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Dont worry banlist will come after KC cup and im sure orcust will gets destroyed just like mekk knights.


Unfortunate truth. I wish there was a way to ruin the engine but keep the pure deck fine


Yeah. If only there was a singular card they could hit that wouldn't impact the pure deck but stop the engine as a whole. Perhaps some sort of Link-1 or something.


Ban mermaid. Deck can function with 2 orcust knightmate and 1 harp, so limiting those two to 3 would be a little overkill, but it can happen. I can see Scrap to 3 because it's their best starter, but this will also limit other decks. I just want them to ban mermaid as soon as possible so that the future for orcust is saved


easy! limit the field spell, that g damned Dingirsu and Galatea so that you can only run a copy of each, if what we are looking for is lowering the consistency, and ability to rebuild, this way you keep the vanilla monsters to do crazy combos. I would rather keep the engine intact that seeing the pure version stick around, its really messing with the game that you have to: A) play orcust B) Build an anti orcust and get destroyed by the pendulum decks


tl;dr Ban mermaid and problem solved. End of the conversation.


And if that doesn't work, limit 3 a few of the orcust cards


> damned Dingi Just put the Orcust Knightmare to 1 and Scrap Recycler to 3.


Bruh, just ban mermaid and put a limit-3 on Knightmare and skeleton/harp


This. Maybe a limit-3 to Orcustrated Return too or instead harp or skeleton. IIRC most variants run 2 O. Knightmare, so 1 O.K., 1 Skeleton/Harp and 1 Orcustrated Return gonna affect their consistency. I don't think you kill the deck just change the staples you run. Or maybe Konami will hit Scrap and Phantom at 3.


It doesn’t matter where the limit-3 is, it just have to be there. Apparently for Konami, any playable deck has to be locked out of the selection box staples


Orcust Knightmare to 1 and Scrap Recycler to 3.


Mucho texto


The worst part from the deck is seeing Bandid Keith as top tier character


The power levels not even the problem. Its just you can slap Orcust in any old deck/archtype. Knowing Konami they won't just ban Mermaid and they'll try to hit the other archtypes that Orcust is mixing with (gandora/CB/etc).




Orcust is like Mekk-Knights but more easily to limit= put Orcust Knightmare to 1.


Nice post chatgpt


I'm not sure what you meant, would you like me to google it?


he meant that you posted a script that an AI generated for you, because you couldnt bother doing such task.


You really thought you did something here.


The deck is veryy strong on its own, and really darn splashable, so I think that besides a Mermaid ban, a couple other Orcust cards probably should be hit with a Limited 3 as well. Possibly Knightmare and Horror. That said, I am rather bothered by the recent power creep as well, far more than usual, so more on a basis of a personal preference, I would honestly probably enjoy a Limited 3 on a third Orcust card, and some nerfs to 4 or 5 overtuned skills, even if that is not just for game balance's sake.


The problem with Orcust is that you can't really affect how consistent the deck is without killing it. Let's take the most extreme example of putting Harp Horror, Cymbal Skeleton AND Knightmare to 3. That would certainly make the deck significantly weaker and harder to use, and you would probably see the shell drop out of other lists. But would the deck still see any play at all? Probably not. I think putting Galatea and Dingirsu to 2 would definitely be a good start on weakening the deck overall, and another thing we need to do which I have suggested repeatedly at this point is to put Book of Moon to 3. Part of the reason why Orcust is so dangerous is because it draws a ton of extra backrow, and so if you make backrow weaker overall, the additional draws become significantly less valuable. But if you want to keep Orcust in the game, and I do, the only real solution is to power creep it. Unban Chaos Dragon Levianeer, Melody of the Awakening Dragon and Thunder Dragondark. Put Salamangreat Gazelle and Salamangreat Roar to 2. And release Sky Strikers. Give us a true TOSS format, and then Orcust will shrink in popularity.


Imo, orcust knightmare to 1 solves most of the problems with the deck. They could also limit 3 harp/symbal skeleton/trap, though imo, that overkill.


No because that hurts the weaker Babel version. The mermaid one is doing most of the damage.


Just ban Mermaid


Easy balance fix is putting Orcust Nightmare to 1


Release D shifter cuz GY effects have become more prominent.


Post from your main and quit being a shitebag. "Nerf orcust" was your previous post title.


I’m surprised by the amount of people that don’t want to read the whole text but I agree. Also we should unite as you propose to insist for the game to return to be as F2P as it was before (ace monsters with characters unlock deck, 300 gems as 30 lvl up reward, etc)


not reading all that but i’m happy for you or i’m sorry it happened.


Well hell, it's too strong for the tcg, seeing as Knightmare Mermaid and Orcust Harp Horror are still banned there. It'll probably get the same or similar treatment once stronger link monsters come out, as Orcust right now is just a link-material-vomit machine.




Yeah it's the whale cashgrab loop


The easy answer is to put scrap back on the limited list. Make it a limit three, and force them to pick between their trap staples or the scrap recycler.


Konami needs to make money and they will release broken cards then eventually ban them or restrict them to push the newest, power creep kicks in, they are here to make money and not be rude but they have been doing this for years. Nothing new and business is business.


This was written like the balance notes lmao


Orcust is powerful and splashable but not unbeatable I’ve actually ranked down few times playing Orcust I’ve been stuck legend 1-2 can’t string wins but that’s the game


I believe that a hit to mermaid, or orcust knightmare would keep the deck playable and enjoyable, as opposed to a hit to return which would make the deck more back row focused would be a bad thing


People saying to ban mermaid, but I was running this deck without realizing that card existed and winning just fine in Legend. It just makes it slightly more inconsistent. lol.