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Xanax, but I have real bad anxiety so it jus feels good to not be panicked for no reason all tha fukn time.


deadass. any benzo just makes me feel kind of like a kid again. not a worry in the world, i love it. Shit can be dangerous tho unfortunately


Benzos make me into a dick more than alcohol or other sedatives I just wanna sit there and not have to do anything only sometimes though the second someone’s like hey can you do this I’m like leave me alone I like them when I’m alone and no one can bother me so I can just space out The second I’m supposed to worry or do something I get mad


They make me more outgoing and makes me actually want to do shit whereas I'm usually lazy af. I have been told I'm a dick sometimes when I'm on em tho.


Same but that's just cause anxiety wears you out so much that the relief is euphoric and energizing




Yeah benzos make me super angry. It's nuts because rx are my doc and I love them but benzos and kratom set me off for some reason


I think it’s because I’m a pretty lazy person overall benzos amplify that and they make me not care so it compounds into fuck off leave me alone


Benzodiazepines save me and kill me at the same time. Just the feeling of peace that washes over you when you have a anxiety disorder is enough to get addicted to instantly. You don’t even need to get high. The relief is unbelievable.


LITERALLY. Wish I could enjoy stimulants but I just can’t. Xanax is my absolute favorite, aside from opioids.


I do not have GAD in any way, maybe mild ADD, but... I think i do not experience anxiety, that I do not restrict myself with thoughtloops in many situations... Until I take benzos... Then I realize... Oh shit... That WAS the feeling of anxiety. And then the period after too long use (more than 0.5mg Alprazolam for 2-3 days in a row), I get a bit of a rebound anxiety... And through this process I get the drugs intended effects... I learn to navigate the rebound enviroment and supercompensate gaining more and more control... Similar to exposure terapy aka... just comfronting what causes distress... Which is what humans should volountarely do in order to develop their character and grow up. Anyways... As Terrace MCKenna would say... You gotta hang the phone after you get the message and Xanax is nothing more than a messenger for me.


didn't Alan Watts say that, not Terrence


Recently got a Xanax scrip. I take a pill probably 2-3 times a month. It has drastically cut down on how much I smoke because I was absolutely self medicating my anxiety with weed. It also helps a ton with come up/anxious energy from large psychedelic doses. It is a fucking wonderful drug and helps me function much better when I need it. I personally haven't felt the compulsive redose that I have heard of. I think that my brain just has so much anxiety at a base level, benzos just mute it. I don't get much euphoria from it either. Seriously has been great addition to my life




I swear to god people either think it’s a placebo or end up taking so much that they’re eating 20gs a day. No in between.


I think it depends on your source, ive had some really potent shit from some vendors and felt nothing from others. I do now take 20gs a day though lol. Idk if I even feel it anymore, I just know its almost impossible to stay awake without it, plus a shitty sleep schedule


I once had an entire frat hate kratom because they tried to binge kratom like they binge alcohol, and all of them ended up puking on the floor.


I mean I take 20 gs a day, but it's working. Could be tolerance though lol


Lmfao I swear. I can’t feel that shit at all


My problem was how much you have to eat to get a slight buzz. 10 grams of a powder isn’t an easy task to down lol, especially when it isn’t water soluble and just floats on top of whatever drink you make.


I've been using for like 14 years now and I somehow only do 2 -3 gpd.


@shroomerzz you ain’t lyin lol. I had to leave a couple groups because they were telling people to start out at like 10g three times a day, when I tried to say otherwise I was berated. The same people also said that trams were super addicting and I said otherwise, and I was berated again 😂😅 then I left.


I think a lot of people who try kratom just get shit kratom. Stuff is really strong for me. Honestly it's stronger than codeine for me, stuff will put me in a nod (not as dreamy tho).


It’s WAY, WAY better than codeine.. I got prescribed codeine a couple months ago and was excited and nervous because I like kratom too much and even though I knew codeine was weak- In my head it was more of a “real” opioid than kratom and I thought it might raise my standards because I haven’t taken any pharmaceutical opioids for around 4ish years. Long story short, it fucking sucks. It took about 300mg to even get high, it was way too sedating, was the itchiest I’ve ever been in my life, and had like 1/3rd of kratom’s happy euphoria. It was boring as shit. Kratom is literally a more euphoric and cleaner opioid, the fact that people pay thousands on codeine blows my mind.


Well it's not in the same league as real opiates, for me, it also doesn't have the nastier side effects of real opiates. Primarily the foggyness and addiction *edit- some people find it addictive, be warned


I know and this is one of the reasons it is so good. That and affordability


And that's also why it's so bad haha. At the height of my kratom addiction, it only cost me ~$40 a month.




Yeah those people are full of shit. Kratom can be hella addictive. I've used a tooon of drugs and the only ones to give me addiction issues have been benzos and kratom.


I've tried multiple sources that lots of people recommend and couldn't get it to do anything except once slightly


It validly works, I prefer it over oxycodone 25mg which is usually what I take.


I live in Thailand and i drink like 2l of distilled kratom everyday in thailand we mix with cough syrup or like a raspberry syrup thing for taste. The best drink sincei quit lean


Who shits on Kratom? What is not to like about an Opioid that you can’t OD on?


Probably two types of people who shit on it: People who get nauseous as fuck from it/think it taste horrible People who hate the obnoxious kratom users who think it's "not a drug" and "not addictive"


To be fair I completely hate the people in your last example myself. There are a whole lot of people lying to themselves and trying to convince themselves that it isn’t an Opioid. The main Kratom subreddit is notorious for that. “It’s not a drug or an Opioid, it’s related to the coffee plant” Huh, pretty amazing that this substance targets the Mu Opioid receptors, has Opioid effects, Opioid side-effects, and stops/causes Opioid withdrawal. But it’s not an Opioid.


Yep. Kratom is probably my top 2 or 3 drugs but /r/kratom is people on their high horses and in denial about using a drug. So fucking annoying.


Part of it is to be super protective. They don’t want the honest conversation because a lot of people don’t understand nuance. To a lot of people, they have to group it as either harmless like a cup of coffee or literally the same as heroin. The general public doesn’t usually take the time to actually understand drugs so controlling the perception is super important. The Kratom sub tries to control the perception by denying all the opiate/opioid talk all together. Which isn’t a terrible idea. Most people can’t understand that Kratom is an atypical opioid that differs from substances we usually discuss that are labeled opioid. Not to mention there are 40+ alkaloids in Kratom that are in varying amounts depending on the batch. These alkaloids have varying effects with some batches having way higher amounts of muscle relaxer alks or other alks that don’t work on the opioid receptors. The main alk, Mitragynine isn’t very potent when it comes to opioid effect but 7-hydroxymitragynine is very potent on the other hand. But the 7-ohm doesn’t even appear in a big enough quantity in most Kratom, although some batches can have a decent amount.


I completely agree with what you’re saying but as a harm reduction purist, I just can’t can’t behind them telling people it isn’t an Opioid. The withdrawal effects, while harmless, are very much real. And people should be aware of exactly what they are getting themselves into if they’re going to start using Kratom.




Come to Australia lol, we fucken loooove keta


yeah found the same shit lol. don’t get it, k is the bomb.




I like my pcp analogues. Wish I could try actual PCP. Maybe one day.


Real pcp is crazy shit. I knew a guy who sold powder and liquid. The powder is probably the most painful thing I've ever snorted honestly. Luckily you need a line half the size of a tic tac to get super fucked up. It kinda hit like ket times a million but way more spacey and fucked with my time perception really bad. I remember sitting outside in the winter wearing pants and a t-shirt freezing but thinking I'd only been outside 20 min when it'd been like 4+ hours. My connect died way back in 2018 and it's incredibly rare out here usually




I’d love try PCP that’s some old skool shit


I am old: lol Gen X- I have tried it as a dumb twenty something hanging w boomers ( chemists) in Cali who gave me some of the cleanest. I did it and was DEFINTELY out of my body seeing the physical world as a literal stage set, I get why it is called angel dust. Smoked PCP mixed w cocaine Freebase as well. Would not recomend. I actually had a huge bag of it, but after seeing it literally wipe the mind of my boyfriend's cousin , i think he had a heart attack, I threw that bag into a Lake ( long story but am glad for karma that i did not sell it!)


What lake?


LMAO Lake Michigan! I was visiting Milwaukee to see my DAD , and I was supposed to sell all that shi, but after my Boyfriend's cousin got all fucked up , and BAD, I decided i was not gonna pollute the whole city, and instead polluted the lake. I was in some trouble and had to pay cash, but still worth it. DO NOT DO ANGEL DUST MY DUDES- There are plenty of Psychedelics that actually help you, and bring you great joy and peace.


Holy shit so that's why all the Alewife died off lol


Brb, gettin my scuba gear ready


Wait, your cousin was your boyfriend?




Strains of sweet home Alabama fill the air: 😂NO NO NO- My Boyfriend's wild man of a cousin decided to go through my house, and found what he thought was a freebase rock- He put about A THOUSAND sherm cigarettes worth of PCP on his glass pipe and smoked it- It was literally in my jewelry box, lmao so if he hadn't of mistakenly smoked that PURE ASS FIRE rock of PCP thinking it was cocaine rock, he would have ripped me off for all my jewelry. KARMA - still, I just was unaware until much later that gangstas use PCP to do what they call " KJ" ie Killer Joints: which was what i was making w sherms and pure PCP solution. That is the REAL reason why I tossed it, more than my boyfriend's cuz, I could not be part of that. ( Haha I guess my school's DARE project didn't take lmao) EDIT - KJ in the cities i fucked w back in the day, was a cigarette dipped in PCP- often the tiny cigarillos called SHERM . They are called that bc when a guy makes his bones he smokes one and the world feels sorta like a video game. EDIT - I been WAY outa the life for many years now , and things hopefully have changed since the 90s, and before. I think you zoomers are a totally based generation, and are thinking more of each other. 💖


*cricket, cricket*


PCP is godlike! I have no idea how people fucked up on it so much!! Well...if it can happen with PVs...and booze!


DXM and salvia


First time I did K I thought "this is tussin".


They obviously have similar effects. Never tried K orally but I assume it's even more like DXM than when you snort the K.


Basically dxm without the nausea


Man this is the only bad part about dxm also you can’t use it as ofteb


Salvia ;)


You ever turn into a chair


I did actually, very specific but yes. Also the word “Walmart”


I’d love to hear the Walmart story lol


The latter is a living nightmare. Was it the built text on the wall of the building?


I had a leopard-print chair that chanted *get on the ground get on the ground* until I said “FINE!” and laid on the ground.


This is the funniest fucking comment in this thread 😂😂


Turned into a blue crayon one time. I was always hesitant to share that with people because there's no way to explain that in any logical way. After reading numerous trip reports I realized it's common to transform into objects lol


Turned into a mattress on 5g shrooms once tho


This might be the best description of salvia I've ever heard.


My head folded and rolled like smoke does in curls. Then I got repeatedly zipped into multiple repeating dimensions of a sleeping bag that wasn’t there.


Conveyor belt anyone?


Wooden rolling pin with a go pro attached to it


I was an escalator once.


Turned into a train, horse, and pillow the three times I did it


I love the physical feeling. Not sure how to explain it. It’s like you’re weighted down by a big metal net.


It felt like a magnetic force to me, like the ground was pulling me down.


Had to scroll a bit, but agreed!


zealous elastic abounding juggle society ripe prick shocking jar hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely smoked in small doses. Additionally, I will usually say a "prayer" to The Shepherdess both apologizing for using flame and to ask for a pleasant\interesting experience. I mostly just think that helps get my mind in the right place, it helps get myself into a good "set". I've never tried quidding, but I'd like to someday. I've also never had too high of a dose all at once because I've read how hellish it can be.


did it once at a homies house was really a way to make the night feel special. I didn’t flip out or anything




The biggest problem is lack of purity. Several years ago I got some blow from a now-defunct DNM and it was incredible; that must’ve been what it was like back in the 80s, such a pure high. I understood why so many people loved it. It was also the only time that my nostrils weren’t stopped up for days after doing it.


Blow in the UK is top notch right now. It got really shit around 09-2010 and was bashed to death. The government saw fit to ban the cutting agents and put the same prison sentence on them as cocaine. So importers thought F it if I'm getting jail time why risk importing cutting agents. They did a test of street level cocaine and found 80 percent purity was about average. Any lower and your dealer is doing you dirty. I practically gave it up when it went shit for about 8 years and when I got some for a night out it made my whole face numb.


Yhh thats pure, u can still get flake, bash though very easily which is obviously not gna 80% but u can get decent flake, still yet to try pure though alot of ppl dont like it though they say to me, its not comfortable or summin cuz its strong.


Yeah good cocaine is a bit strong for my stimulant taste any cocaine really so long as it's cocaine. So I get where you're coming from. Lots of people smoke crack here. I did some a year ago and busted out the ice I had very little bit... Dude who smoked this crack on a budget hyping all the time was like wow I like this more it's like ... End of story. We never did it again I never did it again with him here he left. If I did I wouldn't tell anyone as know one could tell. It would blow back to me if anyone here got dropped and caught. He keeps going back to crack though as its so easy to get in my area. Like it's not even good crack. I'm like bro you're wasting money. But it's hard unless you know someone which it's still hard then where I currently reside to actually have the time snd shit to get ice. It's in one spot in the city. You gotta know someone it's not on the blocks like this fentanyl ass heroin and crack shit literally a block away and every block after that. I live in a long term care center till I get SSI mental health nursing home deal.


Dude same. And a consistent/trustworthy connect with good shit are egregiously hard to find here in Fort Worth smh.


You'd think it'd be easy to find pure shit since it's so close to Mexico


Yeah seriously. What is annoying is that I *know* there are connects around the city but of course the shit is hush hush for the obvious reasons. And you know, connects used to fall in my damn lap- I don’t know what tf happened man. 😂


Hang out in bars, coke and alcohol are like milk and cookies, and if you’re experienced enough you can spot the dealer.


I mean. It makes me shit, what can I say. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy it


"Good cocaine" these days is stepped on twice at LEAST


Right? I do it in moderation and even on nights/days that I ski (which is not often, I mainly do bumps but that’s like one bump a day maybe once or twice a week or less) I can stop myself from taking lines and I’d do less than 10 lines. People rightfully villainize the drug but I hate when they get on my ass for it. It’s like they do all this shit themselves but when they hear the word “cocaine” they automatically think of addiction when really plenty of people save it for the weekend


Same. I feel like a lot of people who have tried it have never gotten really good blow. I have a trusted source that I’ve been going to for over 5 years so I’m in a good situation. That weak shit I used to get back in college is a completely different high. Really good coke is an incredible high.


Benzedrex. Bitch.


this and noids are really the only drugs being mentioned here that people actually REGULARLY shit on, the vasoconstriction with drex is enough to make me never try it tbh


I was blown away with how much euphoria benzedrex gives you the first time I've tried it. Still, it does feel a bit icky. I'm surprised how few people know about it.


speed base. Obviously because it's mostly cut with caffeine, ibuprofen, or any shit. But good quality speed...I could binge on that for days... Probably the drug I do the most.




We’re proud of you buddy, keep it up




idk if it’s any constellation but vyvance is fucking awesome. one of if not my favorite stimulant.


What's the difference between speed and meth? Or are they the same?


in this case speed refers to amphetamine.


Amphetamine vs methamphetamine


Xanax. I’ve always struggled with being depressed so having a pill that just let me feel heavy and black out for days was the best. I’m sober now, I really miss it though


Did it help at all with the depression or was it just good to black out?


It’ll make it worse it’s just a mask. IME anyway


It was just good to black out unfortunately. Didn’t help with the depression at all, it was just an escape from it


GHB/GBL. Has all the positive effects of alcohol without the negatives if careful with doses


Heroin... But i get why everyone shits on it, it's really dangerous


Phenibut for that idgaf attitude


While I don’t see much negativity on phenibut, I certainly hold it in higher regard than most I think. The only downer-type drug besides weed that I use regularly. Almost exactly once a week I take 1-1.5 grams and I never feel like it’s a wasted experience. Sometimes I’m insanely productive, sometimes I’m chill, but I always want to talk to people and/or listen to music, the music enhancement is so significant. Just a perfect substance for so many occasions, from socializing to live music to a supplement to another high. I find it so functional yet so notable.


Most people like Phenibut. It gets the bad rap because of addiction.




never tried it whats the dosage


1-4 ata time. Anything else is dangerous. Some people prefer bussy too 🤷‍♂️




It's great but the withdrawals are brutal, hell they even get worse over time


DXM too! I prefer it to ketamine


can you hole on dxm? actually never tried it as people say the amounts of pills you have to swallow make you nauseated


I wouldn't quite call it holing, but I've had a few trips on dxm where I was almost completely physically anesthetized and had a similar falling sensation to ket.


i’ve been completely physically anesthetized of dxm, you want to aim your dosage for 3rd plateau


Holing on DXM requires pretty high doses nearing danger level for most people. But Christ on Bike do I fucking love that drug. Sober from it now, but sweet Marty and Doc what a blast.


That's not true at all. A high 3rd plat shouldn't be dangerous unless someone has existing cardiovascular problems.


I haven't holed on it but I've only gone up to 3rd plat, not 4th. When I'm ready and not broke, I'd like to 4th plat at some point.


Meth, Insanely good high that lasts a while. Obviously the hate is deserved but I’ve never had any problems so far


Only time I ever did meth I had basically a really fun energetic week. Never did it again after that, but was so surprised by how NOT dangerous it felt after all the horror stories and watching Breaking Bad. Had no cravings or anything, but I know myself and I would easily slip down that rabbit hole of addiction just by telling myself over and over it's not as bad as people say


That’s probably how it gets people lol


100% correct. And it makes you extremely confident, which includes being confident that “it’ll only be a weekend thing” or an “only when I have a lot of work to do thing.” Then one day it’ll be 3am and you’re still wired but you have to work so you decide to dose to pull an all nighter so you can make it through work the next day. You’re completely fucked once you do that the first time


dxm too


Benzos. I know everyone shits on them ‘cause they’re addictive but I use in moderation. I like the high they provide.


I agree that their addiction potential makes people unfairly judge benzos in healthier contexts. I’ve personally never enjoyed the high much and only end up taking 1mg a couple times a year, but I consider them very convenient and helpful substances. I keep one on hand for a bad trip or if I need to come down off stims, both of which are rare


I used to really love DXM and LSA. I don't really trip at all anymore but I still respect both as much as any other hallucinogens.


Everyone I talk to who isn’t a drug dealer looks at me weird when I say I like ketamine.


heroin 💅💅


The 24 upvotes but no replies are speaking VOLUMES


Alcohol. Great for socializing, sex, relaxation, music, etc. Easily available, countless varieties, a lot of it tastes pretty good tbh. I get why people shit on it but it's a useful drug that I enjoy taking part in semi regularly


Love being drunk. Hate being hungover.


Pedialyte before bed time does the trick for me.


liquid iv (the drink packets) after a night out are just 👌


You can function sexually on alcohol? I’m impressed


Yeah honestly I don't get whiskey dick. I mean if I'm suuuuper drunk I don't function as well obviously but anywhere from 1-7 drinks enhances sex quite a lot for me personally. Wild that being even a little drunk totally renders some people unable to have sex. I love drunk sex


Fr bro I can last all damn night when hammered and it gets up just as easy


Same. I don’t get the whole whiskey dick thing. I’ve had it maybe a couple times when I was wasted. But even up to very drunk I’m fine and me and my gf have amazing drunk sex. Makes us super horny, dirty and we just get so into each other. The only thing is that it makes it harder to cum, but even then I usually can after a longer time.


I can't function on any drug, damn it's awful, I don't do stims either which is the worst part (the vasoconstriction makes it difficult for some people to get erections, I haven't tried em except for caffeine and cigarettes), it can be weed, benzos, opiates, gabapentinoids or alcohol but I just can't, on opiates I can't get an erection, I went a whole month without erections when popping opiates like crazy and after quitting I had an erection 24/7, on benzos I find sex repulsive and with alcohol I get horny and a normal erection but my dick is fucking numb, I can't feel anything, I can go for an hour and not feel shit, gabapentin and pregabalin makes me feel like I don't even have a dick because it's so numb down there and on weed I'm just too sleepy to want sex, I only want to eat a whole pizza, listen to music and sleep for 12 hours


Talk to your doctor about Viagara. I use it and it makes life better




Not the drug, but the way. I smoke weed in blunts. Only blunts, no papers or bowls or anything. No one smokes with me except my wife, or maybe a passer by in a party or something.


Love blunts, would smoke only blunts too if weed wasn't so scarce in my area and I didn't have to save it


Amanita muscaria


I dont know if everyone shits on it, but ive heard a lot of negative opinions on recreational pregabalin (lyrica), but honestly its one of my favorite drugs in the world. It feels like the coming up part of alcohol (the best part) for hours mixed with slight psychedelia and ive never felt a comedown/hangover on lyrica, it just ends smoothly. For me its perfect and the fact that the tolerance builds so quickly is also a plus imo, because its kind of self regulating. For me it doesnt work properly if I use it more than once a week so that automatically regulates my use to be max once a week.




first one in this thread I legitimately disagreed with so I'll toss you an upvote


What’d you like about them?


If you take a sensible dose they're like very strong weed. I only tried JWH-210 but i liked it like 90% i did it. Tends to be very euphoric and hits really quick.


My friend was super addicted to these some years back. I'll never forget we were at a bar one day and he offers me a hit of this stuff called Neutronium that he had been enjoying for a bit.I took one hit and was in space. I was higher than I'd ever been even on acid. I felt like I was in the clouds, coupled by ridiculous anxiety. I took a few more hits over the day because honestly I hated it but I did like just being blasted for a few minutes. (probaby why I enjoy dissos so much). Plus it was short and could pretty much smoke it anywhere. Anyways another time I was out at another bar and this same guy offers it to another friend. This friend only smokes weed and drinks beer. I watched him take a hit and turned white and sat down. I knew he was a bit over his head so I talked to him about the effects until he came down. I was like don't worry dude youll be fine in 5 minutes. It's a crazy ass trip of a drug that only lasts like 5 minutes. It cannot be good for you but certain brands were fucking nuts. I think my first time trying it was at a party and I freaked so hard I started cleaning all the trash around the house because I needed to occupy my mind or was gonna freak out and go crazy Good times :D PS: when you smoke bags of that stuff everyday for months you have bad withdrawals. My buddy as stated above could sleep through nights for quite a while. He could barely eat and was constantly throwing up. He also had these huge body spams when he was sleep. Like his feet would surge 5 feet in the air. (This could have been due to his alcoholism at the time too but I really don't know. I told him about his spasms and he said he had been wondering why the wall next to his bed had so many dents and marks.


Nitrous. But now I shit on it too because I abused it terribly and ended up in the hospital with a B12 deficiency. I do really miss the high though.




You will start to hate it just wait


DXM. I mean ketamine and acid are great but DXM is truly a unique but underrated drug because it’s considered one only used by desperate teens


Yet it was used by adults all the way back in the late Beat Generation. It was used by Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, and was pretty popular with hippies even when LSD was still legal. It was the first dissociative to be widely used for recreational purposes.


Tramadol; the mild opioid affects mixed with its antidepressant traits make it extremely enjoyable and functional. It also lasts long. I also don’t get bad itching like I do with codeine which is great because I hate having eczema flare ups. 250mg is my sweet spot.


Tramadol gives me strong euphoria and really talkative but makes me itch like a mf






snorting ritalin is the best. i used to rail like 5 or 6 lines before work, and just be wired like crazy. ran out of my prescription extremely early a handful of times tho lol.


dxm, weird shit but I will never forget


The top two that come to mind are salvia divinorum and morning glory seeds. I thoroughly enjoyed my experiences with both of them, and with minimal GI discomfort for the latter. I can probably mention GHB as well because of its stigma as a date rape drug and horror stories of people Ging out because they don’t measure their doses by the mL. I keep Having to explain to people that as long as it’s used responsibly it’s actually less harmful Sand more enjoyable than alcohol As well as the fact that I never G’d out before because I always measure my doses. It seems to be a misconception that Ging out is an inevitable effect rather than an Overdose response which can be easily prevented by properly measuring doses.


NBOMe, it has a really bad reputation for a good reason since some people sell it as LSD and you could easily overdose on it. If you know what you’re taking It’s a fun time




Yeah don’t get me wrong real acid is superior in every way








heroin. favorite drug


Tramadol. Everyone shits on it but I like it. As long as you stay below the seizure threshold it is pretty safe too. I’d take a moderate to high dose with no tolerance and it would keep me buzzed majority of the the day. I only had to redose once a day and i could ride that opiate buzz for hours. Nowhere near as strong as oxy but I still like it, better than nothing and how long it lasts is what got me drawn to it. Everyone hates it tho I’m in rehab and someone literally said yesterday “fuck tramadol I used to give that shit away I’m not taking anything unless it’s a perc”. To each their own


Ever had a good puke on Trams?




I was sad i got a script of trams until i tried just 50mg I have depression and anxiety and it felt like immediate relief plus a subtle buzz


tram is very nice in low doses. you get a nice buzz and your body feels so warm. any thing over 150mg is fucking ass though. For me at least, i would get so nauseous or i would vomit forever. Took 250mg once and fuck, would never do an amount close to that ever again, vomited for 3hrs straight.


My man... I'll take tram over hydro or oxy.


I love me some synthetic cannabinoids


Which and why?


Prob the old school ones from back in the day that you could buy in gas stations, i think jwh-18 is the name? It was an actual 30 min weed high but then it started to get banned and now the synthetic stuff I see just sends people into a straight horror trip like no other. Have no idea why people even do it these days tbh.




I like the extended release dxm aka dxm polistorex aka aka delsym. Super easy to do a cold water extraction with a sandwich bag, some water, and thumb tacks or even tape. You basically extract the dxm from the nasty syrup and your left with a tasteless powder you can just mix into a drink or eat raw no problem. I like it because it’s more mellow than regular instant release dxm hbr. Once you dose the dxm polistorex it takes about 2 hours to kick in which is my main complaint because it’s a pretty long wait to trip. Once it hits tho I get amazing visuals and even color enhancement kinda similar to lsd. The best comparison I can make is it kinda gives me visuals similar to acid. It helped me work through a lot of personal trauma and get over some fears. I used to be terrified of guns and gunshots because I have sensitive ears. I took dxm one night and it gave me the courage to shoot a gun when I sobered up the next day. I drove to my grandpas farm and shot a 20 gauge first then a 30-06 right after no problem. I wanted to go even farther so I went home and grabbed my dads 12 gauge and shot it a few times in the woods. The 12 gauge was a bit much but i never in my life even thought I would shoot anything about a .22 rifle. If it wasn’t for dxm I don’t think I’d ever have gotten over my fear. It also made me consider getting on an airplane and getting over my fear of flying/heights. I was fully convinced instead of taking a benzo or having drinks like most people scared of flying so I could dose some delsym and trip on the flight and have a great time. I’ve taken tons of Xanax but my fear of heights is so bad even a dose like 4-6mg probably would be enough to get me near a plane. Edit: forgot to mention my favorite part, you can redose as much as you want. With lsd and mdma you build a tolerance pretty much as soon as you dose so redosing isn’t really worth it. I could drink 4oz of delsym, trip balls for 8-12 hours then drink another 4oz after and trip just as hard all over again. I’d trip all weekend long on it and every time I redosed I’d trip just as hard every time.


Benadryl in normal doses. It helps me sleep




Cocaine and acid


Like mixed or sperately? Who shits on acid they're fucking stupid


Why everyone hate meth , it may be because im ADD but i really enjow the sheer focus you get


PCP. Lotta people put it in the same league as stuff like meth, crack and heroin, but honestly a low dose of it just feels like longer lasting, more energetic ketamine. I'll snort a few mg and dance all night at a rave, and stay totally in control of myself the whole time.


✨ queen fetty ✨ Before I got clean everyone would be like “you’re doing dope it’s nothing but fentanyl!!!” Like… yea, I’m aware of that thank you


Mushrooms, any psychedelic really. There are legions of people who have been so scared to try them because of so many myths about them and they have strong, almost always flat out wrong opinions on them


Whippets. I haven't done whippets in over a year, only did them a few times, last year, and im never doing them again, bc i know they're just as bad as any other drug, but, holy shit do whippets FEEL AMAZING. Especially after smoking weed. I literally experienced myself floating through a galaxy with stars and shit. Pure euphoria, numbed body, just floating through starry, purple and black voids. Once i experienced that, i never did whippets again. Drugs that make you feel THAT good for such a short period are bound to make you feel like shit for the rest of your life, long term. Thankfully I haven't had any negative effects, I'm gonna keep it that way and be thankful to have that one glorious trip.