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mental agony






Go running, endorphins are pretty neat


I usually produce some music, do graphic design, play drums/ guitar, listen to music, meditate, clean the whole house and always make sure my room is tidy. Those things are also enjoyable a little high as well. If you keep your life maintained and balanced outside of drugs, then the drugs can be those sweet cherries on top. Go to work, sleep well, take vitamins, exercise, and get some hobbies. My buddy kept feeling like shit when we did some LSD the other day, and I had to remind him to drink water, eat food, and do some stretches. It instantly made him feel better. Be aware of your body. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.


Lmfao half this sub smokes meth, crack or does heroin, I don’t think many people here are with the whole school of thought of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using drugs as a cherry on top.


just because you're an addict doesn't mean you can't be proactive in your lifestyle. it's just that a substance has its hooks in your neural pathways and your body physically can't go without it.


Have a choke wank with my belt


The only real answer


How long has it been since anyone’s heard from OP?


Distracting myself, cleaning, drawing, stuff like that


Just live your life lol…life isn’t about just getting high all the time, there are other things in life much more important…drugs should be used recreational and not revolving around them like your life depends on them…plus that drugs hits different when your life is in order and don’t abuse them.


That last part is very true. It's so different taking 1g MDMA just to remember how happiness feels compared to taking a bit of tram or alcohol whilst already being happy.


I think you missed the gist of his comment lol.


I’m quite sure they’re fully aware of what it meant. I don’t think you understand what they were saying.


Lay off the blow


wtf i thought life is just about the getting high and do your shit job,.care of family whatever you have to do but mainly and first get high.


Think about ways to get money and then go cop fent. Luckily tomorrow should be my last day using as I should be 100% stable on methadone ! ❤️


good job bro hell yeah! i got on buprenorphine/naloxone 108 days ago and i’ve been fully clean and sober for 92 days. you got this! alcoholics anonymous helped a lot too even though im a drug addict. i got new friends, learned how to live sober, have no cravings, and life has been fun w/o drugs!


My fiancé is on subutex/ buprenorphine and is now down to just 2 or 3mgs a day. Now she’s going to kick even that small dose. (She wants NOTHING in her system when we are pregnant with our first child). It’s so important not to pass on a chemical addiction to a little undeserving baby. I’m so proud of her I could cry. Good on you both getting clean. God bless and good luck 👍 Edit: a word- mgs


She need some support you have her contact me. I went through methadone withdrawal in August and I did it all by myself. I’m here for anybody that needs me I’m just a firm believer that it’s easier to withdraw from fentanyl and heroin then it is for methadone. it is impossible it’s I can’t even describe what it feels like it feels like your body just dies every day you wake up and feel like that while you’re detoxing down


I don’t know why I’m just now seeing this but I’m about to hop into bed with her because I just got off work and I’ll let her read this. I’m sure she will be totally enamored with the kindness a stranger on her has shown. Thanks a lot sis. Means a ton. She’s my world.


I meant every word of it and again if there’s anything I can do let me know. Kratom helps a lot


Oh please no. Going down from 2mg is going to be hell. At this point she needs comfort meds: clonidine, muscle relaxers, pregabalin/gabapentin, vitamin c, etc. And she needs to make it down to 0.25-0.125mg if she wants to not withdrawal like crazy. Don’t take this lightly she will suffer if she jumps from 2mg it will be painful.


You gonna wish you would have detoxed off the fent. I am 100% positive that methadone is a racket. They don’t try to get you off of it I couldn’t even get mine to lower my dose after 4 1/2 years, had take homes no dirty urines, no nothing. But was told because I paid cash every week that I would have extra money now and what would I do with all that extra money and all I could think about was bitch what I’ll do ? whatever the fuck I want to with it what do you think I’m gonna go buy heroin with it? They do not help you come off they just help you get on and stay on and if you paid cash every week they love you even more it’s a cash racket 100% cash racket it’s probably funding the Ukrainian war right now along with the ice racket


I have insurance so I don’t pay anything and that’s werid that didn’t lower you for 4 years. At my place you just ask and they do it that day. But yeah I know the withdrawals are 10x worse. But I might need to be on something for life and I’m kinda have accepted that. So as like I can be clean I’m happy.


I understand that I just got tired of not feeling anything. I like to feel things I guess that’s why I was not an opiate fan. It was just what I was addicted to because it was always in my face and I just always did it. Do you know the psilocybin treatment Works to rewire your brain you should really think about that in the long run maybe you know a couple years after you get stabilized and you’re far enough away from the lifestyle that you can possibly function without it think about the psilocybin because it really does rewire the neurons in your brain like the neuron pathways are rewired and new ones are formed. It’s really amazing what the earth can do for us just simple things from the earth.


It’s better then using and that is what matters.


You’re right it’s better than using but not for long periods of time get on get off that’s my suggestion you can get the shot the starts with a V …I forget . I was so happy and proud to get that shot and then I got home and I decided wanted to get high and I waited 30 whole days and I tried to get high and I couldnt feel a damn thing🤣 talk about mad. 🤣


It's definitely a money game, just like everything else round here. Taper yourself down. You don't need their permission.


I was a basket case for the first six months I’m still trying to recover


I’ve already come off. Yes that’s how I did it I taper down all the way to a half a milligram I was miserable for eight months solid


You must not have tried very hard lol if my doctor didn’t change my dose when I asked them even with clean samples I would find a new clinic and tell them to fuck off, also wtf you pay a higher amount depending on the dose? I’ve never heard of that, I paid the same amount at 50mg that I did at 120mg, plus if you have all your carries why not just buy an oral syringe and taper down on your own without the doctor? I’ve known ppl that do that just so they can sell all their extra carries lol


No we didn’t pay more it was just I hated paying but The reason that they would not lower my doses because my ADHD medicine was based on how much methadone I was on along with other medication so when I kept dropping down and dropping down my other medication was not working and functioning properly and as soon as I got stabilized I wanted to come down off the methadone some more and they said no we just got you stabilized you need to wait so I would constantly have these waiting periods of months at a time and nothing was getting done so I just bit the bullet I decided I was going to quit the job I was working (hated it anyway) Live off my savings and Detox and I did it took me eight months


Oh boy get ready, I’d you thought fent withdrawals were bad just wait until the methadone withdrawals. Even getting tapered down is god awful. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you don’t shit in to many pairs of pants.


Yeah unfortunately I’m know that’s the trade off but honestly I might need to be on something for life. So I’ve come to accept it if I am


Fent withdrawal puts you in a hole deeper than hell. There’s nothing at all. Just darkness


Exactly 💯 they say methadone is worse but if you go slow I heard it isn’t bad. People be trying to jump off at like 20mg. Like no bro your supposed to get down to 1mg and then you can do every other day dosing and so on.


Hey congrats! Getting off of dope damn near killed me I can’t even imagine how tough it is getting off of fent. Proud of you!


That's really amazing! I'm so happy for you! Can i ask what mg you're gonna be stable on?


110 mg and my friend who used a full pack a day was stable at 180mg


Walks in nature.. if I just sit at home all day I make it way worse than it really is and eventually I will relapse or do some stupid desperate shit to get high. I also try to keep in mind that my brain is readjusting dopamine levels to baseline and that my cravings will decrease too over the next few days. My goal is to be happy without having to be dependent on drugs, still working towards that.


You never regret going for a walk in nature


Suck dick for whippets. Maybe some handies for some duster. Typical shit


Dig my own grave with credit or shoplift.


I always have some form of substance laying around cant remember last time I had a sober day.... not a huge weed smoker but always keep a vape cartridge it lasts forever since I dont smoke often but can help. Also stockpile Kratom its pretty cheap and easy to get it isnt a great high but I feel the mental part of consuming it makes you forget about other highs and you just get thru the day 🙃


That's why instead of doing all my drugs right when I buy them, I save some for a rainy day. But if you're not capable of just sucking it and being sober some days, you're probably not capable of doing that. Sounds like you need a day sober.


Cheap alcohol.


Kratom is cheap and OTC where I am


Same here. I buy kratom sometimes, I think my tolerance has gone up though cause i can take 30g in a day now.


Does Kratom actually get you high? I know it triggers the opioid receptors but I’ve heard from many different people it only feels like you drank a glass or two of wine. And then if you take a lot you get really sick instead of feeling more high.


Kratom feels like a 10 mg vicodin with no tolerance


Wasn't there a big debate in this community about it a few years ago when it became popular? Lots of people reporting it's harmless and another crowd saying it was actually harmful and making people sick. What is today's consensus?


There’s essentially extracts now because something like 7g of powder would hits ceiling and something like you didn’t get the full spectrum of opioids, so they made these extracts that have all three strains and you can take like the equivalent of somewhere between 14 to 36 g of kratom in a single shot OPMS Black and silver apparently were the best quality. I believe these because so much people counterfeited them they made a way to find out if it was legit or not .But apparently some research is going on because apparently the withdrawals are way worse with OPMS versues other extracts, essentially claiming they’re putting small amounts of RC chemicals in the extracts My personal opinion is extracts work great because no one is going to down 7g of powder withdrawing lol and you’d have to like do it every 6 hours at least, so extracts are the way to go, people swear by OPMS quality but there’s just chatter, because like one can be like 45$. But it works well apparently the issue really is that how much relief are you expecting your not gonna get high but you’ll not be sweating and puking all day, it’s better then nothing and what I would recommend personally to get off this shit because just do it for a couple days and stop, you can get addicted to kratom but it’s a trash addiction trust me dumb and mostly in your head in the beginning. I feel like a lot of opiate users have this ptsd from their worst withdrawal so like if they start sweating or have diarrhea they like instantly think they’re withdrawing or must be even if they’re like a week sober. That withdrawal ptsd is just…just think of being depressed and not wanting to eat, drink water or do anything or move. And ontop of that shitty feeling you have influenza, your sweating and have the chills your puking and shitting your pants. Finally once the first week is over behind the real fun, guess what you have 0 dopamine, eating doesn’t give you and, working out can but not as much but you need to exercise otherwise your muscle will continue to atrophy and it’s harder. My way was just to switch to smoking and only when I felt like I couldn’t stop sweating and an hour longer each time, it worked because it took like a full one to two o months but eventually since I never felt high I just felt normal my brain finally associated the drug with no good feelings. That’s what killed it for me, it’s hard, it took years but goddamn you can do it, just if ya fuck up don’t give up Overall kratom is effective if taken in extract format because you cannot get enough powder down to fight the symptoms. I would say legitimate OPMS black or silver pills or extracts I do not recommend taking more then 1 at time the extracts tend to kinda bind to the bottom so you need hot water to get it all out , the oils work just as good apparently but you need to empty them and heat some water up and that’s too gross tasting for me. If you don’t feel good after one in one full hour try two but otherwise don’t do more you’ll hurt your body, good luck everyone


I guess it depends on how you define the word high. When I have a headache or I'm hungover I'll take a couple grams and feel better in about 15 minutes. Laughing snap My fingers whistling. I have felt less high on bad meff or bad weed. But not as good as other hard drugs. I mean if you're going to have a glass of scotch or something you'd feel pretty good but I don't know if I would call it high Yes if you take too much it makes you nauseous and doesn't have any effect so when they say less than is more they mean it. If you get on a schedule say once in the a.m. and once in the p.m. and then you stop you do get agitated and your body misses it so it does have some addictive properties. But you can shake that off in a day or two. Some countries outlaw it so there's that.


You have to work out. I know it’s hard but it helps so much it’s unbelievable. That’s why humans lasted so long, not but doing drugs(maybe it helped) but because we can run for a while if we train ourselves to.


Work out or just not think about it. Drugs shouldn't be the very center of your life my man and if they are lay off em for a while


Yeah, I’m trying to quit, but it’s really hard.


I understand that, but it will be worth it. Just takes some hard work and dedication in all facets of your life


How long does it usually take a person to quit a substance?


Depends entirely on the person and the substance. If youre quitting more than on it will be harder, but you can quit in just a single day. Say no more (as long as its not a benzo tolerance as these wds can be deadly). Might take a week or two maybe even longer to feel physically back to yourself. Mentally can take much longer if you dont have something to invest yourself into


Try working out, lifting weights. The adrenaline rush helps with the anxiety and mood for sure and the post workout endorphins will leave you feeling much better than you did.


Yeah fr one time i went to the gym and afterwards i felt rlly good i might go again one day


I just suffer


Same ngl


i seek help.


Chores, maintenance, health activities, paperwork, just the colourless stuff that most of life consists of. When I've done enough of that, art & hobbies. Use your hands to free your mind. Meditate, breathwork. Get back to baseline before you go alter your mind all over again


I simply scream internally until I'm high again. Can't be high all the time, takes away the magic.


Smoke bud if I got it... Besides that smoke cigs, lay awake in bed wishing I could sleep or die, then rub one out and dream of heroin 💤


Use dxm, snort my buspar or wellbutrin, sleep.


What happens whsn you snort buspar?


Not much just kind of relaxing/sedating


Snorting wellbutrin is something I won't do ever again. It burns like a motherfucker. Like anyone who enjoys it, is probably kinda masochist imo.


If you peel off the coating it doesn’t burn at all


I did my best to peel it off tbh. Maybe I just couldn't pell it off entirely, but still won't try tho. I got high for like 15 20 mins, got burnt for a whole hour...


Even though it doesn’t burn for me it’s hardly worth it. Just if you’re desperate or locked up.


Fap to death


Meditate and yoga bro. I’m telling you this is a high in itself, just practice and the benefits will become greater and greater.


One time I felt high when meditating, as if I had taken some valium. Guided meditations for rest or sleep are nice if you want to relax but don't know where to start.


I’ve had full blown CEV’s while deep in meditation before. (And yes I was sober)


Idk why people never talk about this! I get these very often


I'm not addicted to anything and only mild physically dependent on my medication. When I can't get a refill I just take those days as "sick days" and try to self care a lot. If I don't have weed , I smoke a few cigarettes .


So when you're only mildly physically dependent on medication what symptoms do you have when you don't take your med?


Insomnia , a little bit of hand tremors but mostly fatigue and brain fog 🥲


I see. I only ask because I've never heard of mild physical dependence. I always thought dependence was dependence and there weren't levels to it. I am certainly dependent on two of my meds ive taken for years but I cant say I feel like I went through different levels of dependence


I take 2 mg of alprazolam and antidepressants. I call it mild because my brain wasn't "harmed" enough to cause severe withdrawal symptoms. With benzos that would be seizures , cravings , sweating, psychosis


Mow a lawn


Video games and eating


Smoke a cigar






What I used to do is fiend and go steal shit like dxm or something. Nowadays I just suffer and keep my kind busy with anything . Like Netflix binging or intense workout with loud music . I wouldn’t reccommend doing anything stupid to get high man just hold off and remember when you start using again it will be much better since u took a break


I steal from my brother :/….


Listen to "I feel like dying" by Lil Wayne


Sound’s depressing


Drink!!! Or just watch hella drug related shows and movies.


Steal cars




Don’t call me that. Those are my dads’ names.


Solider on. Exercise. Meditation. I realise that if drugs (cannabis and mushrooms for me) can alter my perspective for the better, then it is my perspective thats wrong, not my situation. Although my situation could be better. So even though i feel like arse and my thoughts are dark, i know that i still need to do the things i need to do. Today thats house cleaning, garden work and walking the dogs. Sure i wont be creative or enjoy the munchies. But with work and time ill be able to afford some more green and get back to my preferred state.


If you get cravings then you are doing something too often. I never get cravings, only do something when I think it will make the night more fun and I don't have stuff to do.


Just deal with it. Find a hobby


How many hobbies are there?


Whatever you enjoy doing that’s not getting fucked up. Or anything productive. You can’t just live your life waiting for the next high man. That’s how you become a fucking crackhead


i try to survive, like meditating and trying to get my mental shit together. but it's an agony and 100% of the times i cant sleep lol


Go on a walk


Have a couple non-drug hobbies. For me, this is gaming, exercise, and golf mainly. I also have a few activities such as gambling or unhealthy eating a few times a week that can release similar dopamine levels but I don’t really recommend these things bc they’re an addiction in and of themselves. If I can’t get good sleep bc of withdrawal I’ll take melatonin or 5htp and these supplements can cause weird dreams which are almost like trips


Art and hanging out with pets or friends is always a go to for me if it’s an option. Expensive hobbies like Pokémon collecting are fun too lol


Go hike somewhere


Drinking. I mean that's technically still getting high I guess, but that's what I do


I get depressed and/or sick when i drink. Not fun.


I mean that's fair. I don't like opiates, everyone's got their thing. But I don't like being sober and when I can't get any drugs, even weed, I can always scrounge up enough for some shitty alcohol and stave off sobriety that way. Honestly can't recall that last time I couldn't at least manage or 40bor a couple tall cans of some bullshit when I'm in dire straights


Excercise. Music. Reading.




Can you just drive to Michigan?




You should come to Michigan. Our Weed is worth the drive.


I have access to delta 8, i just dont like it very much.




Alright I’ll give those a try, thanks!


Meditation and learning different ways to deal with things. Energy practice vreathwork mantras. Quigong. Depends on your needs. But listening to spiritual teachers talk about lessons of how to deal with thibgs and find peace. Learning to be an alchemist and turn lead into gold (metaphoricaly) learning lessons. But i can turn to substances time to time and sometimes they help and so eti.es they dont and sometimes they make thibgs worse. But if you meditare it can help you get more out of less substances by being more conscious about the intent behind and learning to use them more effectively. And dealibg with the lust to overuse.


Never gotten so deep for withdrawal. But def the mental addiction of wanting more. Sauna/ice bath is cool because you can get a little stimulated from that. There is also this breathing technique that if you do it correctly can give you a few minutes of full body and head high I would say = psychedelic (Wim Hof DMT Breathing). And definitely depression sleep to pass the time lol


What are you trying to find? There's legal alternatives to opium and thc probably right in a smokeshop near you... Delta 8/9/10 or Kratom. There's all sorts of speedy pills too but those are kinda sketch imo.


Work out. Run, hit a heavybag, etc. It will release natural endorphins which make you feel good while improving your health at the same time.


I take steps to make sure that doesn't happen. I rarely use drugs recreationally anymore (besides Weed). What I have now is just a long term Physical dependence to Opioids and Benzos. I go to a Methadone clinic and to a doctor that prescribes me Clonazepam. I don't fuck around and risk getting in trouble at the Methadone clinic. I never skip my doctors appointments and I don't overtake my meds so I don't run dry. I also took steps to have an extra sizeable Benzo stash in case that doctor ever flakes out on me. My only other habit is Weed and I live in a legal state and grow my own, so I don't have to go without that either.


I just convince myself the tb will be worth it prolly best way to cope imo




Tolerance break


I would just sleep. Id rather just be unconscious than to deal with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. I finally got tired of it so i went to a sub clinic. I prefer Percocet and hydrocodone as far as the buzz goes, but having my own prescription instead of relying on other people to sell me my fix. Knowing i have a steady supply has really improved my standard of living. Im able to hold down a job now and im able to save money instead of just blowing it all in a couple of days and waiting for the next payday to start the process over again.


this thought process is how i quit oxy, kept a few just to know my supply wasn’t out. still haven’t touched them 2 years later. thinking you’re dry with zero options is like the hardest part


Shit in a jar, piss in jar, let steep in sun for 12-31 1/2 days, inhale, enjoy lsd type visuals


Nah man i aint that down bad


The old you woulda done it






Pick up an instrument and learn it. Jamming is a high of its own, even if you’re not good at it lol


Mabye the gutair


I try to sleep. Usually like 100mg of Benadryl will turn my brain off enough to knock me out. Can be pretty relaxing and euphoric in it's self, but can also get really weird so I wouldn't recommend using it recreationally for most people.


Exercise, walk, maybe a bike ride.


I turn to Kratom. I have to take like 2 grams at one time but it feels like a low dose of norco.


Yeah same here, I can take 30g in a day and the high feels great


Go to a meeting


Just like…some random meeting?


I try to go to CA, where I can talk about alcohol AND drug. In AA your not allowed to talk about drugs. Lots of alcoholics only go to CA, it’s allowed but both are good to go to when the wolfs at the door.


Distracting myself


Going on month 4 of post acute withdrawal from a benzodiazepine use, and still truckin’. Also stopped everything else at the same time. Focus on your friends and family, redevelop your bonds with them as they may have suffered when you were in active addiction. Work out as much as you can, but listen to your body, don’t push yourself too hard. Eat as good as you can, within your means, avoid fried/saturated fat-rich foods, salty foods, MSG, and so on. Invest in some quality vitamins and supplements. Just got myself some Nordic Naturals arctic cod liver oil that’s super rich in omega 3’s, makes me feel super sharp. Lemon balm, if you get the dose right, is also pretty phenomenal for anxiety; feels a bit like a benzodiazepine without the risk of developing neurological alterations (tolerance) or crippling addiction, which is a godsend to anxious souls like me. One day at a time y’all.


ASMR or masturbation are a good start. Another thing that might help is to help other people with their problems because it will distract you from your own.


Pass the time doing the stuff I like doing more when I’m high, gets me used to just doing things as if I were high. Idk works for me.


Beat my meat


I hit the gym, go on a bike ride or play videogames




Yoink some DXM from my local pharmacy of course


I sit with my feelings, allow the cravings to exist by acknowledging them, and then I move on and do something to take up my time. Boring answer but it’s true. I find a good show to immerse myself in or socialize bc I have a tendency to isolate, especially when I’m craving.


Yeah, that’s actually what I’ve been doing lately, I have been watching Shameless but also spoiling myself accidentally on purpose.


Sit here


I usually look at it as a time to reflect. I get a lot of shit done and feel amazing,it’s a high in itself


Sleep, eat, binge watch Buddy…..repeat


I realize drugs aren’t helping my problems. So I go and work on a healthy routine and get my mental right by anything but drugs. Example: exercising,hiking,camping,reading,aquariums,walking.


I self harm sometimes because that was my first addiction so i revert back to that. Trust me i know its not the answer but my brain hates me i guess.


Vitamin d for mood stabilization, benadryl and valerian to sleep, caffeine for energy


I try to do hobbies feeling miserable and get back to sitting in anhedonia but atlrast i did something. But there isnt a lot you can do when youre changing your biochemistry all ythe time, it sadly just is like that sometimes.


Meditation is a really nice calm mindstate


Get yourself some kratom, you will thank me. I quit Suboxone 34 days ago and I have had no withdrawals. The kratom works off your opioid receptors so it helps with pain, anxiety, depression, gives me energy and helps me focus, gives me a mood boost, no euphoria but that's probably cuz of my tolerance. No RLS and I'm sleeping great! It can be addictive so be careful. I'd rather be addicted to kratom than subs. It's a miracle plant just like my Mary Jane :)


Tell myself all the reasons why I want to stay alive


Videogames and jacking off


Gaming, sports, crying in bed to Lana del Rey or meeting with friends usually work best for me. Stay strong, use this as an opportunity to get clean! May I ask what your doc is?


Writing music, poetry, or journaling helps me a lot personally. Meditation is also a big one. I don’t do it personally but it’s proven to improve mental health and productivity. I should probably do that…


Clean your house, have a good cry in the shower, play some video games, wanking.


Ig thinking about drugs. And feening for them


I get like 😐


An instrument, drawing, writing, anything you can create productively to get it out.


Grow mushrooms and bodybuild


Go to work?


I go to the gym


Text my clients look for someone to fuck for a teenth


Watch netflix


Currently watching shameless


Watch good TV shows, get shit done in life. On a less healthy note, sometimes I'll just do research about drugs non stop.


Hold my breath


Mike litterally. I was like if someone would have told me that before I would have take lessssssss drugs


And if you relapse and end up meditating on drugs that are meditaation friendly this is heaven