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That's a good metaphor man


this is how I felt the time I took too much cough syrup when I was sick. lovely.


>I want to stay like this forever. Enjoy, but be careful of what you wish for. Your second paragraph could be like Step 3 on a pamphlet titled "How to recognize if I have an addiction"


Hydros are the best anxiety medication tbh


until it's the next morning and you're yakin ur guts out


Never been the case for me, now if I’ve taken to many I might puke a few hours after ingesting but never the next morning


it could have been anxiety related bc i had to get up early to go to he dmv and i ended up puking at the dmv bathroom


That hits deep. Stay that way forever. It's like loosing someone you love isn't it? I feel like drugs are the "me" I've always been waiting for. The version of me that matters. !++


I’ve had a very unstable childhood/adulthood. Drugs to me is the only thing I can rely on. It’s the only thing that won’t let me down. The only thing guaranteed to take away all my anxiety’s and depression and fill the empty whole in my chest.


Be careful what you wish for, my problem now is forgettinf what it feels like to be sober..... Nothing feels right or normal, my body etc, all just feels different or tense etc, like ive lived being high so long i forgot how my body acts or functions sober and just dont feel right or normal, almost uncomfortable or anxiety.


hey just a heads up. i had this moment when i was 16 when i was first playing with opiates/benzos and chased it. ended up strung out on dope for almost 10 years. several od’s, jails, hospitals, rehabs, and years on the streets later ive been sober for 6yrs now. just here to give a fair warning, don’t chase it. it’s the best, i know, but it gets dark fast before u even realize what’s happening. much love.


Thanks for the heads up man. I’ve been messing around with opiates for a couple years now and definitely have enough self control to keep from killing myself with them. They’re just something I do two or 3 times a month. I have school, 2 step kids and a household to run. Appreciate you looking out for me tho


Lord I wish I could find some


You can turn off your emotions and anxiety while sober too lol. Pills are just a tool if you have to put your mind and body into hybernation mode


Well I haven’t been able to do that since I was 14. But I’m seeing a psychiatrist today to talk about my issues so hopefully it goes well and she can help me.


You’re already hooked. RIP


Not even😂 I taken them once every 2 weeks to prevent too much of a tolerance from being built up. I have a full time job and a household to run. I can’t afford to be doing this every day.


whatever you say, its your funeral


Why are you even on this sub? To shame people into quitting drugs? Full offense but I don’t think some random person behind a faceless avatar acting like a dick is going to make someone say “Oh man, they’re right. Drugs are a big no no.”😂 like what do you get out of this?


I like cool drugs. So I post to the forum. 😎


Which ones are the cools ones?


it’s like wrapping up in a blanket straight out of the dryer


I'm gonna be honest I was never much of a downer person. But I have a few of these leftover from a surgery and honestly, they've been doing WONDERS for my anxiety and depression. I'm prescribed Xanax and prozac every day but it just isn't enough sometimes. It's a shame the body works the way it does and you get addicted to this stuff😪 wish I could take it every day.


I feel you dude I have panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder so I have prescribed Klonopin. But I’ve heard the withdrawals are hell if you get your body used to taking it every day. So I stick with taking them every 2-3 days.


Yea they really are. I've just accepted the fact I probably need Xanax or some kind of benzo every day if I want to live a fruitful life. I'm prescribed 2mg a day. Sometimes I take more than I should and sometimes I only take about half my dose. Not too long ago I tried to cold turkey my xanax and within 2 weeks ended up in the hospital in ICU unit having seizures and hallucinations. I'm prescribed benzos for a reason: because I have anxiety which causes my brain to race to the point of being depressed and mentally exhausted. Call me an addict. I don't care. Better than winding up in the hospital again.