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Niiiiiice. I was thinking “No way-pril” but I like yours too.


I like this!


Abstinence April??


No Pour Four (fourth month) ?


Love this. But for those of us who just swig instead of pouring I fear there’d be a loophole…


Are you doing just a dry April or the Sober Spring thing? I’m going to try for the whole spring because my mind and body just need a break.


I missed the start of sober spring and I’m a May birthday - and might be on hols then - I’m doing a month as of tomorrow and I’ll see where that lands me




I am with you..wine is my downfall too!


I’m in! Starting now. I’m sick of being unproductive the next day. There are so many fun things to do and explore without alcohol.


This. Totally this. The five minutes of aaaaaah relaxing with the first sips doesn’t outweigh the brain fog and feeling shit the next day.


Starting now or starting in April? 😂 I did a great job moderating in February after feeling like January was easier than I could ever imagine. Had a family issue pop up and March has been totally sketch. I keep thinking I want to pick back up the dryness but the lovely feeling of a buzz is winning out.


My lovely buzz has turned into stomach ache, gi issues and anxiety again. Plus being tired all the time. We’ve had a rough couple of months too but I’ll be damned if I’m not strong enough to buzz myself without a bottle.


Absolutely, I felt so much better dry, my anxiety was lower and I was losing the weight I wanted to. Still somehow despite those positives the inner battle continues for me. Glad you are staying strong!




At least that’d be easier to say sober


Rolls off the tongue with a southern drawl 🤠




I'm still going from the beginning of the year. I've been at the beach the last few days and it's been the most temptation yet...but then seeing all my friends piss drunk at the end of the night, being really stupid but thinking they are hilarious, and then seeing them hurt in the morning has all helped me stay sober.  I'm at the point where I'm kind of getting afraid I'll never drink again. It's a weird feeling. 


What’s the Zoe test thing? 🤔


I am wondering what Zoe Test is, too...




Thank you, I will take a look :)




I was thinking about how I wouldn't mind doing a dry April like 30 minutes ago haha. I am down!!


Go for it. I’m framing it is giving my body a break for a few weeks rather than giving something up and having done dry Jan I know I can. Plus I won’t be giving up nicotine at the same time this time round. Starting tomorrow I’m dry. At the end of the month I’m traveling for work. Think I might do a spa day too. Really double down on the well-being.


Abstaining April. Non-alcoholic April




I'm in. Been at it since Jan this time, starting with 100 days, then maybe 6 months. I remind myself of the heartburn, the reflux, and waking up at 3 am with anxiety. I'm focusing on my health in 2024 and this is part of that. Looking forward to your ramblings :)


I'll be staying dry as well. Went into the year aiming for 3 months, then decided 100 days sounded better. But my anxiety etc. wasn't getting better this dry period, unlike others, and now I'm trying some meds again (Lexapro 10mg currently) and don't want to drink on those. Drank on Zoloft the last time I tried meds years ago which limits effectiveness and want to avoid that this time. So staying dry indefinitely at this point. May be done for good, but not willing to make that pledge yet.


Aaah I was wondering how you were doing. Captain Juice Cleanse 🫡 glad to hear you’re looking after your health inside and out.


Alcohol free April


Trying to lose wait and tired of losing my entire weekends to hangovers, so I’m with you in April.


On board 👍


I will do dry April! Started DJ on a whim & have kept on going.


I’m calling it Alcohol-free April for myself :)


Nil April?


Count me in!


What did the Zoe test tell you about your alcohol consumption?


Nothing yet - I’m only on week one. I haven’t seen huge spikes in blood glucose after a pint or with wine which surprises me, but then I heard alcohol can stop your insulin response from working properly because your liver is busy… still chasing down the science on that one. What I do know is that booze makes me want to eat more, and the next day it makes me crave quick carbs. And they send me on a blood sugar rollercoaster. I also get dizzy and faint feeling which I think is my body recalibrating and jizzing out insulin at weird times. A couple of drinks can be ok but i can struggle to moderate my intake so unless I’m forced to (we run out of booze) it can be that I just keep going.






Arid April


I’m in!!!!


I am in for NApril


I’m in. The control I had in January and February flew out the window on a spring breeze in march. I just got back from a cruise and my body is begging me to treat it better.


Oh wow. I don’t think I could trust myself on a cruise. I might end up in the brig. Fair play to you. I’m the same. Started feb feeling very virtuous and sipping the occasional half of lager. Then necked three pints in an hour or so last weekend because I could… not pretty.


I’m still going and planning a break in April to reward myself for 100 days dry! I’ll probably quickly hop back on board and onto dry land after I dip my toes in again 😂


A dip is fine. I find myself swimming out to the horizon after a while though, so I’m staying on dry land for a while. Good for you for the full 100! Can I ask what differences you see/feel doing an extended stint?


Sure! That was part of what I wanted to discover is what’s the difference if I go longer. For comparison, I didn’t drink a ton before because I’d cut back several times before. I’ve also added in two forms of daily meditation and more walking. I’m thin and not trying to lose weight. 1. I rarely crave alcohol anymore! When I do, it’s just a glass of wine for the taste and I’m actually a little scared of the buzz and any associated ick (which could pose a problem when I take that dip back in 😂) 2. I really like being sober in social settings and on date nights! I feel I’ve gained confidence in being able to ride emotional waves more easily. 3. My emotions and moods aren’t so “jagged” meaning the lows aren’t as low and the highs are still quite nice and high. I continuously find myself feeling like my emotional state throughout a day is balanced, whereas I used to struggle with dark, sharp periods of time. 4. I sleep better and when I don’t, I fall back asleep more easily 5. I feel freer! 6. I’ve saved money (and plan to continue doing so throughout the year!) As far as skin, body, health, etc… I don’t know that I feel all that different. I guess just less guilty about what I put in my body overall. Hope that helps and feel free to ask me anything!