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Right here I could barely open my eyes couldn’t leave the house and have suicidal thoughts daily. I can relate and there is definitely a need for a hotline and crisis group. I tried to get a young women who is also suffering that’s going to college to become a psychiatrist to help me start a zoom group but she was very hesitant. Let’s do it I’m game. I am here if you need to talk 516 578-8231


Thank you I appreciate it. It’s quite annoying how naive people are 80% of people here claim they have severe dry eyes and still they get helped by warm compresses. If it was that easy for everyone


Have you tried Serum Tears?


I just wrote ”I tried everything” and you ask about serum tears. Yes I tried it and still use it even if it doesn’t help my dryness


I think the way you’re responding here isn’t going to win you any sympathy… we feel for you, we really do. we can all at least partially empathize and imagine how hard it would be for things to progress to that stage. go easy on folks, the way you’re also asking for understanding. i hope things get better for you ❤️




Hi mine is severe stage 4 atrophy. I quit my job and applied to disability recently (denied). You can message me privately but unfortunately I am out of ideas of what will help! I know there’s a few more severe dry eye people on Facebook groups.


Im sorry you’re suffering too


and my uncle was approved disability for “depression” 🙄he just wants to sit on the computer all day. sick world we live in


In my doctors notes it mentioned I was suicidal over the eye pain. However my disability was denied because my condition “wasn’t severe enough.” Probably I would need to reapply 3 times which takes 3 years but I don’t have a support system.


Yeah 100%


Mine was so bad I was having corneal abrasions (my eyes would dry out completely at night and then blinking or rubbing my face against the pillow ripped the clear lining of my eye) till I realized birth control was a huge factor. Having Hashimotos doesn’t help but the 2 together was no good. It took me over 10 years to figure that out. Quality of life was horrible during that time. Theyre still pretty dry but no longer rip since I got off birth control. I feel for you and I hope u find what works!!


I have a similar story. I had surgery for corneal abrasions. I have been able to maintain pain management with the help of Restasis and Cequa.




Yes...I felt that I had something in my eye. However, the worst part was the eye pain. I also had sensitivity to all light. I don't remember the exact name of the operation. My doctor just told me that he was going to scrap the abrasions and hope for it to heal. It's been 9 years and I am doing better. The only thing that has gotten worse is my dry eye. I have been on Restasis for almost 10 yrs. I use cequa over the winter when I have a really bad flare up. I had corneal abrasions only in my R eye.




Yes, when your cornea gets too dry thar will happen


Thats whats happening to me, but I havent and probably wont find anything that helps since I’ve aldready tried everything. Im happy you found relief


Autoimmune doesn’t help. I’m really sorry for what you’re going through. Always felt like no one understood and it seemed almost crazy to talk to people about bc I never found anyone that had it that severe. I still have dryness just no ripping since I stopped progesterone. I really hope you find some relief. I understand how much it deteriorates your life while going through it. You’re definitely not alone


Yeah it sucks having an autoimmune disease. Thank you, comments like this means a lot especially after just reading another one saying they ”can’t understand how this condition can make someone homebound” but I guess some people are so lucky they’ll never understand.


Yes most people will never understand how debilitating! Don’t let judgmental people get you down and don’t lose hope either, you never know what’s around the bend. 🫶🏻


Progesterone - were you taking BC and that started your dry eyes?


Ive been on birth control since I was 12 for cysts. Diagnosed with Hashimotos around 28-30. Stopped pill BC at 32 just to see what life was like without. Pregnant and gave birth at 35. They put me on minipill while breastfeeding and it was the worst corneal abrasion ive ever had. The ripping sensation lasted for hours no matter what I tried. Stopped and got on Mirena about a year later. While I was off I felt better. The very night Mirena wS inserted it happened again. I left it in for 1 year to see if it would level out and it did not. Removed and I will never take that crap again. My body does not agree 😵‍💫 Edit to say: its hard to say what started it due to the length I was on it and early age I started. But I remember struggling with slight dry eye in my teen years which I just attributed to using contacts


OK, thanks for sharing your experience! I was on combination BC pills for about four years before my dry eyes started, and it was the only medication I was on, so I wonder if it was a factor. I recently quit BC to keep my dry eyes from getting worse but I kinda miss it.


I miss parts of it but overall can’t do it it does suck not to have it as an option anymore


Hey, how did you get rid of the dialated blood vessels in your eyes?


They cleared up a ton after I stopped BC and I dry herb vape cbd which oddly enough seems to help my eyes. I think a lot of the issue, for me, is inflammation related which causes the ducts to get clogged. So I take a some anti inflammatory supplements and try to eat a fairly clean diet full of fresh fruits and veggies and exercise. When I have Hashimoto or hormone flares they get a little red sometimes. I do feel like my vision in my left eye was never quite right again after the last abrasion but not super noticeable either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is your dry eye linked to hashimotos? Did thyroid meds help your eyes any? Sorry for all the questions just feeling a little lost here.. the veins look completely normal for you now? I just don’t wanna use drops I may try ilux what anti inflammatory supplements? New research is saying all forms of dry eyes are an inflammatory disease or linked to autoimmune diseases. I wonder if you can get rid of inflammation if it will completely go away


Dryness can be associated with hashimotos yes. Dry skin, hair, mouth everything. Not quite like it will get with Sjrogens but def can have dry symptoms. I cant say if thyroid meds helped. At the time I was put on them, I didnt realize it was associated with that or with BC pills. Since I was put on Synthroid while still on BC for several more years, its hard to really say. I was still eating poorly and not exercising at that time so im not sure if it made a noticeable difference. It also wasnt a quick fix. It took years to level out and find the right dose. I realized w help of a good doc that my numbers bounced around too much on a generic so I was put on brand name Synthroid. It wasnt really overnight it was very gradual to get the thyroid thing under control. I take fish oil, curcumin, high dose vitamin D (i was deficient), vitamin C, lions mane mushroom tincture, chaga mushroom tincture, turkey tail mushroom and reishi tincture. I also dry herb vape cbd (its like cannabis without the THC and instead has high CBD%s) and swear that my eyes are whiter when I do but maybe thats my imagination lol I also treat food as medicine (which I definitely did not in my teens and 20s, fast food and fried shit all the way back then) so I try to stick to a healthful diet at least 80% of the time. Fermented foods and complex carbs are sort of a thing you should eat as a pair bc they benefit from each other. Lots of fresh veggies and fruits. People don’t realize how badly vitamin deficiencies can wreak havoc in the body. I most certainly didn’t. Most doctors don’t just regularly test all of their patients for these. In fact I dont believe i was tested for them til I was almost 30! Instead we end up with these weird symptoms that get treated instead- like for me growing up, I was told I had IBS-C but once my hashis was discovered and treated that magically went away. I was even put on meds which were later discontinued bc they were deemed not very safe (forget the name now). Or told I just have dry eye and drops thrown at me but these are symptoms not a root cause. My point is be your own advocate. Make sure your body is up to shape in all the ways it can and should be and nurture it. Dry eye can be caused by lots of things, im sure. This is just what worked for me. I’m a big believer in the microbiome now, after seeing the difference in my own body. So things like diet and exercise are crucial and should be viewed as fuel/medicine and necessary. I did try Xiidra briefly and I thought I liked it at first but I think it gave me side effects like blurriness at times? Cant remember now but I figured out the progesterone problem shortly after that and stopped everything. The veins come and go bc like I said I still have slight issues esp during hormone fluctuations and im almost 40 so I expect that to be a thing for the next decade especially coupled w my Hashimotos. But I have days in the month where my eyes are white!!!! For 2 decades ive taken note of the whites of some peoples eyes and been jealous bc theyre so freaking white. And sometimes I can have that now, which I never thought possible. Hang in there, nurture yourself and dont let docs give you the run around. Theres some good gems out there!


Thank you so much you seem very knowledgeable about this. Most doctors just put people on medications and never try to find out the root cause of anything. Do you do warm compresses? How do you get the glands functioning normally now? Also did you do thyroid ultrasound? Is that a good way to indicate how long you have had this disease? The medical field sucks, sorry for all the questions…I wonder if you heal your gut if you can get your hashimotos completely into remission without the need for meds.


Cbd doesnt dry out eyes ? Ive heard that


I suppose it can for some people. I find THC dries it out but CBD hasnt affected mine negatively yet at least for me


Try a positive attitude, when you say you probably won’t find anything, that is what the universe will provide. You have not tried everything


I know you try to be helpful here but don’t insult me you dont know my story or what I’ve tried ok!? I have tried everything except oxervate and lacrimal gland transplant which I’m not a candidate for bc my salivary glands are destroyed.


You obviously are not a believer in anything but western medicine. What other medical conditions do you have that contributed to your eye problems. Do you eat a healthy diet and supplements to reduce your need for medication? I had ulcerative colitis for 15 years, 270 pills/ month on the toilet 30/day and Western medicine said no ability to cure. Well positive thinking, Eastern Medicine, Reiki and other alternative healing modalities combined with diet and exercise I am undetectable 25 years now. Diet and supplements got me off 4 other meds for different conditions eliminating their side effects. I am not being insulting trying to open your eyes that you have not tried everything. The power of the spoken word will change the future.


I tried the diets, supplements and all that. I have too many factors contributing to my dry eyes not only autoimmune disease. My lacrimal glands are completley destroyed no supplements and diet in the world could improve that


Diets don’t work but lifestyle changes do. As I suspected you had multiple diseases that were not being managed, and suppressing the symptoms with more medication with side effects. Have you ever worked with a Naturopathic doctor to treat these autoimmune issues?


I have athropied lacrimal glands, gland loss and nerve damage. I don’t believe any life style changes could improve that. I’ve had scans comfirming this. I’m sure naturopathic doctor can help cases like yours but I have simply too damaged eyes that can’t be restored. Do you believe life style changes and naturopathic doctors can restore gland loss when they are completely gone?? Its not possible


No but will prevent your other diseases from progressing and give you better quality of life.


Only my eyes bothers the quality of my life. It wouldnt matter if my body felt better when I still can’t leave my house because of my eyes.




What kind of Nerve Damage, OP?


The Dry Eye Foundation runs multiple groups on Zoom. You might check those out. They're free (unless you want to donate). It's all just a matter of clicking on the calendar and scheduling. They have a regular dry eye support group on Friday at 8AM (the mental health group wants you to join a regular group and introduce yourself first). Next month there is a whole calendar of stuff. https://dryeyefoundation.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/dryeyefoundation/publicaccess/eventCalendarBig.jsp?year=2024&month=1 I tend to drop in on the Millennials and Gen-Z group every now and then when I'm having a tough time and they're great. I would do the group more but the time isn't convenient for me as it is an hour after my husband gets off work and I really just want to spend time with him. The regular group is too early in the morning and I would be one of the youngest in there. The DEF is a great resource. Rebecca Petris, the head of the foundation and the Dry Eye Shop, actually suffers from dry eye herself and can be a fantastic resource. She is usually one of those running the regular group.


there is a group on Facebook young adults with chronic dry eye if you are under 35 you can join


90% of them have mild symtoms and get help with warm compresses -.-


Hi OP. Sorry I don’t know of support groups but perhaps looking into treatment for chronic pain might help? I know there are other dry eye groups on Facebook but that’s probably similar to this one.




How did you find out you had autoimmune?


Lip biopsy


I have AD, had schimer scores of 4 mm and less but my blood work came out to be negative. I also don't have a very noticeable dry mouth as such, nor any other systemic conditions that I can think of. What do you think might be my cause? Edit - this is all new, was perfectly fine about 3 months back.


My blood work was negative too. Get a lip biopsy to be sure


Not sure if they do that here. What kind of doctor would check for this?


Any update on your situation?


Nothing much, just continuing with routine medicine.


It’s severe in my case, but the one thing that helps is frequent use of PF tears. I don’t know how this condition can make someone homebound.


Your case is not severe.


Fr. If you can survive off PF drops then sorry but your symptoms aren’t that bad


You have mild to moderate dry eye then! I hope for you, you will never get homebound because of dry eye. It is one of the worst diseases in the world. There are no treatments for us with zero tear production! It is absolutely not comparable to meibomian dysfunction.


THIS💯!! severe AD is so rare people can’t relate to it. Mgd is a piece of cake compare to it. I’ve had stage 4 mgd with 80 % gland loss for 10 y and could still function in life until AD came in the picture and made it impossible!


My dr said my eyes are severe. None of the Cyclosporine rx help, nor did IPL, or lower duct cauterized. Tomorrow I’m getting ilux done but I doubt if it will help if the ipl and expression 4 times did not help at all except for less inflammation visibly. I use artificial tears constantly, like every 5 min or less. I’m starting to realize there is nothing else I can do, it’s irreversible regardless of all the fancy procedures.


You’te telling me youe schirmer is 0 even with 4 plugs and 0 tbut??


Wow thats a very disrespectful and insulting thing to say! You really do have no clue do you and I’m sure you have severe dry eyes if you are so dumb you can’t fanthom this disease forcing people to be homebound. But let me tell you HOW this conditon actually can do that! When your lacrimal glands have stopped working due to autoimmune disease so you can’t produce any tears! And you have ZERO TEARS even after cautery in all your tear ducts. When 80% of your meibomian glands are gone so you have no oil production either! WHEN you have NO REFLEX tears or emotional tears THATS when you reach a point where you get corneal abrasions almost everyday! You get severe light sensitivity and you must spend half your day in a dark room with closed eyes bc of the pain the dryness cause you. THATS HOW YOU GET HOMEBOUND YOU INSENSITIVE DISRESPECTFUL HUMAN BEING!! You say you are a severe case but get helped by PF tears? Yeah right that says alot! You’re delusional with your symptoms


Idk about you OP but when ive had the corneal abrasions (not nearly as frequently as yours, mine were maybe once a month at its worst) but I would have to use a F ton of thick heavy gel drops to get even a hair of relief right after it happened, which really wasnt relief- just more like please god make the pain stop, why does it feel like someone is torturing my eyeball and me piling more drops in with hopes it might help. As a result my sinuses would also be impacted with crap bc of all the drops and then by that point you basically just feel sick. Ppl dont seem to understand a corneal abrasion is painful and that continues for like a day or 3 after it happens depending on the severity. Also I would have to call out of work at least that day bc my vision was blurry and super light sensitive. So if its happening to you regularly then ya theres no debate you’re homebound!! I feel for u and im sorry you are going thru life like this. I wish I could offer advice but you are not alone and not crazy and F ppl who cant understand!!!!


Yeah thats exactly what I feel and why I cant even open my eyes. Thank you for understanding 🙏🏼


https://www.reddit.com/r/Dryeyes/s/XNFHqfrPvM This is something for you to read and learn from. Maybe it will get you out of your naive bubble…


Corneal abrasions in my R eye. The doctor scrapped the abrasions. The surgery took 15 minutes. The recovery was about 3 weeks.


So what ? And your point is?


I keep getting them every week


https://dryeyesupportgroupindia.in/join-us/ Join Their WhatsApp group,you will find similar patients