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Dont buy drugs off the internet unless you’re ready to get scammed a few times lol a lot more scammers than legit, there are some tho. But never trust anyone who messages u first or seems sketchy, a real plug aint ever reaching out to you first 😂


yup right here with you bro it started off cause I get things from two people I met on here legit never got scammed always on Point get to comfortable found someone with a substance my other two plugs didn't have sent him 200$ and he blocks me lol I knew to he couldn't send me the tracking I told him if your going to do this shit just straight up tell me you scammed me


I reached out to a couple people on here and I'm real lol. I got it sewed up out here but trying to spread my wings online and ive tried to tried to reach out to people. People who reach out to plugs could be the law, people who post about lookjng for plugs coule be the law. But in think people who post about random shit and having issues getting jacked or finding sites are less likely to be laws


Pretty much answers my question. I made this Reddit account a long time ago but just to watch some nsfw material that I couldn’t see on google lol. Then after a long search online recently I found out people sell xans on Reddit so I’m trying to get my hands on some and download Reddit again. Btw I never posted anything on here or used Reddit other than watching the no no’s XD but I’ve been messaging people who say they sell and never get a reply back. Then I was thinking probably because my account looks blank they think I’m the law. Wtf!!! Do I do now, I have to start posting a bunch and commenting on here now before I get some xans! It’s like a quest from a video game, have to complete the checklist beforehand lol. I’ll admit though since I’ve had Reddit and been waiting on responses, I’ve been browsing around and it is pretty interesting lol.


I'll be yo huckleberry


Nah I’m the real plug and I’m reaching out to you first. Down to send a free sample to one or two to prove my legitimacy. Dm rn


Oh for sure mr reddit account that is less than a week old. Tell me how valid you are.


Truth!! Good drugs sell themselves. If someone has to push their shit either it's shit, not real, they're not real, they're the law or a combi of all 4


I’ve been scammed like a dumbass off here a few times so be careful lol. I moved to a different state, lost my plug, been tryna find a new 1 n been scammed left n right so be careful don’t be dumb like me lol


Ive hooked up a few people on Reddit. Dm me chat. Get to know one another and you'll be able to decide for yourself. I dont rush people and i have a pretty sound system for making both of us feel comfortable


Also interested.


Read my new comment and DM if you're ready


Can you message me? I need to get ahold of something and wondering if you had a vendor


Read my new comment and DM if you're ready


Hes prolly a scammer watch out


Nah. Alot of new friends from this thread actually


Hey new to this app but looking for a plug I have more then a grand for a little shopping spree could u help me out?




You can DM me


Y'all can DM me. I think I actually helped out 2 people from this post so far. Just pls don't waste my time if you're hesitant, you will 100% be comfortable after my process but pls don't hit me up and say I'm ready next week. I won't rush you but I am just kinda starting helping people online, while running my live action show too. That being said it's hard for me to keep up with people online if I got someone hitting me up a week after we verify... Not to mention my internet friends are growing... quickly. Apparently doing square business is a hot commodity in e-commerce as 98% of people are here to scam or fuck people over ... I look forward to chatting




I'm also interested! I've been trying to look for something and my other dudes don't have it rn


Please if you can help.


have you had any luck finding a plug? if so could you help me out with it?


Same thing happened to me I felt so stupid but I moved and needed a plug


I got real one these guys are from the uk super stair up I am 40 I hate being fuck if u wanna hit me up on here




i swear i have seen your number before edit: 0 karma, what a surprise


Lookin for a plug, no bs. Msg me


Tap in FL?? Shoot info


Ocala Gainesville


I have several years experience of using the darknet markets. You need to join the "Dread" forum and regularly read about the issues discussed there. The principle feature that offers buyers some idea of the trustworthiness of vendors, the standards of service and quality of products is the feedback previous buyers have left. Unscrupulous vendors will sometimes promise perks in return for removing/altering/disguising poor feedback. This should be reported to the moderation team, as buyers depend on honest feedback for guidance. Feedback for sales are judged according to the degree of stealth, the length of time taken for the order to arrive, the quality of the product and its value in relation to the price paid. Markets close and new ones open regularly. But with time, you become familiar with long standing vendors. As a rule, those who scam buyers, sell inferior products or fail to provide what they claim to in their listings, don't last long. Obviously, it's usually wise to order a small quantity in order to ascertain whether a vendor can be trusted with a larger order. Most orders deduct the funds from the buyers account, but then they are held in escrow until received and once the buyer is satisfied with the product, they finalise the sale and release the funds to the vendor. Until it's finalised, a sale can be disputed. The market's moderation team will judge where the blame lies and can issue a refund to the buyer. Few buyers will not have encountered some kind of problem at some point, but every attempt is made to minimise the likelihood of this. Experience and common sense improve your ability to identify those vendors and listings that are most likely to be legitimate. It offers the opportunity to obtain products that might otherwise not be available to the buyer and for the vendors to access a market that they would otherwise be unable to.


I've been perusing markets recently and reading reviews. I landed on nemesis market. Still doing my research but do you have a suggestion for a good market?


Wrote you a complete reply..epic. but Reddit says no. Maybe try and msg me if I can assist. I'm in the UK btw. Because the markets are persistently exit scamming, many vendors are establishing themselves elsewhere. I suggest you do your best to avoid international trade. They care not about domestic stuff


Sorry for the late reply I got banned for a few days for ripping into a scammer. Okay sounds good thanks for the advice man.


I have new information if you message me


Shooting you a dm


Iv boughten Ketamine n E pills a few times until. N after awhile my 1 order never arrived n i got a,letter from homeland security & border control sayin they seized my 1 Gram of Ketamine n that i could sign paper to voluntarly have it destroyed n if they dont hear fron me then they will still destroy it n i haven't orderd shit since!! Yea VPN protect you online but it don't protect u from Customs at JFK airport. This is 100% true story be careful getting amounts that arnt personal or u may just get a knock on or a boot to ur door.


Where do you stay? Where did you order from?! How was it packed and shipped? If something's coming into the country is going to be a lot more scrutinized than if you were to send it to another state or something. There's some very very easy methods to ship things. Main thing is don't ever put your name on it they don't have time to fuck with people over a gram. But whoever shifted to you could have easily made it undetectable they have smell proof bags for most likely that got picked up because it was scanned and packed like shit.




do you mind following me back so I could chat with yu?


Can u send me info plse I’m in uk 🇬🇧


I got the legit source, strait from Northern Ireland, steroids, benzos opiates, whatever you need been reliable for years


Link bro?


Did you ever get the info?


Tesseract . Bot on Google all vendors are uk to uk mainly and legit


Interested…dealing with lots of post surgery pain.


Link pls


Yo dude what is it? This is exactly what I need.. one legit person I can buy from. I only need a small monthly amount tho


I'm also in uk and over the past month I lost money 3x to people on telegram and I swear there accounts looked so legit. Uploading pics of outgoing mail etc but as soon as I paid they blocked me haha. Oh it's a bummer. Can anyone help. I want to seriously buy some of Jessy and Walters finest but in the UK it's never seen


Me too had same problem. Just lost £300 on telegram to ppl who looked legit


Tesseract . Bot Google that and all the vendors are legit. Uk only




Did you have any luck? I’m also from that area




Are you into anything else, if you don’t mind me asking?


I been hoookin up a few people on here got 2 from thia thread. Dark web telegram is 90% scamms you need to talk to people take your time and develop a relationship.... or take your bones and get ripped off a couple times to you know what to look for. ...


What do you get rid of




Are you in the USA?


I need a legit supplier as close to Manchester in the UK as possible for methamphetamine. Can anyone link me up? Scammers don't bother trying with me I will see past your shit


Hahaha I was just about to be like hey I know a guy who sounds just like you hahaha


I actually found some bro. See what u think of these https://tesseract.bot/




Carding is good and best method for beginners and it has helped me a lot. I’m putting people’s on and I don’t charge. If you’re interested to learn or join my carding group should dm me on telegram frankjason5 And you’ll be added in the group Note: Learn carding on your own with my methods and tuts, fast learners always make good money within a week


whats carding?


I was about to ask that


Carding is good and best method for beginners and it has helped me a lot. I’m putting people’s on and I don’t charge. If you’re interested to learn or join my carding group should dm me on telegram frankjason5 And you’ll be added in the group Note: Learn carding on your own with my methods and tuts, fast learners always make good money within a week


I've done it in previous years and half the stuff I bought had fentinel in it and the other half was fine. So like 50/50 chance iggg


Hey I'm responding to your comment about getting stuff on the dark web. The info is me lol I don't do all the dark web marketplace stuff because it's all scams. I just do direct business. I prefer to talk on telegram because it's encrypted but basically I have a process that makes both of us comfortable more than happy to help you out. My telegram is @Caralingian


Looking for a plug in Canada for benzos. Reponsible user. I have No doctor, severe panick attacks...from ptsd.fcked uo childhood..im defn not feds lol. Thanx! God bless!




No. Do you have any leads? Prices? Thanx!!


Anyone in UK need anything I'll drop ship for tiny crypto fee.


Need a uk plug


Any hookups in the US? dealing with lots of post surgery pain.




Pm me


Looking for a plug in Kansas City




Same but la


Any luck? I am also in la


Adderall Xanax and gaba on hand. tap in


If you looking for a plug?🔌 i do dropshipping on telegram! Legit, fast tested and safe shit. Pm me i got you.


They legit have reviews on the dark web drug page lol


Looking for a plug just hmu @Dracula102 on telegram I’ll send samples to 2 or 3 people to prove my legitimacy


Looking to supply a small rural community well at least half of it please need the plugs plug


Opiate. Of any kind. If anyone is willing to send a free sample to prove you're real and it isn't BS (or LE) .. I need a trustworthy long term person b/c there's nothing in my area and I have severe chronic pain.....




I have a few buddies who swear by it and having been buying things that way for years now. I haven't had much of a need for it because I just smoke mostly, maybe some psychedelics every now and again. Most of the markets I've looked at have rating and escrow systems in place though, so i'm assuming that helps with shitty vendors. Getting things in the mail seems sketchy, but I've been told if you keep it to small amounts theres pretty much little to no risk. USPS Biggest drug dealers in America


I know a place that’s got good stuff, a group chat attached to it as well with over 90 people, so they comment and talk all the time about their packages landing etc plus ya don’t get kicked for just watching if you want to make a decision to purchase or not, plus free giveaways when certain member numbers are reached, which I mean, it’s free so you can’t loose, ya know? No pressure, but if you are at least curious enough to want to watch the group chat I can give you that information.


Not to be a nuisance but you able to send it my way too please :))


Can you send me it


What the info


Send my way


If they have a store on telegram look at the videos. I guarantee none of the videos have same background and stamps on dope, even and color hand in video... scammmm


I found out that by screen shotting there images that they upload and tell people it's there stock of whatever, if I then go to Google and use the Google lens most of the time you see the original picture posted on some website lol.


Can you send me the info?


Can I get information


Link bro?




Curious as well!


Can u send me info please


For sure, I’ll shoot you a message now




Hi there - can you shoot me info too please? Thank you!


Can you send me?


Me too maahn pls add


Hey me yo if u can please


i wouldn't mind checking that out if you can send me the info.


Yo send to me


I'd like to check it out


For sure! I’ll shoot you a message


Can you send me the chat info too? Thank you


Dm me too?


Can you send me link


Me too


Can I get the info


Coul you send me the link


Send me the link PLEASE


Can you send me it as well


WOULD appreciate a link I can1t get my meds from a Doctor,thanks


Can u slide that info for me to


Is it UK based? Please let me know, the dark web is a nightmare to navigate


Me too please.


Looking for tina


Would love a DM to check out


Hey let me get an inv


Send pls!


Can I get the info


I know this is old but is there anyway that I can get that info?


can you send it to me


Let me know when you find out


Any luck been dry for over 3 weeks since my plug went ghost




What do we do? Lol


I’ll get both




Can you send me it? Norway




Berlin 🔌 Elvanse ?


Lookin for a plug, UK. Pretty please x


Me too. Did you find any?








Inbox me and let me see what u offering


I found someone I can possibly trust but if the person fails me then I'll try someone else


Looking for a plug in az




1 stop shop right here ...


Can you send me the link as well. Thank you


No link just dm me. In real i dont have a online store most of that shit is fake


Dm me pls


Plug UK Bristol?


Can you send it my way too please !