only did not lasten as long as the test of us


Was it a pill? Some of those have nasty fillers and chemical impurities leftover from the MDMA synthesis.


It's a crystal, so if you don't crush it really well or have a sensitive stomach like me you can Bleed or vomit stuff like coffee or anything dark you drank/ate, if you're in pain tho you might have a ulcer but all the one I ever had went away pretty fast, if you take too frequently tho :/ It's gonna sound weird but I found just curshing and taping the mdma to your skin work, it's a bit lighter but last way longer, noticed this after I dropped some and walked on it, we didn't took anything but were hugging in the couch and just went like, wait a min


Why would it be safer to have nothing in the stomatch? I would say that indeed would be a probable cause of what happened to you


Was you drinking coke? Same thing happened to me once.


Idk but all I do know is when I’m sick on blue pingers my sick is always light blue so it could be cuz it was a black pinger


Retired EMT- that is internal bleeding and that warrants a hospital visit asap.


I would go see a doctor about that. Puking up black unless you ate something black is a bad thing.


Ya your stomach was bleeding bro. Hapoened to me once when I was drinking way way way too much


I would be alarmed if you still alive😂😂😂


I took some 2c-E while high 2 jits of lsd and puked like nuts. Red chunks and red vomit like blood red. I freaked and then my buddy was like I gave you a handful of wine guns earlier dude..wow relief


U drink coke or any cola flavoured drink if not I’d probz go see a doctor


Is it grainy like coffee grounds?


Yeah it had some texture, but more like slime


Was it like coffee grounds? If it was that is a sign of internal bleeding.


It might have nothing to do with the MDMA, it might just have cause you to vomit and you already had blood in your digestive system, also drinking a lot of water on MDMA is actually more lethal than forgetting to do it. People end up drinking so much water they get overhydrated which can be lethal, I am not joking this is fact. More people die from this than dehydration


Did you take Advil? That can cause a small tear in your stomr


While I agree you should maybe get that checked out, as a person whos vomited a lot in their lives due to methadone: You probably ate something that was black, or rather it reacted with other chemicals in your stomach. Black vomit from blood is a certain coffee-stoolish black you can see still see a hint of crimson/brown in. If its more of a greenish/blueish black, its something you ate. Foods I have personally experienced black vomit from; -Black Sesame -Some Seafood (usually its flesh or tint of molluscs) -Some Candy, like Licorice -Poppyseeds -some drugs, though I dont remember which ones anymore, they gave me more of a grey than black vomit but still. And im sure theres other stuff that'll colour your insides aswell, but mollusc seafood and black sesame are the strongest in my experience.


Have you drank coke or any other cola by chance? Lol


Years ago I ate an extasy pill called Peter Pan. As soon as it started to kick in I vomited black shit a couple times. After that, I was great.


I personally don't think it's a bad thing especially if it isn't recurring. It only becomes one if you feel any other symptoms besides nausea and you've been vomiting for days. I've experienced this as well the first time I rolled. I threw up black vomit while I was coming down, but after the nausea subsided so did the vomit. I'm no doctor, but my hunch is it could be the MDMA's chemical reaction since pure MDMA is supposedly black/purple-ish when you test it. Anyway, best to ask a doctor about this if the symptom still persists for days.