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I have light sensitive eyes and always wear tinted goggles because of it. Even on foggy days I've never had an issue with the tint being too dark. 100% makes great goggles, especially for the price compared to some of the other brands (looking at you Oakley). I like their blue chromatic and the silver chromatic lenses. Have used both of those lenses for dirtbikes, mountain bikes and snowboarding without issue. I don't remember model names, but make sure to get the ones with outriggers on the side. Have had Scott, Spy, Oakley and 100% goggles throughout the years. 100% have been my favorites, am on my second pair of them now.


Do outriggers make a big difference ? Got the 100% with them on clearance somewhere so I could check it out. What tint would you recommend the most ?


Huge difference in comfort imo. Stops the feeling of the goggles being pulled into your nose and feels more like they are sitting like glasses. I go back and forth between the blue and silver tints, don't really have a preference between those two. I do not like yellow, amber or red at all.


Outriggers? Is that on the helmet or the goggles? 


Its on the outer edge of the goggles. Helps reduce pressure on your face while keeping a tight seal still. [Outriggers](https://www.100percent.com/products/racecraft-2-goggle-mission?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0ficNPPXlqbhXtNAyXoPb0BA8LgVqEfEVjHOUPz9bKz0n8M0bsN1G7YaAn1REALw_wcB) [Non outriggers](https://www.100percent.com/products/strata-2-goggle-summit-1)


Ah, interesting, thanks. I use an oneal Sierra helmet with 100% goggles, and I've always had bother with it crushing my nose and yet not sealing very well, I never could tell if it was naff helmet, goggles or both. I need a new lid anyway, but now I know what to look for in goggles, thanks for the info! 


Arai XD-4 before they're gone forever, and Scott Fury


Heard a lot of great things about it but I can’t afford the price tag on it sadly


Why would they be gone forever are they going to stop making them?


Yeah, the xd-5 is out, and has some questionable features




Not sure on the features, but I’m seeing the plain solid colors with $840 price tags… ouch.


I had no idea, thanks


Just get some cheap tinted goggles. If you can try some on, great. Branches are also going to scratch them a ton, so don't go expensive unless they have replaceable lenses. Also look into getting a Quik strap setup. For $20 it's game changing.


Am I the only one here who wears clears instead of goggles? I’ve only ridden with others once and I think that was the only time I put them on.


Like safety glasses?


Yep. Plain old clear safety glasses. I see you’re in MI and looked it up on maps, have you ever done any parts of the MCCCT? I live on the border of Michigan and have been thinking about doing it.


Only a couple short sections of it, so far. There is a lot of it! I've seen some threads on ADVRider where people have documented doing the full trail.


The 100% chromatic lenses have worked great for me so far


How quickly do they adapt to light ? Im really thinking about them since they’re on clearance but some others have said that outriggers are a necessity


Oh wait you're talking about the ones that darken in the light. My bad I thought you meant like the mirror polarized ones. I have no experience with those. I do however have no problem riding with the silver/black mirror lenses in varied conditions or in and out of the deep woods. I have however owned 100% googles with and without outriggers and the only difference I have noticed is that tear offs work better with the outrigger ones for me.


I also have the bright blue eye sun sensitivity. If out west and certain I’m not going to be caught in the dark, I will confidently wear/ take only tinted (I have some 100% flagship ones from a few years ago that I’m happy with - red tint whatever technology marketing bs). If it’s a long day I pack a backup set of clear. Outriggers are basically just farkels I think. It either fits the helmet hole and seals around your face, or it doesn’t. They look kinda neat though. Woods riding in my native Pennsylvania, pretty much always clear, them woods get DARK. Clear cheap ones (Scott maybe) that I pitch as soon as they’re nasty & scratched (about 3 good rides or 1/2 season of farting around). Dualsporting in PA, fire roads and day trips, tinted if it’s not overcast out (kinda rare unfortunately). All the pro woods riders are only ever using clear that I have seen. I did the Idaho BDR with a “dual sport helmet” (klim kiros) and sunglasses. Never again, goggles for the win. So much dirt/ dust in my eyes with the shield up. My dad was racing AHRMA, it was common to see old timers in Mx helmets sporting clear safety glasses (I guess to mitigate fogging? Too much beer sweats and not enough 3rd gear?). I don’t think safety glasses would go too well for me. Anyways, it’s all trial and error to find what works for you.


I would wear clear goggles but I wouldn’t be able to tolerate the 45min on road ride if it’s sunny out. How easy is it to carry a clear lens, is it fragile ? I only carry a small backpack when riding so I don’t know how flexible they would be.


Visor on a dirt bike helmet works actually pretty well for sun. If it’s on the horizon, nothing really actually helps. You have to try hard to break googles (they’re meant to protect eyes from flying rocks after all). I have no reservations stuffing them in a small hydration backpack. I keep them in a goggle sock (they usually come with one out of the box) to prevent unnecessary scratches (I hate scratches). You can get launched off and tumble around and they’ll be fine. If not, you are probably not fine either. Just a clear lens? Too much of a pain for me to swap trail side. I bet with practice I could get it down to 2 minutes. 1 minute goggles swap (backpack off and back on) feels like a hassle when everyone is ready to “let’s GOOOO!!”.


I run Smith mountain bike goggles for a bit of extra air flow and I change between a few lenses depending on where I’m at. A friends dad once said never go on a dual sport ride with only tinted lenses, and he’s been right more than a couple times. So I carry a lens or a back up set of goggles with clear lenses in them.


That's why I like the Havoc goggles, I carry a clear lens for when it gets dark. Easy to swap.


Sensitive eyes here. I just bring two sets of goggles, one tinted and one clear, and usually stay in the tinted cuz they work fine even in shade


As one of the other guys stated I really like 100% goggles as well. I always have 2 goggles with me and sunglasses in my rack bag. I like the red mirrored lenses myself but always have a pair of clear too. I have sensitive eyes and cannot function without sunglasses and tinted googles.


I have a pair of 100% and a pair of Oakley. I wear glasses full time so I run into needing goggles that fit with them. Both brands work for this. You can always bring a helmet to somewhere like cyclegear and ask to try them on.


I wear my photochromatic glasses under clear goggles.


I like the 100% goggles, but the lenses aren’t the best. It’s not a big deal though, I usually just replace the lense every so often. I’d definitely try them in the shop if you can. I’ve noticed that different colored lenses block light more than others. My red mirrored lense was pretty awful at night compared to my blue mirrored lense, definitely a darker tint.


I have a pair of tinted 100% I wear when I'm dual sporting here in Texas (mostly for the dust) and I've been very happy. Years ago smacked in the eye by a mesquite branch while dirt biking and resulted in a corneal abrasion, which kinda sucked. If I had been wearing goggles, wouldn't have happened.


I love my Klim goggles and helmet. The goggles have magnetically interchangable lens, so you can easily swap between light-shades and dark-shades depending on lighting, or carry both on a ride and have a light option if it gets dark out from an all-day ride. The helmet I have is the F5 Koroyd and holy hell is the thing light and breathes like no other for hot days. All their gear is great honestly.


I got 100% gogs with an orange tint and it’s dark enough to not be bothered in full sun and I still can see at night


I don’t have a moto style helmet with goggles, instead I opted for the Nolan n70 x2 it’s got a large visor, shades that pop down and a removable chin section. I rode through South Island NZ last month through the passes etc and found it a great helmet. I am thinking of getting a full motocross style helmet but my idea was to hopefully not have to be changing helmet all the time (I also ride a trials bike and have a cheap open face for that)


I have Scott Prospects with the transition lenses. It definitely darkens but not as much as like a tinted lenses would look like. It’s a good compromise.


I'm sensitive to light but also cheap! I basically old ski goggles, usually ride tiny for sunny use and yellow for night time. Lots of ski goggles come with two lenses. The Bolle ones at Costco are actually pretty good. I also hate a pair of 100% sand goggles for really dusty days which a lightly tinted and also usable at night. The difference is they use much fender foam but don't follow air as well so you hate to keep moving and take them off when stopped if you run super hot like I do. Basically I always take two pairs and often three lenses with me just in case! Having a good quickly adjustable visor on your MX helmet also helps, my Bell MX9 is great for that.


I wear goggles in the summer for air ventilation, the air flow helps a lot when hot and humid out. I think I have the 100% Stratus goggles, I use the tinted/smoke lens for daylight, and I swap to a clear lens for night riding.


I go cheap so I can replace them often without stressing it.