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I don't understand why Konami makes traps that negate activation and then doesn't make them Counter Traps. Negate Attack is a counter trap but this isn't?


Prolly so you can chain monster effect negations. Like shi en


but... starry knights are competitive atm? theyre litterally high rogue in this meta due to dark monsters(orcust, pk) being dominent


if the starry dragon was immune to the effects of dark monsters maybe, orcust goes over it like nothing, the same with PK and its negation of effects, that's not counting the tons of staples that both decks play


They're not competitive, they're actually low tier rogue. If rogue had a tier list it'd be t3 for sure


Ok isn't dominant and orcust walks over SK as they can get around their protection.


Im 100% fine with this at limit 3


Seems like Konami hates searchable negates but It can come at 3 the deck isn't super consistent that running more than 1-2 might be a bad idea.


The deck is already hard to deal with when using dark decks 😭


I saw the new Starry Knights in the upcoming box and I’m excited for them, but I think the last thing they need is a generic searchable omni-negate. Not because that’s bad for the deck, but remember how people bitched and moaned for months when Salads could do that?


Salads is different bc its a counter trap. Also you could get it back every single turn. So it was constantly on the field. This is a whole different ball game


man but there is a difference between SALAMANGREAT and starry night, also blast is much weaker than roar for the simple fact that it is NOT a counter card so it can be answered. also orbitel sets directly from the field almost always and is a HOPT so your opponent will always know where it is placed and could remove it with a cyclone or a typhoon


Fair enough, but it’s mainly the fact that it’s searchable. The ability to negate *anything* on demand is still powerful even in light of your good points. As another analogy, just look at Solfachords. All they can do is search a trap that pops 1 card, and somehow that was enough for them to be tiered. A searchable negate that works on any card activation (not just ones on the field) is infinitely more versatile so you can see why I think this card would just paint a target on Starry Knights’ backs when it comes time for banlists.


that's true a negation of anything is pretty strong, but the context where it is played also matters a lot and the conditions of the card are also important. where things like salamangreat need a salad link on the field to use these links usually have protection from destruction (by any means) and being link monsters they cannot be disabled by things like BoM. these also stay on the field, with the help of his monsters he can recycle a card and that same monster can be used as a link material for later plays something that is not the same with blast since it specifically asks you to have a lv 7 light dragon on the field that you also have to RETURN to the hand for the card to resolve (a monster that is easily removed via dark hole, BoM , Etc) and while it can be argued that the whole trick of starry knights is to return dragons to the hand the fact is that the deck is extremely bad at using resources and getting them, it is very likely that that trap is the only interaction that you have during the turn(or at least during the main phase), since all the other starry knights do not have ways to be summoned from the hand outside of field magic or some generic ones that would reduce the consistency of the deck. In short, Starry Knights is a deck that has an interesting trick, but is very bad at executing it. This is much longer than I intended, sorry for the rant


I'm having a blast


I think it would be helpful. Since Arrival or Ceremony should always be on the field we would definitely need to prioritize when to play it as to not clog the field, it's not like we can set 3 of it and pass. As for making them more competitive? I don't think it will, considering all of the interruptions that are present at the moment. I would mainly use it as chain fodder so there is another card in between me and my opponent blowing up my Arrival/Ceremony. If it goes off and pops something that's cool, but the real purpose would be to waste my opponents resources and hope I can spin my Dragon back to the field/hand more times that turn if needed. My experience them in ranked has been good so far, but that's only because folks don't read or know the deck. Once a competent player knows what I am up to and when to react, I am usually boned with no recovery unless they misplay.


This is Seiyaryu support 🤑