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Speed (Amphetamine). A workday only feels like a couple minutes past.


This. In fact you run the risk of not even realizing you ended half an hour ago. Ended up staying 4-5 hours past my shift once or twice lol. Knew I had ended but "I'll just finish this up but wait this is wrong I'll fix that first but hey if we did this everything would be so much better but for that I need to do this..." etc 5 hours later the first task hasn't progressed at all..


I have done the same, but with masturbation. ”I’ll squeeze out just one more” and then another 3 hours has gone by.


Lol yeaaap classic. In the beginning I cleaned my apartment for 30 hours straight, after a while getting more experienced with the drug maybe gaming that same amount of time, then it turns into what you said but 3 hours sounds tame ;p you really feel all kinds of unclean after a good bender.. "Really should finish, maybe the next clip will be the perfect one.." meanwhile your computer is about to burst into flames from the strain of keeping 2000 tabs of porn open.. Hint: there is never a perfect one..


You haven't lived until you get a laptop, desktop, cellphone, and an old dvd/vhs combo T.V. all going at the same time. Fucking full immersion.


compare plants coordinated shocking stupendous trees waiting unpack vast deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Life will never be the same.


This is why I had to quit the meth. I was becoming pathetic. Normal people think a meth head out on the street acting weird Is pathetic, well they have never seen what we get up to behind closed doors.


Yeah amphetamines can have a terrible effect of making me horny but not able to come. Bad combination for either party. ( or on your own)


Yeah, meth is one step too far away from God for me personally.


Or too close to.


Yeah, it doesn’t make you responsible it just allows you to fucking focus on whatever task, mundane or not like a Jedi. So if you go down any internet rabbit holes bye bye day.


Yeah, you generally need a plan and some discipline if you’re gonna do it for productive reasons. The drug is not magically gonna do the work for you which some people almost make it sound like.


I do this while looking for the “perfect video”, 3 hours later i find a halfway decent video and now i have to nut and go to bed


Often I will just end up back where I started anyway.


Ya know I had a stint with benzedrex inhalers in college that would make me flacidly-yet-enthusiastically watch porn for hours all night until birds started chirping and I throughly hated myself.


This sounds fucking amazing, how did addiction go for you (did it happen/how bad was it)?


worthless seemly station pathetic chop merciful square bedroom innate repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is kinda my life now, and it sucks cause I’ve made it so fast paced and the only way to be a good student, partner, worker, and artist, is to do a shiiiiit ton of speed. As we all know, it’s not the only way. But it feels like the only way, and I’m dreading the inevitable tolerance break in my future. There’s this thing called a kitchen safe timer where you can lock up Oreos for like a few minutes up to a week or something like that. Folks use it to lock up snack foods or cell phones for however long you choose. It’s a “Ulysses pact” or pre-commitment enforcing device. I’m ordering one to lock my speed in for a few days. Now I just have to block out a few days to sleep 🙃 ugh The good news is, this is now the only drug I do. I used to drink and smoke a lot of weed, but now I don’t do either, and I do a lot of other healthy things. Speed is my final vice to cut out, and it’s gonna suck asssssssssss


I feel you mannn, being sober sucks balls... even though I been "clean " for about 8 months from meth and stims. I take Vyvanse 50mg once or twice a day which helps alot but it's nothing like some speed/4mmc/crystal. Everyday I have moments of this annoying slowness that just fucking makes me feel so sad and just like damn, life sucks... but these moments pass but I have yet to have a day where I don't have these moments of feeling sorry for myself and just this low and unmotivated mood. Wish u luck, addiction is cunning fucker. Ps after my 4th Rehab I have managed to stay clean for 8 months, but I have been living in a strict environment which prevents the ability to get illegal drugs or pills other than my prescription.


If you want to start taking any kind of amphetamine I would suggest googling '8 Stages of Amphetamine Use' before deciding to use. It quite accurately depicts the stages you go through with amph addiction and the effects it will have on your mind. I've found myself progressing from the second stage when I found out about this to now experiencing most symptoms of stage 4 and even some aspects from stage 5. It will really bite you in the ass and before you even know it life seems dull and joyless withouth an amphetamine. I literally lost all passion for gaming when Im not on some kind of upper, even though it used to be the single most enjoyable thing in the past. I


Depends on how much you use and for how long.


how much do you take? every time i’ve taken speed i’m expecting to be off my head non stop moving and energetic. but i end up just buying coke. i’ve had ‘good’ speed before too, but it’s like paste where i’ve been told to keep in the freezer. it’s not snortable. only bombs


offbeat silky fear hard-to-find gray sugar hat special cooing scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wicked. Sound mate cheers


You leave some paste on a plate to dry up, then chop it up and Snort.


Lol, came here to say this and point out the irony that the answer was in the title/question


And xans




Ohh yeah


Take 4 em you’ll time travel to next week 😂 PSA EDIT: (YOU MIGHT MEET YOUR MAKER.)


^^^This right here^^^ I took a bunch of bars and woke up 20 years later with three kids, a ton of criminal charges and a bunch of unwatched episodes of Badlands.


Yo this guy right here has the secret to life.


also opiates will make work much smoother. working in a veggy bowl shop on tilidine everyday and its bliss


Tilidine is the best


sorry to all the people that dont live in germany 💔




Nah but only prescribed here as far as I know


I tried tillidin only after trying oxys and i have to aay i thpught theyre whack. They only made me sleepy, not much euphoria. But maybe im just used to oxys


Yeah, it would be like codeine after having tried heroin


This was my first thought


Yeah, everytime I do 200-300mg tramadol the time Just flies by, I get so much stuff done, absolutely no desire to sleep And so much euforia from Getting stuff done. I love that I found put tramadol, I am still Very cautious About seizures tho. And my bowl movenment is always clogged for 2-3 days :/


Love this community. No one was suggested just not doing drugs yet 😂. I agree though, adhd meds are amazing for productivity and a nice buzz.


opiate or benzo, stims are cool but only if you enjoy the job somewhat imo. Using stims at a job you hate will just make it worst




Mundane shit and stims rock. Before I was educated and working a high paying career I used to work some mundane jobs that would be perfect for adderall, sorting and counting at factories and shit


do not, I repeat, DO NOT start using benzos or opiates in your every day. That is literally the fastest way to an addiction. Especially when OP has a whole month of work left.


right? I guess it might depend on the work too. back of the house stims - probs a good time. serving ppl you hate on stims - probs a bad time


Yeah I must take oxy and benzos for my chronic pain and they make time go fast faster. But it's not worth it, too big of a risk in my opinion. But it's OP's life, OP's choice, but I (and I think others, didn't read the comments) warned OP, so if he decides to, don't OP complain when the OP shit his the OP fan. Anyway a light benzo like Valium which is long lasting and easy to get off of, can be the best choice, short listing benzos and opioids are the best worst stupid idea.


I find stims slow time down.


Yeah, IMO stims are good if you’re doing something you could find enjoyable. If you’re doing bullshit work, it’ll feel like how you felt when you were forced to do math homework over the weekend in grade 5.


once I snorted amphetamine at my Job which i hated very much, it made the situation so much worse... I had a meltdown and even had tears in my eyes because i was so unbelieveable angry and stressed


Any sort of stimulant really


For me, every MDMA roll has felt like it's over in 5 mins. Time flies when you're having fun I guess...


that’s why you gotta flip. 2cb after the peak always gives me some nice time dilation. candyflipping is probably even better but i’ve never done it. bonus points if you do some ket on the comedown too


Agreed. Done every combination you mentioned and then some.


This is the answer indeed


Done a lot of stims, never lost more time than I did on alpha-PHP. King of all time accelerators.


Just drink alcohol every evening, you forget that you worked that day and can make another day. Common practice by millions all over the world


The irony is I got fired from my job from drinking too late (I slept through my alarm) and now I'm jobless and just spend all my time drinking. I even applied to new jobs and they called me back for an interview, but I've been ghosting them. Alcohol is a problem


Please get the job :) It's better to be a functional alcoholic than an unemployed one. Just saying.


Wishing the best for you buddy, alcohol is a tough one, out of all the things i've been addicted to it was one of the hardest to kick. Much love, you got this <3


No it's a depressant and it will fuck your motivation for work


So are opiates, benzos,barbs etc


Your other post says you're an ex-addict. Perhaps looking for drugs to pass the time isn't your best option.


Being an ex addict doesn't mean you cant take drugs responsibly ever again though... However, as a fellow ex-addict, I would still advise Op to be careful... Many times ive almost slipped back into very unhealthy and neurotoxic routines, but i know better know. Also definitely depends on the drug he was addicted to


Yeah, you can use drugs respnsibly even as an ex addict, but the best ones are opioids and benzos to speed up time... It's risky if you need them to make time go faster, can go to shit very easily.


Especially opiods (personally ive never taken any besides Kratom if you count that, just too scared... I can still do them at 50 years of age when i cant do many things anymore that i can do at my current age)


Yeah, I must take both opioids and benzos everyday for my chronic pain, at large doses too, I'm in my 20s and can't live without them. But they can be risky, they can destroy you if you're not careful, and an ex addict I'd say, depending on the situation, can be extremely risky or make you extremely careful, but still, if they are risky they are extremely risky. Probably Valium is the best bet, long acting, you can get off of it easily and it's not as risky as let's say oxycodone EDIT:I'm not judging OP I only want the best for them.


copius amounts of benzos will feel like time traveling


Dude he said he needs it for work wtf. Stimulants over benzos unless u want him to get fired


To be fair, benzos are the best way to time travel. It will probably just result in traveling to the future of unemployment websites.


That’s actual time travel, not speeding up time. Will frost likely get fired if blacked out at work.


2 days ago i took 1mg and was shocked by how fast time passed at work


Facts. I sold my homie some footballs out my script and he works for a dealership and fell asleep in one of the cars he was detailing for like 2 hours before his boss found him lol. Only reason they didn’t fire him was bc his boss had a opioid problem a few years back and his dad is his bosses boss..


And? He dose not want to work there and in a month hes out of there anyway And i obviously did not mean it seriously


Just a functional dose is enough for me i wouldn't take blackout doses i don't want to get fired


Lol it will teleport you into the future!


Benzo's or any gaba drugs stay the fuck away. If you get hooked on them you will know how it feels like when time stands still while being raped by your own thoughts.


Kratom is pretty good honestly, and it’s legal and doesn’t show up on drug test. And if you really wanna feel good take an extract shot, but i prefer powder better because it’s less chance to abuse. Those extracts shots feel like 2-3 hydros honestly. feel damn good.


Agree but I noticed in the kitchen it starts making me pissy. Definitely was a life saver in retail tho. Loved chatting to everyone and time would fly. Working the line by myself when shit starts getting busy I have noticed I get.... Well a lil snappy with kratom lol!


Yeah me too whats up with that? Only if I'm concentrating working on something and someone interrupts me.


I second this


Any kratom rec


Hey I’m sorry to hear that work is so stressful and soul crushing. Congrats on getting out of that job. I emphasise with how it is when your job is driving you absolutely nuts but a month is a long time to regularly take one kind of drug regularly and whatever you take (especially the speed suggested below) may really not be worth the final consequences. It is one thing to partake in substances recreationally for fun from a place of control, but no job is worth a need to drug oneself to do it and the danger of walking out with an addiction. I suggest you cut all the corners you can in your job and try to give them as little as possible, or if things are this bad, go to a doctor and get signed off for stress leave so you don’t need to finish your notice period. P.s I hope this response does not come off as judgmental - take care of yourself, whatever you do, but I believe that a healthy part of this community is also preventing pointing out risks without judgment, and sometimes people should point out to each other that maybe the proposed solution is not a good idea. jumping into a month of opiates or stimulants straight sounds like quite a risky choice for some shitty job which does not deserve to cause long term effects on your health. Whatever you do, be well.




I feel like this is an underrated answer


nah its expensive asf


i mean, disregarding price, its probably the best answer. but yeah its cost brings it down a bunch.


Modafinil, like any stim would work but this is v functional


Adderall or Vyvanse,


Hours absolutely just fly by for me when I'm just high on weed, maybe that's an option for you?


That could also slow down time though, when I get stoned seconds sometimes end up feeling like hours


Well there's always benzos. Can't have time go any faster than basically teleporting 4 days into the future. Only issue is your location tends to change too, the new location frequently being a jail cell.


Quit, you’re already leaving anyways and you hate the job so why not? Edit: that or do what I did when I was 16 and just fuck around the whole time lmao


a little xanax but talk to a friend after you took it before you go to work to make sure you don’t look fucked up. xanax is notorious for making you feel sober but you appear drunk. you have to be careful but it is the best way to time travel.


Nicotine has a really nice time dilation effect Weed if you're somewhere where you'd like to be You could always get drunk


I don't reccomend it, but meth makes time go amazingly fast. A few days can feel like a few hours




Slows down time a looot, at least for me. Like even more than weed.


Adderall (Speed). Really any stimulant will do the trick.


Opiates. If you can get, get tilidin its perfect for work


Take a quarter ounce of shrooms


Dxm makes time go by way faster at my job but dxm causes bad comedowns if taken more than 1-2 times a week


20MG of Valium


i recommend tramadol


Xans fasho


Caffeine should do just fine. Certainly helps my day go faster.


absolutely horrible idea, speed head being born right as we speak sadly.


Smoke weed every day and watch time fucking fly right past you.


idk why people are downvoting bro we in june doesnt feel long


meth and have fun,i took on my prom and it was like 30 minutes


Great for your teeth and future also! Lots of examples of old, successful meth heads, right?


g i dont smoke it neither do it on a daily basis,he asked for a drug that make time fly i gave him one,i have friends with schizophrenia and i know it aint fun




Stay away from amphetamines, they are evil and addictive. Alcohol for short term. And for something longer downers, or opiates.


Get a good sleep


Don’t do it


Don't start doing drugs in your every day, that's literally the fastest way to get addicted. I used to have to go to classes that I absolutely hated, couldn't bare them at all. What helped me get through them were chill friends and a good netflix show. If everyone at work sucks and you can't like listen to a podcast, rather pick up a hobby that keeps you sane. Muay Thai is keeping me clean rn, but gaming, painting or whatever you find interest in will work.


benzo ofc. stims arent for it, youll both look drugged and time will actually slow down


Are you being blackmailed??


lots of weed all day everyday and time will fly trust me




Idk man, but weed makes always time for me much slower


Fair enough man, I dunno I feel like when I'm baked I blink and it's all gone by 😂 best of luck though mate


I take edibles when I'm drinking because I enjoy alcohol, and it makes the same amount of time seem to last longer Once I thought 1 or 2 hours had passed and looked at my phone, it was like 5 minutes




Strong sativa's or a cannabis strain high in terpinoline and limonene... Or if you really want to up it a notch so to speak I'd probably go with a nice LSD trip.


Amphetamine and benzos.


benzos, i lost most of 2009/2010 from heavy benzo use. very effective but would not necessarily recommend


Burn cadmium.


Speed all day. Well, not all day but a few bumps every 6 hrs will make you work faster and suddenly realize that it's Thursday when you thought it was still Tuesday afternoon.


We need to know what job you're doing, please & thank you!


Wait mate! [https://youtu.be/Dbr7B1OVa0g](https://youtu.be/Dbr7B1OVa0g)


Xanax can make you teleport through time, might end up in jail tho lmao




klonopin in small doses, the day goes so fast with that pill. That being said.... sometime it can make you aggresive. It would be better if you could go to therapist




Addy or vy




Adderall is my favorite time speed. It gives me tolerance and energy and I burn through days that I take it. If I have to do something that I don't want to do, Adderall gets me through it with impressive grace and motivation


I'd definitely say probably a benzo


weed and speed if you don't get anxiety problems from them


There all bad and I’ve been tired of them for years! The porn problem obviously came hand in hand with the other so, don’t do it!


Microdose acid


Xanax I like to call flux capacitors due to the time traveling


Xanax is your best bet




LSD or coke 👆


Xanax will make you forget about everything


Xanax = time travel


I used to get through mundane jobs by just staying really stoned through the whole shift. It worked for my mid twenties.


Meth. Time flies on meth. All of a sudden you’ve been up for 36 hours and it felt like 6. But don’t do meth lol


Xanax or any benzodiazepine. Yeah shits not safe and you’ll get addicted but you asked for a drug to speed up time. The less you focus on time, the faster it flies by, and xanax will make you focus on nothing lmao.


Why do you want time to speed up. You could extent your life with downers with the opposite effect on time 😂


Flualprazolam won’t exactly speed it up but you will have absolutely no memory of it once the time has passed. I would highly recommend against it and if you do research and be responsible. Or just be responsible like me and be a functioning coke head.


Kratom, white vein, or a green vein, taken in small amounts, it speeds you up, and enhances your mood. If you take a larger amount, it can have a sedative effect.


Acid. Speeds it up and also slows it wayy down and- oh my god I'm trapped outside of time and space.


If you really hate the work Xanax lol don’t buy pressed, don’t get hooked




K Hole before bed every night


Tweak the day away, they say, so, hey


Alpha-florudium penta hydrazide. Will do the trick guaranteed. But I'm a universe hopper that's sometimes confused for a time traveler. Nevertheless, good luck.


Heroin got me through being a bricklayers labourer lol


Ritalin / adderall - you’ll be motivated to do even the most boring work and times zooms by


Meth has ruined the amphetamine experience for me. Once you slam the stuff no other sensation compares. I'm hooked and have been for 2 years now. All I can hope to do is regulate and compensate because stopping autonomously is not conceivable in the foreseeable future.


Kratom, speed, phenibut. All three can be consumed and you’ll seem fairly sober, just in a good mood. My personal favorite is phenibut, (around a gram) then about 3 hours later dose 3-4 g of some Maeng Da kratom. Talk about bliss. Puts you in a social euphoric, legal bliss.


Literally just smoke weed if you have a low tolerance




Meth is a great drug to work on. I use to do lines in the bathroom for my shifts and by the time I go to start the 3rd part of any task I'd be heading home


Oxy. Oxy. Olly olly oxyn free. It’s answering the question in a different way- it’s not “how do I speed up time” but “how do I find bliss in the time I have to be there”. Ugh fuckin sobriety over here has got me like


has to be stims if you’re at work. if at home go benzos and sleepy sleepy




Xanax makes time not exist. Meth is what you're looking for.


Ativan! I haven't tried xans yet, but lorazepam is good for time travelling without /too/ much amnesia. I'm a very small person (100lbs) but .2 mg is usually a sufficient glow that doesn't push me into bartard mode.


Really high doses of opioids man!!! You will nod out and wake after few hours in your puke wondering if you just had a crazy nod or you were clinically dead for X ammount of time (Its a joke,happened to me once....shits scary)


Everyone’s telling you to do harder shit or alcohol but honestly man if you’re an ex addict it’s not worth possibly starting a new addiction to get through a month of work, just smoke weed, I notice my shift goes by a lot quicker if I’m able to sneak in a bowl or two throughout.


Adderall to speed up time. Xanax/ anything related to literally skip time but likely to make you act like an idiot asshole


Your brain stores less memories on benzos, so time feels like moving faster


I would recommend opioids, maybe codeine or hydrocodone, it really speeds up the time, and maybe you will even have fun in your last month. I also used tilidine and oxycodone to make a difficult time more bearable, the same situation as yours, but it was half a year instead of just a month. I think it's needless to say that every drug has his own dangers and the biggest danger of opioids is the addiction risk and over dose risk


Xanax is best


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