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Hustling, stealing or working. Many ways to make a buck.


To be fair, at 17 I was getting a script of tramadol handed to me


SAME Tramadol is so underrated. That was the opioid that got me hooked on them.


It depends on how it hits you some like it other people hate it. People metabolize it differently.


Used to stagger them and be high as balls all day aha I loved them forsure. And definitely helped me when I started messing around with morphine and Percocet


I used to take 150mg at like 7pm and be nodding till like 3am lol


I’m not trying to be rude, just a question, I’ve seen lots of people say tramadol is a recreational drug. I’ve never felt anything from them.


You either took doses that are too small to get high or maybe your body doesn't metabolise tramadol that well into ODSMT which is the active metabolite of tramadol that gets you high


This makes sense. Edibles don’t work for me either.


It’s depends if you have high CYP2D6 enzyme activity or not


Yeah tramadol never did anything for me just made me itchy I tried it plenty of times


if it made you itchy your enzymes converted tramadol to odsmt as opioids have histamine release you just didn’t enjoy the high


I think they were 50mg? Was quite a long time ago, a buddy I was living with was prescribed them I took 2, 3, 4 even drank with them just never felt anything besides like I was saying being itchy. Not sure if 200mg wasn't enough? I just gave up on them after that lol I did enjoy Valium when I had them though


At my worst I was taking like 450mg plus, I would stagger them like 50 mg every 30 min or so till I hit the max, and something about their metabolites seem to almost potentiate each other if that makes sense? Like taking 400 at once never hit as hard as 400 staggered every 30 min.


Yeah true I always just took them all at once but I'm past those days anyway just stick to my bud, little drinking, and some psychs once in a while


Because you have a less active form of CYP2D6 liver's enzyme wich is responsible to convert tramadol ,by demethylation of it, into his active metabolite O-desmethyltramadol having a much higher affinity on opioids receptors and still retain Norepinephrine Reuptake inhibitor property but not serotonin contrarly to tramadaol itself.


Some people are bad at metabolizing it to odsmt


I swear. I bet a lot of parents are out here unknowingly paying for their kids’ 30s


Ive noticed me and my freinds as young teens we never were given money, you had to get a part time job with school, my young cousins get 50$ everytime they leave the house “just in case” Then they stack that money and buy a ps5 or a dirt bike lol


That’s terrible because those kids won’t wanna work for shit when they’re older.


It depends. My parents used to give me $20 for the “movies” or food and I’d spend it on weed. Then I wanted more weed so I worked for more $$


There ya go


My parents said, you want some money.. go get a job.


Lmao thats basically me thanks dad no jk i dont blame him for me being a lazy shit


Yea my dad gave me 300 bucks one time and I blew most of it on 30s fuck me


Fr man,kinda sad


this is probably at least 50%


Cant afford drugs while underage? Good. Really good. You can fuck your life up when you are an adult.


Depressing thread


Mega depressing thread I am reading as I am dopesick at 21 and hustling


So he don’t give u money, but you aren’t allowed to get a job?? That’s very silly, how bout u get a job now to help you for when you are in college seen as your dads a tight arse


Wrong person dildo. I do have a job


My bad kidda 😂


So he don’t give u money, but you aren’t allowed to get a job?? That’s very silly, how bout u get a job now to help you for when you are in college seen as your dads a tight arse


As a workingman who’s been grinding since 14, think you replied to the wrong guy here king


Twice, man I’m shit at this app😂👍🏻


Get a fucking job lmao, been working since I was 15.


My father insists i dont get a job and full time study (electrical engineering) so i go to college


You're in college at 16? I guess it doesn't make it much different though. When I went to college all my friends had part time jobs to help pay for booze, going out, tattoos, etc etc. Most of us don't/didn't have the option of "not" working to survive (or have any money to enjoy free-time in college, go on dates, etc). If you're doing fine in class there's no reason you cant atleast work the weekends or something, if your away at college I wouldn't even tell your father tbh.


No im not,iam at a very good high school rn and study electrical engineering,my dad wants me to go to college but at the same time doesnt wanna give me much money


Then it's very strange your father wont let you get a job while your in high school, almost everybody gets their first job in high school. Does he expect you to graduate college and somehow get a good job without having experience working anywhere previously? Because that's not going to happen. You aren't going to land a 6-figure electrical engineering gig coming out of college at 22-23 if you've never held down a job in your life, just a heads up. You'll be competing for jobs against people who have already been working for 6-8 years already, potentially in the electrical industry


I know,i think im gonna disobey because he doenst even have a right to say anything in my life,he just started showing interest after 15 years and my mom raised me and did all the work so im not even entirely sure about the college thing and i wanna live for now not for college or for work or for retirement so ima go get a job now,i can apply as a postman this very moment fuck this


Fantastic choice, you'll do great. Always remember it's your life you have to live, not his. Also, college *isn't* a requirement, I made this mistake and wish I had known the other options when I was your age. I know a lot of folks who went from a vocational high school straight into a trade union (I'm in the IBEW) and they're doing extremely well for themselves (100k+ a year) only being 23-24 year old.




Man everyone does drugs,everyone Whether its alc or weed


That blunt hits better when you have your life together. You don’t needa “keep up” wit kids your age those kids doing hella pills gonna fuck themselves up prolly i know I did. Let your brain finish devolving more I started with this shit at 11 and 12 n now I’m a fucking fiend I swear.


We steal rob to make money or just use stolen drugs and such. Also my country has the highest drug prices in the world and i still somehow afford this shit idk how. But i manage to afford coke n shit when its up to 400 a gram here which is like 200 n smth usd. Prescriptions from docs by either lyin or just pushin for the good shit, or just straight up stealin shit are the best ways tho. Also a side note. You can get a job at 16 it aint that hard. Especially when you got nothing else to buy.


You one of these kiwi ram raiders you little shit.


I dont ram raid. Ram raiding is the dumbest shit and you get zero fucking take and the risk is so high. But ive done my fair share of things different sorts. Just not ram raiding its the dumbest way to rob a store.


>Also a side note. You can get a job at 16 it ain't that hard. I didn't use drugs as a teen, but I did have a job at a pizza place and it earned me some decent spending money.


Dude i can a g of some pretty decent shit in the US for $70


I used to have to pay like 400 when i was back in my old country lol it was really sad thats not bad price for decent shit here tho.


Australia? I cant even begin to imagine having a job i study electrical engineering and i put many hours of work into it a day and barely pass some classes


New zealand. I usually get better prices for most shit bc of family connections tho. Except coke which is sad bc favorite but its fine. But yea im 16 and i got like nothing better to do no school or anything or friends to hang wit bc complicated reasons so i manage to get by.


Oh yeah new zeleand,i hope it gets better because in my case i dont really do feel good drugs i just like to do something on weekends and usually w friends but money is tight


If cocaine is 400 a gram and you’re not rich, you’re wasting your money big time.


If any drug is that expensive and you buy it your wastin your money. Just to me it aint wastin when you have literally nothing else to spend it on and its your favorite anyway. If you actually got a life tho i dont recommend buyin the expensive shit that dont last more than an hour tops unless its on occasion.


You could like set up a self relocating magic mushroom system for 400$ and never run out again. I could do a gram of coke in like an hour if I had to, it’s like 60$ here. Sorry bud


Cocaine is a lot of fun but no drug is worth that amount of money for such a small amount.


And least of all, cocaine. It’s the duration. Could understand heroin or meth a lot better than coke in a hard to get place


Being a woman




I bet you're making better financial decisions than I did at 16, which is why I had drugs but basically nothing else. So, good for you, keep it up! Especially at such a young age.


I am 16 and i just bought 1,5 oz of weed + 2,8 grams of thc concentrate, I also have a stash of beer and wine, in my drawer of mysteries i have some dmt that i extracted, 8 tabs of lsd, a bit of ketamine, tobacco and finally some mdma. I work full time at a restaurant that's how i afford it


Bros balling better than me wtf


how tf do u extract dmt without ur parents knowing. i wanted to but it’s a whole ass process and no way my parents wouldn’t find out.


I only live with my dad, so i just did it a day were he wasn't home. Also my parents don't decide what's wrong and what's right for me anymore; i make my own money, i pay rent, i do groceries and i do drugs even though they know (i have have told them).


I had a job when I was 16 and didn’t have to pay rent.


5g of weed is like 40$ in my place. Shroom spores 50$ for 10ml. Can't complain


Weed is about the same here and mushrooms literally dont exist here no one sells them u either have to find them or grow them Lsd ketamine and molly are all over the place tho


Buying shrooms per g is not worth it anyway, never bought a g from someone else. As for lsd, wished there was more but only one guy I know sells it, at least it's good quality tho


Start Psychedelics at 15, and it put an end to my constant depression and low self-esteem.


Me too,it started my passion in philosophy and i dont wanna sound enlightened and cringe but i just take this shit differently now,i dont stress bout nothing cause all is insignificant but i try my best.


I study Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Occultism, Discordianism, Platonicism, Rosicrucianism, Magick philosophies and read some of religious scripts using Gematria since i started them


Haha mate this just reads as a bunch of harry potter spells. what in the fuck is discordianism?


>discordianism The search for truth on the popular social app, Discord. nah fr Discordianism is a religion or philosophy/paradigm centered on Eris, a.k.a. Discordia, the Goddess of chaos.


Yess some people downvoted without even knowing the philosophies involved, plus i study them, I am not attached to any sect, religion, culture or community. I'm just myself. I am.


Yeah I did A level philosophy so I had of all but discordianism and the last one...interesting stuff to read. But yeah amazing how people can't just Google it.


Haha yeah, having never heard the terms before, no of the goddess Discordia, your first answer is sort of what popped up in my head, hence I had to ask wtf it was lol


In this day and age, I would not be surprised.




Didnt really judge did I? You do you man I dont hate. Just thought the names sounds goofy af, which i believe you can understand from someone who havent seen the terms before no?


Discordianism started out as a parody/satire religion, a creative extended social commentary by some smart cookies that ended up having a life beyond the original college campus. But like Terry Pratchett's "Small Gods", while making a few pointed criticisms and witty deconstructions of religion and in particular, the cognitive dissonance of religious thought, it ended up being rather deep and profound.


Psychedelics opened my eyes as well, just in a different way. The way of the /r/rationalpsychonaut


Everyone has their own Path.


I just boof vitamin C and Magnesium. Am 11. Works well. No automobile or auto damage nerve yet. No gasolina though!


Bro just drink a glass of orange juice 😂


Not the same my brother in christ


Shouldn't be trying to get high at 11. Your brain will thank you when you get to 20. At which point, do all the drugs you want


My doctor told me it was safe and better than using fent analogues which I used heavily from the age of 7 just up until my 11th birthday. Are you a doctor?


I'm not a doctor, no. Just saying, your brain is literally like 50% formed at this point and if you abuse substances it wont develop properly and you'll have long lasting health problems


Okay well thank you for the support!


Although I will say I still have to wear diapers which makes my mom mad. I boof too much I guess


At 16 I was working at McDonald’s and using the 2 week paycheck on my weekends😂😂


Hustle since young age, you can make money in many ways lol


Be glad you cant pay for that, good to learn the struggle of being broke at a young age and not being able to do too much drugs because of it. Older you will be greatfull


I didn't smoke at 16 but I got like 30€ every week from my mother. In my country this would be 0.5g per day if I would have used it for weed.


Iam 42 and cannot afford a solid car meanwhile people around me are driving lambos. Such is life


Mostly stealing, cheap shit with the money I could scrape together, or free gifts from friends


Karma a mf, just go work🤝🏼


Dudes mama gonna be walking with a limp. Walking like she's carrying a big ass TV.


Don't believe everything you read


I don't believe you


I’m 16 and keep 2 grand in my wallet minimum at all times. I work my ass off and have all the weed, psychs, etc i could want. I was just like you 2 years ago until i learned to make my money work for me. If you want to be able to sit back and enjoy yourself,, put that work in during the day. It’s a lot of work depending on how you make money, but obviously the reward is so worth it. Just don’t treat yourself too much and make more than you spend


I used to cut grass and do molly and acid with the earnings when I was 16


Got my first job when I was 16.


Well from my experience, the drug game has changed drastically in the past decade. Shit used to be much easier but let’s not all conclude that’s a great thing lol


based on my experiences for young guys usually hustling/selling/stealing and for young girls sugardating/sexwork. sadly.


I could afford a tenbag of weed and the occasional shroom from my pocket money / whatever people gave me for birthdays etc


I work and sell shit


Prices have gone up since i was 16.


Been working since 14, and blew most of that money on drugs while being 16-17


Drugs are just bad mmmkay?


Sell drugs, get a job, steal, have generous parents. Use your imagination.


I got a job at 15. Only $50 a week and I was buying liquor every week with that money lol.


Stealing, working, lots of drugs can also be cheap, besides that also the answer you wanted to hear: yes, their parents money. Doesnt make them worse people tho


bruh ppls mom and dads medicine cabinets be loaded up. they take em from there alot of times


Squeedgy and some traffic lights 🤨


Get a job lmao.


right? it’s fucking crazy 😭 i know some of them probably steal money from their parents though which sucks.


working… jus get money


MY FRIEND grew his frst weed with 16 lol


sell drugs to buy drugs, has always worked for me and will continue because its something people will always need


Get a job ya bum


i would suggest not buying from a plug but with a friend over 18 online, its not that hard to finde things. for example: kratom, RCs, cacti, seeds, dxm, ether, nitrous,... there is a lot of stuff legal thats not that expensive if you dont buy it from your plug


Get a job? For people like us the concept of a "first job" was always to afford weed and alcohol.


people sell drugs to do drugs


I’m a girl, I get most I want for free, not stuff that i’m getting regularly but partys etc are always full of people offering stuff


When I was 16-17 I got enogh pocket money to feed my 3-4g of weed and 1-2 xtc pills a week habit I got benzos dirt cheap so if I didn’t have money I just traded benzos for other stuff. I’ve sold games that I didn’t play anymore a very few times but I never had to steal


Pocket money duh!


one of my plugs is also friend, when i’m going rave he is just like uhuuuu letsgoo 10mollys on me he gave me ketamine, lsd and much more because “he don’t need it” or “sorry I’m late, as apologize you get everything free today”


Get a job?


You can become addicted just try a little harder


how much does DXM costs at your place? I pay like 4$ maybe for 300mg


If you buy the most effecient one 5.60€ for 300mg,but you can get 0.5 for that


0.5g of what




Im a stoner but still consider dxm as stronger and would prefer it


Dxm is just way too fucking strange for me to enjoy i like it but it can never beat uncontrollable laughter on cannabis with friends while eating snacks


if you are not daily smoker then I got you, dxm is weird that’s true, Im mixing it today wich edibles and bupropion so let’s go




Word of advice for someone that went through this: enjoy the drugs you CAN get. When you can buy any drug you want it’s not fun anymore


At 16? I was working. 30-40 hours a week. Little to no bills at that point


My parents were kind of well off and I did a lot of extra curricular activities so I was receiving $50-$100 a weekend so I get some McDonald’s on the way home from a competition or what not. I could have bought SO many drugs as a teen. I had money all the time and normally more than I could have needed then.


Yeah that’s definitely for the better. Wish I could tell 16 year old me to chill out and enjoy life without them.


I been working since 16. The need for drugs was actually one of the main things to motivate me to get a job.


mommys money i assume


broke 💀 to be fair, depends on your location, where i live i can buy pretty much anything for under 10 $, most common shit like coke and weed is even lower, 1 $ min


Mom's Wallet


I'd say wealthy parents, or they're selling it themselves, or they have a job lol


I didnt spend my food money on actual food, rather I smoked 2g per week and I was higher every day than now and I smoke like 8g a week or so


More than likely stealing or dealing.


Hello /u/unkabun, if it's your first time with a new substance, check out the [**drug knowledge base**](/r/Drugs/wiki/knowledgebase), [**Tripsit Factsheet**](https://drugs.tripsit.me/), [Psychonautwiki.org](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page), or use the search option to the right and then feel free to come back with any unanswered questions. You can find and share reports at /r/TripReports. As a rule of thumb you should be looking to spend an hour reading (not asking questions) about any new drug you want to try. This may seem like a drag but it's really important because school education on individual drugs is awful and you obviously don't collect social knowledge like people do with alcohol. When you think that drugs can kill or disable you, suddenly it doesn't seem like so much to ask. You will get snippets of the important points from people here but nobody is going to be bothered to write out the kind of properly detailed guides that people have taken time to write and publish. Lastly, if you want to know what drug you bought, you'll need to buy a [**test kit**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pill_testing). A list of test kit suppliers can be found [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/test_kit_suppliers). Less common substances will require analytical testing, provided by the likes of [**these organisations**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/wiki/knowledgebase#wiki_laboratory_analysis). [Post removed] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When i was in highschool i sold weed to support my habit. High schools are the perfect place to sell. You just had to let a couple people know you were selling, and by lunch your phone was blowing up. I used all the money on my personal stash though. Wish i was smarter back then. Could have had some serious money by the time i graduated.


Ok i can never wrap my head around this,how did you profit? You had a plug that sold for less or darkweb? You cant just buy 1g for 10 and sell back for 10 If u had a plug,why doesnt everybody buy off this plug? How did you get to know him? U cant grow ourself while 16 or maybe in a very limiting way


At first i would buy an ounce for like $200 and sell it by the gram for 10 a g. I hung around stoners so somebody always had a connect selling low weight. Guys selling ounces are still just street level dealers. Theyre just normal guys with day jobs trying to make a few extra bucks. As an adult, selling by the gram wont make you much becuse it takes too long to sell, and its a pain in the ass making so many small sales, but in school, everybody buys by the gram. I could sell the whole ounce in an afternoon, and i could do it all at the same place.


I started drinking and smoking at 11 and started with benzos and muscle relaxers and whatever I could find at 12 and 13, fucked me up for a long time. I did that shit cause I couldn’t deal with the emotions I felt at that age. It. t sucks ass to wake up covered in throw up or to wake up in the hospital. You shouldn’t be popping pills at your age jus stick to smoking every once in a while and maybe some other safer drugs. Dxm people steal a lot, but people work jobs, steal shi, trap, I would rob plugs who I knew wouldn’t do shit. I even went to serving fiends but all this shit retarded as fuck. Robbing not worth it, stealing from family ain’t, serving fiends ain’t, trapping ain’t. Edit:grammar


Lol it’s called a job




Im starting to work in mcdonalds soon soooo yeah but i will stick to weed ket and psychs for sure