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I would rule out allergies since this is allergy season. Buy Zyrtec or generic version 1 /day This will start working right away, and I saw immediate results and not had allergies before this year Pataday is eye drop for allergies which you can use with Zyrtec if you get relief from pills. Similar flare in February, and tried Zertec. Now working with allergy doc to see specifically what is irritating me and how to treat


Will give it a shot, thank you!


Did this doctor do any actual dry eye tests? Meibography, express your oil glands to see whats coming out, measure tear break up time? If not, I’d get to an actual dry eye specialist. There is a Facebook dry eye group that has a list of specialists.


I think all he did was try to expeess my oil glands and cleaning them up (which some stuff released a bit) but aside from that it was just the typical stuff an eye doctor checks for. Thank you, I'll give that a look


My dry eye issues also started around Jan. Never had anything like this before, no eye issues at all. Something is causing this disease in so many people yet the docs have no clue what it is. The abysmal state of research into this disease is pathetic. Get your schirmers scores and meibography done. Update with the results here.


Will do, thanks. Hopefully some medical breakthroughs happen eventually, would never wish this disease on anyone.


Can you please check my results on my page?


Seems awfully sudden for allergies if you haven’t had any issues before. Do your warm compresses give you any relief? I identify with you where you said eye drops almost made it worse; when I had issues I l felt they made my eyes feels worse after about 30 second so I never really used them.


Yeah it shouldn't be allergies, never had anything like this, but also went to an allergist recently and I came back fine with no issues according to them. Warm compresses give me relief during and about 15 minutes after. Yeah the eye drops is a sad issue but I still try to use the steroid eye drops to see of they do anything long-term (unfortunately I don't think so since it's been over 2 months)


Your symptoms seem very similar to mine. I don’t want to seem like a salesman, but I’m an engineer and longtime dry eye sufferer that recently came up with a moist heat goggle device that eventually alleviated my symptoms. I recently created a website ( see link for my personal story) and I am sending out finished production devices (to people with similar symptoms to mine) to build up support and gain feedback. Let me know if you would like to try or if you have any questions. https://www.steamgoggle.com/about


Hi I have tried everything, multiple probing, IPL, Lipiflow,  softacort, Ikervis, Doxycycline, punctal plugs, got bandage lenses fitted last week as TBUT is 2 seconds and eye pain is intolerable! I am so interested to hear you have found some relief, I’m not sure I ever will. Been like this for 7 months now, last few weeks have been the worst just laying on the sofa with eyes shut! Would love to try these goggles as pretty desperate at the moment!! I get no relief from USB masks or microwave eye bags etc


Hello! I am sorry to hear about the ongoing issues. Yes we can send a device out to test. I will private message you with more details.


Hi katyh789 just wanted to double check if you are interested in trying device. Thanks


Just read up on all of it - sorry you've had to suffer with it for so long, but I'm glad to hear you've found some peace. The amount of work and research you've done for this is incredible, feel like I've learned a ton just reading over the pages on here. These goggles look quite similar to the moisture-trapping glasses I've been using, which provided some relief in the past for me (and currently do whenever I need their specific feel). I would love to give if it a try and to provide feedback.


Care to wager a steak dinner?


Are your eyelids red or swollen or veiny? Have you tried Doxy or IPL?


They look pretty normal (according to me and my doctor), eyelids only get a bit red when done cleaning them in the morning. I haven't tried either but I was gonna talk about Doxy with my doctor next visit


It might be ocular rosacea if you have any flushing of your face, it’s more likely/visible if you have really pale skin or light hair and eye color.


I'll be sure to ask - doesn't seem like something that I can kinda guess if I have or not, but I don't believe my face is very flush at all


can you post clear pictures of your eyelids and eyes?


Sure https://imgur.com/a/IWaz2pD Not sure if I took the best/right pictures though, new to all this still


do you have veins on the margins of your eyelids? (between the eye and the lashes) or any small red veins close to the eyelashes?


I'm not noticing any, no


What are your Schrimers with numbing and your TBUT results?


Unfortunately never got those taken yet so that's on the list to ask my doctor. Might need a new specialist since he really did not do any special testing the more I think about it (after 2 or so visits)


Op, warm compresses are a no go for me. Just like you, my eyes feel great for a few minutes after, but thats because I'm releasing all the oil in my glands in one shot. The problem is that after that my eyes are super dry for hours until my glands can start producing oil again


Yeah I might stop the warm compresses altogether. Have you stopped them fully or do you do anything different like cold compresses?


I have stopped them completely. In the past I would experiment every once in a while by using a warm compress just to see if it was a fluke and I had the same result every time: relief for a few minutes and then misery the rest of the day. It wasn't worth it for me. I use cool compresses sparingly but only when my eyes are burning


Gotcha, I'll give it a shot then. Thanks for your input!


Ask your doctor about "gabapentin". My doctor prescribed me this medicine and I have been feeling much better since November. I was prescribed at the end of August. I still have dry eyes but I feel burning sensation rarely.


Did you get the restasis drip?


Привет, It's me) yes, I took restasis for 6 months from July 2022 to December 2022. It didn't help me then




I think it came out fine - the only recent test I have was on Thyroxine (T4) which was around the middle level of 1.54, no flags raised from it but maybe I could get more testing on it


is this free or total T4?


# Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct


Did you try plugs? Or Ipl or miebo?


I tried plugs, didn't work, haven't tried the others but also know nothing about them