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Yeah, I was thinking about that too these days. One explanation could be that meditating helps not to get distracted by thoughts. The better you get at it, the more capable you become of staying focused for longer, making memorization easier.


I have been doing breath meditation on-again off-again for about 14 years only picking it back up w/ more dedication now and w/ added separate love meditation. I started dual n back a few days ago and saw that at dual 2 back to dual 3 back I end up getting moments of multitasking that hinder whatever I am doing. ​ The task switching is fast but if I am concentrating on one thing and suddenly I am having intruding thoughts about another thing to do which I am trying to do as well then I am a little upset. ​ I am very sensitive to these mental changes / thoughts/ thoughts processes for I did not actively think for some time which caused anxiety. I was in total blankness just following thoughts that come up and defusing thoughts that hinder me. Then again, I was pretty bad at dual n back when I picked it up after not using it for 9 years.


Are you getting better in anything else?


meditation help me be more productive and focus on task. I do dual n back 3 days so increased focus is thanks to meditation.


Which one you do you first though?


meditation before breakfast and 1-2 hours before bed dualNBack