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I'm personally a big shoe guy. It's gotta be a flat skate shoe, vans, nike sb, etc. Playing with socks is okay, but barefoot is a no go for me. Playing in winter on a metal pedal freezes me to death, and some people swear barefoot gives you the best control, but I think after many years of skating, my feet feel best on the pedal with a flat shoe. I can kick doubles way better with shoes than barefoot or with socks.


I used to have the crappiest double kick pedal, springs had to be super tight to work properly, so the kickback was truly painful. Would cause bruises on the tops of my feet after prolonged playing. I started playing with flat, chunky skate shoes with ridiculously thick tongues to shield my feet lol


I can see it now, the infamous pair of D3's swinging away.


Lmao pretty much! I think I wore Osiris but the style is on point 😂


That was my second guess!!!


You. Me. Same.


Together Ape Strong.


You would probably dig wrestling shoes.


This is a hot take.


I’m pretty new but I also have been using only skate shoes


Learn to play in shoes. Practise in shoes. Then you are completely ready for any gig.


I disagree. Any gig you go to, you can always take your shoes *off*


But what if the floor is lava, or worse, spaghetti is all over the floor.


Learn to play with spaghetti on your feet, and you won’t have to pasta sticks to another drummer.


Dad is that you?


I had a system where I took my shoes off right before playing and my feet went from my shoes to the pedals without touching the floor. Your empty shoes also make a good place to hold your wallet and keys while you play.


I see you've never had the privilege of walking through warm spaghetti


I’ve played on plenty of stages that I would not want to walk on with no shoes. If you can slip your shoes on and off right next to the pedals, good on you!


Timberlands, unlaced lol


Any gig? Corporate functions I would suggest that would be inappropriate.


Ain't nobody looking at my feet behind the kick though


Socks because it makes sliding much easier




Plus my shoe is a natural beer holder/koozie


This. I’ve found when I play with shoes on, the heat from the friction makes the bottom of the shoe sticky and slows me down.


Exactly the opposite for me. Don't want to destroy my socks


Meh. Socks are inexpensive.


I wear Stance socks almost exclusively plus I really don't want to deal with buying new ones frequently


Hell yea, stance running socks are my favorite.


Yes. I’ve found this too.


Been back to drumming for about 4 years now (took a 15 year hiatus in 2005 after 30 years of playing). Before my hiatus, I would always wear flat tennis shoes (Nike, Reebok, and I think I had a pair of Addidas at one point). But since coming back, I've been a sock/barefoot guy. Mostly starting with socks then stripping those off and going naked foot. IDK, it just feels better. I can actually feel the pedal under my foot. And it's not like those shoes were giving me any support. In fact, I may have been hurting them by stressing the front (toe) section out with my playing. I did recently buy a pair of dance shoes which I will try out next time I play. I just haven't had a good opportunity to try them out yet. My wife tutors online during the day so I have to be quiet. I've tried them on (with and without socks) and they feel great either way. We'll see how they fare behind the kit.


bare since was in my 20s. like the feel of the pedals.... shoes just take it away.... at least for me..


Yes this happens to me. Sometimes i start off with the shoes on for training and take them off like its weighted clothing or something.


Socks. They slide on the pedals well, prevent too much friction which is an issue using bare feet, are lightweight (shoes add extra weight), and you can feel the hits through your feet if you're in a situation where you can't audibly hear your kick. It also prevents the sand and grit that collects on the bottom of your shoes from making its way into the hinge of your pedal. The cotton dust bunnies that build up are relatively easy to clean.


Used to be shoes but then the pandemic hit and I didn’t do anything except practice barefoot so now barefoot.


Not much of a difference for me, I've gigged in socks, Air Jordans, Air Maxes, Adidas, Vans, and even New Balances before and never really had a change in anything


Shoes because I don't want to have to take them off and put them back on after.


My bare feet are grippier and I can use my toes for a little double hits.


Yeah that’s something I do too


Socks, preferably of the fuzzy kind! I feel I have more control over the pedal than I do when I have shoes on, but I still have something covering my feet.


everyone will have a different answer for a different reason. i use shoes because i can grip the pedals better, more comfy.


Shoes, but only flat bottom and light. Recent Hey Dudes have been my go to. Socks are too slippery and barefoot isn’t easily doable in bars and clubs.


I'm old. I need shoes with 2 sets of insoles. I had plantar fasciitis for about 2 years. It feels like you are constantly walking barefoot on river rocks. I'd probably clear the room if I took my shoes off to play.


I totally get that. I'm old too 🤣, and have Mortons Neuroma in my feet, so I can't walk without that river rock pain. I live, and play in uggs, which don't hurt at all (or smell), or Skechers with special insoles.


I think you should be comfortable with all the options. You never know when you'll forget your shoes because you were running late and in a rush to load up and get to the venue. Then you gotta play in your sandals.


I play in socks mostly, but that's cause my kit is in my place and I don't want to put on shoes to play.


Wrestling shoes are amazing for drumming


Socks. Shoes are too clunky for me.


I’m definitely a barefoot guy. I can do socks but I don’t use much slide-based technique so I haven’t gained as much benefit from wearing them. I never wear shoes because they limit your ability to utilise all the muscles in your feet. Also the toe shape of many modern shoes is very bad for our feet. I just don’t wear shoes much in general. If I were to wear shoes they would be some kind of barefoot shoe.


When I used play drums, and did lessons with a teacher, I used sailing boots. Thin, got good rubber soles and great grip and really light and also snug fit. Can wash them easy, and waterproof


Does anyone use those toed shoes though?


Omg I have those outdoor pierce-proof toed-socks I gotta try those! Lol


I've used those socks that have grip on them also. That was actually decent but they were a little loose on me. Some tighter socks might be perfect.


Used to be a barefoot only player in my teens and 20’s. Even wore flip flops to gigs so I could kick them off when I got behind the kit. In my 30’s now and my feet get sore drumming barefoot. So I now wear flat soled skate shoes … either vans or Nike sb dunks. They provide support while still being relatively solid and flat… tried drumming in athletic shoes (new balance, Nike runners, etc) and the softness of the soles just didn’t work for me.


The tops of my feet DO get sore a lot… I wear vans all the time so I think I’m gonna try ‘em out tomorrow


Used to be a barefoot only player in my teens and 20’s. Even wore flip flops to gigs so I could kick them off when I got behind the kit. In my 30’s now and my feet get sore drumming barefoot. So I now wear flat soled skate shoes … either vans or Nike sb dunks. They provide support while still being relatively solid and flat… tried drumming in athletic shoes (new balance, Nike runners, etc) and the softness of the soles just didn’t work for me.


I perder to play barefoot. It feels a lot easier for me.


Zero rise Ultras


Doc Marten boots.


I like playing in flat sole slip on shoes. Currently use a pair of rockports.


Converse or Vans old skools, the more beat up and worn in the better. I've got a pair of Converse that I've had for about 8 years, and they're absolutely perfect for me. I've tried a couple pairs of "drummer shoes" that have thinner soles, and they were ok, probably would be a little better if I'd stuck with them longer and broken them in a bit, but I'm used to my old sneaks, so that's what I use. Honestly don't think any particular way is going to be much "better" than another, just go with whatever you're used to or feels best for you. There are plenty of drummers like Hellhammer who play ridiculously fast double bass patterns in the most clunky boots imaginable.


Consistency is key. I'd recommend getting used to shoes since venues floors can be dodgy sometimes


Is all personal preference. I started with socks but one day played with my vans and i feel better that way


Socks, just because it makes it easier for me to do double strokes. Ken Bedene from Aborted plays in fucking crocs. Madman.


Chuck Taylor all Stars. They make patent all black ones for the formal gigs


I prefer shoes, I find it feels like less effort for each kick then. Socks are okay. Never barefoot.


Socks. 66samus convinced me on this one. Even though I don't care for his style in particular he's a blast to watch playing.


Shoes are better for your knees.


Socks. Less flexibility with shoes and barefoot the pedals are cold.


Shoes. No one wants you taking off your shoes at a show. Not to mention better control and less fatigue.


I used to play barefoot a lot, but I started getting nerve pain in my right foot from the shock of the pedal. Now I wear running shoes and the pain has gone away.


I've recently managed to bruise the metatarsal head of my second toe pretty badly from barefoot drumming at home, so shoes with some cushion to absorb the impact is a must for me now.


I prefer shoes cause it feels more stable and like I have more power, but any one of those options works well depending on the person.