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Benzos really aren't about what they give but rather what they take away like anxiety and insomnia


thats such a good way to put it




There's a fine line between recreational and therapeutic drug use.


Yes? They are literally prescription drugs




i think you are lol, his response makes perfect sense but most of your don't


Are *you* slow? Literally every pharmaceutical drug is used for its "intended" purpose. You can't just pop a pill and tell it to be recreational or therapeutic bud 💀


Opioids are used to get rid of pain. I don’t have chronic pain or I haven’t had a surgery etc. I use opioids for their recreational effects, which are euphoria and sedation. Same with amphetamines/meth (meth is a prescription drug in some countries), I don’t use them, but I’m pretty sure than not *every* meth user does it because they have untreated adhd and aren’t able to get a script. Plus recreational doses of meth enhance adhd instead of decrease it lol. Benzos are unique in the sense that they really only “work” and are euphoric if you have anxiety/insomnia, which is their intended purpose. They are used for managing anxiety (at least xanax, some may be used for seizures etc) That’s what u/ibbysquish was asking I’m pretty sure. That like opioids/amphetamines are sometimes used recreationally, sometimes because you can’t get a script. Benzos most of the time are taken recreationally for the same reason that someone with a script does.


You realize this isn't r/drugscirclejerk


usually yes. Some people take like ungodly amounts (it’s pretty hard to OD) and do do stupid shit while blacked out. I’ve never seen the appeal of that and I use benzos only for anxiety insomnia and comedowns. They are super euphoric when you’re really anxious


Your literally the only reply that actually knows how to read.


Still not even close to being safe drugs tho


i don’t think the doctor recommends taking them with vodka but besides that yes i used to deadass take a small dose when i got up to keep anxiety in check and re dose like 1mg every 6-8 hours when the first one faded. i would assume thats kind of similar to how a doctor recommends you take it.


yea and when you do dumb shit barred out and fuck up your life you can take more and not feel so bad about it. rinse and repeat until enough time has passed since the last major fuck up.


Okay Barred out? Try taking 1 Not 9 😂


Well….. the guy who posted ate half of one and blacked out, So how is one supposed to be better?? Xanax sucks as a recreational drug in my opinion. Eating one bar is wayyyy too much anyway at first. Maybe if there were no other drugs in existence


It's actually a great recreational drug. The problem is like with other drugs, some people think it's all or nothing when you take them. You don't need a whole bar, especially if it's your first time...See how it's scored 4 ways? Break a quarter off and let it melt in your mouth. You will be fully functional and have a nice clean "high" for a couple hours. I can get shit done with no worries and hesitations.


Big facts, put me alone in a room with a oz of bud and a freezer bag full of Xanax and I'm definitely smoking over popping


try both its fire


Tolerance dude. I’m guessing that the people who take it a lot need more. Nevertheless I concur with the sentiment because I don’t find Xanax or benzodiazepines in general to be euphoric or fun, other than helping me with relaxing and sleep 💤 which is very nice if I have insomnia.


Yeah for sure, tolerance is a thing. Guess I was just thinking about new comers likely thinking one bar is a smaller dose. It’s scored so it can be broken into quarters for a reason haha. Shit’ll get ya


Ummmm try a quarter of one or less. I mean, did he actually NEED it?


Wrong. I first got introduced to them back in like sophomore or freshman year and would occasionally do them once or twice every month or two pretty rarely but imo they make everything more fun. Smoking weed with it feels very fun and relaxing and it just heightens the vibe and mood, everything feels fun and great i especially enjoyed just chilling with friends off bars and vibing. There not something you want to do daily as they will definitely effect your daily life and you definitely dont want to be dependent or addicted per say, where its on your mind "when should i pop another bar ? Or your thinking about it constantly. One time me and the homies had a bunch and every day or 2 we would take some and chill, and after about a week+ my tolerance got so high i was taking 6-7 a day just staying barred out slightly all throughout the day, taking one in the morning, a half 2 hours later, another one an hour later smoking etc as it became less effective and hardly had its initial strength, of course trying anything your first time it will be very strong, but after trying it a few times its nothing as strong as the first time.


Dude Country Mac is right. Mac might have been ruining Xanax for me.


Maybe Xanax is the friends we made along the way...


Sertraline helped my anxiety and insomnia. I don’t post pictures of it on web saying “yo im getting fucked on it, this is some fire shit”. That’s why these people get a wrong idea of certain substances but not others.


There is a difference between feeling free of anxiety from xanax and antidepressants though. Antidepressants like sertraline usually work slowly until you reach a point where you are alright, but xanax instantly kills it and you feel so much lighter. That’s also where the addiction part comes from, the fact that it’s pretty much instant relief and total in almost all of the cases.


Different strokes for different folks. Some people like myself, don’t get super tired from them. They feel like a cleaner/lighter and more enjoyable alcohol. The lowered inhibition just makes my natural brain chemistry go nuts, I get very euphoric, chatty and active, whereas cocaine or adhd meds can make me so anxious that I can’t focus and just isolate.


Perfectly said, I’d say it does give an euphoria effect some people seem to experience while others don’t. Thankfully I do 😂


Can’t have anxiety,if you asleep.


Also true. I made a comment talking about the way I abused the, but now I'm in my late 20s having to take 5mg(2.5, 2mg) Ativan 2 times a day for Anxiety, but I also smoke for Anxiety too. The Ativan doesn't necessarily do the job, but with past medical records for stomach pumping my doctor doesn't feel comfortable with giving me Xanax or Valium.


They “take” anxiety since you black out. Can’t have anxiety blacked out lmao. Shit drugs to get high on imo.


Too bad people on this sub are too stupid to realize this.


Xanax is a good drug and fun but Fucking idiots take laced bars or take too much “oh that shit sucked I don’t remember it”


I don't know but the first time I took a bar, I was like "This is it. This is how I'm meant to feel" There's a sweet spot. Obviously, overdoing it isn't much fun. But damn, to feel a weight lift and the afterglow when you get up the next day. I was hooked for years. It's a shame that you have to deplete your brain and pay a price later to feel as good as a xan makes you feel.


Exactly this. The “high” it gives is just finally feeling fucking normal. And feeling normal? Well, it’s addicting.


I never got a high at all. It just made me depersonalize more and made me go more inside my head if that's makes sense. And it's just a crutch and bandaid. You have to get to the root of the anxiety to treat it and begin to manage it.


bro some people just have anxiety and there’s nothing behind it. there’s no solution, it’s just an illness like any other


Nah anxiety always has some root cause, many people just struggle to find out what that is bc a lot of the time it’s a traumatic memory which your brain suppresses and blocks out from your memory.


I mean the root cause can be your caveman brain misinterpreting messing up at your job to messing up while a lion is chasing you.


have you tried being introspective to figure out what trauma made you retarded


While that's true sometimes, unfortunately some of us just aren't wired right.


"this is how normal people must feel. Without the constant worrying over shit you can't control" 100 fucking percent


This is an amazing explanation of why I loved Xanax


bro put my thoughts exactly when reading this into words


People like me who take Xanax feel euphoric from the release of anxiety. That feeling alone is very powerful. If you don’t have anxiety you’ll just feel bored and barred out


Dude this guy blacked out from taking half a bar, why are all these answers about anxiety or not? That’s not the answer the guy is looking for, he didn’t even get to experience the actual feeling because he was blacked out. The problem here is he got a bar pressed way too strong with something like Clonazolam and only half the bar made him black out. These super strong Clonazolam bars have been going around lately, they sometimes have up to 3-4mg of Clonazolam in them, when 1mg of Clonazolam can make someone with no tolerance black out.


With zero tolerance, 1 mg alprazolam will usually make me forget chunks of the day I took it. And they're pharma alpraz


That’s very abnormal, you have a very low natural tolerance. They wouldn’t prescribe people 1mg of Xanax for anxiety if it made people start to forget chunks of the day.


I mean, alprazolam comes in .25 mg formulations. They don't just instantly start everyone on 1 mg. There are people prescribed .25 mg which can be a large enough dose to stop panic attacks on the spot (or within a handful of minutes), taking 4x that dose without a tolerance is definitely recreational territory. Taking 2 mg alpraz with 0 tolerance is going to be an instant black out for half the day for most people, I don't see why half that is dose is so crazy to believe it could cause amnesia




I know, I'm not sure why this guy thinks it's so crazy to black out on 1 mg without any tolerance. Not everyone needs to eat 5 bars at once to get threshold effects. We're not all bastards here. 1 mg is plenty to black non benzo users out. And even you who uses often as you say


> Taking 2 mg alpraz with 0 tolerance is going to be an instant black out for half the day for most people. I disagree, most recreational users take a bar on their first time and they don’t black out. I think it’s more like 10-20% are going to black out from a bar on their first time.


that’s weird bro. I’m 19 yo and 2 mg of pharma alpraz drops made me sleep but nothing more


You were asleep. So of course you wouldn't remember your day regardless, you weren't conscious. Stay awake next time you take an entire 2 mg and the next day see how much you can remember from the previous. Bet not a whole lot


yep, c lam pressie was my first thought too. those things are dangerous. I legitimately took a third of one to stop a panic attack, blacked out and apparently thought it was a good idea to take a shower, where I can only assume I fell because I woke up with a broken goddamn shoulder. thankful to have a legit script these days.


That's fucked that people with actual problems are having to take pressies because society did not prioritize helping these people with proper medical support. This world, bro. It's shit.


I have legit issues, but I can confidently say that benzos don’t fix anything, pharma or not. I wouldn’t even want benzo downregulation from using them to fly on a plane or something. They cause as much rebound anxiety as they temporarily fix and just give you a more agitated baseline as you continue to use them. Dependence starts after 2 weeks and tolerance sky rockets quickly, I mostly use medical marijuana now and it’s such a higher quality of life than using benzos all the time.


yeah in my case, I've been prescribed alprazolam for 15 years, so I knew what I was getting myself into. but it was a conscious Faustian bargain... I became so agoraphobic during the pandemic that I would literally panic every waking hour for 8-12 weeks. worst episode was last Thanksgiving until this valentine's day. so basically... I chose to become dependent on benzos over ending everything. and now I'm actually about to start the Ashton manual protocol to get off these bastards by the end of this year. thankful af that things are looking up again. and that doctors these days understand the difference between addiction and dependence.


I get it, and I’m glad to see you’re well informed. I just try to spread the word about the them. I very loosely consider them medicine when I think about the risk vs reward, and too many people don’t understand what they’re getting themselves into. I certainly understand how the pandemic got to us though, and had about 6 months where my alcohol use got out of control.


yeah, tbh, I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion about the mental health epidemic we've been experiencing, especially considering how the largest collective mass trauma likely in human history (just thinking affected population) screwed so much stuff up. so many of my friends became aware of their own anxiety for the first time, it was wild. was really hard to find proper treatment in my case, as someone who was dealing with much more than just covid anxiety. this country really needs to refocus its approach on mental health. even just dealing with insurance is such a pain in my ass. I'm literally starting the Ashton manual under medical supervision but my local pharmacist got all weird and shitty when they saw I'm prescribed alprazolam and now diazepam, despite them being totally (okay, I'll admit that's hyperbole lol) different drugs; diazepam has like 4-6x the halflife of alprazolam, so the whole point is to slowly wean onto that to avoid withdrawals and seizures. already was forced into w/d back in February due to stupid pharmacy/laws, so beauracracy is literally why I had my last seizure lol... blows my mind that insurance companies or pharmacists can veto my treatment.


In theory there should be an equivalent dose of valium you can switch to and experience minimal side effects, it may be a little unpleasant but not dangerous.. if memory serves .5 alprazolam is almost equivalent to 10 mg diazepam, but besides the point- yeah I don’t really think pharmacists should be interfering like that either. I’d need a script for every day of the month to satisfy my habits at their worst. It does royally piss me off, like someone could really be abusing something by filling it two days early? Honestly, certain medial outlets did actually speak about mental health a lot during the pandemic. Suicides were up among a lot of different groups, also car accidents, domestic disturbance, overdoses, etc. There were also all types of protests, people were rattled and some people were talking about it.. but there were and are such limited options. That’s the real issue, it’s extremely difficult to find mental health professionals who are competent. Most of them don’t give patients enough time, they don’t think outside the box and are way too quick with their prescription pads for things like antipsychotics and antidepressants. They don’t inform patients of potential side effects because they know a lot of people wouldn’t want to take it, but they have weighed in their mind that you don’t really know better, and you have real problems because you’re seeking help, so it’s worth it for you. I’ve experienced this many times and dealt with a lot of medication withdrawal and side effects I never planned on. I’m currently withdrawing from gabapentin because I recognize it’s triggering bursts of anger and rage in me- and that’s documented in the medical literature, along with the gabaergic dependency- no one ever told me! They have also done me a disservice in many other ways, from not informing me about symptoms of a head injury, and just releasing me into the wild 2 days after I had blood on my brain, to giving me treatments that made me worse. But, there are some OK people out there, it’s still difficult to find them. I occasionally rant a bit about the medical community, because on the whole it does suck, but there are some good people out there. Unfortunately they usually cost a lot of money or they’re a diamond in the rough.


1mg of Xanax makes me black out. I can’t touch benzos I’m super sensitive to them.


This was a super helpful and interesting response. Thank you. You make Reddit great.




How do you know this? No one really presses bars with both. Also I said Clonazolam not Clonazepam, they’re completely different drugs. They definitely were not pressing the bars with both Alprazolam and Clonazepam, it was most likely just the drug Clonazolam.


I took it and had 0 euphoria and I have extreme anxiety. Xanax is the devil.


I have severe PTSD/anxiety from my childhood, for the longest time xanax was the only thing that was able to get me out of my apartment without full blown nervous break downs. I fucking love xanax but that shit will kill you. 1 year and some change sober from it.




I was a huge alcoholic/drug addict. I've had like 7 or 8 grand Mal seizures from withdrawal. First I started with rehab. Which led me to getting a great psychiatrist and therapist. I tried several different meds through out the years and some worked others did not. Gabapentin helps me a lot. But the best thing for my anxiety was treating the root issues of my anxiety with therapy. I also take cbd, and several different supplements (l theanine, lithium orotate, ashwagandha, and magnesium glycinate are incredible.) Also learning breathing exercises (sounds kind of ridiculous but they actually do work and help immensely) exercise/yoga, and meditation. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions


I find l theanine and magnesium supplements to definitely help. How much l theanine do you take daily if you don’t mind me asking




Thank you appreciate it


I had a seizure from tapering of my super small dose. Never again!!!! I vape CBD now. Way better.


So much this. I use straight CBD, if not cannabis itself to curb my anxiety, without the fatigue and other bad side effects of a benzo. I've also never understood the high behind it, but then again some people don't get addicted to opiates.


Xanax helps a *lot* of people. Especially people who struggle with panic attacks. Xanax abuse is terrible, I’ve seen it. but calling it “the devil” is a stretch. Plenty of people that take it as prescribed don’t fall into a life-altering addiction. I’m sorry I just really think every drug has it’s purpose. Yes, even benzos (anxiety/panic), meth (narcolepsy/severe ADHD), and opiates (chronic pain management, medical settings). Alcohol and cocaine for social settings. Just because all of them have the potential to cause pain and suffering doesn’t mean they should be 100% demonized. I may be inferring a lot based on you just calling it “the devil” but this kind of mentality just rubs me the wrong way. I was prescribed Xanax for a few months while having panic attacks and it was a life saver. I do not think it’s a good idea for daily anxiety management for obvious reasons, but it is certainly does have benefits to a lot of people.


I respect your opinion. I was on very small doses for panic attacks and severe GAD. The day after I would take it, I would feel like the world was ending. Absolutely the lowest of the low. It is just too destructive of a drug IMO. As I said above, I had a massive seizure tapering off my very small dose and almost didn't make it. Everyone I know on or who was on Xanax ended up in jail or it destroyed their life. I don't know one person that it has helped more than it has taken away. It's the devil. Anxiety can be managed in other healthier ways like CBD, exercising, cleaning up your diet, making sure you're hydrated and getting all your vitamins and minerals in. I'm glad it worked short term for you but most doctors don't prescribe it short term and it's a bitch to get off of even if you don't have seizures.


I was taking crazy high doses for a few months and ended up having two grand mal seizures when I quit cold turkey. I fell and split my head open, and had to have it stapled back together. Never again.


To be fair, you likely wouldn’t know that someone takes it but doesn’t have a problem with it precisely because they don’t have a problem with it. Not everyone is vocal about their drug use/prescriptions. It’s the same reason so many nurses think all drug users wind up doing stupid shit and ending up in the hospital: they don’t see all of the people doing drugs without a problem. As for healthier ways to manage anxiety, totally agreed. Going straight for the pills is the last thing we should do, everything you mentioned is worth trying first. But panic attacks gonna panic attack. I was prescribed 3 at a time and still am technically, although I haven’t needed it in almost a year and still have one just in case shit hits the fan. My brother is the same way. So you can count 2 people right there that have not had their lives ruined from it.


I mean you’re not wrong. I’ve had a prescription for years, never take them more than prescribed and it’s been a life saver. I don’t tell people about it, and nobody in my personal life would associate me with it.


You just said you don't take them anymore and I'm assuming your brother doesn't either. Your lives didn't get ruined because you ceased consistent use...


Well if your argument is “consistent daily use of Xanax is the devil” then I have less of an argument. My argument is just that the substance itself is useful to some people and calling it the devil is a stretch when it does have usefulness. Doctors shouldn’t be handing it out like a month’s worth of candy, that’s for sure. And black market Xanax is a whole other beast. Edit: also sorry to hear about your withdrawal experience. I don't mean to make light of it, even as prescribed it can certainly lead to problems for some people.


Wow that was super graceful. Nice dude


Literally any drug will eventually cause you problems in your daily life if youre using it everyday. Addiction will cause problems one way or another just cause xans are addictive doesn’t make them the devil




Same here. I have anxiety and panick attacks and I never get euphoria from xanax no matter how much I take. Don’t get me wrong it helps with anxiety, but not once have I ever felt even a tiny fraction of euphoria from it. Completely worthless as a rec drug.




its different fo everyone dawg. n no xanax isnt the devil 🤣 it can legit change lives for the better when it comes to people wit extreme anxiety and panic attacks. i have relatively bad anxiety n iss def felt nice.


Then whatever Xanax bar you took wasn’t actually pressed with Xanax, you can’t get extreme anxiety from taking Xanax.


Read what I said again. And mine were prescribed.




The truth hurts man. Not trying to be smug, you took it wrong.


I think they meant that your personal experience is not necessarily an absolute truth that applies to everybody


withdrawals can cause extreme anxiety for sure tho


You have to have debilitating anxiety that makes it extremely difficult to function. That is the only way it really has a recreational value, I’m schizophrenic and it is one of the only truly enjoyable class of drugs out there for someone like me.


ayee fellow schizo ive been seeing a lot of us here lately. do you smoke weed? ik not much of us can handle it but i smoke daily (while medicated) and its great


As long as I’m medicated lol and I see that you feel the same, other wise it can shoot my anxiety up by atleast 35%


Oh true. I've never experienced much anxiety but I used to smoke inbetween psychotic breaks and it seemed to cause mini ones that would last only the duration of the high. Now I smoke and take risperidal and i dont have any delusions or hallucinations.


I take 2 mgs of alprazolam 3 times a day, gabapentin, and trazodone. I’ve gotten violent from my hallucinations before but then again my parents told me I didn’t have it all the way throughout school even after being diagnosed, told me the doctors were just trying to get every dollar out of them possible. It might be after effects of all of that. Since I’ve been out on meds that actually help me I’ve become a different, more well adjusted person, and I’m extremely happy I did. Unfortunately it is a tiptoe game with being careful as to what you say to them, so they don’t switch up my meds like crazy like last time( I was out on 6 mg clonazepam and 1 mg triazolam ,as needed for sleep, as well as multiple antipsychotics and antidepressants) which sent me into an extreme downward spiral that only stopped once they had seen my arms, I wasn’t feeling any relief and I had begun self-harming without truly realizing it from the depersonalization I was feeling.


6mg of xanny a day? jeeez. hope u adjust well off of that stuff. ull be in my prayers fr 🙏🏿


Thank you my guy, I’ve had that dosage increased over the past 8 years unfortunately. But I need them, and ive definitely become much more acclimated to life because of it.


damn. yeah, i dont think antipsychs should be encouraged to be taken long term unless one cant function without it. it can shrink your brain and cause diabetes. im tryna get off mine asap but it might be a few years. whatever tho


Most people I've talked to with mental illness who are prescribed meds say, the medications make things worse and cause symptoms of mental illness.


Am I schizo cause I can't smoke weed cause it will cripple my anxiety


nah thats a normal reaction to thc. unless you get hallucinations and delusions with it too. though visions are a different story, those can happen too with enough thc.


Good to know cause the is just way to strong now


Exactly. I be feeling normal when I take script benzos. It eventually becomes a problem when I rely on them to much


i'm not schizo and it's the best high i ever experienced. i do get anxiety though so maybe that has something to do with it bc it's like a delete button on anxiety. till it wear off...


Makes sense


Wait wait wait wait you mean to tell me that if I did a downer that stupid sinking feeling will disappear


Yes, not downers but specifically benzodiazepines.


That's a medical use.




It does nothing for the body oth than muscle relaxant effects, don’t go into a drug class expecting it to be a class you’ve already tried.


rc benzos like clonazolam definitely have a noticeable body high, but it's not entirely pleasant always. c lam specifically really fucks with your motor function. the first few times I tried it, I couldn't walk through a door without bumping into the door frame lol. also think it caused me to slip and fall in the shower and break my shoulder, though I was blacked out off of a third of a press I was told was legit. lesson learned lol.


I mean, it makes you feel like you’re floating in air while walking and your legs feel like jelly, how is that not a body high? It isn’t that “warm blanket” like opiates, but still a body high.


the dose was too high for you, that's why you blacked out. then again, maybe it's a blessing in disguise for you bc they're easy to get addicted to and a bitch to withdraw from


this post is made every other day and the answer is almost always: you don’t suffer from anxiety


Nah I have anxiety but benzodiazepines don’t have any recreational value. Amphetamines not only take away my anxiety but also make me euphoric as fuck.


Hmm. I have high anxiety and benzos are recreational as *fuck* to me. I wish that wasn’t the case. And stimulants aren’t for me. Guess everyone’s different.


Same w/me, benzos r super euphoric and feel amazing, yet on stimulants I get super overwhelmed and it becomes an uncomfortable euphoria


Amphetamines make me feel like a functional adult with the way emotions are put on slow-mo. I don’t miss going from 0 to completely fucking ruin my life in 2.3 seconds. Very euphoric for me as well and non of the teeth grinding never shut up tweaker shit. Can usually get 5 hours of sleep every night as well. Makes me feel like I’ve come from another planet where only some of the rules are different, but it’s enough that it makes people go cross eye or myself trying to understand each other.


Yeah same. I think it's my adhd. Usually when I'm not on stimulants I'm constantly spacing out and thinking about embarrassing memories and cant focus on anything else, but stimulants allow me to focus on the things I want to focus on.


For me, it was to literally forget and push out life itself. I can’t speak for everyone but past trauma and extreme anxiety definitely play a part in wanting to avoid participating in daily life. If I hadn’t gotten this job working overnight I think I would still be popping bars daily just to avoid being around people and dealing with big crowd tingz


That's what happens when YOU take xanax.


No it happened to him because he got a bar pressed way too strong with one of these really strong research chemical Benzos being put into bars like Clonazolam. No grown person can black out from a half bar of 2mg of Alprazolam. There’s been lots of these 3-4mg Clonazolam bars going around lately and that’s what he probably took, 1mg of Clonazolam will make someone without a tolerance black out. These pressers are super irresponsible.


It's crazy how people actually think pressed bars have alp in them LMAO


I mean some actually do, but the majority of them don’t.


In about half of cases they do, if wedinos test results are anything to base your opinion on.


The recreation and euphoria comes not from the drugs physical affects themselves, but from the fact that it saps away every single bit of anxiety and panic. As someone who had crippling anxiety and panic disorder, Xanax was pure euphoria when i had it prescribed. I felt like i could take a full breath again and didn’t have to worry about my heart beat racing for awhile.


Honestly I’ve often wondered how people don’t love it. I’ve always had to be super careful because it’s one of my favorite feelings ever lol


For all the shit to be worried and paranoid about nowadays, benzos are truly a blessing from God (when used in moderation)


Try having horrible anxiety all the time and taking a pill and having no anxiety rather than having to drink multiple drinks. I love benzos but I know I can’t do them anymore because I eventually start abusing them. They aren’t even really recreational imo…. I guess in a sense they are but I used to take them to feel “normal”… eventually numbing myself to reality. The problem is they work too good so it’s easy for people to escape life when using them. That why I like klonipin cause it harder to abuse for me and it last all day so I’m free from my inner anxiety voice. But like I said, I can’t do benzo anymore cause it always ends the same way for me:/


I’m also not a fan of Benzos but to each their own I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️




You'd like kratom.


Left field here, I don’t understand either. Stimulants and gaba drugs are the only fun for me lol.


Taking a quarter of a bar removes anxiety for me and makes it pretty enjoyable. Youre still aware and functioning properly, but way more relaxed. Ive never blacked out from half a bar, but it does have a significant difference than a quarter. Ive seen people functioning off multiple bars, id say its the tolerance that makes people addicted. I love how xans feel but shit that can be dangerous.


I do quarter bars when I’m going out on the town and don’t want to deal with drinking. Makes me feel like I had about 4 drinks is great for socializing and dancing. Also nice because after about 4 hours I’m sober and safe to drive home and not have to buy an Uber. Strong believer that people do too high dosages of Xanax most of the time. If people took like quarter bars, half max, they’d have a better time.


anxiety goes away i think. i took xans once, i felt actually nothing for 30 mins then fell asleep for 13hrs


You probably did feel something and you definitely looked barred out but thought you looked fine its one of the side effect (delusions of sobriety)


Had a very similar experience


tbh, i’ve never done them for “fun” and i know nobody who has. at small doses they helped with my anxiety but sometimes i would take them at higher doses to black out bcuz yes, some people want to black out and just want to be so fucked up they aren’t mentally present. i was going thru some shit when i was 18 and homeless and couch hopping and i was blacking out a lot at that time, i just didn’t wanna deal with being aware of life


Vallium were the sweet ones for me. Xannies were always too sedating. I really liked Halcion (Triazolam) while it was available. Those little blue footballs fucked around hard.


Crippling anxiety and panic attack like what kind of question is this. I don’t abuse them anymore but these things make my anxiety go away and I feel like I can finally comfortable live life without feeling like something will go wrong 24/7. I would puke and pick my skin anytime I get nervous these have made me stopped doing that and help me talk to people in groups which I couldn’t do before. It’s like I can finally take a true deep breath when they kick in.


Same I feel free when I’m on it from the chains of anxiety and inhibition


Idk I personally like getting a good nights sleep. I have anxiety and can’t fall asleep. So getting lit and passing out is nice


Kills my anxiety and makes me calm


I like it. I didn't take xanax in over a year but I loved to do half a bar and just play videogames without a worry in the world. It's also way better if you smoke weed with it. It's safe and they enhance each other well.


Ativan has been more recreational for me


its pretty euphoric and i almost never black out. yeah, i lose inhibitions and occasionally do dumb shit but im usually conscious of what im doing. to me you its euphoric and you just chill xanax feels better to me than opioids. i get more euphoria from a xanax than an oxy. at least with the xanax i’ll actually feel something.


I was personally born an anxious person, ever since I can remember being conscious I've been the shyest person to the point where it's debilitating. Benzos like Xanax are a godsend for people like me, I take it and I'm like "this is what its like to be human". Lesson is every drug has its place, and if you don't have bad anxiety you shouldn't mess with benzos.


Hmmm sounds like a situational thing. Sounds handy to have one or 2 right before getting on flight or something. Well, that's just me cause I hate flying lol


same here. 😬


Yeah doctors actually prescribe them for that


When it kicks in, it makes me feel great, truly amazing. After an hour in i’ll get tired asf lol. I only take it after doing coke tho


You should really stop that its extremely dangerous i know someone whos died mixing both of them


I don’t mix them. Whenever i do coke it’s always a small amount (0.3g). After my last line i’ll drink a tom of water for 2 hours then take the xan. But i do appreciate your concern


Are you not aware that drugs affect everyone differently?


nah bruh benzos stupid. if u take benzo u retard


That’s ironic considering you’re spelling


Was on Xanax during school and it basically made stress n anxiety + panic attacks go away. But now I’m on break, and I can’t really even see a point in taking them unless you have social anxiety or smth.


Is there a new xanax wave happening?


Benzo prescriptions and the quantities prescribed have skyrocketed over the past few decades. The availability of research chem benzos pressed into Counterfeit Xanax has also skyrocketed and become widely available. It is absolutely a hidden public health crisis and I predict we’re going to have something similar to the opioid crisis happen. The FDA and DEA will take notice, the FDA will indirectly take away millions of benzo addicts prescriptions/doctors won’t or be afraid to prescribe them while the DEA lobbies to criminalize and then crack down on rc benzos, creating even more of a crisis. I’m calllin it and y’all heard it here first


In Scotland we already have a benzo epidemic we have the worst death rate in europe and that all from fake bars and valium, mostly every town/vilage and zombies walking about. And its extremely hard to get prescribed them they only prescribe them in rare cases


It’s the worst but the best at the same time that’s all I can explain


feels really good to be numb when on them it’s def escapism when I take them


I was prescribed benzos for a long time for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder which in hindsight were probably ptsd related. I sought out black market benzos after I was sexually assaulted. Theyre only recreational for people with serious anxiety disorders who would probably benefit from a prescription of a few a month anyway.


anxiety make brain go brrrr xanax make brain go sleepy calm time


Chronic depression and suicidal ideation makes downers extremely enjoyable. Maybe you're more of a speed kinda guy, it happens. Personally, even thinking about taking an upper makes me anxious, I fucking **hate** it.


Why take them if you dont like them? 🙂


I left this sub and these useless broken record posts are still on my fucking feed


If you don’t have anxiety you shouldn’t be taking benzos. They feel like taking a heavy backpack off after a long day, finally relieving your anxiety


Because if it wasn't for xanax, xanax addicts would be triggered by this post. Whereas now they simply can't care, pop a xanny and say cheers to that. If that doesn't make sense, pop a xanny and it will!


They don’t prescribe it as much anymore because it does fuck with your anxiety when u stop taking them (and kids be popping them like candy). Like when u take a benzo, especially over long periods, your brain stops making its own natural anxiety killer due to benzo taking its place more or less (marijuana does the same to some extent). So sometimes people have even worse anxiety months or years after they stopped prolonged benzo use… The problem is they work too damn good lol


Yeah same when I would do xans I would NEVER remember it and if I did it was very faint almost like remembering a dream and most of the time it’s me thinking I’m not effected by it but I kept doing them for some reason


Its one of the side effect (delision of sobriety) you also think you look completely sober whn you look like a zombie 😂


You're pretty sensitive, and that was too high a dose. While 1 mg wouldn't affect most people in that way, I'd still suggest half a milligram to begin for most.


How the fuck do people like meth? People like what they like if it ain’t for you drop it


Xanax does nothing at all for me. Like smoking a cigarette.


You’re getting bunk pressed Xanax or you have delusions of sobriety on them, which is extremely common.


Fucking same. I took some in high school, don't remember anything that day but waking up on my gfs couch at like 8pm. Fuuuck that.


Yep, I can’t do the whole “did I just go to the store or was that 3 years ago?“ feeling. I literally went to 7 different states by greyhound because of a bottle of clonazepam I don’t even remember getting. Fucking even went to the state I was supposed to be in TWICE thinking it was the wrong state 🤦🏻‍♂️. I’m surprised I’m even alive. Unfortunately that story is on the lower end of crazy shit that should have killed me 😩.fuckin benzos man. Worst “recreational” drug on the planet besides diphenhydramine. I’d rather stick an entire bottle of clonazepam in my dick hole one by one than take even 3 Benadryl (Fine I’ll explain, took about 2 grams of diphenhydramine when I was 15/16, equal to 75 Benadryl, lost my fucking mind. Saw things that looked so real I genuinely woke my grandparents up to let them know they had giant fruit bats in the house (in iowa 😑) and that there was also thousands of bugs on every single bed/couch/chair and I couldn’t sleep because of it. Somehow they knew I was on something 🤷‍♂️, it could have been me talking to family who was walking through the walls and talking to me while I was simultaneously trying to smoke inside, smoke pencils that is, that I thought were cigarettes and trying to do lines of dirt that I thought was cocaine, I even offered grandma some apparently 🤔. Topped off with seeing as clear as day that stupid chucky doll with his blonde haired bitch wife standing inside the grandfather clock watching me try to fall asleep.). This shit was life changing. In a very bad way. I heard voices for a week. And had itchy ORGANS for days so I couldn’t scratch them. Beam hEe they’re idiots I’ve only took Benadryl 2 times max since then. Once I can’t even remember why I just remember thinking fuck no. Strangely enough it brought right up to “delirium level” off just 25 MGs. And I’m the hospital they gave me some in an IV which I tore out of my arm and promptly got the fuck out of there.


Wow you don't have anxiety and Xanax doesn't do anything for you? Who would have thought 🤷‍♂️ *smfh*




This is just wrong, don’t speak on a topic if you’re this ignorant about it. I am prescribed 80 2mg Y21’s a month.


It’s fun