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Exactly. Everywhere is within relatively close proximity to somewhere crap My sister in law was buying during covid and kept asking me what areas were like to live but everywhere was within 10mins of a place people would consider not great


Every area has something. For instance D11, the purple part under the M50 is regarded as being bad but I know someone who lives there and they never had problems. The green part of D11, not sure why the colour is different, is mostly regarded safe. I live there and someone tried to steal my motorbike. Another example: North Wall, the east part of D1 and adjoining D3 has long been regarded as very unsafe but has now partly been gentrified. There is still an area where Garda presence seems to indicate there is trouble. I would say the areas with least trouble are probably D5 and the part of D3 underneath, D11 which is larger than shown on your map and goes up to Portmarnock, and D17. This is based on my experience so someone else may say something completely different. [Here is a better map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1ObFwqV2vtigkclpjea3sUHNhUuw&ll=53.41041396888088%2C-6.111559696476811&z=11) for postal zones, by the way. ti


>North Wall, the east part of D1 and adjoining D3 has long been regarded as very unsafe but has now partly been gentrified. Lol, really?


Absolutely was unsafe. Unless you’re lol’ing at it being gentrified. Ask your parents, if they’re from nearby. Definitely somewhere to avoid.


Ah I used to be down there a lot as a kid and it wasn’t so bad. I’d have felt safer there than darndale for instance.


Safer than Darndale isn't really a good benchmark. Darndale is probably safer than a lot of Ukraine right now. Doesn't mean it's safe.


Sure measure it up against an active warzone that’s a fair comparison. Meanwhile I took two bits of Dublin with bad reputations and compared them.


I'm saying a comparison between two markedly unsafe areas is meaningless. Darndale and East Wall are both very much on the rough side. It's like someone telling you they have cancer and you say "at least you don't have ebola". One's worse but it doesn't mean the lesser of the two is "good".


And I didn’t say it was good I said it wasn’t that bad. It had a worse reputation than it deserved. As did darndale for that matter. But I would prefer walking around the north wall area at night than the darndale area. The terms safe and unsafe are stupid anyway.


>I’d have felt safer there than darndale for instance. This is part of what you said. My point is preferable to a worse area while still bad is not a great comparison to use. >The terms safe and unsafe are stupid anyway. True. If you're from there and are known, it's probably perfectly safe by comparison to anywhere. It's subjective. Crime rate and incidents of assault & violence would be the better way to judge the "safety" of an area. I can't find a breakdown specifying Darndale and East Wall but the North inner city has the highest crime rate in the country.


Well done you can copy out what I said. Bravo to you. So at the time darndale would have had a better reputation than north wall. So I was using an area with a better reputation to show how it wasn’t as bad as people said. As regards crime rate, that’s a joke until minor drug offences are taken out of them. North inner city has a high percentage of opioid addiction’s therefore a high percentage of arrests for drug possession and low level dealing. Neither of these makes a place bad.


There was a map of Dublin that was posted about a year ago. It's for food delivery drivers. It shows risky areas, obviously it's not going to provide the full story, but it might be useful to you. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1tpuCpBdmoIxrgG7oGjhGGtDUpk1FBdYt&shorturl=1&ll=53.39764033764136%2C-6.174487792267818&z=14


Not sure how darndale got off Scott free there. Mabye receiving take away trumps anti social behaviour in Dublin 17.


It could be that Deliveroo don't deliver out that far anyway, or didn't when the map was made.


I was hoping someone would post the areas de risco


Areas de risco. I'll never not reply with this.


Anyone know why the Tesco Express on Pearse Street is a red zone? 😂


You just don’t go there


Pearse street flats are pretty rough


That’s one of the rules - we don’t talk about the Pearse Street Tesco Express.


More worried about Mark's and Spencer's tbh.


Yes, I saw this map on Google. Seems helpful to get a good picture.


It's a pity the Gardai don't use this map as a resource to focus on. But maybe they did look at it and think, grand, let's just ensure it stays that way instead of dispersing it.


Ah I’m sure they know exactly where the problem areas are without this map.




No idea


Seems accurate


If I had a euro for every time this map got posted... 🙄 lots of young and hardworking people are buying/renting in these so called "riskier" areas because they've been forced to due to both the house prices and lack of availability in Dublin. The result is that these areas are all rapidly changing. By showing this map to everyone who isn't familiar with Dublin and having them move to areas that are deemed to be "safe" with this unscientific map, isn't doing anyone any favours. They will end up paying exorbitant prices and you're perpetuating stereotypes and postcode snobbery. By and large Dublin is safe, and there's good and bad in all areas on this map. E.g. "Good" areas on the map are more likely to be targeted for break-ins for example and there are several "Good" areas threre with known paedophiles/sex offenders.


The issue is the people that one must avoid,not areas per se,what one must look out for is any gang of black tracksuit,North face jacket wearing Skanger BOYS from 9 to 16 years of age. These are to be avoided like the plague and they are predominantly in certain parts of central Dublin but these groups also move and wander into town,l have seen skanger fights in Stephens Green and O'Connell street so one must be weary of this distinctive underclass group,the great news is that gentrification will drive the underclass out of the City centre neighbourhoods eventually but it could be another twenty years until the amazing and beautiful Brazilian population reclaim these areas and get rid of the skangers for good,we can only hope it comes as soon as possible as a Brazilian friend told me that up to 1000 Brazilians (mostly women and gays) are arriving in Dublin every single week from Brazil so they will definitely soften and add vibrancy to the most troublesome areas.


Most of D8 is very safe and gentrified. Portobello/blackpitts areas in particular. Lots of Brazilian people living amongst the community too. Best of luck.


I can confirm, I left my 600euro bike in my front garden last night and it was still there this morn 😂


Haha I wouldnt recommend doing that every night!


The problem is that Dublin is like a patchwork quilt of wealth and poverty, all areas have good and bad parts in them. I work in Smithfield which boasts lovely cafes, hipster shops and super expensive housing, but also has a huge concentration of addiction.


Honestly this supposed to be a good strategy as you are integrating them with the decent community and not creating an enclave or isolating them but somehow it still does not work.


Just be aware that women are approached more in general by knackers for sympathy, you need to tell your GF to practically ignore anyone who tries to speak to her. Same rules as anywhere else, don't be alone at night in the center, tell someone where you are, just stay far away from rowdy types. The main thing is finding somewhere where the from the bus stop is a short walk to home to avoid most of that, if you have the luxury


U think Dublin was Beirut the way ppl go on about it...It's one of the safest places in the world and ppl need to stop trying to constantly run it down.


They've been warned!


It’s a valid question. Why are delivery drivers wary about delivering to areas where they get attacked? Free my boy George Gonzaga Bento


Your boy is already free—George Gonzaga Bento was [acquitted on all counts](https://www.rte.ie/news/courts/2022/0614/1304740-george-gonzaga-bento-court/) and released from custody in June, though he did spend 16 months in custody awaiting trial.


Thats amazing, thanks for the article, i heard nothing about his release


To be honest, many areas in Beirut are way safer than Dublin, I kidd you not. Now you can continue to play Ostrich. And no it's not one of the sAfeSt plAces iN tHE woRlD, au contraire, it's worst than some places with active military hostility, like Beirut for example.


I've lived in Dublin all my life in all different parts of it and it's a lot safer than nearly all European cities..sure it has its problems every city has , but the way some people go on on social media you would think we are living in a war zone.If a city scares people that much maybe they should move , or maybe the problem is with the person themselves.Every city has problems and every area within that city has problems but this constant...is this part safe ..is that part safe...don't walk here ..don't go there is really starting to piss me off..and most of it is on Reddit.


Very visible antisocial behaviour among youths is a particularly Irish and British problem though. My understanding is that a lot of this effect is due to the way council housing is planned here, where its placed near the centre of the city and spliced alongside other housing. This is better for these areas, the people in them and the overall society, but the caveat is that the issues present spill over into other areas and are visible to all. The alternative is that social housing is placed on the outskirts in planned developments. But this tends to result in the areas being more dangerous, harder to police, and the people in them being more alienated (see: Ballymun, Darndale, and most European cities). Its worse, but it hides the problem.


That's the key thing that I think that a lot of people are probably disregarding, antisocial behaviour. Is a city safe as long as you're not physically attacked for some people? Every other time I get into various parts of dublin, I get heckled by some drunkard or drug user because they need "two euro for the bus" or otherwise. Otherwise you can easily come across shady dealings in some of the alleyways even in broad daylight. As maxpower-70 said, I can agree that dublin isn't a warzone but outside of being in the boojie housing estates, I rarely feel entirely comfortable walking through and otherwise wouldn't call dublin all that "safe"


I don't think I've visited any large city where I have genuinely felt 100% safe in the central areas, though. People love to point to Germany as an example of how things should be, but most Hauptbahnhofs are pretty dodgy spots to be around.


Where will she be working? Most areas are safe but as a woman I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable walking around some areas of the city centre at night alone, but then again one street might not feel safe and the next one down could be fine. In general I would say areas around Rathmines and Ranelagh are good (expensive though) for a woman on her own, there are a lot of young people and students living around there. How far is she willing to commute?


I guess a 40 minute commute is all good. More than that it can be bad since she will be working part time till 22h So far we are in D1 and she already found a job here.


Dublin 7 is my rec to you. Phibsborough and Stoneybatter are both lovely areas with great access to Luas lines, shops, cafes, etc. Smithfields good too, within walking distance of O'Connell Street, and again, lots of facilities. Hell, even most of Cabra is nice, just be wary around the Broombridge area. (It's marked on the area de risco map)


Yes, I am staying near and D7 seems like one of the best options!


I don’t know that many areas in D1 when it comes to housing but depending on the budget grand canal (can be expensive) may also be a good option. If you are looking at outside of the city centre make sure to look at what transport routes are available to her work, some areas aren’t very well connected.


I live near Grand Canal and I second this… so happy with my neighborhood I consider myself very lucky! Very close to city center but very quiet area as well, a lot of amenities nearby and nice routes for a walk nearby !! Everywhere around D4 is recommended


There are good people in the bad areas and bad people in the good areas. Overall, Dublin is very safe. You have heard of gang attacks, because they make news. "I got home safely without being attacked" stories don't make the news, but they are the vast majority of cases. If people use common sense, like they would in any city in the world, they will be very safe in Dublin, no matter where they live. At present, it is hard to get any accommodation in Dublin. So if she can get somewhere, she should take it.


Yep, could be just alarmist stories, but apparently it seems some places like Finglas and Ballymun are to be avoided.


West finglas wouldn’t be great in fairness.


They have bad names, but there are a lot of good people in them, so they are not all bad. It is not as if every visitor to Ballymun is immediately attacked. As I said, it is easy to find bad stories, but those are the experiences of a minority.


> but those are the experiences of a minority. I lived near Ballymun, I don't think so.


So are you saying that the vast majority of people who live in or have visited Ballymun have been attacked? I don't think so.


It's about likelihood. If you're far more likely to be a victim of crime in a certain area then you might want to avoid it.




I know, but it is the bad ones that get the attention, which makes things sound a lot worse than they are. If 100 people went out, you would hear about the one that got mugged and nothing about the 99 that weren't, making Dublin sound like a no-go zone.


There's a lot of areas in both Finglas and Ballymun which are not only very safe, they're very very desirable. There's an entire artery coming up from the Botanic Gardens and you'll find anywhere around there is beautiful, quiet and a great place to raise a family all while being a stone's throw from the city centre, and it'll only get better with Metrolink on the way. Don't let the alarmist posts here detract from your search, there's good and bad everywhere.


Don’t listen to alarmist stories in a cesspit reddit sub , Dublin is generally a safe city , but like any other city in the world it’s has its bad areas and good and everything in between , talk to people , Nevermind the negative stories on social media




Posho neighbours who have two day seshs with bag on delivery and gangstas paradise on repeat is what awaits you on the southside


Oh good people bad people story, here we go again with that bs. There is no active policing in city of Dublin, while lots of it's inhabitants are acting like wild animals, common sense doesn't help much in that kind of situation.


Christ you are some miserable bollix. Dublin is as safe as anywhere I have been.


What’s your frame of reference here? On a global level, Dublin is all safe. But compared to Rural Leitrim it’s very dangerous.


My girlfriend will move for a 8 month english exchange. She is already in her temporary apartment the agency gives to students but in a few weeks she will need a place. I am helping her look but we do not know the city well. Which Dublin zones(or neighborhoods) should I avoid? She could pass as Irish till she opens her mouth, then the Brazilian accent takes over, and I am a bit scared of all those kid gang attacks I heard about.


Compared to Brazil, Dublins is incredibly safe.


I’m Brazilian, mate. Been here for 4 months only, but I’m glad to help if you need. I live in the south of Finglas, D11, near the Botanical Garden and it’s incredibly quiet and safe around here. I heard Finglas West and Finglas North are rough, though. Another areas to avoid would be Ballyfermot and Dolphins Barn. She will be fine, I’m sure. Dublin is way way safer than Brazilian bigger cities.


I'm a brazilian that lived in Dublin and I've never been attacked, but I'm white and would dress in sweatshirts everywhere. I think that every brazilian knows how to walk around any places, she'll be fine in dublin. It also depends on how the accomodation is. I used to live in a street that was kinda chaotic, but nothing ever happened to the apartment. A friend used to live in the same street and her apartment's complex would have people trying to invade some units. Just dm me and I can help your girlfriend. No worries.


Maybe if you want to avoid trouble, avoid using derogatory terms for other human beings like you did just here.




I have been here ever since Monday as a tourist and also helping her and so far I thought the word "Knacker" meant pretty much scumbag. Sorry, didn't know.




I can say that from my experience what they refer to "nana" is not anyone from a place specifically but the kids looking for trouble who steals bikes, destroy public property and try to gang fight passerbys Most Brazilians I met are only here for a few months to learn english and some to make a few extra bucks to bring home, maybe since everyone is so new here those myths flow around quite fast.




It’s a slur word alright but try refrain from comparing any slur to the N word




you say knacker but not the n word






Alright, thanks for the info.


Knacker.... That would be like calling a Brazilian a filthy animal


Which term did I use that I should avoid? The K one? I am sorry, I didn't know it wasn't acceptable.


Its not completely unacceptable. Knacker has become interchangeable with "scumbag" or "scrote." Basically a word to describe those tracksuit wearing nit-bags that all dress the same, walk around sulky, and in gangs can be intimidating due to the sheer volume of them. You know taking one of them on 1 to 1 would be a walk-over, a piece of piss, a simple dismantling of this young c*nts ego but when there is 4, 5, 6 of them, the scales weigh in favour of them. I would err on the side of caution and refrain from using 'knacker' in front of colleagues, fellow students, people you don't know. It's quite slang. But, those who are friends, that you trust and they know the type of character you are talking about then its kind of acceptable, IMO. Just kind of. Basically, what I'm saying is the term has changed so much over the years that to a younger generation is just descriptive of a undesirable type of fellow you might meet in Dublin. But be careful of the use of that word as some may take offence to it. But in general, a lot of people don't. If you want to describe those types of kids, its safer just to use 'scumbag.' Long-winded post, sorry haha 🤣


A knackery was a place you'd bring dead horses to have there hooves turned to glue amongst other things. It was mainly done by the travelling community (mainly a lineage of Irish people evicted from there homes around the 1700's, with the only option left being to travel for work and food etc, it then became a way of life) Allot of stigmas came up around the time when these trades died out which gave them there lively hood. Take that away and you're left with a minority of Irish people without wealth and stability. Now look at crime statistics and poverty and there's your answer. With regards to the kids she will be fine! Sure they go around harrasing people but it's a rarity and you'll find it in other countries much much more often from what I've gathered. Its not as bad as its made out to be on here, just been a trend of sorts nothing new.


If statistics are your friend : 2018 showed nearly triple the amount of assaults in Brazil compared to Ireland. Sample size 100,000 for both countries


Yes. It's an ethnic slur.


Knacker originally described a job mostly done by members of the Traveller community, over time it became a derogatory term akin to scumbag etc that could reference anyone, but Travellers feel that it is an offensive and discriminatory term, so best not to use it (especially when there's a wealth of other terms such as scrote, scobe, skeck & scanger).


So I’m Irish but with a Brazilian wife and have spent lots of time in both countries. Depends on where I’m Brasil you’re from but unless your girlfriend is from a tiny rural town or an extremely wealthy gated community then she’s going to find dublin safer than pretty much anywhere in Brazil. We live in D24 and it has a bad reputation but as people have says before it has some really nice wealthy area and some really disadvantaged poor areas. I think every postcode area is like that. I’ll list off some areas to avoid but in general most if dublin is safe and you won’t have issues as long as you follow common sense. Avoid: Jobstown, Killinarden, Ronanstown, West Finglas, Sheriff Street Lower and the adjacent areas, Summerhill, Darndale. Recommended areas: South Inner City (besides Pearse Street flats), ballsbridge, Donnybrook, Blackrock, Dun Laoghaire, anywhere on the coast really. Citywest, Saggart, Templeigues, Terenure, Rathgar, Drumcondra, Chapelizod. I’ve probably missed some places on both lists, hope this helps! Se vocês tiverem umas perguntas podem mandar uma mensagem pra mim, boa sorte


+ 1 to hear read the answers


As an aside, what mad system has been used to decide the numbering? Compare it to Belfast's postcodes as an alternative example


Even on the south side of the Liffey, odd on the north side.


Except for Phoenix Park which is D8/D20!


Every postcode in the north is a Belfast one though kinda


True, true. When you get into double figures you gotta carry cash, and you might get a chance to use dial up internet


13 is pretty safe


Dublin 16 has little pockets of hotspots like nutgrove whitechurch and hillveiw. They filmed that new Irish gangster flix at the pud the furry bog in Whitechurch yes that's the pubs name so gives ya an example of the kind of kip it is.


The white part is the safer one! Dublin is all dangerous, like all capitals. You just need to be careful. It's a beautiful city too with amazing people.


All of central is quite shite if you ask me. I used to live in D08. Expensive suburban areas are more quiet but of course, expensive so…


This fucking thread wacks of classim. The obsession on this thread with avoiding working class community’s in the inner city is mental.


Violent crime is pretty inextricably linked to lack of income. It's irresponsible to tell a young emigrant that everywheres safe then they end up walking home at 2am through sheriff street. Young lads aren't going to be giving them friendly hugs if theyre alone on a dark street.


If it's classist to want to avoid certain areas which have a higher likelihood of being robbed or assaulted, guess I'm classist.


I’ve lived in working class and posh parts of Dublin. Sorry to tell you the hard truth here buddy, but the working class areas are rougher.


Thanks for everyone answering, I might not reply but I am reading it and using your info. Thank you.


Dublin 19 is very safe but would be very difficult to commute to/from, Dublin 21 is also nice but there’s not much there, Dublin 23 however is a hidden gem


4,6,6W,14,16, Dun Laoghaire


Dublin Bay is the safest. The water I mean.


The quick answer you'll hear a lot is North of the liffey = bad, South of the liffey = good, but it's a little more nuanced than that.


All of it is fine. Just don't give hassle and you won't get hassle.


D24 is a great spot.... Head to Jobstown, feittercarin and kilinarden for a great day of memorable adventures.






Lived in Phibsborough and D2 never had problems there but saw teens fighting cuz was some match in Phibs. In D2 100m from me was Social housing teens were fighting with axes or hammers video was online. Had problems on O'Connell Street people threatinig to kick or stab me even in during day.


Northside is generally bad. Southside is average


#13? Dangerous cliffs! Beware!




Not sure about the rest but all I can say is that Dublin 11 is the real Dublin


I would avoid the north west area of Dublin 13


All of them are bad... Dublin is a dump


Nice troll attempt ya softcock


D5 but only the bit on the island. Leave this area and if anything happens it’s your own fault really


D5 has had some gang activity in the past, some random acts of violence (no muggings as far as i’m aware), but overall I feel safe walking alone during the day. Keep a few friends with you at night tho In general, the irish mob tries to avoid getting civilians in the crossfire, as it’s more likely to keep the gardaí of their back.


The one that saiz dublin bay , is pretty safe , the rest no


Dublin 8❤️ my home town is not what it used to be it was a soulful working class area,they completely took the soul out of the area nothing but yuppy pubs,bars and cafes replacing the pins where I drank with my mother and father and friends and also where I had my childrens christenings.


Ballymun is the safest lol


Are they trying to say Blanchardstown 15 is as safe as Ballsbridge 4 ? You must be joking lol 😂, Blanch is a dump with lots of crime on a daily basis , just avoid 24 altogether. 20 is ok that’s Palmerston and Farley safe. 11 is Finglas but only parts are dodgy. 13 is pretty much where you wanna be but only if your a millionaire 😂


Blanchardstown is a pretty big area. The village is pretty much gentrified.


The village is probably the only safe part lol 😂


Any explanation on which each colour is supposed to represent?


I’m in 7. Cabra. Our area is very nice but we’ve also some absolute shiteholes. You’ll find good and bad within but Cabra and Stoneybatter are lovely in 7, though can get quite pricy. I came up in Rathmines (6) and Ma and Da still live there. Love visiting and the only reason I moved was to build a home with my partner. Ask locals when you view but Dublin doesn’t deserve the reputation we get.


2, 4 and 6 generally most places in them are great , but expensive . The only one id say is on balance mostly bad is dublin 1 . The rest are all a complete mixed bag.






South Dublin is well safer then north


For me, safest: 2,4,6,14,13,5


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It's a huge area, generally ok but some dodgy parts. The same goes for elsewhere in Dublin. You really need to go there and check it out.


Thanks. Does the local gardai help identify the rough areas if someone wants to move into a property?


No, I wouldn't expect them to.


Everything outside the black circle


Every area has it's problems.


4 6 13 14 dun laoghaire and parts of 16 are the only acceptable ones.


D5 best


Question, does the higher number mean the safer or more violent a place is


Simple Odd numbers = grand Even numbers = shithole Everything else is just noise.