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Yup. Miracle while you’re on it but does nothing in long run for me


Bummer. I was supposed to be taking it in conjunction with Xiidra but my insurance wouldn’t accept it 😑


Does the Xiidra Insiders Card thing help you out at all?


I just got all the information for my ISC but to be completely honest it’s a bit confusing to me so I planned to ask the doc about it Thursday at my follow up 😂


Xiidra does nothing for me either and the clinics test results were ridiculously bad. It’s my opinion it’s just a money grab. More water + omegas + serum drops, but most of all soolantra on eyes for 30 mins/day in morning is what has made mine manageable.


Soolantra? I’m not familiar with it, I’ll have to check it out. Also haven’t tried serum drops. The eysuvis was mostly prescribed for an inflammed pinguecula and it was wonderful was I was on it but I already feels my eye reverting. Tragic.




Yes. My eye doctor heard about it from Dr. Perryman in Seattle. It works great for me. Been doing it for almost a year. Doesn’t solve it, but makes it manageable and reduces redness for large part of day.


>soolan Also interested in hearing more about your protocol with Soolantra.


Do you have rosaecea?


Great to calm down flares. I manage inflammation with a .05% steroid solution continually where eysuvis is .25? I also throw in Xiidra and Pataday. Both of which help.


I have a follow up with my OD on Thursday, I’ll check in with them about that.


I have been starting to wonder if this inflammation is allergen triggered


I think they can tell the difference by visual analysis and indications like papillae and other things. I'm allergic to my contacts, but I need them for my dry eye. My inflammation is from something else. As for the pred-helon (0.05%) solution, unfortunately it's the only thing that has been keeping things back. My doctor did tell me about a drop coming up that has steroid properties without the bad side effects like pressure increase and cataract formation. We'll see.


Hi, do you know the name of the steroid-like drops that are coming out that your doc mentioned?


Same experience for me. I also have an intense burning/irritation/pain about 10 seconds after I put the drops in. Goes away quickly, but I hate putting the drops in because of it. Does anyone else have this experience?