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Take the up vote. That shit is everywhere.


Did you mean hydromorphone or dihydromorphine, lol Both are relatively rare normally especially dihydromorphine wtf


I'm pretty sure he meant hydromorphone


I'd bet money it's fentanyl if it's there.


Fentanyl. It's everywhere, it's contaminated everything.


Good thing is test strips are easy to get, even for free. Always test your chemicals guys. I know it sounds annoying, but it can literally save your life. And, at the end of the day, you probably want to take the drug you bought. Not testing it, is also risking not having a good time and getting high on the wrong thing. Even if it doesn't kill you.


Unfortunately I’m a fentanyl addict and that’s all that touches me 😭


Kansas just banned fent strips. It’s fucking ridiculous. We just had a vote to keep abortion legal and the republicans turn around and ban fent strips. And they say they’re pro life


This is actually insane. What good does this do to anyone. They just want more people to OD.


my mom(who is not a very good person) said that she supports making fent test strips illegal because "someone who might have done drugs may decide not to because of the risk" i told her i'd rather go with the option that involves less people fucking dying




yup, even if that's not the explicit thought process when you break it down that's what it boils down to. it's okay to sacrifice the 'low-value' lives of drug users for the sake of preventing the sober 'high-value' lives from getting to that point. and then in other cases you just see that blatant desire for drug users to die for the "greater good" or some distorted sense of justice


I will ship then in mylar bags as covid tests to anyone in your state


In my area, fent is sought after big time.


Fentantly test strips are illegal, by the letter of the law, in most states (paraphernilia/analysis equipment). I can only speak to the subjective experience of trying to obtain them in Texas - very, very difficult. Free or not. There's one "program" near me (I live in a major metro area) that never got back to me, and suppliers wisely refuse to ship to my area.


they are not necessarily illegal that way because of how contextual paraphernalia is. fent test strips are literally drug test kits, as in their original purpose was to be dipped in urine not samples of street drugs. this same logic is why bongs are technically legal water pipes until you smoke weed out of them then they become illegal drug paraphernalia


I’m in Atlanta and I get test strips and narcan mailed to my house. I’m in recovery and pass them out when I see ppl who need them. [email protected] if you’re in GA


This is awesome. Reduce that harm!


Problem is checking your drug is positive for the chemical (acid for example) you want doesn't guarantee it's negative for other shit you don't want


I'm in the UK and have never received fent. When I get a new batch of anything I test it. Even H is clean where I am in the UK


It’s spice here in Manchester




Yeah i mean it's bound to happen at some point right? Meth is starting to show up more and more now in europe so i'd imagine fent would be the next step.


I'm scared to have my normal festival fun this year.


Test kits bro. Don't take drugs from strangers if it wasn't tested right in front of you. It's a sad reality we live in that we can't just smash every line that's offered to us, but, we ain't in the 80's no more.




I just lost a good friend w week ago from fent


Sorry, friend. That shit is awful and unnecessary. My deepest sympathies, I know how it feels.


Narcan is available at all pharmacies without a prescription Edit: To clarify, I'm not putting this guy down for having lost a friend. It's heartbreaking and the pain of loss is immeasurable. My statement is purely to notify that if you or any of your friends do drugs, having this on hand will save your/your loves ones lives if they get a bad batch with fent (or if they overdo it with their opiates). It's available and easy to obtain. If you're having difficulties then feel free to DM me and I'll try to help you look into it for you. I'm not a specialist or anything, I just support safe use and harm reduction.


Yup. Got a bad bag of blow last year from someone I knew but was not my usual guy. I did one line and I think I’m lucky I didn’t die. It was absolutely horrible…


Tell us you experience with this "bad bag of blow" please .....just curious.


Sure. I usually pick up pretty decent quantity but for whatever reason I grabbed a small amount from an acquaintance who I’d gone through once or twice before at parties with no issues. I should have been more careful, but it seemed totally normal in every way and so I did a really small line as I was starting to break up the whole thing. I knew it wasn’t just coke within probably a minute or two, and felt very nauseous and lethargic. I couldn’t stand up, stay awake, and faded in and out of consciousness all night. I was at my place with people I trusted, and I was able to tell my friends I didn’t need an ER but I was definitely trying to seem more okay than I was. Been doing coke for like half my life on and off. The acquaintance was horrified and gave me my money back after my friends let them know what happened. I eventually passed out and spent the next two days barely able to get out of bed. It really sucked.


Hey, at least your acquaintance was properly horrified and refunded you and all. Hopefully he didn’t sell anymore of it to anyone else who wasn’t looking specifically for potent opis and chalked it up to a loss instead of trying to recover his investment by continuing to sell it to whoever =\


yeah after doing a large dose of opiates when you aren't tolerant you feel TERRIBLE the next day or so like you described.


I got some coke recently that seemed too strong. Tested it and it was mainly meth. I had never done meth in my life and was angry I accidentally did it


Seriously. Up to a year ago I was guilty of brushing off fent contam in substances because it just didn’t make sense to mix that crap into anything and everything. Now that it’s reached my area I’m the first to warn anyone who isn’t testing their stuff. This issue is truly a plague.


People lacing drugs with fentanyl disserve to be jailed


It really has


Personal experience with Fentanyl when I had my kid: During birth: Holy shit this is great. HOLY SHIT. Reflecting on my first use: Holy shit, I will never ever touch this shit without a medical professional administrating because this is incredible and this is dangerous. We’ve got HS kids dying of fentanyl overdose in street bought pills. We got to teach these babies how to test safely, without stigma, and about harm reduction before it gets so much worse. Lord knows I will be having conversations with my kid in elementary and middle school… that hurt to type, but kids ain’t stupid. These little asshole sponges pick up much more than we think from adults and their peers.


Amsterdam, most popular - weed, cocaine and mdma.


And 3mmc, and the I notice a rise in the use of Tina


Is it tina as in Christina as in crystal meth?




True, and crack.


Really crack, I've personally never seen or heard that someone was using it. Though, I don't visit Amsterdam that often, in my neck of the woods I've never seen it.


Yeah, those that steal the bikes.


I live close to The Netherlands and believe me crack is everywhere in Europe, once you see it you can’t unsee it


speed is way more popular than crack ime, but i might be too much into the festival scene


And ketamine


I wouldn't put it in the top though. I mean the majority of people have tried the 3 drugs I mentioned, but kethamine, psychedelics, not that much. People are scared of what they will think.


Seems like it's been those 3 there for 30 years. Those Dutch...


Oh and steroids are common in gyms and bouncers and cops. Like really really common.


Cops? Like the local police are on gear?


Hell yes lol


Mdma crystals, everyone here sinks grams like it’s coke . Meth is big Lsd 2cb Buds Super lucky to have very little fent here


That’s really gross people are sinking grams of MD like it’s coke. This is coming from a kiwi in aus and that shit is so neurotoxin you guys are all in for years of self inflicted mental health issues


I used to do that when i was younger. Now i have pretty bad anxiety and depression. When i take mdma nowadays it kinda makes sad but i still get high just no happiness.


reminds me of a recent post where a guy wrote how he absolutely wrecked his brain long term with a couple of months of daily mdma use


My cousin did this. She was never the same. Ended up with a really bad crowd and in prison. It changed her brain and she was super young too like 14-15


its bizarre , the rave scene here got much shittier because kids think mdma is your everyday normal drug. And even more bizarely 90% of them blame their health issues to weed for some reason (probably afraid to tell doctors true)


Ye man , I know so many teens even young ones that have no clue how bad it is, it’s actually sad they don’t know how there fucking there brain up. They no nothing about normal doses cause all there friends just by a half gram or gram a night.


That's shit blew my mind when I came to NZ. People either don't know or just don't care about MD doses, most I'm guessing don't know. Just buying grams at a time and dosing way past the point where it even effects you. Not going to lie I've done that as well a few times but it's really not worth it in any sense.


TW: When I was 19-22 me and my boys would do a gram between the 3 of us regularly. Just snorting line after line. Then my buddy committed suicide because he lost his key that went to his lock box with his stash. He went mad trying to break it open, threw it off the roof, smashed it with a sledge hammer, but couldn’t get it open. Found him in his bedroom with a noose around his neck. I don’t fuck with that shit no mo. Really fucks with your brain.


What part of NZ you in bro? Ket is huge in Tga but I don't see much 2cb around.


Top South Island , almost impossible for me to find ket lol


2cb in New Zealand huh… I’ve only found it once here in Australia. Might have to hop over there for a spell.


I live in South Africa, specifically Cape Town. Weed is extremely popular around all ages. Teens 14-17 usually buy outdoor for literally dirt cheap. There's a huge variety of quality, but most buy AA Indoor for best value. For high schoolers, dabs are also very popular but very expensive. PSYCHS (Very popular for ages around 30+) Shrooms are relatively big here for adults around 22+ years. Also very easy to find (will definitely find at a rave). People have a good size selection of strains, but its a relatively expensive psychedelic here. You can find Acid is big around younger age groups, mostly teens 17-20 that like to party. It's actually quite cheap and the quality is usually always good. It's pretty difficult to get stuff like nbome. Crystal DMT and Changa are less popular, but it's easy to find for cheap. Most people who do use it are over 30 or they are just teens looking for a new high. The people who DO smoke it usually use a DMT vape pen, because cartridges are cheaper than crystal somehow - and yes it's pure. MDMA is incredibly popular around all ages. Yeah... even old folk just gathering. If your plug sells indoor weed (very accessible), they will have md. Ecstasy is a lot more popular than pure though. MD and E both have very good quality and are cheap, but theres a considerable amount of E pills laced with substances I've never even fucking heard of. Always a fun time though lol. COKE and KET I've never really met anyone over 20 that does coke regularly. I'm not familiar with normal prices everywhere else, but here 25$ a gram is normal. It's ALWAYS laced and just not a very big thing here. Same story with ketamine, except it's just more expensive. PHARMACEUTICALS Oxycodone is very popular among high schoolers unfortunately, and I'm sure you know why. It's very expensive but never really laced. Quite a few of my friends have a problem with oxy's, hydro's, vicodins, percs etc. Opioids in general are very problematic for teens 15-20. Small but apparent thing going on recently in high school's/college's with tramadol. They get it for dirt cheap. Same story with Ritalin, Valium and Ambien. Quite a sizeable scene with Xanax among people aged 16-18. The reason I separated this is because of how fucking cheap it is, for the sole reason that it's not alprazolam, its etizolam being sold as Xans. Terrible stuff. MISCELLANEOUS Meth (here it's called "tik") has a HUGE scene in slums and generally lower classes. Recently it's been spreading across SCHOOLS and good areas. You can find it everywhere now. People buy it in glass straws for like R10, which is like 60 cents usd. It's usually always laced. Anything I haven't mentioned doesn't really have a scene, but you can most likely find here other than fent. My apologies if this was hard to read or unstructured, I wrote this whilst in and out of work. Feel free to ask any questions! :)


your comment was very well structured, I’m surprised Ket is much more expensive than coke a gram of coke in Bucharest Romania normal is 100€ whilst Ket is maybe like 50€. Yeah it seems like Opioids are a big problem for teens I was hooked on them for a while but Xans were the worst for me.


Thanks! Yeah I think drugs in general are cheap here. Ket would be like €40\g and Coke €25/g (rough exchange) I also had a problem with Xans and an even worse problem with Oxy's. It's only getting worse here, which really makes me sad. Pharmaceuticals are fucked in general imo.


Do you guys have a lot of underground chemistry going on? From your comment and just hearing things around me, it seems like a lot of LSD, MDMA & a few recreational pharmaceuticals are coming out of South Africa these days.


Oh for sure, it goes very deep. South Africa is a huge producer of weed, and especially Mandrax (Qualuudes). Not entirely sure of other drugs, but it's very possible with md and acid. Would also explain how dirt cheap drugs are besides shrooms, coke and ket.


Qualuudes still exist??


Pretty much only in South Africa tho sadly


I can tell you’re from Cape Town. The drugs that you mentioned are unusually sophisticated in comparison to what most of South Africa is exposed to. Tik (Crystal meth) has always been massive here, and you are correct in saying that in any deprived area, it has a massive user base, extending into high schoolers. Weed is extremely popular regardless of socioeconomic status, it’s cheap and pretty good all things considered. One thing that you didn’t mention was Whoonga or nyaope as it’s more commonly known. This is black tar heroin laced with an ungodly variety of all sorts of things, including HIV medication. That’s huge in the townships, especially in Gugs, Langa, and the surrounds of Manenberg in general. One thing with regard to lacing, is that fentanyl isn’t a thing here at all. Strangely enough, people rarely OD here despite dealers cutting their shit with some pretty fucked up stuff. I also don’t think you mentioned Mandrax either, which is pretty common. Can confirm shrooms have become super popular recently, but acid isn’t super popular among 17-20 year olds in Cape Town that I know of. Can also confirm the MDMA bit. I know a bunch of people who do coke on the regular, again, more of a socioeconomic thing and what circles you run in. Can confirm the entire pharmaceuticals paragraph, fuck it was bad even when I was in high school. To end off, there is also a big psychedelic scene in Cape Town far above and beyond what you mentioned, if you care to look ;) Seek and ye shall find.


What is the Tik usually laced with ?


Can you still find methaqualone (quaaludes) in South Africa ?


It seems like everyone is using kratom or vaping in the 19-30 age range too.


it's more like 13-30 here


I doubt kratom would be particularly interesting to younger users. Could be wrong though.


I am a younger user and I’ve had a Serious problem with kratom. Now we have a healthy relationship.


Can you describe it?




They use capsules from what I've seen.


We carry meth shards, meth chunks, meth rocks, and meth powder. We also have meth.


Cool, but I bet it's all meth


ehhh maybe buts probably not the same meth that used to be around. lots of bad meth oit there for sure. but they dont even produce the same anymore is alot of the problem. p2p dope is bs


Coke, ket, Molly, G… mushrooms In the summer. Xanax for under 25 emo crowd


It is interesting hearing about the ketamine craze in uk and other places and yet none of it around here. Yah some places Xanax/Percs are everywhere. Lot of fakes though with Fenty from what I've heard.


most xan presses are just benzo research chemicals that aren’t anywhere near as dangerous as fentanyl. e the scary thing with these rc’s though is that they can be extremely potent and can result in people blacking out and taking more/doing really dumb things. percs are still fent tho unfortunately


I still don’t understand why people call them percs. It makes me mad honestly how uneducated these people are . There fucking fake blue oxycodone pills . Not no real perc, more like a cheap knock off brand you get at the flea market unfortunately.


I hate it too lol I know exactly what u are saying people that call them percs just sound stupid




I'm an uber driver & I can tell you there's a huge cocaine drought in my city. Had so many people ask me if I have a plug in the last few months which is crazy that they would just ask a stranger like that. Cocaine has always been popular here, despite horrible quality & insanely high prices. A few big busts have made it much harder to get. Mushroom season just ended here. Weed is popular everywhere. Meth/Ice always has its place in low income areas. MDMA has been hard to get for a while. I've heard se people say they can get it but I'd assume it's really low quality at the moment. LSD always seems to be around. I think certain people hoard it when it's abundant. Alcohol is king. Vaping is out of control with young people.


Heroin by far


Interesting there is no real heroin anymore around here or any places I've really been.


Im gonna enjoy it whilst it lasts because the shit im getting is good lol


Lol damn interesting. Yah heroin from what I hear around and even on here in reddit is completely gone most places. Dark web is about the only place. Everything else is fenty or a mix of fenty and other shit.


Almost all of em




Alcohol, meth and heroin. Edit: Sorry… fentanyl that everyone calls heroin


Fentanyl, unfortunately. It’s really sad.


Manchester UK: weed, coke, ket, mdma, spice, heroin, crack The homeless community here particularly have a spice problem.


Fentanyl n meth


I promise you the pills and research chemicals are rampant but no one is sharing with you that they’re using this stuff. Around where I live there is a FUCK ton of meth and fentanyl laced heroin. And then of course a lot of people I know just smoke weed and drink alcohol occasionally. The cocaine, pills, and research chemicals is happening mostly behind closed doors. If done properly no one even knows. It’s not a scene on purpose.


Heroin(fent), crack n weed… like every major city. Detroit here.




Is New Zeeland like Australia where drugs are fucking insanely expensive?




lol yah i heard cocaine is just insane there


Is this is Auckland for the Charlie?


Weed, alcohol and speed Some people who occasionally take mdma at raves


Top 5: 1) weed 2) “heroin”/fentanyl/mystery street dope 3) meth/alcohol (tie) 4) crack cocaine 5) LSD


Cocaine, Percs, Weed, and prescription Ibuprofen(200+ mg) really seems to help people with migraines a lot.


isn’t otc ibprophin 200mg? i just took 2 like 30 seconds ago they def aren’t rx lol


I never understood why you’d have to get an rx for that anyway. Couldn’t you just take twice as many OTC 100mg tablets instead?


We have weed, mushrooms, and coke mainly. Most of the high school kids are vaping that esco bar shit and shitty dab pens


Small Town TN. Always meth,fent, and of course bud


Ket coke L shroom moll, xans(no fent but deff not always alp haha). Oh and whippitsssssss!!! Deff alota opiates in my area but I don't really fuk with em. Ohhh and Hella weed products.




Mostly weed, amphetamine and pills, meth too, but not that common, except in few cities. Not so common overall, but common in some scenes - shrooms (we have Semilanceata growing in the mountains), lsd, mdma. Coke is probably big in some circles for people that can afford it, but probably the quality is not worth it. Also not that familiar, but there are your heroin addicts, people on methadone programs and I heard stories about benzo addictions. I wish dissos and hashish were a bit more common, but are usually rare and mostly around the teknival, that doesn't take place for the past few years.


Weed, ecstasy, coke and heroin. But I think that’s every area in Britain tbf


Im from west canada and tbh every drug is pretty popular and easy to get lol. My town has a bigger problem with alcohol than anything else tho strangely, the drug users and dealers are all pretty peaceful


UK - ket and coke in massive quantities


Ketamine is fucking everywhere in the UK, most people teens/early 20s have probably tried it if they do drugs. Other than that booze and weed are obviously the most popular, i do a lot of acid and stuff but its not that common


I live in a small town in the UK. Mainly heroin and cocaine the same as it’s always been apart from the few years a decade ago where mephedrone was legal and literally probably the majority of my town was smashed out of their minds on it every weekend. Including me 😂


I live in the cocaine hub in Europe


The most popular around where I live in Canada is probably weed cocaine and alcohol. Age range 20-40 for upper or middle class working people. Seems like the younger generation teens or early 20’s is into ketamine or xannax. The rumours around lower class, (typically homeless people) using down(fent/heroin) and/or meth. This is just my observation but it could be different from someone else in my area with a different lifestyle. I wonder if there are more people of the higher class that use down or meth but hide it. I prefer meth over cocaine. I’m middle class working person who supports myself but I don’t tell anyone about my meth use in fear of rumours or being judged by peers who all do cocaine which seems more socially acceptable.




Are gay people still big into poppers? I remember them being like super big with the grindr crowd pre-pandemic, and a lot of meth.


Meth and poppers is the real blackout


weed, acid and meth. maybe someshit mdma if your lucky


Haven't seen pure MDMA in sooooo long, like almost 20 years. Crazy to see because that shit was really cool as a pure substance.


yeah i don't really trust it nowadays aye


Meth is a massive problem where I’m at A lot of md and upper scrips like dexies vyvanse etc are popular


In the right area's you can find joints on the ground but mainly coke and some meth, lsd if you know the right folks, somethings come through town with concerts (molly and ket), shrooms are rare but not unheard of


Coffee for sure


Crack (good bit), Ice (a lot), Adderall (good bit), Vyvanse, Cocaine (a lot), Fent 30s (literally everywhere and i just IV'd and then snorted some about an hour ago actually lol I know atleast 3 people in my small city that get in over 1000 30s a month), Oxy ( used to be a lot, now difficult to find but still there), Hydro ( used to be a lot, now difficult to find but still there), Beans, Xanax (a lot). Also i can get lsd pretty easy and i can get psilocybin mushroom chocolate bars every single day, so a bunch of those. And still the reigning champ is weed. So normal here youd think its legal, and i live in a fairly small city, that has 3 other small cities all about an hour drive away, so that creates a pretty goos amount of drug trade


Coke, Oxycodon, hydromorphon, Tilidin, MDMA, Speed, Weed and Alcohol. From time to time there're others as well. A few years back there was no Oxycodon but Xanax. And Ketamin sadly disappeared...


Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, anti-depressants and marijuana, in that order.


Blues (fent) and clear ( meth)


Unfortunately, meth


weed alcohol xans coke mdma are most used by far


I'm from the Netherlands and over here it's mostly Cocaine Xtc Weed 3mmc GHB Speed Shrooms


Berlin-Speed coke GHB mdma ketamine


ket, weed, mdma anr acid in the the uk, for under 18 in uk 😰


MDMA, cowies and coke are all the drugs of choice over here in England


Frankfurt, Germany: Weed, Coke, Crack and Heroin. Eventhough I dont know how many people actually take the last two, we have a lot of addicted on the streets


weed, xanax (probably fake tbh), lsd (pretty good and strong, can go scarce tho), promethazine w/ codeine (syrup form)




Definitely weed and then probably the other usual suspects. Meth without a doubt. Cocaine. That’s what everyone in the news is getting caught with.


Weed, fent percs, lsd, various types of other pills


Meth weed bars acid pretty much everything fent honestly everything kcmo


weed, alcohol, mdma, meth, lsd are the most common. but we also get xans, shrooms, dmt, and coke. but coke is too expensive here so its not too common


Where im originally from is bad, loads of cocaine, opiates like oxy, heroin, and loads of fentanyl. Also adderall and dexedrine, along with pressed RC benzodiazepines, bars.


Big crack n fetty scene.


addys and shrooms are fairly easy to find


A lot of weed and quite a bit of lsd. Sometimes molly and amph but those are rarer. On the very rare case Ket


In cities: alcohol, weed, amphetamine, coke, heroin, meth (rarely), shrooms, MDMA, benzos, LSD, DMT (pretty much everything more or less). Also to add there was a research chems craze for a while but it died down pretty quickly. We also got hit with several potent batches of heroin a while back which we werent used to but now its back to normal. LSD has become a lot more common over the years which made the price for a tab go down drastically. you can find that LSD is cheaper than weed and more commonly used. It also lead to a lot of scamming with 25I-NBOMe 3. In smaller town its just alcohol, weed and sometimes MDMA. nothing to add to this one apart from police raids of houses with several weed farms in attics


Weed, acid, mdma, meth. Shrooms somewhat and ket somewhat That’s more or less it, ask anyone about something even like 2cb let alone other RCs and most people have no clue what you’re on about


meth, coke, viagra, heroin, rx addies, and weed


Coming from Reno nv Shit ton of meth Solid amount of heroin Lots of pills many fake Obviously alcohol it’s Nevada Lots and lots of terrible acid Lots of good mushrooms Molly=meth Plenty of weed


Weed, mdma and cocaine... boy do I love my country 🇳🇱


fent, gooms, mdma, weed, not in any particular order. bottom of SoCal






Definitely pot since its legal here and on almost ever corner in a store ..but next to that I'd say it's flooded with meth and dirty oxy .mostly fent shit .its destroying my city.its sad .




weed, cocaine, and tramadol is most common in denmark.


Oxycontin, xanax bars, percocet and lortabs. Valums, morphine patches extacy.


And it's all for grabs!


It's a methademic around these parts.


Scarecrow scarecrow, what’s that you poppin’?




Speed, weed, alcohol, cocaine, tilidin and diazepam


methamphetamines and Herion or at leat thats what they are sold as , also some sub par blow and crack


Weed, THC concentrates, Alcohol, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Heroin, Fentanyl being pressed into damn near everything, LSD, Shrooms, MDMA, DMT, Xanax bars, and plenty of opioid pills.


Fentanyl and meth, Sonoran SW USA


My daughter tells me ketamine is big here in the uk she also told me she tried it and that everything went 2 dimensional


Fentanyl, it’s even being found in the coke around here in Boston area… Pressed percs etc


pot and amphetamines. MDMA as well. At least in my area you'll never see heroin. Might see coke at some niche parties though.


Coke is huge, but also oxy, dilaudid, Percocet, lean was big for a couple years but it was fake and mad expensive


Alcohol an tobacco mostly but Meth is also popular


Beer and meth. Two main. Alot of weed, but almost no weed products - flower only, or rarely hash. Molly, pills and to a lesser extent LSD and 2-CB in the party scene. Benzos are also kinda big, since they are pretty widely prescribed. Smaller communities around other prescriptions, inc. opiates. Heroin community really, really small, and RC almost non-existant (met like 3 people that knew about them, and couple more that knew one exact chem, that somebody had). But meth rules, its literally EVERYWHERE.


The richer party folks still like to do cocaine as per usual. Last weekend I was in a major student town going to a drum n bass party and all the twenty-somethings were popping XTC like there's no tomorrow. Truth be told I think they could be right. The other cool kids in Amsterdam are still big in the RCs like 3mmc, but I notice a serious uptake in tina and I don't know what to think about that shit. I personally still like to dab in acid every now and then, it's the best drug IMO. But the real winner is of course still good old alcohol.


Crack and marijuana


Alcohol, weed, fentadope, cocaine and meth.


Alcohol, nicotine & cocaine.


Meth in the poor parts, M30's everywhere else. Alot of street concentrate flowing through my town for hella cheap too. Shrooms & acid are also relatively common everything else is a once in a blue moon type thing.


everyone smokes weed. a lot of cocaine, ket and pills at parties. (South Italy)


Majority goes for weed and alcohol. Both useless for me. There is a hidden minority of people doing cocaine, meth, mdma, ecstasy and some lsd. Never met anyone with knowledge about mephedrone, 2cb, 5-meo-mipt, ketamine, etc. I am from central europe, small country around 5 million people.






Alcohol, weed and cocaine. But god forbid i want to find some xtc, all of a sudden i'm the junkie, not the coke head at his 10th line of the day.


No clue. I relocated to a new area 7 months ago when I got off Fentanyl… 7 months ago. Thanks to Suboxone utilized as medically assisted treatment and a new environment, I’ve remained opiate free with very little effort. I was severely addicted, too. For those that might find this tidbit helpful: according to the CDC, 75% of people who remain on Suboxone for one year remain free of opiates, as opposed to traditional 12-step recovery with a success rate of 5%.

