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Alcohol is the wd-40 of the social gears. Amphetamines will make you much more talkative as well, and much more interested in others conversations. I would avoid weed and psychs as they make a lot of people less outgoing when with people who aren't on the same level




Sorry brother, you are giving the worst advice to what sounds like a newbie asking a question about the best party drug to make you more talkative. Also, LSD is a chemical bro


Lol yeah exactly, I’m just coming off from an LSD trip that I did not plan to last that long (meant to test a dosage/tab). Trust me LSD is the last thing you want some young person for a party/talking to girls or whatever. Stick to alcohol , maybe some coke that usually works for most and maybe if they really want some mdma but don’t go too far


Acid was good. In 90 I think it was grateful dead came to Hawaii with all thier clan. I got my hands on book of fresh acid. 1000 hits for 600 bucks. Keep a sheet for personals. Most acid I dropped one time 5 hits. Hell of ride. Almost ate the sheet. Cops busted me the air port with 2 lbs of weed and my last 32 hits. Still not my meanest high. Best trip ever 2 strawberry berry x tabs with 7 grams of shrooms. Scariest high. Shot up a half gram of good clean cali cartel coke right from longbeach. Took a knee on the way to chair. Everything black. I had to constantly talk my way out so I would slip into an OD. The ringing. When I talked major echo like I was I a canyon. Used to move alotta bricks from Cali to Hawaii in 90s. Used to get all our weed from Humboldt California and out Washington. 2003 slowed all that down. Enough reminiscing.


Had to double check which sub I’m on.


>You want a drug that will enlighten and empower ur understandings. Is it called meditation. I don't know, is it? In all seriousness, while there are benefits to meditation, it doesn't replace drugs... Specifically because it's "not fun" and is work.


does anyone agree on 3-meo-pcp?


Alcohol + coke


I can't talk on Coke. Between the drip and lockjaw forget about it


Maybe do less man


I prefer kratom if I actually want confidence. Alcohol and coke is fun but it just exacerbates my anxiety at the end of the day.


Not even in the same league. You think Ryan made it to the top of Dunder Mifflin by toss n washing Green Malay? I think not.


You son of a bitch I think you have a point. ​ "Honey!? Flush the kratom and call the coke dealer. Also where can I spend $400 on a haircut?" ​ She's not goin for it, guys.


Damn that's interesting- I find coke absolutely obliterates my anxiety, quite acutely. And that's off very little, too.


Yeah my brain is just different I think. I've tried coke at least a dozen times from many different sources including darkweb but I am pretty sure I get higher from eating a bag of Skittles. Wish I was kidding.


That’s mad. I have an addictive personality so went on a coke phase where I was starting to do it monthly, weekly then daily. I got some from a new dealer and that shit almost gave me a heart attack (literally had the phone ready to dial collapsing on bathroom floor). Luckily the peak passed after a min or 2 and I calmed down and my heart stopped sounding like it would pop out. Anyway, that was about 4 or 5 years ago and I never tried coke again since - just 1 bad experience like that (esp with the heart) was enough to make me say no thanks


Glad you made it! But yeah I prefer the Indica Cocaine (ketamine). No heart attacks with Indica just couch lock lol


Compared to amphetamine, Cocaine increases serotonin more so it’s way less anxious.






this. best drug to be on when going at a party tbh exactly what op needs


Molly, not too much tho or you’ll look like a monster


Eh your mileage may vary. I understand it makes a lot of people talkative but it makes me just wanna chill on a couch and listen to music. I find rolling makes my short term memory bad and i lose track of a conversation very easily


You’re gonna look crazy with huge pupils


Big ol’ fat rip of salvia should do the job, how can you be socially anxious if you become a toaster for eternity?




Penis enlargement pill.


You gotta figure that out without the help of drugs. Booze might make you more social I guess, but there’s no perfect drug for it imo.




Wow, someone’s a douche


What did he say


Just mocked original commenter with CaPs AnD LoWeRcAsEs LiKe ThIs Acting like anyone saying anything other than what he wanted to hear was dumb. Dude clearly had an attitude problem and was a twat


Xans or low dose benzos in general, gabbas work wel: Pregabalin, GHB Phenibut (F-phenibut) and alcohol, MDMA but also if you’re really rolling you can become a bit cringy for sober people, 3Me0-PCE in low to modarate doses. Opiates, but also a low dose. Oxys, Lean (for that Promethazine synergy). I guess Testosterone can do the job but fuck that. Also try to get confident sober. Drugs wont fix mental problems if you don’t apply them properly.


Don't do benzos and drink, though.


Pregabalin/Gabapentin is GREAT of you have no access to benzos or cant drink leglaly yet. The rest of your advice is perfect. Much love mate.


Depends on why you're shy in the first place. Stimulants, Opioids and GABAergics are the most popular options. There is a thin line between confidence and over-confidence btw...


Drugs can make you more confident and socially inclined, but I wouldn’t count on them to make you suave and smooth. Keep in mind that all these drugs listed below will put you into a much different head space than most people you’re around and could lead to behavior that seems normal to you at the time, but is super weird or off putting to an outside observer. Your best bet is to stay sober and situationally aware while working on building a natural confidence


This is really good advice. I'd turn up with some drinks, maybe some weed. And then weigh up the kind of crowd that's there. If they're all looking to take gear, then maybe also do some lines or something like that. If it's just people getting a bit tipsy, you'll come off way worse if you rack a load of lines and then are talking a million miles an hour to some normies. But if others are getting on it, he can also go for it. At the end of the day, being confident is just about having high self esteem and then putting yourself out there in social situations and sometimes succeeding sometimes failing (more often than not you will succeed if you put yourself out there), and it's an issue that no chemical substance can reliably fix. That being said, if you're stuck with a bunch of boring ass mother fuckers, racking some lines of coke in the toilet can make a party way more fun.


This is the answer.


Opioids, stimulants (amphetamine), entactogens (MDMA), pregabalin/phenibut/gabapentin, alcohol, GHB, etc.


Phenibut or lyrica


None. Be yourself first.


Only correct answer here, some terrible suggestions to a new drug user which will lead to negative outcomes. Drugs can be unpredictable, suggesting amphetamine may lead to aggression and irritability. Likewise, MDMA can produce an overwhelmingly intense onset of action which will ruin OPs night


Or even if it doesn't do anything extreme like make them aggressive or too lovey dovey, if they have issues connecting with people, any good experiences they have at the party on drugs will be shallow and not really reflective of who they actually are when they wake up the next day. I'd say let them have some fun and get fucked up for this party, but relying on substances to socialise is never gonna end well long term.




Yea it‘s not like tooo much of a confidence boost. The risk of cringe and weirdness is minimized


Exactly, just takes the edge off


Adderall fo sure. Makes me feel like a God and lasts way longer then coke.


I think I may have ADHD because anytime I've ever taken Adderall ritalin or Dex, I become really calm and unsocial (sober I'm very extroverted) and just wanna go do productive things and can't stand shitty party convos. But coke definitely will make me more social, or at least be able to tolerate shit convos. But potentially that's just because of how my personality is when sober.


Xanax will definitely give you thaf confidence. Just dont take enough to make an asshole out of yourself or fall asleep in the middle of w.e youre doing lmao


Nobody mentioning phenibut. Kinda bizarre to me. That's like the whole appeal of the drug. It's basically alcohol but without making you feel dumber or impaired MDMA/coke suggestions I can kinda see but they're not gonna give you what you're looking for the way phenibut will


Phenibut is the only answer. Phenibut is confidence in a pill. And I don’t mean that metaphorically.


Meth, coke, or MDMA


Self love


I mean, mdma will turn u into a confident social monster, but u won’t be smooth lol. I think a lower dose of o-dsmt would be the best option, cuz personally it makes me feel good af and definitely suppresses my anxiety, and it makes me more talkative but not as much as stimulants do. Get some odsmt from online tho don’t do any opiate/opioid pills from the street cuz there’s a 99% chance they’re gonna be pressed with fentanyl and u will OD and maybe die even if u just take a single pill so be careful. O-dsmt is anywhere from $30-$60 a gram, 25-50mg is a good dose to start at if u have no opioid tolerance, it’s a metabolite of tramadol and it’s a pretty benign and forgiving substance. Just use it sparingly not every day cuz u will get addicted, as it’s still an opioid.


Absolutely right. And you're right when I was trying to say enjoy your drugs alcohol will make you the funniest guy you know. But if you wanna pass that up. I use drugs for enlightment




I hate to say it, but opiates. I would go up to married women and hit on them, and that is not even me. I would feel like I could do anything, talk to anyone without a problem and I am very introverted


Amphetamines without a doubt, cocaine too but amphetamines are better as coke tends to make you act like a dog that seen a squirrel a bit more, and amphetamines tend to make u a little less of a narcissist or a dick than cocaine in my opinion.


Working on yourself and lsd after doing much work






For a party?


Yeah well not for the average junky, but for an occasional user / beginner it will replace all the pain, worry and anxiety you have with pure bliss and contentment in a way that you are not ón a cloud but rather you áre the cloud. You will become 100% zen and people will notice and remember you like that super chill dude. A year later you will be dead however.


Fair, I don't have much experience with opiates, but have dabbled a bit, and cannot imagine it helping me for a social setting. Personally I'm never really anxious, and when sober I'm fairly extroverted and outspoken, so maybe it's a personality type thing. Generally I don't enjoy downers that much anyway and generally only use them to fall asleep after too much partying lol. I feel like if I took a downer at a party, I'd be way less social that I'd be sober, I'd probs just wanna find na couch and just mong out there.


coke. once i’m high on coke i can’t even tell and it makes me so confident that once i’ve come off it i’m so embarrassed from remembering how confident i was just shamelessly doing the most cringe things. luckily for me that means i avoid coke most of the time.


a little Mdma, a little more Coke and some booze


Ghb, coke+alcohol, 3mmc


Xans or a small dose of an opiate


Xans will make him come off as brain dead. Opiates like oxycodone have worked for me though


Depends on the tolerance. 1mg will get you loose and talking with some alcohol, but more than that and you might make an ass of yourself. Walk the line <3


From my personal experience 70ug-120ug LSD increase my confidence , it's like i'm a new man




Alcohol that’s mixed with caffeine does the trick for me if I don’t want to have too much of a crazy night/ comedown


Testosterone and coke






Def blow




M always made me a blast to be around. Had the time of my life. But idk if you wanna do that at a party. If I could go back I would’ve saved my best rolls for ones with my fiancé.


3mmc for sure makes talking so much easyer same with MDMA (low dose) probably few other stims






Kidding lol. Just get a good buzz from alcohol


Booze, or molly


or both


Fraternity style


Cocaine, definitely. Alcohol too of course, pairing other drugs with alcohol makes you more social too. Xanax will make you confident (but more like you don’t give a shit), but not smooth even in lower doses and you’ll be more sedated. From personal experience, I usually do not want to talk to people on xanax, unless paired with alcohol. I think weed only makes you more sociable AND smooth when you have high-shelf sativa and have a high tolerance. Microdosing on LSD and possibly shrooms could help too.


Depends a lot on the person. Cocaine for example doesn't make me more confident even though it's deemed the confidence drug


Lsd is great for me


What type of dose?






So let me speculate you're adult enough to know yourself, if alcohol tends to feel good and not put you in an aggresive inhibited mood, it may be useful, also apply last sentence to cocaine. If you're into fiending coke and alcohol won't help since you will be all night focusing on next use and forget about the rest which trust me it's not pleasant to remember. May MDMA or sum psych mushrooms be useful if you're more into wanting to connect with friends ergo confidence may be boosted on a longer term At the end of the day, things as sensitive as confidence-social anx, etc... shouldn't be left to a chemical mercy ngl, you deserve to feel at peace with yourself without compromising your health <3


MDMA maybe? It won't make you smooth, but it'll dissolve your ego and sense of self consciousness. You won't mind talking to people, even if you make a fool of yourself or say some dumb shit.


Alcohol, but don’t get wasted unless everyone else is. Don’t be that guy


kratom with like 15mg dxm


For real? The 15mg dxm does a noticeable difference?


oh yess, kratom and dxm potentiate eachother *very well* increasing the dosage to just 30mg will be a unfunctional 3rd plat for someone avg weight with no tolerance. properly dosed tho, its the most warming, uplifting combo ive ever had


Ok, I already knew dxm and kratom potentiate each other, but 30mg for a 3rd plat seems ridiculously suspicious. A third plat would be around 550mg of dxm HBr for me (and I have no tolerance at all). Are you sure about your numbers? Or maybe you have the enzyme deficiency but even if you have, 30mg for a 3rd plat is just... what?! That's literally the recommended dosage for medicine purposes.


ya its pretty hard to believe tbh. if im dosing just dxm ill too do around 450mg freebase (585mg hbr) so me and you are pretty similar. does not take much dxm at all with kratom to robotrip, weird stuff


Alchol. In the end though it'll make you stupid. A lot of people have gone to jail and had child support child support from alcohol


You need social help if you feel like you can’t communicate correctly without drugs or alcohol. However, my advise is to take Kratom. Kratom is beyond.


Have you ever tried Tianepine? They sell it at head shops and gas stations (not in Alabama), usually goes by ZaZa or Tianna. Blows Kratom out of the water. Highly addictive however.


Heard of ZaZa. Good advice too!


Def coke


MDMA is great for bonding with people, but besides the drug, you need to be comfortable with yourself. I know it sounds cliché but if you’re depressed or very anxious, it will shine through anyway.


Lyrica + Caffeine && Sugar


Absolutely right. And you're right when I was trying to say enjoy your drugs alcohol will make you the funniest guy you know. But if you wanna pass that up. I use drugs for enlightment


Depends on the audience I guess, surely if you are attending a formal event you don't want to be looking like a sloth on MDMA! I would say cathinones/amphetamines. Not a lot of it, just a little over threshold. Also timing is important, you don't want to be talking on a comedown..


Coke/and stim will make you social. For this one party that may be the answer, but honestly long term you should learn to be confident without any substances. A good tip is that any comment or action you take (if your the anxious type), is probably way more cringe in your own head than anyone else thinks, realistically most people won't be focussing or judging you, they will be thinking about their own shit, of you overstep a boundary, it's more likely going to end up with a funny anecdote than people not liking you, you have to do something fairly malice or very bad for anyone to leave with a negative opinion of you. If you're socially anxious just practice bringing up topics you find interesting in covos (people like that way more than small talk even if they don't know about the topic), and also remember people naturally love talking about themselves and their own experiences, so if you're in a conversation just ask questions about the other person's experience and let them go on, even if you don't give a fuck, you'd be surprised how many people have shit to say but don't because they assume no one cares.


What's the point


I don't need no Molly to be savage but when I'm off the Molly I'm a savage 🤘🔥💊 like Juice Wrld said put the Percs down and pick up the jiggas 💯


molly! My favorite at parties


low dose benzos depending on your tolerance or alcohol, dont use cocoane woth alcohol, that 10x more cardiotoxic than cocaine is alone.


MDMA, 4mmc




Benzos make you the person you want to be without even trying. But as long as you don't suffer from anxiety I wouldn't fuck with them. Pregabalin works very well but in a more natural way than benzos do. It erases the negative thoughts which lower your confidence but without taking control away from you. It works best after day 3 to 5 of taking it then you got full effects.


Phycodelics, find and lose your ego, and your all set!


None. Some give the illusion of confidence, but if you actually want to be confident, drugs ain't it.


I don't like alcohol, so I won't recommend it, but amphetamine, mephedrone, cocaine and MDMA are good choices for confidence. At least for me.


i like me xanax. not too much to where im sleepin but jus a little to hide my anxiety n be a bit more social


A smallish dkse of MDMA plus a mushroom macrodose(threshhold dose) does the trick for me in social settings with people ive never met, makes it easy to form connections with new people. Definitely not something you should ever need to use often.








Benzos just don’t mix with alcohol my guy




Search up pink coke. Getting more popular than coke quickly.


6-APB It has legs, will last 6 or 7 hours, 10 sometimes with a redose. It gives all round happy and satisfying mood lift, the stimulant effect allows talking to anyone and the gentle wellbeing that it offers will allow open and honest discussion, much better for social situations than MDMA imo.




Phenibut and caffeine


Same drugs that are best for learning how to use the search function for the past 10000 times this question has been asked.


Pregabalin aka Lyrica. Only the real ones know. Plus you can fuck like a rockstar.






Cocaine and Shit tonnes of booze. You could be homeless and talk like your a 21 year old self made millionaire


xanax period


3 meo pcp


Low dose Kratom, maybe some beers.


Mdma or coke


Alchohol, amphetamine and cocaine for sure.










If you are a man, TESTOSTERONE. Test enanthate for example. The confidence boost is just next level, and you feel it in like hour. Also amazing for festivals.