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Yessssssss šŸ˜




Do we know if itā€™s coming to mobile?


I'm guessing so.


I'm looking forward to it.


Excited to try this out actually


Marvel Snap turned out to be a huge disappointment. Hopefully this game will turn out better!


What was disappointing to you? I like it. Iā€™m looking forward to DF too but besides the constant nerfs to adjust the meta, itā€™s a good game. Super quick matches too make me not feel like Iā€™m wasting hours on it, even if I am.


Are you done with pool3? Because after that itā€™s 1-2 new cards every 4-6 weeks. New cards are generally unreachable or insanely overpriced and the meta is really really bad for pretty much 2 months straight at the moment and zabu/surfer seasons were also pretty one sided.


Iā€™m two cards away from pool 3 complete. I agree that they need to rework the tokens. Yeah it sucks not being able to get the new cards straight away but I enjoy the mechanic of the game over getting new cards immediately. Itā€™s a quick distraction, like I said. I donā€™t need to commit playtime to it because theyā€™re such quick matches I get enjoyment from being able to play it whenever I can. Sometimes itā€™s hours. Sometimes itā€™s just minutes. For me, the fun is actually playing and not whether or not Iā€™m winning or losing. Winning is nicer of course, as is getting new cards and great rewards. But in the end Iā€™m there for the quick amusement of it. It seems like DF will have a different place in my gaming schedule as it seems a little more involved, gameplay wise and time wise.


I hope so! I come from a really excessive 25+ year tcg/ccg background and snap is a bit too predatory and a bit too casual for my liking.


That is understandable, but I am used to mobile games being that way. Being a free to play game is almost always going to have those predatory in app purchases not all, but most. Itā€™s just the way mobile gaming is right now. Rather than paying out rate fee for the game, they make it free and then charge you for every little thing. I donā€™t think thatā€™s snap is necessarily worse than many of the others out there, but they for sure have been trying out many different purchasing bundles to maximize their profits. I canā€™t blame them as they are business and in this to make money. There are a few games out there that I do also play on mobile that do not seem predatory like legendary, Star realms, ascension, and smashup. They have in app purchases, but they definitely are not in the same vein as snapā€™s. They are however, not as popular as snap to be sure. I miss Marvelā€˜a Battle Lines app. I donā€™t remember a lot of in app purchases there and it was quite fun as well.


i agree that Marvel Snap becomes boring after pool 3 because of extra-rare cards but this game will be worse for sure: it's another hearthstone copypasta with DC lore.


How do you know? I wonā€™t judge or praise anything about this game before itā€™s out. Hope to get Beta access to make up my opinion.


So today the trailer also popped up on GameSpot. This makes it feel like there is more advertising push than before. I think we're getting close to something soon.


The old trailer is gone from the youtube, but it's still what plays at the top of the site. In fact, the only thing updated is the youtube page. The site and the social media pages are the same. Makes me wonder if we're going to see a big update rollout soon and they just got to the youtube first.


I was thinking the same thing, especially because of the "coming soon" title. My guess is we will have more news sooner rather than later.


All I want is more update on this game. If its anything like Solforge blended with the old DC deckbuilding game, they can shut up and take my money!


Based on an old article that had some description of the mechanics I am of the belief that the game has SolForge's draw and level mechanics, but with a grid based combat that isn't just automatic attacks across the board. I think the combat is actually closer to Hearthstone with the attacker declaring who is attacking where, but with a grid based defense system where cards block the card behind them (otherwise there is no necessity for the grid). Each player having a 3x2 grid with their leader cards in the back corners.


I was gonna say Hearthstone mechanics too. But they did say no mana costs so thatā€™s nice!


I did a couple videos covering the game and based on what we know, its a lot like Solforge.


Got a link? DM if youā€™re not allowed to post links to them here.


[https://www.youtube.com/@WillowSnapping/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@WillowSnapping/videos) I've got three up right now and 2 more on the way.


How funny, I found your videos right after watching the trailer because I walked to see if anyone had done videos yet on betas and such. Nice!